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[F1-PP] The Fallen (Morgenstern)

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I open my eyes as i teleport to the first floor, and more specifically the town of beginnings. I quickly make my way towards a destination trying to not let anything stop me in my stride. My familiar Kuro flying slightly above my to avoid being trampled on by people who might not expecting a familiar at this floor. I make my way through crowds of people, and NPCs. Heading towards the monument of life that is within this game. Figuring it is about time for me to pay my respect to the warriors who have passed away during the duration of this game. The progress that has been made do to heir efforts, do to their strength and will, do to their bravery. Something that i sorely lacked for many months maybe even a year. Having lost track of time while within that inn. I just as quickly dismiss those thoughts to the wind knowing they will just plague me and bring me nothing but misery if i let myself stew in them.

As the crowds slowly start to thin out till their is not much just the few people roaming about hear and their. I look towards the building known as the monument of life. I see every little detail of it as i look upon it. I find myself feeling a bit anxious and worried about stepping into it. Why am i hesitant now. I traveled to this floor, and traveled to this building. Why am i now not entering it. I say softly to myself in frustration. I look upon this building and can only think that i can't bring myself to enter is do to what it represents to me. A hall of people who have passed away to remind the people left behind of those we cared about. Just another thing for Kayaba to remind us of failures, that being what i view this building as. Finding it to be something to scorn at, and not be willing to go towards due to the naming of the area where they keep the names.

This Room of Resurrection. The naming of such being almost like a false hope to all who enter into it. That maybe one day those who have passed could get brought back if they do some elaborate ritual, or if on a certain day of a certain year a random player will be brought back. I shake my head as i bite my lower lip as i look upon this building completely lost in thought most likely digging to deeply into things that have no meaning. Being off in my own little world at this point of thoughts, and some theories of this building based on already determined thoughts and feelings on the matter. My familiar Kuro the young lion with fur as white as snow, and wings as black as night notices the lost far off look, and makes sure to keep an eye out for any who could be coming to me to try and snap me out of the state i am to actually respond to the people around me.


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Jonathan stood there, staring at the very building in the starting city. Here, he would confirm his rumors, and finally determine Beatbox was completely gone. The blond warrior now adorned his armor, the bright white armor looking almost dull in the light of the Room of Resurrection. The room where players respawned in the beta was now a funeral site. He sighed, moving his hand to the hilt of his sword as he began to set forth. He pushed open the doors to the room, and then all fell silent. A few stone benches sat in front of the large ominous marble wall that stood before him, basking in the few rays of sunlight that came from the roof. He stepped forward, his footsteps echoing off the walls as he stepped toward the Monument of Life. 10,000 names stood before him, each one representing one of the 10,000 players that were trapped inside this game. "Well then" he said as he reached it, scanning the many scratched names. He found Azide marked off, underneath was the words killed by Rohk. He found an Argumail, Alkor, and many other names and he then skipped ahead, quickly scanning through. He found a Rue, Opal, Lowenthal marked off. He frowned. "Opal is dead?" that came as news to him. He sighed and scanned until he found another name. An unmarked. 


He moved shocked. There he was. Standing in the middle of the M's was him. He moved along, deciding to finally go through the B's. As he scanned down the first few names a rock began to form in his throat. He coughed as he finally found it. A tear streamed down his cheek. 

 - Player-Killed by Death-Adder

The tears began to stream down his cheek before he kneeled on the ground. He sat there, the man was gone, it was true. This shouldn't have happened. Beatbox did not need to have gone in alone, but instead he needed to have talked to the guild. They could have formed a hunting party, even a floor boss couldn't stand up to players armed to the teeth. He sighed and decided he would mourn there for a bit before continuing on his search for Death Adder. 


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As i look upon the building i see someone enter it. The man seeming to have this white armor on him. I can tell this is a player easy from that. I watch as this person seems to pause also when staring at this building which i can only assume in thoughts of someone, or something and then watches him step into the building. At seeing this it seems to snap me out of my own daze as i walk across the street and walk up the stairs of the building and into the building. I push open the doors of building like the stranger had done. I am greeted with the dim lighting of the room of resurrection. As i step into the room i can hear the sound of someone crying as i see the white armored knite on his knees. I have a sad look as i quietly close the doors as best as i can and makes my way over to you. My familiar Kuro being near me and goes towards the monument also.

Once me and my familiar are at the monument my familiar bows his head in respect understanding the importance do to me informing him. I get onto one knee as i look towards you. Want to talk stranger? My name is Hestia. I say in a gentle voice. Trying to sound as soothing as possible to show i mean no harm, and that i wish to help you out. I came here to pay my respects for all those who have fallen. I may not have known them at all, but i have to respect them for their bravery and strength to have faced this world head on. I say in a gentle tone filled with admiration for such people who have been able to do so. Even if it meant facing their death like the people with their names crossed off.

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He sat there, the silent tears rolling down his face. If he could have just been there. A voice was heard and he recognized it. Beatbox. He searched the room, but it was empty save for a girl, near his age group. 

"You woulda died ya idiot!" 

He rejected the voice. Beatbox was gone, and imagining his voice was not going to make it any better for himself. The woman spoke as she silently neared him. He threw himself off the floor in alarm, his hand to the hilt of his sword. She spoke in a rather calm and soothing manner, which after a while he finally gae into. His form became more relaxed as his alarm was thrown off. "Talk? Unless you can revive players, know where Death Adder is, or find a log out button, is there really a reason to talk?" He spoke with a bit of sarcasm in his voice. He got up, his sadness becoming irritation as he stood there. "Hestia you said? Shouldn't ya be, you know. Tending to a hearth?" He circled one of the benches and continued, "My father taught be about the greek culture and their religion. He admired them and their way of doing things, but he liked the Romans much more. He always liked power, and the Romans resembled just that for the longest of times. This is why I am fluent in the Latin Language." He slowly bowed to Hestia and finally introduced himself. "The name is Morgenstern, but almost everyone calls me Jon, or Jonathan. Whichever you prefer. Currently, I reside in Aincrad and I am a Paladin and the founder of the Celestial Ascendants" He couldn't even protect his ascendants. Could he even bear that title? Beatbox perished, while under his jurisdiction. 


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I hear the words you say and i frown a bit at them. Knowing their are plenty of other reasons to talk within this world. I look towards the monument looking for a name. Hmmm B...B...Be..Beat. ah yes here this person is. Beatbox. Death Adder. Well then I guess Itzal wasn't joking that their are people out their who would do this. Sickening. I say with a small scowl. Finding the act of killing another thinking, and living human to be acts that only monsters with no hearts could make.I then turn towards you to ignore the monument to focus back on our conversation. if you're looking fro this Death Adder guy i'm guessing he killed someone you cared for. I ask as i look you in the eyes. I hope you don't plan to go on some sort of revenge streak Jonathan. Death Adder may have killed whoever he did that was close to you, but could you imagine that same person who was killed looking down at you and being proud as you die uselessly if you go by yourself? I ask you in a calm tone not reacting much to the sarcasm knowing that if i did it  it wouldn't have a use. Dealing with emotional people is best to help them through it rather then letting any hurtful words or tone get to you.

I am honestly surprised how many people actually get the name right. I say in some surprise. I was honestly expecting to have to explain it to more people, but nope they take the name as a nice one to have or figure out its the goddess of Hearth. I guess i got to give more people credit that they know their mythology. I say with a small shrug. Celestial Ascendants? Why do i think i have heard that name before? I say softly to myself trying to figure out why the name sounds familiar, but still new sounding as if it is my first time hearing it. I know i could simply chalk up the newness of it to my memory, and that i had simply forgot where i heard it from. Which is a strong possibility.

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Jonathan perked up when he heard the name Itzal. How had she known it? Of course, Itzal might have also been searching for any knowledge. "You have knowledge of my friend I see. Itzal and I are partner's, inseparable. We fight and work correspondingly without speaking. Much as of that to a twin, though we are almost opposites" She continued onto the next problem, Adder himself. "Indeed Death Adder has killed someone I care about, and he did it without a trace, leaving nothing behind to track but his name. Itzal could do it, but refuses to do it for me.... And, I don't need revenge now do I? Any bit of information helps does it not?I could confirm he has the Unique Skill Darkness Blade, the skill of the murderer" She brought up a valid point. What would he do if Death Adder was right in front of him, his blade of darkness and destruction in between them?

The girl seemed plased for him knowing the name and he kidnly replied, "As I mentioned, my father has taught me many things. We were rich and I had much access to about anything that intrigued me. In the real world, I can fluently play the piano" She asked about the Ascendants to which he replied, "The Celestial Ascendants was a guild founded by myself, Itzal, and tow others you would not know. We created the guild upon the idea of raising other players up and help get them to the frontliners, to reduce the risk of them dying, and to help progres the game. It was trendy at first, but we have converted to more of a family instead. We are well known and spoke of throughout Aincrad. It is likely you have heard the name before" 


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Yeah i do know Itzal. He has been helping me out in these lower levels, and allowed me to stay in his shop till recently. Well it was more my part then him kicking me out. I made my own shop so i got my own home now, and don't need to rely on itzal's kindness for everything. I say with a small smile on my face as i say this.What is this Darkness Blade skill? I ask confused not knowing the big deal of it. Just knowing it is some skill. Not really having any real knowledge of it since i haven't heard of it before. Why do you want information on Death Adder though Jonathan? As i said before what will gathering all this bring you? Since you don't really go looking for information unless you plan on using it for something. So i will ask again to clarify that. What do you plan to do with the information on Death Adder? I say as i look at you. Knowing i may sound a bit cold, but i find that it is necessary for this moment. To try and figure out what is going on with this person who seems to be on Itzal's bad list for killing Beatbox. With Itzal not seeming to wish to speak about it, so i find myself now questioning you to try and learn more.

Ohhhh okay yeah that makes enough sense. I most likely heard the name from Itzal at some point when he mentioned he was in some guild at some point. I say with a nod of my head. I then smile hearing your goal finding it something that is definitely worth fighting for.To help the weak, and protect those that can be protected. To get them strong enough to join the frontlines. I look down knowing that is a burning goal within my heart, but i find myself uneasy on joining a guild. I know it would be for my benefit in the long run, but i don't like the idea that two of what seems like the founding members could do something reckless like chase what sounds like a very strong enemy like Death Adder.

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Apparently Itzal had taken another person into his shop for a short stay. Typical Itzal, savior of the Damsels in Distress. She was still questionable about his actions, and was rather nosy for a stranger interfering with his mourning. "Darkness Blade is a Unique Skill just like Dual Blades. Except, Dual Blades is the Hero, and Darkness Blade is the Villain. From what I know, it allows a phase through armor and high damage. Whether it has any weaknesses or not, I don't know. Of course, just like all unique skills, it is overpowered and causes for a single player to become their own small army" He sighed. Darkness Blade would be his builds weakness, but he didn't plan to solo fight the man that had killed Beatbox. He could hold him off for a bit, and allow a small raid party ambush the man. 

Why would I want information on the man that killed one of my better friends? For revenge and an upperhand in the end. I don't plan to exactly enact on my own, but a murderous top tier player is a danger to the entirety of the game. What if he has an end goal?  What if he plans to exterminate the frontlines and then either prevent progress in the game or force other players to either hide or serve him? Information will give us an upperhand and allow for us to know what his intentions are" 

He sighed and returned to gaze at Beatbox's name. 

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I follow your gaze and see it land on Beatbox as i walk over to stand beside you. What was he like? I ask curiously. What was this Beatbox like that seemed to have such a strong impact on both you and Itzal at his unfortunate murder. I ask as i look at you stopping my questioning realizing that i could be rather rude since you are mourning the loss of someone and all i have done is question you about things that are relevant. I allow my blue eyes to gaze at all the numbers and finding names that have crosses through them as i find that that some of them are do to a player called Aereth. I keep that name in mind to try and ask someone else later what those deaths were about. I look down knowing that doing this could be rather emotional to people, or make them hostile depending on how they view the person. However, i want these answers to try and figure out what i have missed, and who are people to avoid at all costs.

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Jonathan turned as she asked what he was like. "Beatbox?" he asked blankly. He turned back to the name. "Beatbox was an interesting fellow, at first he wanted to be the best, wanted to be the most popular guy in Aincrad. He had even invented a name for himself, the Star of Aincrad. After a while, he grew out of his selfishness and ended up moving to more sensible things, like helping clear the game, and cleaning Aincrad of its most ruthless murderers. He was a good man, and at the end he was thinking of everybody in Aincrad, taking noble action. He was strong, and still rather confident so I bet he thought he could have done it himself" He sighed and took a few steps back. 

He found her peering the man names, and halting at Aereth. "Ou must remember something though. These are all the players that died ever of any causes. If you are a murderer, your name is still upon this board. Aereth.... He uh... Has devoted himself to sticking a nail into the Laughing Coffin's foot and has surprisingly lived this far. He isn't dangerous, unless youa re in the way of a murderer, or are one yourself. In fact, he isn't even a frontliner yet, that is why I worry. He has caught the attention of several high murder guild leaders, and is probably in hiding for the moment, if he hasn't already been captured or something like that whatnot. I don't think he has let anyone close enough to be able to even let someone know that he is in trouble or needs help" 

He sighed,  thinking of Hestia for a moment. "What is your build, where are you strengths at?" He walked away slightly ajar. He pulled out his Tier one sword from his inventory, and without his armor, she was safe from thorns, and was cut quite a bit off of his mitigation, while his damage was much lower. "What if, yo were caught off guard, alone without the floors of Aincrad. What is your plan?" He whapped slowly and with the flat of his blade, easily able to be dodged or blocked by Hestia. 


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My build i guess is functioning like a Paladin in other games? I say not really sure if i could be using that term right. I can heal people up while taking lots of damage. My familiar grants me 27 mitigation. I tell you not finding issues in doing so since you seem like a nice person, and wouldn't use that information against me. So you could say my strengths are relying on outlasting my target. With my end build just being a bleed, and thorns with lots of mitigation to survive, and my weakness going to be dealing damage if i don't get my bleed going. I say to you. If i was caught off guard i guess i would just have to run till i found a place to equip my armor and items since i don't know if i would have anyone try to run to my rescue since i am not part of a guild like you are. I say as i dodge the blade by rolling underneath it and quickly getting back up. Treating the attack like it was combat as i open up my menu and quickly equips just a sword and shield in my hands. Holding a black oxidized curved sword that has a purple cloth where i am holding the blade. My hand protected by the pommel's hand guard. As i hold my shield in my other hand. Holding the shield in my other hand with a grin. These are what i work with in terms of fighting. A sword and shield. I say to you.

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He noted to himself, that she was going for a tank build, with semi-healer as she noted that. She had just ducked under his sword and managed to equip a sword and a shield. If he actually had managed to attack, she would have flown straight into the wall, not taking damage as they were in a safe zone. The Room of Resurrection was not a fighting arena, but it was as long as he did not want to ever see her name crossed off. "Shield higher, closer to middle of your body. Out and awkward is not going to protect you from attack from rapiers or daggers. Those are straight weapons, good for stabbing. I myself wield a cruved sword, but practicing sloppy makes you sloppy" He moved forward, no where near full speed, but enough to give Hestia a bit fo a challenge. Being lower level, she herself wasn't used to fighting against the higher tiered monsters with super quick reaction times. As you got used to it, it no longer seemed like it was super fast, but your previous speed seemed just really slow. 

He whapped a hard blow into her shield, testing for sturdiness. "Stay tough, as Tank Paladin of the Celestial Ascendants, I have faced death in the face, and giving up ground and not being confident with your skills and self" He hacked a single blow at her sword, and ensured his sword remained in contact seperating them as he moved in, his face inches from hers. "Remember, every second that you are protecting people. As soon as you give in, that is there main line of defense. You are the life lines, and if you give in, they are to die" He pushed himself and came a few feet off of her. "Now, show me what you are made of" 


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I quickly adjust myself putting my shield higher and closer to the middle of my body. As i hold my curved sword ready to fight. Grinning a bit hearing that our gear of choice is similar knowing that following your advice is for my survival since you are higher level, and seem to know what you are talking about. I then see you move forward at speeds i have never seen before as i quickly brace myself taking a quick little breathe to try and calm my nerves of the situation. Freaking out and reacting without thinking meaning the death of me before anything else. I then feel your strike hit my shield as i try to push back against the attack. I hold my sword in my other hand as i listen figuring to take this impromptu lesson step by step to what you seem to be wanting me to to practice.

I then feel the weight of the sword on the shield be removed as my sword gets pushed back from a strike at it as i then see your face a bit to close for my own comfort as i back away quickly and takes a calming breathe. Okay Ember just stay calm and keep going. I whisper under my breathe to calm myself. I then move forward as fast as i can figuring their would be no harm in doing so since you clearly have experience in fights, and better speed and reflexes then me it seems. However, i don't let that deter me as i focus on you as just a target for now figuring that will help stop my hesitation in attacking another player. I quickly swing my sword down toward you in a diagonal swing as i keep my shield close to me to take any hit that goes for my body.

I stare this man in his eyes with a look of determination and a grin on my face wondering if i can impress a frontliner like this Jonathan with what i got. Knowing that i am assuming his frontlien status from him calling himself the tank of the Celestial Ascendants. Furthermore, i know it is a long shot for me to ever impress this person, but i won't let that deter me any as i am readily eager to push my body to its limits as much as possible if it means improving myself.

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He could sense that the woman was already struggling from the high pressure he had put her under. He managed to notice her form acutely, she kept her shield in close, which was something he struggled with in battles. He opened himself up too much in a battle while going on the offensive. He swiftly blocked the blow, and decided to really push her to the limits. He struck fiercely at her shield, trying to set her off balance, but nevertheless her shield did not budge from her body. He moved back a few more feet, giving himself time to analyze and think. He grabbed his sheath and yanked it off of his belt. He put his arm through the loop and tapped the button on the back. His sheath became his full sized shield. He smiled to the girl and the two arcs on his shield blazed a fiery gold before he charged forward, slamming into the girl with his shield. With a quick motion with his hand, the girl now lay on the ground, his sword pointed her face. 

With a smiled, he sheathed his sword within his shield, folded it into its carrying state and placed it upon his belt. "Not bad" he chuckled. "I am a bit impressed, fared quite well for one your level" He put out his hand for help up, pulling the girl up if she accepted it. "All it takes is grind, time, and patience" He looked back over to the wall. "Just don't dedicate your life to fight... like... like I did. The hero doesn't always win in every story, in fact.... I think Beatbox was chasing a Destiny, that just wasn't his"  

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I grin a bit having been able to take a few hits from this, from what i understand, a well known high level Paladin. I then she his sheath become his shield as i just she that and looks towards mine for a brief moment making sure to include that into twilight v.2. Cause that combines all the best things that i know of. Convenience, and anime nonsense from the likes of RWBY. I then wonder if that is what the idea is from or did you come with that on your own. I quickly see the shield coming to me and then watches as you ram into me knocking me to the ground. I then see the sword pointed at my face stopping all movements, and i swear i could feel my heart stop for a moment. Having a slightly scared look as i forget this is training, and that i am in a town. My mind having gone into combat mode as i gulp slightly and then sees you move the sword away.

I let out a breathe that i didn't know i was holding as i then take slow deep breaths to calm myself. As you offer me a hand i happily accept the help up as i look towards you. You bashed into me...with a shield. I would never think to do that since i view them as a method of protecting not using it to attack. I tell you honestly as i then grin as the compliment registers in my mind as i feel a small surge of pride, and happiness at receiving a compliment from someone like you. An actual player on the frontlines. I know the heroes don't win Jonathan, but that won't stop me from using every bit i can to catch up to you guys on the frontline. I will push myself to try and reach their, but doing so carefully. Getting to the frontlines means nothing if i die on the way up towards their. I won't be able to help you then, and also more importantly i won't be able to help people that i run into.

By the way i have to ask to sate my own curiosity. Where did you get the idea to have your shield transform? I ask curiously with a grin.

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As he moved away, she seemed quite surprised that he used his shield as a sort of attack as well. "Its not necessarily an attack, but instead a for of keeping your weapon out of thee way from stopping mine from hitting you. Sometimes, it just helps me get an opponent off of their feet" He moved away from the wall and Hestia. He was not necesarrily feeling better, but wasn't in a moping mood. She then asked a peculiar question, one about his shield. "Actually wasn't my idea. It was the blacksmith's idea and I just went with it. They said they fought it would suit me" He shrugged. He wasn't feeling angry or sad anymore, just drained of emotion and everything was bland. "Well Hestia, I am just not sure how I feel anymore. I don't feel like I personally have more business here to attend to, but Death Adder can't be allowed to roam free like such. No worries, my goal isn't to fight him one on one. Something Tells me, I am not the hero of the story either. When the time arises, so will the hero. As a supporting character, I will do all I can to assist though" 

He backed away. He sent a friend request to the woman. "If you need me, I am a message away. Although, from the looks of it you'll do just fine. The best thing at your level, is just find a good person to hang around that you mix well with. Itzal and I have been together since level 6. Then we also still team up quite often. He is the tactician though. 



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I smile a bit as i accept the friend request and nod my head. Thank you Jonathan i'll make sure to message you if i ever need anything. Also i think i found a player or two that could fit the bill for good partners in terms of combat, and friends. I say cheerfully as i unequipped my weapons that i have as i then look back up at you. Well Jonathan whoever the hero in this story is i hope they can rise up soon. People like Death Adder are certainly not needed in this world, or the real world. Peace is always a better solution then war among us humans. Also if you're a supporting character then whoever the hero is they are lucky to have a strong shield, and support like yourself, and you seem like you can handle most things when it comes down to it. I walk forward to you and extend my hand. Try to keep getting stronger as i plan to Jonathan. I would hate to see me pass by you in terms of strengths or levels without it being some kind of race. I say in a playful and happy tone.

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Jonathan began to walk away a bit, but it still seemed the girl had a few words to share. "Good, Ill try to check up from time to time, see how you are working on your build. My journey to become a tank was rather difficult, but I am sure you'll do fine. My problems shouldn't be that common" He sighed and stepped forward. "Just ensure you are getting in a good group of players who can help you. Form a guild, or join an existing one, as long as you are in a well protected community" Aincrad was treacherous to be alone in. You could become captured, killed, or just plain lost and if you know no one, your in trouble. 

In the earlier part of the game, Corrin and his buddies had kept him going for a run for his money. He was forced to work and gather treasures and complete quests to get items for them. They had found him about level 15, and with Itzal his only friend, and they were both no match for the group of players, he had to endure until he could convince with personal strength that it was going to cost them much to keep him around. 

"Well, I think I am done here. Wanna go out and do something? Quest? Food? Anything that is in my power... I owe you, I am not blindly berserking around anymore, just blindly wondering what move is next" 


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I nod my head with a smile knowing i should join a guild at some point. But which one would i join, or would i just create my own? That question always at least present in my mind in some capacity since i'm stuck between two possible guilds. I like to think i am doing fine with the people i am going with at the moment in the sense of being safe and protected. I say cheerfully and happily as i then hear your offer as i think on that. Do i want to do any quests with this paladin who is offering. The most i would want to do with you Jonathan is hanging out with you and not doing quests. I would rather face the difficulties with the people that i have found. With accepting help from you would be a bit overkill since you are obviously way stronger then me in every since of the word. I say with a chuckle. Having a smile on my face. Also maybe receiving some pointers on being able to increase my mitigation in anyway possible would be really helpful.

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She went off, stating clearly that she already had hopefully found the group of friends that she needed to progress. He nodded, that was good. The faster done, the better. If he had only found a bigger group faster, Corrin would not have been a problem like he had been. She refused his offer of helping her with quests, and for valid reasons as well. She would much rather just hang out then actually train, which he was fine. He nodded and replied to her kindly, well then I will be seeing you around soon alright? Train hard, stay alive, and don't do anything that I would do. He gave the girl a smile and slowly began to head towards the door. With one final look at the wall, he opened the door and light flooded into the room. He stepped out, morally confident and sure that he was morally stronger then before. His mind was clearer, his path was still hazy through it all. "Alright, speaking of training, I better get on to it... I need to improve many skills still, and I am going to need quite a bit of Skill Points to do that, especially if I am going to overcome Chaos and be a good spike in the foot of Death Adder"


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