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Seldentar watches the item shatter apart into nothing as he finishes crafting. Not to be deterred, he looks through his shops inventory. Finding no normal metal left, he takes one of his Glacier Steel Ingots, and places that into the forge. He sits back and waits, as the metal he is working with is very resistant to change. Once it was shaped however, he was confident that he could get something good. After a short time, the metal finally heats up, and Seldentar begins the long process of hammering out the resistant metal.

Daily Craft 3 of 5

Good Craft! +2 Exp

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Seldentar wields the blade, looking it over. Nice quality, nice hardness, but no special abilities he was hoping for. Placing this one aside as well, he repeats the process with another brick of Glacier Steel. After waiting for it to heat up, he begins to hammer it into the proper shape of a long sword, taking care to make the edge nice and sharp.

Daily Craft 4 of 5

Good Craft! +2 Exp

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Seldentar frowns. The sword was basically a duplicate of the last sword. With only one brick of metal left, and only one craft attempt left for the day, he goes to work trying to make the best sword he can. Working the metal after its heated, he again begins the crafting process, bringing his hammer down over and over as the metal finally starts to take shape.

Daily Craft 5 of 5

Good Craft! +2 Exp

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Zerva entered into the smithy, having been in need of some crafting done and this place seemed to have a fairly skilled smith behind it. He read the signs in the front and eyed a dagger that was in the front, but decided he would risk it before he actually showed his interest in the dagger. He waited for the smith to greet him, not wanting to seem rude by interrupting him if he was busy. In the meantime though, he filled out a form for what he wanted made.

Name: Night's Edge

Type of Item: One-Handed Dagger, preferably in the shape of a Ninjato.

Desired Effect: [uncommon] [Rare] [Perfect]

Note: I have one material for it at the moment.

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Seldentar looks over the new form, and attaches it to his board. He looks at Zerva.

"Im afraid at the moment i am out of materials. I will be going on a mission today to acquire more. If you want i can try with the one you have, but there is no guarantee it will turn out well with a single attempt.

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Zerva nodded to that and said "That's fine. I just want to see what will happen." He smiles with a nod, taking the Midnight Metal out of his inventory and pushing it forward, it was black and didn't shine very well. "Don't worry, if it doesn't work out I will just come back with more. And if it's not perfect I shall come again another day as well." He smirks to him, he was fairly determined to get himself a new weapon.

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Seldentar nods, taking the midnight metal. He still had to work on Zelrius's weapon, but that would have to wait until he had metal for it. Hopefully by the end of the day he would. In the mean time, one attempt at this wouldn't hurt. He changes up his equipment and begins to heat the metal, making sure his Scorched Ambition is equipped for this. Hammering out the metal, he begins to shape it.

Daily Craft 1 of 5

Scorched Ambition! +1 Craft Dice

Perfect Craft! +8 Exp


Night's Edge


Shop:Selds Repair and Smithy

Description:This Ninja Style Dagger is light weight, and razor sharp. +2 Damage, +1 Battle Dice

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Zerva grinned and clapped his hands together and said "It would appear that my gamble paid off!" He smiles happily and holds his hands towards Seldentar, eager to hold his new blade! He could hardly believe that it worked out on the first attempt, it seemed he made the right choice coming here.

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Seldentar sheathes the blade, handing the dagger over.

"Well, guess luck was on our side. And with that, im just a hairs throw away from level 5 Blacksmithing."

There was excitement in his voice. He hadn't heard of anyone reaching level 5 in smithing yet, and he was excited to be the first.

(OOC: Stats are still pending approval, but I don't see a reason why they wouldn't get approved, they are well within the normal allowed stats for a perfect item.)

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Zerva happily took the blade, unsheathing it and giving it a few testing slashes and tosses to get a handle for it's weight and size before resheathing it. "You have my thanks regardless. I know it isn't much, but think of it as a tip for a customer well served." He tosses two hundred Col to Seldentar, feeling rather happy about his new weapon.

-200 col

((OOC: I gotcha. I am not in an RP that could use it anyways, I can wait!))

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Seldentar smiles at the tip, enjoying his sixth perfect craft. He was getting close to leveling up, and with each level, it would be easier to get better crafts. His eyes suddenly go wide, remembering something. He reaches into his pocket, activating his inventory and pulling out a crystal shard. Green in color, he had saved this for a long time. Having found better crystals to work with, he decides saving it is no longer necessary. Placing it into the forge, he lets it heat up, and begins the process of crafting again.

Daily Craft 2 of 5

Perfect Craft! +8 Exp


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Seeing Seld busying himself with more work he gives him an acknowledging nod and turns to the door, smiling down at his weapon's sheath while eagerly wondering what he would cut with it first! So many more possibilities open to him now thanks to the upgrade!

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Zelrius loved his weapon. Seldentar had got the speifics just right and the Glowing green was an added bonus. Zelrius was ready, he pulled up his inventory ready to pay whatever the price Seldentar asked for it. The weapon was perfect and Zelrius wasn't going to complain unless the weapon got too pricey.

"Awesome Sled, How much for it?"

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Zelrius flinched at the Price. He would take it of course, but every item he got seemed to just suck away his money one by one

"Deal!" He said not trying to show that he had any hestitation to buying the item at all

(--OOC I have spent up to 10k In items already xD)

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The man running <> had been very successful since Miaki was there last. Today Miaki was looking for two items for a friend of his who was trying to climb the ranks in Aincrad and strengthen herself. But she was dirt broke with almost nothing to her name at the moment so Miaki found out what she needed while window shopping. Miaki entered the establishment and saw the man himself working. "Good afternoon. I'm looking at buying two items from you today." He checked what was in stock and saw that what he was looking for was still in. Miaki pointed to the two items and pulled out a small bag of Col that would be enough for the payment.

"These two are the ones I'm looking for. That'll be 1250 Col am I right?" He said tossing the money pouch over to Seldentar.

Good Items

Two Handed Glacier Sword: Good Quality

Uncommon Items

Reinforced Breastplate: Chest Armor that grants bonus protection: Uncommon, -1 Enemy Combat Roll

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Seldentar is humming to himself as he works, unwrapping new items even as Miaki looks things over. Now that he had figured out the abilities of some of these new items, they were ready for sale. If Miaki was familiar with it, Seldentar was humming the song "Making Christmas" from A nightmare before christmas. He looks up at Miaki when he speaks, and looks the items over.

"Yup, for those its 1250. I can do custom orders too once I get more materials, ive sadly run out of my supply at the moment."

Seldentar opens the transaction window, transfering the items from the display case into storable inventory. After Miaki hands him the money, he sends the items so that Miaki doesn't have to physically carry them out.

From shop Inventory:


Glacier Two Handed Sword

Reinforced Breastplate

To Player Inventory: +1250 col

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The bluenette walked in and filled out the order form before looking over at the blacksmith Seldentar with a sweet smile. She then proceeded to fill out an order form.

Customers name: Haine

Quality: Perfect

Item: One Handed Curved Blade

Item Name: The Blade Of Cosmos

Items description: A one handed curved sword. It has a turquoise handle which has astral-like designs on it, traced with a little silver dust.. The blade is a transparent like blue color, which glows. and it has faint stars that design the blade part. The handle is a periwinkle-lavender color.

Wanted abilities: +2 Damage +1 Battle Dice

"It's so hard fighting with nothing but my basic old sword.. time for a new try. I will be using col to order this piece.." the bluenette said quietly.

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Seldentar goes to work on Haines request. He takes a piece of crystal he had obtained from his most recent quest, and begins to work on it, hammering it out after heating it up. It seemed like the ideal item to use for this type of request.

Good Craft! +2 Exp

Daily Craft 1 of 5

Level up!

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Seldentar notes happily that he leveled up his Smithing to Rank 5. With 6 crafts per day now, things should get interesting, although he was likely to run out of materials very fast at this rate. Taking another crystal ingot out, he begins the process anew.

Daily Craft 2 of 6

Scorched Ambition! +1 Craft Dice

Rare Craft! +5 Exp

Item:Blade of the Stars


Shop:Selds repair and smithy

Description:This One Handed Curved Blade is a dark blue with specks of white on it. Its translucent nature makes it appear you are staring at the nights sky. +1 Battle Dice, +1 Damage

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