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[F21 - PP] Breaking out the Tackle - Nature's Treasure

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Floor 1, 11, or 21
<<Nature's Treasure>>
Recommended Level: Any | Party Limit: None
Repeatable: Yes
Credit: Itzal



  • The Materials Gathered


Marking the beginning of each tier (Floors 1, 11, 21, etc.), these levels of Aincrad in particular each seem to have various locations among the floors that are bursting at the seams with crafting materials. They are easier to find than other hunting grounds on comparable floors, with short respawn rates to make them the best locations to hunt for materials.

If the floor is vegetated, players can find a <<Garden>>. If there are a lot of buildings on the floor, players can find a <<Courtyard>>. If the floor is underground, players can find a <<Cavern>>. Many NPCs give away these farming locations, telling players about this amazing opportunity of extra materials, whether it be from plentiful monster drops or from the safer areas outside of town that make for easy, peaceful fishing and gathering.

Searching:  LD rolls of 11-14 give 1 material.  LD rolls of 15+ give 2 materials.  Gatherer skill is added to this roll as well.

Fishing:  Monsters and bosses never spawn.  Fishing receives no bonus materials.  CD 12s require a LD of 15+ (modifiers allowed) to fish up a treasure chest.  If 1-14, players receive 4 materials.

Treasure Chests:  LD of 1-3 does not result in a mimic, but drops (Floor * 25) col and one material.

Looting Mobs:  Loot required mobs always drop (HP * 4) col and 1 material as default drops.


  • At least one [1] Page (20 or more posts)
  • Mobs MUST meet or exceed the loot minimum parameter.



Fishing [Tutorial Entry]
Cost: 10 SP
Active: Post Action
Effect: Use a dice roll to fish something up based on a natural CD result:

  • CD 1: Fished up a boss monster! - Nothing
  • CD 2-3: Fished up a monster with loot minimum stats - Nothing
  • CD 4: Nothing seems to be biting...
  • CD 5-6: 1 Material fished up!
  • CD 7-8: 2 Materials fished up!
  • CD 9-10: 3 Materials fished up!
  • CD 11: 4 Materials fished up!
  • CD 12: Treasure Chest fished up! - Only with LD 15+, Otherwise, +4 Materials

Note: When fishing up a treasure chest, another post action is still required to open it. Fished-up monsters take their turn before the player(s) and originally target the Fisher.
Boss monsters have the following stats: (Player Level * 20) HP | (Player Level * 6) DMG | (Player Level) MIT. Boss monsters drop col equal to their total HP and 2 materials in addition to normal loot drops.

Fishing [Quest Entry]

Monsters and bosses never spawn.  Fishing receives no bonus materials.  CD 12s require a LD of 15+ (modifiers allowed) to fish up a treasure chest.  If 1-14, players receive 4 materials.



Using Kitchen: Enhance Good Luck Chuck [Now +4 LD]

Total LD: +12

Consuming Filthy Rich Chocolate +2

Total Prosperity: +5



Fishing: [CD 1-4: Nothing] [CD 5-6: 1 Mat] [CD 7-8: 2 Mats] [CD 9-10: 3 Mats] [CD 11-12: 4 Mats] [CD 12 & LD 15+: Treasure Chest]

ID# 101619 results: Craft: 4 - Nothing

Settling down beside a familiar pool on the twenty first floor, Shield opened himself a picnic lunch. Inside, there were a steak which he had freshly marinated in his kitchen to enhance both its flavor and its effect and a number of small chocolate coins in gold foil. Although it seemed an odd assortment of food items, it was precisely what he needed to make the most of his afternoon of fishing. As he lazily chewed his food, he cracked open his tackle box and baited the hook of his trusty rod.

In his lap, his bush viper familiar, Lilith, was coiled, her colorful scales muted in the dim cavern, though with a light blue sheen from the nearby luminous crystals that provided the minimal incandescence necessary by which to see and operate effectively. "Well, Lilith, let's see what the pool has in store for us this time."

With that, he cast out his line and waited.

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Fishing: [CD 1-4: Nothing] [CD 5-6: 1 Mat] [CD 7-8: 2 Mats] [CD 9-10: 3 Mats] [CD 11-12: 4 Mats] [CD 12 & LD 15+: Treasure Chest]

Fishing: ID# 101620 results: Craft: 12, Loot: 13+12=25 - Treasure Chest!

Totals: N/A

No sooner had the hook hit the water and he began to reel did he feel his hook snag. It was not a bite. It was merely something he had hooked. In the quest he had taken with Callie most recently, this had yielded a boot. However, as he hauled at the line, it became increasingly clear that this was more than a boot. It gave, but slowly, and he ended up having to use his legs more than his arms to pull it in.

He didn't want to get his hopes up, or at least not just yet. "It could be a submerged log... hrrrrrrk... Or a huge bloom of algae or sea weed... HRRRRK!" To his elation, what broke the surface of the water was clearly the lid of a chest. Wading out the last few feet, he dragged the container along the slippery stone bottom of the shallows up onto the land.

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Using Gold Key

Opening Chest:

ID# 101621 LD:6+7=13 CD:4 2,600 Col, 5 T3 Materials, 2 T3 Rare Consumables, 1 T3 Rare Weapon


Col: 2,600
T3 Materials: 5
T3 Rare Consumables: 2
T3 Rare Weapons: 1

Once he and the chest were both safely out of the water, he summoned his menus and pulled from his inventory not just a key, but a ring of golden keys. He had come prepared this time. Holding out the first of them, it vanished, leaving the ring a little lighter. With a loud, laborious click, the lock undid itself and the lid creaked open. In front of the crack of the lid, a list of contents appeared in the air, listing out the contents of the chest.

"Let's see.... a weapon," he read aloud. "Not bad. A couple of consumables, some materials, and a decent chunk of Col. I could definitely do worse for myself. Not a bad start."

He banished the display, collecting the items and in doing so depleting the endurance of the container. It shattered, leaving nothing but disappearing fragments of light that melted into the semi dark of the cavern.


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Fishing: [CD 1-4: Nothing] [CD 5-6: 1 Mat] [CD 7-8: 2 Mats] [CD 9-10: 3 Mats] [CD 11-12: 4 Mats] [CD 12 & LD 15+: Treasure Chest]

ID# 101622 results: Craft: 4 - Nothing


Col: 2,600
T3 Materials: 5
T3 Rare Consumables: 2
T3 Rare Weapons: 1

With his first chest found, Shield settled back on the shore and cast his line once again. The bobber and hook both seemed to remain unaffected in the water, sitting on the surface and lazily tossing in the gentle ripples of the pool. Before long, the stillness of the cavern returned the surface to its placid state. In that moment, the reflection of the ceiling's stalactites ceased to be a reflection and became a bed of stalagmites, just so happening to match the ceiling point for point. It was something he had seen in the real world before, where pools in caves were so very still that they did not appear to be pools at all.

"If I didn't know better, I would think it was an actual cavern floor, or at least a mirror," he thought aloud to Lilith. "It's almost beautiful." He let the word almost linger in the air. He disliked the idea of the visuals in his prison having much if any merit to them, but it was at least pleasant to look at.

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Fishing: [CD 1-4: Nothing] [CD 5-6: 1 Mat] [CD 7-8: 2 Mats] [CD 9-10: 3 Mats] [CD 11-12: 4 Mats] [CD 12 & LD 15+: Treasure Chest]

ID# 101623 results: Craft: 7 - 2 Materials


Col: 2,600
T3 Materials: 7
T3 Rare Consumables: 2
T3 Rare Weapons: 1

With the bobber set and waiting, he opened a window and summoned out a scroll - it was a document he had begun several months ago. It was time to update it. He tapped the outside and it unfurled, a cursor blinking at the bottom, awaiting his dictation.

"New entry," he said, and the cursor darted along the bottom of the page, preparing a new paragraph. "To Beat. We are just about to embark on a new stage of our journey into SAO - we are about to begin our guild. It's not the first time we've led, and for you, it's not even your first leadership position in SAO. However, it is our fist time leading together. If you're reading this, it means I'm dead. Please make sure that the messages enclosed within make it to their intended recipients, as a personal request. I suppose that would make this my last request."

Shield's line reeled, and he pulled against it, pulling in his first actual fish of the day. It separated into two halves and he stored the cuts of meat in his inventory.

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Fishing: [CD 1-4: Nothing] [CD 5-6: 1 Mat] [CD 7-8: 2 Mats] [CD 9-10: 3 Mats] [CD 11-12: 4 Mats] [CD 12 & LD 15+: Treasure Chest]

ID# 101624 results: Craft: 6 - 1 Material


Col: 2,600
T3 Materials: 8
T3 Rare Consumables: 2
T3 Rare Weapons: 1

He cast again, very quickly hooking a much smaller fish which he landed with little difficulty. He then threw out his line, waited to see if there was another nibble, and settled back down to dictate.

"Please know that, although I have been very involved with my goals, our friendship has been an integral part of my success and what has constantly kept me pushing forward. You're fighting your own battles, and I don't pretend to understand them, but even though I'm not around, know that I still expect the best of you." The words felt alien to him, like he wasn't really saying them, but there they were on the scroll, spelled out just as he had thought them. "Slay your dragons, and then return to the front lines stronger than before. Aincrad and its inhabitants need you."

He paused, not really sure what else to add. He would have to come back to that one. There was a lot to say that he did not quite know how to say just yet.

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Fishing: [CD 1-4: Nothing] [CD 5-6: 1 Mat] [CD 7-8: 2 Mats] [CD 9-10: 3 Mats] [CD 11-12: 4 Mats] [CD 12 & LD 15+: Treasure Chest]

ID# 101625 results: Craft: 6 - 1 Material


Col: 2,600
T3 Materials: 9
T3 Rare Consumables: 2
T3 Rare Weapons: 1

His line whizzed out of the reel lazily, and he caught the crank, pulling in another scrawny catch. He stored it and settled back in.

"New Entry - Chloe." This was a much harder entry to dictate. How does one say goodbye to their first child? "Your dad loves- that is to say, I love you. From the day I first held you, I loved you. I don't know how to put it into words, but you changed my world. I know that for a long time, I wasn't around much, but know that I was always rooting for you and always wanting you the very best and the most happiness imaginable." He leaned forward, resting his hand on Lilith's middle for comfort. "If I could do it all again, I would do it differently. Know that with every breath that I drew in whatever hospital I was kept in, inside I was fighting. Fighting for a chance just to see you again and to turn things around."

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Fishing: [CD 1-4: Nothing] [CD 5-6: 1 Mat] [CD 7-8: 2 Mats] [CD 9-10: 3 Mats] [CD 11-12: 4 Mats] [CD 12 & LD 15+: Treasure Chest]

ID# 101626 results: Craft: 11 - 4 Materials


Col: 2,600
T3 Materials: 13
T3 Rare Consumables: 2
T3 Rare Weapons: 1

As he tried to find the right words to heal the chasm of a rift that existed between himself and his daughter, his arm jerked forward, pulling him towards the water. The reel whined a much higher, more desperate whine and the pole was doubled over parallel with the ground. He dug in his heels on the ground and sat back, putting his legs and back into his attempts to reel.

Little by little, he fought his quarry to the shore and pulled it from the water. This time, the lunker of a fish separated into four meaty cuts which he stored away in his inventory. He had to walk a little way back to where he had been a moment ago. Settling down on the stone ground, he gathered his thoughts. "Take care of your sister. Fight for her as hard as I've been fighting for both of you girls. Know that you never left my mind and nothing made me happier than the thought of getting to speak to you again. I'm sorry this had to be the way it happened." Shield's face was wet, and not from sweat. He hated this. This was the message he never wanted to have to write. But he had to. Just in case...

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Fishing: [CD 1-4: Nothing] [CD 5-6: 1 Mat] [CD 7-8: 2 Mats] [CD 9-10: 3 Mats] [CD 11-12: 4 Mats] [CD 12 & LD 15+: Treasure Chest]

ID# 101627 results: Craft: 10 - 3 Materials


Col: 2,600
T3 Materials: 16
T3 Rare Consumables: 2
T3 Rare Weapons: 1

He wiped his eyes and cast out his line to keep himself occupied. Even before the line hit the water, a huge fish with spiny fins leaped from the water and caught the lure. Groaning, he set his heels into the ground and hauled back. It was easier this time. The catch was smaller, and he had time to prepare himself before it could even start to swim away. It was only thirty seconds before it was dripping on the shore, decomposing into three cuts of fresh fish.

Banishing them to his inventory, he returned to his fishing spot. It took him a moment to find Lilith, who had slithered off in the last fight with the fish, tired of being thrown around in the chaos. "Sorry, girl. You can hang out there for now. It'll be like this for a while, I would suspect." He reset the scroll and prepared for a new entry.

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Fishing: [CD 1-4: Nothing] [CD 5-6: 1 Mat] [CD 7-8: 2 Mats] [CD 9-10: 3 Mats] [CD 11-12: 4 Mats] [CD 12 & LD 15+: Treasure Chest]

ID# 101628 results: Craft: 2 - Nothing


Col: 2,600
T3 Materials: 16
T3 Rare Consumables: 2
T3 Rare Weapons: 1

"New Entry," he began, knowing full well that there was still a lot to say to Chloe. It would have to wait though. "To Lyra. I don't know how to tell you how much I've missed you. It's true for both of you, but it hurts a little more with you. So little of your young life has been spent around me. I wanted to change that." Hot tears were already brimming at the corners of his eyes. He fought them back. He almost felt ashamed at how quickly he had come to the point of tears, but something told him this had been building for some time.

Let the snot show your chin who's boss.

"I love you. I got to say it so painfully few times in person. A father should have millions of chances to say it, but I-" he stopped. He did not want to criticize their mother. That was not how he wanted to be remembered. That didn't matter in a last letter. "- was... trapped in here. In Sword Art Online. It's been over a year now. Odds are it will be a few more till anyone gets out. I hope they did."

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Fishing: [CD 1-4: Nothing] [CD 5-6: 1 Mat] [CD 7-8: 2 Mats] [CD 9-10: 3 Mats] [CD 11-12: 4 Mats] [CD 12 & LD 15+: Treasure Chest]

ID# 101629 results: Craft: 1 - Nothing


Col: 2,600
T3 Materials: 16
T3 Rare Consumables: 2
T3 Rare Weapons: 1

"Please, Lyra," he said, his voice now tight and labored, straining against itself as wails of sorrow were swallowed back and tamed into actual words. "Fight to remember me as hard as I fought to see you. I never forgot you. Not for a minute. Did you know that I chose your name? Your mom and I fought over it, but she got to name your sister, so I got to name you in the end."

"You were named for a very brave, strong little girl, Lyra Belacqua," he explained, smiling through his muffled sobs. "I didn't do a lot of reading, but I think you would like those stories. I'm leaving my copies to you. I don't expect you to be exactly like her, but... she's a little girl who's lost a lot as well. Maybe she can help you find some strength."

He had to pause now, taking long breaths to steady himself. He knew this wasn't going to be easy, but this had already worn on him quite a bit. He put the scroll away, hoping he could to the task more justice once he had collected himself.

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Fishing: [CD 1-4: Nothing] [CD 5-6: 1 Mat] [CD 7-8: 2 Mats] [CD 9-10: 3 Mats] [CD 11-12: 4 Mats] [CD 12 & LD 15+: Treasure Chest]

ID# 101630 results: Craft: 6 - 1 Material


Col: 2,600
T3 Materials: 17
T3 Rare Consumables: 2
T3 Rare Weapons: 1

No sooner had he stowed the document when his pole gave a small tug. It was clearly not a powerful fish, as the pole barely bent under the force of its swimming power. Shield cranked the tiny catch in with little effort and stored it away with the others. He turned his eyes back to the pool. In the previous battles with larger fish, it had sent the surface churning, but between the calm stretch and the little catch, the turbulence had died down to little more than a slight rippling of the water.

Shield turned his eyes to the spot where he had left his familiar. She had coiled herself around the base of a stalagmite, watching absentmindedly with her slit eyes. "Enjoying the show, ya little freeloader?" he teased, reaching down and tapping the top of her textured head scales. "We need to get into tougher battles so you can earn your keep." Even as he said, it, Shield started to feel like he was asking for whatever was coming in the following battles.

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Fishing: [CD 1-4: Nothing] [CD 5-6: 1 Mat] [CD 7-8: 2 Mats] [CD 9-10: 3 Mats] [CD 11-12: 4 Mats] [CD 12 & LD 15+: Treasure Chest]

ID# 101631 results: Craft: 12, Loot: 13+12=25 - Chest Found!


Col: 2,600
T3 Materials: 17
T3 Rare Consumables: 2
T3 Rare Weapons: 1

Turning his focus back to the matter of fishing, he decided to move the lure a little further out into the lake. As he went to reel in the line, however, it snagged again. Shield reeled harder, sitting forward with anticipation. Again, he did not want to get his hopes too high, but the weight and resistance of the whatever it was on the other end of his hook felt much like the last snag.

He gave a whoop of success as another chest lid crested the water, and he gave up on reeling, instead just walking uphill away from the water to haul his find out of the shallows and onto the shore. It hadn't even been an hour, nor had he done any manual searching, and he was already looking at his second chest. "It's a good day, Lilith!" he crowed, hurrying over to the chest and kneeling down beside it.

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Using Gold Key

Opening Chest: +7 LD

ID# 101632 LD:4+7=11 CD:6 1,950 Col, 3 T3 Materials, 2 T3 Rare Consumables


Col: 4,550
T3 Materials: 20
T3 Rare Consumables: 4
T3 Rare Weapons: 1

He took out his key ring once again, the heavy hunk of jangling metal heavy in his hand as he fished out a single key from the mess of them on the metal loop. He held it up to the lock and watched as it dissolved into glittering dust with a final bright clink. Again, the lid popped open, and the contents were displayed before him. Although he was not disappointed to find more crafting goods and money, the equipment contained in this chest was not as interesting as the last. He shrugged, collecting the items and abandoning the now depleted container to disappear like the last.

With the second chest gone, Shield settled back in to fish. The finds had been less than spectacular, but looking at the totals for the trip, he was already putting up decent numbers. "I suppose my chest scouting secondary build is properly coming into its own."

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Fishing: [CD 1-4: Nothing] [CD 5-6: 1 Mat] [CD 7-8: 2 Mats] [CD 9-10: 3 Mats] [CD 11-12: 4 Mats] [CD 12 & LD 15+: Treasure Chest]

ID# 101633 results: Craft: 1 - Nothing


Col: 4,550
T3 Materials: 20
T3 Rare Consumables: 4
T3 Rare Weapons: 1

The lake had fallen silent once again. Although the thought crossed his mind to continue working on his final letter, he pushed this aside for now. He may have the time for it, but he did not know if he had the will. Who was left to say goodbye to? A few other less immediate family members, a few other players... Baldur, Teion, perhaps a final attempt to make peace with Jonathan, Hikoru, Calypso...

He leaned forward. It had been some time since he had seen Callie. This wasn't entirely unusual. Players dropped off the face of the earth sometimes when they were focusing on their shop or power leveling, or even just trying to find some peace and quiet. Still, it seemed a little disconcerting. The last time he had seen her was the Valentine's dance, and that had not exactly been the best of times. He barely remembered his interaction with her over the smorgasbord of humiliation Beat had in store for him. 

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Fishing: [CD 1-4: Nothing] [CD 5-6: 1 Mat] [CD 7-8: 2 Mats] [CD 9-10: 3 Mats] [CD 11-12: 4 Mats] [CD 12 & LD 15+: Treasure Chest]

ID# 101634 results: Craft: 6 - 1 Material


Col: 4,550
T3 Materials: 21
T3 Rare Consumables: 4
T3 Rare Weapons: 1

He was taken from his thoughts by a tug on his fishing line. It was a slight nibble at best, and with barely any effort he was able to pull the little morsel of a fish up out of the water. It was only a single portion's worth, which he stored away before looking out over the water. Things had slowed down pretty markedly. He almost wondered whether this spot in the lake was drying up.

One little catch wasn't worth sticking it out, and one little fish was hardly worth continuing to fish the spot out. In fact, if he were being honest, catching fish was not his aim in the first place. Granted, being able to trade for higher quality materials was useful, but he hardly had a purpose for the mountain of goods he had thus far acquired, and continuing to add to that pile would only go so far.

"I suppose if I can't find another chest in a few casts, I can move around."

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Fishing: [CD 1-4: Nothing] [CD 5-6: 1 Mat] [CD 7-8: 2 Mats] [CD 9-10: 3 Mats] [CD 11-12: 4 Mats] [CD 12 & LD 15+: Treasure Chest]

ID# 101635 results: Craft: 10 - 3 Materials


Col: 4,550
T3 Materials: 24
T3 Rare Consumables: 4
T3 Rare Weapons: 1

Throwing out his line once again, Shield settled back, keeping his hand near the handle of his pole just in case of a bite. Meanwhile, he busied himself with Lilith, running the finger of his other hand along her textured scales. It was a soothing sensation not entirely unlike running a finger along the smooth side of a cheese grater. The undulating surface created the slightest of vibrations and it was a pleasant little distraction.

Before he had fully realized it, his reflexes had made him grab for his pole, the handle of which was only just in reach. He abandoned Lilith and grasped for the fishing implement with both hands now, reeling and yanking against what was a considerable catch. The pole's end bowed and flexed out towards the water, but slowly he fought the fish closer to shore. As it neared the shallows, as a last ditch effort, it leaped from the water and tried to create some distance, but while airborne, Shield gave one last haul on his line and jerked it onto the land where it writhed for a few moments before giving over to being caught. Three portions fell out of its body and the rest vanished.

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Fishing: [CD 1-4: Nothing] [CD 5-6: 1 Mat] [CD 7-8: 2 Mats] [CD 9-10: 3 Mats] [CD 11-12: 4 Mats] [CD 12 & LD 15+: Treasure Chest]

ID# 101636 results: Craft: 1 - Nothing


Col: 4,550
T3 Materials: 24
T3 Rare Consumables: 4
T3 Rare Weapons: 1

It was three more pieces to add to his mounting pile. "I might have to start lowering the price on my consumables, Lilith," he said, blowing out his cheeks. "Still, having large stores of them saved up does afford me the ability to make some pretty big deals. Both by selling to Macradon's shop and by bartering for rare items." It was a hard call to make. The materials did him no good being hoarded, but it was not as if he did not use them.

"I'll think on that, I suppose." Thinking is precisely what he had plenty of time to do, because the lake had very little to offer him for some time after. Although it took time after such tumult, the surface had regained most of its placidity. Not enough to become a perfect mirror again, but enough to see clear dancing outlines of the stalactites above.

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Fishing: [CD 1-4: Nothing] [CD 5-6: 1 Mat] [CD 7-8: 2 Mats] [CD 9-10: 3 Mats] [CD 11-12: 4 Mats] [CD 12 & LD 15+: Treasure Chest]

ID# 101637 results: Craft: 7 - 2 Material


Col: 4,550
T3 Materials: 24
T3 Rare Consumables: 6
T3 Rare Weapons: 1

Remaining Keys: 7

Another ten minutes and Shield was contemplating moving once again, but just as he was shifting his weight to stand up, his line gave another whine. It was nowhere near as intense as the previous big catches had been. Still, it made him work to reel in as it fought its way out to deeper waters. Shield denied it that endeavor, curbing its force and bringing it steadily back into shore. The fish he landed, easily the length of his forearm, separated into two portions.

He frowned at them. Although it was more activity than he had seen for the chunk of time prior, it was still not what he was aiming for, and he was growing impatient. Hoisting himself up, he scooped up Lilith and made his way along the water's edge to try his luck elsewhere. "No sense trying the same thing over and over again. Gotta keep moving, eh?"

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Searching for Chest:

ID# 101638 results: Loot: 1+12=13 [Post-facto applying basement Versatile bonus] - 13+2=15 - Chest Found!


Col: 4,550
T3 Materials: 24
T3 Rare Consumables: 6
T3 Rare Weapons: 1

Remaining Keys: 7

As he walked, Shield kept his hand up in front of him, watching it like a screen to see if it caught the light from his earring. As chance would have it, he did start to see a glow on his palm, cast by the now glowing golden wire in his Seeking Aura earring. He kept his eye on it, watching to see if it grew stronger. For a brief time, it did, before beginning to fade again. Doubling back, he found himself being drawn to a thick base of what seemed to be a broken stalagmite. It was easily as big around as he was tall.

At first he thought nothing of it, but as he looked up towards the ceiling, it struck him as odd that it was so low, yet there was no sign of the stalagmite having met with a stalactite to form a column. It didn't add up. He inspected the broken base, trying to make sense of it, all the while his earring blazing out like a beacon in the dimly lit cavern. Finally, as he reached out to touch it, its outline flashed a bright white and then vanished altogether, the illusion revealing a hidden chest.

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