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[PP-F09] (Hestia, Black) Through the eyes of a Lion <<Feeding The Enemy>

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Black had done a great job of veiling himself in a desert garb, even going to great lengths to wear a turban and kafieh, the mask desert marauders wore to shield them from the sands. Black stared across Mount Stylham. Everything looked to be a deserted wasteland as the red sun heated down on them with steering heat waves. The air was arid and the metal of their weapons burned so Black needed to get extra layers of hand wraps just to grip them properly. His heavy armor sank in the sand as they traveled, it grew even harder during the journey when they had to trek uphill . However, as a Marine, Black was built for mental toughness and he endured while chewing tobacco and occasionally spitting into a can. He let out his more rugged adventurer side, abandoning the lollipop for more spirit of the Corps. Revial was his new version of the M16 and it went everywhere with him. He scanned the area, trying to bring up what part of the map he had uncovered. “We need to go to the summit. That's where we'll find it. Deserted landscape . Active Volcano. Plenty of Mobs." Black attempted to find a source of water to quench his parched throat, but nothing could be found. 



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I make my way through the Ninth floor entirely unphased by the intense heat and the even more intense lava's heat trying to burn the players alive seemingly with how hot it gets at points and even worse the way that it likes to heat up the metal naturally. Finding myself rather thankful for the simple fact that i have gotten the survival skill from the quest upon this floor or this would be one of the most miserable things to do. That being any quests or helping people upon this floor since i would be dying from having to wear my armor and gear which is all big heavy metal that would feel like it is trying to kill me from the outside. My familiar being right beside me ready to stay by my side and benefiting from my survival also as it flies besides me as i pet his head gently in understanding knowing he hates the floor since it is the complete opposite from his home floor. Lead the way Black i'm here to be like your bodyguard really. I say in a joking tone of voice towards the lower leveled tank.

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The intensity of the aura of heat surrounded them as they made their way towards the base of the tallest mountain on floor nine. As Black looked up, he remembered having to ascend the mighty mountain known as the Reaper in boot camp at California. Hiking up there was hellish, especially with all the packs of gear, ammunition, and other equipment that was necessary to be carried. Just like the reaper, this mountain seemed to swirl up high into the clouds. The sauna-like sensations were insufferable as Black had lacked the survival skill. It was only by his innate resolve for endurance that he pressed on, though his body felt as if had been forced through yet another crucible. Black listened to Hestia's words as she offers him motivational support. He nodded his head and smiled. "Glad to hear." Black muttered as he began to remember an event in between the Minotaur battle and the preparation for their journey here. "Hestia...I almost died yesterday..." He confesses, dropping the heavy ball on the woman. 


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I raise an eyebrow in surprise at hearing what had almost happened as i turn my head to look at the man that had been my apprentice and apparently almost died shortly after becoming that as a sinking feeling drops within my gut. How did that happen? I say with noticeable worry and concern being heard within my voice as the lion by Hestia's side nuzzles against its companion to try and comfort the distraught tank that is once more wearing only casual clothing instead of any serious combat gear to signify that i would be worried about confrontation. What almost killed you? There shouldn't be many quests at your level that should be capable of even getting you close to such a state, did a player attack you or something? I say as my mind kicks into high gear of any and all players that i could've made an enemy that would have enough of a information system to figure out such a relationship of a mentorship that quickly.

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Black spits out his chewing tobacco unto the ground, looking pissed off, but seemed rather comfortable with the looming weight of death. His grizzly chin lifted up towards the mountain as he casts a thousand yard stare. 

Without looking at Hestia, he speaks, his voice narrowed like Rick Grimes from The Walking Dead. "You keep playing this game...and sooner or later you're going to run into some close calls." Black wrinkled his face as he wipe the crust from his eye with a sweaty palm. "You ever do a quest called The Gemini?" Black queried as he continued to stare at the streams of lava flowing from the mountain and the large black ruffled clouds of smoke that emerged and blackened the sky completely in that direction.


"Hooded figure. Challenges you to a duel and then all of a sudden you're dancing with the devil in the mirror" Black thumbed over his nose, then rested his hands one over the other across his groin. 



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I calm down immediately upon hearing the quest name as my mind pauses at hearing the way he phrased how that fight must've ended. 'he..almost died.' My eyes widen as i break out into a grin that goes from one ear to the next at hearing what must've happened as i pat you on the back proudly with the biggest smile across my face. Dang! You must've really outclassed that thing than Black if you beat it. I didn't manage to beat it on my first try even when using the gear that you have now, and a familiar to boot to help me out. I guess the fates must've given you a kinder mob, or just like with that minotaur you paralyzed that thing into oblivion and showed it who was boss. I say in a rather cheerful and happy tone of voice as my right hand subconsciously goes to my chest remembering rather vividly being stabbed over and over and being knocked to the ground unable to even do anything. Remembering just giving up on the idea of living through that quest from being thoroughly stomped repeatedly by that enemy. I the same hand clenches into a tight fist as a brief flash of anger sparks within my eyes at having to remember that.

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Black smirked like a mischievous prankster. "Yeah, I literally almost killed myself. " He snickered after utilizing his play on words. Oh, Hestia, you should have seen it...he started out talking [censored] and I was like who is this punk trying to dress like me and wearing Marine Corps tattoos. That's straight up stolen valor right there and nothing pisses me off than posers...even if they are an NPC. That was some spineless [censored]. " Black cussed casually, of course, it was second nature to grunts as puffed out his chest with pride. " I [censored] you not I paralyzed that wannabe imposter like three times in a row just opening up. That's what he gets for trying to steal my haircut. Though, I can't lie...his edge up was looking crispy. " Black chuckled. " You know how much Col I spend at the barber getting his hair looking right? Too dang much...probably could have invested in getting some mats for practicing cooking. I need to get my rank up. " He adds, as he continues the journey. "Oh, and that thing your armor does...saved my life...I literally couldn't do more than 1 damage unless I crit. That fight was HARD!"  Black states as he searches for some golden lotus among the floor. "Goodness, nothing out here. Hey, let me know if you find any golden lotus plants on this floor. They make good spices. "

106950 - Fail (No mats gathered) 




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I chuckle as Black goes into detail of the fight with rather interesting language and a way of speaking that is different than what i am use to, but in a good way since it should be expected from people just having a natural way of speaking that is unique to themselves no matter the individual. I just nod my head at what happens though rather surprised at the fact of hearing how the blade once more went into a paralyzing spree unlike anything akin to what i had been able to do with it before as i go to look at Black with a surprised look. You don't know this, but i have some hobbies i like to do and goals obviously that i want to get done here in Aincrad. The first being to set up a prison system to jail killers who deserve it, the second is to be the best performer ever in this world. And a thing i do for fun besides creating my own songs is also give names to people's builds that i get to see, and yeah with how much that blade and shield have been working for you Black you're current build name is so definitely being the shocking warrior, lightning warrior. Something like that you know? I say in a joking tone towards the fellow tank who seems to be absolutely killing it with on point paralyzes.

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Black enjoyed the comfort level of just being himself without much criticism. Sure he may have had flavored speech with a bit too much seasoning but the man genuinely meant well. He enjoyed the art of storytelling especially when it included ripe tales of victory between adventurers. He reached back to grab his legendary sucker that gave him +3 LD and decided to snack on it while he listened to Hestia. 


"Setting up a jail, huh? You know..I heard rumors from info brokers that if I would have killed the Gemini...I would have gotten a kill to do more damage against npcs and players." His voice trailed off as he donned his three third eye trinkets that also gave +3 LD when combined. 


"Lightning theme? That's pretty dope. I know I was thinking of picking up a Katana with Those Para stats and maybe damage or taunt. Maybe something with a bit of Samurai vibe to it plus the Lightning vibe." 


He paused as he attempted another search, but to no avail. "Dang. I really need T1 Cooking mats. Help me search?" He suggested. 


ID- 106952 4 + (6) = 10 (Fail)



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I look towards Black with a bit of a smile across my face as i nod my head towards the man when he mentions the jail system that i am wanting to setup when the right conditions set themselves up for success.  yep! I want to set up a jail, so if you're interested in helping out i would happily accept the help when it comes time for the jail system to come into play Black. Be it you as a hunter of the killers or you helping out with making sure that nobody would try to do a escape attempt. Since i know that if a jail system is setup for killers to be trapped that eventually someone is going to want to try and bust them out, so i will need defender as much as i will offensive people to work the capture and detaining of these people. I say towards Black with a nod of my head as i walk alongside him as we make our way through the ninth floor to a location that he apparently knows is a plentiful amount of mobs that work as a grinding location for players when leveling up.

I smile  bit when being asked to help search as i take out an item from my inventory a golden cloak as i put it onto myself knowing that it won't help Black out since he equipped a different item seemingly that gives him a similar buff since it wouldn't make sense to equip something that wouldn't be needed. I glance around the area in search of some items to help the player out.

#106954 LD:6+3=9 no mats found

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Black listens as Hestia begins to give him a brief synopsis of the jail's mission and the potential roles that would be needed. "You want to hear something funny? After the Marines I was a correctional Officer for Texas Prisons and a Sargeant as well in that industry. I swear...you talk to some of the guys in there..you'll have stories to tell for years. " He laughs as he gets up from off his knees, dusting off his head. The cloth of his turban grows damp with sweat. "I actually thought of hunting the killers out here...no different than hunting the Taliban in Afghanistan...they're both the worst kind of trash." Black states unapologetically. "I even wanted to take out that NPC, just so I can handle myself better against other Red players, but I thought it out and figured as long as I brought my +3 Accuracy rations with me wherever I go, I should be good. Better to have something to help out against the frontlines...monsters are 90% of our main enemies.."

As he knelt down once more to search for the Golden Lotus, but couldn't seem to find any. "Heh..just about what I'd expect from searching for flowers along the edge of an active volcano.."

ID- 106956 - Fail


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I nod my head in understanding at hearing that as i think for a little bit about that as i close my eyes for a brief moment thinking about the fact that the player with me wants to be a hunter, and is a tank who is going to be a katana user as i sigh softly knowing that at the moment their would be no way to make tanks helpful to the DPS counterpart in hunting since no hate system could work against other players. 'Okay than so if players wanted to be able to help wiht the prison and were tanks they would have to be defenders, suppliers, or both to help keep the prison system functioning since they couldn't function well enough as hunters unless they could dish damage out also.' I think to myself with a nod of my head as i take out a small notebook and starts writing that down for future remembering of that fact as i nod my head rather happy with what i had remembered to put down for the future system i develop as i go along. Just keep in mind Black that some killers are formed out of the fact they didn't see another way to stop other killers. It is how Aincrad's top killer came into existence Aereth. The killer of killers and one of the people i am fine with existing not in the prison since he promised to become one of my hunters instead of continuing his killer method. I say towards the player with a nod of my head.

#106959  LD:11+3=14

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"What the fu-.." Black jerks his head back, completely surprised at the information being passed on to him. Black would redress her sigh later as to try to figure out what that was all about, but the pressing matter here is that there was a higher amount of killing going o in this game than he realized. "You know in a world of beasts...humankind has always been the most savage animal." Black reveals his thoughts openly as they now seem to get about halfway up the mountain. "Aereth...how does a killer become a -..so did Aereth start of killing killers and is a green player..or...was he red..and tried to redeem himself?" Black paused with a look of disgust on his face from the thought of someone like that. "Aincrad's Top Killer...what is he like the Chris Kyle of DPS in Aincrad?" Black asks as he references the Marine from the movie American Sniper who possessed more than 150 confirmed kills. 

"Hey, this might be [censored] timing, but I got to do this.." He announced as he activated the song Crystal Familiar's Calling.  A smooth melody would play that would perhaps distract the duo for a time as he failed to find more materials. 

Click here for Familiar song Music


ID- 106960 -  (7) + 6 = 13 Fail

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I nod my head at hearing what Black says as i take out another journal and put away the other one with the new one being labeled simply. "The history of Aincrad." I open up the new journal and flips through the pages until i find the page that i was wanting as i hand the journal over towards you with the page being labeled simply. "Aereth." At the top of the page with the man's information following. That is Aereth the man that had killed his way to infamy and has made sure to kill only other player killers. He is a good person in terms of his intentions don't ever think that isn't the case it is just that i think he needs a good person to help him stay on track with such things. He has never done the redemption quest as far as i know, but that is just because i haven't had time to talk to him casually it is hard to do so when he is..kidna cold in demeanor i swear. I say with a disappointed look upon my face as i leave the book in your hands for a bit encase you wanted to flip through some of the other pages.

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Black reaches out with his tattered gloves to grip the journal as he adjusts his pack on his back. “Sounds like the kid has been watching too much Deathnote…” Black commented, alluding that the man had a similiar trope to light yagami. “An original vigilante..well, I guess he’s got his blade pointed in the right direction. It’s not like we have a police force in Aincrad, besides the NPCs, but they aren’t really concerned with Player’s internal affairs. 

He pauses to actually take time to read through the file. "Heh, looks like you would have made a good intel officer, just make sure you leave the part about my badass lightning powers in your papers..that'll be great for the headlines.." He chuckles lightly. "Oh, it would be good to have journalists..like a newspaper of sorts." He grins. "Of course, info brokers wouldn't like that..unless they got jobs from the company." 

Black pondered that for a moment as opened his eyes wide. "Hey, look, there it is...the Golden Lotus...i" He says as he gathers the tools to carefully get the plant. He looks left and right as suddenly he realizes they are near the top of the Volcano. "I heard that this can be used to help draw out a certain type of familiar....not exactly a higher chance..but a special form if I find this first. Black begins to look around. 


LD-13 +(6) = Success (T1 Material gathered)


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Yeah Aereth is a vigilante of sorts i just need to make sure that he sticks to the batman style of vigilante and not the red hood style of being a vigilante. I say with a nod of my head having learned enough about the comic book verse from just hearing about it from other people who were excited about such things, and having a bit of a personal liking towards it myself. Though having never read a comic before in my life just having heard about most things through word of mouth. I than smile ever so slightly at the compliment towards my want of trying to gather information as i nod my head at that with a slight amount of pride that comes from that fact. You don't really even know Black, but i am trying to learn as much as i can which has allowed me to learn many other things so that when this information comes about once more and can be applicable we can try to learn from our mistakes to avoid future tragedies. That the fact that Zelrius died from most likely what his guild did we can make sure that no future guilds like that get made to avoid more assassination attempts being made against frontliners. I say towards the player with a nod of my head as i take back my journal and puts it back into my inventory knowing that the players i could be adding to it will grow continuously the more that disappear and the more i can write down about them to make sure that their memory is never forgotten.

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Black shakes his head in an entertained manner as she takes a caper at the notorious vigilante. “Oh no, he’s not Batman..batman doesn’t kill people. He’s like a super pacifist..except in a few comics that aren’t canon. He’s definitely got some quirks. I hope we can keep him in line. What type of build is he? Don’t tell me...he’s one of them dagger using rogue types?” Black laughs after stating his impression of the usual style of assassin type classes found in most games. “So, you big into Marvel and DC and all that? I’m a big fan of Justice League and all that. “ He grins.

As she states her intentions openly, Black bobs his head in agreement shooting her a thumbs up. “Hey, sounds good to me. It’s vital intel...every little bit helps. Wait..Zelrius…? Man..that much drama with Guilds huh? Maybe that’s why so many people are solo players. Too much politics up top. Hard to keep people on the same page.” He admits.

“As for me, Hestia, my dream is to be the best chef in all of Aincrad! There’s this place I was thinking of becoming a student at called The Ichiban Restaurant..it’s on Floor Six near the Waterfall of the Sage. Lots of students come there to show off their culinary prowess.” He states, though he seems a bit worried. “I got to focus on making great food soon if I want to turn this dream into a reality. It also would put more buff foods out there to feed the troops on the Frontlines.”




Suddenly, the the active Volcano rumbled as dark black clouds swirled around the air. Emerging from the Volcano was a massive beast, living long in it’s slumber within the depths of the mighty mountain.




It was a ebony wolf with melanized fur as black as the monious clouds of smoke. A smoky visage emerged as it stepped out of the lava and growled threateningly at the duo imploring that they leave.


“Whoa, whoa whoa...calm down boy…” Black gulped, riddled with fear remembering the part of the story he had left out about the fight with the Gemini. It was not the Gemini, but the Wolf that had attacked Black afterwards that had brought him within inches to death and almost snap the fabric of his life.

Black holds a hand back to Hestia. “Hestia, it’s okay…” He says as he reaches into his backpack to produce the Golden Lotus plant that was a rare ingredient from his pack. As he mixed in with mortar and pestle and mixed in a vial of red dragonpowder, he looked at the beast with strands of lava adorning it’s body. His eyebrows arched at the beauty of it’s flaming tail. He set down a blackened and battered pot and poured the mixture inside allowing the temperature of the surface to cook the liquid into a boiling stew while the beast advanced and began to lap it up.

The beast had seemed very satisfied as it looked up to Black who had the lightning pendant adorning his neck. Black kept his sword at his side, just in case, and for some strange reason Revial resonated and electric charges began to organize and the bowl began to conduct the lightning as it surged through the bowl as the Wolf drank.

However, the most wondrous thing occurred, instead of the Wolf being harmed and attacking Black, it simply shifted forms with the surrounding element and became an electrically charged ghoul.  

“Holy shi-…” Black couldn’t believe his eyes as he stretched out his right gloved hand.




The beast crept closer and began to lick Black’s face and place his electrically charged paw on top of Black’s glove, signalling bonds that would foster friendship. It was at that time that an electric swirl engulfed him as he began to feel a static field of protection as his Mitigation points went up as the Familiar accepted Black as it's master. 




The Spectral ghoul began to sprout electrical wings as thunderstorms began to fill the black clouds in the sky.




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I chuckle softly at hearing the stereotypical response one might give at hearing their is someone killing killers as i shake my head no towards the response as i can't help but imagine Hikoru trying to do what Aereth does and finds the idea rather amusing to a extent. No Aereth goes in with his bare hands using martial arts to take down the player killers he goes up against and so far he has proven that is his best method of being able to do that since he hasn't died yet from trying to do so. I say with a small shrug of my shoulders towards the tank as we continue t make our way along the volacno and smiles slightly at the question and rubs the back of my neck ever so slightly out of embarrassment. I don't care that much one way or the either about one series or the other i've just watched and been entertained to an extent from both movie franchises i don't know much about things in that aspect of actual comics or something. I say towards my fellow tank with a nod of my head.

I glance forward as i watch the volcano go active as a rather large sized dog of what would be compared to the real life equivalence of a large canine make its appearance as i let out a low whistle of approval of its general look liking how the creature looks. I smile softly as i watch the beast go from hostile to a rather passive creature as it becomes the familiar of Black as i watch rather happily the interaction between the tank and his going to be companion as i can only hope that he learns to love his familiar whatever he is going to name it just as much as i myself love my Kuro. Looks like that you were able to find your familiar on your first try nice job on that by the way. I say with a rather happy smile on my face as i take a few steps forward to get a closer look towards this now electrical canine.

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Black laughs at Hestia’s comment. “I guess my luck just hasn’t ran out yet, huh?” He laughs as his left hand clings to his pendant with the electric symbol on it. Black seemed a bit surprised how one was able to tame a Wolf with such a matter, but of course, he did recognize this was a game and because of that, these taming processes could take a lot less time than in the real world. “Well, he sure beats the hell out of any pet I had back home. “ Black beams with delight at Hestia. “So..how’d you come up with the name Kuro anyway when you found your pet?” Black wears a knowing smile, wondering if Hestia knew what he was thinking. “I like this guys theme already. Way to present for team Lightning.” Black says as the crackle of electricity could be heard all around the familiar. “It’s kind of cool how he’s like a ghost wolf made of electricity.” 

He lifts off his feet. "Let's see if we can find another treat." Black states as he finds another Golden Lotus flower. "So, wait...people can fight bare handed in this game? Damn, I love a good brawl. Black, The Lightning Fist!" He chuckles at the thought. 

ID-106997 LD-9 (+6) = 15 Success

Total mats collected: 2 T1 Mats


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