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[LOWEST PRICES | F8 | (Rank 5) Assistant Alchemist] The Technicolor Tincture

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She had heard about a special Alchemist somewhere around these parts of the city. She decided to check for herself, as she needed some health pots just in case. She walked up into the store, and was surprised to see it was Ether who was running the store. Regardless, she asked "Hello, I am looking for some Health Potions, mind if I know how much it costs as well?". She reached into her pocket, she had a bit of col on her, and she was wondering it will probably be enough to finish that quest she had started.

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"I will take 2 HP pots then, let me know when I can come to pick them up later" says Rebekah, also unsure if she should pay now or later when she would pick up the hp pots. She knew that there were not many alchemist out here at least on floor 1, and felt relieved that she could go heal up and finish her quest.

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She arrived back at the store the next day, to find out that Ether had complete her order on short notice. "Thanks for completing my order" as she gave him 400 col for completing the transaction. The potions will boost her survivability on the battlefield, next time she faces fights.

She looks at the potions, she is short on col, "I'll pay you extra next time, to make up for the 200 col that I am short."

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The door closed quietly behind Lessa as the young woman entered the shop. Blue eyes swept over the displays, as she did her best to determine what it was she needed. She knew that her battles would only grow more difficult as her training progressed, and she would need to have potions at her disposal if she wanted to stay alive.

Moving to the front counter, she spotted the shopkeep. A grin spread across her lips. "Good afternoon," she greeted. "I am looking for basic health potions. I would be able to pay in materials or col, depending on what you're looking for."

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A couple of bangs were heard from somewhere behind the counter before Ether popped up, slightly frazzled, at the counter. He wasn't in his usual armour, just a T-shirt and some jeans. His dark brown hair looked unkempt and messy, be coughed a couple of times before continuing - "Welcome to my store!" he greeted her cheerfully, with a smile on his face.


Upon hearing her request, Ethereal immediately replied "I can whip you up some of them in no time flat, though I only take materials.". "How many and to what level of quality do you require?" he asked, curious. 

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  • Rolled a 8 on the d10 (battle) dice.
  • Rolled a 3 on the d12 (craft) dice.
  • Rolled a 8 on the d20 (loot) dice.


Rank 4: 91 total EXP and 5 Crafts a day

1=Epic fail 


3-4=bad Item 

5-8=Good Item

9-10=Uncommon Item

11=Rare Item

12= Perfect Item


Ether grabbed a leg of toad, mashing it into a paste and sprinkled some salt into it. Then he woke up to the fact that amphibians don't react particularly well to salt.

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  • Rolled a 8 on the d10 (battle) dice.
  • Rolled a 9 on the d12 (craft) dice.
  • Rolled a 2 on the d20 (loot) dice.

Rank 4: 92 total EXP and 5 Crafts a day

1=Epic fail 


3-4=bad Item 

5-8=Good Item

9-10=Uncommon Item

11=Rare Item

12= Perfect Item


Awkwardly, Eth put away his aberration of an attempt and grabbed some turpentine. He mixed it with magma cream in an attempt to make a healing salve. It crafted and he diluted it into a health potion.

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  • Rolled a 10 on the d10 (battle) dice.
  • Rolled a 6 on the d12 (craft) dice.
  • Rolled a 10 on the d20 (loot) dice.

Washing out a flask, Ether pours some powdered Nepent root into it and mixes it with rose water.


Rank 4: 95 total EXP and 5 Crafts a day

1=Epic fail 


3-4=bad Item 

5-8=Good Item

9-10=Uncommon Item

11=Rare Item

12= Perfect Item

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