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[F2 - PP] <<Breaking the Unbreakable>>

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They actually broke down a boulder! An cheered, not just for the guy who landed the last hit in one freakishly strong punch, but also for their team effort. They all had their own contributions after all, and she was pretty proud of her own! It was maybe the first time she truly felt like a part of a group with her own weight to pull and not just being endlessly dragged behind by the stronger players in her team. Sorry, Ara and Mish. Her time with them was lovely, but the teamwork in this group was a different thing entirely.

"I'll just keep taking quests! Or maybe I'll go down to Floor 1 and try to farm some Col from a <<Garden>>..." the silver-haired player happily listed off the possibilities as they drew away from the broken rock. "Or what if I just keep exploring...? There might be something else to find... hey, want me to stick with you guys until you reach the safe zone?"

Probably, they would agree.

But it was only later, when she was lounging behind the counter in her shop, did she realize...

An didn't even ask for their names.



  • 3 SP
  • 150 Col
  • <<Martial Arts>>


  • 3 SP
  • 150 Col


  • 3 SP
  • 100 Col
Edited by Andromeda
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