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[PP-F2] Cave of Wonders (Shaya+Zerva)

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Shaya could feel her lungs starting to collapse within her as she frantically swung her sword trying to pinpoint the monsters arm. She gives up on the whole arm as she starts to black out she just needed contact. She pointed the sword at her neck and stopped as soon as she hit something. Thankfully it was the monster's wrist, Shaya got up coughing and gasping for air, as she crawled away from the action.

Zerva 13/17

Shaya 11/17

Mirrored Mirage 14/20

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Sighing happily as Shaya freed herself, he tries to take advantage of the medusa-like creature retreating, however little it was! It seemed Zerva had finally gotten her attention, as she shifted towards him and swing one of her arms towards him again, nailing him in the face and making him growl, stepping backwards until the pixels in his eyes faded, for the moment he was blind!

Mirrored Mirage 14/20

Zerva 11/17

Shaya 11/17

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Zerva look out! Shaya yelled as he was blinded, the Mirage was right in front of him and he didn't even know it. Shaya sprinted at the monster hoping to get there in time. She jumped in front of Zerva blocking the swing of the monster's arm. Falling with a large thud, Shaya was cut in the stomach. Though it quickly healed from her ability.

Zerva 11/17

Shaya 10/17 (+1 battle healing)

Mirrored Mirage 14/20

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Zerva heard a blow, but felt nothing. He opened his eyes, still half blinded but the one eye he could see through saw Shaya getting hit! He clenched his dagger tightly and yells out in frustration at long last. "Gragh! Get it together, me!" He enters into his usual stance with his dagger forward as he focuses his opened eye towards the 'mirage'. Watching it's hand try to strike him again, he steps backwards, watching the hand slam into the ground in front of him. He slashes out with his dagger, damaging the serpent woman as he opens his second eye.

Zerva 11/17

Shaya 10/17

Mirrored Mirage 13/20

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Shaya opened her eyes seeing the Medusa-creature stuck to the ground on top of her. She reacted immediately thrusting her sword upward. The monster roared at her as she stabbed upward making her aim jump, cutting it's rib cage. Shaya quickly pulled her sword out and rolled away from the monster.

Zerva 11/17

Shaya 10/17 (1:21)

Mirrored Mirage 12/20

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Seeing that they were doing some good damage he didn't want the chance to go to waste, he steps forward once again, scowling still at the creature which was the target of his ire. With Shaya out from under the creature he lunges forward to sink his blade into the creature's shoulder, still rage-zenned out enough to land his blow and have enough sense to dodge to the side as she tries to swipe at him on her way back up.

Zerva 11/17

Shaya 10/17

Mirrored Mirage 11/20

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The monster getting stuck seemed to be the best thing that ever happened to Shaya, She ran behind the monster hoping it didn't notice her behind it. Shaya ran up to it with her sword charged for the next attack. The monster heard Shaya behind it and kicked backward sending her flying back. The monster still struggled to get it's hand out of the ground.

Zerva 11/17

Shaya 8/17

Mirrored Mirage 11/20

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Seeing Shaya get hit again he clenches his fist around his dagger, hoping for some more luck to head their way pretty soon. Dying here would be a major inconvenience for all involved. The medusa freed its arm as Zerva was about to try and strike it, using its regained arm to swing at him. Zerva blocks using his left arm, forgetting for a moment that it didn't much matter where he was hit, the damage went all around!

Zerva 9/17

Shaya 8/17

Mirrored Mirage 11/20

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Zerva heard her say that, his eyes glancing upward to confirm it before grinning when it was true. Strictly speaking the battle was just about equal so far, so he hoped the scales turned in their direction very soon so the snake woman would be at the disadvantage. Seeing an opening he charges forward to push her under the half-way point, cutting across the monster where snake and woman met! "Not anymore!"

Zerva 9/17

Shaya 8/17

Mirrored Mirage 9/20

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Zerva, seeing Shaya get a bit on the low-side, says "I hope you meant 'at all'!" He winks to her and stares towards the so called mirage, not wanting to die here of all places so soon. "Because I sure as hell am not letting it end here!" He readies his dagger and runs towards the medusa, swiftly dodging an attempt it made to strike him and leaping towards her, stabbing his blade into where it's heart would be, if AI even had hearts. Once that was done he eagerly stepped back and away from the naga before it could think of retaliating.

Zerva 9/17

Shaya 6/17

Mirrored Mirage 7/20

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Shaya saw the hit Zerva managed, Beautiful strike we just need a few more of those! She starts to run for the monster again knowing the battle will end soon, whether the mirage died or not. Her battle healing skill finished again as she pulled her sword back stabbing the monster near the spine, leaving a large hole in it's chest

Zerva 9/17

Shaya 7/17 (+1 battle healing)

Mirrored Mirage 5/20

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He smiles excitedly, seeing Shaya perform just as well as he just had. "Likewise to you!" He announces before circling to one side of the Naga, hoping that they could end this in just a few more blows if possible! As he charged towards the weakening monster he manages to give is a slash across it's side, giving it that much less room to win in the fight! With just a bit more luck they could both be called the winners!

Zerva 9/17

Shaya 7/17

Mirrored Mirage 4/20

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Shaya grins from ear to ear, the fight was finally looking up on their side. She looks at Zerva's attack building her confidence to the maximum amount possible. Let's finish this quickly, you know the rules for the last hit so let's make it even! I got the first one, now it's your turn! She charges at the monster again hoping to be that much closer to ending the battle. The monster swings at her, she dodges and cuts it's arm making it's health deplete further into the red zone.

Zerva 9/17

Shaya 7/17

Mirrored Mirage 3/20

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Zerva nodded in acceptance but says "Don't worry about greed though! Finish it when you can, not when it's convenient!" He didn't want to risk a death, they were not exactly close enough to winning to have the luxury of big risks. Besides, the item can just be handed over after the fight. He was momentarily distracted while saying those words, the medusa taking full advantage to turn hard, whipping her tail at him and hitting his legs out from under him with a thud!

Zerva 7/17

Shaya 7/17

Mirrored Mirage 3/20

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Shaya looked at Zerva as he was speaking, Zerva wa-. It was too late, the medusa already attacked him taking his legs out. Go back to hell from where you came! Shaya yelled as she ran up behind the monster. It clearly heard her approaching from behind turning and grabbing Shaya's head lifting her in the air squeezing it tighter and tighter.

Zerva 7/17

Shaya 5/17 (1:03)

Mirrored Mirage 3/20

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Zerva hissed, slamming his fist into the ground before forcing himself back onto his legs, seeing Shaya being grabbed by the snake! "Ohhh no!" He didn't want to allow the snake the chance to finish his friend, dagger gripped tightly as he charges out towards the two of them. "You let go of her!" He says in a rage before slashing at the creature with his anger making the blade that much harder hitting. The mirage was forced to release Shaya, as it's fingers had been severed without damage to his ally! "Almost there!!"

Zerva 7/17

Shaya 5/17

Mirrored Mirage 1/20

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"Alright this is it!" Shaya thought to herself. She fell to the ground with a thud landing on her butt. I'm ending it now! She aimed it the Mirages mid torso charging her sword. Another bad decision on her part, the boss didn't hesitate kicking her across the room causing her to roll to the edge next to the wall.

Zerva 7/17

Shaya 3/17 (0:43)

Mirrored Mirage 1/20

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Seeing Shaya going further away, he focused his gaze onto the snake woman. Now was his chance. While she was distracted he could try for the killing blow! He moves towards the monster which had caused them so much trouble, hoping to get as close as possible before being noticed! Having the element of stealth helping him, he leaped upward and with a satisfied grin he ran his dagger along the back of the mirage's neck, ending the creature once and for all and giving them some respite at long last! He watched as it shattered apart into countless pieces, throwing his hands into the air and doing a victory hop before moving to Shaya to see if she was okay. "Hey, you alright there?"

Zerva 7/17 Killing blow! No items dropped.

Shaya 3/17

Mirrored Mirage Dead

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