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[F14 - PP] From Fangs, to Flames | <<Cull of the Dead>>

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Nari’s hand hovered over the send button, reading the text again to make sure it was correct. She had Designed it as a group message – including a new player she had recently become acquainted with. But as she was getting ready to send it, she had thought that maybe it was too much on the friendly side.


Heard rumour of undead on floor fourteen, and possibly a sword skill to be had. Need some help with it, if you’re available? If not, I guess I could… maybe find someone. Thanks either way! Hope to see you tomorrow!

Shaking her head, Nari hit the send button, before heading to bed. She was being overly paranoid. It was just a stupid message. Even if she included some… well, that didn’t matter.

The morning alarm had woken her far sooner than she had wanted. And as she stood on what was likely considered the main courtyard of the settlement, just a few dozen steps away from the teleporter pad.

“Are you even listening to me?” Nari flushed slightly at the voice, ducking her head. In truth, she had zoned out a little bit, her thoughts drawn elsewhere.

“Sorry, earlier morning that I would have liked… Hey, are you busy today?” The girl wasn’t truly dressed as a warrior – not that that was saying much, seeing as they were in a safe zone. Her brown cloak covered a soft emerald coloured dress, which – as far as Nari was concerned – complimented the golden hair and dark forest green eyes.

The girl’s head tilted slightly, as if confused by the question, and Nari rushed to add to her question. “Sorry it’s just – I’m headed out with a group to complete a quest…they should be here soon, actually…and, well, I wanted to see if you wanted to come.”

A few pleasant denials later, an addition to a friend’s list, and Nari was left alone to wait, her eyes on the teleporter pad with a soft smile on her face.


Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 32 | P. 6 | HP: 720/720 | EN: 84/84 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 147 | ACC: 3 | REC: 8 | EVA: 0 | LD: 0 | STH: -5 | THORNS [72 DMG]

Tier 4

Laurel Wreath (Earn Col equivalent to 15% of player’s EXP earned in thread). 

Equipped Items

Länn Síonnäch Gheímhrídh [Tier 4; Polearm [One-handed Assault Spear]; Demonic] Standing at nearly 120 cm in length from tip to tip, this short spear contains a metallic-appearing shaft of shifting dark and light violet, twirling in a mesmerising pattern. The blade - connected by a metal collar of a blackness similar to a void - glints with an ice blue colouring, a shift of light violet visible in the surface at the right angle. Twin wrapped lengths of cord - a combination of ice blue and dark violet - hang from the metal collar, intertwining in a mesmerising pattern when in movement. Both sides of the blade, just above the collar, contain a curled white fox, the dark black eyes staring outwards.

| Enhancement: Paralyze [2 Slots] | Effect: Natural critical attack rolls of 9-10 (1 slot) or natural successful attack rolls of 8-10 (2 slots) remove the enemy’s action on their next turn. Paralyzed opponents lose any evasion properties.
| Enhancement: Accuracy [2 Slots] | Effect: Gain +(1 per slot) to the BD when attacking. Cannot be used to cause a critical hit.

Dark Fox's Reckoning [Tier 4; Heavy/Plate Armour] Forged to be shapely, this piece appears thinner than most pieces of heavy armour - leaving what appear to be openings towards the neckline, and the sides of the torso. Smaller shoulders leave limited protection towards the neck, but allow for greater movement. Coloured a dark violet, the edges of the piece outlined in a shifting soft silver, orange and red colour. Upon the chest's centre stands a white fox, slightly cured with fangs barred, black eyes staring out as if at the individual in front of the piece. 

| Enhancement: Recovery [1 Slot] | Effect: Before your post action, make a separate CD roll. On a natural CD7+, regain (1 per slot * Tier) additional energy. This CD roll may also apply to activating the effects of Vamp-Def.

| Enhancement: Heavy Momentum [1 Slot] | Effect: After an unsuccessful attack, gain +(1 per slot * Tier) base damage until your next successful attack, at which point this bonus is removed. Another unsuccessful attack will reactivate this enhancement. Must be using the Heavy Armor Skill for this enhancement to take effect. [For Area of Effect attacks: This effect only activates if you miss all enemies targeted by the attack.]

| Enhancement: Taunt [1 Slot] | Effect: +1 Hate generated from Howl, Focused Howl, and successful attacks.

Dark Fox's Retribution [Tier 4; Celtic Shield] Similar to a wall shield, this piece stands nearly 137cm tall, and nearly 76 cm wide - easily covering the form of a shorter individual. Tapered on the sides, the shield seems to bend inwards slightly on its edges, a perfect opening for an outwardly weapon to be levelled through. The top and bottom edges slightly bend inwards, giving the impression of a less than straight appearance. Coloured in a dark violet, with edges of dark forest green, a white fox, slightly cured with fangs barred is emblazoned on its centre, appearing as if ready to strike. 

| Enhancement: Recovery [1 Slot] | Effect: Before your post action, make a separate CD roll. On a natural CD7+, regain (1 per slot * Tier) additional energy. This CD roll may also apply to activating the effects of Vamp-Def.

| Enhancement: Thorns [2 Slots] | Effect: Successful non-critical attacks against you deal (9 * Tier) unmitigated damage to the attacking enemy. Only activates on damage dealing, melee attacks.


Battle-Ready Inventory

Teleport Crystal {3}
Arrowhead Brooch | Tier 1 Perfect Trinket | Accuracy III
Music Box | Tier 1 Perfect Trinket | LD III
Starter Healing Potions {5} | Heals 50 HP
Super-Duper Anti Snake Sauce (Salve) | Antidote 2
Pure Unadulterated Rage (Meals) | Mitigation 3



T1 Uncommon Health Potions {5} | Heals 5% of Maximum HP
T1 Uncommon Damage Potion {1} | +1 DMG for an entire thread
T1 Uncommon Overhealth Potion {1} | Adds 5% of Maximum HP to users Maximum HP for a thread
T1 Rare Health Potions {1} | Heals 10% of Maximum HP
T1 Monkey Agility {2} | Evasion 1


Combat Skills

Battle Healing
Rank 2
Effect: While in combat, recover 1% per rank of your maximum HP (rounded down) at the beginning of your turn.


Weapon Skills

Rank 5
Effect: +7 DMG

[Rank 5 Weapon Addon] Stamina
Effect: Reduces EN of all attacks by 2.

[Rank 5 Weapon Addon] Precision
Effect: Gain +1 ACC.

[Rank 5 Weapon Addon] <<Weapon Type>> Focus
Effect: Decreases minor critical threshold by 1. Also reduces DoT thresholds by 1. Players cannot use Focus and Ferocity at the same time for the same Weapon Type.

[Rank 5 Shift] TECH Specialist
Effect: For TECH Sword Arts, +4 to multipliers, +3 to EN cost. No other Shifts may be taken.


Sword Arts

[x12] ST-I (12 EN) | A single-target sword art.
[x15] ST-II (15 EN) | A powerful single-target sword art. Only available for use when ST-I was used and successfully struck an enemy the previous turn or if ST-II had been used and had missed the previous turn.
[x20] ST-B (20 EN) | A devastating single-target sword art. Can only be used if the sword art used the previous turn is not ST-B and had rolled a natural CD9+. When performing an AoE attack, use only the first roll.
[x11] AOE-I (11 + 2 * targets EN) | AOE | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once.
[x14] AOE-II (14 + 2 * targets EN) | AOE | A powerful sword art that strikes multiple targets at once. Only available for use when AOE-I was used and successfully struck an enemy the previous turn or if AOE-II had been used and had missed the previous turn.
[x16] TECH-A (16 EN) | STUN | A single-target sword art that stuns an enemy.
[x16] TECH-B (15 EN) | DELAY | A single-target sword art that, on a successful strike, applies [Delay] on the enemy. [Delay] is a status condition that reduces the enemy’s ACC by 1 for one turn.
[x16] TECH-C (15 EN) | COUNTER | A single-target sword art that, on a successful strike, places [Counter] around the player. [Counter] reduces the final damage taken by its user by 25% (rounded down) for one turn.
[x16] TECH-D (15 EN) | SHATTER | A single-target sword art that applies [Shatter] to an enemy for 3 turns. [Shatter] is a debuff that can stack up to a cap of 3. Each stack of [Shatter] removes -20 MIT from an enemy, down to 0, if it has MIT. 
[x12] TECH-F (11 + 2 * targets EN) | AOE STUN | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once. All struck targets are stunned for one turn.
[x3] RAW-A (10 EN) | THORNS | A single-target sword art that utilizes the [Thorns] of the individual against the enemy. Other types of enhancements that apply damage upon contact with the individual are also considered in improving the damage of this sword art (eg. Immolation Potion, Flame/Frost Aura, etc). Outgoing damage is considered mitigatable.  Must have a weapon equipped to activate this sword art.


Armour Skills

Heavy Armor
Rank 5
Effect: MIT + 35. You can only benefit from one armour skill at a time (the respective armour type must be equipped). Your evasion is capped at 1 enhancement slot and you take -1 to Stealth Rating per rank.

[Rank 5 Heavy Armor Addon] Iron Skin
Effect: Gain +15 Mitigation and +15 * Tier HP


Extra Skills

Active: Post action
Energy cost: 9 EN
Cooldown: 3 Turns
Effect: Apply the energy cost upon proc, not activation. Reduces the final damage of the next successful attack against you by 50% (rounded down) and negates stun/paralysis effects of that attack. If hit by multiple attacks, only apply parry to the first attack against you. Parry lasts for three turns. Cooldown starts when the player activates the Skill. If the player is hit when using Parry, the cooldown is reset to 3 turns.

[Parry Mod] Vengeful Riposte
Cooldown: 4 Turns
Effect: A successful Parry also returns 50% (rounded down) of the raw damage that would be dealt to you back to your opponent. The reflected damage can be mitigated by the opponent.


Block [Requires two Extra Skill slots]
Effect: Requires an equipped shield. User’s evasion cannot be greater than 0 (can still be negative). Grants additional mitigation:
Rank 5: 25 MIT
Combat Mastery


Combat Mastery: Mitigation
[Expert] -> Rank 3
Effect: Gain +6*Tier Mitigation per rank. Ranks of this Skill apply to Mitigation enhancement caps.

Estate Buffs

Effect: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat

Storage Closet
Effect: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot


Word Count: 332


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Rebekah had received a message when she woke up this morning. As she got the message, she quickly scrambled and started to pack all the necessary food she would like to bring to this quest. It was going to be a long day of fighting, so Rebekah figured that having some food would always be very useful, especially if anyone may want to eat. She never knew if any of the food she used will be used but it was always better to bring it just in case.

She had heard about the quest on floor fourteen, but Rebekah have never thought she was strong enough to do it solo. Therefore it had not crossed her mind that she would be going on this quest so soon. Rebekah had spoken to the blacksmith who crafted her new equipment the other day, and she told her they were looking for one more player to assist with their party. Therefore, Rebekah decided to join, as it was an opportunity to challenge herself and to meet new players.

As she had walked to the teleportation pad, the first person she noticed was the friendly blacksmith from the other day. Rebekah was very early to the party, but she was fine with that. She did not want to others to be waiting for her. "Good Morning, Nari. How was your morning?" She said. "Thank you for inviting me along today."

"I have brought some extra consumables, so please let me know if anyone is interested." Rebekah said.


Level 32 | P  6 | HP 720/720 | EN 84/84 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 98 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 1 | LD: 4
BH 39 | Survival +10% | Thorns 36 | EN -2

Tier 4 -
Laurel Wreath

Laevateinn II (T4 RAPIER) 3 [DMG]
 Silver Necklace (T4 Trinket) 3 [ACC]
Frozen Dress (T4 HA) 2 [MIT] 1 [Throns]

Weapon Skill (R5) | 7 [DMG]
Battle Healing (R5) | 5% (36 HP)
Heavy Armour (R5) | 35 [MIT]
Searching (R4) | 4 [LD] 4 [SD]

Combat Masteries:
Evasion (R1) | 1 [EVA]

Ferocity | 2 [DMG]
Precision | 1 [ACC]
Stamina | 2 [EN]


Forager (R1)  - 9/49 EXP

Unbroken (T4 Shield) 2 [MIT] [Anti-freeze]
Ketchup Chips - Probiotics (-12 DoT per turn) ID: 204292, 204294
Poutine - Overhealth (+5% Max HP) ID: 203690 203691 203856 203858
Nanaimo Bar (+1 ACC) ID: 203509-1 203509-2
California Roll (+60 MIT) ID 203854 203857

Trading Hall
Treasury | + 5% mobs + 10% treasure chest


251 words


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Astreya gave a small scream, her hands in her hair as she threw one of the mangled materials from her workshop onto the ground.  "Songs are stupid!  Music is stupid!  Jomei is stupid.  Aaauuuuugh!" the woman howled as she tossed a pile of music-inscribed papers into the air before sitting down on the floor, clearly annoyed beyond all reason at the moment.  She had met with the musician, Jomei.  She'd learned how to sing a little bit.  She felt really confident when she was leaving (and happy that she'd seemed to make a difference to him) but when she was back on her own it was the same old failures.

She exhaled softly, lifting a hand up to her face.  The bubbly, cheery expression wasn't present at all on her features.  Alone, without need to put on the show, she was rather...somber, at the moment.  "I need a break.  I can't do this right now," she murmured, shifting upward into a standing position, leaning against the counter.  "Maybe just a walk around the town.  It's late- there won't be a lot of people to run into-" she began, talking herself up to doing something, when a message came through.  "Nari?" she asked aloud, before reading it over.  

That could be interesting.  It seemed a little dangerous from what she'd learned from Bismuth, but with Nari and some of these other people there... she recognized the name NIGHT from Koga's party.  That had been someone he'd suggested she talk to about the Front Lines.  She tilted her head back and forth before nodding, sending the response back out to her violet friend.


From: Astreya
To: Nari-Lanreth
Message: Yeah!!!  I'm totally down!  I'll see you tomorrow!!

Satisfied with the number of exclamation marks, Astreya nodded, before deciding to just sleep in her shop again.


The following day, she appeared in the teleporter for the Fourteenth Floor, and as she did, she saw her friend speaking with a pink-haired girl she didn't recognize.  "Nari~!  Hey!" Astreya cheered as she hopped over, beaming a sunny smile at her friend before she glanced to the one she didn't quite recognize.  "Heyyy!  I'm Astreya!  Or Iris- whatever, like, totally works better for you, y'know?" she spoke, turning the sunny smile onto Rebekah.

Astreya Statblock (Totally stole Rebekah's format)-



Level 32 / 11 | HP 740/740 | EN 106/106 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 122 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 0 | LD: 1 | BH: 37 | Taunt: 1 | Prosperity: 1

Glacial Blade - T4 | [ACC][DMG][DMG]
Battle Dress MK III - T4 | [MIT][MIT][MIT]
Hoya of the West - T1 | [ACC][ACC][PROSPERITY]

Weapon Skill (R5) | 7 Damage
Battle Healing (R5) | 5% (37 HP)
Heavy Armour (R5) | 35 Mitigation

Impetus | +1 Damage

Combat Masteries:
Accuracy (R3) | [ACC][ACC][ACC]

Ferocity | +2 Damage
Precision | +1 Accuracy
Stamina | -2 Energy Consumption
Iron Skin | +15 Mitigation | +60 HP

Concentration | Gain AA for 1 Attack | CD: 5

Hunting Familiar | Roll LD/CD without bonuses as if looting a loot-min Mob

Forager (R3)  - 193/299 EXP

Divinity's Wait | +45 MIT | 178263-2
Health Potion x3 | +10% HP | Quest Reward
Damage Potion | +1 Damage | Quest Reward
Overhealth Potion | +5% MHP | Quest Reward
Spotlight | T2 Trinket | [Taunt][Recovery]



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How had her random wandering led her to this place? Even traveling down the floors from the boss towers, Yuki had yet to realize just how far she had made it from floor 24. Ten whole levels later she was sitting in floor 14, an infernal landscape that could incite horror in the hearts of the weak. Her pondering might make her think that she was one of those people, bailing on the recent floor boss fight to reflect on herself but still she walked through the open area uncaring of every monster that haplessly swiped at her. Each one met the same fate, nothing but death. The loot wasn't even worth picking up at her level so soon it would just dissipate into nothing.

Awhile later, she would find herself in the main settlement of Stonewall. Floor 14 was a pretty quiet place if she recalled. It was dreary for most players to want to stay on it for long. However it seemed a small group was forming in the square. She counted three people - All female with gear pretty close to her own level. She didn't recognize any of them as frontliners, though. Perhaps they were wanting to go that route, or they only leveled to keep themselves safe and alive. Both were admirable to the fallen paladin.

With a bit of hesitation, the pinkette would start walking their way. Without using her words, all they would hear as she approached would be the quiet clicking of her heels on stone. She would stop once she was close enough, look to them then to the teleporter in the square, then back to them. "Waiting on another friend to join you for a quest?" The girl would say, her voice surprisingly deep for what one might expect. "If you're in need of a tank, I would be happy to oblige. Frontliner, Zajcica. You may call me Yuki. My defense is impenetrable." It might be bragging a bit too those lower than her in level, but it was truth nonetheless. She would wait for answer before deciding if she would continue her walk.


Zajcica, Pink Paladin
Level: 32
Paragon Level: 38
HP: 840/840
EN: 96/96

Damage: 2
Mitigation: 220
Battle Healing: 46
Loot Dice: 5
FL. AURA: 16
ACC: 1
Heavy Momentum: 1
BLD: 2
REC: 8

Equipped Gear:
Weapon: Roaring Talon(T4/Katana/Per) | Bleed II; ACC I
Armor: Jack's Plate(T4/HA/Per) | Fl. Aura II; Taunt
Misc: Rending Claw(T4/HA/Per) | Thorns II; HM I

Heavy Armor R5
Battle Healing R5
Fighting Spirit
Searching R5

Active Mods:
Iron Skin
Focused Howl

Inactive Mods:

Active Extra Skills:
Block R5
Leadership R1

Inactive Extra Skills:

Battle Ready Inventory:
Teleportation Crystal: 1
Mochi | LD III


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Closing out the menu, Nari smiled at the two girls as they joined her, greeting each in kind.

“Morning to you both. Consumables sound… good? I’ve never actually used any. I generally just… well, try not to die.”

Shifting her spear slightly she’ll watch the approach of another, this one appearing to be interested in their little meeting. The moment her introduction was completed, Nari smiled, extending out her right hand in welcome.

“We would love to have you join us, we were just getting ready to complete the quest on this floor. I’m Nari, this is Astreya – or Iris, depending on how friendly you are, and this is Rebekah.” Another shy smile, and she’ll add, “Seems like we’re tank heavy, which isn’t a bad thing. Anything we should know for tactics before we head in? I tend to focus on tech strikes, so a lot of debuffs from that. What about everyone else?”

Her eyes will roam the area as she speaks, keeping an eye out for another, but not spotting the face she expected – or hoped – to see. Shrugging inwardly to herself, she’ll return her focus to the group with her currently, wondering at how things had changed for her, and wondering what had kept the other away.



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As Rebekah was the second player to arrive, she did not have to wait long for the next person to arrive. A dark haired girl by the name of Astreya. Rebekah had never met her before, but hoped to get to know her better. She had a bubbly personalty, and was very cheerful. "Hello Astreya, I am Rebekah." She introduced herself.

Just when she had finished, the pink hair girl had greeted their party. She introduced her name, Zajcica, and then spoke a bit about being a tank. It was perfect, their party had a tank which would be very useful especially on more challenging boss fights.

It was now time for her to introduce herself and decide on what role she would play in the party. "I am an all-around rapier user who focuses on accuracy, so I have not specialized in any single skill." She continued.

Rebekah knew that she would not make a good tank since she did not specialize in any skills. She looked around at the other players, she was the weakest member out of the four of them. While she may have the most experience, Rebekah has not joined a party to fight bosses in almost seven years. Rebekah would not be surprised if she would have to learn quickly how to fight as a group on the battlefield again.


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Astreya had to try quite hard not to smile at the changes that had come in Nari over the recent months.  When she'd first met the girl back at that Christmas Party, she'd been timid and shy and barely able to come out of her shell for more than a moment or two before diving back in- usually protected by Astreya in some way.  The two of them had grown recently, and it looked like the determination to succeed that she saw in Nari was starting to really take shape- the girl was even more outspoken and far less generally socially fearful than she'd been.  

She had changed, of course, over time, but her first memory would always be the poor girl had 'forgotten her house in her oven' and the chat outside.

"Nice to, like, meet you!" she cheered, looking from Rebekah over to the new girl who'd come along as well, and Astreya beamed her smile there as well.  "And you too!" she called.  "So like, I'm sorta like Becky here and like, I don't really have a specialization?  I sorta have a defensive build...just mostly to, like, stay alive," she continued, beaming a grin as she bounced in place a little, the usual unspent energy thrumming through her.  

"But like, I totally wanna try to tank on the front lines some day maybe so like, if you're some sorta super tank, maybe I can, like totally get some tips?" she spoke, looking to Yuki, excitement in her eyes.

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After confirming that the team was hoping to do a quest, Yuki would nod and reach into her inventory. Scrolling through the menus, she would find herself a nice little immolation potion that she constantly had downed before. It was her only way helping the team besides being a meat shield, but recent discoveries had put her towards changing her build slightly. The ability to withstand any attack while also returning damage like her friendly damagers could do.

While discussing some strategy, the pink-haired paladin would chime in. "I focus solely on being a bruiser, to use the MMO term. While I'm strictly a tank, I can still dish out as much as I can take. Allow me to be your front line while you all focus on doing as much damage as you can." She would respond, accepting the quest, since for some reason she herself had never done it, then beginning to lead the way forward.

As Becky, she called herself, spoke up to her specifically, Yuki would rub the back of her head. "Well, I'm not really much of a teacher. When it comes to tanking, assurance is all in your numbers. Being able to take damage and sustain it until something dies, so to speak. My build utilizes thorns with high defense that allows me to kill things before they can kill me. It basically ensures that I cannot lose a fight." The girl would say, still unsure if it was at all helpful.


Using T4 Immolation pot | +40 Thorns


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Nodding while the three others confirmed their specialties, Nari will let her eyes roam around the area. She wasn’t a fan of the location – it was far more sombre than the floor she called home, even if there was daylight here. Cocking her head at the woman – Yuki’s, her name was Yuki – Nari will finally speak up, a look of pause on her face.

“Well, I don’t know how much damage I can do per se, but…I, like you also deal back from what I take – although likely not nearly as much as you do…I’m guessing we should avoid paralysing the creatures where possible then?” She’ll smile slight before continuing. “I only ask because normally that’s my first move out of the gate – stun them so that I can follow up while they can’t move. Helps when you do mostly soloing…at least, in my case it does…”

Her eyes will wander over the area as she talks, knowing that something about the place feels off, but not entirely sure what. Tossing it aside as nothing more than a ghost feeling, she’ll start walking towards the exit of the heading in the direction her information broker had noted she would find the beginning of the quest. ‘It’s odd they didn’t have a ton of information on it…supposedly some people have already completed this – a few times, even…’


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After listening to everyone discuss their skills, it was time to find out more information about the quest they will undertake. However, nobody has heard about the quest before, so it must be new. She knew there was always a danger being one of the first groups to try the quest, but she was working as part of a group. As Rebekah spoke, "I guess it is time to find to find Lilith? I believe we need to head out of just out of the town." Rebekah looked back at the quest dialogue, and they would need to held towards the outskirts of the settlement of StoneWell.

As Rebekah thought about the composition of their group, she realized they had a decent group. Yuki would be the primary tank, with Nari and Astreya having strong defensive builds. Rebekah, had a slightly stronger raw damage build. She knew she would need to stay find a way to stay safe in combat. As the group began to head out, Rebekah finally had a chance to eat a small meal. She knew she would need the extra strength today, and she needed to increase her ability to survive in this brand new but unknown quest.


Rebekah consumes Poutine # 203690 + 5% HP


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  • 2 weeks later...

Astreya looked on at Yuki as the woman spoke up regarding her own thoughts on the matter.  It was...a weird viewpoint, to Astreya.  Of course, the girl wasn't a gamer- she didn't really have that same background when it came to others in the same boat.  To her, it was a much more physical, and real activity, so the idea of having confidence in the 'numbers' she had was a hard pill for her to swallow.  Even against lower level enemies, she still sometimes flinched when an attack came her way, even if it wouldn't do more than one or two damage to her, just because she could see it coming.  "Okay...got it," she spoke with a small nod. 

She didn't really, and that might be clear to everyone else that was present but she didn't really mind.  She'd have to learn more as time went on- and to do as the woman said... and start to look at the world as more of a game where everything was ruled by the numbers rather than anything else.  If she had more attack power and defenses than an opponent, she should be able to still just win, right?  That was how it went?  

All the same, she moved along with everyone else, the girl unnaturally quiet.  Perhaps she was considering Yuki's words or perhaps it was just the atmosphere?

However, as soon as she realized that the air was full of silence, that seemed to grate on her enough to break through her thoughts.  "Okay so like, we'll let Yuki and Nari take point.  Becky here and I can like, smash stuff and then we'll call it a day," the girl spoke, nodding to herself, even as they approached the outskirts... only to find a battle happening.  

A dark-haired woman fought alone against several NPCs, killing several and seeming draining their life force before a lucky strike from the leader sends the woman away.  "Heyyyy!  Are you guys like, okay?" she called out to the NPC.  


"Lilith tested us again. She's retreated for now, but will return. She does a damn good job keeping us on the ropes." The captain returns his weapon to his sheath before casting an eye to his men. "She managed to get a couple of my men and a few of the local guards. I managed to chase her off, but she is near-immortal without a holy weapon." He points towards the distant South. "The only one I know of is within the Ashen Keep. However, I don't have men to spare to retrieve it. Stonewall won't lend me any assistance either." Once the party offers assistance, Harkens will raise an eyebrow. "You'd be willing to delve into an old keep, battle whatever may be inside and claim the weapon? If you are capable of that, you might as well try your luck at killing Lilith then. Careful though, she is a tricky one."

Astreya blinked, before glancing at the rest of her party.  "Uh.. To the South?" she asked, tilting her head slightly.

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The group was now rallied together. Yuki was the spearhead of them all, leading the charge into battle. Astreya's response to her advice seemed to be taken somewhat lightly. Perhaps she had some doubts of her own and the fallen paladin couldn't really fault her for it. They only had one life and they had to make the most of it. That's why Yuki learned this MMO stuff. She needed to be able to protect herself and others from certain doom. "Your confidence is the team's confidence, friend. The blade of a sword is dull, it will not cut. Likewise, if a tank does not lead and show the team what they're capable of, you might as well be a dull sword."

Nari's comments about her damage and stun was answered with a shake of her head. "It will only reduce my damage by a little. I'm looking to try out a new, fun technique I just learned about so it shouldn't hurt." As they continued to walk, the NPCs that where apart of the quest would meet with them. Yuki would listen to them and nod. "It scares me none, ser." The pink haired tank would say before turning in the direction of the keep. "Victory is nothing but assured when I stand on the battlefield." And the girl would start making her way to the keep.

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Nari considered the other woman’s words as she followed along behind on the path to the keep. It was fair to argue that the tank should lead, that they needed to call upon the others in a group in order to persuade advance, but Nari disagreed with the idea that they were the blade. Walking up beside Yuki, she spoke her piece.

“You’re right, about the need for a tank to lead. To be at the forefront. But I do not agree that we are meant to be the blade, for the blade is the one who deals the death blow – the one that strikes out and finishes the fight. That is not the role of the tank, instead it is the tank whom acts as the shield – providing cover for the blade, providing guidance and alignment. I would counter, that it is not the dull blade that needs to be concerned, but the battered shield – for if it takes too much of the brunt, it will bend and yield, and no more will it defend that which lays behind it.”

Her gaze strode towards the horizon, considering the role she had chosen, and the path it led her on. She listened, as the others talked, but kept her focus on the growing keep – wondering more so what they would find inside, once they had arrived.


Word Count: 226


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As the group continued on their journey to Ashen Keep, they had kept discussing on how the group should function on the battlefield. Rebekah kept eating while listening to their conversation. She had not had much recent experience fighting with multiple players recently, so she wanted to hear the rest of their opinion. Yuki and Nari had made decent comments but Rebekah did not fully agree with both of them.

"But the blade can be anyone whose job is to deal damage, it does not need to be one dealing the final blow." Rebekah said. "However, only the tank can be the shield. A battered shield is much worse than a dull blade. A dull blade can be sharpen in the middle of the battle but a battered shield cannot be replaced."

After finishing her poutine, she got to work begin to eating some california rolls. She was quite hungry for their trip today and thought the extra food would come into handy. The group could finally see Ashen Keep up ahead. It had looked like a disaster had struck the place. Once could see the whole place was deserted from a distances away. It had looked like a fire had ravage through the place a long time ago.


Rebekah consumes California Roll 203854 +60 MIT


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As the pink-haired woman began to speak, Astreya blinked, giving a small nod.  The confidence of the team was led by the tank, or at the very least, by the weakest link.  It was hard to say really which one the woman had meant by that.  As Yuki continued, comparing it to the blade of a sword, she blinked, tilting her head a little bit to the side.  That...made a weird amount of sense.  She had been considering her own thought to the response, in likening it to her volleyball or cheer leading teams she often spoke of, but before she could, Nari spoke up then, adding to the metaphor about the sword by adding in the shield, and then Rebekah onto that, and Astreya couldn't help but to give a little smile toward the group as they walked.

"Okay, like, you guys are like talking way outside of this metaphor," the girl spoke, laughing.  "Like, I know it's a like, game, or whatever, and that things are dangerous here but like... not everything is like swords and shields and all that.  You guys sound like my friends that played like D&D or whatever back in college," the girl continued, still laughing a little bit despite herself.  She didn't really mean to offend anyone with that, and she really hoped she hadn't, but it felt like Yuki's metaphor had been missed entirely and taken a bit too literally.

"Like," she began as they approached the ruined courtyard where the fancy sword supposedly was, "I think that like, Yuki mostly just meant that like... if the team doesn't have any confidence in like, the tank, or in each other, that it's as useful as like, eating soup with a fork.  Not that the tank actually is like, a sword, or whatever," the girl continued, humor still in her tone before she paused, coming to a stop just outside of the courtyard... and seeing the pristine sword within.

"Okay, that looks like the biggest trap I have totally ever seen."

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If this was a cartoon, a sweat drop would be running down Yuki's head right now. It seemed that they took her metaphor a little too literally. Maybe it wasn't the best comparison but it got the point across to Becky at the least. "Of course, tanks are not literally swords. Like Becky said, I only meant to say that you're a rallying flag in the face of adversity. If you believe in your team, they'll believe in you. Be that inspiration to them and they will follow you come hell or high water."

As they stepped into the courtyard, Yuki walked in fearing absolutely nothing. Her bravado may look suicidal to others but if there's one thing the tank knew, it's that nothing in this game, save two bosses, has ever made her made her feel fear. "If it's a trap, I will be ready for it. Be ready for any ambush attacks you guys." Yuki would say dutifully, her deceivingly deep voice bellowing as her hand grasped the handle. From the moment she touched it, the blade's information would appear in front of her. A wonderfully crafted blade, blazing ready with the fires of heaven. 

"It's blessed. The weapon will form to the player's level. It also has Holy 2 and Burn on it. I cannot wield this or it will make me inaccurate. Who has a high accuracy stat here?" Yuki would ask the party but before she could draw it, shambles of the remaining would awake. "Trap indeed. Someone who can wield this sword take it. It's a powerful weapon that will bolster your damage."

The zombie like beings would then run to the machina around. Yuki's brow would furrow. "They're attracted to the automatons. Take them down quickly before they power them up!"

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Nari’s gaze was pulled from the sword towards the numerous undead creatures that had arisen from…well, she wasn’t quite sure where. She could see a group of them heading towards what appeared to be a large, machine. Similar in appearance to a humanoid, and likely some sort of construct that would assist them in battle. She decided she’d prefer not to find out exactly what it could do.

“You got it.” She replied to Yuki’s call, dashing across the small distance before leading into a twirl in an attempt to catch the creatures with her spear. The glitter of the violet trail shinning against the otherwise dull air as she coursed through the air, as she activated the skill in an attempt to catch and strike all four. It was a dangerous maneuver, in the real world. But in this game, in this place, it was something that she could get away with without huge amounts of worry or concern. ‘It just goes to show…how much difference there is…’


Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 32 | P. 6 | HP: 720/720 | EN: 84/84 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 147 | ACC: 3 | REC: 8 | EVA: 0 | LD: 0 | STH: -5 | THORNS [72 DMG] | BH [+14] | Heavy Momentum: 1
Rebekah | Level 32 | P  6 | HP 720/720 | EN 84/84 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 98 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 1 | LD: 4 | BH 39 | Survival +10% | Thorns 36 | EN -2
Astreya | Level 32 / 11 | HP 740/740 | EN 106/106 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 122 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 0 | LD: 1 | BH: 37 | Taunt: 1 | Prosperity: 1

Zajcica, Pink Paladin | Level: 32 | Paragon Level: 38 | HP: 840/840 | EN: 96/96 | Damage: 2 | Mitigation: 220 | Battle Healing: 46 | Loot Dice: 5 | FL. AURA: 16 | ACC: 1 | Heavy Momentum: 1 | BLD: 2 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | THRNS: 72

Red Cloak Revenant 1HP: 1000/1000 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 75 | Paralytic Immunity
Red Cloak Revenant 2HP: 1000/1000 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 75 | Paralytic Immunity
Red Cloak Revenant 3HP: 1000/1000 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 75 | Paralytic Immunity
Red Cloak Revenant 4 | HP: 1000/1000 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 75 | Paralytic Immunity
Undead | The Holy enhancement is twice as effective against this mob. Vampiric (Offensive and Defensive) enhancements are only half as effective in combat with this mob.
Activate! | This mob will passively seek to engage the <<Ancient Mechanical Constructs>>. When a Red Cloaked Revenant attacks, use the CD value from that roll to determine how much to increase the activation score of an Ancient Mechanical Construct. CD:1-6: +5 Activation Score, CD:7-12: +10 Activation Score.  When the total activation score reaches 30, one of the Ancient Mechanical Constructs enters the fray.  Additional constructs will activate at each multiple of 30 until all Red Cloaked Revenants are dead.
Unrelenting Swarm | Red Cloaked Revenants will replace their fallen allies immediately after they are defeated. This will continue until all of them have been dispatched. 

Round One
ID207113 | BD: 7 + 3 = 10 | <<Tech-F vs. Red Cloak 1>>
| Hit. | 8 x 12 = 96 - 75 = 21 DMG | Stunned
ID207114 | BD: 4 + 3 = 7 | <<Tech-F vs. Red Cloak 2>>
| Hit. | 8 x 12 = 96 - 75 = 21 DMG | Stunned
ID207114 | BD: 4 + 3 = 7 | <<Tech-F vs. Red Cloak 3>>
| Hit. | 8 x 12 = 96 - 75 = 21 DMG | Stunned
ID207114 | BD: 4 + 3 = 7 | <<Tech-F vs. Red Cloak 4>>
| Hit. | 8 x 12 = 96 - 75 = 21 DMG | Stunned

Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 32 | P. 6 | HP: 720/720 | EN: 68/84 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 147 | ACC: 3 | REC: 8 | EVA: 0 | LD: 0 | STH: -5 | THORNS [72 DMG] | BH [+14] | Heavy Momentum: 1
Rebekah | Level 32 | P  6 | HP 720/720 | EN 84/84 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 98 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 1 | LD: 4 | BH 39 | Survival +10% | Thorns 36 | EN -2
Astreya | Level 32 / 11 | HP 740/740 | EN 106/106 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 122 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 0 | LD: 1 | BH: 37 | Taunt: 1 | Prosperity: 1

Zajcica, Pink Paladin | Level: 32 | Paragon Level: 38 | HP: 840/840 | EN: 96/96 | Damage: 2 | Mitigation: 220 | Battle Healing: 46 | Loot Dice: 5 | FL. AURA: 16 | ACC: 1 | Heavy Momentum: 1 | BLD: 2 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | THRNS: 72

Red Cloak Revenant 1HP: 979/1000 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 75 | Paralytic Immunity | Stunned
Red Cloak Revenant 2HP: 979/1000 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 75 | Paralytic Immunity | Stunned 
Red Cloak Revenant 3HP: 979/1000 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 75 | Paralytic Immunity | Stunned
Red Cloak Revenant 4 | HP: 979/1000 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 75 | Paralytic Immunity | Stunned
Undead | The Holy enhancement is twice as effective against this mob. Vampiric (Offensive and Defensive) enhancements are only half as effective in combat with this mob.
Activate! | This mob will passively seek to engage the <<Ancient Mechanical Constructs>>. When a Red Cloaked Revenant attacks, use the CD value from that roll to determine how much to increase the activation score of an Ancient Mechanical Construct. CD:1-6: +5 Activation Score, CD:7-12: +10 Activation Score.  When the total activation score reaches 30, one of the Ancient Mechanical Constructs enters the fray.  Additional constructs will activate at each multiple of 30 until all Red Cloaked Revenants are dead.
Unrelenting Swarm | Red Cloaked Revenants will replace their fallen allies immediately after they are defeated. This will continue until all of them have been dispatched. 


Word Count: 169


Edited by Nari-Lanreth
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Rebekah was still looking at the pieces of the crumbled sword that had disintegrated the moment that Yuki had touched it. She had not noticed when a swarm of enemies had shown up out of nowhere. Rebekah watched as Nari had stunned all four red cloaksthat had appeared. This gave Rebekah just enough time to take a deep breath to reset before pulling out her rapier. She knew that this will buy the group a significant amount of time before the first four red cloaks would strike the group. She just hoped that they had enough damage to finish all of these monsters off.

Rebekah drew out her rapier and began to strike the red clocks with her skill. However, she was not as proficient as Nari was earlier, having managed to only strike three out of the four targets. Rebekah knew that this may be a costly mistake but there was nothing she can do now. She just needed to hope that the rest of her party would be able to cover for that mistake.


Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 32 | P. 6 | HP: 720/720 | EN: 68/84 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 147 | ACC: 3 | REC: 8 | EVA: 0 | LD: 0 | STH: -5 | THORNS [72 DMG] | BH [+14] | Heavy Momentum: 1
Rebekah | Level 32 | P  6 | HP 756/756 | EN 84/84 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 158 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 1 | LD: 4 | BH 40 | Survival +10% | Thorns 36 | EN -2
Astreya | Level 32 / 11 | HP 740/740 | EN 106/106 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 122 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 0 | LD: 1 | BH: 37 | Taunt: 1 | Prosperity: 1

Zajcica, Pink Paladin | Level: 32 | Paragon Level: 38 | HP: 840/840 | EN: 96/96 | Damage: 2 | Mitigation: 220 | Battle Healing: 46 | Loot Dice: 5 | FL. AURA: 16 | ACC: 1 | Heavy Momentum: 1 | BLD: 2 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | THRNS: 72

Red Cloak Revenant 1HP: 979/1000 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 75 | Paralytic Immunity | Stunned
Red Cloak Revenant 2HP: 979/1000 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 75 | Paralytic Immunity | Stunned 
Red Cloak Revenant 3HP: 979/1000 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 75 | Paralytic Immunity | Stunned
Red Cloak Revenant 4 | HP: 979/1000 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 75 | Paralytic Immunity | Stunned
Undead | The Holy enhancement is twice as effective against this mob. Vampiric (Offensive and Defensive) enhancements are only half as effective in combat with this mob.
Activate! | This mob will passively seek to engage the <<Ancient Mechanical Constructs>>. When a Red Cloaked Revenant attacks, use the CD value from that roll to determine how much to increase the activation score of an Ancient Mechanical Construct. CD:1-6: +5 Activation Score, CD:7-12: +10 Activation Score.  When the total activation score reaches 30, one of the Ancient Mechanical Constructs enters the fray.  Additional constructs will activate at each multiple of 30 until all Red Cloaked Revenants are dead.
Unrelenting Swarm | Red Cloaked Revenants will replace their fallen allies immediately after they are defeated. This will continue until all of them have been dispatched. 

Round One
ID207146 | BD: 2 + 4 = 6 | <<AOE-I vs. Red Cloak 1>>
| Hit. | 11 x 23 = 253 - 75 = 178 DMG
ID207147 | BD: 8 + 4 = 12 | <<AOE-I vs. Red Cloak 2>>
| Hit. | 11 x 23 = 253 - 75 = 178 DMG
ID207148 | BD: 1 | <<AOE-I vs. Red Cloak 3>>
| Missed.
ID207149 | BD: 7 + 4 = 11 | <<AOE-I vs. Red Cloak 4>>
| Hit. | 11 x 23 = 253 - 75 = 178 DMG

Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 32 | P. 6 | HP: 720/720 | EN: 68/84 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 147 | ACC: 3 | REC: 8 | EVA: 0 | LD: 0 | STH: -5 | THORNS [72 DMG] | BH [+14] | Heavy Momentum: 1
Rebekah | Level 32 | P  6 | HP 756/756 | EN 69/84 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 158 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 1 | LD: 4 | BH 40 | Survival +10% | Thorns 36 | EN -2
Astreya | Level 32 / 11 | HP 740/740 | EN 106/106 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 122 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 0 | LD: 1 | BH: 37 | Taunt: 1 | Prosperity: 1

Zajcica, Pink Paladin | Level: 32 | Paragon Level: 38 | HP: 840/840 | EN: 96/96 | Damage: 2 | Mitigation: 220 | Battle Healing: 46 | Loot Dice: 5 | FL. AURA: 16 | ACC: 1 | Heavy Momentum: 1 | BLD: 2 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | THRNS: 72

Red Cloak Revenant 1HP: 801/1000 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 75 | Paralytic Immunity | Stunned
Red Cloak Revenant 2HP: 801/1000 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 75 | Paralytic Immunity | Stunned 
Red Cloak Revenant 3HP: 979/1000 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 75 | Paralytic Immunity | Stunned
Red Cloak Revenant 4 | HP: 801/1000 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 75 | Paralytic Immunity | Stunned
Undead | The Holy enhancement is twice as effective against this mob. Vampiric (Offensive and Defensive) enhancements are only half as effective in combat with this mob.
Activate! | This mob will passively seek to engage the <<Ancient Mechanical Constructs>>. When a Red Cloaked Revenant attacks, use the CD value from that roll to determine how much to increase the activation score of an Ancient Mechanical Construct. CD:1-6: +5 Activation Score, CD:7-12: +10 Activation Score.  When the total activation score reaches 30, one of the Ancient Mechanical Constructs enters the fray.  Additional constructs will activate at each multiple of 30 until all Red Cloaked Revenants are dead.
Unrelenting Swarm | Red Cloaked Revenants will replace their fallen allies immediately after they are defeated. This will continue until all of them have been dispatched. 

Out of Character Note: Updating Rebekah's stats for consumables in Posts #10 & #14

Edited by Rebekah
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