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[OP FL1] Hope and despair

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Where was he? When did he fall asleep? His body shot up as he stared at fountain in town. The last thing he remembered was helping someone move a player who had just passed out. Did he pass out?

There were rumors flying around like wild fire that people would just up and pass out and stay like that for days on end. The theory was that their bodies were reaching their limit and some died apparently.

What day was this? His hand quickly swiped the menu screen and checked the date. Holy crap. He had been unconscious for 4 days. His head was ringing and he felt nauseous. Was he gonna die like this ?

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Daeron sat in front of the outskirts of town, waiting for any players to pass by, see if they wanted to do something. He waited there, enjoying the virtual sunlight and air in the genetic world. He looked at his inventory, to see his weapon, which was his most prized possession. Also, along side Daeron, was his pet Phoenix, Scorch, his primary healer.

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" How can I be so bored?" Argumail said tumbling over his on legs as he walked along to the road. He could see someone in the distance," Oh shi... it an orange player!"

He wanted to run but, curiosity pulled him in. All he could do is equip his sword. As he inched towards his target he realized how stupid he was being. He laughed and walked to the man and held out his hand," My name is Argumail, yours?"

If he was meant to die today then, so be it.... hell is wait on him anyways!

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R walked towards the fountain and spotted three players. One seemed confused about something, another was a orange player, and another who seem like he was about to kill. He walked towards the player who seemed to have equipped himself with a weapon. "Hey, that's a bad idea. You should just sheathe your weapon." R said as he put his hand on the player's shoulder. He smiled at the player as he took a seat right next to the fountain. "We shouldn't be fighting. We're all stuck in this game, and we should work together. I don't get why people have to be an orange player." he said as he clenched his fist.

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" Oh?" Argumail turned and laughed," Your absolute right."

He looked at the boy and then said," Should is a very weak word but, I understand your point."

he observed the boy react to his own word and realized that the boy must suffered a plight as great as Argumail's. Argumail unequipped his blade and extended a hand to the lad. If he was anywhere as in pain as Argumail, he probably walked solo was a self inflicted punished. " My name is Argumail and you are?"

"Finally some excitement",he thought," Or at the very least the stage was set."

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Daeron shook his head and laughed to himself out loud. "Seriously? You are caring about one another's names in a life to death situation? If it weren't for higher leveled players like me, we wouldn't even be on the third floor. If you go up to someone ready to fight, and they accept, you should just better hope that it was a worthy fight." Daeron said as he stood up from the ground. Daeron pushed the players hand out of the way, not caring to greet and meet. "Look, I know a place we can go... the place has monsters, it contains good experience. Hell, why not just go ahead and fight one of the respawning field bosses on this floor. I've fought him once, he wasn't that tough." he said as he held his weapon in his right hand, as if he were ready to stab someone.

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Argumail tilted his head to one side and he laughed, no man had shown that level of disrespect to him. Naturally, because of his bloodlustive behaviors people tended to hate Argumail ,but they still shook his hand. Honestly, Argumail really didn't what level his enemies were he fought until he could see blood in his vision. But, He was intrigued by this man. He smiled at the man that stood before him they must be kindred spirits. He looked at the man as he spoke. " Sure why not." Argumail said placing his disrespected hand in pocket and said," Until we complete our goals, I'm with you until we knock on hell's gates and probably a little long then that."

The scene has been primed and Argumail could help but feeling a little excited.

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R shooked his head at Argumail, "Well, Argumail. The name is R. Not my actual name, but I shall stick with this name." he said as he shook Argumail's hand. He heard Daeron said something about a field boss, and clenched his fist. "Please.. Fighting a field boss now is basically suicide for us. I guess you wouldn't know, Orange." he said mockingly. To R it seemed like higher players have taken their level as their position in this world. He scoffs, "If you think you high levels can beat this game now, be my guest. We're waiting for you to get us out." he said as he smiled back at Argumail.

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Argumail looked at R as if he was staring at his already died half. The one that died along with Louise and Terrence. He liked this person. He remembered when was naive like this boy. As he spoke he remembered what his dad said when ever Argumail would talk of society," No one laughs... no one cries... no gives a damn!"

Perhaps if he could make to boy accompany them then maybe he could get some of his old self back. Argumail looked for a foot hold in his wording. He found it and said," You said ' that we need to work together', did you not?... Together we can crush the opposition, divide we will fall. I join us it more likely we will come back in one piece."

Once again he extended his right hand to his new found friend.

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He struggled to get to a vertical position and be stable on his feet. A look of confusion was seen as he stumbled slightly to the church where he knew he could take refuge. Eyes seemed to dart back and forth trying to get some sort of stability and it was rather a shock at the sight he was looking at. More players were sitting either asleep or unconscious around him. More than likely they were suffering.

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[uhm. Okay. I shall await for it!]

R walks towards the player on the floor, "Hey there, are you okay? We're here to help you out." R said as he smile at the player. The player squat right next to him and put his hand on his head. "Sit still. Don't move for a while. You're probably being transfer into the hospital in real life." he said. R sat right next to the player as looked up at Argumail, "I think we should stay here until he's fully recovered." he said with a smile.

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Argumail smirked," Our probably right, I've never see this before."

He watched the man suffering. Sweat poured down the man's head. He wonder if this man worried make the trip.

"What's your name?" He asked to keep the suffering person to keep his mind off of the fatigue and feverish pains.

Argumail sat down on the dirt. Yet again he was powerless. Perhaps, he could at least ease the guys pain.

>>>>The field boss<<<<

For R: http://www.sao-rpg.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3628

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Daeron looked at the player. Something to him, seemed like this was an act. A trick of some sort. There is that possibility, but then again there may also be the chance he really was in a poor condition. Daeron didn't say anything and continued to observe the situation as the two other players were trying to "comfort" the other player.

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R shot a glare at Daeron, "Why don't you help us out, Daeron? he said mockingly. He looked back at the player and watch as he suffer. "Poor, you. Don't worry. You'll be fine soon. Just you wait." he said with a smile. This same scenario had happen to him, but in real life. The outcome.. was not what he had expected. With a fake smile he clenched onto the dirt on the floor. "Yeup, just fine.". he said as look at the dirt around him.

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Argumail stood up and looked at his pants and dusted them off and then cleansed his hands. He look at the fading day skies. He was in no way connected to this man, but he hoped he would be able to shake it off. "I need to..." he said open endly and walked away. As he walked he felt a blood dripping from his nose. He keeped walking til he got a inn. "Drammre on ice.please." He liked Drammre because it tasted like Root beer, the savory sweet of it. He looked at the self-inflicted scars he had. and his blood dripped on his left hand were had cut himself for the memory. " I'm ready to trust anyone." He thought clear than ever."

A grin pasted his lips and uttered,"... til Hell's gate and probably a little long that."

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R sat right next to the player, putting him up against the fountain. "Man, you have to get a hold of yourself. We must look like weaklings right now. he said with a smile. Dusting off the dirt off the player and himself.. The water of the fountain was able to keep our situation from advancing any further. The skies start to fade to dark, and we're still out here with other players who are still unconscious.

"I guess there is still so much to do at this time right now. We need to find a place for you all." R stood up and went to get the other players and place them around the fountain. "This is a lot harder than I thought it would be. Whatever. I need to help these players out. I can't leave them here." he said with a smile.

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[ I apologize. I was at work while you guys were posting]

His eyes raised at the people offering help to him but their words seemed faint and hollow like a drug effect. He knew he just had to get to the church and then he could just collapse on the floor. He passed them in a slow zombie like state. He seemed like his world was glitching.

He rounded the corner of a familiar building and muttered. " Head...hurts..." His left hand gripped his hair. He felt like his brain was on fire. What the he'll had happened....was his body dying?

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