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[PP-F4] Guild Membarz? (Raidou, Kiluia, Haine)

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"Herro, I wondered if you guys wanted to explore floor 4..." Ruri had sent to the players before running around and circling the main city of floor 4. The memories she'd remember as she circled the town and snowflakes landed on her town. The playful little girl only wanted to have some fun and explore the amazing place filled of snow. "Yippy!" She'd say before running faster around the city.

{Turns: Ruri, Raidou, Kiluia, and Haine}

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OOC: I used the BD to snowball, and rolled a 10 you cant dodge that one Ruri XD

Raidou was used to this floor, having fond memories here. Coming here to play in the snow with Haine, and dragging his weapon through it. Raidou looks out in nostalgia, remembering just how long hes been in here. Spotting a blue haired girl on the horizon, hoping its Haine Raidou readies a snowball in hopes to catch her by surprise. With a quick hop out from a nearby tree the snowball flies in Ruri's direction, Raidou winding it out quickly but gently as he hopes to tap her not kill her. The snowball moves with dead aim at Ruri, Raidou's accuracy was dead on.

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A message popped up as he sipped hot cocoa on the fourth floor. He accepted and read it quietly to himself. He took another gulp of the hot chocolate and simply placed the empty cup down and wondered why his captain made an appearance. The opportunity of actually talking to her was a phenomenal one. She was an elusive one. He simply messaged her back." I'll be there."

He had only met her.. twice? Something like that. So exploring with her was nice. He felt important as he made way to the place. Gaze was given to Ruri running around and then a flying snowball. Was that Raidou? Interesting to find him out here too." Yo." He waved from the distance."

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The bluenette yawned as she pulled her blade out of the already dead Yeti, grinning in success before looking around the area to see if anyone was watching. Slightly after, she'd hoot and do a little happy dance for herself, before jumping lightly when a beep was heard. A new private message? From sis! Haine eagerly scanned down the page and replied as fast as she could.

"Kay! ^-^ I'll be there faster than you can say barnacle!"

Haine shrugged when she mentioned barnacle and hit the send button. This adventure better be fun... Slaughtering Yeti's is so boring," Haine smirked as she then took off to where she was supposed to be.

Her eyes lit up when she saw Ruri... running from a snowball that Raidou threw. And Kiluia was simply there greeting them. The bluenette awkwardly stepped in and stood there silently... before throwing a snowball at all three of them "Sup? I made it like I promised!"

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Seeing the three come into vision she smiled and spoke a small, "Hiiii!" before being pelted by a fast and undodgeable snowball. The snowball leaving a bit of snow on her shoulder as she was pelted by another, By her Onee-san. "Ugh, Not now silly!" She squeaked before pushing her hand into the snow and crafting a small snowball in her hands as she looked towards Raidou and stayed silent, her piercing blue eyes staring at him before she aimed and threw the ball of snow. "That's what you get!" She spoke before dancing in a circle as if making a Victory Dance. Not really sure if she REALLY hit the throw but could only hope that she wasn't dancing for no apparent reason.

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The squeaking voice yelling out "Ugh, Not now silly!" caught Raidou by surprise, as it obviously wasn't Haine he was pelting. With a dumbstruck look on his face he notices its Ruri before getting pelted twice in return fire, by Haine and Ruri both both in the face knocking him over. Getting up he points at Ruri then at Haine, before laughing and scratching the back of his head "I thought you were Haine, Ruri you girls are hard to tell apart at a distance" Laying down in the snow, he listens after answering Ruri's call.

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That hurt as he felt the slush smack his face rather hard from Haine." Ouch.." he wiped off the snow slowly." What's up everyone ?" He had seen the group that gathered and was surprised at the sheer diversity of them all. But what shocked him more was seeing the Yudai sisters together. He spoke to them." Something happen ?" He perked his left brow.

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"Whoopsies! I must have hit too hard," Haine gulped before shrugging and making her way over to Raidou, and poking his cheek as she then smiled lightly. Looking over at Kiluia, the bluenette shrugged almost lazily and replied. "I'm here because I'm accompanying Ruri with a quest. Although this encounter is rather unlikely...," she'd comment while stretching and laying down in the snow, humming as she made a snow angel.

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"I'm usually a little bored on the fourth floor... Do you think together we could make it a bit funner?" She asked not sure if they adventured a bit what they would find, but only hopped it was some sort of tough figure since she was usually a bit tougher then mobs. "And perhaps an adventure a bit afterward?" She asked them hoping that she wouldn't be rejected for her awful ideas

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Raidou was a bit out of character, in Haine's presence. A bit more cheerful and open, Raidou responds to Ruri beside himself "I'm usually a little bored on the fourth floor... Do you think together we could make it a bit funner?" him responding with uncharacteristic courage "We can sure take something larger here, lets try the cove." Paying close attention to Ruri's mannerisms as she spoke Raidou notices her confidence wane, in response to ease her mind Raidou says "Sure we can Ruri" He says putting his hands on her shoulder looking down with a smile.

Raidou's courage fails as his defenses re raise as he realizes hes surrounded by people. Raidou begins to freak as his worry returns, He starts to fall before he faints. Laying unconscious in the snow, he got over touchy and overexerted himself on human interaction.

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Did that just really happen? Did Raidou faint? He snapped a twig off of a tree and poked his cheek with it." Hey..." He perked a brow as he continued." I'm down with fighting and exploring. It'd be a first to go with you three. " He gazed at Raidou and poked again." Hey... wake up." He pushed his platinum bangs out of his eyes.

He gazed at the two who were awake."I haven't fully explored the area so.. I'll follow you to wherever you guys want." At this rate, he may have to carry Raidou.

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Haine sweat dropped and ran over to Raidou, wondering what to do. She had literally been used to carrying him at such situations, but she still panicked despite that. "R-Raidou? Well... he'll wake up soon! BE PATIENT," the bluenette nodded, actually not all that patient herself. She hummed lightly as she'd wait "patiently".


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Seeing Raidou Faint she giggled a little bending down and scooping her hand into the snow, crafting a small snowball with the palms of her hands as she looked towards Raidou. Not exactly sure what to do in the situation, she put the snowball on Haine's head and ran around panicking over the faint. "What're we gonna do!?!" She'd yell aloud as she flailed and continued to circle the body of Raidou's.

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Raidou comes to, as he is surrounded by blue haired girls. Convinced he has been hit hard on the head at this strange sight, Raidou gets to his feet in response. Starting to walk off toward the cove, he is inadvertently leading the way. Coming to the crystal cove, peering inside he sees a beautiful shine emanate from inside. Remembering his reason for being here, he waits for his allies to arrive.

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"The hell? " He stood up like nothing happened, he thought. He sighed and started following Raidou. His gaze landed on the other girls and he shrugged. Seems like he was going to lead the way and Kiluia followed of course. Between the four, the two guys were the weakest. Huzzah for being not strong, he thought.

When he arrived at the crystal cove, he spoke to Raidou." What is this place?" He had never seen a more beautiful place than this." Anything dangerous here?" He pondered out loud.

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Haine smiled cheerfully and followed behind Raidou, standing right next to Ruri. Her golden eyes shined in awe as the cave they had just entered the new and BEAUTIFUL area. "P-Pretty!" she'd comment before getting back on guard at Kiluia's question. Sighing, Haine drew her sword and kept herself on guard the whole time, determined to find some foes and not get ambushed by one on accident.

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Hoping to scare Haine, Ruri leaped at the figure as the fog surrounded them and a grin on her face as she tackled her. "Silly Onee-san!" She squeaked with a lighter tone before getting off her sister and giggling a bit from the small friendly tackle. Seeing the beautiful cove suddenly appear she grinned. "Utsukushi..." She spoke as she looked at the cave with a smile on her face. Amazed by the beautiful place.

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OOC: Turn order: Raidou, Kiluia, Haine, Ruri, Crys Drag, i will also post for the dragon using Hate like a Raid boss.

Drawing his weapon with a thud, Raidou drags it along the ground. Entering the cave with the weapon dragging along the ground Raidou calls back serious to his escort party "You guys coming lets get this show on the road" Raidou says before dragging the weapon up his sleeve and tosses the edge while ducking underneath it moving the pointy end to his right shoulder, resting upon it. Raidou's call out was answered, but not by his party. A howl rips through the cave as a crystal dragon manifests, Raidou takes his strength lightly before charging in eager to prove his worth to himself. Raidou misses his swing as the creature flies up high, before swooping low and blowing Raidou backward building distance.


Raidou: 1




Raidou: 19/19

+2 Dmg, Dmg Miti, LS 8-10, Accuracy

Ruri: 75/75

Kiluia: 20/20

Haine: 72/72

Crystal Dragon: 75/75

+2 Damage, +2 Damage Mitigation vs. Offensive actions

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This.. went from adventurous to horrific on about 2.5 seconds. Regardless though , he stared at the rest and pulled out his dagger. " Let's have fun shall we ?" With that moment, he disappeared from their view and was running at the dragon blade held to his side. He jumped off from his position and swung his dagger to the dragon.

He successfully struck the dragons armor and he heard a clink. He barely grazed the damn surface and perked a brow as his arm throbbed from impact." That is a hard shell.." He said as he landed by his guild mates.

BD 7 1 dmg+ 2 dmg = 3 - 2 from mitigation= 1 dmg

Raidou 19/19

Kiluia 21/21

Ruri 75/75

Haine 72/72

Dragon 74/75

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