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[PP-F1-F9] Meeting guild members [ Firm Anima]

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Daeron nodded his head as he looked forward with a meaningful look. "I agree. I don't expect them to defeat the monster at all. I'm expecting to have to jump in, as I have full fire protection with my robe. However, I expect to see them working their heads off. I will be focusing on how much damage they do a hit, how much they tank, and what they do to prove they are worthy to join. Who knows, maybe they'll surprise me." he said as he arrived on the outside of town.

Finally, he turned towards the Kiluia, and saluted. "Although you are a superior of my rank, I also recommend that you too get some equipment." he said with most respect he could. Daeron then headed off to the teleport gate in the center of the <>.

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[OOC ~ Erm, Daeron didn't give them a specific time to meet at the <> With the size of the first floor, I'll just post assuming it was a few hours from now. If you want me to change it, just send me a quick PM.]

A few hours had passed since Setsuko had attended the beginning of the introductory meeting with the recruits of Firm Anima, and the Captain and Lieutenant of the guild's assault squad: Kiluia and Daeron respectively. They're a respectable bunch. At least her superiors were, judging by their no-nonsense attitudes; she was almost certain they didn't always act so formal, but they were for the occasion, and as of yet, that's all that mattered to her. As for the rest of her group.. she didn't know what to make of them yet. Dylan actually occupied a slot on her friends list, but in truth, she didn't know him. He definitely didn't seem like such a clutz in our prior meeting.

Having nothing to prepare for, Setsuko found herself the first one waiting at the teleport gate for the rest of the group. She leaned back upon one of the four smooth flat pillars surrounding the portal, awaiting the rest of the group, including the leaders. Wonder what sort of preparations the rest of the group is making, or if the leaders are making any preparations of their own. The curious teenager found her mind drifting, wondering if they truly expected the four recruits to take down a field boss on the highest floor reached. She yawned, stretching her arms out before crossing them immediately afterwards.

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As 5 manages to make a pair of boots and a bracer for the upcoming tests He starts his trek towards the town of beginning as it takes in several hours. Finally managed to get himself. There 5 would then start wandering around town of beginnings for another 30 or so minutes looking for the teleporter as he is going down one of the Side streets. He catches a glimpse of The teleporter.Wasting no time he starts sprinting towards it As he does so he notices setsuko sitting by it . "Is She waiting for the rest of us" 5 Would ask Himself as he was sprinting towards the teleporter, finally reaching it He start jumping in Joy "yes, it only took me about 3 hours to find the teleporter new record for me" Finally settling down, He walks over to the other side the teleporter to see if he can see any of the others coming

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Oske paused when she arrived at the location Daeron had told them all to meet at. Some players were there already... she paused. She had gone and eaten some food to give her some more energy, cleaned off her equipment and hammered her shield a little, as it was slightly dented from a clumsy fall she had taken earlier. She took a deep breath, looking around and feeling a little nervous. "Hi," she said as she approached her guild members. Maybe they don't like me.

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"So much for being early, I have to work even harder to prove myself. I w-" He trips on a piece of ground lifted on the floor and slides 5 feet. "YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" He gets up, irritated on his unlucky streak and runs towards the teleport gate. "Come on Dexter, they're probably waiting." He skids to a stop, and then looks at all the people waiting. "Is me or do they look mad because I'm probably late. Probably the latter. I'm saying or thinking the word "probably" alot, its weird."

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Daeron had been waiting for the party to arrive slightly earlier. He remained hidden in a crowd of people until players finally began to gather around. When he saw that everyone had arrived, besides Kiluia, he was ready to introduce what they would be fighting. Daeron left the large group of people, and he approached the players waiting. "Alright, I'm glad most of you have shown up rather on time if not early. Some of you have proven to be on a slightly delayed time to ours, but that's a smaller matter compared to what we're truly rating you on. And also, Dylan, if you think you're going to beat a field boss easy, then you might want to talk to the ground first, as it seems to be beating you senseless today. Although I will say, it takes a special type of talent to trip on a perfectly flat surface." he added.

Finally, he shared his map information with all the players there. He had been to floor 9 a few times and the few times he had been there, he was gathering intel on where stronger monsters lurk for better loot and experience. When he gave the last player the map information, Daeron marked a spot on the map and pointed to it for everyone to see.

"Alright everyone, listen up and listen good. This monster you are about to face is a medium difficulty I'd say to you guys. For me, anything is easy on that floor when it comes to burn damage. I made sure the monster has the power to deal some heavy damage, but also a higher amount of health to endure some of the heavier hits from you guys. I expect the monster to be defeated in a few rounds of turns, but I don't think it'll be too tough for all of you." he said. "I know I've been procrastinating on telling you what you are fighting but here goes." he says before he fully announces the enemy that is to be slain by the party.

Daeron took a breath and then put on a smile on his face. "The Field Boss you guys are being assigned to take out, will be a Flame Knight in a relic castle. The "arena" surrounding the Knight is inside of the castle itself, meaning weak monsters won't be a pest for any of us. The monster will have 150 HP, and will deal 5 Damage with a single hit. The monster will also be able to use "Guard Break". I will say, be careful of the burn damage that he may supply, it lasts for I'd say 2 minutes (2 Turns), so be cautious, and be ready." he said to the team.

Name: Flame Knight

Health: 150

Damage Per Hit: 5 (Burn Damage For 2 Turns on 8+ CD)

Abilities: Guard Break - Any time the player's natural CD is a 1 the next hit will break through any damage mitigation from the Flame Knight.

Daeron then turned to the party once more, turning off the map, and then sent them all a party invite so he can monitor HP bars for each individual. He would wait for Kiluia to arrive, but he will grant everyone permission to do any last second preparations. "Again, I will say, go prepare once more, you have about 10 minutes to return. I look forward to seeing all of you back."

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Setsuko's entire face lightened as a laugh slipped out upon Daeron's comment towards Dylan. Oh my god, this guy is the most wonderful, snarky asshole I have ever met, more so than even myself. She couldn't help but wonder as to whether or not he was always so much of a prick, or if he was just putting on an act. Regardless, she knew that any time spent around him would be time she'd need to stay at the top of her game, as to avoid being ridiculed in front of everyone. Wouldn't want you making a fool out of me, now, would I? Somehow, she imagined he'd still find a way.

As Daeron began to describe the boss, Setsuko could feel intensity burning in the air. 150 HP? Burn damage? Guard break? Everything Daeron said seemed as if he was intentionally attempting to send doubt through their minds. It was absolutely ridiculous: how could the two of them expect them to take down such a mighty foe? It was almost as if they were intentionally.. That's it! I don't think they actually expect us to beat it, but this is most definitely a test of whether or not we'll chicken out. At least that's what it seemed to her; there was no other explanation for it.

Daeron dismissed them once again, but not before sending them all a party invite, which Setsuko promptly accepted. This time, upon his suggesting to prepare, Setsuko did decide it'd be best to buy a health crystal, though it wouldn't be too far off. She made her way towards the closest vendor.

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After hearing Daeron explain what They are going after 5 headed over to where Dylan tripped "You're right, there is no way he could have tripped Daeron Does gravity hate you or something Dylan" He would say still examining the ground He would then recall Daeron said that they have 10 minutes, having nothing better to do, he would head over to a nearby bench and lay down As he starts thinking Well, it is best that I just lay here if I even tried to look for something I'll get lost As his thoughts then started wandering off back to day 1 When Kayaba made his big announcement Of the death game Of these Lehner, his eyes would flash orange everyone's in a while As he then sits up waiting for them to say that they're ready to go

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Oske paused when she realized she had been shaking. This battle… she knew it wouldn’t be her last, but she was scared anyway. She looked at her sword and chestplate. Even with her wonderful protection… it was possible that they wouldn’t work. He could break her guard.

She looked at her shield, the reflective surface curved around the butterfly pattern. Maybe she should’ve gotten some healing potions? No. If she couldn’t have them in real life, she wouldn’t have them here. She took a deep breath, realizing what an idiot she had been. Even with her shield and chestplate, she could still take damage. With her +1 shield and +3 chestplate, she could still take at least -1 damage, possibly even more if the boss stole a critical hit or broke her guard.

“H-ha,†she breathed suddenly.

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After hearing the remarks that Daeron had made at his expense, and to top that off with Setsuko laughing, and what 5 have said to him made him snap. His face, a bright red out of anger and embarrassment, he decided to give the three players a piece of his mind.

"A special and unique talent that only you would be capable of possessing, so why don't you piss off and dislodge yourself from my rectum, because you've been up mine ever since I got here you cocky prick! If I get out the game and become like you, I will wish to be have taken off life support right now. You can go piss off for all I care." He then turns to Setsuko. "Its so funny to you, isn't it? You know what, screw you too! I can't believe that I wasted my time and materials to come to a petty mistake that you call a "shop."" He coldly glances at Five. "You are so dumb, a rock could navigate the town better than you, and that's just a understatement!" Storming off, pissed off at everyone, he runs to a nearby alley and keeps running. "I'll show them how strong I am."

Sitting down after walking through a few alleyways, he looks at his dog sitting next to him. "I never expected to be humiliated like that here. I thought games like this would be my escape, but instead its the opposite. It never gets better. I will always be treated like that everywhere. I don't care anymore if I get in or not, but because of what I just did, I probably won't anyway. I just want to be alone right now." He sighs and gets up, and begins to walk to towards the group again slowly.

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(OOC: Kiluia would prefer me to skip him for now, so I'll be taking over the recruiting for now. Also, Dylan will no longer participate any longer.)

Daeron looked at the player who was furious and completely humiliated. Perhaps he had been slightly harsh on him, but he hadn't found it to be THAT bad. "Well, there's one less person I have to recruit. Either way, I hope you are all ready now." he said to the rest of the players that still remained. With one less player to recruit, it may be tougher the boss now, but he still felt confident that they would prove their worth to the team.

Daeron finally stepped into the portal and spoke once more before teleporting. "I'll be seeing you on the ninth floor. Once there, we all meet there, I'll be taking us there right away." he said as he teleported to <>. Next thing he knew, he was now on the ninth floor, ready to go, waiting for the rest to teleport to him any second.

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[OOC ~ Just to clarify, did Dylan actually state that he was leaving? ]

Having purchased a single health potion, Setsuko rushed from the store back to the teleport gate. It hasn't been too long, has it? Regardless, her feet swiftly moved, and she had traveled from the general store back to the portal in a matter of minutes. By the time she arrived, Daeron had already left. Immediately, she stood on the gate and shouted: "Teleport: Igneous!" Her body disappeared from that floor and appeared at her desired location only seconds after the words had left her mouth.

Upon her materialization on the ninth floor, a gust of heated wind struck her. Holy crap, Zelrius was right. It's like a damn furnace on this floor. Preferring the icy coldness of the fourth floor, Setsuko found herself completely and totally uncomfortable. However, she did her best to ignore the heat and looked around until she found Daeron. She approached him without a word and leaned against a nearby wall while waiting for the others.

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Realizing that he is being left behind 5 quickly gets up and heads over to the teleporter What was it they said ahh oh yeah igneous After remembering what they said to teleport, he would shout "<>"As he is never use the teleporter before he closed his eyes so not to get dizzy Afraid that there be Flashing lights everywhere that would give him a headache as He teleported After arriving on floor 9 He knew that he wasn't in town of beginning As it was very very hot there but about the same as south Texas to him Good thing I lived in Texas for a while. This would be unbearable. Otherwise He was thinking As he walked up toward Daeron and the fellow recruit that was leaning up against a wall "That's a good way to get your back cooked never lean up against something in this type of heat" Giving the fellow recruit a little advice. Walking over to Daeron "it's not as hot as I would imagine then again. I lived in Texas for a while" He commented, waiting to see if anybody else was coming

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Oske lifted her teleportation crystal once she was where she needed to be. She had purchased a few potions. She shouted nervously, "Igneous!" and was teleported in a burst of bluish light. Once she opened her eyes in a squint, and immediately felt a heat wave. She looked around at her guild members, her face reddening as she gasped and began to sweat. She quickly removed her cape and put it back in her inventory, along with her socks. It didn't do much.

"Hi," she said cheerfully, trying to not look pathetic by how hot she was at the time.

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Daeron watched as everyone finally arrived. He nodded his head and then turned around and began leaving. "Follow me, I'll bring you guys there. Though you guys look hot, I feel rather comfortable." he said as he popped the collar on his robe to show off slightly, but in a respectable manner.

Daeron led the group through the abandoned hot wasteland where there were some monsters but they weren't near enough to attract their aggro. Finally, after about 30 minutes of walking to their location, they arrived at a castle. It was slightly burned around it, but it looked rather stable. Daeron then entered and approached the area where the field boss could be found.

Before the party now stood an empty set of armor. The armor was orange and red, with a sword just sitting at the armor's side on the ground. "Once you are all ready, light the armor with the lit torch that sits in front of it. Once the head of the armor is lit, the Flame Knight will awaken and the battle engage. Initiate the fight once you are ready." Daeron said to the party allowing anyone to step forth and light the head of the empty armor shell with the torch.

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"I've visited Arizona before." Setsuko replied to Fives' comment about the wall. "I'll handle it." She seemed relatively smug, but she wasn't too cold towards the man.

Setsuko shook her head at Daeron's showy personality, a smirk on her face, before following closely behind him, eventually stopping at the burnt-appearing castle around thirty minutes away from where they had began. Well, this definitely isn't exactly the happiest place in the area. Her eyes looked it over a few times. If the castle itself looked menacing, she could only wonder what the monster within would look like. I guess I'm about to find out.

Once again, Daeron led them, this time into the castle. A few twists and turns later, the party stopped in front of an orange and red suit of armor, matching the molten look of the castle, and most of the floor. Even as an empty suit of armor, Setsuko couldn't help but feel a frightened chill travel up her spine. That was about when Daeron called any of the recruits forth to light the armor. Looking around the group, they all seemed to be be ready. "I'll do it." Setsuko said, attempting to be a leader for the first time since she entered the death game.

The teenager stepped forward towards the torch, drawing Frostbite, her rapier from its sheath while walking. Even in the endless heat of the ninth floor, she could see the other torches waver as a chill of icy wind was released from the blade; it was only for a brief second, however. With her left-hand, she lifted the torch from its rest and stepped towards the armor. When close enough, she touched the fire to its helmet. There was a moment of silence, until the helmet's eyes were filled with flames. The Flame Knight let a vicious grunt out before its hands reached for the blade by its side.

Immediately, Setsuko leapt backwards. Her feet slid backwards a bit, due to the momentum, before she was reunited with the rest of the party. "So it begins.." She said; she could feel heart beginning to pound as if it was going to burst from her chest in anticipation. Unconsciously, she began to grit her teeth, though her mouth was still hiding them.


Setsuko: 17/17

5iou5: 17/17

Oske: 29/29

Daeron: 45/45


Flame Knight: 150/150

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(Turn Order: Flame Knight, 5iou5, Oske, Daeron, then Setsuko)

The Flame Knight awakened inside of it's empty shell. The eyes were flickering like a wildfire and the blade had a red aura around it proving that it could prove to have a menacing attack. The armor finally, standing on it's legs, didn't make a move yet. "I sense great power in the enemy that has awakened me, should they seek my power I am to be brought down by a blade first." the Flame Knight said. The armor refused to move in for an attack as it wanted to wait to see what all the players it stood before were capable of doing.


Setsuko: 17/17

5iou5: 17/17

Oske: 29/29

Daeron: 45/45


Flame Knight: 150/150

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As the flame Knight Speaks "I sense great power in the enemy that has awakened me, should they seek my power I am to be brought down by a blade first." hearing These words 5 would take off straight towards the flame Knight, stopping in front of him in slight fear As he starts to take a step back. His eyes would Flash orange Instead of taking a step back. He took a step forward rearing up his sword as it starts glowing bright orange "Viper Strike" 5 Shouted as he Lunges Forward 6 times, hitting with speed and accuracy Similar to that of a Viper. After all the hits made contact 5 would jump back as to get out of the flame knight's reach Returning to the group


Setsuko: 17/17

5iou5: 17/17 +1Sprint +2ev +2 acc +1thorns +2damage +1sword skill +1LS

Oske: 29/29

Daeron: 45/45


Flame Knight: 144/150

Damage dealt: 6

Damage Received: 0

Damage Mitigated: 0

Health Regained: 0

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Oske gasped under her breath as she watched Five so boldy make the first strike. She glanced at Daeron, and then at Setsuko. A strange feeling built up in her heart, and she grinded her teeth a little bit. She then turned to the Flame Knight, gripping her curved sword tight in her fist. With a dash, she charged for it, and swung with all of her might. She missed, only an inch away from slashing the Knight. She stumbled backwards, a furious blush on her face.

I'm such a show-off! she cursed herself. I need to work hard before I can do that kind of stuff...


Setsuko: 17/17

5iou5: 17/17

Oske: 29/29

Daeron: 45/45


Flame Knight: 144/150

Damage dealt: 0

Damage Received: 0

Damage Mitigated: 0

Health Regained: 0

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At the moment being, Daeron himself had absolutely no intentions of intervening with the field boss fight. Instead of approaching the Flame Knight with the party, he himself had remained back to observe the fight until the players would eventually need him, or maybe they won't.


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