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[PP-F9] Go to Hell, but Literally | <<Gatekeeper of Fire>>

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Morningstar hated the ninth floor. The combination of bad memories and infernal temperatures put him in a bad mood, exemplified by his attitude when ordering ice cream from a local shop. When the server got his order wrong, he scowled bitterly. He didn't have the energy to point it out, nor did he have a rude bone in his body, so he accepted it and left the shop without leaving a tip. It melted no more than a minute later, spilling down the cone and over his hand. A napkin would have solved his problem, but the server had forgotten to give him one of those as well. He tossed the cone away as soon as it became a nuisance and washed the ice cream off his hands with a canteen he carried around in his inventory. Who's idea was it to run an ice cream shop on the hottest floor anyway?

The town's request board was nearly empty, but for a for a couple odd jobs and a hiring announcement. An NPC's pet hellhound had run away, someone needed help clearing a den of fire salamanders, and an alchemist was looking for a summer apprentice. He didn't realize the ninth floor had seasons. He had only experienced one: "hot."

He setup a request of his own, short and simple.

need help. cerberus has too many heads. find me at the bar. one trillion dabloon reward.

- morningstar

p.s. watch out for the gator on the leash by the door. it breathes fire.



[ lv. 53  ->   lv. 33 / p. 20 ]
MORNINGSTAR | HP: 740/740 | EN: 112/112 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 4 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN

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  • dying sun
  • red longcoat
  • sapphire

battle-ready inventory

  • teleport crystal x5
  • magdalyn's cuckoo
  • popcorn x10 | VIT II


  Hide contents

mod count: 3/5

  • 2HSS | RANK 5/5
    • precision, stamina, ferocity
    • shift: tech
    • athletics, nimble
  • SEARCHING | RANK 4/5 (5)
    • night vision, detect




  Hide contents


  • n/a


  • n/a


  • Lv. 5 | Gain additional col equivalent to 15% of EXP earned in that thread.
  • Lv. 10 | +1 LD


  Hide contents

en cost matches multiplier unless stated otherwise. shift underlined.

  • ST | x12 -> x15 | x20
  • AOE | x11 -> x14
  • TECH-A | x16 | STUN | 13EN
  • TECH-B | x16 | DELAY
  • TECH-D | x16 | SHATTER
  • TECH-F | x12 | AOE STUN


  Hide contents
  • Well Rested | -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat.
  • Squeaky Clean | The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down).
  • Filling | Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30.
  • Tasty | Turn 2 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed. Lesser Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.
  • Relaxed | Increases out-of-combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
  • Multipurpose | Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll.
  • Skylight (Searching) | +1 Expertise to declared utility skill. 


  • n/a



Edited by Morningstar
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Freyd loved the ninth floor, but post-apocalyptic landscapes were kind of his thing. Sure, he might have setup his shop on thirteen on the expectation that the zombie-infested devastation would actually keep people away, but it was also part pf the charm.  Nine was famous, in his books, for adding smoky flavour to any meals crafted within its bounds, and he occasionally popped by Yōgan Village to check out the barbeque stands in case there were any special deals on.

Wandering by the mission board, he spotted Morningstar's request and couldn't help laughing aloud.

"What the heck is a 'dabloon'?  Sounds like something Macradon would come up with."  Still shaking his head, chuckling at the notion, he wandered over to the only true bar establishment in town, wondering what the tiny, sizzling pile of multi-coloured sludge baking itself onto the surface of the central plaza was all about.

"Hey, Tech-boi!  How do you not have this sword art unlocked already?  Forget about however many heads Cerberus might have.  That sounds like a real problem in need of fixing.  Nice gator, by the way."


Note: CS (Shades of the Gemini) is in use.  If any other player objects to this, please state in first post and it will be considered inactive.

Freyd consumes:

Gugnir’s Shard (Untradeable/Unique/Reusable Consumable): Crème Brûlée Tray | ACC 2 | Feast (6/6) - takes 1 portion [filled], shares rest with party
Armageddon Juice (Potion) | Damage 3 | 197181
Super-Duper Anti Snake Sauce (Salve) | Antidote 2 | 179928
Madlad Muffin | Tierless Rare Meal | EVA 2 | 216704
Stalwart's Stew | T4 Perfect Meal | MIT 3 | 215313a

Freyd | HP: 1160/1160 | EN: 154/154 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 105 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 7 (incl. AA) | BH: 63 | LD: 6 | FRSTB: 40 | PHASE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 127 | V.O.: 127 | DOTE: 2/2


Freyd, The Whisper in Shadows
Level: 33
Paragon Level: 128
HP: 1160/1160
EN: 154/154

Damage: 21+3
Mitigation: 45+60
Evasion: 4+2
Accuracy: 3+2+1+1
Battle Healing: 63
Loot Dice: 6
REC: 8
V.D.: 127
V.O.: 127
(Dote: 2/2)

Equipped Gear:
Weapon: Hope's Covenant - Resolve +4 (T4 Demonic Weapon (MA) - AA, Phase, Frostbite, VO
Armor: Black Cowled Traveling Garb | T4 CA | VD 2 | REC 2
Misc: Fight O'er Flight (ACC 2 | EVA 2)

Combat Mastery: Damage R3
Combat Shift: AOE
Familiar Skill: Grappling Familiar
Custom Skill: Shades of the Gemini

Martial Arts R5
Battle Healing R5
Cloth Armor R5
Searching R4
Quick Change
Extended Mod Limit
Extended Weight Limit
Fighting Spirit

Active Mods:
Night Vision
Emergency Recovery

Inactive Mods:

Focused Howl

Active Extra Skills:
Forgotten King’s Authority

Inactive Extra Skills:
Frozen Hide
Hiding R2

Battle Ready Inventory:
Teleport Crystals x7
Mass HP Rec [Inst] (+10% HP) x7
T4 Vitality (+16 EN) x7
Crystal of Divine Light (Reusable) x1
Rhino's Horn (Reusable) x1
Hmr.Pk:  Samael's Pride | T4 MA | FLN 2 | HLY 2   x1
EWL: The Thing Behind All Lies (T4 Demonic MA, AA, Blight, Static, Para.Ven (Off))    x1
EWL:  Shadowed Rose (ACC 3 | Para.Imm.) x1

Housing Buffs:
Rested: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat
Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
Item Stash: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot
Delicious: Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed.
Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
Skylight (Searching): +1 Rank to the Searching skill.
Angler: +2 Fishing EXP per attempt
Practiced Angler: +2 Fishing EXP per attempt, addition +1 LD/CD to fishing attempts
Advanced Training: +10% Exp to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1]
Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll
Decor [Potted Tanabata Bamboo Tree]: This buff affects the player and their choice of up to two party members.

Guild Hall Buffs:
Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

Scents of the Wild:
Tanos Statue: +25 Mitigation for a thread.

Wedding Ring: n/a

Fishing: Level 5 | 576XP


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Zandra sent out a deep sigh as she left floor eight thru the portal, havent been anything interesting to do here either. She exited the portal on floor nine and immediately headed towards the board to see if there possibly was anyone looking for a companion or anything on this floor. After all, ninth times the charm right? She was unsure for how long she have spent back in her mansion, just slacking off. She have been telling herself she was waiting for the next floor boss fight to be announced, but that wasnt a solid excuse anymore. As a warm up she was gonna help someone out and have been on  every floor below ninth by now. As she reached the board she half expecting to not find anything here as well.

‘’Oh, an alchemist looking for an apprentice, would be fitting hehe.’’ she said to herself with a giggle before looking thru the others. A fight against Cerberus got her attention. ‘’Hmm, one trillion something? Sounds nice.’’ she continued before heading off to the bar.

When she entered the bar she took a few second to scan the room. She have met up plenty of parties before to head out on quest and other missions, so didnt took long for her to see the person that probably was the one that had put up the request. It seemed there was another player that have arrived before her. He stood with the back towards her so she couldnt see the adventurers face, not knowing who it is. ‘’Hello there, is this the place for the doggy party? Any spots left to tag along?’’ she said with a smile and little wave.



Name: Zandra
Level: 32
Paragon level: 65
HP: 960 (900(level)+60(armor mod))
Energy: 108 (108(level))
Damage: 18 (1(base)+7(2h-skill)+8(combat mastery)+2(Ferocity))
Mitigation: 130 (35(skill)+15(mod)+48(armor mit)+32(flame aura))
Defensive dmg: 16 (16(flame aura))
Accuracy: 1 (1(Precision))
Fallen: 16 (16(Axe))
Burn: 56 (8-10) (56(8-10)(Axe)) 


Axe r5
Heavy armor r5
-Iron skin
Combat mastery: Damage r2
Healing familiar


-Energize [Hyperactive]


-Teseleths fury: t4 Axe [+2 Fallen][+2 Burn]
-Inferno: t4 Hvy armor [+2 Flame aura][+2 mitigation]
-Santas cloak: t3 Light armor [+Never-freeze][+Anti-paralyze][+20% Life mend]

Extra skills:

-First Aid r5 [Field Medic]
-First Aid r5
-Leadership r5
-Leadership r5

Battle ready inventory:

-Energizing Eclipse Armor: t3 Hvy armor [+27 Mitigation][+6 Recovery]
-Handwraps of accuracy: t1 Trinket [+3 ACC]
-5x mass heal crystal
-Horn of the unicorn
-Amphibian war rally
-True-light lantern: [+1 LD][+1 ACC] to everyone in party
-Dimensional backpack
-Dimensional pouch



Potion of the Powerful Blood Dragon(14):
Your Profession: Alchemist
Your Rank: 10 Grandmaster
Item Type: Potion 
Tier: t1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: HP recovery 15%



Guild hall/house buff

-Col Despoit: +5% bonus col drop
-Well rested: -1 energy cost 3 first expenditures/combat
-Squeaky clean: -25% DoT dmg from first DoT attack/thread
-Hard working: +2 Crafting EXP and +1 attempt/day
-Practiced angler: +2 EXP fishing, +1 LD & CD to fishing attempts
-Delicious: Turn 3 food into a 6player-feast
-Mega slime farm: +10% EXP one thread/month
-Filling: +1 t1 slot to a food buff
-Item stash: +1 BR inventory slot
-Relaxed: +20 HP ooc regen, energy full refill 2 posts
-Col stash: +5% col from monster kills and treasure chests


Edited by Zandra
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"What'll ya have?"

"Something cold."

With a nod, the bartender stepped to the shelf, grabbing two unlabeled bottles and combining the contents into a single, unhealthy looking drink. He slid Morningstar's "something cold" across the counter. Two ice cubes jangled in the golden liquid. Refreshing.

"What is it, exactly?"

"Whiskey and Yōgan Special. On the house."

"I'm grateful, but what in the world is Yōgan Special."

The bartender simply laughed and wandered off, replaced by the voice of his friend. Morningstar spun in his seat, pleased to see that Freyd had turned up in response to his request. He could have sent a direct message, but felt bad for calling the Whisper every single time a quest was too big a task to solo. "I believe," he leaned back, "that this is the last TECH Sword Art on my list. It's about time I got it, I think."

"Gator is that guy's. Real piece of work," he said, gesturing to an evidently intoxicated NPC across the bar. He wore a cowboy hat and a light brown leather jacket, despite the heat.

Another joined them. It was a girl whom he did not recognize. "We do, in fact, have some room left over. Name's Morningstar. People call me Star, aside from him," he pointed to Freyd.

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Still eyeing the gator suspiciously, Freyd still found it unfathomable that every desert scene in every online game somehow felt the need to reference Texan/American cowboy culture in some way, this time adding a bonus touch of Florida man for giggles.  That  immediately led to the image of Bedouins with Stetsons on their heads materializing in his mind and the entire thought exercise was instantly flushed as utterly ridiculous and wrong.  Best to just accept the oddity and move on.

"You're not gonna drink that are you," he asked Star, deadpan, glaring at the bottled golden shower with disgust.  "Honestly, you have no idea where any of that has been, and most likely don't want to."

Banter interrupted, it took Freyd a moment to recognize the figure who'd approached them.  Morning was already doing his nice-guy thing when her identity finally dawned.  

"Zandra?!"  His eyes nearly bulged out of his cowl.  "Good grief.  You're still alive?"  Scrunching his face up a bit to remember, he vaguely recalled seeing the scythe-wielding healer-maniac on the far side of the last raid, helping out NIGHT's group.  

"Oh, uh, right.  Introductions.  Good, good.  Glad that's taken care of.  Zandra's been at the top of her game since I was a Wulfrin-scale pup," he added, speaking to Morningstar, whose manners were so much better than his own.  "Glad to have you with us.  It feels like it's been a while since we did something like this."  He wasn't even sure they ever had, despite being on the same field against several different raid bosses.

"So, we're going after full doggo, aiming for the bonus prize?  Fair enough.  That'll mean holding back on the throttle so that we don't overrun the target.  Guess I'll be tanking then.  Please help yourselves to the buff, if you're interested," he added, pushing the bizarre Gugnir artifact forward for his companions to partake.

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At first she threw a quick look on the drink on the bar before she looked at the first man where she got a confused look on her face. It was a long time time ago she last had seen Morgenstern but she couldnt recognize him? Then she realised she had herd wrong, it wsnt Morgenstern, he had said Morningstar. Well, couldnt expect to remember everyone immediately could she. Actually this may have been her first interaction with him. She gave him a smile and was just gonna introduce herself when she got interrupted by the other man. Her eyes glanced over the drink again before they looked at the other man, this one she was sure she did recognize. ‘’Well hello there Freyd. Actually, I am pretty much alive. To judge from your look you wasnt expecting that hehe.’’ she let out with a giggle. She guessed she should expect this reaction from most old friends she would meet. After all, she havent been in contact with anyone for she have last count of how many months by now.

She glanced over the untouched glass again as she turned to Morningstar. ‘’Well seems Freyd already introduced me but yeah.’’ she stretched forth her hand before continuing. ‘’Hello Morningstar, Im Zandra and its gonna be great to tag along with you, I am ready to kill some dog-heads.’’ she said with grin.

As Freyd started talking again he mentioned that they was going to need to hold back and going for the full bonus or something as well as offered them a feast buff. She took a piece of it before she started talking. ‘’Ehm, holding back on the throttle? What do you mean?’’ she let out a nervous giggle.

-Gugnir’s Shard (Untradeable/Unique/Reusable Consumable): Crème Brûlée Tray | ACC 2 | Feast (6/6) - takes 1 portion [filled]
Total: +2 ACC

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"Good to meet you, Zandra."

Morningstar gently shook the glass. Ice cubes slammed against its walls, clinking as they bumped into each other. "You make a good point, Freyd. It's not very appetizing," he stole a portion of Gugnir's Shard and in quick succession consumed it and the amber liquid. It burned his throat on the way down. It was much worse than he expected and probably would not pass a health inspection. He slammed the glass back on the counter, and got up from his uncomfortable seat at the bar. "Okay, let's get to work. Cerbie's a tricky one," he explained to Zandra, "I've been told that you need to get all three heads to low HP before you can kill any, if you want the Sword Art reward."

The fire gator snapped at them as they abandoned the bar, spitting fireballs at Morningstar's feet in particular. He felt like turning it into a nice new jacket but, instead, settled for glaring. He turned to Zandra, interested in getting to know the player. He thought he recognized her face from somewhere. The last boss fight, maybe, or at least the raid meeting. "What sort of build are you running?" He asked, more for curiosity's sake than for proper team building. The quest was difficult, but no so much that he cared about filling meta roles.

-Gugnir’s Shard (Untradeable/Unique/Reusable Consumable): Crème Brûlée Tray | ACC 2 | Feast (6/6) - takes 1 portion [filled]
Total: +2 ACC

Adjusted Stats
Morningstar | HP: 740/740 | EN: 112/112 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN

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Banter and pleasantries were freely exchanged as the trio made their way from the bar to the fiery pits of hell that served as Cerberus' personal kennel.  Pools of molten flame provided the pulsing, red ambience where light was otherwise snuffed by the plumes of thick smoke rising from all points to blot out the sun and keep its cheerful rays firmly off the unhallowed ground.  Morningstar and Zandra swapped tales with each other most of the way along while he did his scouting thing, chiming in on occasion to confirm that he was indeed listening.

"...but who really knows why he wore the dress?  Dude certainly enjoyed provoking reactions, and that alone might have done it. At least he had the legs to pull it off, y'know?"  Shadows moved wrongly in their periphery, signaling the presence of prowlers.

"Ah.  The welcoming committee has found us."  Only then did Freyd recall the flames licking the blade of Zandra's scythe.  "Huh... let me know how that works for you down here.  I can't say that I've ever actually tested whether these things are actually fireproof.  Cuz, when you think about it."  He gestured to the entirety of their surroundings.  

By the time the others looked back his way, the spoopy nutjob was already smashing his fist into the face of the nearest hell hound, splashing with a crackling of frost that instantly began to boil and hiss upon application.  Two more emerged from the soot-stained air to received similarly loving treatment, less the polar dip, yet still joyfully delivered enough to send their health bars spiralling.

"Softened'em up," Freyd called back.  "Why not show us how not-dead you are, Zandra?"



Post Action | AoE-I (x15, 11 EN, +2 Shift, +2/hit): 19 EN - (Rested 2/2; Stamina) = 16 EN.  
Free Action | None

ID #221322 | BD: 10 (Crit +3, Phase).  DMG (15*24=360-25=335) to Infernal Hell Hound 1.  Frostbite applied. (CD 4 | ST-B locked)
ID #221324| BD:1+7-2=6 (hit [AA],).  DMG (15*24=360-50=310) to Infernal Hell Hound 2. 
ID #221325 | BD:4+7-2=9 (hit).  DMG (15*24=360-50=310) to Infernal Hell Hound 3. 

Freyd suffers a total of 90 thorns damage.

Freyd | HP: 1070/1160 (1160-90) | EN: 138/154 (154-16) | DMG: 24 | MIT: 105 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 7 (incl. AA) | BH: 63 | LD: 6 | FRSTB: 40 | PHASE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 127 | V.O.: 127 | DOTE: 2/2
Zandra | HP: 960/960 | EN: 108/108 | DMG: 18 | MIT: 130 | FLM.AUR. 16 | ACC 3 | FLN 16 | BRN 56
Morningstar | 
HP: 740/740 | EN: 112/112 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN

(2,0,0) Infernal Hell Hound 1 | HP: 115/450 | DMG: 125 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 (-1, 0/2) | EVA: 2 | FRSTBT 40 (0/2) (450-335)
(2,0,0) Infernal Hell Hound 2 | HP: 140/450 | DMG: 125 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 (450-310)
(2,0,0) Infernal Hell Hound 3 | HP: 140/450 | DMG: 125 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 (450-310)

  • Burning Bite | On successful attacks, the player is afflicted with T4 Burn. (56 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.)
  • Boiling Hide | On successful attacks against an Infernal Hell Hound, the player receives 25 thorns damage. Successful critical attacks against Infernal Hell Hounds increases damage received by the player to 40. This damage is negatable by Fireproof.
  • Infernal Soul |Deals additional damage. (+25 minor crit | +50 major crit)


Edited by Freyd
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After the quick introduction it seemed the guys was eager to get to work. Looked like they had been hanging out before, maybe wanted to get it over with. She did get to know that they would get a bonus reward if taking down all of the heads to low health before killing them outright. Zandra nodded in understanding and followed them out of the bar. Outside she looked at when he asked her about her build. ‘’Hmm…’’ she started in a thinking tone. ‘’Thats a good question actually.’’. Her mind flew away to before the 3.0 release, back when if you was high enough level, you could be anything. Take the role as a tank, heal your buddies as well as be top dps. In one way it was fun, but after the big balancing, she wasnt in that chair anymore. ‘’You know, back when I was really into all this fighting, I kinda didnt have a build. Have been able to focus on everything. But yeah, that maybe isnt a very fun answer.’’ she said with a giggle as she started opening her inventory. ‘’Nowadays thou, I guess I have started walking down the support role. The whole leadership and first aid skill-trees have interested me, specially since back then, you couldnt really be on a support role. Thou to be honest with you, I havent really used it very much. So it often turns out just using my trusty old axe.’’ while she have talked she had equipped her battle gear, ready for anything, and just when she said axe, her Teseleths fury transformed in her hand, a black two-handed battleaxe with ember inscriptions and some faint black smoke surronding it. ‘’How about you?’’ she finished off, looking at Morningstar.

‘’Heya there, you ready for some fun? Im sorry I haven’t given you any freedom during all this time, dont judge me to hard.’’ she said, talking to her weapon. ‘’And please, don’t embarrass me infront of these guys okay?’’.

She walked and talked beside Morningstar as they was following after Freyd that was taking the lead. Had never really hanged out with him, was fun having some casual chit-chatting.

After awhile thou she felt kinda out off place, both off them was walking there in armor that dosent even looked light, but cloth. Meanwhile she was herself having black, heavy armor with big gauntlets and pauldrons, even a pair of horns on her head. It was while she was thinking off this that Freyd woke her up, alerting them about that some puppies have arrived. Zandra felt her heart started beating faster as her eyes turned to the trio off hounds that was infront of them. A big grin grew on her lips. ‘’Nice, after all this time hehe! Finally.’’ her crimson eyes was focused on the enemy as she took a steady grip of her axe. ‘’Hehe, I will let you see in action how it works.’’ she said. ‘’I will totally let you know how not-dead I am!''

And with those words she headed towards the dogs with a fire burning in her eyes. She got close to the first one of them. Thou it have been so long time ago she did it, so she totally miscalculated the distance and the only thing she cleaved was air. She followed it up with another swing against the second hound and this one landed a hit and suddenly the dog that was burning, bursted into even bigger flames. The health of both Zandra and the Hellhound started dropping. She didnt wasted any time thou as she turned to the final one. As she raised her battleaxe for the final strike the smoke surrounding it got thicker as the blade cleaved thru its head, a few seconds later turning it into shattering crystals.

She took a few steps back to Freyd. ‘’I guess that was the warm-up?’’ she said with an excited smile.



Post Action | AoE-I (11+4(2*2)+2-1=16 Energy, x15 multiplier) 
Free Action | None

ID #221396 | BD: 4+3-2=5 Miss! 0 DMG to Infernal Hell Hound 1. 
ID #221397| BD:10 Crit! Burn triggered! 18+2=20*15=300-50=250 DMG +56 Burn to Infernal Hell Hound 2. 
ID #221398 | BD:7+3-2=8 Hit! Fallen triggered! 18+16=34*15=510-50=460 DMG to Infernal Hell Hound 3. 

Zandra takes 65 DMG

Freyd | HP: 1070/1160 (1160-90) | EN: 138/154 (154-16) | DMG: 24 | MIT: 105 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 7 (incl. AA) | BH: 63 | LD: 6 | FRSTB: 40 | PHASE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 127 | V.O.: 127 | DOTE: 2/2
Zandra | HP: 895/960 | EN: 92/108 | DMG: 18 | MIT: 130 | FLM.AUR. 16 | ACC 3 | FLN 16 | BRN 56
Morningstar | 
HP: 740/740 | EN: 112/112 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN

(2,0,0) Infernal Hell Hound 1 | HP: 115/450 | DMG: 125 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 (-1, 0/2) | EVA: 2 | FRSTBT 40 (0/2) 
(2,0,0) Infernal Hell Hound 2 | HP: 0/450 | DMG: 125 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 (140-350) | BURN 56 (0/2)
(2,0,0) Infernal Hell Hound 3 | HP: 0/450 | DMG: 125 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 (140-460)

  • Burning Bite | On successful attacks, the player is afflicted with T4 Burn. (56 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.)
  • Boiling Hide | On successful attacks against an Infernal Hell Hound, the player receives 25 thorns damage. Successful critical attacks against Infernal Hell Hounds increases damage received by the player to 40. This damage is negatable by Fireproof.
  • Infernal Soul |Deals additional damage. (+25 minor crit | +50 major crit)


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Zandra explained her history as a frontliner, sharing that her role and build had changed significantly over the years. "Healers are cool. I don't meet all that many," he told her. "I'm a DPS."

The amusing conversation ended abruptly with the arrival of a wave of mobs.

Their first encounter with the hell hounds was lackluster at best. The party made light work of the infernal trio, defeating them in a single rotation, ordered Freyd, Zandra, and then Morningstar. The blonde swooped in last, picking up the last hit on one of the hounds and feeling displeased with the lack of a loot drop. Every reward came with a hit of dopamine and more unidentified items for him to gamble all his col on.

He was turning into a real appraisal addict. His wallet would not appreciate it in the long term.

"I think I could pull off a dress," Morningstar said, reigniting Freyd's last comment. "Smooth skin, y'know?"


Post Action | TECH-D (x16, 12 EN, +3 Shift): 15 EN - (Well Rested 3/3; Stamina) = 12 EN.
Free Action | None

ID #221408 | BD: 6+6+1-1=12 | (23+16)*16 = 624-30 = 594 DMG

Morningstar takes 25 DMG

Freyd | HP: 1070/1160 (1160-90) | EN: 138/154 (154-16) | DMG: 24 | MIT: 105 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 7 (incl. AA) | BH: 63 | LD: 6 | FRSTB: 40 | PHASE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 127 | V.O.: 127 | DOTE: 2/2
Zandra | HP: 895/960 | EN: 92/108 | DMG: 18 | MIT: 130 | FLM.AUR. 16 | ACC 3 | FLN 16 | BRN 56
Morningstar | 
HP: 715/740 | EN: 100/112 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN

(2,0,0) Infernal Hell Hound 1 | HP: 0/450 | DMG: 125 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 (-1, 0/2) | EVA: 2 | FRSTBT 40 (0/2) 

  • Burning Bite | On successful attacks, the player is afflicted with T4 Burn. (56 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.)
  • Boiling Hide | On successful attacks against an Infernal Hell Hound, the player receives 25 thorns damage. Successful critical attacks against Infernal Hell Hounds increases damage received by the player to 40. This damage is negatable by Fireproof.
  • Infernal Soul | Deals additional damage. (+25 minor crit | +50 major crit)


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Freyd had listened intently as Zandra referenced olden times, some pre-dating his own rise and involvement in the mainstream of Aincrad's daily affairs.  Realization dawned that he was now the one referencing names that newcomers no longer recognized and tales they had never heard.  Congratulations, Freyd, you've become a veteran and joined the ranks of the 'old men' to which you once aspired. It didn't feel like the accomplishment he imagined it to be, but then it likely never could have.  Here, on the other side of the fence, grass was still just grass.  Its colour never changed.  Zandra and Morningstar deftly dealt with the remaining hounds.  It would take long for their master to follow in the wake of his fallen kin.

"I'm..." he paused, pondering how best to declare his role.  "What is today?  Tuesday?  I think I'm a tank on Tuesdays.  Mostly DPS on other days ending in 'Y', but don't ever ask me to heal something.  I just throw crystals at people until they quit whining and get back on their feet."  It was mostly jest, but the best jokes always have some basis in truth.  Freyd wasn't a particularly effective tank, just a passable one when bad guys needed something agile and annoying between them and the rest of the group.  Not at all like the greats of yesterday.  "And, you're not wrong, Zandra.  The meta has changed.  We need to change with it.  Let me know if I can help with that in any way, for the sake of an old friend."  Thunderous footsteps paired with triple-echoed baying soon broke up their conversation, putting them all back on alter.

"You've definitely got the legs for it," Freyd added, replying to Star's boast.  "Just don't ever underestimate what you can achieve with clever application of the Disguise skill."  Giving his blonde companion a quick wink, Freyd dove into a nearby plume of sulfurous fumes and vanished from sight.  

No sooner had the Whisper vanished to his shadows than a giant pair of charcoal-coloured paws broke through the wall of smoke obscuring the far side of the narrow gorge in which they'd found themselves.  Cerberus - the bigger, meaner incarnation of the tri-headed doggo - quickly followed, with all three maws dripping liquid fire, growling synchronously as they approached.

"I call heads!"

The call came from it flank, causing all three sets of Cerberus' eyes to shift and turn, one of them getting a knee under its chin for its trouble.  

"Gotta watch our damage output on this one, or we'll blow the secret code.  Try to knock it down to just under a quarter of its health bar and watch our for those fallen procs, Zandra.  You might want to swap to another weapon if you have one."



Freyd regains +4 EN
Freyd regains 63 HP from BH
CD 2 (No REC proc) ID #221417
CD 4 (No VD proc) ID #221418

Post Action | AoE-II (x18, 14, +2 shift, +2/hit EN): 18 EN - (Rested 2/2; Stamina) = 15 EN.  
Free Action | None

ID #221419 | BD:2+7-2=7 (hit).  DMG (18*24=432-75=357) to head #1.

Freyd | HP: 1133/1160 (1070+63) | EN: 127/154 (138+4-15) | DMG: 24 | MIT: 105 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 7 (incl. AA) | BH: 63 | LD: 6 | FRSTB: 40 | PHASE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 127 | V.O.: 127 | DOTE: 2/2
Zandra | HP: 895/960 | EN: 92/108 | DMG: 18 | MIT: 130 | FLM.AUR. 16 | ACC 3 | FLN 16 | BRN 56
Morningstar | 
HP: 715/740 | EN: 100/112 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN

(2,0,0) Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #1) HP: 293/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 (650-357)
(0,0,0) Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #2) HP: 650/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2
(0,0,0) Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #3) HP: 650/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2

  • Bloodless | This boss is immune to all status ailments.
  • Bringing Hell | This boss can attack once per turn for each head active.
  • Limited Availability | Players can only target one head at a time. This also extends to AoE attacks.
  • Burning Bite | On Cerberus' successful attacks, the player is afflicted with T4 Burn. (56 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.) This ailment is negatable by Fireproof.
  • Boiling Hide | On successful attacks against Cerberus, the player receives 30 thorns damage. Successful critical attacks against Cerberus increases damage received by the player to 50. This damage is negatable by Fireproof.
  • Infernal Punishment | On a critical attack, heads of Cerberus that have not yet attacked for that turn will gain additional damage and 50% Phase for their attack that turn. (+25 on minor crit | +75 on major crit)
  • Blazing Bite | If all three heads are reduced to 150 HP or less without any having been destroyed, <<Cerberus, Inferno’s Rage>> will howl with all three heads, summoning 3 <<Infernal Hell Hounds>> to come to its aid as a Free Action. They attack immediately, as part of the same post. Damage from new applications of Burning Bite is now doubled. (112 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.)  


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Zandra smirked as she got the reply that healers was cool. ‘’Well, dont think alot of people think that. Isnt it more fun to see those big damage numbers.’’ she answered before she quickly added. ‘’Eh, nevermind, healers can be cool indeed. Also, I actually prefer skirts over dresses. It is something with having a dress in one piece that is like, eh, cant explain it. But yeah, combat skirts are awesome hehe.’’.

She took a look around on the fiery landscape surrounding them as she opened up her inventory. ‘’So, Im here with two damage dealers where one works part-time as a tank. Sounds really nice to be honest.’’ she did some clicking on the screen and a red crystal appeared in her hand. ‘’well yes indeed, there is a reason I am an alchemist you know.’’ and with a wink she crushed the crystal making all of their healthbars getting filled up. She knew it wasnt really needed yet. Maybe wouldnt be at all during thiese battles since she was with pretty strong companions. ‘’And yeah Freyd, would gladly get some help with how the meta looks nowadays. Would making it easier when preparing for group battles.’

After that, didnt took long time for the big boy to appear. Zandra nodded to Freyds instructions. ‘’Ay, I do that. Some bad news thou, this is only weapon I brought with me today.’’ she had after all only halfly expected to find anyone to do something with today. But well well, wasnt much she could do by now. Since she couldnt really turn of enchantments on her gear. To actually bee in the situation when she dont want her fallen to trigger. She charged in after Freyd that just had kneed one of the heads. She havent read thru quest description before following them here, but on the way she had herd some others talking about Cerberus. Seemed it wasnt possible to strike several heads at once, so her focus went to the middle one. She spun her axe in a circle to make the blades doing an uppercut


Post Action | AoE-Il (14+2(2*1)+2-1=17 Energy, x18 multiplier) 
Free Action | Uses mass heal crystal. +10% HP healed

ID #221442 | BD:5+3-2=6 Hit! 18*18=324-75=249 DMG to head 2. 

Takes 30 thorn damage from Boiling hide

Mass heal:
Freyd: 1160*0,1=116 HP
Zandra: 960*0,1=96 HP
Morningstar: 740*0,1=74 HP

Freyd | HP: 1160/1160 (1133+116) | EN: 127/154 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 105 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 7 (incl. AA) | BH: 63 | LD: 6 | FRSTB: 40 | PHASE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 127 | V.O.: 127 | DOTE: 2/2
Zandra | HP: 930/960 (895+96=960(full)-30=930)) | EN: 75/108 (92-17) | DMG: 18 | MIT: 130 | FLM.AUR. 16 | ACC 3 | FLN 16 | BRN 56
Morningstar | 
HP: 740/740 (715+74) | EN: 100/112 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN

(2,0,0) Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #1) HP: 293/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 
(0,1,0) Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #2) HP: 401/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2
(0,0,0) Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #3) HP: 650/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2

  • Bloodless | This boss is immune to all status ailments.
  • Bringing Hell | This boss can attack once per turn for each head active.
  • Limited Availability | Players can only target one head at a time. This also extends to AoE attacks.
  • Burning Bite | On Cerberus' successful attacks, the player is afflicted with T4 Burn. (56 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.) This ailment is negatable by Fireproof.
  • Boiling Hide | On successful attacks against Cerberus, the player receives 30 thorns damage. Successful critical attacks against Cerberus increases damage received by the player to 50. This damage is negatable by Fireproof.
  • Infernal Punishment | On a critical attack, heads of Cerberus that have not yet attacked for that turn will gain additional damage and 50% Phase for their attack that turn. (+25 on minor crit | +75 on major crit)
  • Blazing Bite | If all three heads are reduced to 150 HP or less without any having been destroyed, <<Cerberus, Inferno’s Rage>> will howl with all three heads, summoning 3 <<Infernal Hell Hounds>> to come to its aid as a Free Action. They attack immediately, as part of the same post. Damage from new applications of Burning Bite is now doubled. (112 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.)  


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It would take some precision to not kill the quest boss. It wasn't something that Morningstar was accustomed to. Generally, a quick end to a fight was ideal, but he wanted the sword art and cardinal had placed restrictions on it. It was fair enough, he thought. An unlockable ability was bound to have tall hurdles in its way.

Freyd went after the leftmost head, while Zandra took on the one in the middle. That left Morningstar with the third and final head to battle. He shot forward, slamming into Head 3's jaw with a sharp uppercut. It would have dazed most opponents his size, but Inferno's Rage simply shook it off. Not even paralysis took effect on the hellish beast.

Eyeing Cerberus' triple health bars, worried him. He watched the numbers quickly drop, realizing that he might accidentally kill the third head with an unlucky fallen proc. He had hoped to activate it while the foe was still healthy, but he had no such luck.

The first and second heads were similarly situated. A sliver of extra health would have eased his anxiety. He, like Zandra, had neglected to bring an alternate weapon.

"I may need to take a back seat for a moment..." Morningstar said awkwardly. "I think I've underestimated my damage output."


Post Action | TECH-B (x16, 12 EN, +3 Shift): 15 EN - (Well Rested 3/3; Stamina) = 12 EN.
Free Action | 

ID #221445 | CD: 12 | +4 EN
ID #221444 | BD: 9 | (23+1)*16 = 384-75 = 309 DMG to Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #3).
 | Morningstar takes 50 DMG from Boiling Hide

ID #221446 | MD: 7+3-6 = 4 | Head 1 Misses Freyd

ID #221447 | MD: 3+3 = 6 | Head 2 Deals 175-130-16 = 29 DMG to Zandra | BURNED | Head 2 takes 8 DMG from Flame Aura

ID #221448 | MD: 6+2-4 = 4 | Head 3 Misses Morningstar

Freyd | HP: 1160/1160 | EN: 127/154 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 105 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 7 (incl. AA) | BH: 63 | LD: 6 | FRSTB: 40 | PHASE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 127 | V.O.: 127 | DOTE: 2/2
Zandra | HP: 901/960 (-29) | EN: 75/108 | DMG: 18 | MIT: 130 | FLM.AUR. 16 | ACC 3 | FLN 16 | BRN 56 |
BRN: 56 (0/2)
Morningstar | HP: 690/740 (-50)  | EN: 96/112 (+8-12) | DMG: 23 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN

(2,0,0) Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #1) HP: 293/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 
(0,1,0) Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #2) HP: 393/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2
(0,0,1) Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #3) HP: 341/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 2 | EVA: 2 |

  • Bloodless | This boss is immune to all status ailments.
  • Bringing Hell | This boss can attack once per turn for each head active.
  • Limited Availability | Players can only target one head at a time. This also extends to AoE attacks.
  • Burning Bite | On Cerberus' successful attacks, the player is afflicted with T4 Burn. (56 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.) This ailment is negatable by Fireproof.
  • Boiling Hide | On successful attacks against Cerberus, the player receives 30 thorns damage. Successful critical attacks against Cerberus increases damage received by the player to 50. This damage is negatable by Fireproof.
  • Infernal Punishment | On a critical attack, heads of Cerberus that have not yet attacked for that turn will gain additional damage and 50% Phase for their attack that turn. (+25 on minor crit | +75 on major crit)
  • Blazing Bite | If all three heads are reduced to 150 HP or less without any having been destroyed, <<Cerberus, Inferno’s Rage>> will howl with all three heads, summoning 3 <<Infernal Hell Hounds>> to come to its aid as a Free Action. They attack immediately, as part of the same post. Damage from new applications of Burning Bite is now doubled. (112 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.)  


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"Anytime, Zee.  You were trouncing badass mobs while I was still wearing my starter diapers.  It would be my pleasure to assist."

Cerberus sought to use their discussion to its advantage, clearly not having watched enough anime to appreciate how much dialogue during combat was accepted social norm.  Some even argued that it made them fight better.  

"Ah, okay then," he replied, silently scolding himself for his assumptions about spare weapons. "No worries.  We'll manage just fine, so long as we're clever and careful.  Morningstar's got the geist."  Following their other companion's lead, he gauged the remaining life on each health bar and adjusted his tactics accordingly, clipping his assigned head, but not quite by enough.

"Dangit!  Looks like I'll be making basic attacks on mine to get it where it needs to be.  Didn't want to chance overshooting the goal. A badly timed crit or DoT proc could ruin our efforts.  Better to lowball you attacks."



Freyd regains +4 EN
CD 11 (+8 REC proc) ID #221484

Post Action | TECH-F (x8, 8 EN, +2/hit): 10 EN - (Rested 1/2; Stamina) = 7 EN.  
Free Action [item] | Rhino horn

ID #221483 | BD:4+7-2=9 (hit, Rhino +3).  DMG (8*27=216-75=141) to head #1

Freyd takes 30 damage from Boiling Hide

Freyd | HP: 1130/1160 (1160-30) | EN: 132/154 (127+4+8-7) | DMG: 24 | MIT: 105 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 7 (incl. AA) | BH: 63 | LD: 6 | FRSTB: 40 | PHASE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 127 | V.O.: 127 | DOTE: 2/2
Zandra | HP: 901/960 (-29) | EN: 75/108 | DMG: 18 | MIT: 130 | FLM.AUR. 16 | ACC 3 | FLN 16 | BRN 56 | 
BRN: 56 (0/2)
Morningstar | HP: 690/740 (-50)  | EN: 96/112 (+8-12) | DMG: 23 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN

(4,0,0) Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #1) HP: 152/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2  (293-141)
(0,1,0) Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #2) HP: 393/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2
(0,0,1) Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #3) HP: 341/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 2 | EVA: 2 | 

  • Bloodless | This boss is immune to all status ailments.
  • Bringing Hell | This boss can attack once per turn for each head active.
  • Limited Availability | Players can only target one head at a time. This also extends to AoE attacks.
  • Burning Bite | On Cerberus' successful attacks, the player is afflicted with T4 Burn. (56 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.) This ailment is negatable by Fireproof.
  • Boiling Hide | On successful attacks against Cerberus, the player receives 30 thorns damage. Successful critical attacks against Cerberus increases damage received by the player to 50. This damage is negatable by Fireproof.
  • Infernal Punishment | On a critical attack, heads of Cerberus that have not yet attacked for that turn will gain additional damage and 50% Phase for their attack that turn. (+25 on minor crit | +75 on major crit)
  • Blazing Bite | If all three heads are reduced to 150 HP or less without any having been destroyed, <<Cerberus, Inferno’s Rage>> will howl with all three heads, summoning 3 <<Infernal Hell Hounds>> to come to its aid as a Free Action. They attack immediately, as part of the same post. Damage from new applications of Burning Bite is now doubled. (112 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.)  


Edited by Freyd
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Wait what? They was still talking about treating the doggie softly. Zandra grit her teeths as her crimson eyes was focused on the boss. The fire in her eyes got mixed by the reflection of the burning beast. Why did they had to be so careful? Finally, after all this time, she was out on the field and was feeling the joy of combat again. She had felt her hands gripping the axe’s handle thru just musclememory. Did they think they would make her treating it like a newborn baby or what? Heck no! She charged forward against Cerberus, raised her axe to prepare for it to deliver the strike. She sent a glance to her teammates to see what they did. Thou it was a mistake. The dog saw Zandras quick distraction and took the moment to move its head out of the way, make Zandra only cleaving air before her strike hitted the ground without damaging the enemy. ‘’Crap!''


Post Action | ST-I (x12, -2+1 EN): -1 EN.  
Free Action [item] | Rhino horn

ID #221835 | BD:4+3-2=5 Miss!  DMG 0 to head #1

Freyd | HP: 1130/1160 | EN: 132/154 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 105 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 7 (incl. AA) | BH: 63 | LD: 6 | FRSTB: 40 | PHASE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 127 | V.O.: 127 | DOTE: 2/2
Zandra | HP: 901/960 | EN: 74/108 (75-1)| DMG: 18 | MIT: 130 | FLM.AUR. 16 | ACC 3 | FLN 16 | BRN 56 | 
BRN: 56 (0/2)
Morningstar | HP: 690/740 | EN: 96/112 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN

(4,0,0) Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #1) HP: 152/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2  (293-141)
(0,1,0) Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #2) HP: 393/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2
(0,0,1) Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #3) HP: 341/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 2 | EVA: 2 | 

  • Bloodless | This boss is immune to all status ailments.
  • Bringing Hell | This boss can attack once per turn for each head active.
  • Limited Availability | Players can only target one head at a time. This also extends to AoE attacks.
  • Burning Bite | On Cerberus' successful attacks, the player is afflicted with T4 Burn. (56 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.) This ailment is negatable by Fireproof.
  • Boiling Hide | On successful attacks against Cerberus, the player receives 30 thorns damage. Successful critical attacks against Cerberus increases damage received by the player to 50. This damage is negatable by Fireproof.
  • Infernal Punishment | On a critical attack, heads of Cerberus that have not yet attacked for that turn will gain additional damage and 50% Phase for their attack that turn. (+25 on minor crit | +75 on major crit)
  • Blazing Bite | If all three heads are reduced to 150 HP or less without any having been destroyed, <<Cerberus, Inferno’s Rage>> will howl with all three heads, summoning 3 <<Infernal Hell Hounds>> to come to its aid as a Free Action. They attack immediately, as part of the same post. Damage from new applications of Burning Bite is now doubled. (112 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.)  


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Zandra's charge caught Morningstar off guard. It was quick and intense, the polar opposite of what Freyd had just told them. She swung high and hit air, panicking as Cerberus simply moved out of the way. The middle head swooped in for a counterattack. Morningstar clenched his fists and lunged, unable to sit back as the beast's jaws closed in on the girl. The backbite of his sword redirected the attack away from Zandra, saving her from an untimely decapitation while also pulling its attention towards himself.

For this decision, there would be repercussions. Head 3 slammed into him from behind, winding him. He tried to hit back but felt his feet leave the ground. His eyes grew wide, half from the utter confusion and half from the dull throbbing in his left arm. He gritted his teeth.

Like he was a stuffed animal at the arcade, the jaws of the second head of Cerberus clenched onto him tight. He tossed him like a plaything, but not intentionally. A few harsh swings had torn through the virtual flesh of his arm, leaving him to tumble through the air. He landed with a cartoonish bounce a short way from Freyd. With his remaining arm, he pushed himself off the ground. Pixels resembling blood floated from where the other had previously been. More came from scratches across his face; the landing had not been kind to him. His health bar lingered in the yellow, persistent enough to avoid turning red.


ID 221951 name is like half missing in roller. i am morni

Post Action | AOE-I (x11, 11 EN): 11 EN - (Well Rested 2/3; Stamina) = 8 EN.
Free Action |

ID #221950 | CD: 7 | +4 EN
ID #221951 | BD: 4+6+1-2 = 9 | 23*11-75=178 DMG to Head 2 | 30 Thorns DMG

ID #221984 | MD: 2+3-6 = -1 | Head 1 misses Freyd
ID #221985 | MD: 10 | Head 2 deals 175-20 = 155 DMG to Morningstar
ID #221986 | MD: 7+3-4 = 6 | Head 2 deals 175+75-10 = 240 DMG to Morningstar

Freyd | HP: 1130/1160 | EN: 132/154 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 105 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 7 (incl. AA) | BH: 63 | LD: 6 | FRSTB: 40 | PHASE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 127 | V.O.: 127 | DOTE: 2/2
Zandra | HP: 845/960 (901-56) | EN: 74/108 (75-1)| DMG: 18 | MIT: 130 | FLM.AUR. 16 | ACC 3 | FLN 16 | BRN 56 | 
BRN: 56 (1/2)
Morningstar | HP: 304/740 (690+39-30-155-240) | EN: 96/112 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN | BRN: 56 (0/2)

(4,0,0) Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #1) HP: 152/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2  (293-141)
(0,1,1) Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #2) HP: 215/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2
(0,0,1) Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #3) HP: 341/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2

  • Bloodless | This boss is immune to all status ailments.
  • Bringing Hell | This boss can attack once per turn for each head active.
  • Limited Availability | Players can only target one head at a time. This also extends to AoE attacks.
  • Burning Bite | On Cerberus' successful attacks, the player is afflicted with T4 Burn. (56 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.) This ailment is negatable by Fireproof.
  • Boiling Hide | On successful attacks against Cerberus, the player receives 30 thorns damage. Successful critical attacks against Cerberus increases damage received by the player to 50. This damage is negatable by Fireproof.
  • Infernal Punishment | On a critical attack, heads of Cerberus that have not yet attacked for that turn will gain additional damage and 50% Phase for their attack that turn. (+25 on minor crit | +75 on major crit)
  • Blazing Bite | If all three heads are reduced to 150 HP or less without any having been destroyed, <<Cerberus, Inferno’s Rage>> will howl with all three heads, summoning 3 <<Infernal Hell Hounds>> to come to its aid as a Free Action. They attack immediately, as part of the same post. Damage from new applications of Burning Bite is now doubled. (112 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.)  


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"Well... that certainly explains the nickname."  Watching Zandra charge recklessly into battle in complete contradiction to their plan should probably should have surprised him more, but they'd actually fought side by side before.  Freyd was also preoccupied dodging his appointed head while flailing about in full Matrix bullet-time mode.  Cries of alarm nearly broke the concentration required to maintain such a state, along with a preconditioned alarm from his party status tracker  Star's slumped and injured form rolled to the ground next to him, instantly raised both hackles and concern.  Not good.

Even the slightest hint of amber in a player's health bar was never taken lightly, especially in a fight requiring such precision and against a potentially lethal foe.  Sidestepping into a lunge, Freyd slammed into the offending mutt with a full body tackle, wrapping his arm around its massive throat and wrenching its neck awkwardly around as he tumbled over top to place himself closer to Zandra. 

"I'll keep the first two focused on me," he called to the berserker, a commanding tone replacing his less reverent default.  Tank mode had taken over by necessity.

"Heal Star or tag that other head - your call."  Locking his fierce blue gaze with hers, eyes burning with intensity beneath that charcoal cowl, Freyd wasn't kidding around.  "No games this time, Z.  He needs us."  The Whisper's tone brokered no tolerance for shenanigans. He'd tackle all three heads on his own if he had to, but no one was getting vaporized on his watch while he could prevent it.

Belching flame and furious snarls matched the snapping of giant canine jaws to find only absent shadows in the wake of the Whispers' movements.  The man seemed to be in several places at once, shimmering between shades that mingles across the battlefield to distract and confuse.  Cerberus raged and frenzied, but found no greater purchase.  If anything, its efforts seemed less effective than ever, even managing to bite its own paw and howling with further growing frustration.

"GO!  I've got this," He barked sternly.

I'd better have this, for Star's sake.

All the while, he watched the reading across the three enemy health bars, never quite taking his eyes off his friend's prize.



Freyd regains +4 EN
Freyd heals 63hp from BH
CD 9 (+8 REC proc) ID #221990

Post Action | TECH-F (x8, 8 EN, +2/hit): 10 EN - (Stamina) = 8 EN.  
Free Action [item] | None

ID #221989 | BD: 4+7-2=9 (hit).  DMG (8*27=216-75=141) to head #2

Freyd takes 30 damage from Boiling Hide

Freyd | HP: 1130/1160 (1130+63[max]-30) | EN: 136/154 (132+4+8-8) | DMG: 24 | MIT: 105 | EVA: 6 (5) | ACC: 7 (incl. AA) | BH: 63 | LD: 6 | FRSTB: 40 | PHASE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 127 | V.O.: 127 | DOTE: 2/2
Zandra | HP: 845/960 | EN: 74/108 (75-1)| DMG: 18 | MIT: 130 | FLM.AUR. 16 | ACC 3 | FLN 16 | BRN 56 | 
BRN: 56 (1/2)
Morningstar | HP: 304/740  | EN: 96/112 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN | BRN: 56 (0/2)

(4,0,0) Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #1) HP: 152/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2
(2,1,1) Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #2) HP:
74/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 (215-141)
(0,0,1) Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #3) HP: 341/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2

  • Bloodless | This boss is immune to all status ailments.
  • Bringing Hell | This boss can attack once per turn for each head active.
  • Limited Availability | Players can only target one head at a time. This also extends to AoE attacks.
  • Burning Bite | On Cerberus' successful attacks, the player is afflicted with T4 Burn. (56 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.) This ailment is negatable by Fireproof.
  • Boiling Hide | On successful attacks against Cerberus, the player receives 30 thorns damage. Successful critical attacks against Cerberus increases damage received by the player to 50. This damage is negatable by Fireproof.
  • Infernal Punishment | On a critical attack, heads of Cerberus that have not yet attacked for that turn will gain additional damage and 50% Phase for their attack that turn. (+25 on minor crit | +75 on major crit)
  • Blazing Bite | If all three heads are reduced to 150 HP or less without any having been destroyed, <<Cerberus, Inferno’s Rage>> will howl with all three heads, summoning 3 <<Infernal Hell Hounds>> to come to its aid as a Free Action. They attack immediately, as part of the same post. Damage from new applications of Burning Bite is now doubled. (112 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.)  


Edited by Freyd
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Zandra grit her teeths behind her mouthguard as her brain worked on high steam. What was she thinking?! What was they thinking? She needed to focus. For no reason she felt anger against Freyd. Gladly thou her eyes was hidden behind her bangs, she felt her knuckles whiten as her grip off her axe tightened. Finally, after all this time she went back into combat, and they told her to no… actually thou, that is what she trying to aim for, this is actually perfect situation where a heal is more needed then damage. On second thought, it isnt that she dont care about him, it is just that she havent been in this situation before, well, except that time. Many thoughts darted thru her mind, back and forth until she had decided what to do, just a few seconds after Freyd told her to GO. ‘’On one condition, dont die. If you die, I will come and kill you.’’ she said with a smile before heading to Morningstar.

’ZITA! DO IT!!’’ Zandra shouted as she drew a glyph in the air infront of her. The kingseagle flew down from above the fire where she had been circling high above the group as she let out a high eagle cry. ‘’Heya mate, no time to rest now.’’she said to Morningstar. and actually, it would be better to keep the two party members healthy and alive, after all they was actually built to kill stuff. As she glanced at the healthbar, hers and Zita’s actions turned it green and nice.


Post Action | First aid 20%+20%=24% av 740=177 Heal on Morningstar. -15 EN. 
Free Action |  Familiar heal +40 HP

Total: 217 Heal

Freyd | HP: 1130/1160 | EN: 136/154 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 105 | EVA: 6 (5) | ACC: 7 (incl. AA) | BH: 63 | LD: 6 | FRSTB: 40 | PHASE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 127 | V.O.: 127 | DOTE: 2/2
Zandra | HP: 845/960 | EN: 59/108 (74-15)| DMG: 18 | MIT: 130 | FLM.AUR. 16 | ACC 3 | FLN 16 | BRN 56 | 
BRN: 56 (1/2)
Morningstar | HP: 521/740 (304+217) | EN: 96/112 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN | BRN: 56 (0/2)

(4,0,0) Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #1) HP: 152/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2
(2,1,1) Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #2) HP: 
74/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 (215-141)
(0,0,1) Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #3) HP: 341/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2

  • Bloodless | This boss is immune to all status ailments.
  • Bringing Hell | This boss can attack once per turn for each head active.
  • Limited Availability | Players can only target one head at a time. This also extends to AoE attacks.
  • Burning Bite | On Cerberus' successful attacks, the player is afflicted with T4 Burn. (56 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.) This ailment is negatable by Fireproof.
  • Boiling Hide | On successful attacks against Cerberus, the player receives 30 thorns damage. Successful critical attacks against Cerberus increases damage received by the player to 50. This damage is negatable by Fireproof.
  • Infernal Punishment | On a critical attack, heads of Cerberus that have not yet attacked for that turn will gain additional damage and 50% Phase for their attack that turn. (+25 on minor crit | +75 on major crit)
  • Blazing Bite | If all three heads are reduced to 150 HP or less without any having been destroyed, <<Cerberus, Inferno’s Rage>> will howl with all three heads, summoning 3 <<Infernal Hell Hounds>> to come to its aid as a Free Action. They attack immediately, as part of the same post. Damage from new applications of Burning Bite is now doubled. (112 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.)  


Edited by Zandra
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Posted (edited)

He held blame for nobody but himself.

Zandra rushed to his side, activating both her and her familiar's heals simultaneously. The distance between him and death was lengthened for a while longer. As his health bar regenerated, so did his body.

"Right," he nodded to Zandra. "Back to work."

Freyd had the right idea, battling the slobbering three-headed beast by himself. He controlled the fight expertly while the other two reoriented themselves. Morningstar leaned towards the the left-most head, leaving Zandra to do as she pleased. If he could whittle down its health bar just a bit more they would be off to the races.

A clear line to head number one had opened up. He swooped past Freyd, gripping his blade tight the second his fingers finished materializing. A bone cracked at the force of Dying Sun, but his attack barely tickled its lifeforce. That was the kind of energy he needed to put into his attacks, for the time being.

"Thank you," he called to Freyd. "I'm grateful that you held them off for me. And you too, Zandra, for the heals."


*edited z's HP to account for 25% dot reduction - squeaky clean*

Post Action | Basic Attack (1 EN): 1 - (Well Rested 1/3; Stamina) = 0 EN
Free Action |

ID222003 | CD: 5 | Recovery Failed
ID222004 | BD: 6+6+1-2 = 11 | (23+16)-75 = 1 DMG to Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #1)

Morningstar takes 30 DMG from Boiling Hide

ID222005 | BD: 8+3-5 = 6 | Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #1) DMG: 175-105 = 70 to Freyd
ID222006 | BD: 6+3-5 = 4 | Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #2) misses Freyd
ID222007 | BD: 6+3-4 = 5 | (Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #3) misses Morningstar

Freyd | HP: 1060/1160 | EN: 136/154 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 105 | EVA: 6 (5) | ACC: 7 (incl. AA) | BH: 63 | LD: 6 | FRSTB: 40 | PHASE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 127 | V.O.: 127 | DOTE: 1/2
Zandra | HP: 873/960 (-42) | EN: 59/108| DMG: 18 | MIT: 130 | FLM.AUR. 16 | ACC 3 | FLN 16 | BRN 56 | BRN: 42 (2/2)
Morningstar | HP: 488/740 (+39-42-30) | EN: 100/112 (+4) | DMG: 23 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN | BRN: 42 (1/2)

(4,0,1) Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #1) HP: 151/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 (152-1)
(2,1,1) Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #2) HP: 
74/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2
(0,0,1) Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #3) HP: 341/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2

  • Bloodless | This boss is immune to all status ailments.
  • Bringing Hell | This boss can attack once per turn for each head active.
  • Limited Availability | Players can only target one head at a time. This also extends to AoE attacks.
  • Burning Bite | On Cerberus' successful attacks, the player is afflicted with T4 Burn. (56 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.) This ailment is negatable by Fireproof.
  • Boiling Hide | On successful attacks against Cerberus, the player receives 30 thorns damage. Successful critical attacks against Cerberus increases damage received by the player to 50. This damage is negatable by Fireproof.
  • Infernal Punishment | On a critical attack, heads of Cerberus that have not yet attacked for that turn will gain additional damage and 50% Phase for their attack that turn. (+25 on minor crit | +75 on major crit)
  • Blazing Bite | If all three heads are reduced to 150 HP or less without any having been destroyed, <<Cerberus, Inferno’s Rage>> will howl with all three heads, summoning 3 <<Infernal Hell Hounds>> to come to its aid as a Free Action. They attack immediately, as part of the same post. Damage from new applications of Burning Bite is now doubled. (112 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.)  


Edited by Morningstar
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Moving like an ethereal wraith between the triad of barking, snapping maws, Freyd faded from view again and again only to reappear and resume his assaults mere moments later.  Inferno's rage had lost interest in the other two players, which had been precisely the point.  The only catch was that all three heads were now clearly and furiously focused on him instead.  "Frikkin life of a tank," he muttered to himself. "And here I am dancing with death in an outfit that could be mistaken as pajamas."

Seeing Morningstar resume his fighting stance and clip the first head in just the right manner brought a smile to the void beneath his cowl.  "Nice work, Z!  As always."  he'd never admit it, but some part of him had worried she might press her berserk attack and put their companion at further risk.  Fortunately, her healer's instincts seemed to have won out.

Snaring the wolf by its chinny-chin-chin, a tug reinforced by an overhead punch forced the third head to eat dirt and plunged its health into the critical range.

"One more," he hollered hoarse.  "Another basic attack on the first should do the trick. But nothing more!"

Tumbling away to a safe distance, he moved away to draw Cerberus' attention away and expose its flanks for the final puzzle piece to be locked into place.  

"That's right. barbeque-breath.  Come and get me..."



Freyd regains +4 EN
Freyd heals 63hp from BH
CD 6 (No REC proc) ID #222062
CD 4 (No VD proc) ID #222063

Post Action | TECH-D (x12, 12 EN): 12 EN - (Stamina) = 10 EN.  
Free Action | None

ID #222061 | BD:9 (Crit +2).  DMG (12*27=324-27 (phase,shatter)=297) to head #3.  Shatter applied. (CD 5 | ST-B locked)

Freyd takes 50 damage from Boiling Hide

Freyd | HP: 1073/1160 (1060+63-50) | EN: 130/154 (136+4-10) | DMG: 24 | MIT: 105 | EVA: 6 (5) | ACC: 7 (incl. AA) | BH: 63 | LD: 6 | FRSTB: 40 | PHASE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 127 | V.O.: 127 | DOTE: 1/2
Zandra | HP: 873/960 | EN: 59/108| DMG: 18 | MIT: 130 | FLM.AUR. 16 | ACC 3 | FLN 16 | BRN 56 | BRN: 42 (2/2)
Morningstar | HP: 488/740 | EN: 100/112 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN | BRN: 42 (1/2)

(4,0,1) Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #1) HP: 151/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2
(2,1,1) Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #2) HP: 
74/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2
(3,0,1) Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #3) HP:
50/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 (-20, 0/3) | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 (341-297)

  • Bloodless | This boss is immune to all status ailments.
  • Bringing Hell | This boss can attack once per turn for each head active.
  • Limited Availability | Players can only target one head at a time. This also extends to AoE attacks.
  • Burning Bite | On Cerberus' successful attacks, the player is afflicted with T4 Burn. (56 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.) This ailment is negatable by Fireproof.
  • Boiling Hide | On successful attacks against Cerberus, the player receives 30 thorns damage. Successful critical attacks against Cerberus increases damage received by the player to 50. This damage is negatable by Fireproof.
  • Infernal Punishment | On a critical attack, heads of Cerberus that have not yet attacked for that turn will gain additional damage and 50% Phase for their attack that turn. (+25 on minor crit | +75 on major crit)
  • Blazing Bite | If all three heads are reduced to 150 HP or less without any having been destroyed, <<Cerberus, Inferno’s Rage>> will howl with all three heads, summoning 3 <<Infernal Hell Hounds>> to come to its aid as a Free Action. They attack immediately, as part of the same post. Damage from new applications of Burning Bite is now doubled. (112 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.)  


Edited by Freyd
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