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[SOLO-MEDIUM] Arena: RyujinSeaLord

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The werewolf felt comfortable now, leading the first attack again. As the player had missed the first time, it had no need to dodge and it was still right by the player. It growled at the player and then swung it's paw at the player with it's claws ready to slash at the player's body. The werewolf had missed pretty badly, and the two other bears had chased behind the werewolf, charging in for the next attack.

Ryu: 48/56

Wave: 1

Bear1: 20/20

Werewolf: 17/35

Bear2: 20/20

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The first bear had rushed in showing its teeth at this player. The player seemed to be taking the monsters down slowly and with no troubles at all really. The bear finally came close enough to harm the player with its left clawed paw, preparing to strike at the player's chest with a heavy blow.

The bear's strike hit the player in the chest, dealing another small bit into the player's health, but nothing that meant anything substancial or dangerous to a severe point.

Ryu: 47/56

Wave: 1

Bear1: 20/20

Werewolf: 17/35

Bear2: 20/20

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The second bear ran in, but not as dangerous looking, in fact, it was more dangerous. The bear opened it's jaws, preparing to pry it's teeth into the player's leg. The player didn't even need to dodge as the bear decided to turn around, retreating from it's previous position.

Ryu: 47/56

Wave: 1

Bear1: 20/20

Werewolf: 17/35

Bear2: 20/20

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This was finally upsetting me, for i could not hit them as hard as i thought i could, but then again they were doing the most minimal damage that they could. I was really aiming to get rid of the werewolf, once that was out of the way, the bears would stand no chance at all, but then i would have to survive farther wavers...maybe i should have done this on a lower difficulty, but we will see what happens upon advancement. I swung my katana back around aiming for my target.

Roll 9 light crit, 10 damage to werewolf

The bloody werewolf took another shot in the chest this time leaving a huge red scare down it chest. I struck hard and cut deep into its flesh, to bad it wouldnt back down and run away, but its flesh would feed me and my demons, i looked at the animals and growled loudly, just because i could.

Ryu: 47/56

Wave: 1

Bear1: 20/20

Werewolf: 7/35

Bear2: 20/20

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The werewolf now weakened even more, continued leading the onslaught from the other beast like creatures. In the world of SAO, monsters weren't told to retreat, especially not in a Monster Arena where the golden goal was to survive as long as possible. The werewolf ran in at the player, open jaw, ready to bite the player's arm. Without fail, the player dodged the attack, and readied himself for the two bears who were already moving.

Ryu: 47/56

Wave: 1

Bear1: 20/20

Werewolf: 7/35

Bear2: 20/20

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The first bear ahead, charged in, grunting and roaring slightly at the player, came close enough to get a hit in. It now stood up and then swung it's right paw and then the left at the player in almost an X formation. Again, the player dodged another hit, and moved on to ready himself for another attack that was imbound any second.

Ryu: 47/56

Wave: 1

Bear1: 20/20

Werewolf: 7/35

Bear2: 20/20

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Now, the second bear came in at a fast speed, but unlike the other bear who tried to scratch, it went with the method like the werewolf and tried to bite at the player's leg, using it's sharp teeth, it tried to leap down towards the player's leg area, ready to deal damage. Instead of the player dodging, the bear was able to get it's teeth on there, but it couldn't deal any damage that was worth dropping the health bar for.

Ryu: 47/56

Wave: 1

Bear1: 20/20

Werewolf: 7/35

Bear2: 20/20

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I looked to the werewolf and smiled, it was so close to me i could almost chuckle with pleasure.

Its time to die you furry freak, and im not even close to regretting taking your ugly piece of coding with me.

I swung my katana around and cut the head off of the werewolf with intense force. I looked to the bears and smiled intensely knowing that they were my next targets. I looked around hoping i was being watched by an audience and smiled.

You havent seen anything yet i said spinning my katana in my hand.

Ryu: 47/56

Wave: 1

Bear1: 20/20

Werewolf: 0/35 dead (does that get a crafting material?)

Bear2: 20/20

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