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[F4-R8 Cook] Rebekah's Cafe (Open)

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It had been a few days since she had been cooking, as she looked down with her last material, it was something that she had treasured. However, she knew that these materials do not usually have an expiry date on them, but it was better if she was going to use them a lot earlier, rather than later. She was looking for another snack, and she decided to make some scramble eggs. However, as she was cooking it, she was making sure that it was going to become just right. When it was done, there was nothing special to it, just another regular item, and she placed it aside.




2 + 1 = 3 EXP

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Ever since the last quest, she had gained an extra material for her efforts against the sand shark. Rebekah was not hungry, but she knew that cooking food was an escape for her in Aincrad. Knowing that she was looking to try her luck for a few items that may be useful in the upcoming boss fight, she knew that she would have to hurry to find more materials as they were needed constantly.


[iD=12383] CD = 9 Uncommon Item: = 3 + 1 = 4 EXP

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The last time her store had opened was forever, since Rebekah never intended it to be profitable but rather for her to grow as a cook. While she had been cooking her own meals, its been a while since she made some food that had some special abilities. She opened the stove and began to cook.

[iD=20806, 20807]

CD=7,11 (Good, Rare)


Name: Recovery Crystal I

ID: 20807 CD: 11

Chef Rank: 4

Item Rank: Rare

Effect: Fried Chicken Grants 2 LD for a single roleplay!


This Snack has double the vitamins blended into the breadcrumbs before frying.

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  • 2 months later...

It had been a while since she had last crafted, but with 5 materials, she might as well, see if they were any useful for a boss raid. As she started cooking, she realized she now gain experience even for failed items, which was nice, so her experience will grow a lot faster. She was barely successful, making half of them good items, but one of them was rare, which was nice.

ID=30023, 30024, 30025, 30026, 30027

CD= 1, 5, 7, 3, 10

Result: Fail, Good, Good, Fail, Rare

Exp Gain: 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 5 (bonus - chef's knife) = 16 EXP

Total EXP: 106 EXP

Name: Rosemary French Fries

Your Profession: Chef

Your Rank: Rank 4

ID: 30027

Roll: 10

Item Type: Snacks

Quality: Rare

Enhancements: [Herbs2]+ 2 BD for thread.

Description: French fries seasoned with herbs.


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  • 3 weeks later...

It was time to get back to crafting for the girl, and she knew that she was way behind on the stuff she needed to prepare for the boss raid. There were many enchantments that she wanted ready in case of back up before that fight. Some of the key things included getting more health points, as well as more safeguards from other attacks. It was important to note that she had to be ready for anything, and it can involve a bunch of other things. But she needed to get down to cooking right now.

ID: 32469, 32470, 32471, 32472, 32473

CD: 3, 10, 6, 11, 4

Result: Fail, Rare, Good, Rare, Bad

EXP: 1 + 5 + 2 + 5 + 1 + 5 (bonus) = 19 EXP

Name: Yogurt II

Your Profession: Chef

Your Rank: Rank 4

ID: 32470

Roll: 10

Item Type: Snack

Quality: Rare

Enhancements: Probiotics 2

Description: + 2 Damage Mitigated by Burn/Paralyze/Poison/Bleed for thread.


Name: Sport Drink 2

Your Profession: Chef

Your Rank: Rank 4

ID: 32472

Roll: 11

Item Type: Desert

Quality: Rare

Enhancements: Electrolytes 2

Description: + 4 Energy

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Shaking the fallen snow off of his cloak, Lawfer walked into the quaint little cafe that resided on the same level of his studio. As he made his way to the counter, he smiled at the cook. "Well hello beautiful. I am in need of some food that will give me +2 to loot die for my quest. Do you have anything in stock that could help me?" He asked politely.

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Chewie tagged along, nipping at Mack's heels playfully as the bear of a man pushed his way through the snow and wind of the fourth floor as he headed in the direction of Rebekah's cafe. The enormous man was in need of a very specific item for the upcoming boss fight. Normally, he would have tracked down Grave but given that Rebekah's shop was considerably closer to where he was located at the moment, Mack decided to simply walk around the corner. Having heard his master mutter the word "Cafe", Chewie was not about to be dissuaded from tagging along. Reaching to door to the shop, Mack pushed open the door and entered, finally spotting Rebekah whom he recognized from the meeting on the eleventh floor to discuss the boss raid. "Rebekah, I need an alcoholic beverage, perfect quality. I need it to boost my damage output as high as possible and I need it before the Boss Raid," Mack rumbled as Chewie scampered around the shop chasing the good smells. "Can it be done?"

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It had been a while since someone showed up. But her shop was not open at the moment, "Sorry, Guys... I am not selling anything as everything will be given out based on need, and what I see at the raid, thus I am not taking any orders until after the players start battling." She needed to see if she could salvage that bad mat from the other day.

ID: 33590

LD: 1 (fail)

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Now, she had to begin creating again, after all she was self-managed. She did not want to be bought out to do a specific task, and wanted her freedom, and her was based on actual need, rather than requests. She will hope to either pick up a few more Energy Regens for the raid, so that she could ensure she could continue to deal damage, as energy management was something that was needed, especially for those who need to pace themselves through the raid.

ID: 33592, 33593, 33594, 33595, 33596

CD: 11, 6, 7, 5, 1

Result: Rare, Good x 3, Fail

EXP: 5 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 5 (bonus) = 17 EXP

Name: Blueberry Muffin II

Your Profession: Chef

Your Rank: Rank 4

ID: 33592

Roll: 11

Item Type: Snack

Quality: Rare

Enhancements: Fiber 2

Description: + 6 Damage Mitigation for thread.

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This was going to be her final batch of stuff made prior to the boss fight, then it will be a completely new cycle once again. She hoped that it was going to give her enough luck to finish all that she had wanted to do for today. There was nothing else that she needed, other than more consumables. But she had no luck today at all. That had sucked, but she was not going to complain about it, maybe she will have better luck tomorrow.

ID:33689, 33690


Result: Fail; Bad

EXP: 1 + 1 + 2 = 4

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rebekah opened the golden sheath, and it was Zelrius' own twinfire sword that he had given to her. She knew that she was going to take care of it. Her heartstriker had gotten her out of a lot of trouble, but she knew that this sword was going to be an upgrade over what she had previously. The girl knew that she was going to need to thank him when he returned.

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Kalesh hummed softly in thought before he decided to enter the shop. He had some business on the fourth floor so he figured he could use some food to give him a bit of a boost during the fight to come. With that in mind he stepped inside, sure that the other chef he had visited on the fourth floor wouldn't mind. "Hi~!" Kalesh called out into the shop curiously as he started to look around, moving to the main counter. He started to look around at the prices and found them rather cheap, a smile on his face at this little factoid.

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Zero casually strolled into the shop Zel had told him to head to in order to pick up the sword he had lent him. He moved through the cafe and carefully made his way to a table. "I'm here to pick up the Twinfire blade lent by Zelrius."

(Got the okay for this from Zelrius.)

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  • 6 years later...

Rebekah began her crafting. It was the first time she had done this in a long time. She got out her materials and began to get set up. She was looking to make deserts, her favourite cuisine. She took out the flour and began baking the necessary ingredients to make the sweets. She began to weight the individual ingredients to ensure that she was making it with the exact proportions that she remember in the recipes. She placed all the finish goods into the oven and hope for the best. After all baking was a science that she need to master and she has not done it in a long time.


Date: 02-09-2022
Rank 4: 171/160 (146 + 25) EXP
Custom Ambition Tool (+1 EXP)
Guild Hall: +2 EXP for each craft. +5 to salvage recovery LD's

Roll ID CD LD Quality Count EXP Result
1 203506 3 18 FAIL n/a 1+3 - 1 mat
2 203507 5 4+5 Salvage - FAIL n/a 2+3 - 1 mat
3 203508 8 8 Uncommon 1 3+3 LD +1
4 203509 9 18 Uncommon 2 3+3 ACC +1
5 203510 3 5 FAIL n/a 1+3 - 1 mat

Total: - 5 materials, + 25 EXP

Item Name Cheesecake
Profession Chef
Rank 4
Roll ID 203508
Roll Result CD 8, LD 8
Item Type Desert
Tier 4
Quality Uncommon
Enhancement LD + 1
Post Link [Link]
Description An uncommon cheesecake
Item Name Nanaimo Bar
Profession Chef
Rank 4
Roll ID 203509-1; 203509-2
Roll Result CD 9, LD 18
Item Type Desert
Tier 4
Quality Uncommon
Enhancement ACC + 1
Post Link [Link]
Description An uncommon Nanaimo Bar
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It had been a few days since her last success attempt at cooking. Yesterday, she challenged the god, Hestia, to earn a cauldron at her shop. This was a good idea as it had boosted her cooking skills going forward. Rebekah decided to try something new today, primarily, she is going to work with potatoes and crab meat. These were uncommon ingredients, but she began to work her magic again. She needed to peel the potatoes and fry them in a pan of olive oil. She wanted her cuisine to be health but hearty on this cold fourth floor of Aincrad.

Date: 02-14-2022
Rank 5: 208/320 (171 + 37) EXP
Custom Ambition Tool (+1 EXP)
Hestia’s Cauldron | +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.
Guild Hall: +2 EXP for each craft. +5 to salvage recovery LD's

Roll ID CD LD Quality Count EXP Result
1 203686 10+1 5 Rare 1 5+3 -1 mat
2 203687 9+1 4 Rare 1 5+3 -1 mat
3 203688 3+1 19+5 Salvage-Success n/a 2+3  
4 203689 1+1 16 Fail n/a 1+3 -1 mat
5 203690 6+1 13 Uncommon 1 3+3 -1 mat
6 203691 8+1 13 Uncommon 1 3+3 -1 mat

Total: 6 - 1 = 5 materials used, 2 uncommon, 2 rare,

Item Name California Roll
Profession Chef
Rank 5
Roll ID 203686
Roll Result CD = 10+1=11, LD = 5
Item Type Meal
Tier 4
Quality Rare
Enhancement Mitigation x 2
Post Link [Link]
Description A rare California Roll
Item Name Poutine
Profession Chef
Rank 5
Roll ID 203687
Roll Result CD = 9+1=10, LD = 4
Item Type Meal
Tier 4
Quality Rare
Enhancement Mitigation x 2
Post Link [Link]
Description A rare California Roll
Item Name Poutine
Profession Chef
Rank 5
Roll ID 203690
Roll Result CD = 6+1=7, LD=13
Item Type Meal
Tier 4
Quality Uncommon
Enhancement Overhealth +5%
Post Link [Link]
Description An uncommon poutine with french fries
Item Name Poutine
Profession Chef
Rank 5
Roll ID 203691
Roll Result CD = 8+1=9, LD=13
Item Type Meal
Tier 4
Quality Uncommon
Enhancement Overhealth +5%
Post Link [Link]
Description An uncommon poutine with french fries
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It had been a few days since Rebekah had last cooked. She was not planning on cooking everyday but she wanted to do enough to make sure she retained her skills as she slowly moved towards the next level. She had a goal this year, which was to hit rank 10 cooking in the next several weeks. This would involve opening her store a lot more. As she began to work on making additional deserts, she wondered if she could create a perfect desert. She had been waiting to do that for quite some time, but she had never gotten anything perfect as of yet.

Date: 02-19-2022
Rank 5: 259/320 (208 + 51) EXP
Custom Ambition Tool (+1 EXP)
Hestia’s Cauldron | +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.
Guild Hall: +2 EXP for each craft. +5 to salvage recovery LD's

Roll ID CD LD Quality Count EXP Type
1 203854 11+1 12 Perfect 1 8+3 Meal
2 203855 11+1 20 Perfect 1+2 8+3 Meal
3 203856 7+1 14 Uncommon 1 3+3 Meal
4 203857 12+1 9 Perfect 1 8+3 Meal
5 203858 8+1 15 Uncommon 1 3+3 Meal
6 203859 6+1 19 Uncommon 1+2 3+3 Meal

Total: -6 materials, 5 Perfect Meals, 5 Uncommon Meals

  • Shop Post: [Link]
  • Transaction Date: 02-19-2022
  • Cost of Transaction: - 6 Materials
  • Crafter's Profession: Chef
  • Crafter's Rank: 5


Item Name: California Roll
Item Tier: 4
Item Type: Meal
Item Rarity: Perfect
Item Enhancements: Mitigation x3
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 203854
Item Description: A perfect california roll

Item Name: Avocado Toast with Smoked Salmon
Item Tier: 4
Item Type: Meal
Item Rarity: Perfect
Item Enhancements: Evasion x 2, Overhealth x 1
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 203855-1, 203855-2, 203855-3
Item Description: A perfect avacado toast with smoked salmon

Item Name: Poutine
Item Tier: 4
Item Type: Meal
Item Rarity: Uncommon
Item Enhancements: Over-Health x1
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 203856
Item Description: An uncommon poutine

Item Name: California Roll
Item Tier: 4
Item Type: Meal
Item Rarity: Perfect
Item Enhancements: Mitigation x3
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 203857
Item Description: A perfect california roll

Item Name: Poutine
Item Tier: 4
Item Type: Meal
Item Rarity: Uncommon
Item Enhancements: Over-Health x1
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 203858
Item Description: An uncommon poutine

Item Name: Caribou Stew
Item Tier: 4
Item Type: Meal
Item Rarity: Uncommon
Item Enhancements: Protein x1
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 203859-1, 203859-2, 203859-3
Item Description: An uncommon caribou stew


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Rebekah continued to make more desserts. Her shop front looked bare, and she knew she needed enough desserts and food to help attract customers who wish to arrive at her store. As she began to make the pastries, she wondered how long would it take to stock up. She wanted to create a selection of food in her cafe for anyone to pick something up when they needed something. As she placed the materials in the oven, she wondered whether or not she will be lucky enough to make perfect food again. She set the timer and all that there is left to do is to wait.

Date: 02-20-2022
Rank 5: 299/320 (259 + 40) EXP
Custom Ambition Tool (+1 EXP)
Hestia’s Cauldron | +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.
Guild Hall: +2 EXP for each craft. +5 to salvage recovery LD's

Roll ID CD LD Quality Count EXP Type
1 203915 1+1 13 Critical Fail n/a 1+3 Dessert
2 203916 11+1 18 Perfect 1+1 8+3 Dessert
3 203917 6+1 9 Uncommon 1 3+3 Dessert
4 203918 9+1 16 Rare 1+1 5+3 Dessert
5 203919 5+1 6+5 Salvage-Success n/a 2+3 Dessert
6 203920 7+1 3 Uncommon 1 3+3 Dessert

Total: - 5 materials, 2 Uncommon, 2 Rare, 2 Perfect Desserts


Shop Post: [Link]
Transaction Date: 02-20-2022
Cost of Transaction: - 5 Materials
Crafter's Profession: Chef
Crafter's Rank: 5


Item Name: Beavertail
Item Tier: 4
Item Type: Dessert
Item Rarity: Perfect
Item Enhancements: Ambition x1
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 203916-1, 203916-2
Item Description: A perfect beavertail

Item Name: Butter Tarts
Item Tier: 4
Item Type: Dessert
Item Rarity: Uncommon
Item Enhancements: Prosperity x1
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 203917
Item Description: An uncommon butter tarts

Item Name: Cheesecake
Item Tier: 4
Item Type: Dessert
Item Rarity: Rare
Item Enhancements: Loot Dice x2
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 203918-1, 203918-2
Item Description: A rare cheesecake

Item Name: Butter Tarts
Item Tier: 4
Item Type: Dessert
Item Rarity: Uncommon
Item Enhancements: Prosperity x1
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 203920
Item Description: An uncommon butter tarts


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It had been a few days since Rebekah made some fresh food for her store. She knew she was running out of materials. That was the reason why she had stopped cooking for a few days. This would allow her to go out searching for materials as she waited for it to build back up. She knew she was getting close to the next level, and was very excited to almost be there to level up once again. As she got her materials out, Rebekah began to cook. It was what she had enjoyed, being able to create consumables which can be used on adventures.

Date: 02-26-2022
Rank 5: 327/320 (+28) EXP --> Rank 6: 327/639 EXP
Custom Ambition Tool (+1 EXP)
Hestia’s Cauldron | +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.
Guild Hall: +2 EXP for each craft. +5 to salvage recovery LD's

Roll ID CD LD Result Count EXP Type
1 204250 5+1 20 Salvage - Success n/a 2+3 n/a
2 204251 1+1 15 Fail n/a 1+3 n/a
3 204252 1+1 16 Fail n/a 1+3 n/a
4 204253 1+1 7 Fail n/a 1+3 n/a
5 204254 3+1 3+5 Salvage - Fail n/a 2+3 n/a
6 204255 8+1 7 Uncommon 1 3+3 Meal

Total: - 5 materials, + 1 uncommon


Shop Post: [Link]
Transaction Date: 02-26-2022
Cost of Transaction: - 6 Materials
Crafter's Profession: Chef
Crafter's Rank: 5

Item Name: California Roll
Item Tier: 4
Item Type: Meal
Item Rarity: Uncommon
Item Enhancements: Mitigation x 1
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 204255
Item Description: An uncommon California Roll


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