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[F1-MB] Bone Knight

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As the first floor begins to set up for the Halloween Feast, it has been rumored a certain type of event boss seems to be nearing the city. After several hours of wait, a Bone Knight arrived in the outer plains of the floor. The groups of players had organized a raid and are now to design the upcoming raid.

The Bone Knight wore the armor which was made from the bones of any monsters in Aincrad, and the blade was much the same. The Knight stood standing with red eyes glaring at the city. If the players failed to stop the monster, the boss would attack the NPC's for the remainder of October.

Hello Players!

Daeron here to announce the special Monthly Boss of October that is ready to be initiated within almost 12 Hours from me posting this. As the last raid seemed to be rushed, I have decided to grant you all about a days worth of planning to design the groups you wish. Anyone may step up to be the leader of the raid as there is a chance for you to design a plan to fight the boss.

You must however meet the following conditions if you make a plan.

- There must be at least 2 Groups

- State the items you will be using during this boss fight. This includes weapons, armor, pendants, and even potions you plan on bringing.

- If you fail to state any items you are using then you will be assumed to have no gear with you and will not be allowed to use weapon or armor buffs during the fight. So I can not stress this enough to STATE YOUR GEAR!

- If a power struggle for leadership occurs, the player with the higher loot dice in the situation will be presumed the superior in the situation.

Good Luck Planning Everyone,

Happy Raiding!,

- Daeron

There will also be no turn order set by me, as it is completely up to you everyone! Good Luck, I look forward to defeating all of you!

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As he sat down in the inn with the hood of his Lionheart Cloak drawn, hiding his face, Alkor waved a hand to order a drink from the NPC waiting tables. The woman smiled as she took his order and brought it back to him in a timely fashion; the amber eyed swordsman watched quietly as others found their way into the room slowly.

He wore his weapon at his waist, the Anneal blade he'd earned from a quest on the first floor like all the others who had done it. Sipping on the pale colored fluid that matched the color of his eyes, he rolled his neck and listened to the litany of crackling pops that creaked out.

Others would follow, of course. He'd gotten stronger and learned a great deal since his last experience with a large group. That would serve him well in the coming fight. Staring out through the window at the beast that threatened the town with its monstrous eyes and evil looking weapon.

"Cute little guy, isn't he?" Alkor asked quietly, to no one in particular. He continued to sip away at his ale, eyes slowly shutting.

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Sighing to myself I bang my head on the table. "I have to know what equipment the others have before I think up the really good strategies..." Lifting my head up I smirk to myself. "The ones that have paralyzing weapons should be in the first squad so as to protect the other squad from the enemy and still have enough time to be able to strike again so as to try and paralyze the monster a second time. I lean back seeming happy with myself.

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Ryuu walked into the inn and saw the other players. As a master battlefield tactician, he had hoped to become a leader or at least the main advisor. He had already had some experience being a tactician for SAO since he was in the Beta, but he had never came into contact with the Bone Knight. 'I need to meet everyone and learn a bit about them. Their gear and personalities will decide where they should be placed. Also, if I could find a eye witness of this Bone Knight, that would be a great help. But it is unnecessary I didn't know a thing about the F-6 Boss in the Beta and I still led them to victory. I would need greater ranged weapons in front, with people who have high hp and a set in the back ready to switch out with them if their hp gets a little low. I will have a set of player's with stat effect weapons in the back and will have them attack during the obvious openings caused by the monster's own attacks. If I could get someone with a bleeding or poison based weapon that would be great, but paralysis would give even more openings for the bleeding/poison players to attack. Ugh. I shouldn't get ahead of myself. I don't even know if we have someone with those types of weapons. Also, you have to always make changes to the original plan on the battlefield, so I shouldn't get too in detail just yet.' Ryuu walked up to a familiar player, Xethan, but just as he was about to call out to him, he remembered that he wanted his name to be something of a secret. 'Ugh. What was his alias?... Oh now I remember!' As he walked up to him he called out, "Hey X! I didn't expect you to be here."

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Lessa slipped through the door, letting it close with a dull thud behind her. Blue eyes swept over the inn, taking a moment to adjust to the dim lighting. When she spotted Alkor, she made her way toward him. Her claymore, Hell Rose, was already strapped to her back. It let off a very faint pinkish glow, its color matching the gauntlets she wore. The color scheme was unusual, but not so bright as to be obnoxious or tacky. Besides, she enjoyed the strangeness of her custom equipment. It set her apart. She was incredibly thankful to Klein for making it for her. It was unusual for her to be wearing her equipment indoors, but the woman figured it would make sense. The others should be aware of what she had to offer.

Silently, the blonde finished weaving around the other bodies in the inn. She dropped into a seat beside Alkor, giving him a small smile and nod of greeting. This was her first monster, and the thought both terrified and thrilled her. She felt she was ready, with new equipment and countless hours of training under her belt. Of course, she had so much more to learn. But it was about time to try something more difficult. And it calmed her nerves to know Alkor would be there also.

The woman was not much of a strategist. She had too little experience, with SAO and fantasy games in general. Though she had quite a bit of knowledge when it came to shooters, she felt more comfortable letting the others do the planning. Knowing this virtual reality world, anything she thought that she knew would be wrong. Settling into her chair, she listened to the chatter of the group leaders.

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Ourian walked into the inn where he was told to meet up for the Boss Raid. Taking a seat and calling over an NPC to take his order, he notices that some of the others seem to have already arrived.

"I hope he doesn't get mad at me..." Ourian said to himself, remembering what X had asked of him the night before... In truth, a good number of the blacksmiths and tailors wouldn't even consider his request to forge the dagger or cloak he was asked to have made, and with such a short time frame and no materials to offer, he was laughed at and ignored. "Can't say I didn't try anyway..." The NPC returned with his soda, which he picked up at once, thanking the NPC before he did so.

Another thing worried him. Although he was confident in his swordsmanship, he was wondering if his appearance would lead to the others taking him lightly. In truth, he hated fighting, but knew he had to do this. If he didn't, Nelianna could be put in danger.

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Arriving a little late to the party, Kirigiri looked to find where the raid party's table would be. after a bit of searching within the bar itself, Kirigiri had made a list of items that she was bringing to the battle along with whatever skills she had.


dragons bane: deals 2 damage normally and on a 9 or a 10 does life steal,

sky duster:deal 1 thorn and 1 dmg mitti,

hawk boots: vibrates at such at such a speed that increases her evasion by 2 points,

skills: one handed curved blade, rank two, grants 1 point additional damage

"...and that's all i have to bring to the table, also i only have nine health, so if anybody needs a meat shield, keep looking.

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Angel sat on the roof of the building where everyone was supposed to meet. His feet dangled off the side as he looked up at the night sky. It had been a long time since he had participated in a boss fight, but for some reason, he wasn't nervous. He was smiling as he looked up. He was wearing his newest pair of armor, <> as he was slowly getting used to the new gear. Resting by his side was his black black, <>. He enjoyed the weapon, but he occasionally caught himself thinking back to his old equipment, the memories he had that were attached to the items. He sighed and smiled as he blinked back into reality.

He looked across the field and saw the boss standing there, its eyes glowing red. Angel smiled at the boss. It would be interesting to fight a strong skeleton, especially so close to the holidays. Angel wasn't much of a fan of Halloween, but for a boss fight and what the stakes were, he could make an exception. He stood up and made a sort of salute at the boss. "I await our encounter in the field." He said to the enemy. Then he jumped.

He landed with a thud but took no damage thanks to the Safezone rules. After standing up and cracking his neck, he entered the inn. After looking around for a moment, he saw one face that he recognized. "Alkor." Angel said with a smile as he slowly approached the table the player was sitting at. He shined his trademark smile as he did so, looking around at the other players who had shown up. "Nice crowd. Hope no one dies." He said as he continued to make his way to Alkor.

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Zelrius kicked open the inn door. Of course he hadn't literally opened by kick, Hge had opened it a creak by hand, silently and then kicked it in to add some dramatic theatre to his entry. There he was, The Blood Buccaneer. In his tuxedo, Standing high and mighty like he already owned the whole damned place. Carefully, He looked down and did his bowtie a bit of adjusting and furthermore, straightened his suit and pressed it down. Zelrius looked around the room with eyes of pure arrogance. He noticed some faces of being Familiar from previous expereinces or even from a little battle with a certain fire bird. The boy had to laugh, hard at their equipments and from what he heard were of their levels. The only people who could guess even came close to him in level were not currently in the room, or may never be so. He noticed some talking, some trying to act like they are perfect for the role, and some just minding their own Buisness. Zelrius smiled and whispered to himself

"Morons and Intelligent minds in the same room, Alike? My kind of people." As he said this he walked to the nearest table to get himself a drink as he was quite thirsty having just woken up in his inn room on the 9th floor.

Zelrius sat and decided a few things, First he was going to pay for everyone's drinks, a Slight vision of Humbleness in this Narcisstic attitude he wore so commonly.

Second, He felt that it was much overdue that he should do something to help organize these people. He had been in every boss battle since Floor 5, (except of course Floor 6, Which was Soloed by none other then Mr Zauis). He had been to the organization of Both Floor 7 and 8 Boss fights and learned how the formal process was worked out.

Third, He had led a guild. Been one of the leaders of another, and Furthermore now is a Leader of a team of people under Klein's guild. Thus giving him an idea of Leadership and the general stress and blame that it comes with.

Zelrius smirked, so far things were in his favor. He began to draw in his mind his own plan of attack for the boss. Stopping short Zelrius thought to himself about his equipment and began going through his inventory to find what it was he was wanting to use in this boss fight. Then another thought crossed his mind, Those drinks. Standing He adressed the small crowd and said in his loud voice

"Anyone and Everyone of the Boss fight in this Inn, Send me the Bills for your drinks and food you get whilst here. Make sure to also spread this news to any who may show up within a few minutes." He said now looking at his immense amount of Col he had at his disposal.

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"This is the part where the idiots start making themselves heard," Alkor muttered for Lessa's benefit as the girl sat down. He'd warned her against joining any raid prematurely, but this one came at the time of the Halloween Feast event. Everyone in Sword Art Online had either gathered or intended to gather and celebrate. This was one of the few times when they were given an opportunity to enjoy themselves.

And now, the threat of a monster loomed over that enjoyment. It was enough to sour anyone's mood, and Alkor's had been duly and visibly soured. "Over there," he pointed toward Zelrius, calling out to corral the herd into his game of Col and inevitable leadership. "I've seen that one before. He's pretty skilled, for a player killer. I wouldn't trust him for a minute, but what I saw of him on the battlefield? I don't mind following his lead. Briefly."

Alkor reached into his pockets and dropped a few Col on the table. "5 Col says they're gonna butt heads on strategy," he offered offhand. "No one's even stopped to consider the boss." He pointed toward the creature beyond the threshold, not looking up from his drink. "It's an undead type, most likely. They're not generally incredibly quick or strong, but I've never seen this one before. What they lack in outright power, they make up for in resilience. A lot of the status ailments that plague the living don't do much to them."

He took a long draught of his ale, then placed it back on the table. "It's going to be a brutal fight," he decided. "And if we're going to survive, we're going to need to be fast. The more time it has to attack, the more casualties there are going to be."

Amber eyes flickered over the group with mild disregard. He had already paid his tab, so he declined the "generosity" of the higher leveled player when he extended an invitation for all those gathered to "have a drink on him." Instead, Alkor flipped open his menu and yawned. "Get ready to be placed in a group," he told her, "these shindigs take some structure to pull off."

The irritation about his person was palpable, and as he pulled back his hood, Alkor frowned. "So," he asked, "do you feel like you're ready?"

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Claim walk's up to the inn and let out a deep sigh as ran his right hands through his long silver hair and said " Yeah why not be a meat shield, you only live once." He finished with a smile on his face as he lightly pushed open the doors of the inn. His green eyes scanned the Inn. He saw most of the players gathering up. He had the he didn't have a lot of experience fighting in larger number. He looked down at his sword <> +1 damage and +1 accuracy,-2 HP to weilder and his skills. He made his way to an empty chair and sat down listening to them all talk.

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Steel walked into the inn where apparently everyone was supposed to meet. Hopefully I find someone I know. He thought to himself before walking in, his Anneal Blade on his back. "He was somewhat pleased to see a few people he knew. He waved to claim and then he had a look of nostalgia on his face when he saw Ryuu, maybe he had met him somewhere. He then sat down next to Alkor and Lessa. "Hey, long time no see, how have you been?" He asked the two with a friendly smile.

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Hearing Ryuu talk to me I sit up instead of laying back in my chair. "Ah hello ryu I didn't expect to see you here.. Also thanks for remembering to call me by X around places like this." 'At least there are a few people I know here...' "I wish us all luck this coming battle and hope nobody dies.." I start to chug my drink after saying that, hearing what zelrius says I smirk to myself. Finishing my drink I stand up, point at zelrius and shout. "I'll take you up on that offer, Innkeeper I need 20 more drinks and 5 more meals right away! Grinning to myself I sit back down and relax in my seat waiting for my drinks/food.

*I have only brought my starter dagger and jacket to the battle*

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I notice ourian walk over to me and reply back. "I see.. Well it was on such short notice so it makes sense why it would be difficult to obtain, thanks for trying at least. Now I would say the next 5 drinks are on me but that guy *Points my thumb at Zelrius* Has already offered to pay for everything so order as much as you would like." I say the last part chuckling quietly.

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Time was running out as the Bone Knight neared the town more and more. There wasn't time left, really, for them to plot anymore. Again, like other boss fights before, this one would have to go unorganized. The Bone Knight's armor had an ivory glow to it, and held a sharpened bone blade, with a hilt made from another type of bone.

The Bone Knight Stood about 7 feet tall, and who knew how much it weighed. Though the Bone Knight looked like it was truly hostile, not everything was, especially not the background, being a plain happy looking field.

Moments later, the Bone Knight looked up at the sky and roared with their weapon held towards the sky. A battle cry, that would initate a war between him and the Town of Beginnings. The 3 health bars now appeared. Though there weren't as many bars, they were larger than others are typically.

Bone Knight: 150/150

Group 1:






Group 2:






Group 3:






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Footsteps traversed the empty streets and ahead loomed the inn that he was invited to. He had caught wind of this invitation of misfits and seeing how Lessa had accepted it, he followed suit. Crimson eyes scoured the actual building before he made his way up the steps. Right hand pushed the doors open and he went from person to person rather quickly to see who he knew and didn't. He spotted Alkor then spotted Lessa together and he gave the two a slight wave and a smile. He had given up his black vest and was simply wearing his normal outfit but adorned new bracers from Klein.

He shifted towards them all and spoke." Hello ladies and gents." He would bow his head lightly ad he smiled at them. It wasn't long til he tilted his head to speak but was clearly interrupted by a howl or a roar of sorts." Seems like I just made it." He flashed a smile to them all again. He potentially looked at Zelrius. His name under his bar had been mentioned throughout his travels and he wondered how this man and him would get along.

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"Well, that was useful," Alkor murmured and stood abruptly. His eyes knitted shut as he strode toward the door with a hand on the hilt of his sword. "I'll be in the first group," he called back over his shoulder. "Everyone else, just try not to die."

He flipped the hood back over his head and held up his free hand as he walked through the exit, a dismissive wave to those behind him. They would follow whenever it suited them. As it stood, Alkor was unshaken by the monster beyond the town, his own eyes staring out toward the monster's.

It wasn't a giant monster; only a bit taller than most players, it's frame was skeletal and unassuming. Surrounded on all sides by grasslands and the weak first floor mobs, it looked extremely out of place. Thumb flicking his sword out of the sheath, Alkor drew the weapon quickly and brandished it, ready for battle.

"You're gonna have to go through me," he stated in a soft, yet determined voice, addressing the boss.

He shot forward in a burst of speed, ripping his sword across at the Boss' midsection. It wouldn't be the quick dispatch he got in most fights, but all the damage dealt to a boss mattered.

[Add your name as you attack and we'll use that order]

Alkor 17/17

Bone Knight 146/150

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