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[PP-F1] Secret Medicine of the Forest [Crimson Inquisition]

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"Then you will respect my men! is that understood?" Argumail said looking at him and then at Ryuu. He got up and walked out of the door and did the moving out hand motion. Sometimes he loved being a leader other times he just wanted to be left alone. He walk briskly, fast enough to get to the location in time, but also slow enough for him a conversation.

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((Trust me when I say that I don't take anything personally in role play, unless the person decides to make it so. So far my character's interaction with L has been completely based off of his personality, not me. I'm rather easygoing, so L can be as offensive as he wants. It's no problem.))

Ryuu pulled his hand back. 'Geez. I was only trying to be polite and listen to this a**hole trying to take my job. Well, whatever. If I get kicked out of the guild because this guy, it's my win anyways. I know enough of this game to be able to take on quite a bit alone.' Ryuu's expression didn't waver or betray him by giving insight to his thoughts. He had trained too hard IRL to have that happen. He turned to Argumail. "Yeah, we respect you, but if I may explain your reasoning better to our new ippan. We are going to the trees because most of our fighting styles use our surroundings as leverage against the enemy. Argy and I both use them as springboards or vantage points as to make use of our martial arts. Ether, I actually have yet to see fight, but judging from the way he holds his sword, I expect something similar. In all, I am saying that we will have the advantage in a forest. If you want to devise a plan to use a clearing though, be my guest. I'm open to suggestions, but it will have to be on the way. So if you would kindly shut your trap, unless it useful, we would all be grateful. And make note, Arty is the guild leader for a reason. He is a genius. You should have more faith in his ideas." On the note, Ryuu started walking toward the forest. "I will rile them up a bit and draw them toward you guys. There I will join up with my partner and help take them down. You will all position yourselves in a tree as to have a good vantage point. That okay with everyone?"

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"Thank you. I'm thinking of using a couple techniques similar to laido. I will be bringing them rather quickly, so don't be afraid to jump down and attack before I clear you. I will surely make it out of the way." Ryuu walked off into the woods, happy to be alone for a bit. 'The Nephent should be over here somewhere.' He entered a small clearing and suddenly started hearing rustling. 'Dammit! I'm surrounded. How could I have let that happen!' The nephent started to close in on him. There was about 18 in this group. 'Holy -! They really band together, don't they! Well, shouldn't be a problem leading them now, though.' Ryuu sprinted toward the west and kicked off the ground. He flew through the air into a tree which he placed his foot on and used as leverage to kick off of and reach a branch. He swung and let go, giving him a good 20 feet between him and the nephent. The nephent where fast though, closing the gap within a few seconds. Ryuu was running, kicking off trees to avoid attacks and rolling out of the way of others. 'At this rate, I'm going to exhaust my energy.'

((Now would be a good time to get in position guys.))

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Ryuu looked up ahead and saw his comrades. 'Yes! I've made it!' He sprinted forward, narrowly dodging another attack. 'I have to give the little buggers hope or they won't continue.' He ran up to the tree just before his group and kicked off of it, spinning and kicking off another tree. Finally, he did a flip and landed about 20 feet away again. "Well, nephent. I'd like to introduce you the my friends." Ryuu leveled his sword with his head, preparing to strike if they didn't scatter from the impending chaos. Ryuu was now a good 5 feet from the tree, directly underneath Agra. He trusted Arga's aim, not so much L's though. He thought L would land on him on purpose since he told L to shut up and sit down basically.

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Rolled a 5 on the d10 (battle) dice.(+1)
Rolled a 4 on the d12 (craft) dice.
Rolled a 12 on the d20 (loot) dice.
Argumail corkscrewed down from the tree. He mowed thorough like it was nothing. He smiled picked a piece of the died nephent." Come on down  boys, the Nephents is fine!" Argumail laughed
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((There's a group of 17(used to be 18) following me))

Ryuu charged the nephent. He came from the right, kicking off a tree and doing a jump attack, "Hiya!!!" He brought his sword down in a deadly arc, causing another to dissipate into red polygons. He picked up the object(s) dropped. "I got one!"

Rolled a 6 on the d10 (battle) dice.

Rolled a 11 on the d12 (craft) dice.

Rolled a 19 on the d20 (loot) dice.

((Oh yeah! 19 baby!!! I think I can get something special as well as the item in question!))

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L trailed behind and watched the 3 fight. Their fighting style was very unusual hence why they wanted the trees. He shook his head a half-smiled whispering to himself "bunch of idiots" He caught up and joined them in the fight. The nephet looked rather weird to him but he paid it no further thought. He wasn't the one to ask the guild to accept him, he thought he was wanted but it seemed as though he was just being taken advantage of. One of the nephet ran to him and he stuck his sword out effortlessly piercing it straight through it's skull lifting it up like it were a shish-kebab and threw it into the rest of the nephet. This was a waste of his time and effort. 



  • Rolled a on the d10 (battle) dice.
  • Rolled a 5 on the d12 (craft) dice.
  • Rolled a 11 on the d20 (loot) dice.
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Rolled a 10 on the d10 (battle) dice.
Rolled a 8 on the d12 (craft) dice.
Rolled a 1 on the d20 (loot) dice.
Argumail smiled and jumped tree to tree cutting them. He was a little bored by them. So, he checked to see where everyone was. He noticed that Kazuya was fight up front . Ethereal was up in the tree wait to make a move and Life was trailing. Argumail was start to think that had never handle a job before. He could tell by his body language that he thought his was a waste of his time.
Argumail 25/25
Nephent 60/90
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Life walked nonchalantly over to the nephent and again slaughted another effortlessly. He couldn't even enjoy this massacre, but he didn't mind it. Once in awhile he liked an easy going fight where he didn't have to exert himself and turn into that image he feared himself becoming. 


  • Rolled a 5 on the d10 (battle) dice.
  • Rolled a 2 on the d12 (craft) dice.
  • Rolled a 17 on the d20 (loot) dice.
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Ryuu looked back at his partner. "Yo! Come on. This is easy, so why not have some fun with it, okay? We want you to get stronger, as I'm sure you do too. So practice some techniques that you normally wouldn't use. It'll help take your mind off how pathetic they are." Ryuu planted his footed and spun in a circle, cutting through a good many more.

Rolled a 6 on the d10 (battle) dice.

Rolled a 10 on the d12 (craft) dice.

Rolled a 18 on the d20 (loot) dice.

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L ignored Kazuya, it was impossible to have fun against something that didn't challenge him. He was lion-heart'd, he fought with honor and to improve himself, not to mindlessly slaughter. He noticed Argumail struggling and sprinted over to him covering a huge amount of distance, he went from trailing behind to the front of the party in a mere 2 seconds and grabbed onto his arm, pulling him up away from the creatures grasp safely. 

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Ryuu quickly followed, leveling all the creatures in his path. "Arga, what's up? You don't usually lose focus? Is there some girl around here?" Ryuu laughs, looking around. 'This guy is pissing me off. You can be as kind as you want, and he'll still be an a**hole. He won't even respond when you're speaking to him. I think after this, a lesson must be taught. But it can't be done by Arga. He already respects him. I will do it. He won't be too hard of an opponent. His style, even though he is being lazy about it on purpose, is so weak.' Ryuu turned his back to the both off them and walked off further into the herd. 'This is too easy.'

Rolled a 10 on the d10 (battle) dice.

Rolled a 1 on the d12 (craft) dice.

Rolled a 12 on the d20 (loot) dice.

((Aww... It's only a 12 now. What happened to my awesome rolls?))

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L sensed a setting of discomfort and unease coming from Kazuyas direction. It was almost as if he was furious at him, but he didn't mind. He turned his back on him and killed another nephet sending its body flying through the forest before blowing up into millions of particles which then blew in the wind back towards him almost as if it were snowing gold behind his back as he sauntered with a grin spreading across his face, hidden from the rest of them as he thought about future battles. 


  • Rolled a 5 on the d10 (battle) dice.
  • Rolled a 7 on the d12 (craft) dice.
  • Rolled a 18 on the d20 (loot) dice.
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