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[PP-F1] Secret Medicine of the Forest [Crimson Inquisition]

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Ryuu saw L's nonchalance. This caused him to be even more angry. He got into a stance that was unfamiliar to everyone, as it is his own creation. "World's End!!" It was a move he had created himself during the beta. It used his overwhelming strength and technique to create a shock wave that sliced through the objects in its path. The next thing you know, it's raining gold and polygons and a boulder is neatly cut in half. Ryuu's eyes are a blazing red that almost seems to resemble the fires of hell.

Rolled a 10 on the d10 (battle) dice.

Rolled a 8 on the d12 (craft) dice.

Rolled a 18 on the d20 (loot) dice.

((Oh yeah!! It's back baby!!))

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L noticed the loud boom which had occurred and saw Kazuya with his vicious bright red eyes. He wasn't sure if Kazuya was trying to impress him or scare him but the answer was neither. Instead he smiled to himself "Good" It was just the way he liked it. He wanted him to show him more of his power, though the supply of nephents seemed to run low as he cut another in half. 


  • Rolled a 6 on the d10 (battle) dice.
  • Rolled a 10 on the d12 (craft) dice.
  • Rolled a 10 on the d20 (loot) dice.
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Argumail smiled," How did you know, Ryuu?" He looked at the two more closely and all he could was an episode of mean girls. Kazuya was his best friend, he was hoping that if in fact that there was a disagree he would be the bigger person... who has he kidding he would be the same way. He would probably have to address this problem more seriously after he finished this quest.  To bad he didn't want to be a bad guy but, if that what that to be done. He laughed," Who would have though I have to break it up let a catfight amongst respectable men... it should be more fun then, this"

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L looked back at Argumail uninterested in his words. If someone where to challenge him he wasn't going to back down. "How many more of these do we have to kill?" He shouted from across the words while he impaled yet another one of the nephents. It was almost like the nephent wanted to die as they charged again once more to their death. 



  • Rolled a 8 on the d10 (battle) dice.
  • Rolled a 1 on the d12 (craft) dice.
  • Rolled a 4 on the d20 (loot) dice.
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  • Rolled a 6 on the d10 (battle) dice.
  • Rolled a 2 on the d12 (craft) dice.
  • Rolled a 10 on the d20 (loot) dice.

(OOC I've been busy for the last few days :/ )

Eth swings the sword in a wide arc, striking a nepent right in the stem.


6 + 3 = 9 = Hit

1 + 1(Eqpt.) + 9(Skill) = 11 Damage


The Nepent virtually exploded under the weight and speed of Eth's massive blade. 

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Ryuu looked around, still in a demonic state. "There has to be a group of leaders. They are stronger than the normal nephent, and they are the ones that should drop the Ovule." He scanned around, looking for them. In his demonic state, his senses are heightened and his awareness as well. "There! Behind that group of trees, there is five of them."

((Each with 10 HP.))

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((Just so you guys know. We won't actually get the items if we don't use the combat system. We have to actually fight these things according to the rules. At least the leader nephent have to be killed by the system using the HP and our attack damage. I don't want to have done this quest and not get the rewards. Plus, it would help us make the RP longer, giving the guild more money in the end.))

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Rolled a 8 on the d10 (battle) dice.

Rolled a 2 on the d12 (craft) dice.

Rolled a 20 on the d20 (loot) dice.

Ryuu covered the distance between him and the lead nephent in a second. He held his sword at the monster's 'face' for a moment. He laughed watching the creature's discomfort and fear. He spun around and brought his sword down on the creatures back, smiling the entire time.

Ryuu 15/15

Lead Nephent(1) 7/10

((Add your name and Nephent as you reply. If you just going to join Ryuu(Kazuya) then just add your name.))

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L dashed in front of Kazuya and slashed the nephent across it's body, these ones seemed more resilient than the ones he slaughtered effortlessly. The nephent attempted to strike back but he evaded its attack like it was nothing and smirked looking back at Kazuya. "They're taking a few more hits this time. I might not get bored of these after all"


~Attack Success!

~Skill Success!


~Life: 15/15

~Kazuya: 15/15


~Nephent: 5/10


  • Rolled a 5 on the d10 (battle) dice.
  • Rolled a 11 on the d12 (craft) dice.
  • Rolled a 9 on the d20 (loot) dice.
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L Grunted at Args remark. He had no interest in competing for the amount of turnips they could pluck. It just simply wasn't a worthy challenge. He kicked the Nephent up and sliced it's head down the middle as if he was chopping carrots for a stew. 


~Attack Success.


~Life: 17/17

~Kazuya: 15/15


~Nephent: 3/10



  • Rolled a 6 on the d10 (battle) dice.
  • Rolled a 3 on the d12 (craft) dice.
  • Rolled a 12 on the d20 (loot) dice.
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Rolled a 10 on the d10 (battle) dice.

Rolled a 8 on the d12 (craft) dice.

Rolled a 12 on the d20 (loot) dice.

Ryuu jumped up and kicked off a tree, soaring over L. In midair, he corkscrewed creating a saw-like attack that ripped through the monster's fragile flesh. He eyed his next target. He couldn't care less about the competition. What he wanted was to show L that he should respect all the leaders of the guild not just the Raoul.

Life: 17/17

Kazuya: 15/15

Nephent: DEAD

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L watched as Kazuya flew over his head to finish the nephent off with style however he was still unimpressed by his show of strength, he could tell he was trying to show his skills off to him but an underling would have to earn its respect and killing plants wasn't going to cut it. He dashed over to another nephent; wondering how many more of these he would have to kill, slicing through it's body.


~Attack Success.


~Life: 17/17

~Kazuya: 15/15


~Nephent: 8/10


  • Rolled a 8 on the d10 (battle) dice.
  • Rolled a 5 on the d12 (craft) dice.
  • Rolled a 17 on the d20 (loot) dice.
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