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Now I know some people just love to be sneaky and whatnot, the Thief classes of MMO's, backstabbing foes and whatnot. Now obviously this isnt that simple. So I thought, what do rogues do in MMOs in combat? Draw less attention to themselves.
Thus, I propose skills which reduce the hate you incur. Obviously useless solo as youll be the only one to focus on, but perfect in group situations.

Obviously these skills can be changed as seen fit for balancing.


Since being hit less is obviously more costly than getting attention and being hit more, their benefits are harder to get. As with Howl and Fighting Spirit, the two skills are intended to work with one another, such that with 12 skill points you can deduct your Hate by 2 with concealment if you have camouflage.


Cost: 6 - No Ranks
Post Action
Effect: Deducts -1 Hate to all opponents.
Cost: 6 - No Ranks
Effect: Reduce Hate by -1 while performing no Hate incurring actions.
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These sound like great things for teams where there is a tank and the rest are focusing on damage XD.


I'm guessing that it wouldn't be possible to drop your Hate below 0, so if a player has Camouflage equipped then wouldn't be building Hate unless they got a critical hit.

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These sound like great things for teams where there is a tank and the rest are focusing on damage XD.

I'm guessing that it wouldn't be possible to drop your Hate below 0, so if a player has Camouflage equipped then wouldn't be building Hate unless they got a critical hit.

Correct, that assumption is what I thought intended.
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Cost: 6 - No Ranks
Post Action
Effect: Deducts -1 Hate to all opponents.


I like this, it's balanced, if a little underpowered. It takes a post action and it's a low, worthwhile investment for 6SP.
Cost: 6 - No Ranks
Post Action
Effect: Deducts -3 Hate to all opponents. *


* I believe this would be a better approach to make both Concealment and Camouflage balanced amongst the other skills currently in the game. Howl, the opposite, would create +3 Hate so I'd assume -3 Hate (or even -2 Hate) would be a better approach since it takes up an actual post action.

Cost: 6 - No Ranks
Effect: Reduce Hate by -1 to all Hate incurring actions.


This one, however, I find a little too overpowered. Upon a single hit, you induce +1 Hate. This instantly negates that with the exception of a critical, which induces +2 Hate. Of course, this reduces that to +1 Hate. If you were in a Boss thread (and if the hate rules were followed accordingly), you'd likely never have a chance of getting hit even if there were no Hate aggro players.
Now, if we take it and alter it a bit...
Cost: 6 - No Ranks
Effect: Reduce Hate by -1 while performing no Hate incurring actions. *


* This would create a better balanced variant that creates a viable skill that could take a change to the current boss encounters. While you aren't attacking a monster that you're in combat with, you reducing your Hate by -1 each post. This allows players to take a moment and heal/buff up while the monster/boss targets other players, giving them a higher chance of survival. I believe this would be an optimal approach to this skill.

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The reason I underpower it is because it should be on purpose much harder to lose attention, plus assuming a party has tanks who will generate Hate, the disparity is created between the two from their respective skills.

The latter however I thoroughly agree with and will edit that in. Thanks for that, sounds much better.

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Guest Meokka

I like this idea for party healers. Some people might not want to play as aggroish. This way in case they do fight while no one needs healing they have a way to avoid getting banged up too bad because they are equipped like a tank.

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Yes! Really cool idea, I think - though with this character I'll be aiming to generate Hate rather than reduce it, it's really useful for people more into evasion and being cool and acrobatic-like c;


Also, like Meokka said - would be really great for healers and the like, trying to keep out of the action as much as possible.

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Thing is, you don't generate hate if you don't use a hate generating move.

So if you don't use a hate generating move, and someone else does they'll be the one who gets it.

Boss Battles, be they event or Floor - will usually go by dice roll to see who gets hit. (Unless a hate skill is used)


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that sorta used to be the case but no one used it, and it made the hate generating skills almost useless. People complained. SO its not something a lot of staff instate. 

Some people STILL RP that way in quests and stuff, and that's fine, as it doesn't exactly affect the outcome of anything.

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Guest Meokka

Oh, yeah I do that. Mostly because I didn't know it wasn't a thing anymore. It was nice, it gave people a reason to have howl and what not. That's too bad. I'm still going to rp with it though. I really like it. That way it's fair when I hit someone who has annoyed the mob by hitting it a lot..I still like it for people who go into a tough situation and want a higher survival-ability even against bosses and event bosses. This makes them harder to become a target. Thus they don't die. 

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