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[OP-F1] The Next Step To Freedom (4/4 Slots Taken) [COMPLETE]

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Xion gritted his teeth as he Kobold summoned an ally, while both were individually weak numbers could overwhelm any tank, no matter how strong. "Crap!" He shouted before reaching himself for another <<Howl>> as the second Kobold drew its weapon. Once again the blonde inhaled deeply before letting out another bloodcurdling <<Howl>>, which drew the attention of the second Kobold too. 


" Alright attack when ready" he said, assuming a defensive stance once more 


[Xion HP = 38/38][Hate - 9]
[Mack HP = 21/21][Hate - 2]
[Beore HP = 16/16]
[Hirru HP = 25/25]

[Kobold HP = 5/20] [Target - Xion]
[Kobold HP = 20/20][Target - Xion] 

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ID: 27346
BD: 7
LD: 14 (YAY! LOOT!)

Xion: 38/38 (9 Hate)
Mack: 21/21
Beoreson: 16/16
Hirru: 25/25

Kobold: 0/20 (-5 Dam.)
Kobold: 20/20


Having taken the chance to swap out Midnight Eclipse for Guillotine when Hirru had commanded him to hold off from attacking, Mack bided his time and waited for an opening to swing with the more terrifying Guillotine. If that opening came before Hirru had given the order to attack, there was a good chance that the blonde warrior would simply dash in and swing the mahogany handle of the axe. After all, one could always apologize to the party leader later, especially given that the first Kobold had summoned reinforcements to its side. Happily, though, the axe-man wasn't placed in that position. Hirru ordered him to attack the first kobold.

Dashing in, the burly warrior slammed his shoulder into the weakened kobold warrior, knocking the goblin-like creature sprawling on the ground. Twirling Guillotine in his hands in a brown and silver blur, Mack spun the blade in a short arc and slammed the blade of Guillotine deep into the first kobold's chest. The weapon buried itself in the monster with a wet thud and before he could begin to rip the weapon free the monster exploded in a shower of pixels.

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ID# 27352 BD:10

Xion's HP:38/38 (9 hate)

Mack's HP:21/21 (3 hate)

Beoreson's HP:16/16 (2 hate)

Hirru's HP:25/25

Kobalds's HP:20-3=17

     Beoreson winced at the howl as it came from Xion. He decided that he would rather be prepared to fight, and suffer hearing loss. Beoreson watched as the blond soldier finished off the first kobald, right after it called in reinforcements. Beoreson seeing the new monster appear, charged at it. He brought his sword up over his head and, with a yell he slashed the kobald in the back. The monster grunted in pain, as the black haired warrior made a "tactical" retreat to avoid causing to much aggro to come to him.

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[ID: 27383]
[BD: 5] 
[MD: 10] Crit! 2+2=4 DMG

Hirru watched as his commands were followed more thoroughly.  He had to think more clearly on his teammates and the mob.  Everything was its own entity and would do things that he couldn't predict.  Sweeping that aside, he ran towards the other Kobold ready to slash at it, but it saw me coming and jumped forward to deliver a strike towards Xion.  It would somehow get past his guard and focus a solid blow that chipped his health.

Having none of that, Hirru backed into position and called out.

"Everyone, focus attacking the kobold.  Keep spacing between yourselves so we don't cut each other!"

[Xion HP = 34/38][Hate - 9]
[Mack HP = 21/21][Hate - 3]
[Beore HP = 16/16][Hate - 2]
[Hirru HP = 25/25][Hate - 2]

[Kobold HP = 17/20][Target - Xion]

Total Loot
Col - 100
Mats - 1
Items - None

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ID: 27405

BD: 6 (5 DMG) 


Xion watched as the Kobold charged towards him, and avoided an attack from Hirru. When the creature reached him Xion had tried to block, but it's small blade was able to get past his defence. "Damn..." he said as he watched his health drop as little, and the humanoid backed off. "Bloody thing!" he shouted before charging at the Kobold with surprising speed for a tank and drove his blade into it's chest before kicking it to the ground as the creature writhed in pain. The player grinned as he watched the Kobold's HP drop to nearly half before backing off, ready to defend again.  "One more attack from you guys and it's dead" he said. 


[Xion HP = 34/38][Hate -10]
[Mack HP = 21/21][Hate - 3]
[Beore HP = 16/16][Hate - 2]
[Hirru HP = 25/25][Hate - 2]

[Kobold HP = 12/20][Target - Xion]

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ID: 27435
BD: 1

Xion: 34/38 (9 Hate)
Mack: 21/21 (3 Hate)
Beoreson: 16/16 (2 Hate)
Hirru: 25/25 (2 Hate)

Kobold: 12/20

Well, it had to happen sometime in the course of the battle. Mack knew he couldn't count on every single attack that he launched to find its mark. As Xion was launching his own attack the hefty axe-man saw and opening to attack. Stepping forward, and raised Guillotine laterally across his body and, while Xion occupied to kobold, Mack unloaded with a swing reminiscent of Barry Bonds. There was only one, ever so slight, problem. As Xion pressed his own attack the kobold was driven to the ground before Mack's swing could strike the nasty creature. With a growl of frustration, the blonde man backed off a few steps and reset himself to find another opening for a follow-up attack as the other group members moved forward to take their turn with the kobold.

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ID# 27437 BD:8

     The young warrior waited for Mack to back off before launching his own attack. While the Kobald was facing the Xion, Beoreson took his sword and stabbed the monster in the back. The monster grunted in discomfort. Beoreson being reasonable made a quick back peddle away from the monster before he went to high up on it's hate. "I think we are going to need a another wave of attacking if we want to kill it." States the black haired warrior as he backs up to avoid the Kobald.

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((Beoreson: Just letting you know.  You currently do a base of 2 Dmg with your sword skill.  So that 10 you got earlier did 4 DMG not 3.  Translating that to total DMG))

The ongoing barrage to the Kobold continued on as Beore scored a fair hit when Mack could not.  Xion had scored his own, and it was down to Hirru.  Dodging around Xion, Hirru initiated a running <<Horizontal>> causing the Kobold's hp to fall nearly to the red.  Hirru stepped back to see what the creature would do.  If his assumption was correct, it would be calling for reinforcements again.

The Kobold motioned for something, but used that as a feint attack to cause more damage to Xion.  The stalwart warrior wouldn't allow that to get past him and would easily be able to deflect it.  Hirru noticed that his assumption was false.  Something must trigger the <<Call to Arms>> for these guys, but Hirru didn't have enough information to prove it.

"Finish it!" 

[ID: 27434]
[BD: 8]

[MD: 4]

[Xion HP: 34/38] (10 Hate)
[Mack HP: 21/21] (3 Hate)
[Beoreson HP: 16/16] (3 Hate)
[Hirru HP: 25/25] (3 Hate)

[Kobold: 6/20]

Total Loot
Col - 100
Mats - 1
Items - None

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BD: 6 (5 DMG) 


Xion couldn't help but laugh as the pitiful creature attempted to attack him, which he was able ton easily block with the Slicing Maelstrom. "Pathetic" he spat before charging at the retreating creature, bringing his blade down upon it as it sliced through what little armour it had and ripped into it's shoulder, causing it to almost scream with pain as it's health bar dropped to a sliver. 

"All yours Mack" he said with a smile as he turned to them, confident that the creature would not be able to attack again. 


[Xion HP: 34/38] (11 Hate)
[Mack HP: 21/21] (3 Hate)
[Beoreson HP: 16/16] (3 Hate)
[Hirru HP: 25/25] (3 Hate)


[Kobold: 1/20]

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ID: 27498
BD: 6 (4 + 1 Lucky Charm + 1 Concentration Skill) [Begin 5 Turn Cool Down on Skill]
LD: 10 

Xion: 34/38 (11 Hate)
Mack: 21/21 (3 Hate)
Beoreson: 16/16 (3 Hate)
Hirru: 25/25 (3 Hate)

Kobold: -6/20 (-7 Dam.)

To say that Mack was angry, mostly with himself, for having missed his last attack might have been a bit of an understatement. The mountain of a man snarled as Xion called out to him to finish off the Kobold. "With pleasure," the blonde warrior growled. Dashing forward into the fray he slammed the iron butt cap of Guillotine into the back of the Kobold's head, driving the creature snout first into the ground. As it lay there prone the blonde warrior reversed his grip on the axe and brought it down in the middle of the creature's back with a swooshing hiss. The kobold squawked and then exploded in a shower of pixels.

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    Beoreson looked around at the now empty battlefield and yelled," Hello, monsters any more of you over there." He then, prepared himself just in case there was anymore. Seeing none of them come immediately Beoreson took the time to level up, and eat a piece of bread."Well, that went well, where are we headed next?" inquires the young, raven haired warrior. He then gets up off the ground, brushes his pants off and gets ready to go where they are headed next.

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((We'll have a round of Material Gathering here.  Also, since everyone has leveled up at this point, all current skills/levels apply.))

Hirru sighed a deal of relief when the Kobold died without calling more to it.  Looking to the rest of the group, they were ready to head out.  Having had a good fight, the team would now have a little session of material acquisition before they head out.  He thought that would be in the groups best interests.

"Team, lets head into the upcoming room and search for anything that could be useful to us later on!"

They moved on to a medium sized room that housed little to the mob infestation.  Hirru then had them fan out, and search for materials before doing the same.

He came up with nothing...

[ID: 27538]
[LD = 1]

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ID: 27813

LD: 3 


Xion nodded and searched the area, looking carefully for any hidden loot, chests and the like. After a good few minutes of looking he had found nothing. With a sigh, the player stood up "Nothing here, any joy you guys?" he asked, as he slumped and sat down, slightly bored. 

(Sorry about the delayed reply, irl stuffs) 

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ID: 27826
LD: 14 (So close, and yet so far.)

Hearing the order from Hirru to spread out and look for any loot that might be available, Mack found himself a nice corner of the room they were in. Holding the blade of Guillotine out in front of his body like some kind of metal detector. For a second, he thought he might have found an invisible chest with some kind of hidden treasure. Then, it turned out to be nothing because the butt cap of his axe had hit the side of the wall so gently, that Mack hadn't heard it make contact. Grunting and narrowing his storm grey eyes at the offending wall, he turned and made his way back to the group empty handed. Opening his player menu, he scrolled through options and upgraded his stats across the board.

"No loot, but apparently kobold hunting agrees with me. I'm up to a base damage rating of six with Guillotine. You pick it, I'll stick it."

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ID# 27829 LD:5

     "Nothing here." shouts the young warrior as he finishes up looking though the area. Noticing that he had leveled up, he spends the sp on some new skills and upgrades. He then, pulls up his inventory and pulls out a new blade he forged not that long ago. A black ninjato, with an accuracy buff, and a damage increase as well. "I'm up to four base damage now." states the young warrior. "Hey, Mack you don't mind that I copied you're design do you?" asks the warrior.

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As everyone searched the room, Hirru sighed to the news that he was getting.  Nothing in this room, huh?  The front lines and scavengers must have picked this place clean.  Calling his team back, they reported about their current stats after leveling up.  Beoreson even equipped a new weapon, which was probably level capped for him until now.  Hirru figured that they should be fine if there was anything that happened in the next few minutes.

"Alright, team!  Let's move out!"

Getting into formation again, they continued down several paths before coming to a deadend.  Looking at his map, they should have found a door to the next room nearby.  Searching the walls around the area, Hirru found....

[ID : 27853] [LD: 6] 

[BD: 6] [MD: 2]

Nothing!  Nothing that could be considered a door, or anything.

"Hmm.. That's weird.  There should be a doorway here."

As soon as he said that, the sound of spawning mobs cleared the silence that would be him thinking.  Turning around, two kobolds had spawned and started towards them.  It was a trap!  One of the kobolds trained its sights on me and swung its rusty cleaver at me, but missed with a wide swing.  Taking that opportunity, I swung my sword through the space that the kobold's face occupied, before quickly backing up.

[ID : 27855] [MD: 4]

The second one also came after me, but was repelled by my blade before it could inflict any damage.

"Team, everyone focus the one that I just hit!  Xion, focus tanking them!" 

((Keeping Hirru level 12 for this event because of plot in a later RP))

Hirru = 27/27 [Hate - 1]
Xion = 40/40
Mack = 31/31
Beore = 27/27

Kobold = 17/20 [Target - Hirru]
Kobold = 20/20 [Target - Hirru]


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Xion gritted his teeth a the two small humanoids spawned, both of them attempting an attack on Hirru, but ultimately failing. "We need to take them down quickly, if these ones use <<call to arms>> we could have four of them attacking us at once, and I would rather not have to tank four different enemies" he said, before taking a few steps forwards, drawing the Slicing Maelstrom as he did. 


The blonde warrior inhaled deeply, before letting out a deafening <<Howl>>, drawing the attention of the two Kobolds as he assumed a defensive stance. He had already let Hirru take a hit, and he wasn't going to let any more get through. 


Hirru = 27/27 [Hate - 1]
Xion = 40/40 [HATE: 3] 
Mack = 31/31
Beore = 27/27

Kobold = 17/20 [Target - Xion]
Kobold = 20/20 [Target - Xion]

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ID: 28008
BD: 6 (4+1 Charm+1 Concentration) - Begin 5 Post Cooldown on Concentration

Hirru = 27/27 [Hate - 1]
Xion = 40/40 [HATE: 3] 
Mack = 31/31 [Hate: 1]
Beore = 27/27

Kobold = 11/20 [Target - Xion] (-6 Dam.)
Kobold = 20/20 [Target - Xion]

Mack watched through storm grey eyes as a pair of Kobolds spawned behind the party to close off the trap, swinging Guillotine free and easy in his hands. As the creature's took a few wild hacks at Hirru and Xion belted out a roaring howl the big blonde warrior was already in motion. Fanning out as far to the right as he could go, Mack began to circle around to flank the Kobold's, focusing his attention on the one that Hirru had already struck just as ordered. Moving forward with a few ground devouring strides, Mack raised Guillotine high into the air as the light from the tunnels glinted off the weapon's steel blade. The blade knifed through the air and caught the Kobold flush in the ribs as it was advancing on Xion and not paying enough attention to the other party members. After the blow landed, the hulking warrior backed off and raised his blade, prepared to strike again.

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ID# 28012 BD:7

Hirru = 27/27 (Hate - 1)
Xion = 40/40 [HATE: 3] 
Mack = 31/31 [Hate: 1]
Beore = 27/27 (Hate:1)

Kobold = 11-4=7


The young warrior having flanked the monsters decided to use it to his advantage. The warrior brought his sword up then, the warrior brought the blade down in a low arc. The warrior slashed the back of the cyclops leaving a long, pixelated line. The warrior after hitting the monster, backed up some as to not draw to much aggro. Beoreson thought to himself,"Well, this is going well. We at least haven't gotten completely over run with monsters."

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((Kobold instantly gained 4 feet of height but lost one eye lol at Beoreson calling it a cyclops))

Hirru watched as the team whittled down the health of the first Kobold.  Anger seemed to flush its face as it tried to attack Xion.  It would get past his defense somehow, and cause a fair hit.  If it wasn't for his armor, he would have taken quite a bit more.

[ID: 28038][BD: 2][MD: 7]
[LD: 20] Found the Room!

Hoping to catch the Kobold by surprise, Hirru ran towards the weakest one that had just hit Xion.  His swing was wide and it hit the wall on the other side.  Funny how things work, as he triggered the switch for the hidden door to open inwards before lifting into the ceiling.

"Huh? So that's where it was!"

[ID: 28039][MD: 7]

The second Kobold also took aim at Xion with new found hate, and swung its rusty machete.  It too was also able to get in-between Xion's defenses and scored a hit against his armor.

"Same tactic!  Attack the weaker one first!"

Hirru = 27/27 [Hate - 1]
Xion = 38/40 [Hate - 3] 
Mack = 31/31 [Hate - 1]
Beore = 27/27 [Hate - 1]

Kobold = 7/20 [Target - Xion]
Kobold = 20/20 [Target - Xion]

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