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[OP-F1] The Next Step To Freedom (4/4 Slots Taken) [COMPLETE]

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ID: 28048

BD: 7 ( 5 dmg) 


Xion winced as both of the Kobolds managed to get a hit on him, but their strikes were weak, and the player only took 2 damage in total. "This is gonna be easy" he said before charging at the weakest kobold, slicing hid blade diagonally across it's body as it desperately tried to block, failing as XIon reduced the creatures health to a sliver. 

"That's one's fair game" he said, knowing that he wasn't going to be able to kill that one, as somebody else in the party would instead. After saying that he assumed a defensive stance once more, preparing for the next attack from the Kobolds. 


Hirru = 27/27 [Hate - 1]
Xion = 38/40 [Hate - 4] 
Mack = 31/31 [Hate - 1]
Beore = 27/27 [Hate - 1]

Kobold = 2/20 [Target - Xion]
Kobold = 20/20 [Target - Xion]

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ID: 28049
BD: 2 (1+1)

Hirru = 27/27 [Hate - 1]
Xion = 38/40 [Hate - 4] 
Mack = 31/31 [Hate - 1]
Beore = 27/27 [Hate - 1]

Kobold = 2/20 [Target - Xion]
Kobold = 20/20 [Target - Xion]

Mack advanced on the nearly dead kobold, Guillotine held at the ready in his hands. This was going to be easy, a simple matter to eliminate the creature and whittle the number of enemies they were facing as a group down to one. A small smile creased his lips as he hauled the blade back and brought it whistling around, aiming for a fancy strike at the kobold's neck to cleanly decapitate the creature. Naturally, the goblinoid would choose that exact moment to duck and launch a poorly aimed attack of its own that sailed wide of its intended target. As a result, Mack's own attempt at a decapitation went screaming well over the head of the kobold and the big man spun himself half around again with the force of the attempted blow.

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ID# 28050 MD:10 LD:18

Hirru HP:27 (Hate:1)

Xion's HP:38 (Hate 4)

Mack's HP:31(Hate 1)

Beoreson's HP:27 (1+2=3)

Kobald's HP:2-6=-4 [Dead]

Kobald's HP:20 [Target Xion]

     The young warrior moved so that he was behind the kobald. The kobald was standing after it's failed attempt to attack the blond warrior. Beoreson took his ninjato and stabbed it though the back of the monster. He then, pulled the blade up using both his hands and managed to move the blade about half way up the monster. The kobald growled in pain as it exploded in a  shower of red pixels. A shield fell to the ground, it was a basic punch style one. "I got this one, now we are gonna focus on that one right?" asks the warrior after rather brutally killing the kobald.

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Hirru watched as the first Kobold was extinguished by their combined effort.  Shattering into many pieces, Hirru prepared himself as he rushed the next one.  Running forward, he prepared a sword skill.

[ID: 28064][BD: 10][MD: 1]

A slight hum sounded out when it activated, a warm glow appeared around his blade.  <<Rage Spike>> a charging attack that would have him run straight in, and cause an upward strike from his side.  Hirru jumped back to avoid any repercussions from the swing.  The Kobold screamed in agony, and dropped to the ground holding its face.  Any attempt at fighting nearly lost to it.

"Now!  Take it out!"

Hirru = 27/27 [Hate - 3]
Xion = 38/40 [Hate - 4] 
Mack = 31/31 [Hate - 1]
Beore = 27/27 [Hate - 3]

Kobold = 15/20 [Target - Xion]

Total Loot
Col - 100
Mats - 3
Items - Iron Shield (Good)

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ID: 28222

BD: 3 (FAIL) 

CD: 10 (+ 2 HP


Xion watched as Hirru struck the second Kobold, dealing a large amount of damage. The blonde warrior then went in for a strike, aiming for a simple downward slash as the creature attempted to regain it's footing. But, as Xion neared and brought his blade down, the creature drew it's own blade and blocked his strike. "Damn..." Xion said, as he jumped back to avoid the creature's pitiful counter attack. The tank looked at the small creature, it's eyes small beads of anger as it looked straight at him, but it worried the warrior not, as he felt his <<Battle healing>> activate and some of his wounds began to heal. 


Hirru = 27/27 [Hate - 3]
Xion = 40/40 [Hate - 4] 
Mack = 31/31 [Hate - 1]
Beore = 27/27 [Hate - 3]

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ID: 28227
BD: 8 (7+1)
Hirru = 27/27 [Hate - 3]
Xion = 38/40 [Hate - 4] 
Mack = 31/31 [Hate - 2]
Beore = 27/27 [Hate - 3]
Kobold = 9/20 [Target - Xion]

As the kobold raised its pathetic excuse for a weapon, a small rusty dagger, to block Xion's attack Mack saw an opening form and he surged into it. The nasty goblin-like creature was wide open for attack, having just turned aside Xion's blade. It would have no chance, and no hope, of saving itself from Guillotine. With a growled battle cry, the hulking blonde man hauled Guillotine up over his head and then brought the blade slamming around in a horizontal swinging strike right into the small of the kobold's back. The creature's armor had no chance of providing much defense against the finely crafted blade knifed through the armor and into the kobold easily before Mack ripped it free with a savage tug and cleared out of the way for Hirru and Beoreson to have their turns.

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ID# 28231 BD:2+2=4

Hirru = 27/27 [Hate - 3]
Xion = 38/40 [Hate - 4] 
Mack = 31/31 [Hate - 2]
Beore = 27/27 [Hate - 3]
Kobold = 9/20 [Target - Xion]

      The young warrior charged forward, and tripped over his own feet. He managed to catch his foot on his calf then, land face first into the ground. The young warrior laid there for a moment.He thought to himself,"Well, this could have gone better." He then,picked himself up off the ground and backed up away from the monster."Well, I have had better attacks then, that." states the young, raven haired warrior. He knew that he was probably going to have a few jokes thrown his way about this in the future.

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If it was one thing that Hirru hoped for in this battle, it was a swift end.  That wasn't going to happen easily now, as both Xion and Beoreson missed their mark.  Good thing, Mack, was a lumberjack with that axe.  Hirru shook that thought from his head, wondering where that came from.

[ID: 28263][BD: 1][MD: 6] 

Hirru prepared to attack the Kobold, but it had other plans.  This one decided to dance around Hirru as he tried to get a slash out at it, but it wouldn't give him a chance.  After tiring the hunter out, the kobold went over to Xion and booted his armor before shiving him with the rusty end.

"Will someone kill this thing already?!"

Hirru = 27/27 [Hate - 3]
Xion = 39/40 [Hate - 4] 
Mack = 31/31 [Hate - 2]
Beore = 27/27 [Hate - 3]

Kobold = 9/20 [Target - Xion]

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ID: 28344

BD: 6 (5 DMG) 

CD: 12 (+2 HEALTH) 


Xion grunted as the Kobold managed to get around his defence and land a light hit on him, but he was not going to let the creature strike him without being punished. In one rather swift movement for a tank he drove his blade into the abdomen of the Kobold, causing it to scream in pain as it's HP dropped to a sliver. With  a smile he returned to a defensive stance. "Ripe for the killing..." 


Hirru = 27/27 [Hate - 3]
Xion = 40/40 [Hate - 5] 
Mack = 31/31 [Hate - 2]
Beore = 27/27 [Hate - 3]

Kobold = 4/20 [Target - Xion]

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ID: 28365
BD: 4 (3+1)

Hirru = 27/27 [Hate - 3]
Xion = 40/40 [Hate - 5] 
Mack = 31/31 [Hate - 2]
Beore = 27/27 [Hate - 3]
Kobold = 4/20 [Target - Xion]

As the kobold leaped back into the fray to go after Xion again Mack stepped forward and raised Guillotine. All it would take was one blow from the axe and the kobold would be eliminated. Especially after Xion plunged his own weapon into the creature. The only bad thing about the blonde swordsman's strike was that it caused the kobold they were fighting to fold around his blade. So, when Mack launched his own horizontal chopping attack the blade of his bearded axe, Guillotine, went sailing harmlessly over the exact spot where the kobold's head had been a few moments before. Snarling, the axe-man stepped back and out of the way to clear a path for Beoreson and Hirru.

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ID# 28389 BD:4+2=6 LD:4

Hirru = 27/27 [Hate - 3]
Xion = 40/40 [Hate - 5] 
Mack = 31/31 [Hate - 2]
Beore = 27/27 [Hate - 3+1]
Kobold = 4/20-4 [Target - Xion]

      The young warrior saw that the blond soldier had missed then, he moved out of the way. Beoreson seeing the chance to kill another monster, rushed towards the Kobald. The warrior brought his ninjato up over head. He brought the blade in a wide arc going let to right. The slash gutted the monster. The kobald howled in pain as it exploded into shiny, pixels. Sadly, only a mat dropped to the ground. The warrior scanned the are for anymore threats. "Looks clear from what I can tell." says the raven haired, warrior.

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Hirru drew in a breath before sighing in relief.  That could have been worse.  Everyone was missing that last one, and from what he could see, it was probably going to call another one if Beoreson hadn't taken it out, once and for all.  He pat Beore on the shoulder.

"Good job!"

He turned to the team and patted them on the shoulder too.

"I think that we're about good for the rest of this dungeon.  Let's explore this room and see what we can find there."

Hirru said as he pointed towards the door that he accidentally opened during the trap encounter.  He herded them into the room and told them to start looking around for anything out of the ordinary.  After some time, Hirru would do the same thing, but he found nothing in particular.

[ID: 28405][LD: 10] Nothing

Total Loot
Col - 100
Mats - 4
Items - Iron Shield (Good)

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ID: 28409

LD:  18 (Treasure chest found) 


Xion nodded and started to look for anything unusual, initially he found nothing, but after a few minutes he stumbled upon a small panel in the all, that revealed a hidden chest! 


"Hey guys I've found something!" he said. 


ID: 28415



Xion's eyes lit up as he looked upon the chest "PLEAE can this be armour" he said before opening the chest. What he found in the chest wasn't armour, but nothing, what he did find though was an arrow digging into his shoulder "Crap!" he yelled as he backed off from the chest, as it disappeared.

Xion (39/40)  

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ID: 28423
LD: 18

Taking his corner of the new room Mack began poking around, prodding various things with the butt cap of Guillotine. When Xion gave a holler after getting stuck with the trap arrow Mack looked gave a start and turned his grey eyes on the other warrior to see an arrow sticking in his shoulder but, since the wound hardly seemed serious, the blonde man resumed his own poking and prodding. After a few more seconds he hit what must have been the right spot in the wall. A small panel slid out with a crafting material inside. Reaching in, Mack hefted out the look and turned to Hirru. "More loot for the stash," he called, tossing the crafting material in the direction of the party leader.

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ID# 28424 LD:7

Beoreson responds to Hirru, "I didn't do much. All I did was managed to hit them one or two times." The young warrior heard Xion get shot with an arrow. He decided to make use of a now classic joke, "At least it wasn't you're knee." He then, with a lopsided grin, started to search though his area. He searched the walls, and found nothing. He also tried pressing the individual bricks that make up the wall. No portals or doors opened so, he assumed that there was nothing. "I didn't find anything." says the warrior. Right after that, Mack walks over with some mats. Beoreson wonders to himself,"Why do I never find anything."

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Hirru sighed as he listened to everyone before catching the material from Mack.  From the reports that he was getting, they found three things:

  • One Material of some make or variety.  They would have to get someone to appraise it later on with all the other things that they got.
  • A chest that held the motherlode of treasure!  An arrow!  That arrow found itself planted in Xions shoulder.
  • There was someone by the name of Xiob that needed to be nerfed

 After putting the material into the party storage, he checked around the room for another way out, but there was none.  They would have to go back the way they came and start heading towards the boss room.  He motioned for everyone to form up on him.

"Alright, looks like that was it for this area.  We're gonna call it here, and start going for the stairway to the second floor.  Along the way, we may find something useful." 

Getting them back into formation, they went back the way they came.  As they came to the intersection that they diverged from, Hirru navigated them through a few more corridors before coming to another room.  This room looked fairly large, but not as large as the boss room, from what he heard.  Information told of something around here that had the potential of being 'bad for your health'.

"Everyone be careful, there may be traps in this area!  Continue to look for items, but don't set off any traps!" 

((I'm working on something big for the end, but for now roll dice for loot and mob.  Loot to try and see the traps.  MOB to see if it is activated))

[ LD = 1~10 - You don't see anything and may have activated traps(+1 DMG if activated); 11~14 You see it, but it can still activate; 15~20 You see it and can deactivate it gaining +1 Mat ]

[ MD = 1~5 : Trap isn't activated; 6~8 Trap is activated (2 DMG); 9~10 Trap is activated and causes bleed damage (2 DMG + 2 DMG for the next 2 turns) ]

((This is only for one round to get out of the room, and the DMG is only done to your character.  MIT does apply.))

Total Loot
Col - 100
Mats - 5
Items - Iron Shield (Good)

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ID: 30240




Xion nodded as Hirru warned them about the  traps in the area, before walking off to search the room. The tank carefully scanned the ground as he walked, looking for any sign of a pressure plate, tripwire, anything that could activate a trap. 'There doesn't seem to be much' he thought to himself after a god five minutes of searching, the player had not triggered nor found a single trap, maybe the mystical entity known as 'Xiob' was protecting him. 


"Nothing here Hirru...thankfully" he called out to the leader of the group. 


(apologies for the wait)

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ID: 30422
LD: 16 (Spot & Deactivate) +1 Mat

Moving with the rest of the group into a fairly large and cavernous room, Mack listened for the orders that Hirru issued and nodded his recognition and understanding of the same. Fan out and search, be wary for traps. Simple enough. Moving off down his designated corridor in the massive room, the blonde axe man kept his storm grey eyes peeled for anything that looked like it might be something. Entering a place in his area where the floor was just slightly off color he stopped and examined it.

"Pitfall trap over here," Mack called out, swinging Guillotine into the false floor covering. It disappeared in a shower of pixels, produced a crafting material, and revealed a ten foot deep pit filled with sharpened steel spikes. Scooping up the crafting material, he lobbed it across the room in Hirru's direction to add to the party's loot chest. "Hirru, mat, head's up!"

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ID# 30668

Loot: 6 MOB: 7

Beoreson's HP:27-3=25

Beoreson steps on a slightly off stone and, finds himself on the ground with a ringing in his ears. He looks down to see that his foot has a shard of rock in it. He removes the rock without flinching his face rather blank. He stands up and, looks at his HP bar. It seemed to be more or less a way to scare the players as they walked though. The warrior shouts as the ringing was rather loud still, "I found a trap. Blew me right up to!" He pats himself down looking for more shrapnel. He then with a grin notes that he didn't find any.

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((Decided against the end dungeon fight.  Was going to have 3~5 mobs come at us, but I guess everyone would rather have the SP now, than later.))

Hirru would listen to the group as they inspected the area.  It would seem that the trapped room was not much to deal with, as most of them were able to get out without a scratch.  That is, until Hirru heard Beoreson fall to the ground with a small spike lodged in his foot.  Before they could wonder if he was okay, even though they could see his health from their own vision, the dark haired warrior was able to get up and shake off the dust from him.  Hirru sighed as he grabbed the material to add to the party storage.

"Well, since that happened.  I'd imagine that we should be good for the last part."

Hirru joked before becoming serious again.

"The boss room should be our next stop!  Let's form it back up, and head out!"

He shouted out as they got back into their formation.  Walking through the next set of corridors, you would expect more monsters to be showing up in the dungeon, but there wasn't very many.  Though, Beoreson had the Bleed debuff on, it would be fine, as long as they don't attract any unwanted attention.  Each corridor would lead deeper into the labyrinth until they could see the grand doors.  These doors were the thing of dread for the many players on the first floor, and for good reason.  They hid the floor boss of the first floor behind them, The Puppet Master.  A being that was able to manipulate other into attacking themselves.  It was with quick work that the team that defeated it were rewarded with unlocking the second floor, and beginning the age of succession in Aincrad.

The group was on guard as they moved through the doorway, but there would be nothing in there.  The boss was long destroyed, and would never be coming back.  The group would finally find the stairway to the second floor, and be relieved of the end of their expedition.  Hirru turned to his compatriots before sending all, but Xion since he was already a friend, a friend request.

"This is the end of our expedition, but not the end of our journey.  Let this be known, that we will return to our own world."

He stated as he dissolved the party to do as they please.  As the party was set to equal item storage, each of Hirru's teammates would have got 2 materials and 25 col while he would have obtained 25 col while forgoing the material, as he didn't need it.

"Let our adventures bring us back together, again!"


First Floor Dungeon


Hirru - 325 Col + 1 Sp

Xion - 325 Col + 2 Mat + 1 Sp

Mack - 325 Col + 2 Mat + 1 Sp

Beoreson - 325 Col + 2 Mat + 1 Sp

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