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[PP-F3] The elder shall fall --Complete--

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Zandra was closing her mobile lab at floor two. She was done with brewing for today. What should she do then? It was some time she visited floor two. She still remembered when she was there last time. The elves tried to protect their precious materials. But they had not a chance against her. That without any gear except for the beginner dagger. She had herd of an elder thou. That should be a real challenge for her new armour and dagger. When she had decided she headed to the teleportation plaza.''Delilah Village!''. She warped up to floor three. She walked out from the gate. The houses wasnt as close to each other here compared to floor. Here each house looked sperated from each other. Kind of like an old country style village.''Time to kill some elves I think''she said as she streatched her back and equiped her gear. Thats when she saw a man not far away.

Edited by Zandra Zvift
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Clad in his steel breastplate, tasset and pouldron, he walked on the third floor. 'Been a while since I was here. Hopefully I can look at the scenery for a bit before I return to my grinding' he thought as he walked around. It wasn't feeling like much, this prairie of a third floor. He would keep on walking, seeing the different kinds of fields out here. His beginner clothes would point him out as most of the higher level players had either high level drop clothes or something else than beginner clothing, but Macradon felt comfortable in those clothes, even though they looked dull, his armor would of course show that he wasn't a full new beginner. On him, the breastplate composed by different plates riveted to the leather underneath. Around his waist a tasset and part cuirrass made of steel plates protecting the side of his legs, this tasset was attached on a belt also plated with steel. On his shoulder a pouldron with a rose engraved into it. His greatsword strapped to his back, just in case anything hostile would come up. He would soon arrive at Delilah Village. He never really liked the all warping around, he enjoyed the scenery the game had. As he came closer to the village, his eyes spotted something, someone. He would continually walk towards the village either way.

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Zandra walked towards the man, she was sure she havent met this man before. He had white hair and none she knew had snowcoloured hair. Also she didnt reognised his armour from one of her previous meetings. A rose on the shoulder, did it have any special meaning. His armour looked like it could realy take some hits, as well as the owner of it. She thougth she could take on the elder alone. But she wasnt sure. Maybe he would be interested in joining in her hunt. After all, two is better then one right? She walked towards him in her blue-shining plate armour that covered her whole body except the head and stomach. At the stomach it have thou been reinforced with some platemail to make it easier to bend her body back and forth and turn around. Compared to his greatsword her dagger looked almost like a toy. Well, a very sharp toy.

''Heya there. My name is Zandra Zvift, but you can call me just Zandra. Who are you?''she asked him. Thougth it would be a good phrase to start with.

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As he came close, he saw the figure's details, armor, face and other features players had. Clad in full steel plate, the woman was a mobile tank. Though he would quickly notice that the plate wasn't everywhere, the face was not covered by any helm or helmet nor was the stomach covered with full sheet plate but more like a scale maille or plate maille. He would get even closer, noticing the green crystal above her head. 'No hostility' he thought as he would relax more as he had to be tense to be prepared for anything. 

''Greetings, I'm Macradon. But most call me Mac" he replied which seemed like something ideal to start out with. He would quickly take a glance over her armor, full plate, something he hadn't seen in a while. He wondered, why were someone with this high tier equipment on a floor as low as the third floor, though he could ask himself the same answer, easy grinding perhaps.

"So ..." he started "... what are you doing down here on this floor? There aren't many strong mobs with high tier loot down here" he said, curious to her ordeal down here of all places.

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''So, your name is Mac. Its nice to meet ya' ''she looked at the man in front of her and smiled when he said there isnt many strong mobs around here.''What Im doin' here? Yes, the normal mobs here arent that powerful. Once I was here for some material gathering. A few times I got interrupted by elves. The last one I slayed said something like.''she tried to sound like a man and said.''The elder shall revenge my death.''she went back to her normal voice and continued.''I was thinking to go look it up. Who this elder is. How powerful he realy are. Maybe I gonna get something out from it. Hopefully some good loot. But otherwise it will be a good adventure. Do you wanna tag along?''

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"The elder ..." he said quietly as his mind went through a lot of processing, trying to remember anything about any elven elder. 'Nope, nothing I recall' he thought and focused more about the conversation. He thought a lot about it while also trying to hold a good focus to the person he was talking to, it would be rude to just daze off onto one's mind while talking with someone else. He would the open his mouth "This elder, what if he, per say, was a minor field boss, maybe we would be able to get something from him, or at least some great loot as you said. I find it very interesting so let's find out how strong he really is!"

Though he wasn't sure if any field boss around the third level or below was anything to take seriously, as on the fifth floor was just a tad difficult while the other field boss not too far from this place was one of the easiest bosses he could encounter, even though it was two against one. "Last time I was here, I was fighting some big minotaurs to get some special loot, those bosses weren't difficult at all, so I really hope this elder is as strong as the elves say" he said as his standards raised just as he thought about the minotaurs. 'This elder better be a worthy opponent' he thought.

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''Well, I hope that the elder is as strong as they said to. I dont realy care that much about loot. Im heading out on farming trips from time to time. But hopefully he gonna drop something useful. Shall we split all loot we gets even when we back here or go for the 'gets it keeps it'?'' Zandra didnt realy cared wwhich one, she just wanted to make it clear from the start to avoid any unneccesary discusions after the adventure. For her the biggest rewards after adventure is the adventure itself. Like having a story to tell her kids. If she gonna get any kids. Not even certain she gonna leave this game alive. She suddenly realised she had spaced out, even if it was for just a few seconds. She shaked her head to get back to reality.''Oh sorry, I spaced out a little.''she looked out to where she killed the last elf so Mac wouldnt see she was blushing.''I killed the last one about one kilometer that way.'' she said a pointed at the same direction she looked.''Shall we go?''

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'Third floor boss, he might not be as strong as I expected, but I surely hope we will keep up a fight' he thought as he felt the wind blow through his hair and through the small cracks in his armor. It was chilly out here, but it was a nice change of pace from the stupidly cold area like the 4th floor.
He would shiver from the sudden cold from the wind. "Oh I really don't care about the loot, we could split it if you'd like that" he said. 
The third floor wouldn't drop that much or not even close enough for him to get something useful. He would just care about the experience, of course also some company after all these solo quest he'd been taking. A sudden silence fell over the conversation, Zandra stared into the distance, Macradon was curious so he turned to look at the same direction as her, there was nothing in particular at that direction.
She excused for spacing out that little while but Macradon wouldn't mind. "Ah it's alright, no harm done aight?" He would see her moving her head fast towards another direction 'Huh, sudden reaction' he thought as she followed his glare towards the area she pointed at. "Yeah sure, we shall" he said.

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Then the adventure started. Zandra and Mac. She took the first step, but Mac wasnt long time after when he started to walk as well. There they walked in silence for the first hundred meters. Then she realised one thing.''Oh right, I havent invited you to a party.'' she opened the menuscreen and browsed to party-invites and sent a request to the white haired man beside her.''I have sometimes thought about something about beeing a party. Is there any benefits for it, except beeing able to see eachothers healthbar to know when the other gets into real trouble and you better move back or use healing crystals and such?'' She had often thougth about it, but always forgot it when she was in someones company. And this man looked like he maybe would sit on that information. Now when she had changed the subject the red colour from her face had disapeared and she looked at him after sending the request.

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Zandra Zvift has invited you to a party
Will you accept?

He would press the accept button as well as listening to the question Zandra asked him. "Oh yeah, I guess there are other benefits like sharing Experience Points and such, some thing you can't do outside of the party. Also location either on world map or something like that" he said as he pondered about other benefits you would get from a party. He wasn't too sure if there was anything else that being in a party made easier or if it even gave more benefits altogether. "I haven't been too many parties so I can't really talk from much experience of being in a party" he said and looked around, looking for anything hostile. He would then think about some other things, like where was the Elder located, did Zandra know? Or if it takes some slain elves to make the Elder appear like the <Avalanche> field boss, as final decision he would ask Zandra. "Do you have any clue whatsoever on where the Elder is located?".

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When the couple reached the place Zandra had killed the last elf she stopped.''If I know where he is? Of course I do.'' she scratched her head looking in each direction to hope see if she could spot any clues or something. But nothing at all.''Ehm... it must have been that direction.'' she pointed to the right.''Or maybe that way.'' she pointed at the opposite way.''Ehm...'' why did she say that she knew where it was, she didnt had a clue.''Nope, I have no idea.'' she suddenly got very interested in a small stone on the ground that she looked at while pushing it around with her foot. ''Well, he came from that way.'' now she pointed at a forest a little to the right of the road straigth forward.''Maybe its a start to go that way. Maybe running into some elves to give us more information.''

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"You didn't have to pretend that you knew, it was alright if you didn't. Anyways, that way?" He asked when she said she didn't know the direction, even after looking around for clues. He would just look around as well, trying to see if there is anything that could correlate to anything elvish. Though his attempt to find anything was futile, Zandra said that they should go towards that direction, towards a forest up the road, if they continued up that road they could possibly find some more elves and get some more clues about this "Elder" if he really was a thing other than some flavor to the floor. "Alright, let's journey to there then" he said as they both would begin to walk towards the location Zandra pointed out.

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The boy and girl started walk towards the forest. They both walked in silence. Zandra was trying to imagine how the elder would look like. Is he tall and muscular, or smal quick. Maybe more of a shaman-ish looking character. Well, hopefully they gonna get to him to be able to find out. ''If we find the elder, that wouldd be kinda cool. Since then we can contribute with something to the guide book. I couldnt find any information about an elder when I searched thru it.''Zandra threw her dagger in the air, twirled and she catched it on the way down. When she looked up she saw something at the horizon, coming from the forest. It was two humanoids, probably elfs, running towards her and Mac.''It seems we didnt need to go all the way to the forest to engage the elfs.'' She smiled and winked to him. This was gonna be fun. Her dagger had slept for way to long time now. She placed herself in a combat-ready pose, think about what move she should try out.

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'That was reasonable fast' he thought as he also spotted the elfs charging towards them. "I will try to catch their attention first by charging in, you can come up from behind after I've one into the fight and pick up, hopefully" he said as he would get into a neben guard. In German two handed fencing, the neben guard was a low guard with the sword behind the wielder at the right side, giving a good opening for upwards strikes. "If I can't get the attention of both, we'll just focus on getting one down each at the same time so none of us needs to tank" he said as damage wasn't too much he wanted to keep track on even though they bot seemingly had enough armor to withstand their attack. He would then get onto his charge and use his <Charge> skill to engage upon the elf furthest to the right. He would rush in and go for a simple upwards strike at the elf but it just dodged the big heavy swipe, it was wielding a sword and swung it at Macradon, he was though fast enough to bring his sword up to block the oncoming attack. "Seems like it didn't go as planned" he said as he was in a bind with one of the elves.

ID: 31141
BD: 1
MD: 1

Macradon: 49/49
Energy: 10/11

Elf 1: 30/30

Edited by Macradon
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Zandra saw Mac and the elf clash against each other, both failed to do any harm to each other. Thou she couldnt care about that right now. She had her own opponent to focus on. She spotted the other elf. It seemed like it thougth his friend would take care of Mac, so it came straigth towards Zandra. Macs opponent wielded a sword, but this one used a much shorter blade, just like her.''Come on little elf, I will cut you in four pieces.'' She loaded her 'Fad edge' skill to make things as quick as possible. She started to sprint as well. When the she and the elf was face to face, the elf made a quick stab with his dagger in Zandras left shoulder. Her armour absorning all except one damage.''Ha! is that the bet you can do?'' she taunted at him while twirling her own blade and made four quick slices over the elfs chest. Its healthbar dropped to a third of its starting health.''Thats how you do it.''she said to the elf that took a step back from the sudden pain it felt. She turned her head towards Mac.''You saw that, now you have to take it together or I will win.'' She didnt said it to humiliate him or something like that, more to kind of increase is fighting spirit. Once again she turned back towards the dagger-wielding elf, preparing for a second attack.


ID: 31149

BD: 8+1=9 (no crit) (Fad edge) 5x4x1=20 Dmg

MD: 8 (Armour pierce) (9x1)-9=1 Dmg

Zandra: 35/44

Energy: 7/11

Elf 2: 10/30

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"Oh yeah?" he answered the small taunt Zandra came  at the same time the elf would engage once more with an attack. Macradon would make a quick back step to get out of the one handed sword range so his sword would be dominant here. He would make a quick parry against the attack from the elf with a slash coming from his left shoulder to his right hip, from the position he was in a neben guard again. His sword would lighten up and his body would move smoothly though the sword art. "This is how you do it!" he roared as he would do three upwards strikes at the elf, tearing it to pieces with the broad and strong cleaves. The elf was torn apart, sliced into 4 nearly equal parts. The elf would pixilate and vanish as it had been defeated. Macradon would take the loot and move towards the elf at Zandra.

ID: 31165
BD: 8. 4x1x6=24 dmg
MD: 2

Macradon: 49/49
Energy: 7/11

Elf: 0/20

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Zandra saw when Mac cutted the elf into pieces with only one attack. She blushed a little, first she was proud to get a strike on her target, but Macs rampage took it away from her. She had to cut down this elf now. Please, dont miss now claw Zandra quietly said to her dagger. She decided to save energy and only go for her 'side bite' cut. She charged her dagger, felt the power of the blade flowing thru her body. She took a quick glimpse at Mac and saw him coming towards her prey.''Nono, that one is mine.'' She threw her body forward to reach the elf first. It seemed the elf saw Mac as well. It hesitated for a second, this gave Zandra and exelent opportunity. When the elf turned her head towards Zandra again she was already right in front of the elven creature.''Buh!'' Zandra said in the face of the elf at the same time as she made two slahes over its chest. The enemy exploded in hundreds of pixels and she got her reward for killing it.''That was fun.''Then she realised one thing.''Oh crap. We killed them before we could ask them about the elder.''

ID: 31238

BD: 6+1=7 (Hit) (Side bite) 5x2x1=10

MD: Dead before action

Zandra: 35/44

Energy: 6/11

Elf 2: 0/30 -DEAD- +1 Material LD: 7 No additional loot


Edited by Zandra Zvift
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He would stand still and feel dumb for his sudden aggression. "Dammit!" he said as knocked his head with his fist. He would sheath his sword again and think about another strategy to get information out instead of charging head onto the enemy. "Hm ..." he muttered as he would begin to think. "If we continue towards the forest, maybe we can find more elves and maybe ask them before going ham on them" he said as he would begin to walk towards the forest. He would think of a strategy. "You know what ..." he would say "... if multiple enemies go against us, we can focus on slaying them but leave one alive, either by sparing it its life or stunning it so we can calm it down". Maybe that idea was stupid, calming a NPC but it was the try worth, of course if Zandra would agree to that.

Energy: 8/11

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"Yes, I realised it in the same second I made the other slash, a few seconds to late, crap."she looked at the weapon in her hand and attached it to the belt around her waist."That thing about pretending to show mercy should work. And since these two came from the forest, we should find more of them that way right?" Zandra followed the man to catch up on him. 


38/44 (7/11) +3 HP +1 Energy

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He would walk, unknowingly towards the forest. As the terrain around them would slowly engulf in green and brown shades, something was rattling in the brushes around them. He would ignore it as there were much more noise around them, so this little sound wouldn't really affect him nor catch his attention. He would keep on walking and would wait to find any elves around here, they're in the forest already, so hopefully they would be able to find some elves. "I don't see many elves in here" he said as he would look back at Zandra. He would still be on guard if any elves were to charge at them, but he wasn't even sure any elves were in the perimeter of the pair to even be noticed. A thought shot through his mind 'Maybe they're planning an ambush' he thought as he kept on walking into the dense forest.

Energy: 9/11

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