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(F4) The Black Rose [Artisan]

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Ebony already didn't like the man who had walked into her shop. He didn't even bother to look at her, only handing her a note and making some sort of joke about her making something that would bring out the color of his eyes. Oh, she could do that. Red looked like a color that would fit him, especially the glowing red of a stab wound. She really couldnt tell exactly what was making her so annoyed at him, but she held back her anger and annoyance and accepted the materials without a word, heading into the back to see what she could do. A few minutes later she came back. "Sorry, nothing today. Ill pm you when it's ready." She said, her teeth clenched and her eyes downcast so that she wouldnt have to look at him.

ID# 41186 results:

Craft: 7+1=8 Uncommon

ID# 41187 results:

Craft: 3+1=4 Bad

ID# 41188 results:

Craft: 5+1=6 Good

ID# 41189 results:

Craft: 10+1=11 Rare

ID# 41190 results:

Craft: 4+1=5 Good

ID# 41191 results:

Craft: 4+1=5 Good

-6 Mats

+21 EXP

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 ID# 41256 results:

 Craft: 2 Fail

 ID# 41257 results:

 Craft: 10+1=11 Rare (Skill Rank: Search and Detect)

 ID# 41258 results:

 Craft: 5+1=6 Good

 ID# 41259 results:

 Craft: 11+1=12 Perfect (Lumiels Order)

 ID# 41260 results:

 Craft: 3+1=4 Bad

 ID# 41261 results:

 Craft: 10+1=11 Rare

-6 Mats

+28 EXP

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The former mafia thug had heard word of his item created, surprisingly to him it didn't take that long to accomplish the feat. The man had opened the doors wide, allowing the cold stillness of the world to wrap around him briefly before the door was once again shut behind him allowing the warm accompany of the heat to tailor his body. Moving towards the counter and finally taking a look at the woman whom he assumed was the owner, gave a small smile, "Thanks for the message...I rushed over here as fast as I could. Now, you have my Choker of Choking? That's good, that's good. I'll go ahead and take that since I already prepaid for the item." With a tap of his finger onto his menu, the item was highlighted and wrapped snugly around his neck and nodded, "Damn nice work there, Miss Artisan. If you enjoy good food and entertainment, stop by my place of business, The Butcher, it doesn't sound like much but I got a pretty fancy look on the inside. Bring a date or yourself. Seeya later."

+1 Choker of Choking


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  • 3 weeks later...

Walking into the Black Rose the change of atmosphere sparked my interest I walked up to the counter and took an order form.It took me a little bit of time to finish. Upon filling it out I walked up to the counter and gave the form to the girl behind it. "I hope that I filled out the form to your liking I can pay either up front or afterwards depending on which you think would work best. I was going to pay with col if you're good with that." I stood there waiting for her response.

Order Form

  Hide contents

Item: Amulet of the Violet Moon 

Type: Lucky charm

Shop: The Black Rose 

Creator: Ebony


Enhancements: +2 Evasion +1 Accuracy

Description:A round pendent on a silver chain. the pendant is a round amethyst that resembles the moon, beneath the surface of the crystal is a swirling mist that makes the pendant look as if it is filled with a purple fog. 


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Shizuka walks in. Sighs from being too lazy to fill out an order sheet and doesn't see one to fill out either and instead leaves a memo for Ebony to make her a charm before looking around and walking right out in order to participate in some material gathering.

"I want a rare item called Material Gathering Costume with 2X Loot Dice. I shall pay once the item is created via trade." The note read. Indeed, writing was her best form of communication as she would've never said that much in one sentence if she had attempted to. Shizuka sighed and opened the door before hearing it smack close after walking out.

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Walking around the outskirts of SnowFrost town, Nobuyuki found the small cottage. He have been searched for this place for a while. Entering the cozy shop, he walked up to the counter. "Hi. I'm looking to buy a custom necklace. I hope you don't mind making it." Nobuyuki said, as he placed a small pouch of Cols down onto the table. The pouch held just enough money for the lucky charm he's ordering, and also a few extra cols as tip.

Order form


Item: Necklace of Farsighted

item type: Lucky Charm

Recipient: CaptainUndead

Quality: Perfect

Enchantment: [+2 ACC] [+1 EVA]

Description: A dark silver necklace with a Templar cross pendant. In the middle of the cross was a ruby gem, representing an eye. 


[-1260] Cols

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 ID# 45535 results:

 Craft: 9+1=10 Rare

 ID# 45536 results:

 Craft: 9+1=10 Rare

 ID# 45538 results:

 Craft: 2+1=3 Fail

 ID# 45539 results:

 Craft: 4+1=5 Good

 ID# 45540 results:

 Craft: 5+1=6 Good

 ID# 45543 results:

 Craft: 10+1=11 Rare

-6 Mats

+26 EXP

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Macradon would walk into an unfamiliar shop. One he hadn't been in before. Clad in his red and white armor he walked into the shop known as The Black Rose. He would take up the visor of his helmet and take a look inside the shop and then take the helmet off as a whole. His snow white hair would flow back to its natural position from being held back by the helmet. He would walk towards the counter with a filled out request. "Can you make this for me?" he asked and put the request on the counter, as well as a pouch with 7 materials in it. 

Name: Blood Crusader's Necklace
Item Type: Lucky Charm
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: 2 x Recovery. 1 x Accuracy.
Description: A necklace of strong dark brown leather. On the necklace is a red cross, the logo of the Knights of the Blood Oath.

[-7 Materials]

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hikoru walked in and wrote an order down, ready to order the final thing he needed for his new set. He had planned this out, and he already has his weapon being made, and he was wearing his armor as he thought. He smiled beneath his mask and placed 7 Mats on the counter next to his order form, walking out and waiting for a PM to appear in his Inbox for when it was ready,

-7 Mats


Name: Eclipsed Pendant
Item Type: Lucky Charm
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +1 Evasion +1 Accuracy +1 LD
Description: A necklace of strong black leather, with a black crescent moon hanging, with small swirls or dark purple in the moon itself.


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Ebony smiled as Hikoru entered her shop and set down some materials. She had been running low lately, and she still had a surprising number of orders to complete. She actually wondered if half of the people who had ordered from her still wanted their orders. Still, when she had materials she could do an order incredibly quickly. She grabbed six of the materials and headed into the back, working her magic on them. Only one became a perfect but that was enough.

 ID# 48783 results:

 Craft: 7

 ID# 48784 results:

 Craft: 6

 ID# 48785 results:

 Craft: 5

 ID# 48786 results:

 Craft: 12 Eclipsed Pendant

 ID# 48788 results:

 Craft: 7

 ID# 48789 results:

 Craft: 7

+5 Good items

+24 EXP

-6 Mats

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Zandra entered the Black Rose. A smile appeared on her lips when she entered the shop and remembered when she was here last time. After a looks she found the girl that was into supporting role just like her. But more important, her friend. She walked up to Ebony."Hello Eb. Long time no see isnt it. How are you doing?" She paused for her to answer."I do like to meet you but Im also here for some business today. How much do you want for one perfet and one rare item? I do give you two rare items too that I wont need after getting those."

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Ebony smiled and nodded to Zandra as she entered. "I can do that for you, but I really just need materials." She replied to her before turning to Lowenthal, the man who she had been messaging about his skill. She pulled the necklace out of her inventory and glanced at it momentarily, wondering if there was a way that she could get a better deal. She was trying to help her friend Manta get stronger, but judging from the description on his unique, she didn't really think that that would help at all. "Now that I see it up close, I dont really think it will help all that much." She said with a sigh, placing the icicle back in her inventory.

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Hikoru walked in, hearing that his order was done. He pulled down his hood and face mask, revealing his long, black hair and white smile. He came over to the counter and rang a small bell

"Excuse me, I heard my order is ready?" He asked out loud, hoping that someone would hear him. He wanted to grab his stuff and get out, and continue his training. He liked the store, but he knew he needed to get back to training

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Ebony glanced up from her HUD to see Hikoru enter her shop. She smiled and pulled out the pendant that she had just crafted for him, handing it over to him. "Yeah, here it is. It didn't take me very long, and I hope that it serves you well." She said to him. "You already paid, so you're good to go." She said with a grin, the glowing white glove on her hand standing out against the black of her shirt and hair. 

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Hikoru smiled and saw his Pendant sitting on the counter next to the girl. He smiled and grabbed it, nodding and opening his HUD to accept the item. It appeared around his neck and he smiled, feeling the smooth surface of the necklace around his neck. He enjoyed the feel of it, and he gave her a small smile

"Thanks. Until next time!" He said with a smile. Then he pulled his face mask and hood up, leaving silently and feeling ready to go on more quests

+1 Eclipsed Pendant

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Snowfrost Town, located on Floor Four, was where he was told he could find a crafter that would be able to supply him with the item he was looking for.  Icarus didn't know what to expect when he approached the shop known as The Black Rose but was pleasantly surprised when he looked upon its log exterior and fully decorated windows.  At the front door of the establishment, before he entered but after he opened the door, he did the best he could to knock the snow from the soles of his leather boots before proceeding to pass through the threshold.  It would have been rude to enter the store without cleaning his feet as he knew many considered their personal business to be an extension of their home and Icarus wouldn't dare to track dirty, wet footprints into someone's home.

"Greetings.  Is anyone around?" he questioned as he approached the front counter; his voice loud enough to reach the depths of the back rooms but not startlingly so.  While he waited, he peeled off an order form from the top of the stack and started to fill it out with the specifications of his desired item.  His eyes focused intently on his hand as it swished up and down, twisting and maneuvering the pen held within his fingers as it properly articulated his words upon the paper form.  A light, satisfied smile crept upon his mouth as he looked upon his completed order form with a look of satisfaction.


Name: Grann Signet Ring
Item Type: Lucky Charm
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +2 Accuracy, +1 Recovery
Description: A gold ring that bears a simulated version of the Grann family crest, which serves as a replica version of its real world counterpart.


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Comet walks in and acts like a kid by messing around with some stuff and looking around. Doesn't feel like doing anything else and places in the order.

Name: John Cena Accuracy Boost
Item Type: Lucky Charm
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 Accuracy
Description: Who is that? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it a person? Wait, it's neither of those... It's JOHN CENA!!!! And he's here to give the owner a super awesome accuracy boost with this item!!!!!!!!! Du du du duududu

-10 MATS

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