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Everything posted by Bahr

  1. Bahr walked alongside the swordsman, studying him as his eyes darted frantically around the square. He cocked his head as he examined Koga, noting the unease and anxiousness the youth hid behind his hardened facade. He may not have flinched physically when Bahr approached, but it was clear that he was out of his comfort zone. Curious. Blue hues ignited beneath Koga's feet, briefly illuminating his figure before dissipating once more. An activation of some sort of skill, surely. And judging by the stiffness of his stance, a defensive one, at that. He aimed to punish Bahr for attacking
  2. Bahr stood with an open stance, steadying his breathing as the clock counted down. 3. He crouched slightly, bending at the knees but keeping his shoulders square. He leaned forward with anticipation, arms hanging loosely off to either side as he sized up his mark. 2. Fingers tightened around the hilt of Forgotten King's Spite. Bahr's view narrowed down into a razor focus. All that existed now was him and his opponent. 1. This was it. Fight! In a blistering display of agility, Bahr closed the distance between himself and his adversary in the blink of an e
  3. Things were going well so far. More or less according to Bahr's estimations. If they could keep things going at this pace, it was unlikely the frostbitten warrior would last longer than the next few attacks. A shame for extrapolating more info, but something told Bahr that they weren't going to be getting much out of him anyway. As the NPC reeled from Morningstar's attack, Bahr sailed in for a follow up. He arched his arm back and high above his head, threatening to bring Forgotten King's Spite down on the man's head. Predictably, he raised his shield as though to block Bahr's strike, but
  4. "A challenge?" Bahr repeated, incredulity written across his visage. But before he could inquire further, a panel populated that answered all of his questions for him. A duel, sanctioned by the system, to prove his mettle against the warrior that stood before him. Crimson orbs flickered upward toward the youth again, illuminated with an azure undertone from the luminescent screen that hovered just below. They were focused and methodical, inspecting the man for any hints of ill-will. Bahr had heard tales, however tall, of other Players manipulating the dueling system to kill others. As Bahr had
  5. Amid the aftermath of the battle, Bahr's sharp eyes scanned the debris-strewn chamber. As he surveyed the wreckage caused by the tower's collapse, his attention was drawn to a glimmer of metallic sheen amidst the rubble. Approaching cautiously, Bahr soon uncovered the source of the glint. A chest, ornate and adorned with intricate carvings, had tumbled down to the bottom of the tower when the floor gave way. It lay there, miraculously intact while everything around it was damaged and tattered. Curiosity piqued, Bahr knelt down and examined the chest. It appeared to be ancient, with elabor
  6. As the wounded dragon let out a final, earth-shaking roar of agony, Bahr seized the opportunity. With his blade infused with holy energy, he delivered a devastating blow to the creature's heart. The radiant power coursed through the dragon's dark scales, illuminating them with a brilliant, divine light. The black dragon's body convulsed one last time, and then it fell, its massive form crashing to the ground with a resounding thud. Its eyes, once filled with fury and menace, dimmed and lost their luster. Then, its entire frame evaporated into countless polygonal shards. The battle had com
  7. As the black dragon descended with menacing grace, its eyes locked onto Bahr, who was still reeling from the fall. With a deafening roar, the dragon unleashed another searing blast of fire from its gaping maw. The scorching flames engulfed Bahr, igniting his armor and causing searing pain to shoot through his body. Bahr gritted his teeth and summoned every ounce of his willpower to push through the agony. With sheer determination, he managed to struggle to his feet, his body smoldering from the dragon's fiery assault. The swordsman knew that he couldn't afford to falter now, not with the
  8. The black dragon, though injured and enraged, had managed to spread its massive wings. With a powerful stroke, it began to slow its descent, gliding gracefully through the crumbling tower. The creature's sharp eyes remained fixed on the paralyzed swordsman, and it seized the opportunity to close the distance between them. Bahr, still stunned from the fall, struggled to move or regain his bearings. He watched in grim realization as the dragon approached, its enormous wingspan casting a shadow over him. The situation seemed dire, and he knew that he had to act quickly to avoid becoming an e
  9. Bahr's relentless assault continued as he drove his blade, infused with dark energy, into the dragon's wounded side once more. The malevolent power coursed through the creature's body, eliciting another agonizing roar that reverberated through the tower. But in its fury and desperation, the black dragon resorted to a drastic measure. With a thunderous stomp of its massive clawed foot, it brought its full weight down upon the already weakened floor. The stone beneath its feet shattered, and the tower's structure crumbled under the immense force. As the floor collapsed, Bahr was sent hurtli
  10. Bahr, caught in the shockwave of the dragon's attack, was momentarily disoriented. He stumbled but quickly regained his footing, his white hair now dusted with soot. He knew that he had to press his advantage, for the dragon's injuries were beginning to take their toll. Bahr readied himself for the next round of combat. The outcome of this epic battle hung in the balance, and Bahr was determined to emerge victorious. He pressed forward, his blade soaked with dark energy, and sliced through the air once more. With a precise strike, he targeted the dragon's wounded flank, unleashing the mal
  11. Despite the close call, he knew that he couldn't afford to stay down. The dragon, though weakened, was far from finished, and it would seize any opportunity to strike back. The dragon's fiery breath was a reminder of its formidable power. Bahr, undeterred by the flames, prepared to resume the fight, determination burning in his amber eyes. Bahr, fueled by his unyielding resolve, swiftly recovered and closed the distance once more. His blade, now crackling with holy energy, sliced through the air with precision. It struck the black dragon's flank, and the burst of divine power seared throu
  12. It was a critical opening, and Bahr didn't hesitate. With all the strength and skill he could muster, he launched a series of rapid strikes at the dragon's vulnerable spots. His blade cut through scales, flesh, and bone, each hit delivering a crippling blow. The dragon let out a deafening roar, its anguish echoing through the night. But Bahr didn't relent. He knew that this was his chance to turn the tide of battle. With a final, powerful swing, he swung toward the dragon's head once more, and... Missed. How could he miss? It was right there! In a desperate bid to defend itself,
  13. The dragon's fury was palpable as it roared in frustration, its massive form causing tremors in the stone beneath. Bahr knew that he couldn't afford to relent, for every moment of respite only allowed the wounded beast to recover. The battle had reached a critical juncture, where each strike and dodge carried the weight of destiny, and the outcome remained uncertain. Bahr, his senses honed by the intensity of the battle, seized an opportunity. As the black dragon reeled from its missed bite, he closed the distance with breathtaking speed. His blade, shimmering with moonlight, found its mark on
  14. As the battle atop the dark castle's tower continued, Bahr found himself on the precipice of exhaustion, but his determination burned brighter than ever. With grim resolve, he summoned another wellspring of power, this time channeling holy energy into his blade. The contrast between the darkness that shrouded the castle and the radiant energy of his attack was stark. His blade, now infused with the divine power, struck true once more. It sliced through the dragon's scales, releasing a burst of holy energy that seared the creature's flesh. The black dragon recoiled in agony, its roars echoing a
  15. With a fluid, almost ethereal grace, Bahr continued to press his advantage. His blade, imbued with crackling dark energy, struck once more. The blade sliced through the dragon's thick scales, eliciting another anguished roar from the beast. Dark tendrils of energy snaked through the wound, sapping the creature's strength and causing it to stagger. Bahr's relentless assault was taking its toll, and the dragon's movements grew increasingly erratic. But the black dragon, driven by sheer rage and desperation, unleashed a devastating counterattack. With a swift, thunderous sweep of its massive
  16. The black dragon, unaware of the impending threat, let out a guttural roar that shook the tower's foundations. It was a cry of dominance, a declaration of its unassailable power. Little did it know that its arrogance would be its downfall. With a fluid motion, Bahr struck. His blade, infused with deadly toxins, found its mark as it sliced through the dragon's scales. A surge of venom coursed through the creature's veins, and its roar turned into a deafening, pained howl that reverberated through the castle's spires. While the beast was stunned, Bahr used the opportunity to shift his fight
  17. In the heart of a desolate, moonlit night, atop a tower that seemed to pierce the very heavens, Bahr stood shrouded in invisibility. His presence, obscured by arcane magic, allowed him to survey the scene with an air of predatory patience. The tower, constructed from the same eerie black bricks as the rest of the castle, seemed to merge seamlessly with the obsidian-colored sky. His yellow eyes, like burning embers amidst the shadows, fixed upon the immense, coiled form of a giant black dragon. Its scales, as dark as the abyss, glistened menacingly under the cold moonlight. The creature exuded
  18. As he ascended the staircase, he found himself silently marveling over the masonry that must have gone into making a place like this possible. He also wondered if it was indeed capable of holding up the weight of a massive dragon. Would it be waiting for him at the top, anyway? Or would it be summoned as a prompt once he reached the top? At any rate, currently, his Spidey senses weren't tingling. He didn't feel any sort of lingering threat ahead. He didn't feel threatened. And if the worst mobs around these parts were like the one he'd so effortlessly dispatched on his way in, he suspected tha
  19. Truthfully, the tower was a lot more boring than he had originally anticipated. He skulked around the perimeter first, looking for any alternative entrances, or wayward mobs that would have a chance to sneak up on him from behind at a later time. Upon finding neither of these things, it seemed that the only other thing to do was to check the front door, and see what dangers awaited beyond it. He steeled himself as his hand gripped the door handle, other hand gripping the handle of his blade and holding it steady. On the other side of that door, there was no telling what there could be. For all
  20. Bahr had to blink when he rounded the corner and saw it. Standing there, tall before him on the other end of a long, narrow hallway, was none other than a tower. Now that he could see it head-on, it seemed like so obvious a location. In fact, he was certain that he'd seen pieces of it melding into the floor above during his pursuit but had simply not put two and two together. Now it lay bare before him, and all he could do was laugh. It had been right under his nose all along. Standing in the way was a singular mob. A dainty, frail little thing. Though, to the green Player, possibly a ter
  21. One of the exciting parts of being lost is that no one way is necessarily the "wrong" way. Especially if you're not exactly sure where the thing you're looking for actually is. According to the quest parameters, Bahr was supposed to be searching for a tower of sorts. Which one would think would be easy, seeing as the tower would, well, tower over the walls of the labyrinth. But what the layman might not know is that the walls of the Endless Maze are tall. Like, really tall. So tall you couldn't reasonably see more than whatever slice of fake sky rested directly above your head. Were there
  22. "Are you the one they call 'The Kingslayer'?" The words tolled like a bell. Kingslayer. Now that was something that sounded familiar. Slowly and silently, Bahr rose his crimson orbs from their idle gaze at the pavement to regard the stranger. A swordsman, similar to himself. There was something different about him, though. There was a sternness that crossed his vision that Bahr recognized. Someone with something to prove. What, though, Bahr could only guess. He suspected that, whatever it was, it had to do with him. What was it he had called him? Kingslayer. "It depends on
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