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Everything posted by Bahr

  1. As energetic as ever. The youth dissolved into a puddle of blackness which ebbed away as briskly as it arrived, and Bahr sighed. How many times could a conversation go like that? Bahr does all the talking, gets a single word in response, and in the end? Probably gets watched from the shadows, too. How many minutes - hours, had Pinball inspected Bahr while he couldn't see the guy? Oh look at me, I'm a stealthy boy, I can turn iNvIsIbLe. The words beat against his frontal lobe like cylinders of hickory against high-tension plastic, and though he may have mouthed them with a pursue
  2. "Bro, hello?" Bahr waved an open palm in front of Pinball glazed-over orbs, fishing for any semblance of a response out his seemingly comatose cohort. When a glimmer of recognition finally found the youth's eye, it gravitated toward the mismatched pair on the other side. The nonchalant tone in Bahr's voice betrayed the overall seriousness of their shared task. The weight of what lay ahead found its way squarely onto the shoulders of the young swordsmen who trudged toward an uncertain fate through the tangerine mosaic that stretched on before them. Whatever lies his lips told, his expressi
  3. Bahr accepts, and offers the following to his teammates. For @Pinball: Chocolate Truffles [x5] (T4 Vitality II Desserts) IDs: 188691, 188692-A, 188692-B, 188697-A, 188697-B Black Cloak [Tierless Demonic Cloth Armor] (HB | EVA III) ID: 236109 For @Lessa: Chocolate Truffles [x4] (T4 Vitality II Desserts) IDs: 188699, 188700, 188702, 188703
  4. Buying Field Rations (-1000 col sent to Banker).
  5. No time for chatter. Bahr needed something, and he needed it quick. As much as he loathed the prospect of needing to rely on his neighbor's hearty meat cylinders yet again, he saw little in the way of alternatives in his frenetic dash to make it to the Frontlines in time for the raid. He burst through the swinging door, slapped his col on the counter, and with an aggrieved expression, regarded the shopkeep with an upward tilt of the chin. "Need an Evasion Dog. Extra time in the deep fryer, please." He assumed the fryer oil was what made the flavor pop so good. Purchasing:
  6. Combining the following: Black Cloak | [#225015] | TIER 4 PERFECT CLOTH ARMOR | EVA III [desc.]: A dark hooded cloak made for comfort. Big Blue Poncho | [#228814] | TIER 4 PERFECT CLOTH ARMOR | HB, EVA II [desc.]: A big blue poncho. into -> [+1 demonic shard, +1 gleaming scale sent to banker] Black Cloak | [#236109] | TIERLESS DEMONIC CLOTH ARMOR | HB, EVA III [desc.]: A dark hooded cloak made for comfort.
  7. It wasn't a surprise that Pinball was here, in the final hour, scrambling to get the last of his raid gear cobbled together. Much the same, it seemed all of Aincrad was abuzz with raid prep, trying to squeeze every last molecule of efficacy out of their equipment that they could. The time for bolstering their stats with EXP and levels had come and gone - now there was only time enough to refine that which they already possessed. It was a simple matter to give Pinball what he had come for, especially considering one of the constituent pieces was a craft of Bahr's own design. Within a matte
  8. A horrendous screech reverberated off the walls of the hovel which entombed the party, the grating noise of Forgotten King's Spite dragged across the mineral aggregate that composed the floor. There were a fair number of swordsmen who'd find the prospect of tarnishing such a sacred relic appalling. Those same were the sorts who hadn't the cunning nor raw talent to inherit such an heirloom themselves. There was a certain finesse which encompassed an all-out brawler's strategy, learned only through eating countless knuckle sandwiches and soil hors d'oeuvres through spectacular failure. Surv
  9. The shriek that warbled from the monster's gullet rang like a siren song in Bahr's ears. At the edges of his lips, the faintest upward quirk signaled his approval for the grotesque amalgamation of mismatched body parts that now stared down the party. It was nowhere near the most fearsome creature he'd faced, but it was a hell of a lot closer than anything he'd com into contact with in a long, long time. A knowing glance shot a signal to Freyd - if played correctly, they could have the beast slain before it managed an meaningful counterattack. His gaze next connected with Circe, then Omen.
  10. Combining the following: saint-germain | [#233633] | TIERLESS CLOTH ARMOR | LD | RISKY | VAMP-D [desc.]: a silk wrist cuff upon which a corsage of pure white roses is pinned. satin. | [#233639d] | TIERLESS CLOTH ARMOR | LD | RISKY | VAMP-D [desc.]: a sheet of fabric that catches the light. incredibly glossy. into -> [+1 demonic shard, +1 gleaming scale.] [sent to banker as iris.] [she may have overpaid?? i believe she sent 2 gleaming scales when only one should have been required] saint-germain | [#234698] | TIERLESS CLOTH ARMOR | RISKY II | VAMP-D II [desc.]: a si
  11. As the boy left, another youth entered the shop and made herself known. Seemed she was looking for some sort of item fusion. Luckily, Bahr had had some practice with regards to fusion thanks to that asshole Oz always coming around and demanding freebies. He inspected the pieces she'd lain out for him, and eyed her as she went to inspect the rest of the store's wares. She'd found the dresses, it seemed. The garments she'd selected were both fine specimens in their own right. Identical in every way but name and description. The desired direction she was going with it, in the end, was obviou
  12. Mind the girl? He eyed the NPC curiously, still stuck in her sobbing routine on loop. No, I don't think I will. Slow, long strides carried Bahr from one room to the next, where it seemed his companions were already embroiled in frenetic combat, appendages thrown amid Swort Arts against more NPCs like seasoning sprinkled into a mushroom sauté. His saunter brought him between the injured baddies, and a simple motion traced a crimson semicircle around his form and through them. Two more fractal combustions heralded their end. "Crying in the first room stopped," Bahr noted, the
  13. Name: Thieves Garb Your Profession: Tailor Your Rank: 10 ID: 233905 Roll: CD11 Item Type: Cloth Armor Tier: 1 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: EVA I | LD II Description: A set of lightweight clothing, reinforced with bits of leather in various vital locations. Pouches and pockets of all shapes and sizes rest all in easy to reach locations for quick and decisive use. Post Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r10-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=688432
  14. "Actually, I still need at least this one." Bahr takes back ID: 192100-B.
  15. "Hey, uh, I'd like to get some armor if possible?" The words stirred Bahr from his inner monologue his senses coming back to the present kicking and screaming. He regarded the young fellow with an absent look and a slow blink. Those aware of Bahr's more brooding personality quirks may have assumed he were scheming or otherwise fuming over something he couldn't control. Far from it. In this instance, he'd been staring at the same two fabrics for over an hour, and couldn't decide between the two of them for a project he'd been working on. One was a rick velvet violet, whereas the other
  16. In the same instant she drew her knife, she'd find the distance closed, and the tip of Forgotten King's Spite resting gently against the edge of her blade. Crimson and verdant orbs would pierce through the shade and form a connection with hers, ennui keeping his expression and tone dispassionate as he carefully enunciated the proclamation, "Not a fight you want, and not one I aimed to start." Though the indifference in his stare indicated there was no harm intended, his gaze would not leave hers until that little toy was put away. "You’ve got a death wish or something?" What a squeaky li
  17. Bahr smiled as his arm interlocked with Mac's, but it was to be a short reunion. No sooner had they coalesced their recognition with one another than the meeting started underway in earnest. Bahr quickly found his seat alongside Mac, and buckled in for the explanation from Freyd and any relevant information he may have seen fit to share. He listened intently as the man shared his experience with the crowd, waiting for some actionable intel to land, and then it just... didn't. Apprehensively, Bahr's mismatched eyes darted back and forth, looking for reactions from his comrades. It was suc
  18. While others may have found themselves uncomfortable within such a setting, Bahr was right at home. To the contrary, he found that the more ostentatious venues were the ones that filled him with unease. Here, the depravity and hopelessness made the danger easy to pick out, and he could make out where trouble might come from before it was in his face. There was no effort made by the denizens of this wretched squalid locale to hide who they were. Bahr had found that, when surrounded by the folks who tried their hardest to look their best at all times, he could never truly tell which had their bl
  19. Had been quite some time, but Bahr was back up to his bullshit. Seeing as his consumables stock had run low, he surmised that now was a proper time to mobilize on a solid restock. Demian had always been the guy when it came to his food needs, at least ever since he and Oscar had had their falling out. Suffice to say, considering the cook was mobile, it wasn't quite as convenient as just walking next door to get his hands on some food. But Demian's quality was worth the search. "Long time no see," he said, regarding the cook with a nod. "I'll take some of these."
  20. "So this is the spot I've been hearing all about," Bahr mused as he swung the door wide, heavy steps carrying him inward and toward the bartop Oz was tending. "Who would have guessed they'd have a rat running the place? Figured the health department might have a problem with that sort of thing." Bahr let himself behind the counter, perusing the various bottles as Oz stood motionless, his grey orbs affixed steadfast against the glass he was polishing in his hands. Bahr smirked and let loose a huff of amusement, slowly making his way closer and closer to the barkeep with each meandering ste
  21. My, they were a sociable bunch. Bahr's mismatched eyes scanned the gaggle of Frontliners as he skulked his way into the room, taking care to avoid any eye contact lest be find himself drawn into some conversation he had no desire to be a part of. It wasn't that they were bad people. They were just... not his type. Many of the faces he found were ones he knew, but there were a few that eluded his recognition. There would be time for introductions after Bahr had decided whether or not he truly intended to stick around. A part of him was already feeling like coming out of his short-lived 're
  22. Bahr walked in silence beside her, his boots hitting the ground with a rhythm as steady as the thoughts churning in his mind. When she'd taken her seat on that vacant bench outside the makeshift prison, he'd felt every compulsion to console her. To take a seat beside her and rub her back, tell her everything was going to be alright. A hand absently extended to do just that, but was retracted before she'd feel its warmth. The platitude would have been as useless as it was dishonest; nothing was a guarantee when it came to this cult and its aberrant ideology. All of that aside, it was no longer
  23. Woodsman's Cape | T4 Perfect Cloth Armor | #226033a | HB, VAMP(D), MIT Desc: A lightweight, hooded green cape made from a blend of wool and cotton. + Dracula's Cape | T4 Perfect Cloth Armor | #226791 | VAMP(D), LD, EVA Desc: A long, pitch black cape. It's great for hiding from sunlight and from people you don't like. = Fencer's Regalia - Trepidation | T4 Demonic Cloth Armor | #231416 | VAMP(D) II, HB, MIT Desc: A thick and unassuming bit of attire that seems rather plain on first inspection. Beneath the exterior is a gilded filigree and trim that flares in a deep shade
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