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[F1] [Alchemist] Magical Mixtures [Closed]

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Wandering into an unknown alchemy shop, the wanderer began looking at the shops wares until he spots a familiar face. "Yo." He says quickly as he quickly raises his hands for a quick greeting. "So you own this place? Can I place an order off you? It's nothing that you need to rush. I need 5 Crafter's Respite Potions." The wanderer knew he can easily make this order but he needs that precious time to make other potions. He also figured he can give other players business this way. So in a way, he's killing two birds with one stone. "There's no need to rush on these items though, It might still be some time before I could use them so yeah..." - he's actually planning to use them when he's going for that last gap of Exp to reach Grandmaster in Alchemy. After placing the order, he began walking out of the shop and waved his hand. "Let me know when It's done, I'll come pick it up."

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"Oh," Aster breathed out in slight surprise at the sound of the door swinging open. The healer looked up from her work, spotting a familiar face as the wandered made his way forward and spoke up. The girl nodded politely as Rain told her what he needed, idly searching her mind for the types of materials she would need for the type of potion he requested. She wasn't familiar with the craft, but if anything that only inspired her further, getting her excited to try experimenting different recipes. She was curious what the potion itself did as well, but she would have to look that up later.

Aster exchanged pleasantries as the man took his leave, wasting little time in getting back to her work.

Daily Crafting Results: 7/24/16

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  • ID#: 64654
  • CD: 2+1=3 (Fail)
  • ID#: 64655
  • CD: 5+1=6 (Good item)
  • ID#: 64656
  • CD: 6+1=7 (Good item)
  • ID#: 64657
  • CD: 8+1=9 (Uncommon item)
  • ID#: 64658
  • CD: 11+1=12 (Perfect item)
  • ID#: 64659
  • CD: 8+1=9 (Uncommon item)

Gains: +1 Perfect item (Potion of Crafter's Respite), +2 Uncommon items (Minor Potion of MitigationMinor Potion of Healing), +25 EXP
Losses: -6 Crafting Materials

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  • 8 months later...

"Reginald! Not now, love." The ginger sighed as the fox in question gave a twitch of his tail and jumped from the small wooden counter to the ground. Aster pushed up her glasses, focusing her attention back to the notes she was writing. The girl had been eager to try out some new combinations of materials for potion crafting, and she had almost perfected the outcome for certain potion types. Crystals were still a craft that eluded her, and she would need to accumulate many more materials in order to start experimenting with those. Materials were such a troublesome necessity, both in the real world and here.

"Ah, well." The alchemist sighed and stood from her seat, collecting her notes before making her way over the empty, black iron cauldron in the center of her work area. A variety of different materials rested in containers on shelves--herbs, flowers, dusts, and a strange assortment of monster drops that happened to be compatible with alchemy. As Aster observed her set-up to be sure everything was in its proper place, the girl gave a small smile. "Reminds me of a witch brewing her potions." She murmured with a chuckle.

Daily Crafting Results: 4/2/17

  • ID#: 81107
    • CD: 1 - Critical Fail
  • ID#: 81108
    • CD: 8+1=9 - Uncommon item
      • Crafted
  • ID#: 81109
    • CD: 1 - Critical Fail
  • ID#: 81110
    • CD: 2+1=3 - Fail

EXP: +24
Materials Used: (6) T1 materials, (1) T2 material


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Shield had been on a quest for consumables for some time now. That meant stopping into every little backwater shop he could find, most of which were out of stock or of too low level to be able to craft reliably for him. While he was all for giving people experience, that would have to wait for a day where he was not in so much of a rush. He spotted a shop that appeared to be closed, but as he peered through the window, he saw a number of items on display that looked at least useful for his purposes.

He knocked on the door and tested to see if it was open. It swung in, and with a shrug he stepped into the shop.

"Hello?" he said, before spotting the proprietor. "I'm sorry to bother you if you're not open, but I did have a request. Could I take your current stock of Potions of Safeguard and... I think that's a Crafter's Respite I see there."

He opened a transfer window and checked the pricing guide before adding up a quick total and transferring the amount to the shopkeeper.

[-1875 Col, + 4 Potions of Safeguard, +1 Crafter's Respite]

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"Huh?" At the sound of a set of knuckles tapping against the wooden door of her shop, Aster perked up in alarm. Her head quickly turned to spot a man just as he opened the door and called out. Reginald, with no sense of caution of his own, hurried over to inspect the brunette, bushy orange tail wiggling behind him as he eagerly sniffed at Shield's boots and circled around his legs. "Reginald, cut that out." Aster scolded the fox rather lazily, the tension slowly leaving her shoulders as she judged the man meant them no harm.

"Hm? Oh, of course!" The ginger registered Shield's request. She hadn't expected to see any customers while she was so focused on developing new crafts, but a quick self-reasoning left her to assume that she had heard correctly about both a new event boss and progress on finding the next floor boss. Consumable items must really be in high demand. The girl gathered the items he had requested and completed the trade just as quickly.

Trade Confirmation:



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  • 6 months later...

He tried to hide it from the others, especially Ruby and Tel, but Jomei was incredibly nervous for the upcoming boss fight. The past few fights he had attended, there were many people in attendance.. though now that most of the main front liners were dead or retired.. who was left up there to fight? Jomei swallowed hard, wondering if he really should have thought this over a bit more. The man shook his head, wiping the thought from his mind. As long as he was properly prepared, then he should be fine. The man had walked past this potion shop multiple times, usually looking closed or abandoned. However at this moment he was desperate for something to give him a bit of an advantage in this fight, so he would try to see if anyone was home. Placing his palm on the door, he leaned into it, the oak door swinging open. It was, as he thought, empty inside. "Hello?" Jomei called out, hoping that the alchemist was home. "S-Sorry to disturb you.. I'm really desperate for potions for this boss raid.. I need something to boost my armor mitigation.. if you can."  He then opened up his inventory and produced a bag, containing materials. He placed the payment on the counter. "Anything you can do would help." 

- 15 T1 Mats

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"If you keep teasing him like that, he's going to bite you." The ginger girl's flat tone barely made it past the book she had buried her nose in. The Alchemist was in the process of jotting down some notes, while her newly-acquired 'companion' sat himself on her counter. Koal had been keeping himself entertained by seeing how many times he could poke Aster's familiar in the middle of his fur-covered brow. Each time the teen's finger made contact with his skull, Reginald gave a distraught shake of his head, and his bushy tail began to twitch.

When the sound of the oak door swinging open reached their ears, Aster didn't even seem to notice. After realizing that the ginger girl wasn't planning to get up from her notes, Koal let out a huff and pushed himself from his seat.



ID#: 90175 | CD: 6 - Uncommon T1 Potion
ID#: 90176 | CD: 7 - Uncommon T1 Potion
ID#: 96177 | CD: 2 - Fail
ID#: 96178 | CD: 4 | LD: 3 - Fail
ID#: 96179 | CD: 7 - Uncommon T1 Potion
ID#: 96180 | CD: 2 - Fail
ID#: 96181 | CD: 6 - Uncommon T1 Potion

+23 EXP


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Taking a few steps to the doorway that led to the main shop area, the boy with chestnut brown hair leaned his upper body past the opening, hanging on to the wooden frame with one hand. His white irises immediately fell upon Jomei's taller, more nervous figure and Koal cocked an eyebrow. "Yo Ace, this guy wants to buy something." He turned his head and called back into the room he hung out from.

The sound of a chair's legs scraping against the wooden floor as the girl sitting in it stood in sudden irritation reached through the shop. "I've told you not to call me tha--" Aster had walked through the doorway behind her acquaintance, though she froze when her eyes fell upon the third player in the shop, as if she hadn't actually expected someone else to be present. "A-Ahh, sorry." She mumbled, her accent only slight as she nudged at the plastic frames resting over the bridge of her nose.



ID#: 90213 | CD: 5 | LD: 3- Fail
ID#: 90214 | CD: 5 | LD: 10 - Fail
ID#: 96215 | CD: 9 - Uncommon T1 Potion
ID#: 96216 | CD: 1 - Critical Fail
ID#: 96217 | CD: 2 - Fail
ID#: 96218 | CD: 8 - Uncommon T1 Potion
ID#: 96219 | CD: 8 - Uncommon T1 Potion

+22 EXP


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  • 3 months later...

The door chimed as Ryo entered the shop. His heeled boots clicked softly against the flooring as he walked. "Yosh." He said giving the shopkeeper a wave. "I'm looking for an alchemist, and I was in the area. I'm needing some potions to help my damage output. You have anything that could help?" Ryo asked, his violet hair being let loose rather than tied up. It was then that Ryo noticed a similar look with the girl. She kinda looked like, Piera in a way. If you squinted in a Dom lighting. "Sorry for buying all of them and leave your stock empty, it's just that I got this group and I was stuck with grabbing the preverbial coffee." Ryo jested.

-2900 col for damage pots.

-100 col tip

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"Oi, for the last time, if you break anything I'll have you paying for it two times over." The ginger huffed, not taking her eyes off of the leather-bound book resting open on the counter in front of her. It wasn't until the soft chime of the bell above the alchemy shop's front door rang out that her attention was drawn away from her notes. "Mm? Oh, right," Her accent was clear enough even with the few words she spoke. The girl pulled a few potions from a scarcely-stocked shelf to her left, placing them on the counter in front of Ryo. "These should do the trick."

Traded to @Ryo:

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Are you serious?!" It was a rarity for Aster to raise her voice at all, but the small girl's incredulous exclamation might very well have shaken the dusty shelves on the walls of her alchemy shop. Her brows narrowed behind her black-rimmed frames, amber eyes darting over the words displayed on the message hovering in front of her for a second time. Once she had accepted the meaning behind them, Aster let out a long, breathy sigh and slumped back against the front counter where her trusty recipe book lay open. "This is going to take forever... How can she expect so many of these so quickly?"

ID#: 96439 | CD: 11 | LD: 15 - 2 Rare T1 Potions
ID#: 96440 | CD: 7 | LD: 19 - 3 Uncommon T1 Potions
ID#: 96442 | CD: 12 | LD: 16 - 2 Perfect T1 Potions
ID#: 96443 | CD: 7 | LD: 11 - 1 Uncommon T1 Potion
ID#: 96444 | CD: 4 | LD: 15 - Fail, Salvaged
ID#: 96445 | CD: 11 | LD: 15 - 2 Rare T1 Potions
ID#: 96446 | CD: 5 | LD: 3 - Fail

+35 EXP

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Aster ran a hand through the ginger bangs that hung over her forehead, pushing the hair back only for them to fall back into place as her palm ran along the top of her head. "What in the actual hell are you screaming about, woman?" A voice filled with irritation was pointed at her as Koal emerged from the doorway that separated a small side room from the main displays that sat mostly empty.

Aster scoffed at the boy's nonchalance. "Oi, make yourself useful. I need you to pick up some materials for me on the fifth floor. I've suddenly got a lot of crafting to do." She groaned.

ID#: 96643 | CD: 6 | LD: 6 - 1 Uncommon T1 Potion
ID#: 96644 | CD: 1 | LD: 7 - Critical Fail
ID#: 96645 | CD: 8 | LD: 14 - 2 Uncommon T1 Potions
ID#: 96646 | CD: 2 | LD: 10 - Fail
ID#: 96653 | CD: 8 | LD: 10 - 1 Uncommon T1 Potion
ID#: 96655 | CD: 1 | LD: 3 - Critical Fail
ID#: 96656 | CD: 12 | LD: 4 - 1 Perfect T1 Potion

+27 EXP

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After shooing the protesting brunette out the door to collect the rest of the materials she would need to complete the ridiculous order she'd received from an earlier acquaintance, Aster sighed yet again. "Might as well get to work with what I already have. Now let's see here..." The ginger turned back around to her work space, taking out a piece of paper and pencil to scribble down the notes she needed. "Let's see, she said six players... For these roles, that would mean that I'd need at least this many of the first tier..." She was muttering under her breath, jotting down totals and estimations as to what it make take to reach the goal she needed.

ID#: 96849 | CD: 7 | LD: 5 - 1 Uncommon T1 Potion
ID#: 96850 | CD: 10 | LD: 1 - 1 Rare T1 Potion
ID#: 96852 | CD: 10 | LD: 8 - 1 Rare T1 Potion
ID#: 96853 | CD: 2 | LD: 8 - Fail
ID#: 96854 | CD: 5 | LD: 15 - Fail, Salvaged
ID#: 96855 | CD: 12 | LD: 3 - 1 Perfect T1 Potion
ID#: 96856 | CD: 12 | LD: 16 - 2 Perfect T1 Potions

+39 EXP

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ID#: 96935 | CD: 12 | LD: 1 - 1 Perfect T1 Potion
ID#: 96936 | CD: 4 | LD: 6 - Fail, no salvage
ID#: 96937 | CD: 6 | LD: 8 - 1 Uncommon T1 Potion
ID#: 96938 | CD: 6 | LD: 8 - 1 Uncommon T1 Potion
ID#: 96939 | CD: 4 | LD: 6 - Fail, no salvage
ID#: 96940 | CD: 12 | LD: 11 - 1 Perfect T1 Potion
ID#: 96944 | CD: 12 | LD: 4 - 1 Perfect T3 Crystal
ID#: 96945 | CD: 3 | LD: 14 - Fail, half salvage

+44 EXP

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ID#: 97199 | CD: 1 | LD: 20 - Critical fail
ID#: 97200 | CD: 2 | LD: 19 - Fail
ID#: 97201 | CD: 11 | LD: 16 - 2 Rare T3 Crystals
ID#: 97202 | CD: 2 | LD: 2 - Fail
ID#: 97203 | CD: 4 | LD: 18 - Fail, full salvage
ID#: 97204 | CD: 12 | LD: 16 - 2 Perfect T3 Crystals
ID#: 97206 | CD: 1 | LD: 4 - Critical fail
ID#: 97207 | CD: 2 | LD: 3 - Fail

+28 EXP

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ID#: 97208 | CD: 1 | LD: 12 - Critical fail
ID#: 97209 | CD: 5 | LD: 3 - Fail, no salvage
ID#: 97210 | CD: 3 | LD: 17 - Fail, salvage
ID#: 97211 | CD: 8 | LD: 5 - 1 Uncomon T1 Potion
ID#: 97212 | CD: 12 | LD: 10 - 1 Perfect T1 Potion
ID#: 97213 | CD: 8 | LD: 16 - 2 Uncomon T1 Potions
ID#: 97214 | CD: 12 | LD: 1 - 1 Perfect T1 Potion
ID#: 97215 | CD: 2 | LD: 5 - Fail

+36 EXP

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