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[F22 - PP] Scouting for the Floor 22 Labyrinth

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As soon as Tesseleth fell and the gateway to the twenty second floor opened, Shield led the charge. He turned and made a skipping half-step as he made eye contact with the other Celestial Ascendants present.

"Time to ascend, Ascendants!" he called out, turning his back to the crowd and taking the steps two at a time. He did not worry about the others keeping up. They would be able to catch up if necessary. For now, there was a whole new floor to explore, and somewhere on it was a labyrinth with their names on it.

Shield opened his inventory, scrolling through to find the stash of food items he ha squirreled away for after the boss fight. It was just as well, too. With the right over, all of his buffs were dropping one by one, and he would need to redo them entirely. He quaffed a new immolation potion and stuffed a new mitigation food into his mouth, chewing it as he went before moving on to his loot and prosperity items as well.

As he broke into the new sunlight of the new floor, he threw back his elbows, stretching his chest muscles as if fighting for so long in a cavern had been restricting to him. In a way, it had.

"FIRST!" he roared out with his powerful lungs, huffing a brief chuckle at the tongue-in-cheek celebration. "It's a new day, everyone!" he called back to those who had managed to follow him. "Let's get a head start on it!"


Perfect T1 Mitigation food +2 - housing bonus
Perfect T1 Prosperity food  x 2 - 1 for Itzal
Perfect T1 LD food x 2 - 1 for Itzal
Perfect T1 Protein food x 2 - 1  Itzal

Buying from stock: 50 T1 Materials [-15,000 Col] [-28 T1 Materials]

T3 Immolation Potion
1 Mit food, 1 Prosp food, 1 LD food

@Itzal @Beat @Hikoru @Morgenstern

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Itzal ran beside him as they made their way up the stairs.  He grinned and chuckled as he moved along with him.  "You know, if I didn't know better Shield, I would have thought you were the paladin and I the sentinel."  He grinned, showing this was just a friendly joke.  Shield was family to him and he was glad they could hunt this labyrinth down together.  Soon enough they reached the floor and, to be honest it was the most beautiful they've seen yet.  In the horizon they could see forests, what seemed to be a lake, and some mountains, cliffs and a large waterfall in the distance.  This floor seemed to be a really peaceful place.  He grinned and turned to the others in the party.  "Come on guys let's go find the labyrinth!  I can find that sucker real quickly!  Though it would probably go faster if I had any food consumables with the LD buffs.  Ah well.  Kasier's still working in her shop so I'll just need to wait a bit more.  Maybe once I buy a house too.  So where do you guys want to look first?  Looks to me like there's either the forest, lake, or waterfall to start.  Labyrinth isn't always where the pillar is after all."


Level: 71
HP: 1,450
Energy: 142

DMG: 16 (base 1 damage + 9 dmg (Velnia) +5 sword skill +1 Athletics)

SP Available:  9

Total SP:  375


Usual Setup

Yakimba (+2 Bleed +2 Paralysis Tier 2)

Niger Natio  (+3 evasive Tier 2)
Beauty Incarnated  (+3 Accuracy Tier 1)


Looting Setup

Twilight Cloak  (+3 LD Tier 1)
Faithkeeper  (+3 Accuracy Tier 2)
Skyreach  (+3 Col Multiplier Tier 1)




Grandmaster one handed straight sword (+5 DMG) <50 sp>

Grandaster light armor (+25 MIT) <50 sp>

Grandmaster Search and Detect  (+5 LD) <50 sp>

Gatherer (turns each material found into the ammount of 4) <10 sp>

Picking (+3 LD when opening chests) <15 sp>

Velnia (Rank 3 Fighter: +9 dmg) <18 sp>

Grandmaster Charge (+5 dmg first attack) <50 sp>

Grandmaster Battle Healing (+5% total health per combat post) <50 sp>



Reveal (+2LD when searching for dungeons or players.  Dungeons rolled for every 15 posts rather than 20) <9 sp>

Detect (+1 to dungeon searching, +3 to player, npc, mob searching, all player stealth bonuses are negated) <9>
Night Vision (Ignores any penalties from low light or darkness, as well as negating others stealth bonuses from it) <5>

Dismantling (+2 LD for picking chests)  <8 sp>
Tracking: Allows the player to track another player or monster down by entering their name if the name is known to the player. This negates the targets hiding bonuses and when hunting monsters, guarantees a hit regardless of BD roll, though still requires to roll for a critical. Tracking takes a post action. <12>
Athletics: +1 dmg +10 * tier HP


Extra/locked Skills: 


Meditation 0 ranks

Survival <3 sp>

Disguise (when activated, turns Itzal into his opponent, giving him +1 BD and his opponent -1 BD during Itzal's and the opponent's turn.  can only be used every 12 turns

Expert Martial Arts (+3 unarmed damage) <23 sp>


Mithril:  3 T1  <>  T2  =  7  <>  T3  =  2


Profession:  Rank 3 Performer  <>  473 Exp

@Shield @Beat @Morgenstern @Hikoru

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Shield was already half way through transferring items to Itzal, swiping his menus away and pressing onward without even slowing his gait. So far, the two of them seemed to be leading the charge alone, but any number of players could be right behind them on the stairs.

"Way ahead of you, brother," he called out over his shoulder. "Be careful what you say. Jonathan is a wonderful tank, but what's to stop me from challenging him his position?" Normally the stoic type, Shield rarely joked, and when he did, his wit tended to be so dry that none but Beat would be able to tell the difference. Still, given the joking context, he assumed Itzal would take it as humor.

Not one hundred percent sure that was a joke. Or rather, just because it was a joke, I'm not fully sure I didn't also mean that. Hm...

That was a thought to mull over another time. There was work to be done.


Sent @Itzal

Perfect T1 Prosperity food
Perfect T1 LD food
Perfect T1 Protein food


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As Tesseleth fell, Jonathan gave a roar of a cheer. Blue shards were raindrops in the dark cavern. Congratulations was seen in the sky, and many other cheers were head in the room. One thing was different however. The words, "Time to Ascend, Ascendants" Shield was now scurrying up the steps. "Damn it Shield. Why could't I have thought of that phrase?"  He laughed, following in tow behind the people. Itzal and Shield were already way up the way. He climbed the stairs, each of them a feeling of progression. A ray of sunlight hit his face as he came up. He breathed in the air. 'It is gorgeous!' He thought. He found Itzal and Shield were further up, overlooking the floor. He smiled, moving in to join them. He heard Itzal speaking first about positions, next about buffs. Voices became clearer as he drew near. Shield was sending him items currently. Then the man spoke something that had been on his mind for a long while. The fac t tortured him that Shield was better than him, and could no replace him in anything. The man could tank just as well, if not better than he. Jonathan's smile became a snarl. His eyes became daggers trained on them. "My efforts in the beginning" he said coolly. After they turned and he would get their attention, he would turn away from them. "Enjoy hunting the Labyrinth. I will be doing it on my own. DO NOT follow me" With that, he tore away from the group, moving toward a lake in the distance. 


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Shield watched Jonathan's retreating back. It was hard to tell whether his decision to peel off from the group was in response to Shield's jab, but regardless, he was a capable enough player. If he wanted to solo, he was more than tough enough to handle it. He resumed the race to the next floor, coming up short as a series of lights began materializing ahead of them.

"Looks like Cardinal knows we're here," he called out to Itzal. "Look alive. We've got company!"


Action: Howl [-10 EN]

Recovery [+6 EN]

[H: 4] Shield - HP: 1330/1410 | EP: 128/132 | Dmg: 2 | Acc: 0 | Eva: -1 | Mit: 196 | BH: 70 | THN: 87 | REC: 6 | LD: 7 | Pro: 3
[H: 0/0/0/0] Itzal

<Dire Were Rabbit 1> HP: 623/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3 - ID# 96108 results: Craft: 7 [Recovery Proc] MOB: 3 [+3+1=7 - Hit! 213-196=20 dmg - THN: 87 dmg]
<Dire Were Rabbit 2> HP: 623/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3 - ID# 96109 results: MOB: 8 [+3+1=12 - Hit! 213-196=20 dmg - THN: 87 dmg]
<Dire Were Rabbit 3> HP: 623/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3 - ID# 96110 results: MOB: 8 [+3+1=12 - Hit! 213-196=20 dmg - THN: 87 dmg]
<Dire Were Rabbit 4> HP: 623/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3 - ID# 96111 results: MOB: 6 [+3+1=10 - Hit! 213-196=20 dmg - THN: 87 dmg]

The shapes, once materialized, took on the forms of rabbits, though much larger and more muscular. Their teeth and claws were elongated and sharp, and their limbs were considerably beefier than any tame rabbit. Still, he rolled his eyes at their name tags.

"Apparently, this floor has a bit of a soft side to it," he grumbled before filling his lungs for a Howl. "You're in the way, long-teeth!"

Their fur bristled at his challenge, and they leaped the whole distance to him in one bound. One by one, he threw them off of him with his shield, each one taking a fair chunk of damage along the way.

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Itzal saw the items get sent to him and used it, giving himself a boost of three damage, three search potential, and three prosperity.  He quickly switched to his Twilight cloak so that he could have a further searching boost.  He'd now have a +11 modifier when looking for materials, chests, and even when reaping loot off of monsters.  And he'd have a plus 14 modifier when looking for dungeons or labyrinths.  This shouldn't take too long at all.  Not really.  When he saw Jonathan's reaction he tried to stop him but hesitated.  Jonathan had been getting more agitated as of late and he didn't know why.  He shook his head in the end.  There was nothing he could do about it unfortunately.  Suddenly Shield warned Itzal that a horde of monsters were approaching....Rabbits?  It was a bunch of rabbits???.  He nodded and drew Faithkeeper while Shield Howled.  He also had Skyreach on, giving him +6 col multiplier.  "Heh!  Don't let your guard down!  Otherwise the system may make the next floor compensate.  Once you've got their attention go ahead and join me in combat.  But be sure to leave the final hit to me, I'll get us the highest loot possible!"  With that he activated charge.  He activated Shadow Explosion and charge, but was only able to hit two out of three of them, dealing two hundred and sixteen points of damage.  "Well, if I can hit them all that is.  These devils are fast!"

Action: Shadow Explosion [-18 EN]  19+5x9=216 dmg
ID#  96113  BD:  3+3
ID#  96114  BD:  1
ID#  96115  BD:  4+3
ID#  96116  BD:  2

Recovery [+6 EN]

[H: 4] @ShieldHP: 1330/1410 | EP: 128/132 | Dmg: 2 | Acc: 0 | Eva: -1 | Mit: 196 | BH: 70 | THN: 87 | REC: 6 | LD: 7 | Pro: 3
[H: 1/0/1/0] Itzal - HP1,450/1,450 | EP:  124/142

<Dire Were Rabbit 1> HP: 407/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3 - ID# 96108 results: Craft: 7 [Recovery Proc] MOB: 3 [+3+1=7 - Hit! 213-196=20 dmg - THN: 87 dmg]
<Dire Were Rabbit 2> HP: 623/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3 - ID# 96109 results: MOB: 8 [+3+1=12 - Hit! 213-196=20 dmg - THN: 87 dmg]
<Dire Were Rabbit 3> HP: 407/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3 - ID# 96110 results: MOB: 8 [+3+1=12 - Hit! 213-196=20 dmg - THN: 87 dmg]
<Dire Were Rabbit 4> HP: 623/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3 - ID# 96111 results: MOB: 6 [+3+1=10 - Hit! 213-196=20 dmg - THN: 87 dmg]

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Passive [+1 EN] Battle Healing [+70 HP] Recovery [+0 EN]

Action: Energize > Itzal [Shield:-10 EN, Itzal: +8 EN]

[H: 4] Shield - HP: 1340/1410 | EP: 117/132 | Dmg: 2 | Acc: 0 | Eva: -1 | Mit: 196 | BH: 70 | THN: 87 | REC: 6 | LD: 7 | Pro: 3

[H: 0/1/0/1] Itzal - HP 1,450/1,450 | EP:  132/142

<Dire Were Rabbit 1> HP: 407/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3 - ID# 96117 results: Craft: 5 [No Recovery] MOB: 1 [Miss]
<Dire Were Rabbit 2> HP: 536/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3 - ID# 96118 results: MOB: 8 [+3+1=12 - Hit! 213-196=20 dmg - THN: 87 dmg]
<Dire Were Rabbit 3> HP: 320/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3 - ID# 96119 results: MOB: 6 [+3+1=10 - Hit! 213-196=20 dmg - THN: 87 dmg]
<Dire Were Rabbit 4> HP: 536/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3 - ID# 96120 results: MOB: 6 [+3+1=10 - Hit! 213-196=20 dmg - THN: 87 dmg]

"They're a ridiculous mob concept, but I've learned not to underestimate," he growled. "I'm about as stacked as I can be on defense without burning top-tier consumables, and my healing can only just keep pace with them."

He held out the mundane sword that he had been using, channeling a mass of energy at the tip which he then flung towards Itzal. It wasn't an unbelievable boost, but if he kept it up, it would keep both players up and fighting for some time, and it would mean needing to stop for fewer rests along the way.

Meanwhile, the furry-ous creatures continued to converge on the tank, biting and scratching with an intensity that was unexpected of such a typically docile type of animal. It was hardly just a scratch as their attacks racked up damage, but Shield's wounds continued to close almost as quickly as they appeared.

"Keep it up!" he called out. "We've already got one at half!"

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Hikoru heard Shield speak to the ascendants, and he sighed as he knew that he should go and help. Although he wanted to explore the area of the new floor, he knew that this would be a good time to try and get to know the boys more. He charged silently behind the group, keeping his presence a secret as Morg left on his own, which he didn't understand. Usually the Paladin liked to work with them, and it was usually him that left on his own. He was confused but he decided to ignore it for the time being. He watched as they found a small little trove of creatures he had yet to see before. He took his time and waited for an opening, then struck, dealing a large attack to the weakest one. He sighed and gave a smile.

"Miss me?" He said as he sheathed his dagger

ID: 96122 BD: 8+1=9 Hikoru used Swarm: 14 x 21 = 294 Damage

Battle Stuff:


[H: 4] Shield - HP: 1340/1410 | EP: 117/132 | Dmg: 2 | Acc: 0 | Eva: -1 | Mit: 196 | BH: 70 | THN: 87 | REC: 6 | LD: 7 | Pro: 3

[H: 0/1/0/1] Itzal - HP 1,450/1,450 | EP:  132/142

[H:0] Hikoru - HP: 1,420/1,420 | EP: 126/142 | Dmg: 16 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 79 | BH 57

<Dire Were Rabbit 1> HP: 407/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3
<Dire Were Rabbit 2> HP: 536/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3
<Dire Were Rabbit 3> HP: 26/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3
<Dire Were Rabbit 4> HP: 536/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3



Title: Master of Shadows

Level: 71

HP: 1420

EN: 142

DMG: 16
ACC: 1
EVA: 3
MIT: 79


2x  T3 Tears of Tranquility - +120 HP Restore


Grandmaster Dagger Skill (+5 DMG)
Grandmaster Light Armor Rank 5 (+25 mit)
Charge Rank 5 (+5 DMG)
Grandmaster Shadowed Path
Battle Healing Rank 4 (4% Health regen per hit)

Extra Skills:

Concentration (+1 BD when used)
Martial Arts Rank 0
Survival (+15*Tier HP Out of battle & Not effected by environment)
Familiar Handling: Fighter (Max Rank) (+9 DMG)


Sneak Attack (+1 Damage, Auto Attack)
Athletics (+1 DMG, +10*Tier HP)
Precision(+1 ACC)
Bullrush (Stun target on a successful Charge)
Vanish (Return to stealth using a post, automatically enter stealth after killing a foe)


Weapon: Dimensional Dagger: (+1 Phase)

Armor: Shadow's Triumph (+54 MIT, +1 Light Momentum)

Accessory: --- Shadow's Gait (+3 EVA)

Familiar: Sir Rolland the Mini Pumpking (+9 DMG)


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Itzal heard movement and watched as Hikoru leaped in and joined the fray.  Itzal closed his eyes after his ally spoke, a smile on his face.  "You know, I'd love to fight alongside you more often.  Not just in boss raids, but as allies and friends.  Any way that can happen friend?"  He moved forward after the attack and used Shadow Explosion.  When he used it, he once again missed the same exact two he missed earlier.  Including the one that was ready to die.  He sighed after his failed attack and then watched as Velnia shot a lightning bolt at the second one.  He chuckled nervously and looked at the others.  "Did I forget to mention that she despises rabbits?"  Rather often Velnia would wander the woods looking for rabbits that she could surprise, hunt down and eat.  If she could see it, then she would eat it.  But she was looking at these rabbits and was really really hoping they'd drop some sort of meat.

Action:  Shadow Explosion [18 en]

ID#  96126  BD:  2
ID#  96127  BD:  10
ID#  96128  BD:  2
ID#  96129  BD:  7

19x9=171 dmg.  19+2x9=189

[H: 4] Shield - HP: 1340/1410 | EP: 117/132 | Dmg: 2 | Acc: 0 | Eva: -1 | Mit: 196 | BH: 70 | THN: 87 | REC: 6 | LD: 7 | Pro: 3

[H: 0/3/0/2] Itzal - HP 1,450/1,450 | EP:  121/142

[H:0] Hikoru - HP: 1,420/1,420 | EP: 126/142 | Dmg: 16 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 79 | BH 57

<Dire Were Rabbit 1> HP: 407/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3
<Dire Were Rabbit 2> HP: 347/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3
<Dire Were Rabbit 3> HP: 26/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3
<Dire Were Rabbit 4> HP: 365/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3

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Action: Charge + Weeping Moon on all targets except Dire Were Rabbit 3

ID#96137- BD: 5 + 5 = 10 = Hit [Dmg: 20 x 9 = 180]

ID#96138- BD: 6 + 5 = 11 = Hit [Dmg: 20 x 9 = 180]

ID#96139- BD: 5 + 5 = 10 = Hit [Dmg: 20 x 9 = 180]

[H: 4] Shield - HP: 1340/1410 | EP: 117/132 | Dmg: 2 | Acc: 0 | Eva: -1 | Mit: 196 | BH: 70 | THN: 87 | REC: 6 | LD: 7 | Pro: 3

[H: 0/3/0/2] Itzal - HP 1,450/1,450 | EP:  121/142

[H:0] Hikoru - HP: 1,420/1,420 | EP: 126/142 | Dmg: 16 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 79 | BH 57

[H:1/1/0/1] HP: 970/970  | Energy: 79/94 | Dmg: 16 | Acc: 5 | Eva: 0 | Mit: 18

<Dire Were Rabbit 1> HP: 227/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3
<Dire Were Rabbit 2> HP: 167/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3
<Dire Were Rabbit 3> HP: 26/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3
<Dire Were Rabbit 4> HP: 185/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3


Crap, gonna be late!

Beat ran towards the teleporter of his home floor, leaping through the air and landing on it, knocking a couple of players out of the way. "Floor twenty two!" He shouted before the people around him could object. He made a stupid face at them as he was whisked away to the twenty second floor and he took off towards the marker on his map that told him where Shield would be the second he arrived.  

They've probably already started!

Beat pushed himself to get there as quickly as he could, making up the time in short order and getting within visual range in minutes. He laughed as he caught site of the creatures they were fighting, but managed to not let it affect his focus as he pulled his spear from inventory and dove into the middle of the pack, cleaving through three of the rabbits with his lunar sword art. 

"Sorry I'm late guys. I forgot it was apparently Easter..."

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Passive [+1 EN] Battle Healing [+70 HP] Recovery [+0 EN]

Action: Energize > Beat [Shield:-10 EN, Beat: +8 EN]

[H: 4] Shield - HP: 1326/1410 | EP: 117/132 | Dmg: 2 | Acc: 0 | Eva: -1 | Mit: 196 | BH: 70 | THN: 87 | REC: 6 | LD: 7 | Pro: 3
[H: 0] Hikoru - HP: 1,420/1,420 | EP: 126/142 | Dmg: 16 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 79 | BH 57
[H: 0/3/0/2] Itzal - HP 1,450/1,450 | EP:  132/142
[H: 1/1/0/1] Beat  - HP: 970/970  | Energy: 87/94 | Dmg: 16 | Acc: 5 | Eva: 0 | Mit: 18

<Dire Were Rabbit 1> HP: 227/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3 - ID# 96131 results: Craft: 3 [No Recovery] MOB: 10 [+3+1=14 - Hit! 213+2-196=22 dmg]
<Dire Were Rabbit 2> HP: 80/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3 - ID# 96132 results: MOB: 6 [+3+1=10 - Hit! 213-196=20 dmg - THN: 87 dmg]
<Dire Were Rabbit 3> HP: 26/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3 - ID# 96133 results: MOB: 10 [+3+1=14 - Hit! 213+2-196=22 dmg]
<Dire Were Rabbit 4> HP: 98/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3 - ID# 96134 results: MOB: 5 [+3+1=9 - Hit! 213-196=20 dmg - THN: 87 dmg]

"Hik, at this point, I would be disappointed if you weren't stalking us in the shadows," quipped Shield, finishing off the last of a new batch of energy. However, with the late arrivals, Shield opted to send the energy to Beat, who had the least to begin with. "Beat, good to have you. I'm glad we have a strong presence on the floor already."

No sooner had he expressed his sentiments than the rabbits regrouped for their attack. Now each well below half health, they were becoming more ferocious, clawing and biting all the harder. Two of them managed to entirely circumvent his defensive damage, adding a little bit of extra strength to the attacks, but overall making very little difference aside from saving the rabbits the thorns and flame damage.

"Well, I'm glad Velnia will be well fed," he added, sidestepping one of the snarling rodents. "These things sure are unhappy, huh?"

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He watched as the other players struck at the mobs one by one.  Soon enough it would be Itzal's turn.  Shield made a quip himself towards Hikoru, and Beat ended up joining them as well.  He smiled as he was glad to see more of the Ascendants joining them.  However, Jonathan was still off on his own.  He sighed as he wanted the player to join them but it seemed he wouldn't.  Nothing could change that now he supposed.  He pushed forward and activated Shadow Explosion, finishing off half of them.  The amount of col they had received from that one strike was incredibly amazing to Itzal.  Thirteen thousand four hundred and ninety col, as well as ten tier three materials from that single blow.  "Thirteen thousand, four hundred and ninety col people!  Ten mats too!  Let's keep this up!"

Action: Energize > Beat [Shield:-10 EN, Beat: +8 EN]

ID#  96151  BD:  2
ID#  96152  BD:  2
ID#  96153  BD:  3
ID#  96154  BD:  4

19x9=171 dmg

ID#  96153  CD:  11  LD:  20 (9+11)  =  4,260 col.  4 MAT
ID#  96154  CD:  8  LD:  27 (16+11)  =  9,230 col.  6 MAT

[H: 4] Shield - HP: 1326/1410 | EP: 117/132 | Dmg: 2 | Acc: 0 | Eva: -1 | Mit: 196 | BH: 70 | THN: 87 | REC: 6 | LD: 7 | Pro: 3
[H: 0] @Hikoru - HP: 1,420/1,420 | EP: 114/142 | Dmg: 16 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 79 | BH 57
[H: 0/3/0/2] Itzal - HP 1,450/1,450 | EP:  132/142
[H: 1/1/0/1] Beat  - HP: 970/970  | Energy: 87/94 | Dmg: 16 | Acc: 5 | Eva: 0 | Mit: 18

<Dire Were Rabbit 1> HP: 227/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3 -
<Dire Were Rabbit 2> HP: 80/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3 -
<Dire Were Rabbit 3> HP: 0/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3 -
<Dire Were Rabbit 4> HP: 0/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3

Total Loot:  13,490 col, 10 MAT

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Passive: +1 EP

Action: Vent Forth vs Dire Were Rabbit 1 | -8 EP

ID# 96157- BD: 3 + 5 = 8 = Hit [Dmg: 10 x 16 = 160]

[H: 4] Shield - HP: 1326/1410 | EP: 117/132 | Dmg: 2 | Acc: 0 | Eva: -1 | Mit: 196 | BH: 70 | THN: 87 | REC: 6 | LD: 7 | Pro: 3
[H: 0] Hikoru - HP: 1,420/1,420 | EP: 114/142 | Dmg: 16 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 79 | BH 57
[H: 0/3/0/2] Itzal - HP 1,450/1,450 | EP:  132/142
[H: 1/1/0/1] Beat  - HP: 970/970  | Energy: 80/94 | Dmg: 16 | Acc: 5 | Eva: 0 | Mit: 18

<Dire Were Rabbit 1> HP: 67/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3 -
<Dire Were Rabbit 2> HP: 80/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3 -
<Dire Were Rabbit 3> HP: 0/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3 -
<Dire Were Rabbit 4> HP: 0/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3

Total Loot:  13,490 col, 10 MAT

"Always glad to beat up baddies. Especially if it gets us to the next floor boss," Beat said, suppressing the urge to complain about the results of that fight. He eyed the two remaining rabbits as they hopped around the battlefield at an impressive pace, staying far from each other and making and area attack difficult to secure with any sort of certainty. 

"Looks like I'll just pick on you then..." Beat muttered to himself as he charged towards the stronger of the two rabbits and spun his spear around, striking the creature three times before thrusting his weapon through the middle of the rodent, sending it flying backwards as it squealed. He shouldered his weapon as he turned to Itzal, giving him a thumbs up and the go ahead to win them some more loot.

"Alright Itzal, finish these pests off and maybe get a couple of shinies while you're at it." 

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Passive [+1 EN] Battle Healing [+70 HP] Recovery [+0 EN]

Action: Energize > Beat [Shield:-10 EN, Beat: +8 EN]

[H: 4] Shield - HP: 1354/1410 | EP: 117/132 | Dmg: 2 | Acc: 0 | Eva: -1 | Mit: 196 | BH: 70 | THN: 87 | REC: 6 | LD: 7 | Pro: 3
[H: 0] Hikoru - HP: 1,420/1,420 | EP: 114/142 | Dmg: 16 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 79 | BH 57
[H: 0/3/0/2] Itzal - HP 1,450/1,450 | EP:  132/142
[H: 1/1/0/1] Beat  - HP: 970/970  | Energy: 88/94 | Dmg: 16 | Acc: 5 | Eva: 0 | Mit: 18

<Dire Were Rabbit 1> HP: 67/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3 - ID# 96158 results: Craft: 6 [Recovery Proc] MOB: 10 [+3+1=14 - Hit! 213+2-196=22 dmg]
<Dire Were Rabbit 2> HP: 0/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3 - ID# 96159 results: MOB: 4  [+3+1=9 - Hit! 213-196=20 dmg - THN: 87 dmg]
<Dire Were Rabbit 3> HP: 0/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3
<Dire Were Rabbit 4> HP: 0/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3

Loot on Mob 2: 

ID# 96160 LD:13+7=20 CD:12 4,260 Col, 4 T3 Materials

Total Loot:  17,750 col, 14 MAT

Before Itzal had time to loot them properly, the rabbits made eye contact with one another and each darted at Shield. He had a few moments to prepare, finishing off another ball of energy which he sent to energize Beat before the buck-toothed creatures were on top of him.

The second turned and thumped him hard with its hind leg, taking the last bit of damage in its health gauge and vanishing in a cloud of light shards. The first, however, managed to slip behind Shield and latch on to his spine with its teeth. In the real world, had anything that sharp and that long pierced his spine, he likely would never have walked again. Here, however, and with his defenses being what they were, it was incredibly uncomfortable, but far less lethal.

"Last little bit, guys," he called out. "Let's put it down and get back on the road! Lots of floor left ahead of us."

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Itzal watched as Hikoru seemed to drop out of the battle as well.  Itzal was worried that he may have been pissed with the comments about his absence but they were only jokes.  Well, actually Itzal wasn't joking.  He truly did want to spend more time with his friend.  He hoped that one day they could very well do that.  It was once again his turn so he nodded to the others and went in to attack.  What he didn't realize was that one of the monsters was already killed, so he ended up using Shadow Explosion.  Ah well, there really wasn't too much of an issue with that.  He still killed the mob.  When the loot menu popped up he received a consumable and a weapon.  The weapon he'd give to Shield for certain since he could get unique enhancements.  He stored it in a separate area with the rest of the loot and turned to Shield with a grin.  "The second you get a unique enhancement let me know and I'll pay whatever alright man?"

ID#  96161  BD:  9

ID#  96163  CD:  10  LD:  21 (10+11) 4,260 col,  1 Rare Consumable, 1 Rare Weapon

[H: 4] Shield - HP: 1396/1410 | EP: 117/132 | Dmg: 2 | Acc: 0 | Eva: -1 | Mit: 196 | BH: 70 | THN: 87 | REC: 6 | LD: 7 | Pro: 3
[H: 0] Hikoru - HP: 1,420/1,420 | EP: 114/142 | Dmg: 16 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 79 | BH 57
[H: 0/3/0/2] Itzal - HP 1,450/1,450 | EP:  132/142
[H: 1/1/0/1] Beat  - HP: 970/970  | Energy: 88/94 | Dmg: 16 | Acc: 5 | Eva: 0 | Mit: 18

<Dire Were Rabbit 1> HP: 0/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3 -
<Dire Were Rabbit 2> HP: 0/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3 -
<Dire Were Rabbit 3> HP: 0/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3 -
<Dire Were Rabbit 4> HP: 0/710 | DMG: 213 | ACC: 3

Total Loot:  22,010 col, 14 MAT, 1 rare consumable, 1 rare weapon

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Swapping Gear:

-Manticore Mask
-Spirit Spines
-Spirit Plate
+Finder's Keeper [Expertise: S&D]
+Seeking Aura [+3 LD]
+Raw Passion [+3 Prosperity]

Shield closed the victory window, nodding in acknowledgement of the drops they had found. There was already more than enough to make up for his expenditures on the consumables he had made.

"If you're looking for third tier unique items, Itzal, I've got a two-handed assault spear waiting in my shop right now," he said, rearranging a few pieces of gear to focus on scouting over combat. At least for a little while between fights. "It's got a rank each of Damage, Bleed, and Paralytic Venom. It's a pretty decent little item."

With the combat ended and his inventory fixed, Shield took a half skip to build momentum and took off in the direction they had been traveling. There was no sure way to know if there was a labyrinth in that direction, but they would not know until they made some distance. He made towards the mountains, hoping that the labyrinth itself was merely hidden behind a few of the peaks rather than simply being too far away to see.

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Beat nodded as Shield made his sales pitch, "Paralytic venom is pretty good, but I don't think it's possible to replace this weapon," Beat said, inspecting his spear, "Absolute Accuracy is so clutch. I can't recall missing anything less than a final dungeon boss with this thing and since my last level up, I'm not sure I would miss that if I buffed beforehand." 

In his assessment, the ability to never miss your target was too invaluable to give up without a significant payoff for relinquishing such an enhancement, "Honestly, without the fallen enhancement, I don't see another weapon being worth the trade off except for possibly Limbo's Fang and even then, only until it applies its damage over time effects." He finished as he stowed his spear and folded his arms, lazily going through his menus with one hand and looking at the unique item his guild mate had traded for his phase gauntlets. 

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Itzal listened to Shield as he mentioned that he did in fact have a unique weapon but it was a spear.  Itzal chuckled and patted the hilt of his weapon.  "Thanks, but unless it's a one handed straight sword it won't really do me much good."  When Beat mentioned his own weapon, and how it had absolute accuracy.  Itzal whistled.  "Nice.  Absolute accuracy I know for certain would be worth it."  Itzal had Yakimba, which was a demonic item with tier two bleed and tier two paralysis.  He had absolutely no way of upgrading it tier wise and thus it would forever deal only twenty four damage per round, which when compared to tier three enemies didn't do much.  However he was content as it was a gift from Hikoru.  He still hoped to one day get a boss drop of his own, but until that day came he would continue to use Yakimba unless it was just so far outdated.  Perhaps at that point he'd give it to another player who had more need of it than he did.


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Rolling for materials:

ID# 96167 results: Loot: 15+10=25 - Success! +1 T3 Material

As the others were busy picking their way over their options for weaponry, Shield was busy picking his way over the boulders of the floors piedmont, navigating as carefully as he could while still keeping his speed up. It was hardly a treacherous route so far, but it was impossible to say when there might be an ambush or a hidden fissure behind a stone.

The grade of the ground steadily increased, and as they ascended towards the peak, Shield could see the settlement off some ways behind them. The view opened up to them little by little. The only thing they could not see nearby was what lay beyond the mountains themselves.

"If the labyrinth isn't hiding behind these peaks, then it's got to be miles and miles away," he puffed, pushing to keep his pace up as the incline continued to grow steeper and steeper further up the mountain. He slipped on a number of loose stones, falling to one knee as the scree tumbled away behind him, but there by his foot he found a chunk of glittering metal. He stashed it away with the others and pushed back up onto his feet.

As they broke through onto the other side of the range, Shield frowned. No labyrinth in sight. Still, there might be clues on the other side, so with a huff and a fresh start, he began descending through the pass of the mountains.

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Itzal continued to walk with them before his detection mod noticed something.  He scanned the area in more detail but, it wasn't close enough.  He began to speed up, breaking into a jog before he was able to see it more clearly.  It was in the forest, there was a rather large boulder with a shadow over one side.  When he walked up to the boulder he began to feel the different sides.  Soon enough he had found a crack and pushed/pulled until he had discovered the opening.  He pulled out Yakimba and began to strike the boulder with the electrical sword until it began to break apart.  Soon enough the gap was wide enough for two tall players to walk through.  He waved to Beat and Shield to come over and backed up, sheathing Yakimba and gesturing to the opening.  "Found it.  Not much for flare on this floor but hey, an entrance is an entrance.  My guess is that it leads underground."

ID#  96168  LD:  32  (18+14)


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