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Anything LoL related works!


My summoners name is Moundsy


I own: Karthus, Malphite (Plus Skin), Kha'zix (Plus Skin), Allistar, Tristana, Warwick, Amumu, Annie, Ashe, Garen, Kayle.


However, when I'm playing I typically either go Kha'Zix or Malphite. Sometimes I go Karthus or other champions for variety.

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number460, vampire rebekah (lvl 13) (on NA server).


I am slowly leveling up my side account, but I play primarily top/support.


I main irelia, but I also played quite a lot of nami, janna, morg, annie, thresh, lissandra, ahri, jax and shy. I pretty much pick up any OP top/supports. Add me if you would like, but please PM me first, so I can tell who you are ;)

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My summoner's name is Sophia Lunatique and I'm on the NA server.

I main support and own all the supports and almost all champions who can try laning as a support.

My favorite champ used to be Soraka before they ruined her and now I'm $h!te with her now.

But otherwise I enjoy playing Morgana, Lux, Leona, Lulu, Blitzcrank, Nami and Nidalee.

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My Summoners title is 8BG Spartan.

I own every champion. ALMOST have a skin for each, just have to wait for those special sales to come along.

I can play anywhere but from greatest to least it would have to be Support>Mid>Top>ADC>Jungle

I rock the dongerman aka Heimerdinger(Mid) with a side of Demoglio aka Garen(Top) a dash of Laz0rz aka Lux(Sup) a sprinkle of British Longshot aka Caitlin(ADC) and just a smidgen of Sexy aka Rek'Sai(Jung)

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My summoner name is boynamedfish (Yes, I love it too.)

I own all of the champions up to 1350's and a good amount of other champs.

I main Jungle Vi or sometimes J4 because she's my best friend.

By the way, I let a friend of mine play a few games on my account. I'm bronze 5 now.

Haven't played in a while so I probably play like one anyway xD

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League Name: Scayth; I was Platinum 3 in Season 3, 4, and now 5. I am currently on my climb up to Diamond. (NA)


Champions I own: ... Lets go with the Champions I don't own: Bard, Brand, Galio... End of story.


I dabble in Coaching and Teaching players in becoming better LoL players.


Position strength: Mid, JG, Top, ADC, Supp


Current Mains; Mid: Orianna, Yasuo, Ahri. JG: Sejuani, RenGOD, J4. Top: RenGOD, DunkMasterDarius, Susan(nasuS). ADC: Kalista, Jinx, Graves. Supp: HAH I don't support... But totes Sona Full AP, and Annie Full AP.


PM me if you want to add me and play. I have currently been playing with Daeron and being a doofus in games for shiz and gigz. That's about it so...



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My league name is [boop ask me if you need to know], it's an account that I share with someone ^-^. I play on the EUW servers. I am a wood 5 pro player, all my friends compare me to Faker because i'm just amazing at league (jk i don't have any friends and i'm bad at games) I main master yi and teemo.
Goodbye yo ~

for realz now :3 I am lvl 30 and still unranked, bit scared for ranked since I usually end up in a flaming team because i'm 2bad4nicepeople. Anywayss my main role is support and I tend to play a bit of mid here and there.

I main Lux becauze her ult is a flippin laser beam like it's so op.
Champs that I like to play~ Orianna, Ahri, Zyra, Lux, Morgana, Sona, Annie and Janna :3.

I know a bit about the lore because imma geek yo. And I can do a teemo voice >:3.
Now recall before I Final spark yo behind.

Edited by Scarlett_
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