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Everything posted by Rebekah

  1. It was finally time, her battle with the bears is over. It was now time to head down towards the Beach and relax, while searching for collectables. It had taken her another 15 minute walk from where she had fought the bears. It was a beautiful place to be. Rebekah was very tempted to switch into her bathing suit and just sun tan. However, she was here for a reason, and began searching for materials on the beach. Rebekah was looking for some seashells that she could collect. This was a fresh water lake, so they would not be as pretty as those she would have found on the 24th floor ocean be
  2. Rebekah had heard a giant crash in the same street where she was talking with the NPC. Just as she turned, she saw a small green cabbage launched towards her. Rebekah did not have time to react or dodge. The cabbage had hit her directly on the head, but luckily it was just a cabbage. That could have been a lot worse. She was also inside the Town of Beginnings, so she would not be able to take damage. Even if she did take any damage, she suspected it would not have been a lot. She looked over to the blue haired girl who had crashed. She did not see what had happened but based on the words
  3. Rebekah had another chance to defeat this bear. She saw her health points and energy get dangerously close to fifty percent. That was the place at which Rebekah knew it would become very dangerous for her to continue for too much longer. She knew that both skills will take her some time to passively regenerate but that is only if she can finish her combat as early as possible. She needed someway to distract the bear's attention. Perhaps, Rebekah should try a faint. After all, this was the bear that had been hardest to hit. It was able to dodge several of her attacks, and she knew that it
  4. The remaining bear watch as all of its friends had died. That had been 5 of its friends slain by the tiny girl with pink hair. It needed to do something fast. There was no time to think, but only to rely on instincts. It tried to scare the girl, "ROAR!". It was a loud sound, and hope to catch the girl being distracted. The bear then launched itself at the girl, hoping to injure her even further and to deter her from making these attacks on their friends. The bear raised its paw and try to swipe at the girl making sure to get her with its sharp claws. Rebekah was waiting for the attac
  5. It had been a long time since Rebekah had visited the Town of Beginning. These days it was not as crowded as it once was. In the beginning, the streets was packed with players, but with about a quarter of the game cleared, and two thousand dead. It was not as lively as it once was. Still, that's not to say it was not busy. Rebekah had been approach by a NPC who was asking for her for help. She thought to herself, I have never seen this man before, so it must be a brand new quest. She had kept detailed track of all the quests that she had taken since, and she distinctively never remembered
  6. Shop Post: [Link] Transaction Date: 02-27-2022 Cost of Transaction: - 3 Materials Crafter's Profession: Chef Crafter's Rank: 6 Item Name: Ketchup Chips Item Tier: 4 Item Type: Snacks Item Rarity: Uncommon Item Enhancements: Probiotics Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 204292, 204294 Item Description: An uncommon ketchup chips
  7. Rebekah had a very bad day cooking yesterday. She was wondering whether or not it could get any better today. She knew she needed to work hard to create materials that will be very helpful in an upcoming quest. She wanted to find some way to mitigate some of the damage over time that burn or bleed may infect on their party. It was the first time she was making this snack, and she hoped it will help their party survive. Therefore, she got to work cooking, hoping that everything would turn out perfect today. It cannot get worst than yesterday. Date: 02-27-2022 Rank 6: 353/639 (+26) EXP
  8. Claiming Paragon Level 5 - Laurel Wreath (Earn Col equivalent to 15% of player’s EXP earned in thread)
  9. This was it. Rebekah could use a break from fighting after this battle was over. Facing multiple monsters at the same time is very tiring, and she knew she will need it as she almost lost over half of her energy. With only three more monsters to fight, this makes it easier than last attempt. However, she cannot let her guard down. She was stronger than the other three bears, and she will need to prove it to them. It had been a long time since she had felt comfortable in battle. She was still slowly getting back into a rhythm as she was looking to hunt for a rare shard. If she could find i
  10. As Rebekah landed hard into the ground around 3 bears, she knew this would be a tough task to be able to dodge all three attacks. But not doing anything was not an option. "I guess you three would want a piece of me." Rebekah said. Rebekah jumped quickly onto her feet, since laying down was not an option. This would allow her to more easily dodge the remaining bear. She wondered how strong her shield was. There was only one way to find out, and this was to try to fight. She knew this would not take long, but hoped she was able to finish the battle before anything else would happen. As Reb
  11. Shop Post: [Link] Transaction Date: 02-26-2022 Cost of Transaction: - 5 Materials Crafter's Profession: Chef Crafter's Rank: 5 Item Name: California Roll Item Tier: 4 Item Type: Meal Item Rarity: Uncommon Item Enhancements: Mitigation x 1 Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 204255 Item Description: An uncommon California Roll
  12. It had been a few days since Rebekah made some fresh food for her store. She knew she was running out of materials. That was the reason why she had stopped cooking for a few days. This would allow her to go out searching for materials as she waited for it to build back up. She knew she was getting close to the next level, and was very excited to almost be there to level up once again. As she got her materials out, Rebekah began to cook. It was what she had enjoyed, being able to create consumables which can be used on adventures. Date: 02-26-2022 Rank 5: 327/320 (+28) EXP --> Rank 6:
  13. As Rebekah was now in the air, she needed to flip and turn around so she can launch herself at all four bears using a strong attack. Luckily, she had always been good at snowboarding and skiing so she was able to preform tricks on a halfpipe. This was very important skill as it allowed her to twist naturally in the air and change the way she would land back on the ground. She tucked her arms in and began to twist, so she could get the perfect angle to launch herself into the four bears waiting for her below. As she moved, she knew that she needed to tag all the bears with this attack for
  14. It was time for her to be on the defensive. The two remaining bears had made their attack towards Rebekah. Rebekah needed to dodge or block their attacks. It was going to be tough to see if she could handle it. The giant bears were just a little too much for her to run away from. Therefore, she will take the only method that she knows, which is to stand and fight. As the bears charged right at the girl, Rebekah had no choice but to stand her ground. These bears would want revenge for their fallen friends, so there was nothing she could do other than to dodge and get into a good position t
  15. Rebekah arrived back on the main settlement of Krycim. It was a long day, and she had worked up an appetite. As she walked into the town, she was looking for something to eat, something that was part of their specialty cuisine on this floor. This town was different, the buildings blended into the jungle around them. She finally stopped at a local small restaurant serving local fresh fish caught in the river and waterfall in this city. She had never spent much time in the jungle, so she was not an expert on the animals that the NPC would hunt that lived in this area. The fish was grilled,
  16. As she continued to walk, she was amazed the beauty of the jungle. The developers of the game Sword Art Online had spent a lot of time developing the scenery of each floor. She could never get tired of admiring the beauty of each floor. She had not spent a lot of time on the sixth floor but this was a unique place. Rebekah was almost back into the city, she had about another half an hour of walking left. She relentless continued trying to find materials along this popular path to the waterfall. She would not be surprised if many players used this path through the jungle as it was hard to
  17. She visited the first of several spots of interest that she found on her way to the waterfall. There was nothing there. "I swear this was a place where Materials would spawn." Rebekah said. She looked back at the guidebook for this floor when it was just released many years ago. Perhaps it was outdated or another player was nearby. Rebekah needed to continue walking, it was already late afternoon, and she needed to head back into town before it was dark. She did not want to be trapped here at night. The jungle was dangerous place, especially for a player such as herself who has lost a lot
  18. Rebekah got up from her mediation position, and began to slowly walked her way out of the pond. As she gotten out of the water, she pressed a few buttons, and completely changed out of her wet clothing. She was finally in drier cloths now. She also took this time to take a towel to dry her hair. She hated having her hair soaked, it will take an hour to dry. It was now time for her to say goodbye to the waterfall and head back towards the nearest teleportation gate located at the town of Krycim. She had came this way once already but she knew how to get back. But before she managed to get
  19. "You never learn do you, Rebekah." The clone said. "You caught me not paying attention, and then I catch you doing the same. We are really the same person." The attack had hurt a lot. Rebekah had lost a lot of health by not focusing in battle. She would have to learn this lesson, and be more careful next time. Rebekah had to admit that was true but The Clone continued, "You have no friends. All of them died and ditched you today, or else why are you taking this quest by yourself." "That is not true." Rebekah started to zone out the nonsense it was speaking. Life was a lot better when
  20. As the clone was now stunned, this was the perfect opportunity for the real Rebekah to finish it. She did not have to listen to it spew out additional things about her. She knew everything it said is true, but it did not mean she wanted to listen to something repeat it to her. There were many things that should be kept a secret, such as her own darkest fears. She knew that this would need to be successful to work. As she readied herself, she had a quick second to think before the stun would tie out. "I hope this is the last time that I see you." Rebekah told the clone. She took one last l
  21. "Do not listen to it. Just believe in yourself and you will be fine." The Entity said. "Why are you helping me?" Rebekah asked. She had been believing in herself the entire time. She knew this was a strong demon, and she would need to be on her A game to take it down. "I am just a mere observer, a guide throughout this quest. I help push players to succeed and move on." The Entity Replied. "How boring, are you talking to yourself?" The clone said. "I always known you were weak, you never believe in yourself that you can do it. I would not try that if I were you." The clone saw R
  22. It was finally time for the final boss. Rebekah had wondered what would be behind this door. As she turned the door handle and moved into the final room, she could see a player with pink hair. She was about five foot four inches, and had the same eye colour as herself. It was a replica of herself. "Were you expecting me, my friend?" The clone asked. "I am also Rebekah, but specifically the manifestation of all your insecurities, the one who knows your deepest darkest secrets. Did you really think someone else was the final boss?" Rebekah was shocked. She did not know what was her dee
  23. "There you go Rebekah." The entity had cheered. The atmosphere had completely changed for a second as she was able to stun her father with the surprised sword skill that Rebekah had just pulled off. There were no more verbal insults thrown at her. She had gotten tired of being called a little girl. It was degrading to her, more so than what the previous demon had said. Rebekah had not seen her father for many years after he was taken away by the police. She wished to never visit or see him ever again. He had been part of her nightmares growing up. Since he could not move, she knew sh
  24. "Little Girl, you are weak and pathetic." Her father continued. "You cannot hit me with your flimsy movements with your saber." Rebekah wanted to drown the voice out. She pulled her shield over her head to give her some space so he was not yelling directly at her ears. They had dropped their weapons back to their sides after her father blocked her attack. "Stop hiding behind your tiny shield. Face me, like your brothers. They do not hide. They take the beating." He continued. "You are always looking to hide. Always asking someone else to fight your battles. You are a weakling."
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