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Everything posted by Rebekah

  1. As the pair continued to walk, she continued asking Nemo, "What is special about Little Eden? I know there are a lot of visitors looking for it all the time." "I suppose it is a very popular location since there are a lot of plants to collect, fishes to catch and a lot more treasure chests to find." The NPC replied. "However, I strongly advise against killing any of the animals found in the garden. I think it is important for ecology and the ecosystem to have all the animals living naturally. I will not stop you though but I want to give you that warning." It was interesting since it
  2. Santa is real? Rebekah had always wondered if Santa was ever real in Aincrad. She knew that many players have celebrated Christmas in Aincrad but Santa was one of those that individuals that she never saw, not even on Christmas Eve around here on the fourth floor. She was one of those who had spent a lot of time on the fourth floor. She had always thought reindeers were magical and could fly, but perhaps it could not. "Have you seen Santa in Aincrad?" The idea of a seal was not that far fetch. She had seen seals in person, these were aggressive little creatures especially the young harbou
  3. As they began their hike into the forest to the garden, Rebekah was the first person to ask. "Nemo, what do you do for a living?" "I am a gardener of the secret garden, called Little Eden." Nemo replied. "It is a wonderful place to visit, but it takes a lot of maintenance to maintain the garden. There are a lot of high quality plants, and each of them have their own needs in order to keep them as healthy as possible. I am also the unofficial guide to bring players to the garden." Rebekah respond, "Can the garden be found on any floor?" She had been wondering about that for quite some
  4. "I suppose you are right. I am not going befriend any penguins today. An artisan or a blacksmith would be cool. I do not know many artisans in this game, since they are quite rare." Rebekah responded. "A reindeer." Rebekah thought about it for a few seconds. She had never seen a reindeer before on this floor, so it must be unique. However, the issue would be trying to keep it alive. "I suppose a reindeer might work, but I think it is a bit larger than what I was expecting. Can a reindeer fly?" She wondered. Perhaps, Rebekah spoke that last part out loud. Her pet did not need to be ab
  5. Rebekah was back in the small village of Coral. It had made sense since this was where her guild had been founded. It was nearby the headquarters, so Rebekah could quickly visit and get a few things done in the morning before returning on her merry way. Today, she was stopped by someone different, a lady by the name of Nemo. "Would you like to visit a special garden? I can guarantee you that it is not a trap. You can easily find a lot more materials than you would anywhere else." Nemo said. Rebekah thought about it for a second before committing to the idea, "I am interested. How do
  6. Buying 5 LD Bonus: +2 | Golden Key | [1,000col] Total = 5,000 Col
  7. Shop Post: [Link] Transaction Date: 03-09-2022 Cost of Transaction: - 5 Materials Crafter's Profession: Chef Crafter's Rank: 6 Item Name: Poutine Item Tier: 4 Item Type: Meal Item Rarity: Perfect Item Enhancements: Overhealth x 3 Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 205459, 205461 Item Description: A perfect poutine Item Name: California Roll Item Tier: 4 Item Type: Meal Item Rarity: Rare Item Enhancements: Mitigation x 1 Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 205458, 205460-1, 205460-2, 205462 Item Description: An unc
  8. Rebekah got back to making some more meals today. She knew that these meals would be very helpful on her upcoming quest, so anything would help. As she looked around, she knew the most important thing is preparation, so she would have to get everything in order before she can start on the quest. She had taken an inventory count of her store and her inventory, and knew that it had been quite bare. So Rebekah knew that this would be a perfect opportunity for her to enjoy what the little free time she has at the moment to get the cooking done. Date: 03-09-2022 Rank 6: 494/639 (+50) EXP C
  9. Rebekah had finally decided on which familiar she would want. She stepped onto the frozen lake and tried to attract the penguin's attention with a fish but the penguins were not walking anywhere closer to her. This was a disaster, and the penguins have all avoid her by diving down into the whole to hunt for fresh fish. She turned her attention back to Star, "Yes, I am a chef. I have been for many years. I enjoy it because it gives me a purpose in Aincrad. It also does not hurt that I am able to create my own consumables which are very helpful in battle or events." She continued. Rebe
  10. As they finally got to the town center, Issela ran towards to hug her son. It was a long embrace. As soon as the embrace was over, she turned to Rebekah, "Thank you very much for rescuing my little boy. Here is your reward. It is not much but it is something to show you my appreciation for all your help today." She said. Kagamine also took this opportunity to thank Rebekah once again for saving him from the prison. He did not know how long it would take for someone to rescue him, but would always remember the lesson he learned from Rebekah. Finally, Rebekah got the quest complete not
  11. They could finally see the city gates of Flora ahead of them. This means there are almost there. It was only now Rebekah was reminded of how worried the boy's mother was. "Your mother was very worried about you." She said. "I think you should go to find her right away before she sends more people to the bandit camp to search for you." "I agree with you. She does tend to get very worried for no particular reason sometimes." Kagamine replied. They had finally reached the city gates. As soon as they walked in, he asked the guard, "Do you know where Issela is?" "You are finally home. She
  12. Now that the pair was safety into the forest, they can finally talk without the fear of attracting any more bandits that may be lurking around in the fort. "Thank you for getting me out of there. You were so cool, being able to fight all the bandits by yourself. I want to grow up as strong as you one day." Kagamine said. "If you keep working hard, you will eventually get to be as strong as me. Just remember, next time do not rush blindly into battle. You need to be a lot smarter." Rebekah respond as she pointed to her brain. She knew that rash bold decisions will often get people kil
  13. Now, the leader had lost enough health for Rebekah to have a chance finally fight this battle. It would technically be over soon, so Rebekah knew they could soon finally head home. She could return to her shop, while Kagamine who was still hiding can return to his mother. "None of this would had happened if you were not terrorizing the locals in Flora." Rebekah said as she tried to make the final blow and they then can quickly retreat away from this bandit camp. The leader quickly died shortly after. "Kagamine, let's leave now before any more bandits show up." Rebekah said. They
  14. With the boss stunned, Rebekah had a golden opportunity to deal a near fatal blow at the leader. She knew there was one chance for her attack to work, and this would be the time. Rebekah began channeling another sword art in the hopes that it will strike the lady who cannot move. She knew as soon as this strike lands, there is a chance that she will be in trouble, so she needed to plan enough time to allow her to dodge her next strike once the stun timer ends. "Your cheap trick will not work on me." The leader yelled. Rebekah laughed, the stun trick did work on the leader. As the lea
  15. It was finally time to fight that lady. Rebekah had her rapier out and began channeling a sword art at the leader of the bandits. As soon as the lady saw her, she said, "If you want to leave, you will have to beat me first." Rebekah responded, "I was not planning on running away." She ran towards the bandit leader making sure that she closed the distance and kept her distracted from looking at the teenager who was watching the battle occur but hiding in safety to avoid being killed. Rebekah instantly reacted with a sword art to ensure she would be stunned. It was one of her most common mo
  16. It was now time to start heading out again. They slowly made their way up the stairs back to the ground floor again. They were in a building, but nobody was in the building. She took a peak out the window and noticed nobody was there. Therefore, they opened the door were in the middle of the fort. Rebekah looked around and at her minimap. She found the direction she needed to head back to the town of Flora. Her next plan is to find an exit. Luckily, the exit was facing the same direction, so she could head towards that exit. However, she noticed somebody standing near the exit. They could
  17. "So are you still hungry? I think I will need a few more minutes to recover before we could continue leaving. As much as I do not want to stay here any longer, it is important to find a safe place to recover when you need to." She continued. "Yes, I am still hungry, do you have anything else to eat?" Kagamine asked. Rebekah handed him some more bread. She drank a few more sips of water before asking, "I know I gave you a one handed sword and shield, but I do not want you to fight. I will handle the battle on my own. I do not think you have completely recovered yet." Kagamine nod
  18. There was something on Rebekah's mind, "How did you get trapped here?" She had wondered how this young teenager had gotten kidnapped by the bandits. Kagamine waited for a few seconds before responding. "The bandits were terrorizing the citizens of my town. I saw them try to steal from an old lady running the general store in the town. Of course, I could not let them get away with it, so I tried to stop them. However, as I tried to fight them, there were ten of them, and they kidnapped me away. They threw me in this prison yesterday." Rebekah responded, "While it is important to stand
  19. As Rebekah looked to strike once again, she knew she was starting to feel tired. She would need to take a break after this, so she knew this upcoming strike would be very important. As Rebekah waited for her sword art to reactive, she took her time and knew she wanted to strike just as the stun would wear off. This would give her a mini-break if she could time her attack just right. It was important to get the timing or else she would be in trouble. As Rebekah easily landed her strike, both of the bandits instant died. It was now time to take a break so Rebekah could recover from battle b
  20. The next thing they know, the bandits began walking down towards the prison. Luckily there were only two this time. As they descended the stairs, Rebekah knew that there was only going to be one chance for them to have the upper hand. They hid in the dark, so they could not see them as they reached the basement. Then Rebekah jumped up out of their hiding spot and strike the bandits. She had motioned for Kagamine to stay safe, before she did that move. Rebekah had one chance to defeat these bandits. She knew she would need to take a break before moving on. This had been a good idea as Rebe
  21. With only a single bandit left, Rebekah knew they needed to finish this before reinforcements would arrive. It was imperative, as any additional bandits would make her life a lot harder. The remaining bandit said, "You may be able to beat me, but there are more reinforcements upstairs. You cannot break out of this jail." Rebekah took a second before launching another sword art at the remaining bandit, hoping that everything would be finally be over after this strike. Rebekah landed her attack, and the bandit had instantly died. She turned to Kagamine, "It is time to get out of here.
  22. After listening to everyone discuss their skills, it was time to find out more information about the quest they will undertake. However, nobody has heard about the quest before, so it must be new. She knew there was always a danger being one of the first groups to try the quest, but she was working as part of a group. As Rebekah spoke, "I guess it is time to find to find Lilith? I believe we need to head out of just out of the town." Rebekah looked back at the quest dialogue, and they would need to held towards the outskirts of the settlement of StoneWell. As Rebekah thought about the com
  23. Kagamine was told not to fight. So he did as he was told. He watched as the lady in front of her struck three of the four bandits immediately. Rebekah did not want to fail this quest by losing to the bandits, therefore it was safer if she could handle the battle by herself. Besides, there was no danger for her as she was strong enough to mitigate the majority of their attacks. As Rebekah continued to fight, she wondered if she could slay several of these bandits on this upcoming attack. It would make her life a lot easier rather than defending against four simultaneous attacks. She had lo
  24. Rebekah took out her rapier, and made her way towards the four bandits that were blocking their escape path. Rebekah knew she would only have one shot at making this attack work, so she knew she needed to get to work right away. Rebekah activated her sword skill and knew that she would have to defeat the bandits now before they regrouped and killed the boy. She also knew that she was strong enough on the third floor to defeat these pesky annoying bandits. As Rebekah made her move, she noticed that it was going to be a good idea as the bandits were not yet prepared for her to strike them j
  25. "Your mom asked me to rescue you." Rebekah whispered to the boy. It had looked like he has not eaten in a few days, but he should have enough strength to survive. Rebekah handed him some bread through the bars of the cell. He quickly began to eat to restore some of his energy. Rebekah finally got to work picking the lock. She knew she only have so much time as the bandits should be aware about something falling through their trap. It only took another few minutes. As soon as the door was open, Rebekah quickly gave him his one handed sword and shield that his mother had left for him. "Here
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