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Status Replies posted by Kazuya

  1. The Loot System needs to be remodeled again. The Loot die only goes up to 20 now, not 25... I would help, but I'm not really a GM, or at least not yet.

    1. Kazuya


      Well, then why does the loot system go all the way up to 25, eh?

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  2. The Loot System needs to be remodeled again. The Loot die only goes up to 20 now, not 25... I would help, but I'm not really a GM, or at least not yet.

    1. Kazuya


      That would be fun. I've always enjoyed making other people's experience a better one, so as long as I'm helping do that, it wouldn't matter were I was. Maybe we'll both become GM's in the future.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  3. I should change the title to "this sword need a new wielder", it's seems like I'm gonna die next round T T

    1. Kazuya


      You welcome. It doesn't say manuever succeeds for nothing. It means it doesn't just have to be an attack. It just deals with everything related to battle.

    2. (See 39 other replies to this status update)

  4. I should change the title to "this sword need a new wielder", it's seems like I'm gonna die next round T T

    1. Kazuya


      I would believe it is up to his battle die. If he chooses for his maneuver to be an evasive one, he should look at the d10 die to see I he succeeds. Next time, bring a performer. They can use their profession's skills to attract mobs and repel them.

    2. (See 39 other replies to this status update)

  5. wait...are people allowed to transform into demons? I thought this was a SAO RP o__o; Now there are demons and stuff? *confused*

    1. Kazuya


      Haha! Very true and Kazuya's trying to be nice as well, just failing at it.

      Well my eye color change is pretty extreme if you ask me. It changes from a bright blue to a green and sometimes a dark grey if I get pissed the **** off.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  6. wait...are people allowed to transform into demons? I thought this was a SAO RP o__o; Now there are demons and stuff? *confused*

    1. Kazuya


      Oh and the whole eye color changing thing is real as well. In fact, I based it off of mine. They change according to my mood. It's rather annoying. It makes people able to read my emotions even when I don't want them to.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  7. wait...are people allowed to transform into demons? I thought this was a SAO RP o__o; Now there are demons and stuff? *confused*

    1. Kazuya


      Yeah, that's the very simplest way I could put it. It is basically the other Kazuya who wants to rule over everything with an iron fist. Kazuya himself is actually a very kind person who wants people to like him, but has a bit of a problem since he has Hellfyre inside also.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  8. wait...are people allowed to transform into demons? I thought this was a SAO RP o__o; Now there are demons and stuff? *confused*

    1. Kazuya


      It looked so much better on paper, but that's like three pages. I basically wrote out a bio just for the disorder.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  9. wait...are people allowed to transform into demons? I thought this was a SAO RP o__o; Now there are demons and stuff? *confused*

    1. Kazuya


      Well it is kind of like that, but a bit different. He actually does have another entity inside his which is part of his disorder. He was born with it. The eye color thing is just a symptom, like a warning sign. If anything, it is similar to schizophrenia. He has two halves to make up his being, Kazuya, who actually owns the body, and Hellfyre, who wants Kazuya to just murder everyone and practically become a king of hell. I'm probably just confusing you more. Ah! It makes so much more...

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  10. wait...are people allowed to transform into demons? I thought this was a SAO RP o__o; Now there are demons and stuff? *confused*

    1. Kazuya


      Well VR is all based off of how a person reacts and their mental state, so when that changes, so does the person. Really the only real changes to Kazuya is in his face and how he acts. A biological limiter is also a mental function. It is basically when the brain say, "Hey idiot. I'm not going to let you break you body like this." If that mental function I'd removed, the human can surpass most others. I've actually trained in MMA to lose this. It is a real thing. So someon...

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  11. wait...are people allowed to transform into demons? I thought this was a SAO RP o__o; Now there are demons and stuff? *confused*

    1. Kazuya


      It's just a disorder that basically is like a murderous being is inside him. It is rather complicated but it doesn't give him any real advantages. I just thought it would be cool to throw in a character that was practically a demon or a monster if that serves as a better term.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  12. I'm a nice person, honest! My character is just a mean ol' butthead, fufufu

    1. Kazuya


      I used to write posts that long or even longer until my friend was like "Damn Kyle. You need to calm down. You don't have to describe every little detail." Lol!

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  13. I'm a nice person, honest! My character is just a mean ol' butthead, fufufu

    1. Kazuya


      My goodness. I must say that I really like your long posts. It gives me so much more I could write about. Sadly I am trying to keep my posts shorter since I think people don't really want to read a novel when RPing.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  14. Holy S***!! When did Alice and my topic become so damn popular!?

    1. Kazuya


      I did for that one and it is the one with almost 800 views!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. Holy S***!! When did Alice and my topic become so damn popular!?

    1. Kazuya


      Not the topic that was just me and Alice, Are You Going to Run. People didn't have any reason to read it...

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  16. Having a topic with over 700 views is a pretty cool feeling. :)

  17. Came down with Influenza

  18. *sees Ryuu and Alyce* KISS KISS KISS KISS

  19. *sees Ryuu and Alyce* KISS KISS KISS KISS

    1. Kazuya


      Everyone will be invited, even Terrence if he doesn't cause a ruckus.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  20. *sees Ryuu and Alyce* KISS KISS KISS KISS

  21. *sees Ryuu and Alyce* KISS KISS KISS KISS

    1. Kazuya


      That's actually exactly what we are doing, but on the ground instead of in a tree.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  22. Spending my weekend binge-watching Fairy Tail.

  23. If you can't believe in yourself, believe in the me that believes in you. - Kamina

    1. Kazuya


      Whenever the female lead and love interest of our hero dies or disappears, I always think of Guilty Crown. Wow that one was the only anime to cause a single manly tear to roll down my check.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

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