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Status Replies posted by Kazuya

  1. I normally have all the answers.. so why am i speechless..

  2. When I see both Alkor and Life on at the same time all I can think is "Yesssss Yesssss the cave ZE CAVE" Bad Mari! Bad!

    1. Kazuya


      ....You are younger than I am? Didn't see that one coming...

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  3. Happy Birthday, Loth! :)

  4. Dear dice, please stop Making me miss every single battle strike , kthanks. Sincerely Mari

    1. Kazuya


      Dear Battle/Mob Dice,

      Please be on my side during the upcoming boss battle. I'm depending on you two

      Your Friend Kazuya

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. I haven't been on in so long, but I'm happy to meet you all <3

  6. Anyone want to RP the avalanche quest with me?

  7. Skills are dooone!

    1. Kazuya


      I know. I mean it makes sense to make things like Sprint worth more, but it is still a pain that for the stat effect of one skill you have to pay 3 times the amount. Well I guess it gives you the ability to roleplay flips and such but honestly you could do that if you were a performer.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  8. Skills are dooone!

    1. Kazuya


      Ugh... some skills cost more now. I just reworked my skills, and it is not in my favor for the time being

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  9. on my way to work, got a feeling that until I will back my shop will burn

    1. Kazuya


      Holy s**t! How the hell did it become chaos so quickly!?! I never intended for it to be like that. The last party wasn't this crazy...

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  10. Looking over the skills... Decisions, decisions.

    1. Kazuya


      But I'm also a performer. Isn't it already in my job description that I get to do all the fancy stuff?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  11. Looking over the skills... Decisions, decisions.

    1. Kazuya


      I'm looking at what to get. I don't know if Acrobatics will actually do anything or if I should go with saving up for upgrading my weapons skill.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  12. if a GM could help elaborate how to Level up the Performer skill that'd be great, I am getting some mixed response and It confuses the lil Mari!

  13. Anybody up for a cool RP. I'm thinking I want to do something along the lines of a cool raid or something. Of course, I'm up for suggestions as well if you are in.

    1. Kazuya


      I feel like we are going to have some sort of Hobbit moment here. "I found a ring. What does it do?.. Oh wait. Nothing" *throws behind him*

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  14. Anybody up for a cool RP. I'm thinking I want to do something along the lines of a cool raid or something. Of course, I'm up for suggestions as well if you are in.

  15. Anybody up for a cool RP. I'm thinking I want to do something along the lines of a cool raid or something. Of course, I'm up for suggestions as well if you are in.

    1. Kazuya


      So what you think? You wanna join me on an epic adventure?

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  16. Anybody up for a cool RP. I'm thinking I want to do something along the lines of a cool raid or something. Of course, I'm up for suggestions as well if you are in.

    1. Kazuya


      Haha! Most of the time he is, but every now and again he can go a little crazy. When he first entered the game, he wasn't so caring and kind. He tricked his enemies into attacking him first so the system would see him killing them as self-defense. He has changed since then though.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  17. Anybody up for a cool RP. I'm thinking I want to do something along the lines of a cool raid or something. Of course, I'm up for suggestions as well if you are in.

    1. Kazuya


      Cool. Just read over my journal a bit to make sure you are up for it. I know Kazuya can be a bit of... Um hard to deal with at times.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  18. WHY IS NO ONE POSTING IN THE TOPICS I'M IN!! I feel like I'm not loved here T^T

    1. Kazuya


      Sadly I can't post yet. Akumu is before me in the rotation. :(

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  19. Holy hell im bored as censored.

  20. Holy hell im bored as censored.

  21. Love is bullshit.

    1. Kazuya


      Lol! I'm on the side of love on this one, but I will say I know how that knife feels...

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  22. Best RP Site on the internet

  23. The Loot System needs to be remodeled again. The Loot die only goes up to 20 now, not 25... I would help, but I'm not really a GM, or at least not yet.

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