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Status Updates posted by Tyrius

  1. Question: Do some of you ever sleep? *cough* Mari.

    1. claim


      she take quick naps and drink hot coco or tea

    2. Mari


      *is totally not drinking hot chocolate now* >__>

    3. Kiru


      I never sleep @_@ jk XD

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  2. Sitting here listening to Hollywood Undead and doing schoolwork. Yay.

    1. Tyrius


      The worst part is that if I don't do this one paragraph assignment, I fail the entire bloody class.

    2. Pyro


      Ahh~ At least it's only one paragraph! Sounds like a tough woman you got teaching your class ^__^ What class is it?

    3. Tyrius


      Get this. Comm. Arts... And it isn't the woman who determines this crap. It's the state who made that stupid requirement.

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  3. So, I have roughly half of my weekend to really do whatever. Now, I realize I haven't done much in the area of RP, but I am confident that over this weekend, I will set aside some time to RP.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tyrius


      Best of luck. I'm going to now browse through every single forum and learn everyone's backstory.

    3. Moartea


      Yeah mine your going to like.

    4. Life


      My actual Rp is better than the story on my char jounal

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  4. The stars lean down to kiss you. And I lie awake and miss you. Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere.

    1. Kazuya


      I'll find repose in new ways

      Though I haven't slept in two days

      'Cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone

    2. Tyrius


      But drenched in vanilla twilight

      I'll sit on the front porch all night

      Waist-deep in thought because when I think of you

      I don't feel so alone

    3. Kazuya


      When violet eyes get brighter

      And heavy wings grow lighter

      I'll taste the sky and feel alive again

      And I'll forget the world that I knew

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  5. Thou who art undead, art chosen. In thine exodus from the Undead Asylum maketh pilgrimage from to land of ancient lords. When thou ringeth the bell of awakening, the fate of the undead thou shalt know.

  6. Tyrius is a singer, sweet.

  7. Well, I'm reading Mari's topic on how to make posts better, and now I feel like I don't do enough. Gotta try harder when I roleplay...

    1. Sousuke


      that's why you need to learn the time and place to add details

    2. Mari


      It's all about practise if you want help I am happy to offer it, I am by no means the best RPer around but still the offer is there

    3. Tyrius


      Mari, you may not be THE best, but you are close enough.

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  8. What if I were to reveal mine own face?

    1. Brayden


      That'd be scary. But not scarier than mine!

    2. Tyrius


      My face is beautiful, thank you. And your face is beautiful too.

  9. Wooooo! Just ran a mile! Personal achievement!

    1. Tyrius


      Yeah but I don't run often. So this is good for me.

    2. Draterion


      Oh. Then yea, good job. Are you presently in a guild?

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  10. Wynter, what song?

    1. Tyrius


      Never mind. My choice.

  11. You're gonna go far kid.

    1. Pyro


      Great song~ <3

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