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Posts posted by Lessa

  1. On 4/25/2021 at 2:48 PM, Freyd said:


    Rank 5 Merchant (Base: BD 10, CD 8+ for unique, 10 identifications per day)
    +1 to CD from Hermes’ Scale
    +2 EXP: Hard Working (also +1 IDs per day)
    +2 EXP: Lucrative (Firm Anima) (also +2 IDs per day)
    +1 EXP: Custom Ambition Tool (bought from own shop 2020-07-16)
    +1 EXP from Ambition n/a

    Crafting Respite  [151953]
    Witch's Brew:  http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/20348-pp-22-a-call-to-arms-%C2%ABwitch-of-the-west%C2%BB/?do=findComment&comment=629332


    26x T3 Perfect Items (@2,000 col)  

    Total Cost to Identify:  52,000 col   (paid on March 3, 2021)


    18x T3 Perfect Items (@1250 col)

    Total Value of Junking:  22,500 col

    Net Refund from Banker: 22,500 col


      Reveal hidden contents

    Source rolls:


      Reveal hidden contents


    Col has been sent for item junking.

  2. Red-rimmed eyes went wide as Bahr spoke, then narrowed again. This time, it was Lessa's turn to be confused. "I- what?" Given all of the muddled thoughts splashing about in her brain, that was honestly the best she could come up with. Shaking her head slowly for a few seconds allowed her time to sort her thoughts, but in the end, it didn't do much good. "The confines of the boss' chamber?" Did he really not know what had gone on outside of that boss room?

    "Uh, hey," she began suddenly, shifting a bit to draw further away from him. "Would you mind if we went inside? We could grab something warm to drink or something. Because it's kind of chilly out here, and, I'm, uh," a quick cough, and a downward glance at her boxer shorts preceded the words, "not wearing actual pants." Apparently, it was only once the shock of seeing Bahr finally wore off that she noticed the goosebumps dotting her exposed skin.

    Together, they found their feet, then made their way into the log cabin. The fire still popped and sizzled, and Lessa found herself appreciating it's warmth as she moved into the adjoining kitchen. She also found herself appreciating the few additional minutes to think things over that the journey allowed her. "It does feel wrong," she agreed finally, forgetting her missing pants as the words came to her. Turning to face him, she added, "And fuzzy, and confusing. I guess we both have a lot of catching up to do. And with this update, I don't really know the state of things, or what any of it means for us. The pop-up said things have changed, but how, and in what way? Is there a big list somewhere, or do we just have to find out for ourselves?"

    Funny, she went from speechless to rambling in record time.

    So she brought both hands to her face, and scrubbed it for a few seconds. "Sorry," she murmured through her fingers. "Getting ahead of myself." Once she dropped her hands to her sides again, she offered Bahr a small smile. "First thing's first. Since you're here, can I assume you guys beat the boss?"

  3. Lessa
    <<Harbinger of the Night>>

    "I don't care how cliché it is," Lessa announced, "I just freaking love the fourth floor." The exclamation was unnecessary, of course, as her blue eyes danced with all of the excitement that her tone held. In fact, every inch of the Empress simply hummed with eager energy, like a child with a secret she can't help but share. Or, more aptly, a child on Christmas morning. Because while on the fourth floor, that was essentially what Lessa was. Trapped in an eternal state of holiday cheer, Snowfrost's decorative window-displays, strings of lights, and towering pines never ceased to amaze her. Even now, with some of the snow melting, and grass beginning to poke through, the festival feeling remained. On a hard, contented sigh, she added, "This place is just great. Don't you think?"

    As she asked the question, Lessa squeezed the arm of her festival-date (which was remarkable, considering how tightly she already held him). Then she leaned into him, pressing her chin against his jacket to gaze up at his face. "I'm assuming that they'll have food here," she continued, moving on to what was undoubtedly one of her most important concerns. "With it being a festival and all, I mean. They normally have snack carts set up." Pulling back, she peeled herself off of Bahr, but kept her arm loosely looped through his. At this angle, she could easily stay tethered to him and scope out dinner options. "But if they don't, we could always drop by the Rabbit."

    A few more moments passed, with Lessa content to simply watch the people flow around her like a rock in a stream. The pure, unbridled joy on the faces of players and NPCs alike warmed her more thoroughly than a mug of Alexander's hot apple cider. What a nice change of pace, she caught herself thinking. Especially when compared to the horror, destruction, and death she had witnessed during the Storm of Shadows. 

    "Thanks for agreeing to do this with me," she stated suddenly, swinging her gaze back to Bahr's again. "It's nice to just have fun for once."


    Lessa, The Empress
    Level: 31
    Paragon Level: 34
    HP: 800/800
    EN: 112/112

    Damage: 23
    Mitigation: 122
    Accuracy: 2
    Battle Healing: 40
    H.M.: 8
    HLY: 8
    REC: 8
    THRNS: 72

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Arcael's Might (T4 THSS - DMG DMG DMG HLY)
    Armor: Empress Armor (T4 HA - HM HM THNS THNS)
    Misc: Neutron Star Necklace (T4 TRINKET - ACC ACC REC REC)

    2HSS R5
    Heavy Armor R5
    Battle Healing R5
    Fighting Spirit

    Active Mods:
    Iron Skin
    Vengeful Riposte
    Emergency Recovery

    Inactive Mods:

    Active Extra Skills:

    Inactive Extra Skills:

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleport Crystal: 5
    Berry Crumb Bar (LD3): 2

  4. Spoiler

    Lessa, The Empress
    Level: 31
    Paragon Level: 34
    HP: 800/800
    EN: 112/112

    Damage: 23
    Mitigation: 122
    Accuracy: 2
    Battle Healing: 40
    H.M.: 8
    HLY: 8
    REC: 8
    THRNS: 72

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Arcael's Might (T4 THSS - DMG DMG DMG HLY)
    Armor: Empress Armor (T4 HA - HM HM THNS THNS)
    Misc: Neutron Star Necklace (T4 TRINKET - ACC ACC REC REC)

    2HSS R5
    Heavy Armor R5
    Battle Healing R5
    Fighting Spirit

    Active Mods:
    Iron Skin
    Vengeful Riposte
    Emergency Recovery

    Inactive Mods:

    Active Extra Skills:

    Inactive Extra Skills:

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleport Crystal: 5
    Berry Crumb Bar (LD3): 2



    "Alright, another day, another low-level quest."

    As if in response, Riker gave a low, guttural groan. Lessa, who had worked with many middle school students over the course of her internship, recognized the tone for exactly what it was - annoyance. "Come on," she shot back, looking down to flash her wolf companion a dazzling grin. If it didn't quite reach her eyes, and wobbled a little at the edges, that wasn't such a big deal. Right? "These are so stupid easy, so it shouldn't take us very long to get through them all. Then we'll be rolling in the experience, and more than prepared to join the Frontliners next time."

    This time, it was skepticism that her familiar exuded when he looked up to meet her gaze. Or was she simply projecting? "Seriously," Lessa continued, waving her hands around for good measure. "This is definitely the best way to climb the levels quickly. Most people did these years ago, but I didn't. Why?" Of course, Riker had not actually posed the question, but she answered it anyway. "I have no freaking idea why. But here we are."

    The woman looked as though she wanted to say more, but a sudden cry cut her off. Immediately, Lessa felt every muscle tense, and her hand flew automatically to the hilt of her weapon. The gesture was pointless, as she stood within a safe-zone, but some habits died hard. Distantly, she wondered if she would ever be able to shake those Aincrad reflexes, even if they eventually beat the game.

    Following the sound, Lessa found a frazzled NPC begging a less-frazzled player for help locating her daughter. "Right on schedule," Lessa muttered out of the corner of her mouth, already aware of how the quest giver initiated contact. What she did not expect, however, was how the other player would respond.

    With a sharp tsk of disapproval, the Guardian closed the distance between herself and the other pair in a few long strides. Despite being within the game for more than half a decade, the general disrespect toward NPCs still surprised and annoyed her. She had half a mind to tell the man that, but then she saw his face. Surprise disappeared, and understanding softened the hard edges of her face.

    "Still just as charming as ever, I see."

  5. "Yup," the blonde responded, motioning in the direction they were already walking. "There's a clearing not too far outside of town. That's where I last heard the quest-giver was camped out. Apparently, she moves around a lot. But if we're lucky, she'll still be there." After only a few minutes of walking, the pair found themselves at the city gate. "This is where the safe zone ends," Lessa explained conversationally, gesturing to the invisible barrier. "I'm not sure how much time you've spent outside the city, considering how little experience you've had. But if you go this way again, make sure it's with someone who can protect you. The first-floor boars have killed way more people than the floor bosses have. They can be deadly if you're not prepared."

    After another fifteen minutes of walking and casual conversation, Lessa and Roxis crested a small hill, and found themselves on the edge of a cozy campsite. "Yup," Lessa explained, grinning. "Still here. We lucked out."

    Even as Lessa said the words, an NPC in a green dress stepped out from behind the cart. "So, it appears you've found me. I tend to move around quite a lot, but someone always finds me. I suppose you are looking for some herbs?" 

    Lessa shook her head. "No, actually, we were hoping you could teach us something about gathering? I'm a blacksmith, for example, but I'm terrible at finding the ore I need to do my job. Maybe you could help?

    The quest-giver's eyebrows rose. "Most simply expect me to gather their materials for them, but few truly care about the process itself. You surprise me. You may borrow my compass. Dark magic has made it capable of locating an incredibly rare item called a Demonic Shard. Should you find one, and bring it back to me, you will prove yourself worthy of my teachings. Take care, and may good  fortune travel with you."

    With a quick nod of thanks, Lessa accepted the offered item. As soon as she did so, the quest information updated. "Alright," she announced, turning to Roxis. "Looks like we're on our way."


    Searching for Demonic Shard

    ID# 189913 Craft: 5 Loot: 13 +3 = 16

    No shard found.
    One mat found.

    Total Mats: 1


  6. Applying a couple of Bunny Stamps!

    1. Stamp acquired from Easter 2020 Event. Item acquired from Vig's Shop.

    Name: Empress Armor
    Roll ID: 188108
    Item Type: Heavy Armor
    Tier: 4
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Heavy Momentum(2), Thorns
    Description: A pristine set of armor, forged from Star Silver, an empowered variant of Silver that shines like starlight. Its design is powerful yet elegant, with accents of Celtic blue. The wearer will not miss a single attack in vain, and retribution is brought upon all who strike the wearer.

    After applying the Bunny Stamp, and adding Thorns, it will become:

    Name: Empress Armor
    Roll ID: 188108
    Item Type: Heavy Armor
    Tier: 4
    Quality: Demonic
    Enhancements: Heavy Momentum (2), Thorns (2)
    Description: A pristine set of armor, forged from Star Silver, an empowered variant of Silver that shines like starlight. Its design is powerful yet elegant, with accents of Celtic blue. The wearer will not miss a single attack in vain, and retribution is brought upon all who strike the wearer.

    2. Stamp acquired from this sickly sweet Bahr gift. Item acquired from NIGHT's Shop.

    Item Name: Neutron Star Necklace
    Profession: Artisan | Rank 10
    Roll ID: [188091]
    Item Type: Trinket
    Item Tier: 4
    Item Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Accuracy, Accuracy, Recovery
    Description: A small silver pendant with red accents. Lines and curves work together to depict the neutron star’s elongated shape. Hangs from a long, simple chain.

    After applying the Bunny Stamp, and adding Recovery, it will become:

    Item Name: Neutron Star Necklace
    Profession: Artisan | Rank 10
    Roll ID: [188091]
    Item Type: Trinket
    Item Tier: 4
    Item Quality: Demonic
    Enhancements: Accuracy, Accuracy, Recovery, Recovery
    Description: A small silver pendant with red accents. Lines and curves work together to depict the neutron star’s elongated shape. Hangs from a long, simple chain.

  7. For a short time, the pair simply wandered the midway together. They allowed themselves to be swept up in the steadily moving crowd, two fish dragged along by the current, all the while sharing a companionable silence. So many questions bounced around Alyssa's head, and some made it as far as her tongue before she caught herself. Asking about her mom, her brothers, the house, her life - none of it would do any good. The man beside her was simply a figment of her imagination, a construct of her memories, pulled out by the game to be used against her. Wondering about the outside world would be asking too much of this fantasy, and would likely result in her losing everything all over again. At least now, she would only have to say goodbye to her dad.

    There was a time not too long ago, walking down a midway just like this one, when Alyssa had tried to distance herself from her dad. She had been sixteen, and way too cool to be seen walking around with her parents, especially when the cute guys in her club were watching. So she'd zig-zagged through lines of people waiting for rides, cut through pavilions, and even hid behind tables loaded down with 4-H projects. Peering out between a riotous Independence Day floral arrangement, and a cake shaped like Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, the teenager had watched her father pass by. Dumping her dad was about as cool as hanging with him was lame.

    Those days, and that girl, seemed a lifetime away. Now Alyssa slipped her arm through her dad's, and rest her head on his shoulder while they walked. No harm in living out the fantasy just a little longer.

    Finally, they reached the north end of the midway. The rides and food stands tapered off, leaving only a short walk until the riding arenas and the horse barns. In fact, Alyssa could hear distant whinnies, and the occasional dull thunk of a bored (most likely) mare kicking her stall. She fully expected that they would keep walking, but instead, her dad led her to the final carnival game. The girl's stomach lurched as she recognized the brightly decorated roulette wheel, and the colored tiles that lined the booth on all four sides. The point of the Color Game was simple - individuals placed quarters on the colors they thought would win. Two balls were tossed into the wheel, and whoever had their quarters on the winning colors were given prizes. And while the entire Butler family had sworn off games like this, as they were most likely rigged, the Color Game had been the only exception.

    Gently drawing back from his daughter, her dad plunged his hand into the pocket of his blue jeans, and offered Alyssa a small handful of quarters. In response, she shook her head, and plucked a single coin from the pile. "You know I always pick the same color."

    Her dad's eyes, the same shade of blue as her own, rolled dramatically. "Even now, you're so predictable." With speed that surprised her, he leaned over and planted a quarter on the VIOLET square. "Oops," he exclaimed, grinning over at her. "I guess now you'll have to pick a different color, because you definitely can't have the same one that I have."

    Alyssa huffed out a breath, her blonde bangs flying madly. "That was playing dirty," she informed him, before motioning to the remaining tiles. "Well go ahead and place the rest of yours. Then I'll pick mine."

    Without hesitation, the man placed his final bets in a single sweeping motion: BLACK, BLUE, CRIMSON. Only when he turned back to her did Alyssa reach out and place her single coin.


    "Mom's color."

    "Yeah, Mom's color."

  8. Night fell on the first floor, bringing with it a cool breeze that rolled down the paved streets. While the Town of Beginnings never slept, what with so many people stuck within it's walls, certain areas were more lively than others. Parks swam with people, and cafes and taverns spilled light and sound onto the crowded sidewalks. On the fringes of the city, however, the crowds thinned. For that reason, Lessa was able to move more freely, glancing at each storefront as she passed it. Oscar's hotdog stand stood empty, which didn't bother her any - she didn't look forward to their next interaction. Bahr's tailor's shop appeared dark as well, and worry poked at the back of her mind. If his shop was closed, what was the chance that NIGHT's would be as well?

    Relief bloomed as soon as she noticed the lit window, and Lessa slipped inside The Evening Star. "Hey NIGHT," she called, offering her guildmates a broad smile and a wave. "Super glad I caught you tonight. Would you mind making me another trinket real quick?"

    Item Name: Neutron Star Necklace
    Profession: Artisan | Rank 10
    Roll ID & Result: - - -
    Item Type: Trinket
    Item Tier: 4
    Item Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Accuracy, Accuracy, Recovery
    Description: A small silver pendant with red accents. Lines and curves work together to depict the neutron star’s elongated shape. Hangs from a long, simple chain.


  9. Not a single quest? Roxis certainly wasn't the first she'd ever met who avoided the game for as long as possible, but most had at least attempted the starter quest lines. He had so much to learn, and Lessa was grateful that she'd bumped into him. If nothing else, she could look out for him, and make sure he picked up a level or two before trying anything really dangerous.

    "It's pretty easy, once you get the hang of it." The woman summoned her HUD with a flick of her wrist, and with a few button-presses, shared the quest with her new companion. "Just hit the little blue button on your pop-up," she explained. "I already picked up the quest, because like I said, I've been meaning to do it. Once you accept it, we'll be in a party together. We'll each have to meet our own requirements, but at least we won't be working alone."

    A sudden thought occurred to her, and Lessa also sent Roxis a trade window. In it sat an item called Berry Crumb Bar. "Go ahead and accept this trade. Once you get that item, go ahead and eat it. It's really good, and it will boost your ability to find mats for the next few hours. I figure it'll be a really big help with this particular quest."

    Lessa gives Roxis Berry Crumb Bar (LDIII) [177880-1]

  10. Upon later reflection, Lessa deduced that "blow out air through your nose, or plug it" was one of the first rules of swim lessons. Of course, she forgot all about that the moment her line snapped taut, and yanked her clear off her bench seat. A strangled, yet appropriately pirate-y "arg" left her as she plunged into the water, still clinging to the fishing pole for dear life. The moment the cold water slapped her face, she instinctively sucked in, and felt herself go lightheaded. By the time the woman began piecing together the odd situation she found herself in, Kobold had grabbed the back of her breastplate and dragged her to the surface.

    The first thing out of her mouth was about a cup of lake water. Then, a few spluttered curse words, before she finally turned red-rimmed eyes on her savior. That makes twice in the same day, like a damn damsel in distress. "Thanks," she managed, "again." Then she threw back her shoulders, hefted her blade, and turned on the massive fish. She expected it to charge the boat, or splash around, or do something. Instead, it simply bobbed on the water's surface. It wasn't until Lessa read the status effect that she fully understood.

    "Nice stun," she commented, before leaning as far over the boat's edge as she deemed safe. Her attack was far from perfect, and likely would have missed were it not for the fish playing dead, but it still carved a chunk off the health bar.


    Action Taken: Sword Art - [Galaxy Destroyer] [-12 EN] {Well Rested} 
    Moretsuna: ID#189190 BD: 2+4-0(stunned)= 6 (Hit) MD: stunned ~ 16*13= 183 DMG

    [H:1] Pinball: 1240/1240 HP | 113/124 EN | 15 DMG | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | BRN/BLD/BLIT | 62 BH 
    [H:1] Lessa: 910/910 | 76/88 EN | 16 DMG | 89 MIT | 4 ACC | Thorns: 2 | Heavy Momentum: 1 | Bleed: 1

    Moretsuna: 207/500 HP | 100 DMG | 25 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA {STUNNED} 
    Drown: On a CD of 10+, «Mōretsuna» will attempt to drag down the player instead of attack. The player, on their next turn, will need to make a separate LD roll (as a free action) of 10+ to resist this move. If the player fails, they will lose their current turn and be brought into the water, where they will take 50 unmitigatable damage every turn until they return to the dock or boat. Returning to dock/boat will take up another turn.
    Splash: On an attack roll of a natural 9-10, along with their basic attack, «Mōretsuna» will splash water onto the player, bringing them to their knees and paralyzing them their next turn.
    Struggle: On an attack roll of natural 1, the creature will flail and hit each player for 50 unmitigable damage, but also deal 50 unmitigatable damage to himself.


  11. Spoiler

    Floor 1
    <<Earning a Living: Gatherer>>
    Party Limit: 2 | 20+ Posts
    Repeatable only if changing professions or escorting another player.
    Escorting another player will only yield standard thread rewards.


    Quest Rewards: 

    • 300 Experience Points
    • <<Gatherer>> Profession
    • A Demonic Shard
      • May only be acquired once. Players are ineligible for this reward if they have already completed the Fisher quest.
    • All Gathered Materials


    • Roleplay the following:
      • Talking to Giovanna.
      • Receiving Giovanna's <<Cursed Compass>>.
      • Using the compass to locate and acquire a Demonic Shard.
      • Bringing it back to Giovanna, and return the compass.
    • Search for a demonic shard.
      • The shard is located on material rolls of LD: 15+ CD: 6+.
      • You may keep all non-shard materials that you find (LD: 14+). 
      • Specify in the Roll Purpose that you are searching for materials.

    As you approach the cozy campsite, a woman in green emerges from the wagon. "So, it appears you've found me," she comments, though not unkindly. "I tend to move around quite a lot, but someone always finds me. I suppose you are looking for some herbs?" When you explain that you are interested in learning more about gathering, Giovanna's emerald eyes widen. "Most simply expect me to gather their materials for them, but few truly care about the process itself. You surprise me." Digging into the pocket of her dress, Giovanna draws out a small compass, then offers it to you. "You may borrow my compass. Dark magic has made it capable of locating an incredibly rare item called a Demonic Shard. Should you find one, and bring it back to me, you will prove yourself worthy of my teachings. Take care, and may good  fortune travel with you."


    <<Giovanna Tarragon>>
    Prefers plants to people, which no one can really blame her for.



    Applying Mega Slime Farm (Last used on 11/15/2020)
    Lessa | HP: 800/800 | EN: 112/112 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 122 | ACC: 2 | BH: 40 | LD: 3 | H.M.: 8 | HLY: 8 | REC: 3 | THRNS: 36
    Lessa consumes Berry Crumb Bar (178000-1) LDIII

    Lessa, The Empress
    Level: 31
    Paragon Level: 34
    HP: 800/800
    EN: 112/112

    Damage: 23
    Mitigation: 122
    Accuracy: 2
    Battle Healing: 40
    Loot Dice: 3
    H.M.: 8
    HLY: 8
    REC: 3
    THRNS: 36

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Arcael's Might (T4 THSS - DMG DMG DMG HLY)
    Armor: Empress Armor (T4 HA - HM HM THNS)
    Misc: Neutron Star Necklace (T3 TRINKET - ACC ACC REC)

    2HSS R5
    Heavy Armor R5
    Battle Healing R5
    Fighting Spirit

    Active Mods:
    Iron Skin
    Vengeful Riposte
    Emergency Recovery

    Inactive Mods:

    Active Extra Skills:

    Inactive Extra Skills:

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleport Crystal: 5
    Berry Crumb Bar (LD3): 2

    Continuation from exchange here.

    Though it was silly, Lessa found herself blushing beneath the stranger's praise. "It's really not all that exciting," she told him. "Though I guess if I'm the first crafter you've seen work, this probably looks like sorcery or something." Her smile never wavered, but the woman tilted her head a bit as she studied the young man. How strange it was, that after so many years, someone could appear so completely out of place. Lessa's stomach lurched as she recalled her own fascination with the world, and her wide-eyed awe in the beginning. But that had been so long ago. This Roxis player came like a breath of fresh air.

    So she waved her hand through the smoky air, shoving away his offer for payment. "It's on the house," she informed him. Before he had the opportunity to argue, she explained, "Somebody helped me when I was new, and I owe them a lot. I figure I can just return the favor now. Keep paying it forward, you know?" Even as she spoke the words, a sudden though occurred to her. "And you know, actually, there's a brand new quest that showed up with the recent update. It doesn't look like there's any combat, so you don't need to worry about being new. It'll hook us both up with the new gathering skill. I've been meaning to do it, but dragging my feet because I didn't want to do it alone. If you're up for it, you could pay me back with your company?"

  12. "I'd heard it moved around," Lessa whispered to no one in particular, "but I guess I didn't realize it actually did." Awestruck, Lessa studied the tidy campsite. Though it looked just the same as the last time she had visited, it was constructed in an entirely different location. A smile bloomed across her lips, and with an appreciative sigh, she said, "That's so cool."

    As quietly as possible, the swordswoman approached the center of the site. "Hi there," she called out in greeting, though she suspected she would receive no answer. "I'm here for a few more items. I hope that's alright. Thank you so much for your help!"

    Lessa purchases the following:


    Berry Crumb Bars | LOOT DIE III

    • [15/11/20] | ( 4) | [178000-1] [177880-1] [177880-2] [177889-1]

    2,000 col sent to Daemien.




    Best friend. Red coat, god sword. Emperor of Tarot Hierarchy. Met him at the Monument. Then he almost killed me. Turned out okay though.

    [ journal ]



    First person I met in Aincrad. Tall, dark, and edgy. Hermit of Tarot Hierarchy. Didn't actually die. Met him my first day here. We became friends, then we lost touch.

    [ journal ]



    My first mentee and closest friend through the rough patches. Gaijin samurai. Katana user. Leader of Jacob's Ladder. Led him and his girlfriend through Secret Medicine quest. Almost killed him. Really glad I didn't.

    [ journal ]



    Super sweet guy, and a really good friend. Rapier user, dresses in green. Definitely Irish. First ran into him during the the Bandit Camp quest. Stumbled into the weirdest haunted house with him, assuming it wasn't just some shared fever dream.

    [ journal ]

    https://image.tensorartassets.com/model_showcase/608515467893622678/683e8d30-450b-0e7d-f4f4-9b6bed3e22c8.jpeg text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text 
    Thanks to NIGHT for the Friends template! <3
  14. They walked across the tundra together, the Empress and the Gaijin Samurai. Of course, they had known each other far before such titles came into being, and Lessa found that fact oddly comforting. Equally comforting was the gentle, rolling way with which he told his tale. It was far from monotone, but it also avoided being loud overly expressive, either. Somewhere in between, she decided. This was not a parent telling a child a story. Rather, this was a friend confiding in a friend. A mentor teaching a pupil. And once he had concluded sharing his memory, Lessa found herself oddly disappointed that it was over.

    "I'm a little bummed that your story didn't start with 'when I was your age,'" she admitted on an overdramatic sigh. But when she grinned at him, she chased the comment away with a wave of her hand. "Your hiking trip sounds incredible. I'm not sure that I would have ever had the courage to tackle something like that, let alone the lung capacity. I'm sure it was one hell of a workout, but the view from the top was probably incredible."

    Of course, the woman was dancing around the point Baldur had actually tried to make. Something about the profundity of the story caught her a little off-guard, and the words did not come to her as easily as they might have usually. "I'm glad you were on that hike with me," she finally blurted out, her mouth moving before her mind could comprehend. "I think we've probably seen a lot more valleys than summits over the years. And I know we didn't really walk with each other for a lot of it. But it's been comforting knowing that you were always a message away, even after all this time." The woman drew in a long, slow breath. Then she let it out, watching the steam rise steadily into the snowy air. "And I'm not sure I would have made it out of those really early valleys without your help. So... thanks."

  15. "Just us," she confirmed with a quick nod. "Though maybe I should look for a partner who appreciates my puns." Pausing to give him a quick wink, just in case he actually believed her, Lessa pulled up her HUD. "So here's what I've got." After jabbing her finger at a few different buttons, the quest was whisked away to Alkor. Sharing the quest was easy enough, and she gave him a brief minute to read over it. "It shouldn't be too difficult, especially with us being higher levels. I know floor doesn't always equal difficulty, but that's generally been the case, so I'm willing to bet this one won't give us much fight." Her blue eyes danced across the words as she re-read the quest text for herself. "Sounds like a standard tank and spank, so-"

    The arrival of the other player startled Lessa, and it took her a moment to fully digest what it was he was asking. When he finally did, she gave him a nod, and then a smile. "Hey, yeah, we're both tier three. I'm level sixty-something, and he's level fifty-something. I think." Recognizing her uncertainty likely did not reassure him, she forged ahead. "I'm up for some help, so long as Alkor is."

  16. "Yeah, I drank a bit," she admitted, a weight lifting from her chest with the sudden topic change. Either he had realized he was making her uncomfortable, or he was tired of listening to her trudge through a discussion about Alkor. Or perhaps a little both. But Lessa wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. "Not nearly as much as most college kids. That's probably because I wasn't a huge partier. But my older roommates normally shared their wine coolers with me, and I'd have a glass of wine with my family for special occasions." She poked at her sandwich again, but realizing her appetite was truly gone, shoved the plate further away. "You know, Christmas and stuff. But I can understand why a person wouldn't want to get into it, too. I've seen it lead to some pretty messed up situations."

    "I kept pretty busy in the real world," she told him, shifting seamlessly into his next question. "Taking classes, doing my internship, spending time with my family, going to meetings for a few different student-led clubs. I actually didn't have time for much gaming anymore, which is why this whole 'trapped in a game' thing is sort of laughable." Even as she spoke the words, she didn't smile. But she did glance over toward Chase, and ask, "What about you? What did you do?"

  17. He was there, and the relief that exploded from her lips came on a hard sigh as her body crashed into his. Tremors racked through her, and though her legs went to jell-o, the snowy-haired swordsman supported her. Just as he always does.

    The hand he pressed to her neck was cool, a welcome relief to the hot sweat that had broken out over her flushed skin. She focused on it, and the force with which he possessively held her against him. She focused on the rapid-fire beat of his racing heart as she screwed her eyes closed. She focused on the familiar smell of him, and the sensation of his cotton t-shirt against her cheek. Not the usual crimson coat she had come to expect, though. Had he run all this way in his pajamas? The absurdity of it tugged a choppy laugh from her, and then another, in quick succession. It wasn't until the fifth laugh that she felt the damp spot on his shirt, and became aware of the tears streaming down her face. Somewhere along the line, the laughter had given way to sobs.

    Bahr eased her away from him, and at the sudden absence of his body heat, her eyes flew open. At the same moment, his lips collided with hers. Lessa felt a hunger in the kiss that she had rarely experienced, and an urgency that seemed to roll from him in hot waves. It took only seconds for her to succumb to it, and soon, her shaking hands slowly stilled. Finally, her brain, and her heart, understood what her body already realized - that Bahr was safe.

    "It's okay," she assured him, not entirely unlike how she had comforted her familiar only moments before. It didn't matter if the statement answered his question or not, she just kept repeating it. "I'm okay." She lifted her hands, cupping his face as her gaze shifted between each mismatched eye. "It's okay. I'm not hurt now. I'm fine." She gave him a crooked smile, splitting the tears still drying on her cheeks. "Everything's fine."

    Then, his demands finally registered. In her rush to calm him, she misunderstood his question. "Yeah, the shadows did kill me," she answered hastily, "like they killed everyone else. But now we're okay."

  18. At the mention of their first kiss, Lessa felt herself go a bit dreamy. Damn. Even when concern, sadness, and disappointment all jockeyed for position, memories of their time together could momentarily silence everything. "Yeah," she answered him on a heavy sigh. "That was such a crazy night. It's a little embarrassing to think about, even now, because of all of that stuff I was saying. But it still ended up working out, and-"

    The words died on her lips as Bahr summoned Dawn's Demise in a flash of light and twinkle of bells. "Oh," she finally managed, but the single word was lost to the obnoxious CLANG of the crimson blade meeting the tree trunk. Over and over, he swung, and over and over, it clanged. Soon, the swordsman's grunts, groans, and shouts joined the percussion in an alarming sort of rhythm. Only once all noises ceased, save for Bahr's heavy breathing, did she crack a small smile. 

    A part of her wanted to ask if he felt better, but she knew that would come across as condescending. If the wild display of brute strength and violent aggression had indeed improved his mood, that's all that mattered. If not, perhaps she could help in the process a little. "I do," she answered him on a quick, breathy laugh. Pulling up her own inventory, she selected a weapon, then watched her gloved hand as it materialized there. "I made this in my shop yesterday," she explained, offering her companion the simple axe. "I didn't even notice it in my crafting options until I specifically sought it out."

  19. The woman gave a slow, thoughtful nod. Helping someone else, especially if it meant obtaining information he didn't already have? "Yeah," she confirmed softly. "I guess that does sound like him." But to work with a complete stranger? She hadn't really known him to be so sociable. Perhaps he truly was changing. 

    "I've never heard him described as a 'bro' anything," she mused aloud, amusement dancing in her blue eyes. "But I'm glad you found that you could come to depend on him. He's-" her jaw worked as she once again found herself at a loss for words. Why was it that she found discussing Alkor so incredibly difficult? "-A pretty good guy. I do like to think that I can trust him." The lighthearted laughter was gone from her gaze now, and she dropped the crust that she had been tearing at. "I'm not sure if I'm the friend," she confessed. "I guess I could be. There's a lot of stuff about him that I don't know."

    At his final comment, she offered a weak smile. "Yeah," she confirmed. "It's just a sandwich. Like I said, I come here for the drinks."

  20. The jingle of the bells at her door was something she hadn’t heard in a while. Even as the stranger stepped inside, Lessa stepped away from her forge and behind the counter. In that simple movement, she shifted from blacksmith to saleswoman. As she expected a mere traveler, she was startled when he requested her by name.

    ”I’m Lessa,” she answered with a grin. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” When the man explained his vision, Lessa nodded. “Sure, I can do that for you no problem. Just hang on one sec.”

    A couple minutes later, she returned with his sword. “It’s only a rare, but it should get you started. If you can give me a little more time, I can make you something much better.”


    Name: Black Bastion
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 6
    ID: 188321
    Roll: 11
    Item Type: 2HSS
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: ACC | ACC
    Description: A long two-handed black bladed sword with carvings in it.
    Post Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/4366-wild-rose-forge/page/6/?tab=comments#comment-639225


  21. Spoiler

    Lessa | HP: 800/800 | EN: 112/112 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 122 | ACC: 2 | BH: 40 | H.M.: 8 | HLY: 8 | REC: 3 | THRNS: 36

    Lessa, The Empress
    Level: 31
    Paragon Level: 34
    HP: 800/800
    EN: 112/112

    Damage: 23
    Mitigation: 122
    Accuracy: 2
    Battle Healing: 40
    H.M.: 8
    HLY: 8
    REC: 3
    THRNS: 36

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Arcael's Might (T4 THSS - DMG DMG DMG HLY)
    Armor: Empress Armor (T4 HA - HM HM THNS)
    Misc: Neutron Star Necklace (T3 TRINKET - ACC ACC REC)

    2HSS R5
    Heavy Armor R5
    Battle Healing R5
    Fighting Spirit

    Active Mods:
    Iron Skin
    Vengeful Riposte
    Emergency Recovery

    Active Extra Skills:

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleport Crystal: 2

    She woke to a tongue on her face.

    "Stoppp," Lessa murmured groggily, though a small, coy smile curled across her chapped lips. If he wanted to wake her up with sloppy kisses, who was she to refuse? It was only when Bahr began to whimper in a strangely animalistic way that the woman finally blinked open her eyes. Even through the sleep gunk, she managed to make out the hairy face of, not Bahr, but Riker. Eyes like crushed stars bore into her, swirling with an oddly intense concern. With each heavy pant, he blasted her with hot breath and spittle.

    Disgust and disappointment crashed through the sleepiness as she shoved the wolf back. "Seriously dude? Come on. Boundaries, remember? Personal space." Tugging down the sleeves of her shirt, she dragged the soft fabric over her damp face. Then, more to herself than her familiar, she muttered, "Must have been some dream I was having."

    Yet even as the words left her lips to fill her spacious bedroom, a weird thought occurred to her. Had she been dreaming? As someone who always remembered those unconscious adventures, the fact that Lessa could not quite put the pieces together irked her. A hand slowly moved to her forehead, a cold palm pressing to warm skin before her fingers raked through her hair. If she were in the real world, she might have chalked it up to alcohol. Here in Aincrad, she did not have that conclusion to jump to.

    Riker whimpered again, a sound more anxious than anything she had heard from him before. In fact, the noise startled Lessa out of her annoyance. "Hey," she cooed, now opening her arms to her companion. "Come here. Are you okay? What's wrong?" As Riker stepped into her embrace, and plunged his damp nose into the crook of her neck, a window populated before Lessa's eyes.

    "Update complete?" she questioned aloud, running her left hand over Riker's back as her right accepted the pop-up. A series of follow-ups prompted her to reallocate her SP, and briefly explained that a number of changes had been made to the world she'd called home for over half a decade. Unsure of exactly how to proceed, the Guardian recreated the build she had come to know and trust. Only when the task was done, and her HUD was again empty, did she bury her face in the wolf's rough coat. She stayed there, breathing in his familiar scent, as she thought it over. Why would the game have such a significant update now, after so many years of complete silence from the developers? Was it because they had reached some sort of milestone? Had the Frontliners managed to beat the Floor Twenty Five boss? Bahr had gone to fight, and -

    Waiting on the seventh floor for him to come back from the fight.
    The storm.
    The screams.
    The terror.
    The shadows.

    It returned with the force of the waves that had consumed all of Aincrad. In a heartbeat, Lessa had thrown herself out of her bed and toward the bedroom door. Bare feet slapped the sleek wood floor as she barreled down the hall and into her living room. A fire crackled cheerfully in the hearth - had she left going? - and sunlight poured through the walls of glass - how long had she been out? - but those things only registered peripherally. Instead, her entire focus remained on the front door, and the man whom she would find beyond it.

    Of course, Lessa had no way of knowing just how literal that thought was. At the same time as she grasped the handle, a frantic pounding and terrified voice exploded into the foyer.

    "Apollo!" she cried out, even as she whipped open the door and tumbled through it.

  22. 13 minutes ago, Bahr said:

    Name: Dēvuni Dr̥ṣṭi
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: 10
    ID: 188335
    Roll: CD: 12
    Item Type: Cloth Armor
    Tier: 4
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: 3 EVA
    Description: Description26.41 kB · 0 downloads
    Post Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r10-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=639231

    Name: The King's Lament
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: 10
    ID: 188337
    Roll: CD: 11
    Item Type: Cloth Armor
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Risky | Risky | Recovery
    Description: "Once the loose fitting vest of a great king. When he was killed by his enemies, his spirit would not be laid to rest. That rage and despair linger, fueling the wearer's killer instinct."
    Post Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r10-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=639231

    Name: Twilight Cloak
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: 10
    ID: 187975
    Roll: CD: 11
    Item Type: Cloth Armor
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: EVA | EVA | MIT
    Description: "Affixed between the dark and light is a power that bring both a fright."
    Post Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r10-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=638668


  23. Lessa slipped into the shop, and closed the door as softly behind her as possible. On more than one occasion, she had barged into a shop while it's keeper and a customer were mid-conversation, and the jarring interruption had been both disruptive and embarrassing. As such, the woman had taken to entering stores a bit more discreetly, even if the shopkeep knew she was coming. This time, however, she found herself alone in the neat, tidy space. "Must have missed him," she whispered, taking a moment to sweep over the displays before venturing to the front desk. There, tucked away on a shelf, was her new armor. "Right where he said it would be." Scooping the item into her inventory, she called out, "Thank you so much for your hard work!"

    Lessa acquires Empress Armor!

  24. Rank 6
    Lessa used Crafter's Respite (ID: 159187) acquired here.
    Craft Attempts:

    ID CD LD Mats


    188321 11 7 1 5 Rare
    188322 11 7 1 5 Rare
    188323 8 10 1 3 Uncommon
    188324 9 11 1 3 Uncommon
    188325 4 17 0 2 Salvage
    188326 5 4 1 2 Salvage
    188327 4 8 1 2 Salvage
    ID CD LD Mats


    188328 8 19 1 3 Uncommon
    188329 2 19 1 1 Fail
    188330 11 8 1 5 Rare
    188331 4 5 1 2 Salvage
    188332 9 11 1 3 Uncommon
    188333 5 5 1 2 Salvage
    188334 3 18 0 2 Salvage

    Summary: +3 Rare 2HSS, +4 Uncommon 2HSS, + 40 EXP, - 12 Mats


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