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Posts posted by Lessa

  1. At the mention of peppermint hot chocolate, Lessa's eyes lit up. Aside from caramel hot apple cider, flavored hot chocolate was her absolute favorite warm drink. She hadn't considered picking up anything except information while at the Pumpkin, but now she didn't see the harm. "Yeah, definitely," came her eager reply. "That sounds amazing. And thanks for remembering I don't like coffee. You've got a great memory." With one hand, she motioned to their surroundings. "It must come with the territory though." She grinned at him, and when he turned his back, she swung her attention to Oji.

    With a practiced ease, she navigated her heavily armored body into the chair opposite him. "No need to apologize," she reassured him, resting her gauntleted hands atop the sparkling clean table. "We've all been there before. Some of us have even felt that discomfort more than once." She offered him a lopsided smile, and a one-shouldered shrug. "Personally, I go through phases. Sometimes, I'm really confident, and ready to go take on some floor bosses. Other times, I don't feel prepared to leave the safe zone." After a pause, she blew out a hard breath, rustling her already unruly bangs. "And sometimes, more frequently than I'd like to admit, I don't want to leave my bed. But that's what this quest is all about. Getting a fresh start."

    Why had she told him all of that? Talk about unloading on a complete stranger. With an apologetic laugh, she waved off his concern. "You're definitely not too old. One of my closest friends in the game has a decade on me, and I hope I can be half the fighter he is one day. You'll be fine!'

  2. ꧁༺Lessa༻꧂


    Lessa, The Violet Guardian
    Level: 31
    Paragon Level: 39
    HP: 820/820
    EN: 114/114

    Damage: 23
    Mitigation: 122
    Battle Healing: 41
    H.M.: 8
    HLY: 8
    THRNS: 72
    LD: 3

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Arcael's Might (T4 THSS - DMG DMG DMG HLY)
    Armor: Empress Armor (T4 HA - HM HM THNS THNS)
    Misc: Purple Hair Ribbon (T2 TRINKET - LD3)

    Straight Sword R5
    Heavy Armor R5
    Battle Healing R5
    Fighting Spirit

    Active Mods:
    Emergency Recovery

    Iron Skin

    Active Extra Skills:

    Housing Buffs:
    Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
    Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Col Stash: +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests
    Advanced Training: +10% Exp to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1]
    Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Helping Hand: Lowest-leveled guild member receives +10 bonus Exp at the end of the thread. At least half of the thread's participants must be guild members. Limit one use per month, per character. [1/1]



    "Did you say you had a quest?" 

    The blonde slipped up beside the two Players, her smile warm, and more than a bit sheepish. Prying into someone else's business wasn't something she cared to do often, but at the moment, she really needed a new quest. Something to get her mind off of everything else, and to help her claw out of the weird funk she'd found herself in. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but-" Realization dawned as Lessa's gaze finally settled on the man's face; her smile exploded into a full-fledged grin. "Hey Hik!" She exclaimed. "I didn't expect to see the man himself when I stopped by for some information. It's great to see you again!"

    Not forgetting her manners, she turned to face the other Player. "My name is Lessa," she began, "and I was hoping to pick up a quest or two. I just need a change from the norm, I guess. I completely understand if you'd rather go solo, but if you're willing, I'd love to team up."

    She was being really forward, and she knew it. In fact, Lessa figured she was doing more talking now than she had in the previous weeks. Not to mention the fact she was talking to a complete stranger - quest sniping a complete stranger, to be more exact. But it actually felt pretty good to branch out a bit, and interact with new faces. Not too long ago, she used to love this. If I'm not careful, she mused, I'll turn back into that hermit that I always hated.

  3. “Huh?”

    She muttered the word dumbly, blue eyes glazed over as her brain stuttered. Kissing? Freyd couldn’t have surprised her more if he’d kissed her himself. When she finally sorted through the absurd question, no humor lit her expression. Instead, shadows whispered across her face, lips turning down at the edges. Her jaw clenched as she thought of the last kiss she’d shared, and the long months that had passed since. Then, as quickly as it had come, the storm cleared, and Lessa adopted an amused smirk.

    “Me? Kissing this guy?” She leaned over to shoulder bump her friend, feigning shock as she rolled her eyes heavenward. “Come on, he’s way too old for me.”

    It wasn’t the truth. In all honesty, Baldur’s age had never mattered much to her, though it did present her with some ammunition for occasional teasing. She had actually come to appreciate his wisdom, and his largely more mature way of looking at things. He also lacked much of the drama that generally accompanied men in their early twenties. Still, the idea of kissing him made her feel a bit off-kilter. 

    So she turned away from them both, blonde hair tumbling across her snow-dusted shoulder as she scanned their surroundings. As she gazed across the cheery landscape, she battled back the urge to reflect on the last time she’d been there. Arm in arm, she and Bahr had soaked in the carnival-like atmosphere like two teens on their first date. Now, she found the memory as painful as is it was precious. Like a hot stove she couldn’t stop touching, she continued to call up those visions despite knowing what they’d do to her. The brutal self-sabotage was a sign of a weak mind, but she simply couldn’t find it in herself to stop. 

    “But if this IS a snogging quest,” she finally called over her shoulder, adding a dramatic flair to her voice, “I call dibs on any Fabio looking types.” 

  4. Lessa had never feared taking charge. Even before Ainrad, Alyssa had been willing to step up whenever the situation called for it. Sometimes, this manifested as playing mediator for her brothers, parents, or school friends. Other times, it meant taking the bulk of the work in a group project. And, of course, she shined on the stage while in high school.

    But in the Floor 26 boss meeting, Lessa found herself shrinking back into her seat. She knew it was wrong, but she wished the floor would open up and swallow her whole, rescuing her from the oppressive weight in the air. When had she last felt this anxious? This is awful, Lessa thought to herself, the heel of her right hand massaging the space above her heart. Had the previous meeting been this bad? She figured it had, but between Oscar’s tacos and Bahr’s banter, the tension just hadn’t gotten to her. This time was different. Everything was different.

    Even Baldur appeared ill at ease, his words clipped, his usually smiling lips drawn in a paper-thin line. His speeches usually invigorated her, lighting that fire in her core, and moving her to action. But after the man finished, concluding his soliloquy with a sip of his tea, Lessa found she felt less inspired than before. He wouldn’t look at her, but as she leaned forward to scan his face, she noted the shadows lurking where laughter lines used to reside. How long had those been there?

    A powerful urge to curl up into a ball overcame Lessa, but her large frame and small chair simply did not allow it. Instead, she crossed her arms tightly across her chest. Was this why so few Players joined the Frontlines, or made the decision to leave again? Freyd had announced his departure, and with a pang of panic, Lessa watched NIGHT slip from the room. As her guild leader, she supposed it was her responsibility to check on the woman. Moreso, Lessa worried for the woman she both admired and respected. With a few quick movements, she composed and sent a short message.

    To NIGHT: You good?

    Then, turning back to the meeting, she caught Hirru’s words. Herre, at least, was something she could respond to without fear of accidentally fanning flames. Why was it that these meetings felt like walking on eggshells? “I have a Gungnir Shard,” she stated. “I haven’t applied anything to it yet. I can put in whatever will be the most helpful for my party.”


  5. A grin bloomed across Lessa's face as she recognized the Player and familiar on the other side. "Hey hey, Koga," she greeted warmly, reaching out to pat the man on the arm. "It's really great to see you. You too, Okami." As she addressed the other wolf, she stooped down to rub the familiar behind the ear. At the same moment, Riker bounded over, and began to sniff at his new companion. "Yup," Lessa decided, propping her hands on her hips. "This definitely feels like a case of deja vu."

    When her friend asked his question, some of the good natured humor left Lessa's blue eyes, and her smile faltered slightly. "Oh, uh..." Pausing to drag her bottom lip between her teeth, she decided to take a middle-of-the-road answer. Not a lie, but not the full truth, either. "I've been okay. I have my ups and downs, I guess." Motioning to him, she added dumbly, "I'm sure you know how it is." Does he? Or was she just assuming he had experienced the same anxiety, the same loneliness, that she had come to face on a daily basis?

    "Anyway, how about you? How have you been?"

  6. ꧁༺Lessa༻꧂


    Lessa, The Violet Guardian
    Level: 31
    Paragon Level: 39
    HP: 820/820
    EN: 114/114

    Damage: 23
    Mitigation: 122
    Accuracy: 2
    Battle Healing: 41
    H.M.: 8
    HLY: 8
    REC: 8
    THRNS: 72

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Arcael's Might (T4 THSS - DMG DMG DMG HLY)
    Armor: Empress Armor (T4 HA - HM HM THNS THNS)
    Misc: Neutron Star Necklace (T4 TRINKET - ACC ACC REC REC)

    Straight Sword R5
    Heavy Armor R5
    Battle Healing R5
    Fighting Spirit

    Active Mods:
    Emergency Recovery

    Iron Skin

    Active Extra Skills:

    Housing Buffs:
    Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
    Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Col Stash: +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests
    Advanced Training: +10% Exp to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1]
    Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Helping Hand: Lowest-leveled guild member receives +10 bonus Exp at the end of the thread. At least half of the thread's participants must be guild members. Limit one use per month, per character. [1/1]



    "Right?" Lessa drew the cup of hot chocolate to her nose, then breathed it in with the same fervor someone might inhale a line of cocaine. Only after she had exhaled with a hard sigh, her breath mingling with the chocolate-scented steam, did she take a small sip. The drink was far too hot, but she enjoyed the way it burned as it went down. She could practically envision it warming her from the tips of her fingers to the bottoms of her feet. "Anything that gives me fuzzy mitten and hot cocoa in the middle of a frozen wasteland is good in my book." Not that she had come to mind wandering said frozen wasteland, of course. The frozen lake had always held a special significance, as had the entire fourth floor. And the gaijin samurai's company wasn't too bad, either.

    She cut him a sideways glance, waiting for him to finish his question. She had no idea how long they would be able to sit there, but she hoped it would be a while longer. She also hoped they might be able to keep the cheery mittens afterward. Did an NPC really make them? Will they be a quest reward? If not, can I steal them?

    The exclamation boomed from behind them, and Lessa and Baldur turned in tandem to face the new arrival. As the latter moved to offer assistance - always the gentleman - Lessa stood more slowly. Her flushed face creased slightly, confusion dancing in her blue eyes. Where had she seen him before?

    Even as the wheels turned in her mind, Lessa moved up alongside her dark-haired friend. "Yeah," she agreed, though her voice barely rose above the din of the festival. "We've got your back, so-" Like the clicking of a key in a lock, the name suddenly came to her. At the same instant, his player name flashed over his head, confirming her suspicions. "It's Freyd," she announced suddenly. Then, taking a mental step back, she offered the man a small smile. The goofy hat looked so out of place on him, she feared she might laugh if she looked at it too long. So her gaze met his. "Good to see you again."

    When she turned back to Baldur, she gave his arm a small pat with a fuzzy hand. "He helped me on the Halloween dungeon, and he can probably fend for himself here, too."

  7. A smile broke across Lessa’s face as Baldur shoulder bumped her. It had become their “thing,” a gentle reminder of nearness and unwavering support. She appreciated it, and him, especially in those moments of uncertainty. The weight that had settled across her shoulders lifted - at least for the moment. Freyd’s declaration, though intense, also helped to reassure her.

    However, as the conversation continued to flow, something nagged at her. A few different times, Lessa tentatively lifted her hand into the air, then dropped it again, like a student unsure of her answer to the problem on the board. Finally, when the conversation dwindled to a trickle, she put voice to her thoughts.

    ”Don’t you think it’s a little repetitive though?” After a brief pause, she added, “I mean, the ballista, and then the cannons?” Lessa gave a one-shouldered shrug, then turned to Baldur. As her blue eyes searched his face for some sort of confirmation, she continued to address the group. “I haven’t been to many of these boss fights. Actually, only one, and it was a disaster. But anyway, would there really be two fights with super similar mechanics back to back like this? It feels too predictable. Plus, wouldn’t the game designers be a little more creative than that? Or am I just grasping at straws?”

  8. ꧁༺Lessa༻꧂


    Lessa, The Violet Guardian
    Level: 31
    Paragon Level: 39
    HP: 820/820
    EN: 114/114

    Damage: 23
    Mitigation: 122
    Accuracy: 2
    Battle Healing: 41
    H.M.: 8
    HLY: 8
    REC: 8
    THRNS: 72

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Arcael's Might (T4 THSS - DMG DMG DMG HLY)
    Armor: Empress Armor (T4 HA - HM HM THNS THNS)
    Misc: Neutron Star Necklace (T4 TRINKET - ACC ACC REC REC)

    Straight Sword R5
    Heavy Armor R5
    Battle Healing R5
    Fighting Spirit

    Active Mods:
    Emergency Recovery

    Iron Skin

    Active Extra Skills:

    Housing Buffs:
    Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
    Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Col Stash: +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests
    Advanced Training: +10% Exp to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1]
    Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Helping Hand: Lowest-leveled guild member receives +10 bonus Exp at the end of the thread. At least half of the thread's participants must be guild members. Limit one use per month, per character. [1/1]



    "Hey there, I'm sorry I'm late."

    With a smile that managed to be both warm and sheepish, Lessa slowed to a stop outside of the wooden building.

    The young woman she spoke to cocked a single crimson eyebrow. "Yes," she stated plainly, "you are late."

    Taken aback by the response, Lessa faltered for a moment. "I really do apologize," she managed, hooking the her thumbs in the front pockets of her blue jeans. She had opted for her casual wear - jeans, a tee, a jacket, and boots - but she suddenly felt alarmingly out of place and underdressed. "I live around here, but I guess I underestimated the time it would take me to walk." She nearly apologized again, but bit back the words. She had made a mistake, but she didn't need to grovel. 

    The redhead emitted a short disappointed sigh. Then, surprising Lessa greatly, she waved her hand dismissively. "It's fine." Pausing, she shoved her glasses up her nose, then gestured for Lessa to follow along the path. "Right this way. You likely haven't missed much."

    "I really, really appreciate it." Nodding in thanks, Lessa turned to half-jog up to the house. When she finally slid into the room holding the boss meeting, she noticed that something felt a bit off. It took a few seconds for her to put her finger on it.

    There's hardly anyone here.

    Hadn't the Floor 25 meeting had three times as many people? As unease wound it's way through her like a slow-acting poison, the blonde shuffled up alongside Baldur. Though NIGHT, her guildmate stood nearby, Lessa merely offered her a small wave and a quick smile. Among the small party of Players gathered there, it was he she felt most comfortable with.

    The student Lessa had encountered had been right - she hadn't missed much at all. Ariel launched into her brief speech as soon as Lessa entered the room. Though there wasn't much to go off of, she found herself grateful she had called Ariel in as a replacement. The other Player was a force to be reckoned with, and an exceptional leader when given the chance. Lessa found she didn't mind watching someone else take control for the time being.

  9. ꧁༺Lessa༻꧂


    Lessa, The Violet Guardian
    Level: 31
    Paragon Level: 39
    HP: 820/820
    EN: 114/114

    Damage: 23
    Mitigation: 122
    Accuracy: 2
    Battle Healing: 41
    H.M.: 8
    HLY: 8
    REC: 8
    THRNS: 72

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Arcael's Might (T4 THSS - DMG DMG DMG HLY)
    Armor: Empress Armor (T4 HA - HM HM THNS THNS)
    Misc: Neutron Star Necklace (T4 TRINKET - ACC ACC REC REC)

    Straight Sword R5
    Heavy Armor R5
    Battle Healing R5
    Fighting Spirit

    Active Mods:
    Emergency Recovery

    Iron Skin

    Active Extra Skills:

    Housing Buffs:
    Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
    Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Col Stash: +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests
    Advanced Training: +10% Exp to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1]
    Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Helping Hand: Lowest-leveled guild member receives +10 bonus Exp at the end of the thread. At least half of the thread's participants must be guild members. Limit one use per month, per character. [1/1]



    "This is ridiculous."

    The words came on a hard exhale, and were promptly followed by an ugly gulping of breath. Lessa sucked in air like a dying woman, an action that she considered largely unflattering. Fortunately, there was no one in the vicinity to see her, or hear the wheeze that slipped past her lips. Riker, her wolf familiar, being the exception, of course. And he appeared just as worn out, jaw open as he panted anxiously.

    Thank goodness for the break in skeletons, because if the wave had been endless, she figured she would already be out of energy. Or, at the very least, the will to continue fighting such annoying mobs. They're not even worth that much experience, she mused, annoyance mingling with exhaustion on her flushed face, and the loot is shit. Truth be told, if Lessa remembered how to get out of the Cathedral, she likely would have taken her leave already. She managed to get far more turned around than she would like to admit, and the notion of using a teleport crystal wasn't such an outrageous one anymore.

    "Alright," she decided suddenly, giving her sore shoulders a quick roll before squaring them determinedly. "Let's get out of here before the next wave shows up. If the next room doesn't give us the way out, I'll beam us up out of here. Capisce?" She'd have sworn Riker nodded his head in agreement.

    Ducking her shoulder like an NFL linebacker, Lessa charged into the nearest doorway, nearly flattening the Player and familiar on the other side.

  10. swords-sao.gif

    [Floor 26] Floor Boss Sign-Ups

    If you'll be participating in the upcoming floor boss fight, please post here.
    This is an OOC post - it does not need to be in character, and you will receive no rewards from it.
    The boss fight will begin the first week of November, a few days after the meeting is concluded.
    Breaks will be given for holidays should the fight take that long.
    This fight will be limited to three character per writer (so you are welcome to bring along two alts).

    You may post on each account you plan on bringing, or simply post a list of the names with one account.
    Sign-ups will conclude in two weeks (November 3rd).

  11. WILLOW-TREE-LANE-AT-NIGHT-Other-and-Natu

    Closed to Alkor

    The steam climbed the cool air, bringing with it the impossibly sweet scent of apples, caramel, and cinnamon. Lessa breathed in like a drowning woman reaching the surface, filling every part of her with the familiar aroma. But when she exhaled, her own breath mingling with the vapor, she found herself wholly unsatisfied. 

    Lifting the steaming mug, she pressed it against forehead, relishing in the way the heat permeated her cold skin. The spark of warmth raced through her system, but did little to fight off the chill that never seemed far off. And as her blue eyes opened, the same color as the lake she gazed across, she couldn't find the beauty in it. In any of it.

    Frustration bloomed, as it often did, and Lessa grabbed for it. This, at least, was an emotion she could name, and understand, and do something about. Unfurling her long legs, she returned to her sliding glass door, giving her Adirondack chair's empty companion a wide berth. Once she'd stepped inside, and placed her full glass of cider on the table, she scrubbed both hands over her face. "What's wrong with me?"

    Riker, who lay draped across the overstuffed armchair, watched her woefully. His soulful brown eyes, like dark pupils caught in amber, provided no answer. But she did find some comfort in the support he seemed to offer with his short, high pitched whimper. The wolf's shaggy tail slapped the fabric as Lessa drew closer, and though he grunted as she wedged herself in the chair beside him (or more aptly, underneath him), he did not object.

    Burying her face in in his thick fur, Lessa emitted a grunt of her own. "I need to get out and do something," she muttered against his skin. But what is the point? The question, one that had dogged her for months now, played like a skipping record. Why bother? Exhaustion settled across Lessa's shoulders like a milkmaid's yoke, and she considered crawling back into bed. The same course of action she had taken so many days before.

    As if reading her thoughts, Riker gave another whine, lifting his head to prod at her cheek with his wet nose. Fine, she decided. She would make an attempt. If it didn't go well, then she could go to bed knowing she tried.


    To: Alkor

    Hey, what are you up to?





      The Numbers

    Lessa, The Violet Guardian
    Level: 31
    Paragon Level: 39
    HP: 820/820
    EN: 114/114

    Damage: 23
    Mitigation: 122
    Accuracy: 2
    Battle Healing: 41
    H.M.: 8
    HLY: 8
    REC: 8
    THRNS: 72

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Arcael's Might (T4 THSS - DMG DMG DMG HLY)
    Armor: Empress Armor (T4 HA - HM HM THNS THNS)
    Misc: Neutron Star Necklace (T4 TRINKET - ACC ACC REC REC)

    Straight Sword R5
    Heavy Armor R5
    Battle Healing R5
    Fighting Spirit

    Active Mods:
    Emergency Recovery

    Iron Skin

    Active Extra Skills:

    Housing Buffs:
    Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
    Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Col Stash: +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests
    Advanced Training: +10% Exp to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1]
    Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Helping Hand: Lowest-leveled guild member receives +10 bonus Exp at the end of the thread. At least half of the thread's participants must be guild members. Limit one use per month, per character. [1/1]


  12. The-Wild-West.jpg

    Closed to Baldur

    "I really appreciate your letting me do this." Lessa glanced around the horse's rear end to beam a grin at the old woman. The pure, unadulterated joy on her flushed face might have been more at home on a lottery winner, rather than a girl with her hands on a horse's dirty tail. Expertly, she tangled her fingers in the wiry strands, dragging them downward to work out the tangles. "Seriously, I know it was a weird request. It means so much to me that you were willing."

    The NPC gave a soft chuckle, shaking her head. "It was," she agreed, reaching down to plunge her hands in the pockets of her worn jean overalls. "Nobody has ever asked after the horses, especially a warrior like yourself."

    Surprise flashed in the Player's lake-blue eyes, and she tilted her head as she regarded the stablemaster. Lessa wore no armor, only a pair of jeans over scuffed leather boots and a gray hooded sweatshirt. "Warrior?" she echoed. "What makes you think I'm a warrior?"

    The other woman's gaze met hers, and the skin at the corners of her medicine bottle-green eyes fractured with laughter lines. "I'm no fool," came her matter-of-fact answer. "I can spot a soldier from across the valley." She leaned against the stall door, her short, sturdy frame dwarfed by the barn's tall ceiling. Compact was the word Lessa would use to describe her; a surprisingly strong woman who could likely heft a haybale - or an enemy - clear across the barn. Lessa found she liked her tremendously.

    "Well you caught me," Lessa finally admitted. "I just-" As her voice trailed, and she picked at a particularly nasty tangle, the NPC waited patiently. "I had horses once, a while ago. And I miss them in a way that's impossible to describe."

    Her companion gave a soft snort. "You don't need to describe it," she replied. "I understand. All horse people do. And just like I can tell you're a fighter, I can also tell you're a horse person. It's in everything you do. In you blood."

    Suddenly swamped with emotion, Lessa's throat tightened. She cleared it on a hard cough, then licked her lips, and nodded. "Mhm, yeah," she managed. "I think so, too. About the blood, I mean." As if to demonstrate, she had absently begun working the tail into the tightly braided polo pony knot. No loose spaces to catch a mallet, her coach had told her, and so tight you could dangle from it. The words swept in from the depths of her memory, as they had a way of doing theses days. After nearly a decade away from home, the images were harder to conjure on cue. They came and went like a summer breeze on a hot day, providing both comfort and a dull pang for what was lost to her.

    The lump in her throat tightened, and with a couple quick movements, she freed the tail from the braid.

    "Well she's always available to you," Greta told Lessa. "As are all of the horses here. Just get them back in one piece, though of course I know you will. Is your friend as much of a horse lover as you are?"

    Her laughter, sweet and true, rang like a bell in the dusty barn air. "I don't think that would be possible."


    200x250    l e s s a .
        Notes: fuck yes, finally getting someone on a horse.



    Lessa, The Guardian of Aincrad
    Level: 31
    Paragon Level: 39
    HP: 820/820
    EN: 114/114

    Damage: 23
    Mitigation: 122
    Accuracy: 2
    Battle Healing: 41
    H.M.: 8
    HLY: 8
    REC: 8
    THRNS: 72

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Arcael's Might (T4 THSS - DMG DMG DMG HLY)
    Armor: Empress Armor (T4 HA - HM HM THNS THNS)
    Misc: Neutron Star Necklace (T4 TRINKET - ACC ACC REC REC)

    Straight Sword R5
    Heavy Armor R5
    Battle Healing R5
    Fighting Spirit

    Active Mods:
    Emergency Recovery

    Iron Skin

    Active Extra Skills:

    Housing Buffs:
    Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
    Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Col Stash: +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests
    Advanced Training: +10% Exp to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1]
    Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Helping Hand: Lowest-leveled guild member receives +10 bonus Exp at the end of the thread. At least half of the thread's participants must be guild members. Limit one use per month, per character. [1/1]


  13. The door swung inward, beckoning the victorious adventurers forward. A warm breeze swept through the open passageway like breath through lungs, carrying with it the pungent odor of someone else's waste. A long corridor rolled out like a grime-covered red carpet, seemingly endless as it plunged into the dark. Though it took quite some time to traverse the tunnel, those willing to make the trek were rewarded with a tall, heavily fortified door. Thick wood stood sandwiched between slabs of metal, and an enormous handle dangled from the right-hand side. It connected to a deadbolt, though the thick cylinder remained nestled inside the lock. The heavy door protested with an eerie, echoing groan, but it swung easily backward on its hinges. 

    Beyond the door lay the true boss room. Ceilings like those in a cathedral soared overhead, but rather than the clean tile of a church, the ground here was rough and uneven. Rocks jutted out at uneven angles and intervals, little traps meant to trip up Players. Though the cavern remained cloaked in darkness, four hulking figures ringed the space's center. It was difficult to be sure in the dim light, but they looked a bit like cannons.

    The Floor 26 Lab Boss has been slain.


    1 page - LINK
    Word Count: 6736 // aw crow wtf that was more words than expected
    Multiplier: 224
    Additional Lab Boss Rewards: 2,000 EXP & 30,000 Col

    1. NIGHT = 12080 EXP & 30,000 Col | 5x9x224 | 4500 col [x0.15] "Laurel Wreath"
    2. Baldur = 12056 EXP & 30,000 Col 5x8x224 +1096[0.1] "Advanced Training"  4500 col [x0.15] "Laurel Wreath"
    3. Crozeph = 10824 EXP& 30,000 Col 5x7x224 +984[0.1] "Advanced Training"  4500 col [x0.15] "Laurel Wreath"
    4. Hirru = 8720 EXP & 34960 Col | 5x6x223 & 400 +3252[0.15] "Laurel Wreath"
    5. Macradon = 12080 EXP & 30,000 Col | 5x9x224 4500 col [x0.15] "Laurel Wreath"
    6. Ariel = 15488 EXP & 30,000 Col | 5x9x224 +1408[0.1] "Advanced Training"  4500 col [x0.15] "Laurel Wreath"


  14. When Mac took off, his orange cape flapping behind him like some sort of superhero, Lessa made a snap decision. It appeared he'd learned something, and since their interrogations of orphans weren't getting them anywhere, it was worth following up. So she followed behind, boots thudding on the grime-covered stone, she noticed that their path was beginning to slope downward. Was the entire city at an angle, as some ancient civilizations were built? That sort of construction allowed sewage to flow naturally to the edges of the city, but Lessa didn't get the sense they were exiting the settlement.

    As Cro joined Mac, the pair thudding along together, she determined she had made the right decision. Whatever alert had gone out had both of their attentions, meaning it was likely important. Fortunately, most people parted as the Players charged toward them, though a few muttered curses, or called out their frustrations. A few refused to move, leaving Lessa to (as politely and gently as she could at a run) shoulder them aside. While she hated to bulldoze anyone, even NPCs, it really couldn't be helped.

    Finally, the Guardian moved up alongside NIGHT. She raked both hands through her damp blonde hair, scooping it away from her face as she peered down the path. It appeared they had found the guardian.

    "If you don't mind," she began, "I'm going to call in a swap. I'm a little out of practice when it comes to these things." Not to mention far from ready, mentally and emotionally. "But I trust Ariel entirely, and I think she'll be an asset." Even as she spoke, Lessa composed and sent a message to her old friend. Once she had finished, she cast a smile toward the gathered Players. "I'll head back and see about organizing a boss meeting. It'll save us some time. Good luck, guys!"

    Gives lab boss slot to Ariel.

  15. f75a5e584ef4ff36b8cf7181646cf0b2.png

    The souterrain seemed to reach forever, the windowless walls closing together with each step. That, of course, was simply an optical illusion, caused by the haphazard stonework and flickering light cast by uniformly spaced metal lanterns. Three things remained true: the stench of sewage, the plunging temperature, and the path's slight downward slope. By the time the intrepid Players finally reached the enormous wooden door, they had traveled far beneath the city. To their Cobwebs, old rope, and slime-slicked vines clung to the ceiling like macabre crepe-paper streamers. Rotting barrels, long forgotten, lay toppled along the walls. A line of stagnant green water (if it could be called "water") began a few feet before the door, then disappeared beneath it. It was likely that the city's network of sewers continued on the other side of the door. Unfortunately, something very large, and very vicious, stood between the vanguard and their prize.


    • The Labyrinth Guardian battle will begin when all six players have posted an introductory post, including their stats/equipment.
    • The scouting party may contact outside help, and swap out for a different Player.
      • The switch should be roleplayed by the original scout in the scouting thread (for example, sending a message to their replacement).
      • The Player intending to participate in the fight is the only one who needs to post in this thread. They do not need to post in the scouting thread.
    • Once all six participants have posted, the boss stats will be edited into this post, and the fight will begin.
    • Players will control the boss.
      • It will have it's own rolls, but does not necessarily need it's own posts.
      • Questions concerning the boss (stats, abilities, etc.) should be directed to staff.
    • Stats from the scouting thread (buffs, equipment swaps, etc.) may be carried over to this thread.
      • Equipment changes can still be made, and consumables taken, during the introductory round as well.




    Telicomys, Guardian of the Sewers
    HP: 4000/4000 | MIT: 175 | DMG: 280 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 4


    • Vermin: Cannot be affected by Hypnosis and Lullaby at the same time. This boss is also immune to the Grappling Familiar skill and Freeze effects.
    • Tenacious: Paralyzing this monster will enrage it, increasing its DMG to 300 for two turns. This effect starts only when the paralysis effect ends.
    • Persistent: This boss can be paralyzed up to three times before becoming immune to the effect.
    • Raised Filthy: All DoT effects will last 1 less turn on Telicomys.
    • Vile and Rotten: On MD 8-10, the attack target will be afflicted with Rot for two turns, taking 24 unmitigatable DMG per turn and receiving 50% reduced heals.
    • Chop Up: On a CD 9+, the boss will target the player with the lowest hatred instead.
    • Vicious and Rowdy: Upon reaching 1500 HP, the boss' ACC and EVA will be increased by +1 for the rest of the battle.
  16. Grinning, Lessa regarded her newest groupmates. It had been a long time since she'd teamed up with strangers, especially those who were so low-level. Once, she had spent most of her days leading level ones through beginner quests, and training them to survive in Aincrad. But many of them hadn't taken the training seriously, or taken advantage of her kindness in one way or another. When one of her young pupils was killed by a boar, Lessa found herself withdrawing from the social scene. While she still tutored young Players, it was in social studies and English, not swordplay.

    So much had changed since her hermit days, and the woman found herself coaxed from her shell. So she threw up a gauntleted hand, and gave a quick wave to the three people gathered around her. "Nice to meet you all," she began. "I'm Lessa. Not a level one anymore, but I've never done this quest, so we're all in this together." Even as annoyingly peppy music from a teen musical played in her head, she motioned to her wolf familiar. As always, Riker sat dutifully by her side, his bushy tail rhythmically slapping the ground. "And this is my familiar, Riker. He looks a little scary, but he's a good boy." As if to demonstrate, Riker yawned widely, revealing razor-sharp teeth. Then he let his tongue roll out of his mouth, panting like a puppy.

    "I'll follow your lead," she told them. "I have some items to help me find hidden materials, so I'd rather you guys get the first crack at the more obvious ones."

  17. Lessa slanted Mac a grateful smile. She didn't know the man well, but had heard quite a bit about him. None of the rumors had said anything about him being so sweet, or good with children. People were always surprising her. "And my name is Lessa," she continued as soon as Mac fell silent. "I'm a blacksmith too, but not nearly as good at it as Mac is. I can't tell you how many times I've hit my finger with the hammer!" It wasn't a lie per se - she had absolutely fumbled the hammer on more than one occasion. But the in-game mechanics had kept her from feeling the pain. Her attempt at humor was rewarded when the boy smiled. The girl, however, continued to study the adults. Her brilliant eyes went to suspicious slits.

    "'Ow come I've never 'eard of you?" she finally asked. The question was still delivered as a demand, but some of the force had left her voice. Was she getting curious? Maybe warming up a little?

    Lessa shrugged as casually as she could. "We don't come around here often," she explained simply. "Do you know most everyone around here then?"

    "Everyone," the NPC corrected, nodding her dirty head. 

    "Any chance you've heard anyone talking about something called a 'labyrinth?'"

    Something immediately changed in the girl's face. Her expression, which had just begun to soften, hardened once more. Then she grabbed her brother's hand and dragged him down a nearby alley, leaving the Players staring after them. 

    "Huh," Lessa breathed, standing up before turning to Baldur. "That was odd."



    • Hirru: 24 (2/3 turns)
    • Baldur: 13 (0/5 turns)
    • NIGHT: 34 (3/3 turns)
    • Macradon: 24 (2/3 turns)
    • Crozeph: 19 (2/5 turns)
    • Lessa: 9 (1/5 turns)

    Total LD: 123/150



  18. 1AmQDYM.png

    Lessa, The Empress

    Level: 31
    Paragon Level: 37
    HP: 820/820
    EN: 114/114

    Damage: 21
    Mitigation: 122
    Battle Healing: 41
    Loot Dice: 6
    H.M.: 8
    HLY: 8
    THRNS: 72
    ACC: 1

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Arcael's Might (T4 THSS - DMG DMG DMG HLY)
    Armor: Violet Ribbon (T2 LA - 3LD)
    Armor: Empress Armor (T4 HA - HM HM THNS THNS)

    2HSS R5
    Heavy Armor R5
    Battle Healing R5
    Fighting Spirit

    Active Mods:
    Iron Skin
    Emergency Recovery

    Active Extra Skills:

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Berry Crumb Bar (+3 LD) - Consumed
    Teleport Crystal

    Housing Buffs:
    Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
    Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Col Stash: +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests
    Advanced Training: +10% Exp to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1]
    Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Helping Hand: Lowest-leveled guild member receives +10 bonus Exp at the end of the thread. At least half of the thread's participants must be guild members. Limit one use per month, per character. [1/1]


    The first floor never changed. One might assume that it would, given the sheer volume of Players in the Town of Beginnings. Even half a decade into the game, the population still pressed against the protective walls like an overstuffed suitcase. Of course, instead of dirty laundry or obscenely over-priced souvenirs, Starting City was filled with frightened level-ones, orphans, shopkeepers, and battle-hardened Players who looked to lose themselves in the crowds.

    Then there were the oddballs, who wandered the busy streets without any real motivation. They had no destination in mind, nor reason to be on the first floor, but found themselves there anyway. That morning, Lessa fell in that category. As she strolled, she sipped at the can of grape pop that she'd found in the depths of her inventory. Others nursed steaming to-go cups of coffee, which she supposed was the more normal morning beverage. But what did she know of normal? Besides, the magic bean juice never appealed to her.

    While Lessa appeared quite at-ease with the current situation, her familiar gave a low huff of disapproval. Though she smiled into her fizzy drink, the woman let her eyes roll skyward. "It's not that bad," she informed Riker. Aincrad's most opinionated companion hated crowds, along with most everything else, and he made his dislike painfully obvious. But he seemed to like her well enough, and she adored him, so the wolf and the Player made a pretty solid team. Furthermore, Riker and Lessa had saved each other on numerous occasions, and that sort of bond held incredible value.

    As she went to turn down another street, a sudden shout drew her attention. “You there!" Caught entirely off-guard, Lessa pressed a finger to her chest, as if to ask what, me? "Yes, you. One more person should suffice. Will you join us in our task?"

    The woman stared dumbfounded at the NPC, but understanding dawned when the quest window populated. This is a beginner quest, she caught herself thinking. Like, beginner beginner. But she hadn't done it before, so it would offer some sort of reward. And besides, maybe the other people the mayor mentioned could use her help.

    "Sure thing," she answered, then let her gaze jump to the other two players. "As long as you guys are okay with me tagging along."

  19. "I-I guess so," she replied, somewhat shakily. It had been a while since she had interacted with children, and she had never expected to do so while searching for a boss room. But Baldur might be on to something, and besides, this was her first time. Who was to say that asking children for directions wasn't what you were supposed to do?

    Still, the blonde hung back a few paces while Baldur approached the NPCs. Dirt and grime caked their skin, and the faint sheen of grease in their hair spoke of infrequent bathing. Are they homeless? Or just a couple of kids playing outside together? Lessa had spent her younger years beneath a layer of mud, and personal hygiene had never been her strong suit. Even before Aincrad, her family had teased her about her aversion to showers. So was it possible she was just jumping to the worst conclusion? Maybe the children were fine and-

    No. The way in which the boy grabbed wildly for the food, then cuddled it close to his sunken chest, said it all. The girl, on the other hand, was not so trusting.

    "Don' eat that," she commanded, the fire in her voice causing him to immediately obey. While he looked like he wanted to inhale the bread, he froze, gazing wide-eyed at the girl. She rounded on Baldur. "We don' even know who y'are," she stated plainly. "Why should we tell you anythin', or eat your food?"

    In spite of it all, Lessa felt a small smile tug at the corners of her lips. Fiery little thing. Kneeling beside Baldur, Lessa splayed her hands out in front of her. "You're right," she agreed, "you don't know us. I think you're very wise to be so cautious. But you're also hungry, and we have plenty of food." The Guardian plucked a piece out of Baldur's grasp, then popped it in her mouth. After chewing and swallowing, she offered the stubborn girl a warm smile. "See? It's okay. Just try some. We can talk after you've eaten."


    ID: 198436 | LD:3+6=9

    • Hirru: 24 (0/3 turns)
    • Baldur: 13 (0/3 turns)
    • NIGHT: 34 (0/3 turns)
    • Macradon: 24 (0/3 turns)
    • Crozeph:
    • Lessa: 9 (0/3 turns)

    Total LD: 104/150


  20. “Close?” Lessa echoed, then tilted her head in thought, sending her blonde hair slipping over her shoulder. “I’m not sure I would say we are close. Not as close as you and I, at least. But we are guild mates, and I consider her a friend.” A small smile ghosted across her face, the expression oddly wistful. “She’s definitely interesting, yeah. I’d also like to get to know her better, but we haven’t really had the chance. Maybe more adventures like this will make that possible. You're welcome to come along, and we can both spend more time with her."

    Shifting her gaze, Lessa stared at NIGHT's back as she walked ahead. Baldur mentioned the woman's other side, and he wasn't the first to do so. But Lessa knew next to nothing about her guild mate's situation, and how the duality came into play. Would it be rude to ask her about it? the blonde found herself wondering. Then she filed the queries away for later. Searching for the boss room had to be their top priority, and potentially making waves by asking inappropriate questions wouldn't help. Besides, if NIGHT had invited her to join, they had to be on pretty good terms, right?

    "I'm holding up pretty well," she finally answered, looking back toward Baldur. She offered him a grin, and returned his gentle shoulder bump. "Trying new things." With a gauntlet-clad hand, she motioned to the party that walked ahead of them. "I've never joined a scouting mission like this before, for example. I'm even considering helping in the upcoming floor boss fight." A faint blush lit her cheeks, and suddenly bashful, Lessa's hands went to adjusting her many belts. "Assuming you guys need help, that is. From what I heard, the last fight went really well. You may not need me up there on the Frontlines, but I have been training, just in case." She lifted a single shoulder in a half-shrug. "It would probably feel nice to contribute again, I think."

  21. With mixed emotions, Lessa studied Bahr's crumpled face. The completion of the floor boss raid, and the fact that no one died, was cause for celebration. Yet nothing about Bahr's tone, posture, or expression spoke of joy. Instead, she found only annoyance. This was not an unusual mood for Bahr - he had a habit of holding himself to lofty standards, and was often too hard on himself - but it felt so out of place here. In her clean, cozy kitchen, warmed by the crackling fire and the midday sun, she always found positivity. One more thing that just feels off today.

    "I guess that's something to be thankful for," she finally answered, choosing each word carefully. Glossing over Bahr's concerns was not something she meant to do, but it still deserved saying. "Any boss fight where everyone makes it out alive is a good one."

    With that out of the way, she stepped up to him and gently placed both hands on his forearms. Tilting her face up to his, she let her gaze shift between his ruby and emerald eyes. "But I can understand the frustration, too. I'm so sorry. You really busted ass to get ready for this fight, so to have it not play out like you hoped..." Her voice trailed, and she gave his arms a slight squeeze. "We'll just have to shift our focus to the next boss, and keep working hard. The next one will be better. I'll be there with you to make sure of it."

    Her palms slid down his arms, her fingers finding his and interlacing as she gently tugged him toward the couch. "Are you up for sitting for a minute? I think I need to sit." Was now the appropriate time to tell him about her experiences? Was it ever a good time to discuss chaos, horror, and death on a massive scale? Probably not, but she couldn't keep it from him. She had to let it out, and there was no one else she would rather unload on.

    Lessa folded herself onto the couch, tucking her legs beneath her, and dragging a comically fuzzy blanket across her lap. "So," she began slowly, "you know how everyone made it out of the boss fight alive? That's not how it happened out here. While you guys were fighting, this huge storm totally destroyed the seventh floor. There was thunder, lightning, these crazy sci-fi monsters, and black rain that looked like tar. And when it touched you, it was so cold that you were just paralyzed." Her fingers nervously picked at the yarn on the blanket, her eyes wide and glossy as they stared into the flames. Even though she sat beside him on the couch, Lessa was a million miles away. "There was this insane flash flood, and the water just kept rising. We ran up the mountain, but we just weren't fast enough. I think- I think it got everyone and everything on the entire floor. When it got me, everything just went dark. I woke up in my own bed." Finally, she shifted to look at him, a strained smile twisting her face. "The shadows killed all of us. I don't know why. Maybe it was a part of this update. But it was awful, and I'm glad you didn't have to go through it."

  22. "Blue haori and katana, huh?" She muttered the words, more to herself than to NIGHT, as her companion began moving away. In truth, the combination was far from unusual. Many katana users opted for the more traditional light armor, so that weapon plus a haori did not promise anything. But also blue? Hope bubbled in Lessa as she finally trotted after NIGHT, her blonde hair bouncing, her boot heels clapping against the stone. She considered asking her guildmate about her suspicion, but eventually decided against it. Was there any way to be sure NIGHT and Baldur actually knew each other? They were both Frontliners, sure, but Lessa herself hadn't joined the ranks in years. She couldn't know if they had ever bumped into each other. 

    So she silently held onto the hope, and felt the joy crash into her when she finally saw him. It had been months since they had last spent time together, and as it always did, the time seemed like an eternity when they finally caught up to each other again. Excitement flashed in her blue eyes like flint to steel, and as NIGHT addressed Hirru, Lessa focused all of her attention on her friend.

    "Fancy meeting you here," she quipped, rocking onto her tiptoes to throw her arms around the man's neck. She gave him a quick squeeze, then stepped back in time to hear her name spoken. Oh yeah, introductions. "Good to meet you, Hirru." She flashed the man with the green hair a broad smile. "Thanks for inviting us. I'm looking forward to this." Now more than ever. NIGHT and Baldur, two of her closest friends - as far as company went, it didn't get much better.

    Two others joined them - one with light hair, and one with dark. While the former seemed a bit familiar, Lessa found that she couldn't place him. So when the party began to move, players discussing strategies and floor specifics, the Empress strolled along at the back of the pack. "It's great to see you," she told Baldur, glancing over at him as they fell into step. "It's been a long time."

  23. The message came out of the blue. Of course, that wasn't saying much, as just about every message caught Lessa off-guard these days. While she wasn't reaching hermit status the way she had a few years prior, she didn't consider herself especially social, either. Expecting a message from Bahr or Alkor, the woman's eyes widened as she noted the sender's name. NIGHT? They were guildmates, but they hadn't spoken in quite some time. Additionally, the vagueness of the message first interested her, then concerned her.

    to: NIGHT
    Lessa: Yeah, I'm here.
    Lessa: Why, what's wrong? Is everything okay?

    Before the reply came, Lessa had already changed out of her sweatpants, stashed the jug of lemonade back in the fridge, and closed the distance to the front door. Perhaps sensing her worry, Riker slid up alongside her, keeping pace as Lessa exited Manderley and began the long trip to the Teleporter. She appreciated her solitude, but in moments like this, she regretted living so far away from town.

    Some of that fear abated when the Guardian reached her friend, and received an update on the situation. Lessa blew out a hard breath, hooking her thumbs in her crisscrossed belts as NIGHT spoke. "Yeah," she agreed with a small nod. "I definitely don't have a finger to the pulse of the frontlines. I haven't even fought a floor boss in years. But scouting seems straight-forward enough, and from everything I've heard, it isn't too dangerous. We're pretty capable. I think we can figure it out."

    Her expression turned a bit sheepish, and she reached to rub gingerly at the back of her neck. "Granted, I have absolutely no idea where to start. I don't think I've spent more than a few minutes on this floor, if I'm being honest with you. It makes sense for the opening to be off the beaten path, so underground seems likely. I'm up for starting there, and waiting for a reply from your mystery sender. As long as we're smart about it, I don't think it would hurt to meet up with them."


    Lessa, The Empress
    Level: 31
    Paragon Level: 37
    HP: 820/820
    EN: 114/114

    Damage: 21
    Mitigation: 122
    Battle Healing: 41
    Loot Dice: 6
    H.M.: 8
    HLY: 8
    THRNS: 72
    ACC: 1

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Arcael's Might (T4 THSS - DMG DMG DMG HLY)
    Armor: Violet Ribbon (T2 LA - 3LD)
    Armor: Empress Armor (T4 HA - HM HM THNS THNS)

    2HSS R5
    Heavy Armor R5
    Battle Healing R5
    Fighting Spirit

    Active Mods:
    Iron Skin
    Emergency Recovery

    Inactive Mods:

    Active Extra Skills:

    Inactive Extra Skills:

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Berry Crumb Bar (+3 LD) - Consumed
    Teleport Crystal

    Housing Buffs:
    Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
    Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Col Stash: +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests
    Advanced Training: +10% Exp to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1]
    Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Helping Hand: Lowest-leveled guild member receives +10 bonus Exp at the end of the thread. At least half of the thread's participants must be guild members. Limit one use per month, per character. [1/1]

    Scents of the Wild:

    Wedding Ring:


  24. "That didn't take long." The NPC gave both Lessa and Roxis approving nods as they approached. "It seems my compass proved useful?"

    "It did, yeah," Lessa replied, handing it over with a small smile. "Honestly, I wish I could hold onto it. It really came in handy."

    With a soft chuckle, Giovanna accepted the tool, then slid it into the pocket of her apron. "This is a rare item, and unfortunately, I cannot simply give it away to anyone who asks." With a small smile of her own, she glanced between the two players standing before her. "Regardless of how much I might enjoy their company."

    "It was a pleasure," Lessa assured the older woman. "Take care, and thank you again for all of your help."

    As the pair turned away, a window populated in their vision, alerting them to the quest's completion. The blonde selected the accept button, only briefly studying the rewards before looking toward Roxis. "Lunch is on me."

    Thread Complete
    Lessa & Roxis both unlock the Gathering Profession.
    Less receives 1210 EXP (1100 + mega slime farm), 200 col, 4 mats, and 1 demonic shard.
    Roxis receives 500 EXP, 200 col, 2 mats and 1 demonic shard.

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