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Posts posted by Lessa

  1. ꧁༺Lessa༻꧂


    Lessa, Guardian of Aincrad
    Level: 31
    Paragon Level: 54
    HP: 820/820
    EN: 120/120

    Damage: 28
    Mitigation: 142
    Accuracy: 4
    Battle Healing: 45
    H.M.: 8
    HLY: 8
    REC: 8
    THRNS: 72

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Arcael's Might (T4 THSS - DMG DMG DMG HLY)
    Armor: Empress Armor (T4 HA - HM HM THNS THNS)
    Misc: Neutron Star Necklace (T4 TRINKET - ACC ACC REC REC)

    Straight Sword R5
    Heavy Armor R5
    Battle Healing R5
    Fighting Spirit

    Active Mods:
    Emergency Recovery
    Justified Riposte

    Iron Skin

    Active Extra Skills:

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleportation Crystal x5
    Mass HP Recovery Crystal x2

    Housing Buffs:
    Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
    Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Col Stash: +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests
    Advanced Training: +10% Exp to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1]
    Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Helping Hand: Lowest-leveled guild member receives +10 bonus Exp at the end of the thread. At least half of the thread's participants must be guild members. Limit one use per month, per character. [1/1]



    Team B

    The wind whipped through the trees, dragging its frigid fingers through her long, tangled blonde hair. It tugged at the black jacket she wore, sending the hem flapping around her knees in a dramatic, film noir style. It brought red into her cheeks, and sent chills coursing through her body.

    And she freaking loved it.

    It didn't matter if the air hurt her face, or she couldn't feel her toes, or her teeth burned a bit when she smiled. She was on the fourth floor, a place she had always adored. She was getting out of the house, something she had been meaning to do for months. And she was attending a snowball fight.

    Did it get much better than that?

    The snow beneath her boots cracked cheerfully with each footfall, and her boots joined the half dozen other prints leading toward the edge of the woods. A few flashes of color signaled the presence of other players, and as she moved into the meadow, a popup informed her that she belonged to the B team. As a flick of her gloved hand sent the notification away, she caught site of a familiar face. That red hair, blazing against the pristine white snow, guided her in like a lighthouse's beacon.

    "Jomei!" she called cheerfully, closing the distance between them with a few running strides. "I'm so glad you're here! I can't wait to-"

    Her voice trailed, and those frosty blue eyes narrowed in sudden suspicion. "Wait a sec. What team are you on?"

    [253] @Jomei

  2. Lessa shrugged one shoulder, half of her attention still occupied by Pinball's presence. "I was never much of a team name type," she confessed. "I'm happy to go with whatever the group decides."

    Despite all of her hesitations, the woman couldn't find any reason to reject Pinball's offered buffs. Not only was it a kind gesture, the additional stats would come in handy as she ventured into the mysterious and unpredictable labyrinth. So she sucked in a slow breath, sending her bangs fluttering on an equally slow exhale, and accepted the offered feasts. "Thank you," she muttered to Pinball. "These were a good idea, and it was nice of you to bring them." And she left it at that, consuming the food in silence. It was good, all things considered. Did Pinball make these? she found herself wondering. Is he a cook? There were certainly many things that Lessa did not know about the young man, and distantly, she wondered if she would ever be given the opportunity to learn them.

    As she studied her new, improved stats, Lessa felt another Player move up beside her. A quick glance revealed that it was Nari, her new acquaintance, and the fearless party leader. The comment she mumbled seemed vague and out of place, until the blonde finally caught her drift. Pinball. Was this simply standard concern toward an orange player, or had Lessa's unease been that evident?

    "I guess..." she began slowly, then realized she didn't actually know how she intended to end that sentence. She loosed a small sigh, then tried again. "I guess I don't think there will be any issues." Having dropped behind the two men, Lessa felt comfortable giving a small nod toward Pin's back. "We've got something of a history, but... well, he's never wronged me. So I'll give him a chance."

    What would Bahr say, if he knew she had just said as much about his sworn enemy?

    Doesn't matter, came her answer. He's not here right now.


    Lessa Consumes
    Evasion Cake Feast: +2 EVA [#209562] -- (3/6)
    Eye-Spy Cake Feast: +2 ACC [#209563] -- (2/6)
    Pilk Feast: +3 LD [#209564] -- (2/6)
    Chocolate Coins Feast: +3 Prosperity [#209565] -- (2/6)

    Updated Stats
    Damage: 28
    Mitigation: 142
    Accuracy: 4
    Evasion: 2

    Battle Healing: 45
    H.M.: 8
    HLY: 8
    THRNS: 72
    LD: 6
    Prosperity: 3

  3. Some of the unease left Lessa as Nari executed a shaky curtsey. She had a wild and sudden urge to give one of her own, but opted against it, fearing she may give the impression of mocking the other woman. Still, she didn't stop the small smile that bloomed across her chapped lips.

    "Nari, then," the blonde confirmed, inclining her head slightly in acceptance. "The whole name is beautiful, but, yeah." A soft, breathy laugh escaped her. "A mouthful." Lessa shifted her attention to the familiar, wound around Nari's neck like... well, a fancy woman's expensive fox pelt. What a morbid thought, she scolded herself. "Pleasure to meet you too, Yuki." Riker, to his credit, gave a soft yip that could be interpreted as a greeting.

    Things seemed to be going well, all things considered. Nari was quite friendly, and didn't seem too put off by Lessa's lack of scouting. Maybe this will actually end up being a positive experience.

    Then he stepped up beside her.

    Like a river beneath winter's snap chill, the blood froze in Lessa's veins. She suddenly became incredibly aware of each breath she drew, and how it seemed to resonate Darth Vader-like in her ears. In an instant, she was swamped with both the need to look at him, and the stark refusal to do so. The result was a slanted, side-eye glance that lasted only the briefest second. The look chased all doubt from her mind.

    The last time she had seen Pinball, he'd lay tossed across the snow, pinned beneath the point of Bahr's blade. 

    "How many more before someone stops him, do you think?" Bahr's snarled words returned to her. "How much goodwill can someone like that be afforded?"

    "You almost had it."

    Pinball, gazing down at her, stowing his sword on his hip as the freshly-killed gorilla showered him in pixels. The gorilla that would have killed her, had he not intervened.

    "Do we need to worry about you?" Nari had asked. Depends on who you ask.

    Without knowing exactly what to say, Lessa decided to remain silent. Nothing had gone the way she had expected over the past six months, so why did Pinball's sudden arrival surprise her at all? I don't understand it, she rationalized, but I haven't understood much of anything in a very long time.

    Distantly, Lessa became aware of Dustin's presence. She gave him a small nod of acknowledgement. "I'm Lessa," came her short answer.


  4. ꧁༺Lessa༻꧂


    Lessa, Guardian of Aincrad
    Level: 31
    Paragon Level: 54
    HP: 820/820
    EN: 120/120

    Damage: 28
    Mitigation: 142
    Accuracy: 2
    Battle Healing: 45
    H.M.: 8
    HLY: 8
    THRNS: 72
    LD: 3

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Arcael's Might (T4 THSS - DMG DMG DMG HLY)
    Armor: Empress Armor (T4 HA - HM HM THNS THNS)
    Misc: Violet Ribbon (T2 Trinket - 3 LD)

    Straight Sword R5
    Heavy Armor R5
    Battle Healing R5
    Fighting Spirit

    Active Mods:
    Emergency Recovery
    Justified Riposte

    Iron Skin

    Active Extra Skills:

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleportation Crystal x5
    Mass HP Recovery Crystal x2
    Neutron Star Necklace (T4 TRINKET - ACC ACC REC REC)

    Housing Buffs:
    Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
    Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Col Stash: +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests
    Advanced Training: +10% Exp to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1]
    Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Helping Hand: Lowest-leveled guild member receives +10 bonus Exp at the end of the thread. At least half of the thread's participants must be guild members. Limit one use per month, per character. [1/1]



    "What do you think? Should we go for it?"

    Riker stared back at her, soulful amber eyes bereft of emotion. A non-committal slap of his busy tail against the cabin's wood floor was the only indication he'd actually heard her. 

    "You're no help at all," Lessa chided, drawing her long legs to her chest, and resting her chin on her knees. She'd been deliberating, largely with herself, ever since seeing the notice. A scouting party. Having been a part of the previous floor's scouting team, it wouldn't be her first rodeo. Besides, she was likely better equipped than she had been back then. Yet even as she thought it, doubt flickered into her lake blue eyes. But so much has changed since then.

    As if recognizing Lessa's near-slip into self-pity, the wolf familiar gave a low growl that rumbled like thunder in his chest. When her gaze shifted to meet his, she would have sworn she saw judgment in the glare. The shaggy beast climbed to his feet, then gave a dramatic yawn, pink tongue unfurling between sharp teeth. He padded to the front door, turned, and gave Lessa a look that could only be interpreted in one way - you coming or what?

    Just as advertised, the other Player stood out from the crowd. Turquoise hoodie, purple turtleneck. Glancing down at the blue and purple woven into her own attire, Lessa had to appreciate the color scheme. She approached quickly, long strides conveying a confidence she didn't quite feel. Still, she smiled warmly as she stopped before the shorter woman. 

    "Hey there," she greeted. "Are you Nari-Lanreth?" Please, lord, let me get the pronunciation correct. "I'm Lessa, and this is Riker." The Guardian paused just long enough to motion to the wolf, who had plopped dutifully at her feet. "We're here about your labyrinth search party."

    Now for the uncomfortable part. "I'm not exactly a scout build," she confessed slowly, "but I could really use a change of pace, and this seems like a good chance for that. If you can't find a better fit, I'd really like to tag along."


  5. ꧁༺Lessa༻꧂


    Lessa, Guardian of Aincrad
    Level: 31
    Paragon Level: 54
    HP: 820/820
    EN: 120/120

    Damage: 28
    Mitigation: 142
    Accuracy: 4
    Battle Healing: 45
    H.M.: 8
    HLY: 8
    REC: 8
    THRNS: 72

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Arcael's Might (T4 THSS - DMG DMG DMG HLY)
    Armor: Empress Armor (T4 HA - HM HM THNS THNS)
    Misc: Neutron Star Necklace (T4 TRINKET - ACC ACC REC REC)

    Straight Sword R5
    Heavy Armor R5
    Battle Healing R5
    Fighting Spirit

    Active Mods:
    Emergency Recovery
    Justified Riposte

    Iron Skin

    Active Extra Skills:

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleportation Crystal x5
    Mass HP Recovery Crystal x2

    Housing Buffs:
    Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
    Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Col Stash: +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests
    Advanced Training: +10% Exp to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1]
    Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Helping Hand: Lowest-leveled guild member receives +10 bonus Exp at the end of the thread. At least half of the thread's participants must be guild members. Limit one use per month, per character. [1/1]



    To: Jomei
    From: Lessa

    I could never get tired of you!

    Yeah, that sounds amazing. I'll head your way now.

    I like my coffee dumped down the drain. ;) But if they have hot caramel apple cider, or hot chocolate, I'll take that!

    The journey to Pumpkin's Delight took nearly half an hour, but to Lessa, it seemed to fly by. She remained lost in her thoughts, her movements mechanical as she trekked the familiar path. A new quest line on a new floor was just what she needed to shake off the rust, and the metaphorical baggage she'd been toting around for months. But was she ready? She hadn't kept up on her training, so her reaction times might be slow. She also hadn't paid any attention to the rumors on the new floor, so she was entirely unaware of what she was getting into. Was it possible she might end up holding him back? Or was that just those negative thoughts plaguing her again?

    All the while, Riker padded dutifully at her side, occasionally glancing up at her, but allowing her her silence.

    The bell on the door chimed merrily as the swordswoman finally nudged her way into the coffee shop. She flicked a quick wave in Hik's direction before proceeding toward Jomei's table.

    "Howdy," she greeted, grinning at her friend as she took her chair. "So what are we getting ourselves into today?"

  6. 92b6f4cf1005f9c3aad9510de564ad20.gif
    Spring Fling

    Spring Fling is a brand new OOC event. Rather than interacting IC, players will be given a list of "prompts" or "elements" to incorporate into the writing they are doing around the site. This allows writers to participate even if they're slow about posting, or their characters are just not the partying type; sometimes it can be difficult to shove your character into the "mold" of a site-wide IC event.

    Players will be split into two teams. First, they will be separated by "casual poster" and "power poster," to ensure there is about an equal number of each on both sides. Then the groups will be randomized onto the two teams. Players may be added to the event as time passes, but only when a position opens up (either two people are applying at the same time, or someone from a team gives up their spot - thus forfeiting their points earned).

    In the coming days, a google sheet will be released with a list of elements to incorporate into posts and threads. Examples might be "write with a character you've never written with", or "write a post that involves a hug." When the teams and the list are both released, participants may "claim" tasks they feel they can complete. Points will be awarded for how many "tasks" are completed. Be advised, additional points will be awarded for each unique team-member who contributes. So the team where two people do all of the tasks will not be as effective as the team where tasks are spread equally. Specific points will be displayed on the list itself. Thread-specific tasks must take place in a thread started after the event officially begins. Post-specific tasks may take place in a thread already started. Threads do not need to be closed by a PST to count. This is to relieve the burden on an already tired player support team. However, this rule will be changed if I see it being taken advantage of (old threads dug up for one post task, or threads with one post being created). Just don't be a jerk about it.

    To get you all trying new things, changing up your usual routine, writing with new people, etc. And yes, technically you may find yourself avoiding writing with the other team to keep from giving them points. It's a necessary evil. Take this as an opportunity to get to know your team better!

    These posts can be made anywhere IC! They can be placed on any floor. They can also take place in quest threads, rumor threads, and playtest threads. However, each thread can only contain one task, per team. You can't fill a thread with as many tasks as humanly possible. That's double dipping. The running tally of tasks completed can be found on the google spreadsheet. Once completed, participants should post a link to their post/thread (depending on the task). 

    From April 13th until May 31st at 11:59 PM EDT. If both teams finish their list early, the event may end sooner than expected. This will be made super clear to all involved.

    Questions can be directed to the Spring Fling channel in our Discord, my DMs, or here. Whatever works best for you.



    1. Are you aware "Spring Fling" is a pretty lame name?
    Yes. I know. I am abysmal at coming up with names. Spring Yeet doesn't have the same appeal, and I opted for the different definition of the word "fling" - a short period of enjoyment or wild behavior, or, a short, spontaneous sexual relationship. Draw your own conclusions.

    2. What if I sign up as a "power poster", but can't post every day?"
    This is just a way to gauge how much content you'll be churning out. It's not a requirement, and you don't actually have to post that often. We just don't want to put a team of NIGHTs and Naris against a team of Baldurs and Lessas.

    3. What cool rewards can we expect from this event?
    The friendships you made along the way. But really, aside from a small EXP boost to threads that complete tasks, there won't be a big loot haul.

    4. Wait, this is false advertising. Where's my IC party?
    I think we could all (or maybe just me) use a break from large-scale, site-wide events with dozens of people. It's hard to tell your own story, and harder to feel involved if you're posting at a snail's pace. This event is designed to include everyone. If you want an IC mixer of sorts, you should create one!

    To sign up, just post whether you'd like to be considered a "power poster" (posting once or more a day), or a "casual poster" (posting less often than that).


    Red Team Blue Team
    List Here List Here



  7. Lessa grinned at the stranger, lifting a hand in both greeting and reassurance. "No, don't worry about it. Stay comfy. I get it." And she did, every cell in her body giving a collective sigh of contentment as she eased into the warm water. "This is heavenly," she breathed, closing her eyes to simply savor the moment. When it had passed, and her eyes had popped open once more, she swung her gaze to Jomei.

    "I saw Baldur on my way over," Lessa explained, shifting to position herself a few feet away from her red-haired friend. "He didn't have his PJs on, so I don't think he's sleeping yet. But once he is, we should definitely do something wild and crazy. Truth or dare sounds like a great idea." She lifted a hand from the water, pausing to watch the steam rise from her slick skin. Then she flicked a few droplets in Jomei's direction; they shimmered like diamonds in the lantern-light. "Can we count on you to go first?"

    Finally, she turned to Yona. The woman seemed far more at-ease than she had during their duel. Time, or more likely the hot springs, had appeared to soothe her frayed nerves. "Truth or dare is a great way to get to know each other," she informed the brunette. Her eyelids dropped once more, as if they were simply too heavy to remain open. Then Lessa sank into the water, tilting her head back so only her face broke the surface. "Honestly," she drawled, "it just feels amazing to finally relax for once. Relax, and have some fun. It's been so long."

    @Jomei @Morningstar @Yona

  8. ꧁༺Lessa༻꧂


    Lessa, Guardian of Aincrad
    Level: 31
    Paragon Level: 54
    HP: 820/820
    EN: 120/120

    Damage: 28
    Mitigation: 142
    Accuracy: 4
    Battle Healing: 45
    H.M.: 8
    HLY: 8
    REC: 8
    THRNS: 72

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Arcael's Might (T4 THSS - DMG DMG DMG HLY)
    Armor: Empress Armor (T4 HA - HM HM THNS THNS)
    Misc: Neutron Star Necklace (T4 TRINKET - ACC ACC REC REC)

    Straight Sword R5
    Heavy Armor R5
    Battle Healing R5
    Fighting Spirit

    Active Mods:
    Emergency Recovery
    Justified Riposte

    Iron Skin

    Active Extra Skills:

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleportation Crystal x5
    Mass HP Recovery Crystal x2

    Housing Buffs:
    Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
    Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Col Stash: +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests
    Advanced Training: +10% Exp to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1]
    Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Helping Hand: Lowest-leveled guild member receives +10 bonus Exp at the end of the thread. At least half of the thread's participants must be guild members. Limit one use per month, per character. [1/1]



    The closing of Baldur's announcement seemed to usher in a wave of excited chattering. Players spread in all directions, some keen to grab more food, while others hoped to snag the best sleeping locations. Lessa watched them go as she polished off one cookie, then another. By the time the third had disappeared from her plate, it appeared most had settled into their evening plans. That was fine, she decided as she carefully set her empty plate beside others like it on the table. It was good that everyone was so eager to get involved, and take part in something unrelated to combat for a while. Sure, the duels remained at the heart of the event, and her upcoming bout with NIGHT weighed like a stone. But that was for another day. Tonight, she could relax, sleep, eat, and just exist for a while. Maybe even find someone to braid her hair or paint her toes. Ooh, I wonder if anyone's playing spin the bottle or truth or dare...

    Smiling at her own silliness (and maybe at the visual of a few particular partygoers kissing), Lessa drifted toward the path to the onsen. A soak in the hot water would surely do wonders to calm her sore muscles and her frayed nerves. Even if she had walked away from Alkor feeling better about everything, the process had taken the life out of her. Then there were the duels to consider... No, snagging some time in the steam before everyone else made their way there sounded like the best bet.

    The path to the onsen shimmered beneath the light of the lanterns. The cool night air seemed to hum with life, sweetened by the smell of flowers and the laughter of other Players. Something in that sound held such innocence, such purity, that goosebumps climbed Lessa's bare arms. When had she last heard such joy in so many people? When I see Baldur again, she mused, I'll have to tell him how much this event meant to all of us. Baldur, yet again, was doing the lord's work.

    When the blonde slipped into the women's changing room, she found it unoccupied. Not that it mattered, of course, as she could change directly from her kimono into her swimsuit, but she appreciated the privacy. Still, when the sound of voices carried from the pool, she didn't find herself disappointed, either.

    "Is everyone decent?" she called around the door, seconds before stepping through herself. Her gaze quickly tracked between the onsen's occupants, and only after ensuring they were all dressed did she cock a goofy grin. "Oh, you are. That's too bad."

    @Jomei@Morningstar @Yona

  9. ꧁༺Lessa༻꧂


    Lessa, Guardian of Aincrad
    Level: 31
    Paragon Level: 54
    HP: 820/820
    EN: 120/120

    Damage: 28
    Mitigation: 142
    Accuracy: 4
    Battle Healing: 45
    H.M.: 8
    HLY: 8
    REC: 8
    THRNS: 72

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Arcael's Might (T4 THSS - DMG DMG DMG HLY)
    Armor: Empress Armor (T4 HA - HM HM THNS THNS)
    Misc: Neutron Star Necklace (T4 TRINKET - ACC ACC REC REC)

    Straight Sword R5
    Heavy Armor R5
    Battle Healing R5
    Fighting Spirit

    Active Mods:
    Emergency Recovery
    Justified Riposte

    Iron Skin

    Active Extra Skills:

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleportation Crystal x5
    Mass HP Recovery Crystal x2

    Housing Buffs:
    Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
    Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Col Stash: +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests
    Advanced Training: +10% Exp to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1]
    Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Helping Hand: Lowest-leveled guild member receives +10 bonus Exp at the end of the thread. At least half of the thread's participants must be guild members. Limit one use per month, per character. [1/1]



    The door opened, then closed, with the familiar twinkle of bells.

    The sound held such an oddly charming quality, and despite hearing it countless times, Lessa appreciated it as she exited Oscar's Hotdog Stand. She also appreciated the hotdog that she shoved into her mouth without any thought for the phallic nature of it. Anyone who judged someone else for how they ate America's favorite mystery meat didn't deserve a moment of her time. Besides, nobody she worried about impressing frequented the Town of Beginnings anymore.


    The neighboring storefront called to her, a siren song that Lessa valiantly fought against as she polished off the last of her chili cheese dog. How many times had she peered through that dusty window, squinting against the darkness for some sign of life? How many times had she banged on the door, shouting, crying, cursing until Oscar dragged her back? Until he reminded her that she was better than that.

    He'd reminded her, and so had Alkor, and Jomei, and Baldur. The people in her life whom she trusted the most, and whose opinions really mattered, had told her she was better than a drunk sorority girl banging on her ex-boyfriend's apartment door. And yet...

    They were right. She was. She knew she was, and every day she worked on proving that to herself. Lessa had once more let herself be whittled down by a man, even after promising it would never happen again. "Fool me once," she muttered to the empty street, the cool air a stark contrast to her steadily warming cheeks. Months of disinterest had led to months of complete abandonment, and truthfully, she had no idea which was worse. She had missed him while he sat beside her, and she had missed him after he'd vanished. And in the midst of so much missing, Lessa had forgotten to find comfort in herself.

    No more. He didn't deserve her sorrow, her fear, or her pity. The doubt that had paraded through her mind at all hours of the day, tooting questions like notes on instruments: what did I do wrong, why did he leave, how could I have saved us? He didn't deserve her forgiveness, if she ever saw fit to bestow it - or more importantly, if she ever saw him again.

    And above all else, he didn't deserve the spark of life that lanced through her when she saw the lit store window.

    In the space between heartbeats, Lessa experienced it all again. The misery, the heartbreak, the resentment, the blind rage and the smothering loneliness, it crashed into her, through her, like a tsunami. Her legs nearly bucked beneath the impact.

    I'm. Better. Than. This. that voice her her head roared above the rushing water. I'm. Better. Than. This.

    So Lessa grabbed for the most readily available weapon. The most easily understood emotion.

    The Guardian of Aincrad armed herself with white-hot fury.

    There was no pretty jingle of bells as she threw open the door to the The Crusty Bahrnacle, sending it crashing into the adjacent wall. Fortunately for Bahr, the first floor, and likely the entirety of Aincrad, the blazing inferno that was Lessa simply wilted at the sight of a micro boar. Swine Bajesus skittered toward her on tiny, tooth-pick legs, weaving figure eights between her boots before she finally managed to scoop him up. "Hey you," she cooed gently, bringing the familiar to her cheek for a shared nuzzle. The pig squirmed in her hands, delighted humming sounds radiating from his warm, hairy body. She planted a small kiss on his damp snout. "I've missed you, I have, I-"

    A sound from deeper in the shop drew her attention, and the words she'd meant to say to the boar died on her lips. As she studied him, everything she had intended to say to his master disappeared, too. Those countless hours spent perfecting exactly how she would greet him, then scold, then demand answers... it all simply coalesced into four simple words.

    Because those unfamiliar red eyes peering back through that shaggy black hair held no trace of recognition.

    "What happened to you?"

  10. At the sound of Baldur's voice, Lessa rocked onto the toes of her boots to peer over the horse's back. "Howdy yourself," she called back, grin somehow managing to grow with the man's arrival.

    Greta, on the other hand, gave him an appraising stare. Then she gave a non-committal hmph. "Definitely a warrior," she decided after a few seconds. "Definitely not a horse person."

    The Player laughed again, shaking her head as she watched Baldur circle the mare and come to rest beside her. "We won't hold that against him," Lessa replied, responding with an obligatory shoulder bump of her own. "Greta, this is my dear friend, Baldur. Baldur, this is the amazing Greta."

    Apparently reassured by the ease between Baldur and Lessa, Greta gave a small shrug. "Speak for yourself." But those brilliant emerald eyes shone as she gave the horse's neck a sturdy pat. Then, as she walked back toward the barn's office, she glanced over her shoulder. "Nice to meet you, Lessa's dear friend, Baldur. Look after her."

    Only when the NPC had disappeared did Lessa aim a look up at her human companion. "I'm sure she meant look after Cloud here, and not me." Lessa reached over to scratch the mare's rear end, and Cloud shifted her weight back and forth in a very dog-like manner. "I definitely do not need looking after. I figure between the two of us..." At Cloud's low nicker, Lessa amended, "Three of us, you're the one who needs looking after. But again, won't hold it against you."

    Moving away from him, Lessa strode purposefully from the stall to the tack room. "Plan's to go riding, of course," she called from the small, densely-packed space. When she emerged again, she had a saddle and pad propped against one hip, and a bridle draped over her other shoulder. She wore the latter with the same ease and style that another woman might wield a purse. "I was getting Cloud here ready for you, because she's really mild mannered, but not too boring. No push button horses for Baldur. I figured you needed at least a little bit of a challenge."

    She hefted the saddle up and over, letting it rest on the swinging stall door. Without missing a beat, she hung the bridle from the horn. "I remember you saying you've ridden before, but do you know how to tack up? Trapped in a video game or not, my dad would kill me if he knew I tacked your horse up for you. 'It's all part of the experience and responsibility,' he always says. And yes," she concluded, "saddle sore is definitely a thing."

  11. Cerberus.png


    She grinned as he bowed, and of course, she replied in turn. With a flutter of her eyelashes and a practiced "princess wave," she let him shower her with praise. "Yes, yes, I know it may be overwhelming being in the company of such raw talent and immeasurable beauty," she crooned in a horrendous British accent. "But don't forget, I am a mere mortal. I bleed, just like you and all the other filthy casuals." Only when she'd dropped her hand again did the booming laugh escape her. "I'm glad you're impressed," Lessa told him, her usual Michiganian accent returning. "360NoScope and 420BlazeIt just complained about my being a girl, and said incredibly vulgar things about my mom."

    Though the humor never left her eyes, her expression softened as Jomei likened her to various DnD races. At his mention of a beard, her gesture matched his, and she stroked invisible facial hair. "I'm sure there's a potion for that somewhere. And I've seen The Greatest Showman. Maybe a beard will make me a better singer. And by better singer, I mean a passable singer." Nodding toward her companion, she added, "For all the musical talent you have, I have absolutely none."

    The pair strolled into the cave together, each step increasing the already oppressive heat. By the time they squared off against the flaming Cerberus, Lessa swore she could feel her face melting off. "Good lord," she muttered, blinking back beads of sweat as they dripped into her eyes. By the time Jomei dealt with the first head, and did some moaning of his own, Lessa had come to the same conclusion.

    "Fine by me," she called back. "There are very few things I hate more than being sweaty. I'm definitely ready to be done here."

    Done with so much, she thought as she strode toward Cerberus. His remaining two heads thrashed wildly, the vibrant flames reflected back in her steady blue eyes. Done with the moping, done with the depression, done with the doubt, the worry, the fear. Done with the sadness, and the attachment, and the longing. And the heat. She was just so fucking done.

    The heads fell with wet thumps on the hard earth only seconds before they burst into pixels. Lessa hardly paused long enough to claim her loot before she turned back to Jomei.

    "Let's head back and grab a cold shower." The words weren't even out of her lips before she sucked in a hard breath. "I mean, not together, obviously. Separate showers. If you want to. I'm not saying you have to shower or anything, so if you don't want to shower, that's cool too."

    They were halfway back to town before she finally threw down her proverbial shovel and stopped digging herself any deeper.

    Relaxed | EN restored to full after 2 out of combat posts

    Lessa: 820/820 HP | 102/114 EN | 23 DMG | 112 MIT | 2 ACC | 41 BH | 8 HM | 8 HLY | 8 REC | 72 THRNS
    Jomei:  811/820 HP | 120/120 EN | 23 DMG | 44 MIT | 4 ACC | 3 EVA | 41 BH | 16 HLY B | 48 BLD | 8 FLN

    Energy: 114-(11+4)+2(stamina)+1(bedroom) = 102

    Head 1: 0/200 HP | 40 DMG
    Head 2: 200/200 HP | 40 DMG | 206463 | BD: 10 | 25*11= 275
    Head 3: 200/200 HP | 40 DMG | 206464 | BD: 10 | 25*11= 275

    (WC to this point: 15,162)

  12. The short walk back to the party left her exhausted. The actual journey itself wasn’t the culprit, of course - she wasn’t that out of shape. But the few moments alone allowed her to finally decompress. Two fights, two victories, with the second a perfect performance. Or maybe it might have, had Alkor not been her partner. Nothing between them was perfect, as demonstrated by their exchange during and after the duel. He’d emptied her out, and filled her back up again, rubbed her raw, and still somehow left her feeling better about everything. Good and bad, black and white, he was so damn complicated while remaining so stupidly simple. Contradictions abound, but it worked for him. And it worked for them. It would have to, if she decided he was worth the effort. He is. He always will be.

    But that fact didn’t soothe her tired body, or bridle her galloping mind. The emotional tapdance had thrown open the floodgate to feelings and memories Lessa had preferred to keep buried. Sure, they wouldn’t stay that way forever, but she’d wanted a little more time. Hoped for it. Prayed for it. And recalling the many coping mechanisms she had learned, she threw them all away, and went with her gut.


    Time to eat these feelings.

    A woman on a mission, she strode purposefully toward the buffet table. A splatter of congratulations came her way, which she met with a simple thank you or wave. But those blue eyes never left the food. Only once she had carefully constructed a mountain of food - primarily sweets - did she finally drift back toward two familiar faces. 

    “Gentlemen,” she stated by way of greeting, the word muffled by the cookie in her mouth.

    @Jomei @Baldur

  13. “Yup,” Lessa confirmed, loosing a small sigh at the mention of them. “They’re my brothers. Triplets, actually, and older than me. I was the odd one out, but I did everything I could to be ‘one of the guys.’” Now she laughed softly, shaking her head. “I figure that’s why I’ve always been a little rough around the edges, and something of a tom-boy. I have no idea how to do my makeup right, or style my hair, or match my shoes to my shirt. But I dont shy away from hard work, and I like getting my hands dirty. Plus, my Call of Duty K:D is pretty impressive, which is what really matters, right?”

    As Jomei began to fill in the blanks about his own family, Lessa found herself nodding along. “I guess you’re going to be the expert on all things fantasy, then,” she informed him. “DnD is so far out of my comfort zone. But I guess we’re kind of loving it now, aren’t we?” A smile quirked her lips as she added, “Though I’m not a dwarf, which is kind of too bad. I’d make a kick ass dwarf.”

    When he explained that helping her was enough, Lessa felt herself to a little mushy. “That’s so sweet. You’re really sweet. Thank you.”

    Even as the blush climbed her cheeks, she motioned to the cave. “Shall we? I think big baddy has probably respawned.”

  14. She'd showered him with compliments, and he hadn't responded in turn. In fact, he'd made quick work of reminding her that they weren't actually good for each other, and probably never would be. Charming, a small part of her thought wryly. But in truth, Lessa found she didn't particularly mind the lack of a response. Granted, a significant reason behind that was sheer exhaustion - why keep drilling in a field when you know there's simply no oil? But she also figured, just maybe, she was truly beginning to come to terms with what he was - and what he wasn't.

    And maybe that was enough.

    When he offered the hug, real, genuine laughter bubbled through her. "Nuh-uh," she countered, jabbing a finger in the blonde man's direction. "No way. I know a trap when I see one." She tsked, then shook her head. "Bring me in for a hug so you can complain about how clingy I am. It's a devious plan, really. A very twisty plot twist."

    Instead, she reached out and clapped him on the upper arm. A single pat that lasted only a heartbeat. And if she took some pleasure in the physical contact, she gave no indication. Instead, in a voice meant only for Alkor, she said, "I know you better than that."

    Then she passed him, blonde hair tumbling as a warm breeze blew through the garden. A similar breeze had blown that day on the second floor, as they'd stood beneath the tree and talked of love. Of hate. Of broken people. She had looked at him through those rose-tinted glasses, wanting so badly to make him hers, no matter the cost. No matter what he'd really wanted. She had loved him, hated him, grieved him, longed for him, and cursed his name in equal measure over the years. She had let her emotions cloud her judgement, over and over again.

    When she paused at the foot of the bridge to turn back to him, nothing dulled the intensity in those lake blue eyes.

    "Now come back inside and watch me with this thing."

  15. "Maybe," Lessa replied, flashing him a grin as she plunged the tip of her massive blade into the ground. She leaned on it casually as she regarded the red-haired swordsman. "I was honestly a complete noob when I joined SAO. Now first person shooters, I was awesome at. Having to keep up with older brothers definitely improved my own skills, and more often than not, I beat them. I was decent at sporting games, too, and driving games. But all this stuff?" With one hand, the woman motioned to their surroundings. "Swords, and magic, and quests, and all that fancy stuff?" She blew out a hard breath that sent her bangs fluttering. "Not a chance. Honestly, Link, Henry, and Ben made fun of SAO when it was first advertised. That it was nerd stuff."

    Though reflecting on her brothers stole some of the shine from her eyes, she continued. "But I think we all knew that the Nervegear tech was way too cool to pass up. So I snagged a bootleg copy to beat them in." She loosed a short laugh. "And look where it got me."

    Realizing she'd ventured off on yet another tangent, Lessa's expression softened. "Yeah," she replied, "I'm glad we decided to do this, too. It, ah, played out a little differently than I had anticipated. I kind of figured you'd be the one crying on my shoulder, and not the other way around." A slight blush rose to her cheeks as she dropped her gaze. "But I'm glad you feel like I helped anyway."

  16. I didn't think you had it in you.

    Regret pricked at the back of her mind. Trash talk had been her second language before Aincrad, and she'd thrown insults around with the best of them. In fact, Alyssa had told many a young man to do wildly inappropriate things with their mothers in the heat of battle. So it seemed so foreign a concept that some people may not know that side of her. That they hadn't known her before this black cloud firmly affixed itself to the space above her head.

    But that's a lie.

    A small sigh of relief.

    If Jomei could see through that mask she couldn't seem to take off, maybe there was hope for her yet.

    "I have my moments," she informed him. "I've said some... shall we say, unladylike things. But only when I know the other person can handle it." She turned to wink over her shoulder as she approached the final hound. "Or if they're hitting on me or something."

    Pausing long enough to run the final enemy through, she straightened, then turned back to her friend. "If nothing else, at least Aincrad proved, once and for all, that girls actually do play video games. Imagine if there were only guys here." With a dramatic shutter, she added, "Major sausage fest."

    Lessa: 819/820 HP | 78/114 EN | 23 DMG | 112 MIT | 2 ACC | 41 BH | 8 HM | 8 HLY | 8 REC | 72 THRNS
    Jomei:  820/820 HP | 98/120 EN | 23 DMG | 44 MIT | 4 ACC | 3 EVA | 41 BH | 16 HLY B | 48 BLD | 8 FLN | 

    ID 204013 | BD 9 | ST-1: 24 x 15 = 375
    EN: 89+1-14+2 =89

    Hellhound D: 0/200 HP | 50 DMG | 
    Hellhound E: 0/200 HP | 50 DMG | 
    Hellhound F: 0/200 HP | 50 DMG |

  17. “I’m…” Her voice trailed as Lessa lifted both hands, then let them drop again. How did she feel? Was she unhappy? “I’m nervous,” she finally decided. “The last time he and I dueled, it had a very big impact on us. And not in a good way.” Absently, she wiped her damp palms across her kimono’s pretty fabric. “It messed us up pretty bad, and I’m not sure we ever really talked it over.”

    No, that battle topped the list of times she and Alkor never came to an understanding. When he had run her through with the weapon she’d forged him, Lessa had seen him as a monster. His complete disregard for her feelings later that evening only cemented her analysis. Even years later, the Calming the Soul quest had forced her to replay each painful moments, proving just how monumental the fight was.

    And now she had to do it all again.

    Her gaze flicked across the room, searching faces for Alkor’s. When she came up short, her eyes found Jomei’s again. “It’ll be okay,” she assured him, though it was evident even she didn’t believe the words. “I’ll figure it out. But thank you so much for worrying. I appreciate it.” Lessa reached out to pat Jomei’s shoulder, but the action was distracted - she was already staring off toward the dojo. “I’m going to go get changed.” With a tight-lipped smile, she added, “Wish me luck!”

  18. Even as Alkor corrected himself, and encouraged her not to answer his question, Lessa lifted a hand to quiet him. “No,” she interjected, “I’ll answer it, because I do think you’ll understand.” That same hand found his, and as he drew her to her feet in a swirl of blue fabric and blonde hair, she offered him a smile as warm as the sun-streaked sky. And even if the expression was a bit sad along the edges, it was still a smile. “It’s just instinct. It’s that voice, telling me that if people love me, I must be doing something right. And if they’ve left me, then I must have wronged them somehow.”

    She dropped Alkor's hand, then shifted to lean out over the water. Studying it, she said, “I know it isn’t healthy, but I don’t figure it’s any different than fighting to drown out the critics.” Though she cut him a sly glance, she quickly returned her gaze to Baldur’s stunning estate. “I guess we all have our issues, don’t we? Mine just manifests in the form of needing people. Needing them to let me in, and needing them to accept me.” She paused to loose a short laugh, then shake her head again. “You and I,” Lessa began, “make quite the pair. You need people to accept you, too, but in a completely different way. You need them to keep their distance, but I…”

    Lessa pressed a hand to her chest, the color draining from her fingertips as she dug them into the rough fabric. “I need to close that distance. I need to win them over, to show myself that I can. To prove to myself that I’m worthy of their time and attention. Basically, just to determine if I’m good enough to be their friend.”

    As her hand moved to rub at the back of her neck, massaging the knots that never went away, she blew out a breath. “You’re right it hurts. It hurts like hell, chasing after someone who I know wouldn’t do the same for me. Because, yeah, nine times out of ten, they wouldn’t. But fighting to prove your worth, even just to yourself, must hurt sometimes, too. Maybe it’s just the pain that we choose for ourselves, because neither one of us is perfect. You could open yourself to the world, and I could close all my doors, but that just isn’t who we are. We’re different sides of the same token. I don’t think friendships like this are meant to work out, but if they do, it’s got to be something special.”

    Lessa turned to study him for a moment, the uncertainty in her blue eyes betraying how carefully she weighed her next words. “I do think what we have is special, and not just because of the time that has passed. I’ve stopped romanticizing those old interactions, and if we’re being honest with ourselves, a lot of them weren’t really great. We weren’t even oil and water back then, we were like…” her voice trailed, and when she finally decided on the comparison, she gesticulated with both hands. “... two magnets with the same pole, blasting each other back whenever we got too close. We weren’t good for each other. But I have hope we can be now, because I have so much respect for you. I applaud your drive, though I don’t always understand it. I admire your kind heart, and your strong sense of justice. I appreciate your willingness to try, even if it’s hard. And hey, there aren’t too many people who I can just sit around and talk history with.”

    She leaned over, and in a gesture that was so completely Lessa, gave Alkor a gentle shoulder bump. “You say I gain nothing from this friendship. I say anyone would be lucky to have you in their corner."

  19. Lessa tilted her face to the sun, focusing on the way it warmed her skin throughout Alkor’s dialogue. So many times, she wanted to interject. Every time, she caught herself before she could do so. He asked for quiet, even begged for it, when all she knew how to do was speak. He might as well have asked a bird to stay grounded, or a fish to cease its swimming. It was no wonder he drained her.

    He fell silent, and for the longest time, she said nothing. A splatter of applause from the nearby dojo marked the end of another fight, and the twinkle of windchimes and gargle of a water feature painted a peaceful picture. An observer might think Lessa fit in, with her eyes closed, her face relaxed, her boots crossed at the ankles. They had no way of knowing the war that raged inside her. 

    “I’m not sure what a friend is,” she admitted. “I figure it changes from person to person, because everyone has their own expectations. For me? Well, I know what it’s not. It’s not closeness. I’m not sure you and I have ever been close. If it’s not a malicious Player driving a wedge between us, it’s a murderous Hydra.” She smiled, but her voice held no amusement as she continued, “Hell, we’re sitting side by side, and I’m pretty sure I’d feel closer to someone in Antarctica.”

    She drew a deep breath, filling her lungs with the floral air, then exhaled again. “And it’s definitely not understanding. I thought I’d begun to get to know you better, but I was wrong. And since you’re convinced there’s nothing to know, I won’t keep trying to get blood from a stone.”

    Finally, finally, she opened her eyes. She turned her head so that she looked at him. And she shrugged. “But I will keep trying to be your friend. Because I think trying is what friendship is. It’s effort. It’s showing up. It’s fostering an environment where the other person never has to feel alone. It’s constantly answering the question ‘do I matter at all?’ Because yes, you do matter. If nothing else, if to no one else, you matter to me.”

    Now for the hard part. The part that tore at her, and swirled like a storm in the pit of her stomach. “I do think friendship requires active participation on both sides, though. It’s not a game you can play alone, and trying to hold up both sides of a relationship always ends in disaster.” Her eyes found his, and for once, she didn’t find herself transported to another time. This moment was far too important. “So I’m going to ask you to meet me halfway. I know it will be hard for you, and that it’s a huge request, but I’m going to make it anyway. Because I’ve spent almost my entire time in Aincrad chasing people, and asking myself what I did to push them away. It’s a flaw of mine, I recognize that. But after Bahr disappeared, I realized I couldn’t keep trying to fit myself into someone else’s box. I wasn’t being true to myself. It wasn’t fair, and it wasn’t healthy.”

    With a small flick of her fingers, she gestured to Alkor. “I guess, in that sense, we’re a lot alike. We’ve both felt like we needed to change who we were to make others more comfortable. When we first met, I felt like I had to constantly police myself around you. Damn it, I still feel that way. With Daeron, I had to pretend like I didn’t realize the games he played with me. And with Bahr… I’ve spent way too much time being understanding of things that I don’t understand. That I’m not comfortable with. That fly in the face of who I am and what I believe in.”

    “So I’m going to ask you to be patient with me. There will be times when I offer advice, even when you don’t want it, because that’s what I’ve done all my life. I’ll probably ask you questions, or try to understand something, even though you don’t want that from me. And I’ll always wish, more than anything in the world, that you could just show me how you felt. But if you say there’s nothing there, I’ll try to accept it. I’ll just sit here, next to you, and let you just exist. I’m going to do my absolute best to respect your wishes, Alkor, because you mean something to me. I care about you. I have no idea if you feel the same, but I’m willing to try if it means this friendship moves forward. The thing is, I have to respect myself, too. I can’t turn my light off just because you prefer the dark.”

  20. "Hardy har har," she drawled, though she couldn't keep the smile from creeping onto her own lips. While the miss had been embarrassing, she recognized that she was not the first to ever whiff it, nor would she be the last. It was a game, after all, and sometimes she simply came up short. Jomei's good natured teasing also worked to lessen the blow. "I got the first one," she eventually replied. "I suppose I just wanted to see what kind of man you were, and if you could manage two of them." 

    With a wink, she stepped between her companion and the three newcomers. As it always did, the need for redemption flared hot in her chest. She could handle looking like an idiot once, but twice? That was far less forgivable.

    Apparently, her desire to prove herself proved useful. This time when her sword pulsed with energy, she felt the power blast all the way up her arm. This is gonna be a good one, she caught herself thinking as she exploded toward the first hellhound. It bared its fangs, tendrils of fire slipping out from beneath blackened gums. She bared her own, snarling at the enemy as she leaned into the attack. This time, she wouldn't let it get the upper hand. The creature had only just dropped to its haunches, collecting its energy to spring upward, when she brought the heavy blade down on its head. Her toned arms felt no impact as it slid like a knife through butter, and the creature burst into pixels.

    Turning, she caught Jomei as he dodged the attacks of the other two. "Fancy footwork, twinkle toes."

    Lessa: 819/820 HP | 89/114 EN | 23 DMG | 112 MIT | 2 ACC | 41 BH | 8 HM | 8 HLY | 8 REC | 72 THRNS
    Jomei:  820/820 HP | 104/120 EN | 23 DMG | 44 MIT | 4 ACC | 3 EVA | 41 BH | 16 HLY B | 48 BLD | 8 FLN | 

    ID 203953 | BD 10 | ST-1: 25 x 15 = 375
    EN: 100+1-14+2 (I totally forgot I had stamina)=89

    Hellhound D: 0/200 HP | 50 DMG | ID 903949 
    Hellhound E: 200/200 HP | 50 DMG | ID 903949 
    Hellhound F: 128/200 HP | 50 DMG | ID 903950 


  21. Cosmic lottery. Lessa couldn't help but grin at the man's use of the term. It had been a while since another Player had seemed genuinely pleased to bump into her, and the thought of it warmed her. "I'm always up for some exploring," she answered him, reaching down to scratch behind Okami's ear. Riker, apparently jealous of the attention, shoved his way between her leg and the other familiar. She snorted a small laugh, then gave her wolf a soft swat on the butt. "You need to learn to share," she informed him.

    Straightening, Lessa adjusted the belts that had gone askew as she'd bent over. Her fingers stopped mid-adjustment at Koga's statement. "A giant skeleton? Really?" Her head tilted quizzically as she thought the concept over. "Yeah, you've got a point. Nothing sticks around after it's died unless it's a quest item or something, you know? Or maybe decoration, but that would be kind of weird." Gesturing with one hand to their dim surroundings, she amended, "Weird even for this place. If you know the way to the dead king, lead the way. If not, we can get lost together."

  22. For a moment, all Lessa could do was stare at him. She had just confessed to treating him like a trophy, not a human being, and he hadn't batted an eye. In fact, he seemed to ignore her words entirely, simply latching on to what she considered a less important part of her speech. Even his closing statement, my conflict might never end, felt like the echo of a long-ago declaration. How many times had she heard him speak those words, or similar ones? How many times had she attempted to change his mind, to provide comfort, to offer guidance. Her lips parted to do so again, but only a slow exhaled slipped past. If he were a broken record, what did that make her? And if he didn't care about her sins... well, then why should she?

    Shifting so her back rested against the bridge's railing, she meant to mimic his stance. Instead, she simply let herself slip down the ornately carved wood. Her head rolled back with a gentle thunk, and she closed her eyes as she mulled over Alkor's reaction. It hadn't been what she'd expected, but then again, why should that surprise her? 

    She'd apologized. Or, at least, drifted into the vicinity of an apology before Alkor skated over her. Her train of thought, laden with anecdotes and advice, plunged off the tracks and into a nearby ravine. As it burst into flame, Lessa realized she had nothing else to say to him. Was he hoping she'd say something else? 

    "Alright." For the second time in the span of an hour, it was all she could muster. But this time, the single word felt uncomfortable as it hung in the air, as if she would have been better off staying quiet.

    Unsettled, her hands worried the fabric cinched across her waist. Why, even now, did she feel like every move she made near him was the wrong one? Friendships couldn't exist on eggshells. Still, she found herself coming back to him, time and time again. Did that mean he was worth the anxiety? On her imaginary scale, did Alkor outweigh the negative feelings that he often brought out in her? Or was it her responsibility to simply stop overthinking everything?

    "I won't go looking for 'you' anymore," she stated when the silence finally grew too oppressive. "At this point, I don't think it's a journey either of us want me to go on."

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