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Everything posted by Lessa

  1. His broad smile came from nowhere, and caught the young woman entirely off guard. She regarded him in silence for a moment, her gaze searching his for some clue as to his thoughts. He spoke with an ease that made her slightly uncomfortable, but after some thought, she attributed his nonchalaunce to his inexperience. Perhaps I should have warned him afterall. "Fine," she said simply, shrugging. "It was nice meeting you too, Arc." She delivered her farewell without emotion, her voice almost robotic in nature. Then, as she turned away, she added, "good luck on the front lines." She left him s
  2. The first thing that she noticed was the smell. As she shoved the door open, unsettling six months of grime, she was met by an aroma that overwhelmed her with nostalgia. Her keys clattered to the countertop as she moved past, caught in the memories that hung heavy like the dust in the air. It had been a very, very long time since Lessa had visited the forge. Of course, the thought had crossed her mind plenty of times, especially when the col had run low. But it had never seemed like the right time. So why was she here now, lighting a flame in the cold, long-forgotten fireplace? A run-in with
  3. "Maybe your Thom believed that," she replied as gently as she could, though she struggled to cover the bite that threatened to accompany the words. "And you know, I hope he did. It's always easier when I tell myself the people I've lost are happy now." A pause, and then, "why wouldn't they be, free from this Hell-hole?" Silence enveloped the pair, broken only by the soft sounds of snow settling nearby. The fourth floor was truly a place of mixed emotions for the blue-eyed swordswoman. She was haunted by the memories of the better days. Life had been easier back then. Trips to the Starglade w
  4. Thom. Somehow, she knew that his words were not meant for her. Arc spoke as if reassuring himself of something, and his use of a name unfamiliar to her only made her feel like more of an outsider. At that moment, she was alright with it. She was foolish to assume that she was the only one hurting; perhaps his inner demons were not unlike her own. A few practiced hand motions called up her HUD, and unequipped her gauntlets. Her fingers, now bare against the cold, raked through her long hair. "Sometimes, it isn't all about fear," she replied softly. "Even the bravest person can choose to stand
  5. "Fortune favors the prepared." The sound of her own voice startled her, as did the strength with which she delivered the words. "The bold? The bold throw themselves into battles that they're nowhere near ready for." In the dim light, her blue eyes grew far more icy than anything the fourth floor had to offer. "The bold fight for some ridiculous, warped sense of glory, all the while forgetting the desires of the people they claim to be protecting. The bold get themselves killed." Lessa felt the stranger's gaze on her, and when she turned to stare off down the empty road, it seemed to burn eve
  6. "Burdened." The word felt dry and rough against her tongue, but try as she may, she could not bring herself to argue with him. She gave a short, humorless laugh that slipped past her lips like a soft sigh. "Something like that. But in a world like this, you're incredibly lucky if you're not." "You're fortunate," she told him, "to still be so fascinated by this place. I am too, occasionally. I catch an especially pretty sunset, or the smell of a particular flower, and I find myself appreciating the beauty of it all the way I did on my first day." She watched the snowflakes glisten in the li
  7. The challenge in his tone was not lost on the woman. The beginnings of a mischievous grin cracked her chapped lips as she answered simply, "you don't need to bother worrying about me. I've spent most of my time on this damned floor. Guess you might say I've gotten used to it." "You, on the other hand," her voice trailed, a small cloud of vapor that hung on her lips for only seconds before cooling into the inky blackness of night. Her first instinct was to call him out on his low level. While she had no way to judge his acquired skills, his starter gear screamed newcomer, and she wanted nothi
  8. "Alright, now just bend you knees a bit more." The boy frowned. "They are bent." "More," came the woman's terse reply. When her pupil refused to follow her order, she shook her head, sending her blonde hair tumbling over her shoulder. "You chose a heavy weapon," she reminded him, struggling to keep her mounting frustration from seeping into her voice. "If you want to continue to use the two-handed sword, you're going to need to better understand the balance it requires." He turned to face her, and she again felt her chest tighten at his youth. His chubby cheeks flushed crimson from the w
  9. OLD Item: Gauntlets Name: Rose Gauntlets Quality: Perfect Shop: Wild Rose Forge Description: +2 accuracy, +1 lifesteal. Silver gauntlets with red accents. NEW Item: Gauntlets Name: Rose Gauntlets Quality: Perfect Shop: Wild Rose Forge Description: +2 thorns, +1 heavy momentum. Silver gauntlets with red accents. <span style="font-size:14px;">This was before the permaroller.
  10. Happy Independence Day! I hope it is alien free!

    1. Emblem


      Don't we all! But so far so good!

    2. Ssendom


      (Drinks and New People) Haiz

    3. Thorrissia


      *deposits alien on doorstep and runs*

  11. Nothing quite like a rainy Tuesday.

    1. Rusty


      Sure is a doozy

    2. Reusririasuir


      I was going to go for a run today too; I put it off yesterday, and now it's raining. :/

    3. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      ^Procrastination at its finest!(sry getting bored while thinking on how to reply to a SP)

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  12. And then I shot, shot, shot a hole through everything I loved.

    1. Rusty
    2. Lessa


      Of course I am! I never really went anywhere.

    3. Sapphire


      I'm the biggest Imagine Dragons fan you'll ever meet <3 <3

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  13. Items past this point have been crafted after my tenure as GM.
  14. Mid-morning sun poured through the windows of the second floor shop, washing over the empty lobby. A fine layer of dust rested atop every surface, and more hung uninterrupted in the air, forming a musty-smelling haze. It had been a long while since the owner had graced the forge with her presence, but despite her abandonment, the shop had stood in silent wait for her. There was a sudden disturbance as a key worked the lock at the front door. Then, with a soft whoosh, clean, fresh air flooded the forge. The blue-eyed woman entered, coral lips drawn in a tight line, hands trembling slightly as
  15. Welcome back to the fun side. <3

    1. Daeron


      Thanks. I haven't had much time to get on, so It's good to be back on here for a bit.

  16. Congratulations on making PST.

  17. All good things must come to an end. Today marks the final chapter of the Guardians of Aincrad.

  18. You're wonderful. <3

  19. Aincrad is especially salty tonight, and I love it. <3

    1. Haine


      I don't get it.... WHAT CHANGE >_<

    2. Tyger


      There is no change. It was just a site update from one version to the newest one webpage wise.

    3. Haine
  20. All that matters is the time we had. Doesn't matter how it all went bad. Never wonder what it might be like. Shut the door, say goodbye.

    1. Kosan


      Noo , no goodbye.. (:

    2. Life
  21. It has been a pleasure being your GM, but effective immediately, I am no longer a part of the staff. Thank you all for the support and good times.

    1. Alyss


      *Throws boxes of Chocolate at Lessa*


    2. Kosan


      Lessa , you are a great person.. I can't say I saw a better GM.. You are a great person whatsoever , so yeah.. Also , you don't have to apologize.. If you don't think GM stuff isnt for you anymore , we can't make you be a GM.. You are awesome ! Hope you will remain around here !

    3. Kiru


      Lessa thank you for always locking my threads when I needed it. Thank you for always getting me sick <3 And most importantly thanks for being an awesome GM, I'll miss you as a staff member~

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  22. Oh well. Alkor was dead to me anyway. :) #AlkorProblems

    1. Lessa


      Zel isn't a mod. He didn't cut them officially.

    2. Raeyliff


      Ah, now I understand. Thanks for clearing that up XD. Well, RIP him, maybe the Hydra is going for inactive players...I guess this should be a new thing in boss fights.

    3. Kosan


      Well.. R.I.P. in pepperoni alkor..

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