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Everything posted by Lessa

  1. That's the greatest picture ever. I like you, Raijin.
  2. Anyone up for a non-combat, site-wide holiday roleplay? A party or something. I dunno.

  3. 1. You look like one of my 6th graders. Why are you drinking? (No offense, I love you. <3) 2. Your girlfriend is super cute.
  4. This is one good looking website. Holy smokes.
  5. A sixth grader just asked me out on a date.

    1. The_Kitty
    2. Zelrius


      Good man. Got his priorities Straight

    3. Draterion


      I'm in 8th grade and how old are you?

    4. Show next comments  69 more
  6. The young woman took note of the envelope that Claim had left on the counter. It was interesting to her that he would come back, after all the trouble she had caused him. I guess he liked what I made him though, she thought to herself. Then the girl completed her transaction with Ryuu. "I hope you like them," she told him with a small smile. Finally, she turned to Zelrius. She chose to ignore his harsh tone, as she was used to his stand-offish ways. "You really don't need to pay me this much," she reminded him, shaking her head. "But thank you. Here are your items."
  7. (( You should have contacted me vis PM if there was such a rush. But okay, bye. )) Lessa filled her arms with materials, and made her way to the fire. Ryuu had stopped in earlier, and asked for some equiptment. She knew he was grieving, what with Argumail's sudden death. The least she could do was finish up his order, and put her heart into everything that she crafted for him. Looking over his order, she began to shove the materials into the fire. "Fantastic!" the woman exclaimed, as the crafts began to take shape. Just as she had hoped, she was able to craft Ryuu's two perfect item. "H
  8. "I too, was looking for something. Something real in this world. For me, it was the warmth of your hand."

    1. Moartea


      I love Lisbeth she was awesome!

  9. "Careful!" The young swordswoman called out, clearly concerned by the damage Daeron was taking. She watched his battle healing boost his health, but she still worried for him. Despite his high level and enormous amount of health, Lessa hated to see him take damage. She allowed this anger to carry her toward the bandit once more. Her emotion clouded her blue eyes, but the added accuracy in her gauntlets helped guide her strike to the right place. And as her heavy claymore dropped, she slashed away at the enemy's health. She carved a piece out of his shoulder, then threw herself away from his
  10. Lessa still rode on the adrenaline of the previous day's crafts. They had turned out brilliantly, and she could not be happier. The fear of failure had crippled her, and she had avoided her shop at all costs. But that time was over, and she knew she had to buckle down and do work once more. Rebekah had been waiting so patiently for her crafts, and the young woman knew she could not keep her waiting any longer. Scooping up a handful of materials, the blonde made her way to the fire. One by one, she thrust the materials into the flames. And again, the results were remarkable. Lessa shivered
  11. I have a fancy old desk with locking mechanisms that follow no pattern at all. Which means I locked myself out of my own desk in front of thirty three sixth graders. Never a dull moment.

  12. The young woman glanced over her list of orders that were waiting for her, and she could not help but shudder. There was so much to do, and so little time to do it all. Since her epic failure with Claim, she had more or less avoided her shop. It had been such an embarrassment, and she really did not want to put anyone else through that. But today, she had a more specific, more urgent task. Zel had come to her with a time-sensitive order, insisting that he needed as many items as possible as quickly as possible. Though he had not elaborated, and Lessa had not asked questions, she had agreed to
  13. Are you satisfied with your care? I cannot deactivate until you say “I am satisfied with my care.â€

    1. Zelrius
    2. Azureth


      I am satisfied with my care.

  14. Should I really pay to see a movie that is just going to totally wreck my emotions?

    1. Ranganok


      Well...it depends on whenever do you like it or not(or think it's worthwile). In my oppinion if it's something like Hachiko I would say yes while if it's something with a "bad" ending as you often see in horror movies or some dramas I would say no. In the end, the message of the movie counts. :)

    2. Enjuru


      Depends on the movie. Honestly, I'd watch any movie besides a romance. I wouldn't even watch a romance Anime movie. You probably have different opinions, but I'll only pay to watch a horror movie. #EnjuruisBored

    3. Zelrius


      LEssa, If that movie is Hunger Games, THE HELL YES I myself am going to go see ity today

  15. Don't have the keys, so I can't leave the apartment. Someone bring me food!

    1. Kiru


      AWH no! I shall help my fellow (not) sick person anymore!

  16. "Whoa," Lessa breathed as she witnessed Daeron's enormous hit. That must be how it feels to be a level 32, she found herself thinking. I'll be there one day. This thought gave her a boost of courage, and she was a bit more cocky than she had meant to be when she answered Daeron. "Don't worry about me! I'll be fine." To prove her point, she shoved off her back foot and threw herself toward the action. As she neared the first NPC, she slowed to a halt. The bandit, who would not be duped a second time, squared off against her. The blonde met his gaze, gripped her sword's hilt tighter, and shi
  17. Once she had finished running her fingers through her hair, she turned back to Alkor. Lessa knew he would already be in motion, ready to take on the next threat. He was relentless that way, never wasting a second that could be spent putting an enemy down. But when she moved her attention to him, she was startled to see that he had already completed his attack. He was watching her with an unreadable expression on her face. She caught his gaze and gave him a broad smile. This is nice, Lessa thought to herself. Her smile did not waver as she threw herself into the frenzy. Her gaze was on the
  18. Lessa winced as his words turned cold once more. "You misunderstood," she insisted, turning back to him. She found his gaze once more, and held it as she assured him she was not mocking him. "In fact, I admire your drive. I always have. Sometimes, I wish I could have the same passion, but I just don't." And she meant those words. Occasionally, she wanted to feel what he felt, and live how he lived. How simple a life like his must be, with only one goal in mind. Feeling nothing but the desire to win the game, and letting everything else fall away. To think of nothing else from the time he w
  19. As he withdrew his finger, and told her how pleased he was to see her, Lessa gave him a soft smile. Standing beside him, she realized just how nice it was to be with him again too. The past few weeks had been especially turbulent, and it was a welcome relief to be away from those who worked to complicate everything she knew and felt. Regardless of whether or not they knew what they were doing to her, it was taking its toll. The woman needed a break, and Daeron was providing her with one. She could think of no reason not to enjoy herself while she was with him. Lessa turned to the bandits,
  20. Fear not, ladies and gents. I will reply to the boss as soon as I possibly can. Can't get to a computer right now due to Thanksgiving with the family.

    1. Zelrius


      Psh, We are your family

    2. The Fatal Scythe

      The Fatal Scythe

      And I am your scary uncle... dead uncle...

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