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Status Replies posted by Life

  1. My brother just registered for the site, Finally. This should get interesting for me.

  2. Survived another Monday!

  3. Next Thing On Agenda: Prepare For the Floor 9 Boss! Who's ready to advance into the double digits?!

  4. Attention everyone, my laptop is on the fritz. The battery port on the laptop, located in the right top corner does not work as it should, there may be times when I may or may not be on due to the face that I can't charge it. I may have to get a new one, but my paycheck is not that great, and I get paid every 2 weeks, so I may not be on for a full 4 weeks if my laptop isn't fixed. I will return if that happens.

  5. Attention everyone, my laptop is on the fritz. The battery port on the laptop, located in the right top corner does not work as it should, there may be times when I may or may not be on due to the face that I can't charge it. I may have to get a new one, but my paycheck is not that great, and I get paid every 2 weeks, so I may not be on for a full 4 weeks if my laptop isn't fixed. I will return if that happens.

  6. Attention everyone, my laptop is on the fritz. The battery port on the laptop, located in the right top corner does not work as it should, there may be times when I may or may not be on due to the face that I can't charge it. I may have to get a new one, but my paycheck is not that great, and I get paid every 2 weeks, so I may not be on for a full 4 weeks if my laptop isn't fixed. I will return if that happens.

  7. Attention everyone, my laptop is on the fritz. The battery port on the laptop, located in the right top corner does not work as it should, there may be times when I may or may not be on due to the face that I can't charge it. I may have to get a new one, but my paycheck is not that great, and I get paid every 2 weeks, so I may not be on for a full 4 weeks if my laptop isn't fixed. I will return if that happens.


  9. I have had a long day of photoshoots so sorry for the delay in any posts, will catch up with them soon!

  10. I have had a long day of photoshoots so sorry for the delay in any posts, will catch up with them soon!

  11. ... i feel like crap you guys.

  12. Looking over the skills... Decisions, decisions.

  13. Looking over the skills... Decisions, decisions.

  14. It is nice to be here, wow so much activity

  15. It is nice to be here, wow so much activity

  16. It is nice to be here, wow so much activity

  17. Anyone selling health potions?

  18. Anybody up for a cool RP. I'm thinking I want to do something along the lines of a cool raid or something. Of course, I'm up for suggestions as well if you are in.

  19. You know you're bored with a SP when you start rhyming your post with rudolf the red nosed reindeer

  20. Anyone willing to help me <>?

  21. Anyone willing to help me <>?

  22. Love is bullshit.

  23. Love is bullshit.

  24. Love is bullshit.

  25. Love is bullshit.

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