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Tristan Delaney

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Posts posted by Tristan Delaney

  1. 6 minutes ago, Ariel - The Crowned Lion said:

    Name: Darcy's Elegance - Burgundy Edition -
    Profession: Tailor
    (7) High Mentor
    Roll: 11 (10+1)
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +1 Recovery +1 Evasion
    A Burgundy colored elegant coat what comes with white scarf. It evokes the feeling of aristocracy once equipped. It can potentially go with any kind of pants as long as they are not cut or rugged. On the left breast pocket area there is a small, discreetly placed white crowned lion logo.

    Name: Darcy's Elegance - Green Edition -
    Profession: Tailor
    (7) High Mentor
    Roll: 11 (10+1)
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +3 Damage Mitigation +1 Evasion
    A Green colored elegant coat what comes with white scarf. It evokes the feeling of aristocracy once equipped. It can potentially go with any kind of pants as long as they are not cut or rugged. On the left breast pocket area there is a small, discreetly placed white crowned lion logo.

    Name: Darcy's Elegance - Blue Edition -
    Profession: Tailor
    (7) High Mentor
    Roll: 10 (9+1)
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +3 Damage Mitigation +1 Evasion
    A blue colored elegant coat what comes with white scarf. It evokes the feeling of aristocracy once equipped. It can potentially go with any kind of pants as long as they are not cut or rugged. On the left breast pocket area there is a small, discreetly placed white crowned lion logo.

    Name: Darcy's Elegance - Black Jack Edition -
    Profession: Tailor
    (7) High Mentor
    Roll: 10 (9+1)
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +1 Recovery +1 Evasion
    A extremely Black colored elegant coat what comes with white scarf. It evokes the feeling of aristocracy once equipped. It can potentially go with any kind of pants as long as they are not cut or rugged. On the left breast pocket area there is a small, discreetly placed white crowned lion logo.

    Name: Darcy's Elegance - Red Edition -
    Profession: Tailor
    (7) High Mentor
    Roll: 10 (9+1)
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +3 Damage Mitigation +1 Recovery
    A Green colored elegant coat what comes with white scarf. It evokes the feeling of aristocracy once equipped. It can potentially go with any kind of pants as long as they are not cut or rugged. On the left breast pocket area there is a small, discreetly placed white crowned lion logo.

    All approved.

  2. Tristan perked up when he heard that they would be doing a quest that they had not yet done before, equipping his armor and shield to his back as they walked out of his store that was also where he lived, looking around to see if the store was in order. They appeared all fine, so he smiled as he was dragged by Flints, firmly holding her hand as they walked to Floor 3. "So which quest are we doing then by chance? As I can't think of anything particularly major on Floor 3.". He guessed that they would do a harder boss fight one like Banshee or Guardian of Fire, at least that made the most sense.

  3. 20 minutes ago, Teayre said:

    Artisan Rank: 7
    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7254-shop-floor-13-amethyst-boutique/?do=findComment&comment=435627

    ID: 40263 CD: 13 (12 + 1 CD)
    Item: Bag o’Fish
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +1 Ambition (+1 EXP for every Craft)
    Description: A small bag with fish spilling out from the top, made entirely from aquamarine.


    ID: 40262 CD: 8 (7 + 1 CD)
    Item: Healer’s Bauble
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement: +1 CD in combat when using First Aid
    Description: A tiny glass ball that has a red cross situated inside it.

    ID: 40260 CD: 9 (8 + 1 CD)
    Item: Garnet Eyepatch
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement: +1 Acc
    Description: The garnet itself appears to be a kaleidoscope of red and black, the red forming three distinct leaves around the centre point the black forming three half leaves set inside each red leaf. The centre itself is red allowing the user to see through it, the colour is said to help direct the user to the weaknesses of their opponents.

    ID: 40257 CD: 12 (11 + 1 CD)
    Item: Golden Fish
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +1 CD when crafting in a shop
    Description: A small goldfish with a silver chain running through its tail.



  4. Tristan chuckled and kissed Kita again when she admitted her love for him. He grinned and gently spoke with "Well it is good to know that my wife loves me. I love you more than anything too.", holding her close and swaying with her still. However there was then a change in music to a song that made Tristan smile widely and briefly look at Zero to nod at him. He could only praise his Commandant for the choice of song and then focused back on Kita, taking her hands more firmly. This time he began dancing more energetically to the song, as it was a happy and upbeat song which warranted more than a sway. However fully aware of her drunken state, he made sure to instead of having her focus on dancing, had her be led by his movement, pulling her along and ensuring she was safe the entire time so she didn't fall or the like. It was an excellent evening and it made him happy to share it with his beloved.

  5. 1 hour ago, Teion said:

    Name: Heavely Arm
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 6 - Mentor Blacksmith
    ID: 40250
    Roll: 9+1=10
    Item Type: Shield
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +2 Mitigation
    Description: A shield in the form of an angelic wing that attaches to the arm from a bracer, the shield follows the length of the forearm and just past the elbow. when entering combat the wing will extend out to protect it's wearer.


  6. On 11/24/2015, 5:06:10, Teion said:

    Name: Dementia

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: 6 - Mentor Blacksmith

    ID: 39956

    Roll: 10+1=11

    Item Type: Weapon (Dagger)

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: +2 Damage

    Description: A black blade with a dark purple handle. Different symbols and images on the blade itself, following in one line to the tip of the blade.


    Name: Razor's Edge

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: 6 - Mentor Blacksmith

    ID: 39957

    Roll: 10+1=11

    Item Type: Weapon (Katana)

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: +1 Damage, +1 Bleed

    Description: The hilt is wrapped in black cloth with an ornamental white feather hanging from the end.


    On 11/24/2015, 8:19:31, Teion said:

    Name: Sunlit Guard

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: 5 - Assistant Blacksmith

    ID: 38723

    Roll: 8+1=9

    Item Type: Heavy Armor

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: +1 Recovery

    Description: A heavy chestpiece with golden trim. It seems to absorb a small amount of sunlight and pass the energy on to the wearer.


    Name: Duelist's Bracers

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: 5 - Assistant Blacksmith

    ID: 38725

    Roll: 7+1=8

    Item Type: Heavy Armor (Bracers)

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: +1 Recovery

    Description: Simple metal bracers with leather accents. The armor is invigorating; the user can feel their energy regenerate more quickly in battle.


    Name: Leafborn Protector

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: 5 - Assistant Blacksmith

    ID: 38726

    Roll: 7+1=8

    Item Type: Shield

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: +1 Regen

    Description: A small rounded shield that lets the user move around easily. It's imbued with the healing properties of a certain herb that can cause the wielder to sometimes regain HP during battle.


    Name: Ember's Bite

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: 5 - Assistant Blacksmith

    ID: 38917

    Roll: 7+1=8

    Item Type: Weapon (One-Handed Assault Spear)

    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 Accuracy

    Description: A one-handed spear with a red and white color scheme. The blade is a bit wider than usual, allowing attacks to land more easily.


    Name: Blackened Gauntlets

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: 6 - Mentor Blacksmith

    ID: 39952

    Roll: 7+1=8

    Item Type: Weapon (Gauntlets)

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: +1 Unarmed Damage

    Description: A pair of lightweight gauntlets that allow the user to move and strike quickly. The strong metal provides extra damage on-hit.

    All approved.

  7. 1 minute ago, Teion said:

    Name: Ebony Tongs
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 6 - Mentor Blacksmith
    ID: 40040
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: Tool
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +1 Ambition
    A set of tongs with an ebony handle that has been wrapped with cloth.

    Name: Heavy Plate Mail
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 5 - Assistant Blacksmith
    ID: 37589
    Roll: 9
    Item Type: Heavy Armor
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 MIT
    Description: A sturdy set of plate mail made to guard you against incoming attacks. What more do you want?

    Name: Sustained Rage
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 5 - Assistant Blacksmith
    ID: 37799
    Roll: 9
    Item Type: Shield
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 Heavy Momentum
    Description: Missing can be frustrating. This flaming red shield understands, and it helps you understand that all you need to do is make sure you smash them harder next time.

    Name: Large Spike Shoulderpads
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 5 - Assistant Blacksmith
    ID: 37948
    Roll: 9
    Item Type: Heavy Armor
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 Thorns
    Description: Some call the spikes unnecessary. Those guys usually don't get away without a few extra holes in them.

    Name: Hole Punch
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 5 - Assistant Blacksmith
    ID: 38053
    Roll: 7+1=8
    Item Type: Weapon (One-Handed Assault Spear)
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 Keen
    Description: A spear that looks like nothing more than a pointed steel stick that is designed to not only pierce armor, but leave the enemy open for future attacks.

    Name: Hidden Blades
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 5 - Assistant Blacksmith
    ID: 38111
    Roll: 8+1=9
    Item Type: Weapon (Claws)
    Quality: Uncommon
    Description: These gloves look like ordinary handwraps at first, but if you move your wrist in just a way, claws pop out to both surprise and tear apart your foe. Their shock is their downfall.

    Name: Stiffened Whip
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 5 - Assistant Blacksmith
    ID: 38341
    Roll: 8+1=9
    Item Type: Weapon (Whip)
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 Damage
    Description: A hardened leather whip that is short, but effective for bruising even tougher foes.

    Name: Hunting Knife
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 6 - Mentor Blacksmith
    ID: 39952
    Roll: 8+1=9
    Item Type: Weapon (Dagger)
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 Bleed
    Description: A serrated blade designed primarily for skinning animals, but works just as effectively at skinning enemies in combat.

    Name: Howling Dusk
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 6 - Mentor Blacksmith
    ID: 39743
    Roll: 7+1=8
    Item Type: Weapon (One-Handed Straight Sword)
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 Damage
    Description: A long straight sword made of a dark metal. An ornamental black feather hangs at the end of the hilt.


  8. 5 hours ago, Oikawa - The Faint said:

    Name: Lambhardt

    Blacksmith Rank 7

    ID: 40215

    Roll: 12 (1+1)

    Item Type: (Shield)

    Quality: (Perfect)

    Enhancements: (+3 Regen)

    Description: (A white metalloid shield crafted with a lamb insignia etched into the center. A lamb fleece covers the shield entirely to give it a softened look.)


  9. Tristan grinned when they loosely embraced themselves for their dance and they moved along music, Kita asking how on earth to dance. He chuckled and said "You're doing it right now. Just dance how you feel like is natural and do that, as there's no wrong way of dancing.". He gave Kita a kiss and held her closer in the dance, though left them still able to dance. "I'm just happy that we can enjoy ourselves like this and that we can have so many relax too, instead of being purely focused on fighting. Its been a while since they had a wide party like this to all chill, maybe even a year. So he was happy with the result.

  10. Tristan did a mixture of strange sounds as he awoken by a kiss from his beloved, slowly waking up and reaching for Kita to get some extra hugs in the morning. Either way, he slowly began to sit up on the bed and petted Kita until she got up from a message received by someone called Hikoru as he read over their shoulder. Tristan smiled when he saw they would be helping out on a quest and was hopeful it was one his wife hadn't done yet, which meant they had something extra to throw themselves at. "Goodmorning dear. So, we off questing then?" he said as he got up and ready without hindrance, happy that they would be out and about together again.

  11. Tristan too noticed the girl who came to meet Zelrius, who seemed to be a lost cause in making them get back to cheer with drinks. Taking the hint from Kita too, who also could put 2 and 2 together, Tristan grinned with an idea. He walked over to Erin with his filled glass. "Say, would you like to spend more time with Zelrius right now? He has absolutely nothing to do right now and is probably sick of me right now, but I'm sure would love someone elses company!". He winked to Zelrius before taking the hand of his wife and having them drink more before they set off to dance, now feeling a happy buzz from the drink. "A dance m'lady?" he addressed Kita after they drunk to the dancefloor, thinking some slow dance together in their current state would be most enjoyable.

  12. ID: 40202 MD 5 Miss
    Howl used
    Burn dealt

    Tristan smiled when he saw Oikawa arrive and attack one of the darkened souls, taking a chunk out of the enemies health. He then inquired about what they had missed out on, to which he replied with "Well, a lot. floor boss clearing. Azure Brigade becoming basically the only strong guild. Yeah my marriage and well uh, all sorts of other things. I'm sure you'll settle in quite nicely though, so no need to worry about it all. It will all come in its own time and that'll be that.". Tristan used howl again, which seemed to care off the monsters.

    Tristan 157/157 E: 10 H: 54
    Oikawa:  133/133 E: 21/32 H: 1
    Flints 60/60 E: 1/15 H: 5

    Darkened Soul 44/260
    Darkened Soul 94/260
    Darkened Soul 196/260
    Darkened Soul 196/260
    Darkened Soul 196/260
    Darkened Soul 196/260
    Darkened Soul 196/260
    DMG 55 MIT 30 If the Darkened Soul scores a critical on a player. Their Mitigation is reduced by 3 for 3 turns, This effect stacks and the duration returns to 3 every time. Once the duration expires all Mitigation reduction is removed.

  13. 2 hours ago, Ariel - The Crowned Lion said:

    Name: Obedient Lamb Outfit
    Profession: Tailor
    (7) High Mentor
    Roll: 12 (11+1)
    Item Type: 'Light' Armor
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +6 Damage Mitigation, +1 Recovery
    Description: A white provocative outfit for females that can turn the heads of males. Generally it is just one of the pieces of armor that is a joke in game, like a christmas event costume but this one gives a few useful buffs while also being quite comfortable to wear as it only covers the 'important parts'. It comes with a pair of fluffy lamb ears Mary's little lamb had fleece as white as snow plush soft. Personally Ariel thinks that it will be used for some kind of erotic play but doesn't really care as it brings her profit. She added a small crowned lion logo at the side of the panty piece. (eye candy)


    Name:  Falcon
    Profession: Tailor
    (7) High Mentor
    Roll: 10 (9+1)
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Quality: Rare
    +1 Light Momentum +3 Damage Mitigation
    Description:  A Black assassin hoodie with Purple decals on the shoulders, back, and pockets. On the back oh the hoodie there is a white crowned lion logo.


    Name:  Quick-Feet
    Profession: Tailor
    (7) High Mentor
    Roll: 12 (nat.)
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Quality: Perfect
     +2 Evasion +1 Savvy
    Description:  Black pants with Purple lining on the front and back pockets On the left back pocket there is a white crowned lion logo.


    Name: Darcy's Elegance
    Profession: Tailor
    (7) High Mentor
    Roll: 10 (9+1)
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +1 Recovery +1 Evasion
    A dark colored elegant coat what comes with white scarf. It evokes the feeling of aristocracy once equipped. It can potentially go with any kind of pants as long as they are not cut or rugged. On the left breast pocket area there is a small, discreetly placed white crowned lion logo.


    Name: Morning Star's Coat
    Profession: Tailor
    (7) High Mentor
    Roll: 12 (11+1)
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +6 Damage Mitigation +1 Evasion
     A charcoal black coat with silver chains keeping it closed and decorative black wings on the back. They emanate a faint flame whenever the wearer moves. On the right shoulder there is a small, discreetly placed white crowned lion logo.

    All approved.

  14. Tristan was while with an empty glass with Zelrius suddenly encircled by his newlywed wife, who handed him more spirit. Well, he would always appreciate more to drink, so grinned at Flints and replied with "You are most kind my dear wife. Let us three drink until inebriation then!" he laughed as he took the entire glass in one again, enjoying himself with the positive moods coming along. Tristan enjoyed that he retained his heavy tolerance to alcohol from the real world, which made it heavily amusing since he was often on night outs drinking the same or more than others, but would be one of the few that could actually recollect the entire night and would have to tell people their embarrassing stories a day after. He kissed her lips back gently before pouring himself, Zel and Flints more to drink.

  15. ID: 39724 MD 4 Miss
    Howl used
    Burn dealt

    Tristan chuckled and smiled to Flints as she spoke after dealing a strong hit, nodding and saying "Oh well, at least we should be getting backup soon.". He in fact sent a message to Oikawa, a friend he was told was coming back from their retreat from fighting back to the fighting field. As an ex-Commandant of Azure Brigade and someone he enjoyed having a swimsuit duel with, he knew he could Oikawa the Faint. All he could do for now was wait and hope that the enemies would also hit him more than they did at present. Indeed, he was comfortable too as they were under no threat.

    Tristan 157/157 E: 9 H: 50
    Flints 60/60 E: 0/15 H: 5

    Darkened Soul 44/260
    Darkened Soul 196/260
    Darkened Soul 196/260
    Darkened Soul 196/260
    Darkened Soul 196/260
    Darkened Soul 196/260
    Darkened Soul 196/260
    DMG 55 MIT 30 If the Darkened Soul scores a critical on a player. Their Mitigation is reduced by 3 for 3 turns, This effect stacks and the duration returns to 3 every time. Once the duration expires all Mitigation reduction is removed.

  16. Tristan quirked an eyebrow at her as she spoke, wondering what she meant. Was probably concerning things he didn't usually worry about anyway, so returned to face the monsters, dashing forward with his spear twirling and hit the monsters. That in itself though wasn't his main strength though, it was the thorns that then activated in consequence also combined as they hit him for little amounts of damage, of which Tristan healed back with a "Hmph.". Sure this fight was lasting a bit, but it was by no means a fight with tension, being a totally safe fight which didn't bother him at all since they were of no threat to him. He could sit down and have a cup of tea and he would come no closer to dying fighting these antmen.

      Hide contents


    ID: 40104 BD: 8  CD: 12, BH activated, heal 11 HP MD: 9, flame thorns crit activated, 6 dmg & 2 turn burn for 2 dmg

    SA Hurricane used, 7 * 4 = 28. 28-18=10 damage.

    Teayre: 137/137 Energy: 1/33 H: 3
    140/140 Energy: 21/35 H: 12

    Antman 6: 12/70
    Antman 7: 12/70
    Antman 8: 12/70

    Antman 9: 48/70 Burn 2/2
    Antman 10: 48/70 Burn 2/2
    Antman 11: 48/70 Burn 2/2
    Antman 12: 48/70 Burn 2/2

  17. Tristan laughed as he dragged the golden boy along and poured him a glass of liquor each in a wine glass and sat him down beside him, grinning with "Right, and I didn't get married today. Now come on, I know that if you don't unwind you're gonna be a loner and try and solo some crazy stupid hard boss to waste time or prove a point.". wasn't surat Zelrius would do, but it certainly wouldn't be a social activity, something Tristan felt they needed when Zelrius was probably going to go mope about being alone, to which acting alone would be of no help at all. "Now stop being a prissy and drink like a Hero with your trusted friend.", clinking Zel's glass and taking the entire glass of liquor in one go, though he was familiar with drinking from his time back home as a full adult for quite some time. He took a satisfied breath out and wiped his mouth, feeling a slight fuzz from that one, along with probably losing all sense of taste for the next minute.

  18. Hall_100_0548.jpg

    Tristan was still in his suit, though he hadn't checked if Kita stayed in a wedding dress or changed clothing at all, since he knew some would change for practicality reasons. Either way, he had gotten the supplies from Ssendom and Celes for food and drinks and led those who wanted to come to the hall present at the Cathedral, along with open doors to anyone else who wanted to come. No gifts were demanded off anyone and all were free to come and go, though he was definitely dragging in Zelrius into this party.
    As for food, there were two identical cakes yet to be cut to pieces for everyone, along with a Steak each on a first come, first serve basis. There was also a large array of glasses available along with a cask of ale and a flask of liquor to pour into these glasses for each guest to have (Details below). The entire cask and the flask itself was forbidden to be taken for themselves (would have to taken a poured drink), but a steak could be taken away along with a slice of the cake.

    Tristan looked around and said "Alright, enjoy yourselves!" and did a clap, which started the music by Zero. (video below) He then dragged Zel along to have some drink in a glass of the Silent Sip Flask of liquor. The man needed to unwind and focus on fun rather than interpersonal worrying.

    Opening Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cEy4UyYHI0

    Current Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2XRrZI1HbA



    Name: Normalcy Steak x15
    Item Type: Meal
    Quality: Good
    Creator: Ssendom
    Enhancements: N/A
    Description: A simple delicious and medium cooked steak that'll cure people of special effects (Roleplay Effects Only, this does not cure Bleed/Paralyze/Poison/Burn/etc. But this can cure effects such as a "love potion" or drug induced effects.) Great for saving someone who is being taken advantage of.

    Name: Snowfall Cake x2
    Item Type: Meal
    Quality: Good
    Creator: Ssendom
    Enhancements: N/A
    Description: Appearance

    Name: Cask of Eternal Ale
    Item Type: Drink
    Quality: Perfect
    Creator: Celes
    Enhancements: N/A
    Description: This wooden casks contains a special potion that takes a lot like a good ale, in fact it might be a good ale....  All you know is the more you drink the more there seems to be... 

    Name: Silent sip Flask
    Item Type: Drink
    Quality: Perfect
    Creator: Celes
    Enhancements: N/A
    Description: There's a good liquor in here,  and the more you serve the more there is...  Just be wary,  it's Very strong.

  19. 8 minutes ago, Celesmeh said:


    Two perfect items:

    <Cask of Eternal ale>

    This wooden casks contains a special potion that takes a lot like a good ale, in fact it might be a good ale....  All you know is the more you drink the more there seems to be...



    <Silent sip Flask>

    There's a good liquor in here,  and the more you serve the more there is...  Just be wary,  it's Very strong.

    39040 6 11+1=12         2015-11-16 18:44:20
    39039 2


    Both Approved.

  20. 7 minutes ago, Teion said:


    Name: Lunar Quill

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: 5 - Assistant Blacksmith

    ID: 39062

    Roll: 10+1=11

    Item Type: Weapon (Rapier)

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: +2 Damage

    Description: A long, thin, silver blade. The hilt is an elegant black and silver with a light swirling pattern etched in the metal.


    Name: Crescent Axe

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: 5 - Assistant Blacksmith

    ID: 39064

    Roll: 7+1=8

    Item Type: Weapon (Two-Handed Battle Axe)

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: +1 Damage

    Description: A large, simple axe with a curved blade. The metal is polished with a sturdy wooden handle and golden trim.


    Name: Lucky Chisel

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: 6 - Mentor Blacksmith

    ID: 39742

    Roll: 11+1=12

    Item Type: Tool

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: +1 Crafting Die

    Description: A high quality chisel used to add engraving to items

    All approved.

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