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Tristan Delaney

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Posts posted by Tristan Delaney

  1. Tristan used the time that the axe was swung down to stab at the beast, the spear piercing the arm that held the axe. If Tristan kept calm and continued with precise strikes, this battle should be over with little to no issue. The spear was already beginning to be covered in blood. He really needed to invest in a cloth to wipe his weapon down with to avoid it from rusting, if that is even a thing in SAO. He supposed wiping down a spear was a habit from real life.


    [iD 434 BD 6. 4 Damage]


    Tristan 17/17

    Minotaur 15/23

  2. The Minotaur jumped forward, their axe arcing in the air. It would have probably have cleaved Tristan if he didn't roll out of the way, which had the attack completely miss him. The Minotaur was potent, but their movements seemed rather easy to read. Tristan brought his spear up again for the next attack, preparing himself and trying to stay calm.


    [iD 433 MD 1. Miss]


    Tristan 17/17

    Minotaur 19/23

  3. Tristan dashed forward with his spear to attack the beast, but was tripped by the sand and had his aim off, leaving him hitting sand again. The boss was close to dead, but not quite there yet. He hoped this would be over soon though, because that way it'll be over and done with. Tristan got back up, using the spear as support, and faced the beast again, waiting to see how the other players would carry out their actions.


    [iD 429 BD 3. Miss]


    Alkor 19/19 <Boss Target

    Tristan 17/17

    Claim 14/17


    Sand Shark 9/50

  4. All it really comes down to is that if someone pops up and finds us a hard coded solution to integrate verified rolls into posts, which cannot be abused like current integrated rolls or the old system, then great!  Keep in mind many people did complain about cheating in the past.

    However this way, as Lessa said, you don't need to do verified rolls for every thread, which would also drive me up the wall to sort.


    It all comes down to the fact a swathe of players asked for a system to verify rolls in certain areas, and we gave them exactly that. We even had a whole thread for how we should do it somewhere! I personally was against verifying all rolls, but this system works in my eyes fine. 

    To put it in a different way to see, imagine it like an MMO, which is what SAO is. You would crack down on hackers, right? This is what it is, cracking down exploits of the system for personal gain. Even if the majority can be trusted, there will always be 'that one guy' who exploits it.

    I'd say that closes discussion then and can be closed/locked, as asked for by the OP:

  5. The Sand Shark was now in the red and enraged, at this point flailing everywhere and swimming at high speed. The Sand Shark was clearly taking no censored as it swam around menacingly, looking for its next target. More specifically, the one who looked to be busy picking up their sword.

    The Sand Shark jumped out of the sea of sand and hip checked the player, sending them flying. The Shark screeched in success, flapping its fins. Tristan readied himself to attack in retaliation for the attack upon his comrade.


    [iD 429 MD 8. 3 Damage]


    Alkor 19/19 <Boss Target

    Tristan 17/17

    Claim 14/17


    Sand Shark 9/50

  6. *sighs*

    I'm not sure if you are being purposefully inflammatory, but if you continue to be so, you will be warned for it and may suffer consequences. Consider this a hint not to do so.


    The point is, most standard RPs wont need the permanent dice. Only special RPs like bosses and quests, which offer bonus rewards, require them. Crafting also requires them, or players could be making out little resources basically the best equipment in the entire game like money falling out the sky.

    As for why PvP needs them, that should be pretty obvious don't you think? >.>

  7. Tristan jumped forward towards the beast that was the Minotaur. As the opening move, he had to admit it wasn't half bad, hitting the opponent and sending them sniffing out steam from their nose in anger. Clearly the beast was not happy from being antagonised, but Tristan was not going to let that stop him. He began to wonder what the <<Pendant of Minos>> would look like and who in the future he would hand it to.


    [iD 427 BD 7. 4 Damage]


    Tristan 17/17

    Minotaur 19/23

  8. After running into several trees and getting lost twice, he came across a clearing of trees which looked like a pathway. "Finally..."

    Tristan trudged through the tree pathway, feeling rather threatened, or rather shut-in, by the trees towering over him to his sides. It didn't make him feel all too happy and made him nervous. Well, time to see what was in store for him.



    A large minotaur appeared in this maze like environment and appeared to guard one of two entrances in this forest maze to the pendant, the other entrance on the other side if they somehow wound up that end instead. Why did this suddenly remind him of Greek mythology?

    Regardless, a giant Minotaur with a vicious axe was there, never a fun thing to see.

    "Time to take you down." Tristan said, withdrawing his spear and ready for the first attack.


    Tristan 17/17

    Minotaur 23/23 (DMG 4)

  9. Actually quests are vital for good SP gain, unless you a LOT of quests to compensate. Its also actually hilariously easy to verify. You simply search for an ID or username and *poof* it shows that roll or that characters rolls. For example for an SP thread, I could simply look at that username, glance to check they did it right and see they weren't telling lies.


    Also as explained above, it isn't 'the same ass'. Casual RPs and bosses are different beasts, pun not intended.

  10. I would play the opposite side and say it offers choice. To have a verified roll is almost necessary for especially things like PVP or harder quests, because some people will cheat, even if if it is the occasional nudge here or there. However those little things add up to something bigger as well. I would love to trust all people in the world completely, but realistically (here is my half German realism talking), it's just not feasibly possible. Some people will cheat, that's all there is to it.


    The choice is good. It means that we have a casual system for your bog standard farming or whatnot, then we have the verified rolls for 'supa-seriouz beeswax' like bosses, crafting and PVP, all of which have the potential to be exploited for personal gain previously.


    To speak for personal experience, Ive been using my Nexus 5 with Chrome during the day often and found it perfectly fine to use. Type T and Tristan pops up, copy paste a link in, unless i have already used it before so type h instead and quick select a cached thread, then roll. Then switch tab to the RP, type ID number with rolls and done. As far as systems go, it gets the job done and verifies, though i have raged at it in the past few days from my bad luck at rolls before.


    This kind of feedback is what the staff use though to improve the site, so keep it coming!

  11. Tristan nodded, starting to walk with her back to the city. "I've grown a lot too, meaning I can do more to help people. Of course the challenges will never stop, but then we will just have to face them. If you need me to help you or anyone else, as the guild does, then you know you can always give me a shout."

    He thought for a moment. "You have the eight materials I gave you for crafting right? Just to check I didn't leave them somewhere else in my stupidity."

  12. The Sand Shark was only hit by one of the swordsmen, but they screamed as the hit on them was painful, ripping a wing. The shark was not happy by any means at all, swimming around them in the sand in anger, ready to pounce out when they were not watching to make them food. The Sand Shark flew out of the sand to the air and landed on its feet, its mouth full with sand. The mouth then spouted out a beam of sand at Tristan, looking ready to give him the need for some goggles. However Tristan was prepared, hitting the sand aside with the glowing sword skill of his spear, using the blade to fully deflect the sand and moved forward, ramming the spear into the head of the sand shark.


    Tristan parried, consuming his combat turn. Alkor and Claim can still attack.


    [iD 424 MD 9 BD 10. 4 Damage.]


    Alkor: 19/19 
    Tristan: 17/17
    Claim: 17/17 <Boss Target

    Sand Shark: 13/50 

  13. He smiled gently at her saying this, wearing his new iron sleeves and remarking their fashion. "For sure. As guild leader, but also as a friend." Tristan realised he now hit the cap on equippable items, so would have to sacrifice something something the next time around. He would probably give up his pendant, mostly for its ridiculous name and for how it mocked him so.


    Tristan gave the hand a firm but gentle hand shake, much experienced as a video game store manager with all the various hand shakes. This was one to a personal friend, like he had made here.

  14. Tristan heard of a pendant said to highly sought for as a gift, thinking how he could do with something like that. It sounded rather nice to get, maybe even having a chance to give it to someone. Well it was a nice idea anyway.


    He walked towards the Forest of the Wavering Mist, which was pretty much what it says on the tin. It was a misty forest, which made it rather difficult to navigate where on earth one was even going. It was like trying to find a needle in a haystack, except the haystack recently had smoke grenades set off inside it and also has guardians around the needle.

    Tristan scanned the area for anything he could find that looked like the right way to go, which was pretty much any way that wasn't a tree obstructing. He sighed.

  15. Tristan nodded with a smile at Kiru who held also a plate of food, more of the pasta type. It also looked delicious, but he had his own to deal with. "Well, this food won't eat itself."

    Tristan politely ate the food at a reasonable pace with the aforementioned training in table manners. They would probably have talked more if their food were not so nice. The taste was so good, it distracted any thoughts one had while eating. Tristan ate quietly his mussels at the moment. "How is your food?" He said when his mouth was empty, hard as doing that was.

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