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Tristan Delaney

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Posts posted by Tristan Delaney

  1. Tristan now screamed in rage as he charged with the spear in hand to pierce the monster that been making a laughing stock out of him. His spearhead slashed the back of the bee, which screeched in pain from the spear stabbing it. Tristan was exhilarated. He finally hit! He got his spear ready to attack the monster even more, just to feel the pain twice over he had been dealt.


    [iD 312 BD 8.Hit, 4 Damage.]


    Tristan 16/17

    Queen Bee 26/30

  2. Tristan smiled, brushing his clothes down slightly as he got up. "Well I'm Tristan, yours?"

    He got up and began walking with her outside the tavern to the outside. He walked to a nice place called the Fat Duck. Said to have high quality food, at a place called the Fat Duck. It was expensive at 700 Col a head, but he didn't mind splashing out. It wasn't like he used it for anything else anyway.

    He didn't even bother answering her earlier part about killing, because with the latter he knew he wasn't going to get attacked. He had feeling he had at the least gained enough trust not to be stabbed, though the place was still within the town in a PK-free zone, even if it was high class.

    Then again, a high class date required high class food.


    Complete. 200 Col for Tristan & Kiru. 1 Skill point for completed RP.

  3. Tristan nodded to Claim and agreed with Alkor. "Yeah, let's find this crazy thing."

    They wandered out towards the desert, the rolling plains of sand for what seemed to be miles. It was also a long way that they walked to to even try and find this monster.

    However, eventually something came into view. A shark flew out of the sand in grace and then fell back into the sand. "Is that...what I think it is?"

  4. Tristan shot his spear towards the distracted enemy only to miss...again. This was beginning to be really embarassing. How had he missed three times already?! It was getting beyond ridiculous this. Well he wasn't about to run away though and instead stuck to his plans and waited for the enemy to strike. His anger was starting to rise from the situation.


    [iD 310 BD 4 Miss]


    Tristan 16/17

    Queen Bee 30/30

  5. "I hope its easier. Avalanche gave me a real knocking." Tristan said with slight jest in his voice. He was not kidding though, that boss really brought him to his knees. Hopefully this time though, with now as three people, when Claim decided to show up, they would be able to tackle this shark with ease. 


    Tristan and Alkor walked to the more populated part of Floor 9 where the teleport was, from where they teleported to the blazing heat of Floor 5. It was bricks, sand and more sand. And no less heat than the blaze of Floor 9. "Well at least the temperature is a polar opposite, I'll give you that."

    He wondered what Alkor would be like in combat, since they had never partied before for a quest.

  6. The bee however was distracted by the spear missing them. The bee moved to the side and attempted to counter the man thrusting the spear at him, but missed completely. The bee buzzed in anger at this enemy which didn't die instantly, like most of its foes did. The bee hovered imposingly high in the air over the man, looking down at them.


    [iD 308 MD 2 - 1 = 1 Miss]


    Tristan 16/17


    Queen Bee 30/30

  7. This time the bee was luckier with their attack at him. The piercer of theirs glanced across their skin, but it still hurt. Tristan was realising though that compared to Avalanche, this simply wasn't as powerful an enemy. Well regardless, if he got hit enough, he'd be in a pickle, so he should get this done with as soon as possible. Tristan readied his spear for his next attack.


    [iD 306 MD 7 - 1 = 6. 1 (2 - 1 DM) damage]


    Tristan 16/17

    Queen Bee 30/30

  8. Tristan thrust out his spear to attack the Queen Bee, and missed! He wasn't up to speed with his bee anatomy, which was probably why he was so useless at trying to hit it. He tried anyway at doing some damage to it, because who knows, he might just make it if he tried again! Not that he had the chance to though, because the bee came flying down with its stinger ready to attack him again.


    [iD 305 BD 1 Miss]


    Tristan 17/17

    Queen Bee 30/30

  9. The giant bee flew down to attack him and was probably about to stab his face with the stinger too. It caught him completely off-guard, jumping to the side to evade the attack before it pierced him. He exhaled with a "*phew*" when the attack missed completely. Good thing too, or he would have a stinger through his head. The buzz of the wings almost had him with a heart attack.


    [iD 304 MD 1 - 1 = 0 Miss]

    Tristan stood back up to face the giant bee that hovered rather menacingly at him, which made him almost sick simply looking at it, not to mention the smell. "Eww....."


    Tristan 17/17

    Queen Bee 30/30

  10. As this is a boss battle, a perma roller will be used for combat rolls.

    Tristan waited outside Phoenix Fire Tailoring, the shop owned by his fellow guild comrade Alkor. Today, they would be taking on a boss that resided on the desert floor at floor 5. He wished he took some sun-tan lotion with him, though he felt that would probably not alleviate the issue, since he wan't sure if you had to even mind for such things in SAO. Did it try to calculate how long you were out in the sun and change your skin colour accordingly?

    Well anyway, Tristan breathed slowly and let the heat try not to warm him too much, however much that was possible, and waited for Alkor. He heard that Claim was coming too, who ran with him for the Avalanche Quest. He also kinda owed that man his life, as alone he would have never managed it. Then again, the same could be said the other way around.

  11. As this is a boss battle, a perma roller will be used for combat rolls.


    Tristan sighed as he warped towards the floor.

    "This censored floor again, like I didn't have enough of it already..."

    He trudged to where there was said to be a Queen Bee, which held a powerful venom that would make him stronger for a battle. It was quite the incentive, since it would make things like boss battles easier, for which it looked it was intended for.


    The Forest he entered grew more crowded and darker with each step he took. The air was musky and threatened to block his nose with the overwhelming thickness of it, making it hard to breathe. He was disliking this even more, asking himself why he even bothered at this point with this miserable quest.


    Eventually he came across a large expanse, almost like a forest altar with a giant bee hive ontop a large tree. He wondered how on Earth he would meet that large bee this way.

  12. "Two? Gosh, I thought there was only one more...I know there is the Queen, who will be easy enough. Don't know the other."

    Tristan let himself relax into the snow, needing the energy to recover from their adventure. He was tired, Claim was tired and they needed desperate rest, at home.



    400 Col for Tristan & for Claim

    <> This incredibly potent alchemical salve can be applied to a piece of armor, increasing resistance to Fire Damage for one battle. [The wearer will only take half damage from the burning damage over time effect.

    3 Skill Points for Claim & for Tristan

  13. Tristan chuckled. "I'll leave you to it then. Here are the eight materials."

    8 Materials to Lessa.

    "Use all of them for gear, I don't need anymore right now anyway." He walked off to get some of his own things done. "Send me a message if you get anything made!."

  14. Tristan kept his expression gentle, not reacting at all to the laugh.

    "Well if you want to know, to get to know you. To be with you. Isn't that what dates are for?" he stated matter-of-factly, his hands open in gesture.

    He had been in the past on several dates. Hell, he had been in relationships. Those were not in SAO though, but in the real world. The situation here slightly differed.

    "This evening, let us go on a date." He said with a slight grin.

  15. Tristan entered the forge, looking around and seeing Lessa. Especially after the fight with the avalanche boss, he knew he needed armour, badly.

    He waved when Lessa looked her way, probably from the ring of the bell due to the door.


    "Hello! I've got eight materials here and I want you to use as much as possible of it. I'd first like a breastplate with damage mitigation buffs of any quality above good. Then I want the same for vambraces with Paralysis, and if from there you still have materials from the eight to use, a weapon has accuracy for any slots more than my current 1.".

    (I'll do pictures and description when I receive them, assuming items made by you have an automatic approval)

  16. Tristan thought on how he really wanted to play a hang drum, but had not yet made one. So for a large number of the day, he spent time making one. This wasn't so much work for the time consumed making it, than the precision and difficulty to make one, even inside a game. However with the system assists, he found himself able to make the excellent instrument, this one of a silver colour.

    He recorded a test of it to see how it performed, now that it was made. He let his hands hit against the metal, the hang drum ringing in the air. The sound was heavenly, being a perfect performance.


    Rolled a 12 on the d12 (craft) dice (ID 296). Monster Grenade +3 made. One Material consumed. 1/3 Crafts left 3rd November.

  17. Returning to his shop and home having taught Mari how to perform, he took out a crystal he had been using as a duplicate for the recording of their excellent performance. It felt rather underhanded, but he just couldn't deny himself the chance of it.

    He listened to a sample of the audio and was pleased with it. Tristan hoped he would in the future perform with Mari, even if she was still being rather difficult to figure out with her rather erratic behaviour.


    Rolled a 10 on the d12 (craft) dice (ID 294). Monster Grenade +2 made. One Material consumed. 2/3 Crafts left 3rd November.

  18. Tristan almost in shock, blood covering several parts of him and his breath visible in the air.

    "We...we...did it."

    He was still recovering from the sheer adrenaline that came from fighting for his very life. With that now over, the energy drained from his body.

    "Let's...let's see what I got..."


    [iD 293. LD 12]

    A screen came up saying he got a material and 100 Col.

    "That's...that's nice."

    He sank to his knees, tired. Eventually summoning the energy to stand, he got up, brushed the snow off him and put a hand on Claims shoulder. "You did well, even killing the damn thing."


    Quest rewards will be handed out by the GM when they close the thread.

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