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Posts posted by Griswold

  1. With the tip of the heated metal bar, he reheats just the bottom of the blade sticking out of the ground and attaches the hilt to the blade. Waiting for it to cool as he steps back a foot or two and stares at the blade. After a while of watching and nothing happening, he knew that he didn’t do it right once again. Glancing to Hephaestus who was again laughing but quickly gets serious saying “I really thought you were more CREATIVE than this old man” saying creative in a more majestic way than the other words that slipped from his mouth. Griswold almost glares at the god now but knows that he was right. “You have one more chance” as Hephaestus leans forward placing his hand on his knees still seated. “What will you do” saying with almost evil laugh with a smirk dancing across his face now just waiting for fate to walk in his favor.

  2. Heating the mixed alloy back up, the hammer begins to pound even harder than before. After a while of banging on this metal and forming a thicker but stronger blade that before, the eyes just go over it with an intense gaze. The coloring was a darkened silver but somehow it still seemed off. Griswold decides to try it anyway as he walks to the pedestal made for it and places it inside creating a whole. Walking back to the table he liquifies the silver ore and reheats some of the grey ore. In doing so he proceeds to create a hilt for the sword. This hilt had a medieval feel to it as the handle was a dark grey with a silver attachment rounded out on one side of the handle. Griswold takes a metal bar, heating the tip and walks to the blade with the hilt in the other hand.

  3. “Blasted Garbage!” Griswold yells as he throws the now scrap metal sword across the room. With careful calculations this time he tries smelting the 2 new ores that he’d never seen before. Breaking them down to a liquid substance but this time separately. He poured half of the green liquid and half of the grey liquid into one mold while it was still wet. Waiting for the newly formed ingot to cool his mind started to go somewhere else. A memory goes flashing through his head that wasn’t thought of for a while -“Freya that’s not yours, that’s Anna’s. Give it back…” Elda says snatching the toy from Freya and giving it back to Anna who was crying. During this time Griswold was sitting on the couch watching this happen with a smile.- Griswold's mind flashes back to reality as he is staring at the table. Seeing that the metal had cooled, Griswold picks it up with a frown across his face.

  4. This ore is a dark green color and after observing its properties, Griswold picks the last ore off the table. This being a greyish black color with no such effects as the other two. “Hmm, this is very interesting coloring” saying as he was trying to make sense of what he was looking at. “Maybe if I combine all 3” saying as he starts melting down one of each ore. Creating 3 metallic liquids in one mold he waits for it to cool. Continuing what he knows he takes the ingot and reheats it before pounding into the metal piece with his own hammer. After some time he creates a thin greenish-black blade. You can hear Hephaestus just laugh in the background. After a moment he realizes that he already failed. No ore was left to make the hilt and with basic knowledge, he knows that 1 of those ores should have been used for the hilt.

  5. He stops for a moment and smiles right at him before saying “By your hands that is.” Turning to face Griswold completely. “You have 3 tries to get it right. If you fail you don’t get what I offer at the end of this challenge.” Hephaestus glides across the floor to his original seating, putting his legs out and crossing them with a fold of his arms. “Now big boy lets see what you’ve got” as he just sits there and waits for the results to unfold.

    Watching Hephaestus go back to sitting, Griswold looks to the ore and gets started. Picking up one of the ores he recognizes it as silver so he puts it back on the table. The other 2 ores though he does not recognize any of them. Upon picking the green ore up the light above reflects of heavily creating a rainbow effect off the wall next to him.

  6. After a moment of looking over Griswold, he eyes the ground between them “Okay then...Here” as he waves a hand “You will forge me a sword.” All the equipment that Griswold has in his shop appears in front of him. Another wave of the hand and a table with 3 sets of 3 ore types appear on the surface. “This sword you make has to be HOT” getting excited Hephaestus moves around and in front of the table staring down at the ore “Fire hot, a flame that never goes out. You have to place the blade piece in this” with another wave of his hand he creates stone and ash pile surrounding on top and around it. “Make the blade and place it there. Make the hilt and attach it. If you have done the right calculations in the alloy then the sword will burn hot and be untouchable.”

  7. Peering inside a large roomy area is exposed with light shining through every layer of windows littered about around the walls. In the center of this room, there is a large round table with multiple chairs surrounding it. At first glance, there was nothing sitting in these chairs but as soon as the eyes passed to the table and traveled back there was intently a shadowed figure in each chair excluding the one which seemed to be fully visible. “You must be Griswold, please come forward” as the male stands from his chair. Fine stature, tall, tanned skin with medium cut golden blonde hair stands amongst the shadows. A voice of confidence barks from Griswold's mouth “Yes and I am here for your challenge. Well spit it out, what is it?” Hephaestus walks forward toward Griswold with a grin spread across his face saying “Confident and straight to the point I see.”

  8. Putting the hand down as he says “My liege, Hephaestus, wishes for me to escort you to Mt. Olympus to see him. I will get you to the doors of this challenge. Please this way” as he turns around continuing to walk up the path in the same burly stature as Griswold was. With a small nod of acceptance, he follows the big creature up the rest of the mountainside. Another hour passes before they arrive at the entrance of this Cathedral towered building. Griswold a bit awed by the height and amazed that he didn’t see this building from the bottom of the mountain is interrupted by a voice saying “Good luck, you'll need it” with a small grin before turning to the large metal doors and placing both hands on the cold metal. Pushing the doors wide open with a small grunt, Griswold walks forward a bit before seeing the inside.

  9. Halting at the exit of town seeing the view of the mountains surrounds the entirety of this floor “Oh boy, what are you getting me into” as his eyes glance at the green icon leading up one of the mountains. From the distance that can be seen, suspecting that it will take a bit to cover this much ground, he begins to fast walk and keep his pace for the complete distance till he reaches the mountainside. Getting this far took a couple of hours but he continues up the mountainside path provided at a slower pace now being a bit tired from the trailing to this point. After getting about halfway up this inclined path, Griswold is met face to face with a burly big horned creature. Not sure what to think, he pulls out his hammer and shield before the creature puts a hand up shaking it back and forth.

  10. Darting eyes around trying to get a feel for his new surroundings, he finds his eyes landing on the map at the top right of his vision. With a small nod after seeing the green icon, feet figure out how to walk as Griswold begins heading toward the exit through the reflective city of Spartaia. Watching his reflection against the tiles on the ground beneath the feet, Griswold finds it almost amusing seeing what he just recently accepted once again. For a split moment, his mind thinks of Anna. Frowning he says in a small voice “I will get back to you even if I have to do these silly quests with a bunch of strangers by my side. I will get home for you Anna.” Coming back to reality, finding himself running now trying to get to this location as quickly as possible. With the ground shaking after every step, Griswold makes his way out of town.

  11. Griswold grabs the hammer and shield, before heading toward the exit of his shop. Walking through the town toward the teleportation circle, seeing other green characters laughing and showing off their new equipment to each other. Watching them having fun and acting like this hell isn’t real still just being a game to them, Griswold can’t help but get a little pissed off. Griswold begins to walk faster to the warp gate, not looking at all the other characters and chatter going on around him. Arriving at the circle with a bit of trouble he opens the quest log seeing floor 17 as his destination for the quest. Closing out the menu angrily calling out “FLOOR 17”

    Griswold’s body feels disoriented for a moment as it travels through as data and landing on floor 17. Greeted by a welcome message to the floor upon arrival, he waves his hand in front of his face as to get rid of it faster.

  12. The room is warm with the kiln lit and the forge in use. Griswold is hard at work, shaping a sword before cooling the blade. Clink clink clink as the hammer hits against metal, thinning the bulky piece of heated metal. Raising the blade above his head to see if it’s the right size, not finding it good enough yet Griswold places the blade back down and starts hammering it out again. A message pops up randomly as Griswold was trying to finish this blade. For now he ignores it, but as soon as the blade is perfected it gets tossed in the water to cool and then Griswold pays attention to the message. 

    [Quest Available!]
    The goddess Hephaestus wishes to test your skills as a Blacksmith. Failing means your best was not given. Succeeding means your best work was given and you are worthy. Grand prizes and self worth will be given upon success.  Shall you accept my challenge or forever be a failure. 
    [Quest Location: Floor 17]
    [Do you accept?]

    “This is a quest that boy wants me to take” saying as Griswold takes the finished sword out of the water and places it on a rack. He accepts the quest and begins padding himself down to make sure everything needed is there. 


    Griswold, The Forgemaster

    Level: 6

    Weapon: Horadric Malus [Warhammer] (T1/Perfect) +3 Damage

    Armor: Forgemaster's Rattlecage [Heavy] (T1/Rare) +2 Heavy Momentum

    Misc: Steel Wall [Shield] (T1/Rare) +18 Damage Mitigation

    HP: 80/80

    EN: 8/8

    Damage: 5

    Mitigation: 18

    Heavy Momentum: +2 Damage on the first attack after missing.

    Warhammer Rank 1


  13. Gaius seemed to find what he was after, his last material without getting into trouble. A nod in respect for the boy yielded to his warning and kept himself out of trouble while finishing the task he'd been given "Well done, let's get this finished and move on." Retrieving his hammer and buckling everything back into place as to be prepared if something else aimed to attack them, Griswold pops his shoulders and picks his shield from the ground. Looking down at Shiina where she slept Griswold whispers to the young girl "Come now, its time to head back." Standing with a quick lunge forward to give him the momentum to do so, Griswold follows behind Simmone keeping eyes on Shiina to see if she was following in tow. A couple of steps onto the gate of Urbus took him back to floor 1 alongside Simmone, escorting Gaius back where he needed to be.

    ID# 136452 results: Loot: 13, Failure!

  14. Griswold took to the same stone, tired from the whole ordeal as his energy pool was lower then he would have liked. A quick check of his plates, tightening them after pulling them up to let the air hit his skin underneath the armor. Hot in this humid environment clad in his cobalt blue shell, Griswold takes a deep breath looking to Gaius while Simmone takes to the forest to keep an eye out for potential threats. "That was impressive boy, knew you had it in you." Griswold chuckles brushing some hair from the head of his hammer and tightening a few loosened rivets from the back of his shield. Looking over the polearm users weapon with a professional eye, Griswold remarks "But we got to get something better into your hands because that hunk of junk is serving you none." Honesty without tact Griswold laughs again with a hearty chuckle, hoping to not irritate the boy but just make conversation.

    ID# 136448 results: Loot: 1, FAILURE!

    Griswold: 120/120 HP, 5/12 EN, DMG 5, Miti 18, H.M: 2

  15. "Aye!" Griswold yelps out in response to Simmone, picking up her intentions with the amber head of his hammer to do the rest of the speaking. A feint from Simmone draws the beast's attention as Griswold breaks around behind it and cleaves down toward its spine near where Gaius was latched in. Its insistent bucking draws it outside of Griswold's swing, yielding no impact and wiggling out of where he can strike before he's forced to block incoming hooves. Clattering hard against his steel wall time and time again Griswold is forced back shouting back to Simmone "It's no good! I can't seem to get close." Taking a few steps away as to halt the barrage of incoming blows hoping to not have them overcome his defensives, it was on Gaius now to finish this fight. Griswold shouts to Gaius "You can do it boy, end it!" giving a quick hand motion to Shiina to keep close as to put herself in a hazardous position as he docks his shield.

    ID# 136427 results: Battle: 4, Missed using basic attack! [Heavy Momentum Retained!]

    (2)Gaius: 120/120 HP, 4/12 EN, DMG 7, Miti 9, Acc 2, H.M: 2, 1 EVA Prosperity 3 [Disguse 0/3]

    (1)Simmone: 120/120 HP, 12/12 EN, DMG 2, EVA 1, Acc 3, BLD 1 (12 Over 2/9-10), Keen 1, Recov 2 (2/CD 6+)

    Griswold: 120/120 HP, 4/12 EN, DMG 5, Miti 18, H.M: 2

    Shiina: 80/80 HP, 8/8 EN, DMG 1


    Mountain Elk: 22/60 HP, DMG 18

  16. Quickly leaping from his sitting position, springing off the stone as one of the local wildlife comes to action to face Gaius and the group in defense of the one lost Griswold closes the gap. A glowing hammer ablaze with action, Griswold heaves the hammer in silence down. The first blow falls short, the second producing no impact as it glances in a tuft of floating hair and the final connects with the creature's defenses in an impact halting the hammer dead. "Blasted..." Griswold was a bit discouraged but removes the hammer with a quick boot away from its antlers as it attempts to gore him nailing his shield. Shiina comes back to the area through that which she left, Griswold moves to her side being the smallest among them in attempts to block her from harm. "Stay behind me..." Griswold announces allowing his shield to be the thing between them an the hostile.

    ID# 136416 results:

    Battle: 5, Missed! using Upper Swing!

    Gaius: 120/120 HP, 7/12 EN, DMG 7, Miti 9, Acc 2, H.M: 2, Prosperity 3

    (1)Simmone: 120/120 HP, 11/12 EN, DMG 2, EVA 1, Acc 3, BLD 1 (12 Over 2/9-10), Keen 1, Recov 2 (2/CD 6+)

    Griswold: 120/120 HP, 5/12 EN, DMG 5, Miti 18, H.M: 2

    Shiina: 80/80 HP, 8/8 EN, DMG 1


    Mountain Elk: 58/60 HP, DMG 18

  17. A subtle nod to Simmone in acknowledgment before he splits off, keeping close but seeking some potential metals in the surrounding rough. Pushing his way past trees and brush with ease, stepping through and over each with his size making it trivial. A simple ring around the area Griswold keeps his eyes peeled for aught of use, but comes back empty-handed. In the travel, he manages upon a small stream of water littered with sediment and small creatures partaking of the source but beyond that, it was a fruitless scan of the location. Returning back to where Gaius remains sat, Griswold takes a stone and a load off as well letting his pools recover completely. A quick pop of the neck with a removed helmet to let the air in his armor Griswold breathes heavy to rejuvenate himself, before replacing the metal visor and stands looking to continue his journey with the others.

    ID# 136392 results: Loot: 8, Failure!

    Griswold: 120(+10)/120 HP, 6/12 EN, DMG 5, Miti 18, H.M: 2 [Concentration Available!]


  18. The beast was on its last legs, more then half of its HP read back missing on Griswolds HUD but it continued to attack aimlessly but kept an eye on Griswold. Knowing he had its attentions despite it flailing about toward his comrades, Griswold intended to press this further while still leaving the kill to Gaius to perform as the plan warranted. A quick hammer blow in a line, down at its back with an orange glare of energy yields no result, Griswold misses by a foot or two as the creature screams past in a path of kicked up dirt. Flailing backward with its rack of jagged protrusions Griswold is forced to raise his shield and stop the attempt at goring his face. Slamming hard against his steel shield in a miserable grinding and raking sound along its polished surface, Griswold successfully blocks it as the elk retract them as its gaze passes toward Shiina.

    ID# 136379 results:

    Battle: 2, Missed! [Heavy Momentum Maintained!]

    (1)Gaius: 120/120 HP, 8/12 EN, DMG 7, Miti 9, Acc 2, H.M: 2, Prosperity 3, LD +2

    (1)Simmone: 120/120 HP, 11/12 EN, DMG 2, EVA 1, Acc 3, BLD 1 (12 Over 2/9-10), Keen 1, Recov 2 (2/CD 6+)

    (3)Griswold: 119/120 HP, 5/12 EN, DMG 5, Miti 18, H.M: 2 [Concentration 2/3]

    (2)Shiina: 80/80 HP, 8/8 EN, DMG 1


    Mountain Elk: 24/60 HP, DMG 18

  19. A jaunt up behind Simmone in follow up as the creature turns to face her, she takes her exit in time for Griswold to close the gap. With glowing hammer in hand, Griswold tears the weapon across like a slamming door, aiming to impact the skull of the beast as its attentions shift to Griswold. The blow looks sound coming in fast, but the creature carefully drops its horns within the path. Stopping dead his momentum the attack is halted with ease given its natural protection, the elk pushes back against the strike as Griswold pulls his weapon free and shouts "Blasted thing, keep the pressure on!" while lifting his shield to put himself between the creature and any potential targets it may prey upon. With intent to protect his companions, Griswold stands with shield raised in response keeping eyes on the beast. A quick pitter-patter of feet from behind alerts Griswold.

    ID# 136373 results:

    Battle: 4, Missed! [Heavy Momentum Activated!]

    (1)Gaius: 120/120 HP, 9/12 EN, DMG 7, Miti 9, Acc 2, H.M: 2, Prosperity 3, LD +2

    (1)Simmone: 120/120 HP, 11/12 EN, DMG 2, EVA 1, Acc 3, BLD 1 (12 Over 2/9-10), Keen 1, Recov 2 (2/CD 6+)

    (3)Griswold: 120/120 HP, 6/12 EN, DMG 5, Miti 18, H.M: 2 [Concentration 1/3]

    (2)Shiina: 80/80 HP, 7/8 EN, DMG 1


    Mountain Elk: 24/60 HP, DMG 18

  20. Griswold hears the commotion, quickly drawing his shield and hammer. Gaius whiffs his attack and Simmone seems to do a tad bit, yelling switch to the bear of a man. A grin tears across his face, His shield and hammer glow a bright orange like fire. Griswold starts a sprint with the cardinal's assistance picking up speed, slamming his shield into the beast before ripping his hammer overhead and cleaving downward with hefty force. The impact knocks the creature to the ground hard, winding it and incapacitating it as the switch pulls the aggro from Simmone with ease. A soft chuckle from Griswold as he retracts from the tenderized meat laid prone, taking a glance toward Simmone with a remark "You rang?"

    The elk struggles to stand its legs quivering as its obviously having no clear vision having the sense knocked completely out of it, by a bulldozer in the plate metal.

    ID# 136356 results: Battle: 9+1 (Concentration Used) Hit using Power Strike dealing (6*2=12) and stunning the elk!

    Gaius: 120/120 HP, 10/12 EN, DMG 7, Miti 9, Acc 2, H.M: 2, Prosperity 3, LD +2

    Simmone: 120/120 HP, 11/12 EN, DMG 2, EVA 1, Acc 3, BLD 1 (12 Over 2/9-10), Keen 1, Recov 2 (2/CD 6+)

    (3)Griswold: 120/120 HP, 7/12 EN, DMG 5, Miti 18, H.M: 2 [Concentration 0/3]

    Shiina: 80/80 HP, 8/8 EN, DMG 1


    Mountain Elk: 47/60 HP, DMG 18 [Stunned]

  21. Not sure where they were headed, this was more then likely another plan he'd been dragged into. Griswold wasn't to keen on being left in the dark on these matters, but given past experience these plans tend to be pretty concise and well thought out. He'd play along, after all he didn't have much direction otherwise so it was nice to at least have purpose other then slamming steel. Following the woman with a tongue of silver, Griswold is led to some sort of dense forest. The tree's canopy thick with blueish tint leaves barely allowing sunlight to pour in from above. From past experience as well, Raidou would be smart to play on Gaius's hot headed nature and use that to motivate the lad given he knew this because he was once just like the boy was. A soft whiff of the area yields a pungent smell of a forest, just as expected still a bit damp from the night before as a few varmints skitter about as they approach.

  22. Heavy handed blows against solid stone, breaking up chunks revealing a familiar glimmer of metals veined within the rock. Leaning down and scooping the ore from the dust underfoot, Griswold turns it and takes note of the shine contained in the rough. "Needs refined, but it will do." The sun was high, and Griswold was sure that the party had found their way to the meeting point discussed prior. Moving while shoving the unrefined metal into a small rucksack of linen to work later, Griswold beats a path under heavy steps toward Tolbana, catching sights of Simmone and Gaius already present, between the packs of NPC's and players alike threading needles between vision obscuring them slightly as they pathed in front of him. "Wheres the other one?" Griswold remarks taking note that there was supposed to be four of them, as it appeared to him one had yet to show.

    ID# 136352 results: Loot: 18

    1*T1 Materials Obtained!

    Total T1 Materials: 1


    Griswold, The Forgemaster

    Level: 6

    Weapon: Horadric Malus [Warhammer] (T1/Perfect) +3 Damage

    Armor: Forgemaster's Rattlecage [Heavy] (T1/Rare) +2 Heavy Momentum

    Misc: Steel Wall [Shield] (T1/Rare) +18 Damage Mitigation

    HP: 80/80

    EN: 8/8

    Damage: 5

    Mitigation: 18

    Heavy Momentum: +2 Damage on the first attack after missing.

    Warhammer Rank 1

    Concentration [Extra]

  23. A few heavy footfalls as he escapes the labyrinth of trees surrounding this graveyard of memories with the final rain of the day taking a rest from the sky. Griswold pats the water from his shoulders as he removes the gauntlet and hands it back to Raidou. “And with that, we move on to the next phase. Well done Griswold lets go see the others.” Raidou remarks taking the plated glove from the giant of a man in front of him unphased by the height and stature differences. Griswold chuckles looking at the boy in red, remembering the usefulness of the items he had while facing himself “You are something boy, I’d like to see what else you have in store.” Griswold saw something, an opportunity to escape through adverse thinking laden in this young man. The party waits a few minutes as Raidou re-affixes his glove to his arm and Griswold takes a well-earned break after the whole ordeal.

    ID# 136030 results: Loot: 3


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