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Posts posted by Griswold

  1. "But my little Anna..." Griswold whispers as he regains his footing. "I need to get back to Anna." Headbutting the creature with a bash of skull on skull, Griswold uses the momentum and a subtle gambit to push it back before slamming the horadric malus against the creatures chest. It hisses and attempts to raise a shield, Griswold shifts and slams his foot against it knocking it away and slams the hammer in again. It strength waning as Griswold pushes it onto its back with one more blow.

    "Finish me..."

    Stepping down on the beasts chest, like looking into a pool of water. Griswold plants his foot square on the creatures body quickly ripping his hammer upward before he halts inches from its skull. "I could, but I understand your just an embodiment of all the things I hate about myself. Its not fair to you to judge you for my actions. No we are the same, learn I shall from your teaching." Dropping his shield and ripping his clone to its feet while it flashes into blue light dispersed.

    The strength of the heart required to face oneself has been made to manifest
    Griswold has faced his other self
    He has obtained the resolve to overcome life’s hardships


    ID# 136029 results:

    Battle: 5+3 Hit (Upper Swing 3*5=15-7=8)

    MOB: 4+3 Hit

    Griswold: HP: 75/80, EN: 5/8, Damage 5, Mitigation: 27, Accuracy: +3, Immolation: 10 Unmiti

    Gemini: HP: 1/40, Damage 20 [24-28(BD:9-10)], Mitigation: 7, Accuracy: +3, Paralyze 1 (9-10) [Spared!]

  2. Another blast of a hefty blow slams against Griswolds head, causing the heat to persist despite the chilling water that poured over the point of impact. "This is the end for you." A dark hiss of this monster beating its weapon into Griswold time and time again while he couldn't react. "Just die..." The shade remarks moving its large jaw and two toned hiss of his voice like an echo through Griswold's ears. Drawing up for a final blow it heaves the hammer down in a final attempt on Griswold's life.

    Shifting his head slightly of where the attack was aimed Griswold takes the blow on the plated shoulder of Raidou's armor. "I would..." Griswold says softly as the paralyze begins to wear away.

    ID# 136028 results:

     Battle: 3 Paralyzed!

     MOB: 4+3 Hit!

    Griswold: HP: 76/80, EN: 8/8, Damage 5, Mitigation: 27, Accuracy: +3, Immolation: 10 Unmiti [Paralyzed]

    Gemini: HP: 17/40, Damage 20 [24-28(BD:9-10)], Mitigation: 7, Accuracy: +3, Paralyze 1 (9-10)

  3. The creature slams the hammer squarely across Griswold's jaw, coupled with a sharp warmth becoming painfully present on his face from the impact. Griswold watches incapacitated as his HP bar ticks down just a tad, at the corner of his peripheral a subtle gleam bled from the plate on his arm. Gritting his teeth, Griswold takes the brunt of the blow pushing in fury against the status coursing through his large frame of muscle fiber and bones.

    As it winds back for another attack aimed for his skull. "Just give it up old man, you shouldn't have come in here."

    ID# 136027 results:

    Battle: 2 Paralyzed!

    MOB: 9 Minor Critical!, Paralyze Activated!

    Griswold: HP: 77/80, EN: 8/8, Damage 5, Mitigation: 27, Accuracy: +3, Immolation: 10 Unmiti [Paralyzed]

    Gemini: HP: 27/40, Damage 20 [24-28(BD:9-10)], Mitigation: 7, Accuracy: +3, Paralyze 1 (9-10)

  4. Continuing the onslaught of exchanging blows under the torrential rains beating down from above, Griswold and the creature slamming together in aggression. Each impact rung with the sounds of scraping metal and hefty thuds of flesh. Griswold gets a lucky shot across the Gemini's jaw as it winds back and connects its war hammer with Griswold's spine. Feeling his muscles lock up and cease to function Griswold drops to a knee, trying to recover from the sudden shock to his system.

    "Looks as though I've got you" the duplicate says with a twisted grin and a chuckle, tapping the head of its hammer in the palm of its hand a few times in a taunt. Griswold pushes his hand against his folded leg, trying to muster the strength to stand. Taking a couple steps through the soil under its feet, the yellowed copy moves closer lording over Griswold and winds back an arc while he lay on one knee.

    ID# 136026 results:

     Battle: 8+3 Hit!

     MOB: 10+3 Major Critical!, Paralyze Activated!

    Griswold: HP: 78/80, EN: 7/8, Damage 5, Mitigation: 27, Accuracy: +3, Immolation: 10 Unmiti [Paralyzed]

    Gemini: HP: 27/40, Damage 20 [24-28(BD:9-10)], Mitigation: 7, Accuracy: +3, Paralyze 1 (9-10)

  5. The charge together begins again to the sound of a clap of thunder, Griswold tears away at the beast with a hefty blow to its gut. Trying to follow suit it rips the hammer up in an arc of yellow light. Griswold catches the glimpse out of the corner of his eye and drops his shield between him and the strike. A ring of his shield as the shadow's hammer slams against the metal plate affixed to Griswold's arm attached just above the gauntlet locked onto it. The shining silver of the plate still visible in the darkened sky, a memorial of the believe of the guild members at his back.

    The sight pulls into forethought as it catches Griswolds eye "I guess I am doing this for you, in the same way your doing this for me." as he begins to interpret the action and unification Raidou aimed to achieve.

    ID# 136025 results:

     Battle: 6+3 Hit!

     MOB: 2+3 Missed

    Griswold: HP: 79/80, EN: 7/8, Damage 5, Mitigation: 27, Accuracy: +3, Immolation: 10 Unmiti

    Gemini: HP: 28/40, Damage 20 [24-28(BD:9-10)], Mitigation: 7, Accuracy: +3, Paralyze 1 (9-10)

  6. Both Griswold and the massive reflection of equal bulk charge into each other with fervor, like two bulls attempting to lock horns. Shields slam together hard before they exchange hammer blows. Griswold rubs his jaw and spits, his shadow form winding back to a standard position neither taking a lot of damage in the exchange. "Come on, You seemed so determined so come at me!" Griswold shouts to the clone puffing out his chest and popping his neck, as the water runs off his chiseled frame in beads of water. A crash of thunder breaks the silence of rainfall as each combatant size each other up from a distance. Intentions become clear as each weapon begins to collect light as the assist system boots up, wrapping Griswolds weapon in burning orange and the sickly copycats with a bright yellow. Widening his feet Griswold prepares for the art to pull him to his target.


    ID# 136024 results:

     Battle: 8+3 HIT

     MOB: 7+4 (Disguise) Hit!


    Griswold: HP: 79/80, EN: 7/8, Damage 5, Mitigation: 27, Accuracy: +3, Immolation: 10 Unmiti

    Gemini: HP: 29/40, Damage 20 [24-28(BD:9-10)], Mitigation: 7, Accuracy: +3, Paralyze 1 (9-10)

  7. “We have trouble accepting actions or methods that don’t align with our own. Don’t we?” Another taunt from a miserable smile painted on a false face. "Shut up…” Griswold spits the fires burning hotter. “How will we work in this group, how many times have we walked away.” Again the words fire off like bullets and Griswold just repeats himself a bit louder “Shut up.”
    “This isn’t going to work for us, like the daughter’s we’ve lost and the woman we let walk away with them in tow because we couldn’t contain our words. We just couldn’t accept her actions now could we.”

    Griswold flares with fire, his face twisting in pure hatred that this game was mentioning his daughter in such a twisted visage of himself. Lifting to his feet and charging forward slamming his hammer thrice against the creature’s shield in brimming fury. “Your not me, and after I bury you on this mountain, I’ll be getting out of this s*** through anything I have to. I will see my daughters again."

    Banging his hammer on his shield in a decree.

    "This is my truth.”

  8. These winds tear the trees with the same swaying waves, lightning bouncing aggressively through the clouds overhead causing the sky to pulse yellow each time it does so. Griswold takes another swing and his hammers flat meet the mirrors in an impact of sparks as before. It’s grin breaks into words again “We are the best at what we do, or at least we believe this so. How many times has our tongue or boasts gotten us in trouble. Its why we try to never speak about ourself.” Griswold was visibly shaken by the words for it was true, how many apprentices had he scorned because of pride. How many potential friends for his daughter were lost to these winds because he was so hard to get along with. His daughter…

    Griswold pauses here, his mind becoming hammered clear of impurity with thoughts of his daughter little blonde hair and blue eyes, Anna.

  9. “We never had tact have we, ruining our daughter’s friendship with our brash words and scary demeanor. This extends to those we speak to, most don’t enjoy how extremely honest we can be.” A mirror of yellowed smoke and piercing yellow eyes staring back with an insult of honesty, Griswold grits his teeth and takes a step inward, toward his duplicate taking a hefty swing at it as it blocks with a matching shield. Sparks light the coverage with Griswold’s blunt weapon slamming with a reverberating *thung* as it connects with his shade’s defenses. 
    “How about you shut your trap before I knock it off your face?” Griswold threatens visibly in irritation not taking the words flowing from the creature lightly. Retracting his hammer from the reflection’s shield, Griswold winds back as it grins with a wide twisted smile under the flash of electricity overhead. Harsh winds tear away between them, Griswold’s hair purveying them with pulses flowing back and forth like waves on an ocean.

  10. As Griswold stands in the middle of this storm a bit taken back at how fast it formed, he swears he hears some branches in the distance break. Griswold tries to look against the fog to see anything of note. A small shadowed figure shows in the distance ever so slightly. Griswold’s demeanor chances from curious to serious. The lightning flashes and  at that moment it seems that the entity gets closer. Another flash and the shadow is closer. “WHO ARE YOU” Griswold angrily says as he pulls his hammer and shield out while he still can. Another flash and he seems to be right in front of Griswold now. Now being so close, Griswold sees the figure to look exactly like him with a different set of eyes. “We are us” the figure says with a demented looking smile as the fog clears just enough to see a few feet in front of him.


  11. As Griswolds hands run across this broken down pillar trying to make sense of what happened, the storm begins. The clouds above turn into a deep dark grey color as rain starts pouring down against Griswolds' large figure. Thunder begins clashing in the area around seconds apart from each other followed by flashes that light the entirety of Griswolds location. The fog is now so thick that you can’t see even the hand you put in front of your face. Only lights that are dimmed and shadowed figures can be seen as if they were trying to run from nothing. Chills run down Griswolds back as he can slightly see the mist around him swirl around as the wind begins picking up. The rain like needles against Griswolds face as the wind blows against every step or direction he stands. Griswold tries to wipe his face from the water build up but the rain was too heavy to get rid of it completely.

  12. Trying to make sense of the area he stumbled upon, Griswold turns around trying to see anything through the fog. Turning his head slowly starting to the left, squinting through the fog as his eyes slowly rotate to the right. Another glance from right to left this time, his eyes catch a faint glow through the thick mist. With no fear, Griswold walks carefully toward the faint glow. Reaching the glow, Griswold presses his hands against the thing trying to get a feel for what it was. The faint glow turns green as he touches his hand across now what Griswold concludes to be a pillar. “Very interesting” as Griswold begins to look around once more, now from a better vanish point he sees 6 other pillars circled around him but they seem different. Griswold walks to one of the others and realizes that it was broken, shattered in half.

  13. The fog around Griswold begins to thicken as the rain gets heavier. With every step, the water and mud mixture splashes in every direction. As the hammer swipes around connecting with the mist and sometimes a branch or two, the mist reforms instantly with each swing. “I can’t see a damn thing” saying as he puts his other hand out trying to make an understanding of where he was. *Splash splash clonk*...as Griswold’s feet hit a different surface than before. Taking a few more steps slowly forward he now concludes it to be some form of concrete due to the sound that his boots make against the ground. As he’s slowly walking still with his hand out for guidance, his hand touches something hard and ruff. Following the thing, he concludes it to be a broken-down brick wall of some sort. Hands run across some sharp edges near the top where it seems to end.

  14. Walking the path he chose as he bashes through the vines in his walkway, Griswold starts to get a bit chilly as the forest around him begins to darken around him. A light fog starts to fall around him making it hard on his vision. Moments later he feels a few drops of water on his head. A pause and gazing up just as a flash of electricity tears across the sky, causing the forest to light up just for a split second followed by a rumble of thunder after it. Griswold continues walking deeper and deeper into the forest as he clears everything in his path determined to get to his destination quickly before the larger storm hits. Avoiding rocks, climbing over branches and vines that are too thick to cut through. Almost losing his footing while trying the climb over a large root, Griswold starts taking his time with the upcoming obstacles, taking a softer pace to avoid disaster.

  15. Closing out his menu, Griswold looks around him. He looks left, which looks relatively clear with a hand full of trees in the distance. He shakes his head back and forth then looks to the right, which looks to be more trees then the left but closer together with large vines dangling, entangled with one another blocking the pathway in this direction. “Maybe,” A softly danced thought as Griswold peers forward in the distance, which seems to be just as clear as the left passage. Griswold’s vision darts right, complemented with a subtle nod as he says “Nothing in life is easy. Sometimes the most difficult way is the best way” as he starts walking the right path. Now that he’s gotten closer he notices that going deeper into these set of trees, it gets dark, the light is unable to shine through the trees above due to them being so close together.

  16. “DAMN BOARS” he yells as he stands against the tree. “It seems they are more afraid of the storm than me…” he says in a puzzled voice. He glances around at his surrounding be begins walking again. As he starts walking again he notices that his boots started to sink into the mud beneath him even further than before. The wind starts to pick up again, blowing his hair very lightly in every direction. “Why am I out here boy” he glances down at Swordsman’s Bracer. He stops for a moment trying to open his quest log to see the quest information. It takes a better part of five minutes and yelling before he finally opens the menu he wanted. He frowns a bit as he reads the details for this quest, for it shares no information that would help him find his way in this mess of a forest.

  17. In the distance in front of him, Griswold sees another couple of bushes moving in the distance. Thinking back from before when he thought it was something dangerous he just starts walking toward the moving bushes. As he gets closer to these bushed they still seem to be moving around. Being about a foot away, thunder crashes in the sky and at that same moment, two boars come running out of these bushes oinking and squealing in fear as they run toward Griswold. Thinking that they were running at him to attack he gets his hammer ready to smash at them. Instead, though they just run at him and underneath his legs causing Griswold to stumble a bit. He managed to grab a tree near him to prevent himself from falling. He looks behind him where they went but before he could tell lightning flashes around him blurring his vision for just a second.

  18. Paying more attention to the grey clouds above him instead of the environment around, Griswold runs right into a large, thick, strung out root coming out from the tree to the right of him. “OOFF,” he says on impact as he looks down to see what halts him. “Where in the world did this come from?” Griswold looks at the tree that’s attached to this enlarged root with a confused look on his face. He rubs his head a bit with his free hand and looks back up to the sky. The clouds seem to be moving faster than before above him in a circle formation. Moments later the multiple clouds form one giant dark grey cloud. “Looks like a storm is going to start sooner than later,” he says as he climbs over the thick root in front of him and starts walking at the same pace as before.

  19. Griswold continues on stomping through the muddy terrain as he smashes the branches in front of him. After a while of walking, he finds a decent size boulder and decides to smash against it hoping to find some fragments of ore that would be of use to him. Finding nothing he says “DAMN” as he continues his long voyage. “It would help to know where I was going. I’m walking aimlessly right now and I don’t like it” he says in a quiet voice mainly to himself as he starts to feel a constant slow breeze against his face. Looking around him for a moment before he starts walking in a different direction from before hoping that he would find something of help to let him know he was heading the right way. Griswold looks up to find grey clouds slowly passing above him through the trees. “Hmm,” he says still walking not paying any attention in front of him, taking a hand to his grizzled jaw with a rub of confusion.

  20. As Griswold walks he begins to notice that the ground beneath him becomes softer underneath his feet. “To be expected from all the storms that have happened,” he says as he watches his feet sink a couple of inches into the now what looks like mud. “I wonder if..” he begins to say as he sees the brush ahead of him begins to rustle in small movements. “HARH!” he yells out as he pulls his weapon out and bashes his hammer into the bushes. Missing whatever was in the bush, a toad hops out from the bush nearly avoiding the attack. “Oh.,” he says as he puts his hammer away. “You can never be too careful out here” he makes a point to himself as he looks in the distance once more. Griswold starts to walk in a different direction now hoping that he was going the right way for the quest.

  21. Griswold just keeps on trucking, swinging his hammer in every necessary direction to keep the vines and branches from the trees out of his way. Every now again he would step around a boulder or climb over a large root steaming out from a tree. He didn’t feel like he had the finesse like the girls to just run a jump so he decided to take careful time to ensure that he made it okay. Realizing he had no clue where he was heading, he tried to open up a larger map. In trying to open the map, he opens everything beside it. After a minute of struggling, he finally manages to get a bigger version of the map to appear. After all the fight the only thing he sees is a giant green circle around the area he’s standing in. “This wasn’t of any use,” he says as he continues to walk in the same direction as before.

  22. Gemini Thread Ends Here

    Removing himself from the trees, beat up just as bad as Kasumi when she returned he carries himself toward the party awaiting his return. Unhinging the glove from his arm and dropping it back into Raidou's grasp after some difficulty removing it. "It served me well boy, I appreciate you standing with me." the small little trinket in the shape of a cat still held in his grasp, Griswold aimed to return it to its owner. Setting back toward the falls despite his exhaustion, Griswold pressed on hoping the rest of the guild would follow suit.

    Griswold hands Swordsman's Bracer to Raidou

    Coming out of trees near the rest of the guild, Griswold moves to Simmone's side and extends out the small trinket she had shared with the rest of them. Dropping the small little silver cat into her hands, it is given back to its owner after serving so many in their respective endeavors taken in this forest. 

    Griswold hands Cat's Gaze to Simmone

  23. The small girl breaks from the treeline, exhaustion taking her frame as she detaches the glove from her arm and presents it to him. “Well...Wish me luck.” Griswold being the last to take the gauntlet pulling the straps tight to his left arm, the presence of the boy at his side on heavy armor he was akin to wearing. Drinking down the potion he received from Simmone, an amber-orange hue of liquid with a peculiar taste of the smells of his smelter Griswold enters the forest taking the final of the Gemini trials. The excessive rain showing blossoming flowers opening to enjoy the moisture in the air in an array of colors aplenty stuck to the tops of trees paying no foreshadow of what was to come of the fight ahead or the grim ordeal about to transpire. Shoving his massive frame through tendrils that seem to continue to claim the entry point into the labyrinth of trees, Griswold sets off.

    Griswold Receives Swordsman’s Bracer [Heavy] +27 Mitigation from Kasumi 
    Griswold Receives the Cat’s Gaze [Trinket] +3 Accuracy from Kasumi 
    Griswold Equips Swordsman’s Bracer [Heavy] +27 Mitigation
    Griswold Equips the Cat’s Gaze [Trinket] +3 Accuracy
    Griswold receives 2*Immolation potions from Simmone
    Griswold consumes an Immolation potion


    Griswold, The Forgemaster

    Weapon: Horadric Malus [Warhammer] (T1/Perfect) +3 Damage

    Armor: Swordsman’s Bracer [Heavy] +27 Mitigation

    Misc: Cat’s Gaze [Trinket] +3 Accuracy

    HP: 80/80

    EN: 8/8

    Damage: 5

    Mitigation: 27

    Accuracy: +3

    Immolation: 10 Unmitigated Damage vs. Aggressors on Non Critical Attacks

    Warhammer Rank 1



  24. Simmone seems to exit reeking of exhaustion but seeming successful before she passes out some vials of weird amber liquid. "Hmm.." Griswold grunts not understanding but unquestioning assured it would become clear in time. Glittering in the sunlight Griswold looks them over as he awaits his turn in the rotation, and the plan laid before him.

    Griswold receives 2*Immolation Potion from Simmone

    One by one the guild attacks and treks the forest, Griswold waits patently for his to start. The orange haired girl of height drastically less than his extremes comes out of the forest of memory looking worse for wear. Presenting him with the silver plates given from the boy with fire in his belly and an unruly blade on his back. "I'm not sure what this is intended, but I'll show you all what I'm made of." Griswold remarks in his thick accent while tightening the belts around his arm forcing the piece to begin to form fit to his broad arm while heading toward the treeline

    Griswold receives Swordsman's Bracer from Kasumi

    Griswold receives Cat's Gaze from Kasumi

    Gemini Thread Begins Here


    Griswold, The Forgemaster

    Weapon: Horadric Malus [Warhammer] (T1/Perfect) +3 Damage

    Armor: Forgemaster's Rattlecage [Heavy] (T1/Rare) +2 Heavy Momentum

    Misc: Steel Wall [Shield] (T1/Rare) +18 Damage Mitigation

    HP: 80/80

    EN: 8/8

    Damage: 5

    Mitigation: 18

    Heavy Momentum: +2 Damage on the first attack after missing.

    Warhammer Rank 1


  25. "I am going to get back to it..." Griswold projected from somewhere in his chest, more then likely given the depth of the response his gut. "Your name?" Griswold asks as he takes the materials tossing them into a barrel to his right where he keeps unprepared metals for later alloying and claiming the quenched sword blade with a pair of calipers. Taking the unsharpened blade to a grindstone with a shower of sparks as an edge is pushed into it creating a bevel on the dull edge as it starts to become a weapon with the turning wheel of stone pushing against its surface in rigid hands with experience work it against the wheel turning fast under a pedal on its base.

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