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Posts posted by Freya

  1. Soon enough the clouds start to turn grey and the rain come down more consistently than before. She had nothing more than Eruda's armor on. She knew that this weather was only going to get worse soon. Freya was determined to get through this one way or another. Fear of a tiny thunderstorm wasn't going to hold her back from the goal at hand. She didn't really know what this thing she was supposed to fight was going to bring to the table but she would be ready for whatever came her way. Another flash of lightning and thunder crashing through the sky as the storm was rising to its peak. The fog was now about mid-body height now as her hair became drenched from the hard rainfall. Freya walked on and in the distance, she could hear nothing now. No chirping birds, no crickets, just bushes making a racket from the wind and rain that were forming puddles beneath her feet now.

  2. Standing...Waiting... two messages came withing 5 minutes apart. First, from Raidou, the one that saved her, the man in Red. Then from Gaius and Freya couldn't help but smile. His house was on this floor, to the North of this town? Knowing that Raidou got the same message she takes one more glance around making sure Raidou wasn't around here yet. Sending a quick message through the same chat she says:


    I"ll meet you there then...

    She walks out of the town and looks up to her map. Making her way north like Gaius announced she ponders on the meal that she still owed him. She would ask him what sort of food he prefers versus others. She had just gotten her shop but has yet to use it. After what unraveled during that quest with Griswold she was trying to put all her ducks in a row before she made anything. She was a good cook back home, hopefully, that carries some weight cooking here too. After some time of walking straight north through a wheat field, she sees a house in the distance on top of a hill. A tavern of sorts, she starts heading toward it hoping that it was Gaius's and not some random shmoos.

  3. After a nights rest from the easy questing yesterday, Freya lays in bed smiling. Small birds chirp from outside Eruda's shop walls. All her problems in her head seemed to disappear when she was with that person Gaius was it. He made a great distraction from things that she didn't want to think about. Getting to her feet from her bed roll, she decides that she would pick another quest and invite him to come along again. With a glance around it was early and Eruda already seemed to be gone but she left a note on the counter saying "Be safe, Love you." Freya smiles and heads off to the town of beginnings, straight for the quest board to find something to help her level and get stronger. After sometime she gets to her destination and scans through the board remembering from last time how to do so. Picking a random one on a  lower floor should service, she thinks as she takes the Case of Wurms quest off the board with a smile. She opens the message part of her HUD and then thinks for a moment. She didn't want to seem like a needy child so she sends a message through guild chat instead saying:


    Taking Case of Wurms quest if anyone wants to tag along. I'll be waiting on floor 7.


    "There now if he responds it will be because he wants to come not because I asked him." She smiles a bit as she takes the teleport circle up to the desired floor and waits for someone to message back.

    Freya | HP:200/200 | EN:20/20 | DMG:8 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3


    Level: 10
    HP: 200/200
    EN: 20/20

    Damage: 8
    Mitigation: 18
    Evasion: 1
    Accuracy: 3

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Life Taker (T1/Perfect/2HBA): Damage 3
    Armor: Swifter (T1/Perfect/Light Armor): Mitigation 2, Evasion 1
    Misc: Bringer (Tierless/Perfect/Trinket): Accuracy 3

    Two-Handed Battle Axe [Rank 3]

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleport Crystal*1
    Resistance Plate - Lily (T1/Perfect/HA): Mitigation 27


  4. As her chin was raised, a drop of cold water lands against her cheek. Her hand wipes the wetness from her face as she looks down at her hand. Rain and fog, "Great, my worse fear is coming into play. I hate storms, but as long as there is no thunder, I should be..." before she could finish her words, a large crashing sound comes from above her in the darkened tree line. "Fuck" is all she could manage to say before she realized that the mist beneath her feet again had risen further, mid-thigh height now. Even though she could not see below her, she continues to walk as the wind starts to pick up and swish her hair around. Lightning flashes in the sky above her and she jumps a bit when another loud rumble follows behind it. Another cold droplet falls on her head, one after another, after another.

  5. While in her own mind angrily thinking about everything that was nothing, she realized that she was no longer able to see her feet. Looking up with a jerk of her head she notices that some fog had started to overlay where she was walking. Glancing confusing around her now, the mist was everywhere and rising. What the hell was this? She looks to her map and to her surprise it showed nothing but a large green circle. Was this thing she was supposed to fight somewhere in this green area. The air was starting to chill and it was getting a bit colder against her skin. The fog starts to rise just below her knees now, was there a storm trying to start, or was this just part of the quest. Her eyes move up to see it starting the darken and dim, the sun could still be seen but for some strange reason, the light didn't shine so bright right now...

  6. Breathing a bit heavier than she should be, a gust of wind past her and what leave behind him was a tornado-like swirl with snow everywhere around her. She knew that she was way over her head challenging him, but this... The large winds made her stumble and the more she tried to keep her balance while she ran forward, it just wasn't going to happen because the winds that he caused were just way too strong for her frame. The large gust of wind pushes her forward too fast and Freya trips. Her face is whitewashed by all senses of the words. Pulling her face from the snow, she looks on to Gaius as he stood at the destination. Surprise at what just happened though, she couldn't help but start laughing. Moments later she hears a crashing disturbance in the distance and her HUD chimes upon completion of the quest. Freya starts laughing again and falls onto her back laying in the snow now. "SOMEONE BEAT US TO IT, and I owe you a meal..." Freya just lays there in the snow laughing. 

  7. It was like she talked to a ghost as the small figure was already gone. Trailing through the snow Gaius walks quickly ahead of her with some short was words that were already obvious to her view. Gaius seemed like the type of person that liked the action more than words. Freya smirks as she sees him pole out his weapon, a two-handed glaive. She could appreciate the no words part, she was not looking to annoy anyone like Sam seemed to do. Freya pulls out her Scythe with a grin and a glance at her map as she says "The constant introductions were getting annoying anyway. The icon points this direction..." She runs to his side as her Scythe drags a deepening trail behind her. Not sure what they would be up against she decided to trust Gaius in the whole heavy hitter aspect knowing that he could most likely one hit anything they came across on this floor. Her face turns with a tilt toward Gaius and competitive smirk forms on her face saying "Race ya to that very large looking rock in the distance. First once there gets to make a meal for the other." Freya darts past him now running as fast as she can toward the destination as the dust of snow blows into Gaius's face.

  8. The one thing that really made her mad was the ring. Did she meet someone here or was he just another jerk like her school days? She knew she always had a thing for the bad boys but marriage. What made this person so special that she just had to tie the not with him. Freya rubs her forehead trying to recall anything, but like every other time...nothing. "DAM IT" she calls out as she takes the ring off. If the same thing was happening to this guy...there was very little chance that Freya would ever find him seeing that she didn't have a name or face to go on. Maybe in the terms of the world, they just were not meant to be. She had no face or name to go on and she was not about to waste her time and energy on a guy that wasn't going to remember her anyway. The entire situation was exhausting sounding and the best thing for her right now was to move forward with whatever was to come next.

  9. She wouldn't let this bother everyone else, especially Eruda. She had enough things on her plate from what she understood. Eruda seemed really different from the real world and this was not figuratively speaking. The shy distant girl was not there anymore and Freya was happy knowing that Eruda had taken the stand and got through her fears. Freya, in the long run, didn't have any fears until now. It was less though of fear, and more of not being able to understand a simple concept. Eruda told Freya things with there little talk that Freya was not able to remember and it more pissed her off that it was the case. Why could she not recall anything before this and after the beginning? What was this game doing to her? Her head continues to ramp in these questions as she found her feet walking through the forest. The more she thought of each, the more pissed she got. 

  10. Walking into the tree lines, Freya realized that the sun was showing through just a bit but the tall trees seemed to be blocking most of the light. She takes a deep breath, taking in the smells and around her. There wasn't much though, just a few musty smells of wet animals and damp plants. For the most part, the forest was quiet. Birds in the distance chirping and raddling of bushing from the creatures that seemed to not be hostile around. It was peaceful, this would give time for Freya to think. Why was she in that cave? How did she get there? When did she get there? She tries to remember but the very last thing that was in her mind from the time that she got into this world was the speech from the big guy in the sky. This was all very confusing to here and she let everyone think she was fine...but Freya was far from that being the case.

  11. Freya chased after him calling out floor 4 as well. Landing on her feet without a thought says "I never said it was a sob story. Just that I don't remember in so many words." Realizing that they were not alone. She looks to the young girl with silver tinted blue hair. At first, glance, though this female was young, looked very lethal in some sort. Freya's eyes dart upward seeing the same icon that labeled her in the same guild. Hearing the last of her words that were meant for Gaius, Freya says "It's a quest that brings us to this cold environment, nothing more. I am Freya, Eruda's twin sister." With a smirk on her face with a short explanation, she glances at Gaius saying "Let carry on, I took to this quest to be in action not stand around a talk. She probably has better things to do anyway. Feel free to tag along if you would like though," giving a grin to the young female. Freya continues on but gives a small shiver moving on from here, as she didn't realize that this quest was in the snowy lands. Wrapping her arms across her chest as she watches her breath escape her face, she walks on not really sure where this thing they were looking for was.

  12. "Stupid piece of shit, just do what I want you too..." After a moment she finally manages to find the shared quest option. "Oh, right party..." as she huffs a bit and goes through the menu again and finally finds what she was looking for. Sending a party invite and shares the quest. Without looking up at him she says "Floor 4 I believe." Hearing him explain about the orange player killers, she closes her menu slightly remembering a conversation like this with another character but couldn't for the life of her remember anything past that. Freya glances at Gaius who had a dumbfounded looked painted across his face. "I am not stupid I'm just..." not fully understanding herself she says "Okay look, Raidou found me in a cave after apparently missing for a year and a half and Eruda told me that I lost some memory or something. Not sure why but after I killed that Gemini thing, it made me realize that I am missing stuff from my noggen. The last thing I remember physically was that first day in the town of beginning with that shadow ghost creep in the sky and his almighty death speech. I can't remember anything after that point so I am soo sorry if I seem a bit stupid in that head of yours." That last sentence was said in a sarcastic mocking voice. She starts walking away to the teleporting thingy that Eruda brought her through.

  13. Eruda gives Gaius a small nod, as she watches both walks out of the guildhall. She sighs and sits at the table and tries to organize the mess to the way it was before.

    Meanwhile, Freya looks to Gaius walking backward toward the town, retracing her steps back to the town Eruda brought her through. "What do you mean by not wanting to be orange?" Freya knew that the question was stupid but she didn't recall knowing what it meant. After the Gemini, she was unsure about a lot of things, but she was going to work with what she had. It's all she could do. Freya turns back around saying "The town should be around here somewhere. Bingo..." she says as she starts to run toward where she saw the quest board on her path. Taking some time to go through the quests she has a bit of issue doing so. Eventually, she finds that question she only caught a glimpse of on paper. She then tries to open her HUD after excepting the quest, "Dam it where the hell is the guild menu...How the hell do I share this stupid thing?" It was clear she was having trouble with the menus on her HUD as she had previously only messed with it a few times before this.

  14. With a smirk painted across her face, she says "You could only whip my ass if you could hit me. I have every intention not to get hit in the future so good luck. Eruda is right I guess though...By the chance that you did manage to hit me...I rather not die when I just got back into the action. When I am not so weak, we should have a duel though. See if that talk of yours is as good as your bite." With a slight twirl, her weapon was gone. Helping them gather the rest of the papers..."I am not sure, the quest I was reading is somewhere is that pile of shit, thanks to you," Freya says seeming trying to push his buttons just for the fun of it. Instead of trying to look for the paper in the messed up pile now, Freya starts walking toward to door saying "To the quest board we go. I am not wasting my time trying to find a single paper when we have to go to the board any way. I think it was called the Avalanche..." Freya gives a nod to Eruda with a smile and walks out saying "Come on slow poke," as the door slowly closes behind her.

  15. Papers flying every which way direction...Eruda sighs and starts picking up the sheets from the ground. Gaius seemed to think Freya was her double like Gemini as Eruda shakes her head saying "Gaius meet Freya, my twin sister from birth whom I have spent every day with since that day." Eruda looks to Gaius with a sincere reaction, which she should have known something like this would happen given what they have all been through. Freya just laughs as the guy was getting ready to attack her. "Twins we are, my short hair and different eye color but looks similar. That Gemini thing was a fucking jerk, and you... quick to assume that I would be something as dumb as that thing. If it's a fight you want though I will gladly oblige," Freya says as she quickly pulls out her Scythe with a small twirl as the bladed side sits on her side. Eruda gets up and places the papers back on the table and hearing this Eruda glares toward Freya saying "Are you serious right now, he could kill you in one hit. You are way too low..." and Freya cuts her off saying "I will not be shown up by a boy..." Freya says getting ready to charge at the man. Eruda runs and stands in front of the two and she was getting a bit nervous now knowing what Gaius was made of. "Freya you do not get it... Gaius will kill you in one hit. Raidou did not save you just for you to be stupid and bite more than you could chew. Now if you two are done messing around, help me pick up these dam papers that you so gladly made a mess out of." Eruda sent a glare toward Gaius and then toward Freya with a huff and starts picking up the papers again.

  16. Freya and Eruda arrive at the guildhall. "This is where you can find information on quests, over there in the vault. That is where you can pull out foods and potions that act as buffs to make you stronger for a set amount of time." Eruda realized that she had to teach Freya the basics again. Since she got out of the cave, Freya was not able to remember most things about the game itself. Still not entirely sure why this was and how Eruda would do what she could to help Freya remember the things that were lost to her. Freya walks to the giant table in the center of the room and shifts through the papers on it. There she sees a crap ton of different quests and information about them. "You were saying that Raidou was the guild leader, the one in red that helped free me. Did he write out all of this?" Eruda gives a nod and a smile as Freya glances back down to the papers that littered the table. "Well then, I want to go on this quest, will you come with me?" Freya says as she picks up one of the many papers looking at one of the quests in question. "I really think that you should do the starter up quests first...I think it would..." and before Eruda could finish Freya interrupts her saying "I don't want to go back to the beginning stuff. I think the best way for me to learn would be to just go out and explore. Learn by making mistakes if I have to." Eruda gives a sigh knowing that Freya always had a slight issue with listening. "If that is what you want to do then fine, but please be careful. I had stuff I needed to do today though so I am unable to come with you. Sent a message through the guild chat to see if anyone would be willing. I don't want you to go alone." Freya just laughs a bit as Eruda frowned as it seemed that Freya had already made up her mind. "You worry too much. I will find someone to come...let me just..." Freya starts to say as she starts to fight with her menu trying to get to the guild chat Eruda spoke of.

    Freya | HP:180/180 | EN:18/18 | DMG:8 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3


    Level: 9
    HP: 180/180
    EN: 18/18

    Damage: 8
    Mitigation: 18
    Evasion: 1
    Accuracy: 3

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Life Taker (T1/Perfect/2HBA): Damage 3
    Armor: Swifter (T1/Perfect/Light Armor): Mitigation 2, Evasion 1
    Misc: Bringer (Tierless/Perfect/Trinket): Accuracy 3

    Two-Handed Battle Axe [Rank 2]

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleport Crystal*1
    Resistance Plate - Lily (T1/Perfect/HA): Mitigation 27


  17. Last Hit Boss Reward Eval

    Name: Immortal Rage
    Profession: N/A
    Rank: N/A
    Roll ID: Last Hit Boss Reward
    Roll Result: N/A
    Item Type: 2-Handed BA (Scythe)
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect/Unique
    Enhancements: 2 Accuracy, 1 Burn
    Post Link: Here
    Not much is known about this weapon as it was formed and not made.
    It seems to be light weight though. The large curved out blade, much
    like a reapers weapon, about 3 feet in width. The hilt is hardy in length as
    well painted in a dark silver color. The blade itself is black with a deep red
    metal color within the entire middle of the blackened blade. Needless to
    say, the black outlines to deep red color. The bladed part of this weapon is
    hot to the touch as well.
  18. Freya was listening, waiting for everyone else to take there hits. She noticed that no one was missing the target so maybe, somehow we couldn't miss it. From the distance she hers her twin sisters call out. She was still the one taking all the hits from the things they were fighting. Freya started to wonder why Eruda would put herself out there like that, put herself in danger. Was it to protect the guild she was in or was it more than that... Maybe to prove herself to everyone around her...but why. 

    Hearing the interesting conversation next to her, snapping out of her trans like state she says "A soul trap...It could also just be a test subject to see how strong everyone is getting. At least that is my thought." She didn't know much about this game since her memory got erased but she knew from what she has heard so far that the creator of this game wasn't very nice and this was just another way of showing that. Disturbing a nice day with a grand fight...Freya rather thought that it was fun...the whole fighting thing and she was rather enjoying kicking the crap out of everything even though she wasn't that strong. With a smile painted across her face, she gives the creature another flurry of blows as her weapon shines from her art. Not hitting as hard this time, she was just happy that her attacks got through its armor. Giving a small twirl of her Scythe, she places her bladed end back against her hip waiting for her time to attack again.

    ID# 168566 results: Battle: 3+5+1=10 Hit! vs Trebuchet, Dealing 13*3=39-25=14 Damage


    Players are filled with the power of <<Betelgeuse's Fury>>
    Energy costs are reduced by 50%, duration of damage over time effects against Trebuchet are increased by one (1) round.

    Andromeda HP: 340/340 | EN: 21/34 | 8 DMG | 2 ACC | 2 EVA | 48 MIT | 24 BLIGHT [2 SLOTS] | 12 BRN | FRST-THN | FRST-AURA | 1 LM
    Katoka HP: 340/340 | EN: 17/34 | 14 DMG | 4 ACC | 3 EVA | 12 BLD | 2 REC | 1 LD
    Elora HP: 400/400 | EN: 6/40 | 11 DMG | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | 15 MIT | 1 KEEN | 2 LM
    Tricolor_Mina HP: 440/440 | EN: 37/44 | 12 DMG | 6 ACC | 2 EVA | 31 MIT | PARA | 12 BLD | 1 LD
    Basuke HP: 340/340 | EN: 12/34 | 8 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA | 15 MIT | 12 BRN | 12 BLIGHT | 12 BLD | PARA | 3 ANTI
    Astralin HP: 300/300 | EN: 14/30  | 9 DMG | 4 ACC | 4 EVA | 15 MIT | 2 REC | PAR | T1 BLD
    Shirayuki HP: 100/100 | EN: 7/10 | 10 DMG | 5 ACC | 4 EVA | 24 MIT
    Freya HP: 120/120 | EN: 4/12 | 13 DMG | 5 ACC | 3 EVA | 23 MIT | TOX-VEN 8 
    Asmura HP: 120/120 | EN: 11/12 | 4 DMG | 3 ACC | 1 EVA | 15 MIT


  19. Freya and Eruda walk to the same forest entry that Eruda took Sam a little while back. Freya fights with the menu for a moment but manages to equip the armor that Eruda had lent to her. "Remember Freya, this could get very dangerous, so please be careful. I don't want to lose you again." Freya can't help but chuckle a bit and say "I will be fine. Nothing and I mean nothing will take me away from you again. I will make dam sure of that. You say that this could be hard but I say it's a challenge to be reckoned with. I love you, sis, don't worry about me. You will get those lines on your face if you do." Freya chuckles and Eruda smiles but still seems worried. Freya half-smiles and sets a soft hand against Eruda face and brings her into a hug. "I will be back in no time okay," holding Eruda tight as she hugs Freya back. Leaving the hug Freya takes out the immolation pot she got from the merchant in her guild and chugs it. Throwing the empty bottle to the ground it shatters. Eruda grabs Freya's hand one last time and they gaze into each other's eyes for just a moment before Freya starts walking into the morning lighted forest.

    Consumes Immolation Potion T1 (10 Unmitigatable damage on MD 6-8 toward creature)

    Freya | HP:120/120 | EN:12/12 | DMG:8 | MIT:27 | ACC:3| Thorns Damage 10


    Level: 6
    HP: 120/120
    EN: 12/12

    Damage: 8
    Mitigation: 27
    Accuracy: 3

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Life Taker (T1/Perfect/2HBA): Damage 3
    Armor: Resistance Plate - Lily (T1/Perfect/HA): Mitigation 27
    Misc: Bringer (Tierless/Perfect/Trinket): Accuracy 3

    Two-Handed Battle Axe [Rank 2]

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleport Crystal*1
    Swifter (T1/Perfect/Light Armor): Mitigation 2, Evasion 1

  20. Everything besides the machine looking boss was dead. She watched the other players around her with different flurry of blows that seem to always hit the target. She looked to her energy and knew that this was rounding to an end. She wasn't worried about completely running out of energy because there were so many other players here that dealt probably more damage than her at this point but at least when her energy was drained she could say that she did help in the end game of all this action. Glancing around the field for a moment she sees a few other players that had the same icon as hers. She had just joined Firm Anima and had not yet met anyone in it. A smirk crossed her face as she sees everyone doing their best to end this as quickly as possible. "Let us finish this everyone," calling out to everyone that would care to take notice of her call out as she too runs at the remainder of this task to get a few swings in. As her weapon glows bright, at the last moment before contact she sees that her weapon was dripping a purple like substance. Was that the poison she added earlier. Only one way to find out she thought as her Scythe carves deep within the machines entrapments with a few cracks and pops like something was breaking inside of it upon impact. Freya jumps and slides backwards with a twirl of her weapon placing the bladed curved part against her hip again waiting to see what sort of damage was dealt this first round.

    ID# 168248 results: Battle: 9, Minor Critical! (Auto Hit) vs Trebuchet Dealing 14*3=42, Sticking Toxic Venom (8 Unmitigatable damage over 4/4 turns)


    Players are filled with the power of <<Betelgeuse's Fury>>
    Energy costs are reduced by 50%, duration of damage over time effects against Trebuchet are increased by one (1) round.

    Andromeda HP: 340/340 | EN: 24/34 | 8 DMG | 2 ACC | 2 EVA | 48 MIT | 24 BLIGHT [2 SLOTS] | 12 BRN | FRST-THN | FRST-AURA | 1 LM
    Katoka HP: 340/340 | EN: 24/34 | 14 DMG | 4 ACC | 3 EVA | 12 BLD | 2 REC | 1 LD
    Elora HP: 400/400 | EN: 22/40 | 11 DMG | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | 15 MIT | 1 KEEN | 2 LM
    Tricolor_Mina HP: 440/440 | EN: 37/44 | 12 DMG | 6 ACC | 2 EVA | 31 MIT | PARA | 12 BLD | 1 LD
    Basuke HP: 340/340 | EN: 15/34 | 8 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA | 15 MIT | 12 BRN | 12 BLIGHT | 12 BLD | PARA | 3 ANTI

    Astralin HP: 300/300 | EN: 17/30  | 9 DMG | 4 ACC | 4 EVA | 15 MIT | 2 REC | PAR | T1 BLD
    Shirayuki HP: 100/100 | EN: 7/10 | 10 DMG | 5 ACC | 4 EVA | 24 MIT
    Freya HP: 120/120 | EN: 5/12 | 13 DMG | 5 ACC | 3 EVA | 23 MIT | TOX-VEN 8 
    Asmura HP: 120/120 | EN: 11/12 | 4 DMG | 3 ACC | 1 EVA | 15 MIT

  21. Players are filled with the power of <<Betelgeuse's Fury>>
    Energy costs are reduced by 50%, duration of damage over time effects against Trebuchet are increased by one (1) round.

    Freya watches each other creature get taken out of the equation. The other light blond female seemed to have the same intent as her, waiting till everyone else attack so that she could see what they would have to try taking out that the others couldn't. Seeing all of them vanish knowing that her energy was low she grins. "Thank god they are dead but don't look away, it is only the beginning. Keep your eyes peeled." She says with the flip of her scythe and places the bladed end on her hip and waits. Are there going to be more small minions or is something else going to spawn in their place? She takes a close look at everyone with her and then looks in the way distance and sees her sister Eruda taking all the damage. She wanted so badly to be by her side but the other players needed her more. No matter what level Freya was, her confidants will help them all. "We can do this guys, keep up the good work."

    Andromeda HP: 340/340 | EN: 27/34 | 8 DMG | 2 ACC | 2 EVA | 48 MIT | 24 BLIGHT [2 SLOTS] | 12 BRN | FRST-THN | FRST-AURA | 1 LM
    Katoka HP: 340/340 | EN: 27/34 | 14 DMG | 4 ACC | 3 EVA | 12 BLD | 2 REC | 1 LD
    Elora HP: 400/400 | EN: 35/40 | 11 DMG | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | 15 MIT | 1 KEEN | 2 LM
    Tricolor_Mina HP: 440/440 | EN: 40/44 | 12 DMG | 6 ACC | 2 EVA | 31 MIT | PARA | 12 BLD | 1 LD
    Basuke HP: 340/340 | EN: 18/34 | 8 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA | 15 MIT | 12 BRN | 12 BLIGHT | 12 BLD | PARA | 3 ANTI

    Astralin HP: 300/300 | EN: 19/30  | 9 DMG | 4 ACC | 4 EVA | 15 MIT | 2 REC | PAR | T1 BLD
    Shirayuki HP: 100/100 | EN: 7/10 | 10 DMG | 5 ACC | 4 EVA | 24 MIT
    Freya HP: 120/120 | EN: 6/12 | 13 DMG | 5 ACC | 3 EVA | 23 MIT | TOX-VEN 8 
    Asmura HP: 120/120 | EN: 11/12 [-1 EN for Rage Blow] | 4 DMG | 3 ACC | 1 EVA | 15 MIT

  22. "Now is the time you guys. Anyone brave enough to come with me that has an AOE attack, hit after me on the same targets. Focus them down and kill them. Every using basic attacks, focus on the same target until it is dead and move to the next. Healers, keep us up, and if you can keep our energy up. If we work as a team then we will win this battle if its the last thing we do." Freya takes her Battle Scythe out and looks to the targets as she focuses on four alone. Not really sure what she was doing but somehow knew what she was doing from pure instinct alone she runs to the closest four. With a swing, slash, and slide she hits every target that she possibly can with the little skills she has. Hitting every intended target, she calls out with a grin saying "NOW focus the ones I hit and kill them." A slight twirl and a jump back she takes a deep breath waiting for the others to take action as she did.

    Using [x3 AoE] Lumberjack (3 Energy +2 per target hit)

    ID# 167428 results: Battle: 10, Major Critical! vs Phalanx1 Dealing 15*3=45-15 Miti = 30 Damage, Inflicting Toxic Venom 8 DMG over [3/3]
    ID# 167429 results: Battle: 5+5-1=9, Hits! vs Phalanx2 Dealing 13*3=39-15 Miti = 24 Damage
    ID# 167431 results: Battle: 3+5-1=7, Hits! vs Phalanx3 Dealing 13*3=39-15 Miti = 24 Damage
    ID# 167432 results: Battle: 10, Major Critical! vs Phalanx4 Dealing 15*3=45-15 Miti = 30 Damage, Inflicting Toxic Venom 8 DMG over [3/3]


    Players are filled with the power of <<Betelgeuse's Fury>>
    Energy costs are reduced by 50%, duration of damage over time effects against Trebuchet are increased by one (1) round.

    Andromeda HP: 340/340 | EN: 34/34 | 8 DMG | 2 ACC | 2 EVA | 48 MIT| 24 BLIGHT [2 SLOTS] | 12 BRN | FRST-THN | FRST-AURA | 1 LM
    Katoka HP: 340/340 | EN: 34/34 | 14 DMG | 4 ACC | 3 EVA | 12 BLD | 2 REC | 1 LD
    Elora HP: 400/400 | EN: 40/40 | 11 DMG | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | 15 MIT | 1 KEEN | 2 LM
    Mina HP: 440/440 | EN: 44/44 | 12 DMG | 6 ACC | 2 EVA | 31 MIT | PARA | 12 BLD | 1 LD
    Basuke HP: 340/340 | EN: 34/34 | 8 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA | 15 MIT | 12 BRN | 12 BLIGHT | 12 BLD | PARA | 3 ANTI
    Astralin HP: 300/300 | EN: 30/30  | 9 DMG | 4 ACC | 4 EVA | 15 MIT | 2 REC | PAR | T1 BLD
    Shirayuki HP: 100/100 | EN: 10/10 | 10 DMG | 5 ACC | 4 EVA | 24 MIT
    Freya HP: 120/120 | EN: 6/12 | 13 DMG | 5 ACC | 3 EVA | 23 MIT | TOX-VEN 8
    Asmura HP: 120/120 | EN: 12/12 | 4 DMG | 3 ACC | 1 EVA | 15 MIT

    Phalanx1 HP: 20/50 | DMG: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 15 TOX-VEN [3/3] Hate: (Freya: 2)
    Phalanx2 HP: 26/50 | DMG: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 15 Hate: (Freya: 1)
    Phalanx3 HP: 26/50 | DMG: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 15 Hate: (Freya: 1)
    Phalanx4 HP: 20/50 | DMG: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 15 TOX-VEN [3/3] Hate: (Freya: 2)
    Phalanx5 HP: 50/50 | DMG: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 15
    Phalanx6 HP: 50/50 | DMG: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 15
    Phalanx7 HP: 50/50 | DMG: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 15
    Phalanx8 HP: 50/50 | DMG: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 15
    Phalanx9 HP: 50/50 | DMG: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 15
    Phalanx10 HP: 50/50 | DMG: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 15
    Phalanx11 HP: 50/50 | DMG: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 15
    Phalanx12 HP: 50/50 | DMG: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 15
    Phalanx13 HP: 50/50 | DMG: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 15
    Phalanx14 HP: 50/50 | DMG: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 15
    Phalanx15 HP: 50/50 | DMG: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 15
    Phalanx16 HP: 50/50 | DMG: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 15
    Phalanx17 HP: 50/50 | DMG: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 15
    Phalanx18 HP: 50/50 | DMG: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 15


  23. Freya lands on her butt with a softened landing with a boost of strength within her. She was glad that she got her gear before this because it really was looking like things were about to get intense for everyone around her. Getting to her feet as she looks around her, she hears Eruda and Raidou call out in a dimmed form but heard non the less. The other player around her were trying to make a plan as well. Equipping her new gear and consuming what she grabbed from the Vault of the new guild that her Twin sister was in Firm Anima, she consumes what she thought would best suit her needs. "I am damage based, with a hint on poison" Freya responds to the other players around her. She knew no one around her but knowing this was a death game, she would do what she could to help contribute to the damage that she was sure everyone else did, hoping to end whatever this was quickly so that she could get back to her sister safely. 

    Consumes Well-Done Steak (Protein 2), Toxic Venom

    Betelguese and Rigel. [Gain +3 DMG, +2 ACC, +2 EVA, 15*Tier Mitigation]

    Freya | HP:120/120 | EN:12/12 | DMG:13 | MIT:23 | EVA:3 | ACC:5 | Toxic Venom:8


    Level: 6
    HP: 120/120
    EN: 12/12

    Damage: 13
    Mitigation: 23
    Evasion: 3
    Accuracy: 5

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Life Taker (T1/Perfect/2HBA): Damage 3
    Armor: Swifter (T1/Perfect/Light Armor): Mitigation 2, Evasion 1
    Misc: Bringer (Tierless/Perfect/Trinket): Accuracy 3

    Two-Handed Battle Ax [Rank 2]

    Battle Ready Gear:
    Teleport Crystal


  24. "Well, would you look at the cute little things," Freya walks to the cages and hears Griswold. "Let's see what I can get, from these cute little birdies." Freya takes one from the cage and smiles with a small cooing whistle toward it. It tweets back at Freya and she giggles a little before petting its tiny framed back with one finger. Freya takes a moment to give the little thing effection. Without saying any words the Magpie shakes like it was wet and flies off in a direction. "Wait I didn't..." Freya says as she puckers her lips out a bit. "Well then I am sure that I am getting nothing from this," she says as she starts to laugh. A few minutes later she feels something land on her head as a chirp comes from above her. Freya holds her hands out and it drops a small bag of seeds in her hands. The bird flies back into its cage and just sits there. Freya just starts laughing again as she closes the small door to the cage.

    ID# 166404 results: Craft: 3
    ID# 166405 results: Craft: 5
    ID# 166406 results: Craft: 6, Final Total: 14 Bird Seed x5 (Vitality 2/T1)

  25. Collecting her papers she gets up from the saying "We are twin so it only makes sense why we look alike," Freya was a bit confuses by the obvious comment but shrugs it off. Following from a distance as the other two head towards the tree, she stops a takes a look around. This looked way different than the events she went to in the real world with her friends. In the distance, she sees a young girl with steel blue hair, she lit up 10 sparklers at the same time and had 5 in each hand, as she jumped and twirled around like a maniac. Freya can't help but chuckle at this as she turns back to where she was heading and runs into a tall male figure with brown hair. Stepping back quickly as he wasn't there just a second ago she says "Watch where your walking buddy," as she pokes him in the chest and walks past him now shaking her head. Freya joins the other 2 seeing Sam again with a glare toward her. Seeing how Eruda treated her though, she confusingly walks to the tree and hangs her Tanzaku next to Eruda and Griswolds.

    [Hangs the Tanzaku upon the tree with the sign of her name]

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