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Posts posted by Freya

  1. Freya gets pushed out of the way as Rin practically falls to the ground now. Sliding to his back as the door slides open now. She stares at him for a moment in concern before turning away, placing her back against the wall right outside the door. She slides down to the ground now, saying "I will wait for you to get your head out of your ass so we can have a calm conversation. I will stay here all day if I have to..." She sits there in silence now staring up at the stars in the sky. This was one thing she loved doing except on a rooftop closer to the darkness above. Thoughts start to flow through her mind again. 

    Another small memory pops into her head again. Freya was laying in bed, the sun had just come up, shining through what looked like an Inn window of sorts. Freya's eyes open as she sees Rin laying next to her, chest exposed. The feelings she felt then were strong. Nothing was said, just Rin opening his eyes with a smile on his face. Gazing into each other's eyes, like nothing else mattered. They were both happy, as they kiss and just lay in bed for a while... Freya's vision becomes hers again as she realized now that a tear had fallen again. "I am sorry Rin for pushing this. I will stop because I guess with everything, you really don't remember me. It makes this hurt even more, that I have these memories of us that you do not... I am sorry Rin. I just wanted you to remember me." 

    Sitting still as she pulls her knees to her chest. The feeling she has or had for him were still there and still very confusing. Even more so as she keeps getting flashbacks of a life that she barely knew. She could not force Rin to remember anything especially if he didn't want to even try. Her heartfelt damage beyond repair even though she has tried to fix it with another guy that she had somehow formed feelings for. She started to think of why this was happening to her. Was she being punished for fucking up beyond forgiveness. Getting married too young... Every memory that has been brought back into her mind makes her know that everything with this guy laying next to her happened. The question was... Did it actually happen if she was the only one remembering it or was it all in her head? Without looking at Rin she says "I have not slept for weeks and I am sorry for even bringing you into this. I just thought that maybe just maybe, at a very slim chance, you may have remembered at least my face..." She didn't know how to help him, she didn't know how to fix the damage she caused. She just sat there now in silence. 

    "Let's just start with Freya, my name is Freya..." leaning her head against the wall now she feels very uneasy like she wanted to barf. Her life was so fucked up right now and that small inch of hope that she was hanging to by a thread...was no longer there. Like every time before in her real-life out of the game, she started to bottle up her feelings. It was better this way... She had to find that place again where nothing truly mattered to her, and she gave a shit about nothing. 

  2. House Name: Rolling Bite (Attachment) (In works of sharing a shop with Gaius)
    Location: F22 - Hills surrounding Deepedge, near the fields of grain on the south side
    Description: A place to call home, somewhere to sleep and practice her skills and different recipes to perfect. A place to sleep as to give Gaius his space while she is not treating him to meals of her own. Inside is a basic 2 story layout with room to grow. A large round table in a dining hall connecting to the kitchen for obvious reasons. In the backyard, there is a training yard that will help in the long run. It is an extension of the Rolling Bite as Gaius and Freya will be sharing a shop.
    Plot Size: Two Story Home
    Room(s): [
    Basic Kitchen][Chefs Kitchen (Ext)][Dining Room][][][][][][][]
    Yard(s): [Mega Slime Farm][]

    Total Cost: 86000+10000+25000+25000+10000=156000 Col

  3. Familiar Name: Hineko
    Description: A very playful Sandy Colored Sabertooth Cat. Her paws are black with a small line of black on her forehead and a few lines of black on her two tails. She has fire elements to her but for now, they are unknown to one's eyes. When in kitten form she is playful and rambunctious, a little shit by all intensive purposes but loyal. When threatened or angered she grows in size (As big as a familiar can go) and hostile to whom may threaten her or her master. In smaller form, she is only 4 inches in size and cute as a button.  
    Familiar Mastery Skill: Familiar Mastery: Fighter
    Thread Link: Here


  4. Layout Same and Above

    In Stock (Single):


    In Stock (Reserved)

    Honey Cakes (Order 7/20)


    In Stock (Feasts):



    T1/Uncommon: 375 Col or 1 T1 (or Greater) Material
    T1/Rare: 500 Col or 2 T1 (or Greater) Materials
    T1/Perfect: 750 Col or 4 T1 (or Greater) Materials
    T2/Uncommon: 450 Col or 1 T2 (or Greater) Material
    T2/Rare: 650 Col or 2 T2 (or Greater) Materials
    T2/Perfect: 1500 Col or 3 T2 (or Greater) Materials
    T3/Uncommon: 900 Col or 1 T3 (or Greater) Material
    T3/Rare: 1275 Col or 2 T3 (or Greater) Materials
    T3/Perfect: 3000 Col or 3 T3 (or Greater) Materials

    Pricing (Feasts):

    T1/Uncommon:1350 Col or 4 T1 (or Greater) Materials
    T1/Rare:1600 Col or 6 T1 (or Greater) Materials
    T1/Perfect:2100 Col or 7 T1 (or Greater) Materials
    T2/Uncommon:2100 Col or 4 T2 (or Greater) Materials
    T2/Rare:2500 Col or 5 T2 (or Greater) Materials
    T2/Perfect:4200 Col or 7 T2 (or Greater) Materials
    T3/Uncommon: 3800 Col or 4 T3 (or Greater) Materials
    T3/Rare:4550 Col or 5 T3 (or Greater) Materials
    T3/Perfect:8000 Col or 8 T3 (or Greater) Materials

    Custom Order Form (+10% Markup):

    Profession: Cook
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID:
    Roll Result:
    Item Type:
    Post Link: Here

    Backroom (Rank Info)

    Ambition Trinket: +1 Exp
    Challenge of Olympus Totem: +1 CD
    Trading Hall: +2 Exp, +2 Crafts
    Extended Workshop: +2 Exp, +1 Crafts

    ►Rank 6 [603/639 Exp]

    Crafts attempts a Day: 8 [+1 Expanded Workshop]

    [1] = Critical failure (Lose materials) EXP: 6 (+2 Trading Hall,+2 Workshop, +1 Ambition)
    [2] = Failure (Lose materials) EXP: 6 (+2 Trading Hall,+2 Workshop, +1 Ambition)
    [3-5] = Salvage (Keep materials on LD 6+ [Trading Hall: +5]) EXP: 7 (+2 Trading Hall,+2 Workshop, +1 Ambition)
    [6-9] = Uncommon item (1 slot) EXP: 8 (+2 Trading Hall,+2 Workshop, +1 Ambition)
    [10-11] = Rare item (2 slots) EXP: 10 (+2 Trading Hall,+2 Workshop, +1 Ambition)
    [12] = Perfect item (3 slots) EXP: 13 (+2 Trading Hall,+2 Workshop, +1 Ambition)

    [1-15] = No additional items.
    [16-18] = Yields 1 additional item.
    [19-20] = Yields 2 additional item.

  5. Freya couldn't help but chuckle as he ignored or maybe didn't even hear her question. Following him quickly to the pad as he teleports away she calls out to floor 7 and disappears herself. Landing on floor 7 she walks behind Gaius thinking about what happened earlier. The kiss...what did it mean if anything. It was amazing and she couldn't help but dwell on it. Arriving at his shop now she gets right to work. Making her way around the kitchen, gathering what she needed and looking for others. Finding another room within the kitchen, an inventory room with so much food and ingredients inside. Her eyes gleam a bit looking at everything. Glancing inside a cooler that was found...Meats. Taking out a steak and grabbing some carrots and green peppers, she walks back to the kitchen and starts frying the steak upon the stove with some water in the skillet. In another pot, throwing some baby carrots in with water to let boil. dicing the peppers and tossing them into the pot with the carrots.

    After some time her meal was complete. On a plate, she sets a slab of well seasoned medium-rare steak with a side of soft carrots and peppers mixed with shredded cheese on top of the veggies. With last adding, a parsley leaf neatly placed on the steak. Walking out from the Kitchen with a plate she sets in front of him with a glass of water, she smiles and sits down across from him, hoping that he would like it even just a little. "I need a place to stay, my living arrangements are complicated and I need somewhere reliable to stay. Do you have an extra room..." she asked in a soft voice hoping that he would like the meal just enough to let her stay.  

  6. The furball hops on Freya's shoulder, it was a little bigger than the size of both her palms right now. Tiny little thing, as she gets to her feet and makes a jump for the ledge. Not as easily as Gaius but she manages to get up to the bridge's flat surface. It was then she realized what Gaius said..."You didn't hear me right, I said I was already cooking, you get to sit there and wait while I cook you a meal that will blow your mind." At least that was the hopes, giving him a glance with a grin while walking past him. She starts to think of what to make them when they get back. Maybe steak with a mixed veggie side. She gives her new friend a neck rub with her finger as it purrs, Freya giggles a bit. Freya stops petting her and it starts to naw on Freya's hair. Letting it happen she calls over her shoulder "I need to take a shower too I smell like sewer water. Maybe a bathhouse or something after I make the meal. I hope you like meat..." As they walk back into town she meets with the Gypsy that seemed to be waiting for her. Giving the remaining fiend food she vanishes like before and Freya just shakes her head as she continues to make her way toward Gaius's shop to cook for him. Thinking for another moment she says "Do you have an extra room that I could stay in. Eruda is going through some shit and I feel like right now she just needs to be alone."  

  7. Freya nods softly and gets to her feet and back away a bit. Taking a piece off she tosses it to the cat. It walks forward to the food and nibbles at it. Freya smile tossing another piece. It snags that too and glances at Freya with a tilted head. Giving a small chuckle, Freya tosses another and walks to the tree and sits. She places the remaining food on her knee after crisscrossing them. She sits and waits for the small thing to come to her now. It sniffs the ground with a huff. Looking to Freya as she was looking outward away from it. Slowly it makes its way to the food sitting on Freya's knee and eats it. Freya glances down at it now with a smile. Holding her hand out now with another piece of food, the cat eats it right out of her palm. "I don't have a name for you yet, but I will soon," she says as the Cat rubs against her leg with a purr now. "Now I can make our food," she says with a chuckle. 

    ID# 179546 results: Craft: 11+1=12, Success! Tamed her?


  8. "I thought I did too, but it's just gone...I can still hear it but it doesn't sound the same from before." Putting her weapon away now with an angry grunt, she looks around. "I am done playing games with you Kitty Cat. Join me or leave," though she prefered it to come with. She didn't want to spend hours out here looking for a creature that didn't want to be found. She was getting hungry and it was already just about midday. Pushing her hair back with both of her hands she gives out a slow exhale of breath, closing her eyes in doing so. Calming herself from the outburst. "Let's get out of here," as she says this she feels a tug on her pant leg. Glancing down she sees a small cat with 2 tails with the same markings and the same red eyes as the large animal... Freya understands now how it vanished as it did. "You come to join me have you," Freya gets to a knee slowly and puts her hand in her pocket. It jumps backward with caution and watches Freya.  

    ID# 179545 results: Loot: 16+7=23, Success! (Familiar Found Again)

  9. At this time she hears the splash behind her but she doesn't pay much attention to that. Anger was building as she charges at the creature again. The large Cat growls at her as Freya leaps of the ground to tackle the creature. -Poof- as Freya hits the solid ground with an "oof" and the thing was gone...or so she thought. "Where the hell did you go. Get back here and fight me..." she says as she hears a tiny growl now. Freya gets to her feet and looks around. It was nowhere to be found...A small meow around her, almost like a kitten..."What the hell... It was just here, there is no way that it could just vanish." Glancing a few feet from her she sees an afterimage of flames with nothing in it..."Get back you little shit," Freya says speed-walking toward the direction she thinks it has gone. "Dam it," she says glancing around now...

    ID# 179530 results: Craft: 2+1=3, Fail! At Taming [4/4]

  10. Hearing Gaius's words just makes her that much more on edge. "Close...Not even...I think it just wants to play games." She says this still staring at this thing in front of her. It was in its element and Freya had no advantage here. "I will have you..." when she says that the cat snarls and jumps back. It spits fire at Freya's feet and hopes to another platform of land. Freya jumps back from the flames saying "Okay so you have fangs and two tails. You spitfire from your face, show me what else you got. Give me a reason to want you right now. Give me a reason why I should continue trying to take you for myself." Freya stares in its direction as it growls at her now from the other small dirt ground. "GIVE ME A REASON WHY I SHOULDN'T JUST LEAVE YOU HERE!" Freya yells at the creature now... She moves her wet hair from her face now just letting the anger sink in. For a moment she actually forgot that Gaius was here... 

    ID# 179529 results: Battle: 10, (Fitting) Craft: 2+1=3, Fail! At Taming [3/4]

  11. Running at the Large Cat still unsure of what it, she swings her Scythe toward it. It moves slightly out of the way and grabs the middle of her hilt with its mouth and Freya gripping her weapon hard as to not lose the grip on it, the Cat flings her forward. Freya catches herself saying "Not this time." Turning back toward it she swings again, the Cat pivots itself under her swing and moves behind Freya. Pressing its head against Freya's back nudging her forward. Freya turns swiftly with another swing and the Cat ducks, so Freya swings low this time and it jumps over the weapon with no issues. As it lands a small burst of fire spreads beneath its feet. Freya's breathing gets a bit heavier. She stops for a moment to take a breather when she sees the fire. "What the hell are you," she says staring into the cat's red eyes as it stares just as intensely in hers.

    ID# 179518 results: Craft: 7+1=8, Fail! At Taming [2/4]

  12. "Fair enough, and that is what I am gunning to find out..." Saying with a smirk toward him. "I am not sure just yet. It doesn't seem like it wants to attack, it just wants to be an ass hole." Getting a better look at it as it walks closer to it. It doesn't move... "What are you up to?" She was able to get close enough to touch it. It closes its eyes and puts its head down toward Freya. With a brow raised a bit confused about what its intentions were she reaches slowly for it. With its head still down it flashes its eyes open with an up glance toward Freya bearing its fangs. In one quick motion, it jumps back and whips Freya with its two tales, causing Freya to fall back into the water. Sitting there now as the Large Cat hops away in a prissy matter. "Okay no more miss nice girl you dam Cat," saying getting to her feet, she pulls her scythe out and starts to run at it. 

    ID# 179507 results: Battle: 9 ( Fun Reasons), Craft: 1, Fail! At Taming [1/4]

  13. "If I didn't want it, you, I wouldn't have taken a step to get it. I think I could handle you, the question is...Can you handle me?" With a small chuckle she, glancing out now where Gaius was pointing, "Exactly like that," she says with a grin and determined eyes now. First, she would walk to it, see what its reaction would be. Would it run, be hostile. She wasn't going to pull her scythe out yet because she didn't want to be the reason why it became violent. Slowly walking toward the now very large white-furred creature, it watches her very carefully. Being feet from it now, the thing gives Freya a look as if it said gotcha. The creature bears its teeth like it was smiling and jumps into the water next to Freya soaking her from head to toe and then starts running. It stops about a mile up the road and sits watching Freya. "Well, aren't you just funny..." Freya glares at it then at Gaius.

    ID# 179506 results: Battle: 9, Loot: 19+7=26 Success at finding the Familiar!

  14. "Sappy isn't what I would call that and let me take care of daddy,' she says as he removes his hand from hers. The next thing he says makes her laugh a bit "So you saying that you go around kissing every girl like that, okay though, I get it. I just got back and I should be focusing on me and bla bla bla...I've heard it all before." She walks past him now with a grin painted on her face, "Maybe I was just testing the waters," with that said she looks out into the distance. It was a wide-open space that had no aim to the matter. "Well here's to not doing anything half-ass," as she starts walking. She wouldn't go too far though because she also didn't want to get lost. She had been in that boat before and she wasn't going there again. A large echoing growl eliminates the air they walk in. Freya smiles glancing around but not seeing anything. "That, that is what I am looking for. Whatever that was." Walking a bit further looking out with intense eyes. "Gaius do you see anything," glancing back at him she sees his eyes focusing on something in the distance.  

  15. Gaius pulls her back in after she tried to leave...something about doing it right as anything she had on her mind just vanished. Her chest felt like it was going to explode, but she stayed closing her eyes now. After a few minutes pass, she pulls slightly away she places her head on his chest. "I never meant to piss you off and for that I am sorry. That is who I am though, saying things without thinking and doing things I sometimes regret. This is not one of those times though..." She looks up to him. "It wasn't until daddy wanted to smash your face in that I realized how I felt. To be honest, though it was pretty comical," said with a small laugh. She locks her hand in his now, "I will try hard not to get lost and we will stay close to town if that makes you feel better. I just want to try here before going somewhere else..." Close still as she waits for him to agree.

  16. Gaius seemed pissed off and with every reason to be. She barged into his shop and interrupted his breakfast. Then she stayed there and forced him to come with her with no sense of direction of where they would be heading off to. He didn't understand the comment she made against the -us- part which was understandable too given all she had done was piss him off today. Pushing her hair back with her hand as she tries to think about how she was going to get it through his thick skull of why he was here with her. Closing her eyes for a moment as she stops walking. The only thing she could think of was the one thing that could very possible piss him off more but she had to try...Turning around she walks to Gaius and stops him for a moment, and kisses him. Pulling away quickly she looks at him saying a bit angry "That is why you're here, this is why I want you here. Leave or don't, I don't give a shit." Deep down she did but she stares at him just a moment more before turning and walking away from him, taking a deep breath trying to figure out why the hell she just did that...

  17. Looking back with a smile she says "I am not sure what the hell I am looking for. Just that this place looked like it would have some interesting shit in it." Watching Gaius stand there on the bridge still she rolls her eyes. "Don't tell me your afraid of a little water. I will try to make this quick and I will even cook for you later. I am not sure what you have in that kitchen of yours but I am sure that I can come up with something. I will even throw in something for your tiny bear." She was here for 2 reasons, a new pet and Gaius. How was she going to tell Gaius that without making herself sound desperate? "To be honest I brought you here with me to talk about us..." He could take that however he wanted but she starts walking through the different depths of gross water. "You coming Typhoon," searching the area for anything at all.

  18. Smiling as a small bear tumbles down the stairs, feeding him a little and walking upstairs with him, Freya takes the remaining dishes to the sink and does those as well as she waits for Gaius to get dressed. Eventually, they exit the shop and walk to the warp gates. Arriving back on Floor 18, Freya is approached by a Gypsy. "Interested that you would be searching here for such a creature. There are mysterious creatures far within these waters. You will have to work for it though," the Gypsy tells her handing some biscuits to help with the catch. Looking to Gaius and back to the Gypsy that somehow vanished now. Walking toward the exit of this town and looking outwards it was nothing but swamp water with a few land pieces. "Ready to get a bit dirty," she looks to Gaius with a smirk just for a second before she jumps off the bridge into the water, as it was only a few feet distance from the leap. Landing in the water now it was just about knee height for Freya. She begins to walk through the slosh.

    ID# 179437 results: Loot: 1+7=8, Fail! At Searching for Familiar (WTF)

  19. "Funny you say that, yes it was similar to a rock. Friends were my only getaway." Listening to Gaius she shrugs at the sleep comment and takes a sip of her tea. "Oh relax I will find you more," with a chuckle. Her eyes turn to him as he mentions the shop sharing, she smiles saying "That would be great, just to be clear though you're saying a complete share. Like I have your key share. It would really save me the trouble. To repay you I will make you breakfast every morning if you'd like. I would have to come in early enough to make it though..." taking the finishing sip of her tea, she walks to the kitchen and starts doing the dishes made from his breakfast. "So shall we head out soon?" she says over the water. Finishing up she walks toward the table again and looks at Gaius, "You might want some cloths on first, I mean I don't mind but I don't think I could say the same for everyone else out there," said with a brow of interest raised with a smirk.

  20. Bent over Freya can't help but chuckle and turns her head slightly "Nice view" she remarks not looking at him. Watching him make this drink she was intrigued by what he was using. "What is the herb, it smells great." Gaius slides a cup to her now and she gets excited. Taking the cup in both hands she takes a sip. She closes her eyes with a deep inhale now. "This tastes amazing Typhoon, where did you learn to make tea like this. It seemed like a simple mixture but it really doesn't taste that way. I can't wait to cook for you." She watches as he digs into his food, she can't help but laugh as that was her when she was really hungry. When it was her making the food though, she liked taking her time as she liked to taste the food and not just consume it. "So... do you always cook this way," she says with a slight smirk looking him up and down now. 

  21. "Who says he has to know," a single response as she turns toward him now. Throwing his coffee away and taking hers away. "Hey, that..." she starts to say but sees that he started to make his own drink with 2 metal balls in view, they looked something similar to tea bags at first glance. She can't help but chuckle. "Yea it was really bland and gross. I would have made my own but my shop isn't placed yet. I am trying to figure out where to put it." She was rather enjoying the sight. Weirdly enough though she wasn't nervous or scared... She just didn't give a shit. "To be perfectly honest I had not a clue what time it was when I messaged you, just that I wanted to see you..." WOW, she thinks that was crazy forward she thought. Well, he could take it how he wanted but there was truth in the words... 

  22. "Isn't it apparent that I don't? You said no so I am here to drag your ass with me." She peaks over her shoulder a bit and sees now that he was sitting turned away from her. Giving a half chuckle responding to his last comment saying "It doesn't bother me...much, Plus this is your home and I should have known but you should have locked your doors." In the back of her mind, she thought he was steamy hot but she wasn't going to say that...yet..."I want you to come with me, plus you owe me for getting daddy dearest of your back the other day. I will wait but I am not leaving unless you come with me. I will spend the entire day following you around till you do...Even if you do look like that. That other coffee is for you by the way." As stubborn as she was, she never took the word no lightly. She always found ways around it. She sits there turned away from him sipping her coffee... 

  23. Waiting...A response comes back..." The hell you ain't," she says closing her HUD without replying. Walking to the warp gate she says "Floor 7" as she disappears and lands on floor 7. Looking at the time...She didn't realize it was 7 am... Thinking now that coffee was in order she stops by the inn of this floor and grabs 2 coffees to go. After a few minutes, she grabs her order and starts walking to Gaius's shop where she has been once before. Taking sips of her coffee as she arrives at his door just 20 minutes later she puts the other coffee in her arm and knocks, then walks in finding the door unlocked...Seeing Gaius in his underwear cooking his breakfast, standing there for a moment just a bit taken back she clears her throat, letting herself in and sitting in a chair placed where the table was. Setting both coffee's on the table saying "Don't let me stop you, I'll wait..." as she turns her chair away from Gaius with a small grin painted on her face.  

  24. Again, it was over before it began. Everything was dead and a 3-day journey for a 5-minute quest seemed not really worth it. Either way, though Freya did have fun beating the ever-living shit out of everything. They walked through the heat as it blasted them in the face. Another 3 days travel back to any civilization but she got what she wanted. To walk back and take in the scenery. She wasn't going to stray off the path but on the way home, she saw things that she didn't find the first time around. It was certainly a sight to see. They spend the days walking with little chatter and spend the nights sleeping as well as they possibly could. When she gets home she would ask Gaius to come with her on that familiar quest, to find a tiny friend. This would be after she got a good night's rest because she found herself tossing and turning a lot on the hard ground.

    Time Skip 2 Days and 3 Nights back home

  25. Feeling the winded impact from Raidou burst blow. A compliment given, it meant a lot. She kept control and had fun doing so. Twirling her weapon and placing it against her back she runs to catch up to Raidou. "You know we could just use a teleport crystal to get back. I know that you have other things on your mental list to check off. After I get done here I was going to find myself a small friend, familiar if you prefer that term. I am not sure what I am getting yet but I am sure I will figure it out soon enough." At this point, she pulls out a crystal after. To be honest she rather just walk but she didn't want to be stranded out here in the sand dooms alone so if Raidou would prefer the quick exit then that is what they would do. She stops talking for a moment and thinks saying "Thank you for coming with me Raidou. I know you probably had reasons of your own but I really do appreciate it." She stands there waiting for Raidou's answer holding out her arm.    

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