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Posts posted by Freya

  1. Freya had taken some days to herself. She knew she needed them. That also gave Freyd some time to think about the entire situation. Maybe he came up with some other idea's that they didn't think about before. Starting her days like normal...feeding Gaius and his mini bear. Eating some food herself to be fully prepared for the day. After dropping off the food for Gaius she decides to grab some things from the guildhall before she messaged Freyd.

    Arriving at floor 22 she grabs some items from the Vault and walks out eating and drinking what she took. She knew today might be hard again but she was going to be in a better state of mind with everything. More optimistic about everything. Hope...it's what she needed right now, a breakthrough. After finishing her snacks and what not she heads to floor 8 to see what quests it had to offer. 

    Arriving on floor 8 now she scans through the quest board and sees a monkey quest... "I think this would be rather enjoyable," she says with a chuckle to herself pulling it off the board. Sending a message to Freyd now saying:

    To: Freyd
    From: Freya

    I have a quest ready on floor 8. Something about a monkey? We can discuss other matters as well. Did you speak with Raidou?

     With a chime of her HUD the message was sent. She stands there waiting for Freyd to respond or show up.

    Freya Consumes: Thin Chocolate Covered Mints (Accuracy 2), Lavender Lemon Bar (Evasion 2), Well-Done Steak (Protein 2)

    Freya | HP:500/500 | EN:50/50 | DMG:17 | EVA:4 | ACC:5 | BLD:24 | REC:1


    Level: 25
    HP: 500/500
    EN: 50/50

    Damage: 17
    Evasion: 4
    Accuracy: 5

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Grim Reminder - Sorrow (T2/Perfect/2HBA): Damage 2, Bleed 1
    Armor: Dark Embrace - Sacrifice (T2/Perfect/Light Armor): Evasion 2, Recovery 1
    Misc: Bringer (Tierless/Perfect/Trinket): Accuracy 3

    Two-Handed Battle Axe [Rank 5]

    Extra Skills:
    Familiar Fighter (Rank 1)

    Finesse Rank 3

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleport Crystal*1
    Resistance Plate - Lily (T1/Perfect/HA): Mitigation 27
    Silver Band - Farore's Wind: (T1/Perfect/Trinket) Loot Dice 3
    Requires Extended Weight Limit 1
    Requires Extended Weight Limit 2
    Requires Extended Weight Limit 3
    Obtained via Item Stash (Housing)
    Obtained via Dimensional Backpack

    Housing Buffs:
    Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
    Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
    Tasty: Turn 2 identical food items into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed.
    Advanced Training: +2 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month [0/1]

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.


  2. Freya slept for an entire day after what happened with Freyd. She woke in the break of the sunrise as she stretches in her cozy bed. Sitting up she decides that today she would take it easy. Getting up and walking to her kitchen she prepares 2 meals of eggs, toast, and bacon. She was getting in the habit of cooking for Gaius now and she hadn't heard many complaints from him for it. Taking the time to create these meals she quickly eats her own before traveling next door to set a dish for Gaius on the table for when he wakes. A small note - I made extra bacon for your little friend, Enjoy-.

    She walks out of the shop as the sun was just showing. She wanted today to be easy, relaxing but she also wanted to continue with the leveling aspect. She heads to the warp gate and travels to floor 5, hoping that there was some quest there that wasn't too hard. 

    Arriving in the 5th floor's main town she goes through the quest board and finds the Traveler... "Hmm this could be easy, only one way to find out," she says snatching the quest off the board. She didn't think being alone right now was the best option so she sends a message through the guildhall chat saying:

    To: Firm Anima Guild Chat
    From: Freya

    I am doing this traveler quest on floor 5. Join me if you want to...

    With the chime of her HUD as the message was sent, she closes it from view. She wouldn't wait long because she hated sitting idle, but she would for a bit...

    Using Advanced Slime Farm on this thread +2 SP (1/4/21)

    Freya | HP:500/500 | EN:50/50 | DMG:15 | EVA:2 | ACC:3 | BLD:24 | REC:1


    Level: 25
    HP: 500/500
    EN: 50/50

    Damage: 15
    Evasion: 2
    Accuracy: 3

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Grim Reminder - Sorrow (T2/Perfect/2HBA): Damage 2, Bleed 1
    Armor: Dark Embrace - Sacrifice (T2/Perfect/Light Armor): Evasion 2, Recovery 1
    Misc: Bringer (Tierless/Perfect/Trinket): Accuracy 3

    Two-Handed Battle Axe [Rank 5]

    Extra Skills:
    Familiar Fighter (Rank 1)

    Finesse Rank 3

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleport Crystal*1
    Resistance Plate - Lily (T1/Perfect/HA): Mitigation 27
    Silver Band - Farore's Wind: (T1/Perfect/Trinket) Loot Dice 3
    Requires Extended Weight Limit 1
    Requires Extended Weight Limit 2
    Requires Extended Weight Limit 3
    Obtained via Item Stash (Housing)
    Obtained via Dimensional Backpack

    Housing Buffs:
    Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
    Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
    Tasty: Turn 2 identical food items into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed.
    Advanced Training: +2 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month [0/1]

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.


  3. She chuckles at the first things he said but then listened to the rest. "I don't know Raidou well but I know that I owe him my life..." she stretches her legs out now trying to become not so exhausted, it wasn't helping. If he was anything like Freyd then she knew he could be trusted. Freyd earned that today, by not backing down staying with her at every bad moment today. He could have just left her alone to deal with her own shit but he didn't. 

    A third party...Raidou...She was trying to keep as few people as possible in the loop. She didn't want everyone in harm's way trying to deal with such a thing. 

    Eruda and Griswold...the people who cared most for her in this game and now out. Stay focused...easier said than done but she would try a bit harder now that she knew she had someone that she could definitely count on if things went south. Hopefully, another if he ever showed his face around these parts.

    She gives a smile to Freyd, "I will hold you to that," as a small grin forms on her face. Getting to her feet now, grabbing her weapon she says "You really are not such a bad guy Fredo." Freya decided to take the up and up side of things right now. There would come a time when he would appear again and she needed to be ready for it. "I am going to have to cook a hearty meal for you and Raidou if he is any help," she says jokingly...sorta... "I am going to attempt to head home and sleep. We will meet back up tomorrow and put our ducks in a row with Raidou present this time...I will let you know if anything happens that could help us. Feel free to message me or check on me at my house...I will send you the location." She realized how weird that sounded as she started slowly walking. Turning saying "Before you even think it the other way, I feel like we could be good friends if you'd allow me to be." Giving him a soft smile now as she turns and starts to stumble her way slowly to the warp gate...

  4. While Freyd glances around for stragglers, Freya shuts her eyes and listens to her surrounding. This wind whistled in her ears as everything else was silent. Even her head was clear, at least for now. Her head tilts backward just enough to look up to the sky, as she keeps her eyes closed to feel the light breeze against her synthetic skin. She heard nothing more around but silence, it was nice...

    Her body still felt like dead weight so she walks just a bit away from the forest and sits down facing the tree lines. Setting her weapon down next to her she glances at Freyd and pats on the ground next to her. She was calmer than she had been all day. "I was speaking out of anger and fear before. That was my bad and for that I am sorry." She plucks a flower from the ground next to her. 

    "For a split moment there I was thinking that my problems were worse than everyone around me, but the reality is, it is all the same. Different instances and levels of issues, yes, but the outcome is better or worse depending on how it is handled and who is dealing with the results of that outcome..." She begins to pluck the petals away from the flower. 

    "You said before, you would be my anchor," she pauses as she watches the last petal falls with just the stem left in her hand now. "I wanted to believe that it was my way or the high way, nothing else mattered. I now know that is not a rational option for anyone." She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath of the fresh air. 

    Exhaling slowly she says "Instead of fading away, I will accept your help in full. I don't want him gone though, I just want him calm. I want my memories back Freyd..." Glancing to Freyd now. "Let's figure this out so that can at the very least know I won't hurt anyone." She thinks for a moment everything that the Man said today..."If this doesn't work then maybe I can learn to control my temper better. Maybe it's who I am supposed to be just not so..." she couldn't find the words for that last phrase. 

    "Thank you Freyd for taking the time to even considering helping me," she says with a very sincere look in her eyes now looking up to Freyd. 

  5. Concentration [2/3]

    Freya watches as all but the Queen bursts. Jeez...Giving a simple nod to Freyd as its health was just below half. The creatures rapid spinning trying to pinpoint both of them was sorta funny to her. A small smirk shows upon her lips as she ducks beneath a wing to get to the opposite side of Freyd. She swung high but the queen turns just right to where Freya's hit was unable to get through. "Would you just stay still for 2 seconds you stupid son of a..." she starts to say as Freya knocks the creature on the side of its head with the bottom of her hilt dealing no damage still. The large creature, however, did slowly turn to Freya. Gettings its attention even if for a moment she says "Would you like to do the honors?" Even though she dealt no damage, she could still cause a distraction so he could. "Lights out," she says with a smile toward the bee staring directly into its eyes now with a grin painted across her face. 

    ID# 181049 results: Battle: 2+3=5, Miss! vs The Queen (OMFG)

    Freyd | HP:1730/1730 | EN:145/185 | DMG:23 | MIT:79 | EVA:2 | ACC:6 | VAMP OFF:173 | HLY:6 | FLN:6 | LD:5 | BH:86
    Freya | HP:500/500 | EN:15/50 | DMG:13 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3

    (2,0)Bee Minion #6 | HP: 0/250 | DMG 125 | MIT 25 (250-395)
    (2,1)Bee Minion #7 | HP: 0/250 | DMG 125 | MIT 25 (93-395)
    (1,2)Bee Minion #8 | HP: 0/250 | DMG 125 | MIT 25 (65-383)

    (1,0)The Queen | HP: 239/500 | DMG 200 | MIT 75 (500-261)

  6. Concentration [1/3]

    It was clear that Freyd didn't like what she had to say. The last bee in the group bursts as she could hear more in the distance. Taking a deep breath, she straightens out. He was going through all this trouble to help and she was doing nothing but making shit harder. 

    Her mind resorts back to a conversation that she and Gaius had. -Deal with your shit or get over it... Doing nothing and moping about will get you nowhere-. She pursed her lips together as she recalls everything that Freyd had said... In some regard it was similar. 

    Be prepared for everything and anything that walks in your path. Another conversation from several saying the same thing...

    Thinking more rationally, going suicide against this Man was not the way to go. She could not let the fear of this thing control her. She could not worry about what is going to happen just that they need to get a handle on it. Her eyes squint just a bit as she clearly was thinking about something from what others would have seen. She would need to have a serious conversation...I rational one where she wasn't ready to leap off the edge at first thought. There had to be another way...

    The buzzing got closer as she turns around and flips her scythe into her other hand. Running the distance now she attempts to hit one of the smaller ones. It moves and with another swing, a connection as it cries out and moves the other way. A solid glow of her weapon now, hitting another as this one slams against a nearby tree. The last as she swings at the biggest thing there, it moves out of the way with no issues. She flips her scythe around to her other hand and looks up to the large bee...She had no fear... She slides backward leaving Freyd room to do some damage.


    ID# 181041 results: Battle: 1+3=4, Critical Miss! vs Bee Minion #6
    ID# 181042 results: Battle: 7+3=10, Hit! vs Bee Minion #7, Dealing 13*14=182-25=157 Damage
    ID# 181043 results: Battle: 10+3=13, Major Critical! vs Bee Minion #8, Dealing 15*14=210-25=185 Damage
    ID# 181044 results: Battle: 2+3=5, Miss! vs The Queen

    Freyd | HP:1730/1730 | EN:161/185 | DMG:23 | MIT:79 | EVA:2 | ACC:6 | VAMP OFF:173 | HLY:6 | FLN:6 | LD:5 | BH:86
    Freya | HP:500/500 | EN:16/50 | DMG:13 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3

    (0,0)Bee Minion #6 | HP: 250/250 | DMG 125 | MIT 25
    (0,1)Bee Minion #7 | HP: 93/250 | DMG 125 | MIT 25
    (0,2)Bee Minion #8 | HP: 65/250 | DMG 125 | MIT 25
    (0,0)The Queen | HP: 500/500 | DMG 200 | MIT 75

  7. Glancing down to his hand on her shoulder, she takes a small inhale of breath as she listens to him. "Forcing those feels out will not work. I already did this...With my father. I locked what I felt for him and everything I knew about him in a box and threw away the key, it was just outside no longer in reach. That was nearly 14 years ago Freyd. I thought about it not once in that time." He wipes her tears away and what he said had true meaning. "I faced my Gemini, him and it was like all that effort I put into that one memory was pointless. I feel like he knows everything about me, even the things that I no longer know...Which brings me back to why I need him so much," she could feel the rage building up within her now.

    "I will fight until I can't until the last drop of sanity fades to nothing. I will do this but I will deny him no more. If it's anger he wants, then let this fuel him. I have enough anger to last me a lifetime..." Right then she thought of her mother, how she had treated them, how she stole them from not one but 2 people that actually cared about them and loved them. 

    She watches Freyd pancake four of the bees in very little attempt it seemed. She could hear the buzzing just inside the tree lines before coming to full view. They burst to data and a straggler comes out from the trees. The moment Freyd points it out Freya pulls her weapon and begins to run at it with what energy she had left from this day. She began trying to focus her anger toward that one target as she activates her concentration skill, and in that split second she realized something was different. The color around her was no longer green...it was black as an ooze of mist comes from below her feet. She was not sure what to think but at the is time she couldn't. 

    Before she knew it, she was right next to the bee as she quickly swings at the creature carving a decent chunk of its health pool. She knew she could get stronger and deal more but right now it's what she had to work with. Something ignites inside the bee though from Freya's attack as it screeches in pain. It then pulls its ass up and attempts to sting Freya... Pulling her Scythe up just in time, "Get your ass out my face," Freya says as she jumps backward now gaining distance between the two. "You wanna use that strength of yours so we keep these going?" A glance toward Freyd, "Or leave this one to me and wait for the others...I could really give a dam less..." saying as she glances back at the almost dead bee... She realized that her anger was edging out again. -Dam it, is harder than I thought- she thought as she could feel the tole of what happened just minutes ago. She fights to stay upright now leaning on her weapon as the blade digs into the ground.

    Use him as her anchor... She really didn't want to but she might have to at this point. She felt for what Freyd had said...She didn't want to just fade into nothing but what other options did she have... 


    Activating Concentration and Screw Dimension

    ID# 180965 results: Battle: 3+4=7, Hit! vs Bee Minion #5, Dealing 13*13=169-25=144 Damage

    ID# 181013 results: MOB: 1, Critical Miss! Bee Minion #5 vs Freya

    Freyd | HP:1730/1730 | EN:169/185 | DMG:23 | MIT:79 | EVA:2 | ACC:6 | VAMP OFF:173 | HLY:6 | FLN:6 | LD:5 | BH:86
    Freya | HP:500/500 | EN:41/50 | DMG:13 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3

    (0,1)Bee Minion #5 | HP: 106/250 | DMG 125 | MIT 25


  8. A tear falls down her cheek now and she feels what he made her feel...Eruda...Griswold...Anna...If they were gone then she would have nothing to live for. Nothing to hold onto...

    "I have not yet earned a name he says..." her thoughts from what just happened, cause them to go straight to the worse possible...She answers him almost like she wasn't paying attention to her words being said like her mind was elsewhere. "Blond hair... Male...His voice almost like a jester that talks in nothing but a questioning tone..." 

    "He made me..." Freya stops for a moment thinking exactly how to explain such a feeling. "The feeling of losing everyone you once loved or cared about in all one instance. Like my life didn't mean anything anymore..." She could not bring herself to look at Freyd. It was something that she had never felt before and it was overwhelming her...That split second though, remembering that they are all still alive still, at least for now. 

    "Freyd, I am not sure that we can wait any longer. He has manifested twice in one day, the last time he even made a small appearance like this was when I met with Rin again. But I was still me. I felt so angry and my eyes I guess were all wonky and I shoved him...That was months ago... What if next time he appears... I don't come back from it. I was out cold in a cave for nearly a year..." She felt terrified at this point. She was genuinely scared of moving forward with this but if she didn't then nothing good would come from it either. "I need to move with this decision before I can't or don't want to. Maybe then and only then will we figure out what we want to know from him." She gives Freyd a look of sincerity and fear which was all the same at this point. She knew what had to be done...

    She gets to her feet now with some trouble but manages. "Get Raidou here, so if something more is to happen, he will be here to witness in person just what we are dealing with and maybe just maybe help bring me back if something goes horribly wrong. While we wait we should get this quest done... Before my energy depletes so much that I can't do that either." She begins to walk toward the destination. Her chest felt heavy but her mind was made up. They needed to know more and at this point...It felt like the only way to do just that. If this meant that she would have to put herself on the table, to the cause so that no one would get hurt then so be it...


  9. Freya was unable to move, but is able to hear Freyds words as he spoke to her. She was unable to speak back but in that moment he was right. Freya's eyes right them slam shut as it was the only thing she was able to do...Focusing on nothing but this thing inside of her...

    She enters the dream state...or was it...a familiar chamber that she had been to once before...Seeing nothing but darkness to follow darkness within view. Yelling into the darkness..."Give me your name...I NEED A NAME...These games you play with my body, the energy you drain me of in doing so...it's the least you can offer..." she waits for something... anything that has yet to appear.

    "No, girl. You've yet to earn it. I don't owe you a thing" a single silhouette hidden just outside her field of view, it takes the shape of her Gemini for but a moment before it flickers into a more manly frame.

    In seeing such a figure, she moves a few feet forward..."Then tell me this... We share my sight...Who are you looking for..." This thing was not the particular Gemini if that is even what he was...He must want something. "Whatever it is, or whomever it may be, I can help you...Just tell me what I have to do, in return for such a name?"

    The face twists from its sharpened red grin, a step forward has Freya fill a bitter chill of sorrow wash over her as if she had witnessed everyone she loved die. The grin fades and it looks at her as light comes through enough to make out the figure. A blonde male, a twist of his head like a confused canine. "You mistake me girl, I am not looking for anything. A mistake, taking what I am. You're confused. Thinking that I need your help, when it is you that need me. Accept what I offer, or don't. I'll still be here, rattling around in this lonely audience hall." He raises his hands toward the manifested ceiling. A veiled insult to her intelligence. "If you cannot accept my blessing, then you should have killed me when you had the chance, and now you pay the price." A wave of his hand forces out of where he resides, her vision now looking plainly at Freyd with no key to the door. She was given entry on his will not her own.

    She sits up with no words now...Staring at the ground...He was right...She did need him...In more ways than one... "Dam it," she says softly as it was all she was able to say at that moment.

    Her chest felt heavy and she felt weak...Would she have accepted it if she knew what came with the package...

    She wanted more than anything to regain what was robbed from her...That feeling of complete and utter emptiness filled within her. She could feel tears trying to come above the surface. What would it mean to fully accept this thing... What would happen to her...

    She looks to Freyd now as her eyes begin to water just a bit. "I think..." she says with a sniffle... "I need to accept him fully..." she looks back down. "What I need...I don't think I can get without him..."

  10. For a very split second she thought, - but I and Eruda ate toothpaste...and she turned out more than fine...- before she shakes her head and realized that it was supposed to be a joke. She chuckles "Funny, trying to make the blond believe such stupidity," she says softly. If she wasn't smarter than the average blond, his look could have definitely made her believe such a thing.

    "I am sure everyone has..." she says like she was expecting something along the lines of that sort of answer...She thinks as she watches his expression completely change. -Come on Freyd, go deeper- thinking as she bites her bottom lip watching him...waiting...

    This next thing he said causes her reality to fade, like looking through a long dark tunnel. A sinister chuckle plays within the back of her head. On the outside view, Freya's eyes dilate almost instantly and turn the golden silver color like before. As her voice plays back the ringing in her ears are that of a male.

    Letting loose is half the fun.

    "Letting loose is half the fun."

    Her face twists in a sinister grin, a creeping chill burns her spine for but a moment as she feels the grip at the shade around her ankles.

    Embrace that darkness for it gives you strength, a sacrifice must be made in exchange for progress. You locked away a killing machine?

    "Embrace that darkness for it gives you strength, a sacrifice must be made in exchange for progress. You locked away a killing machine?"

    Freya contorts and seems to fold in half backward, as if she was in pain. From her a dark chuckle like a maniacal jester. Looking to him with eyes like a doll.

    Seem's like fate has a way of doing that.

    "Seem's like fate has a way of doing that."

    Nothing...she sees nothing now as her body collapses to the ground like a rag doll. She was completely unconscious...

    It seems that she was not able to handle anything else as her body lays there limp, still breathing but herself once more...If you look closely you could see her eyes switch back to normal as they were half open after the falling...

  11. "To be perfectly honest I have gotten myself in trouble a few times with Gaius. We tried to do that Rhino thing alone and both of us got yelled at." She knew perfectly well now. Taking a deep breath she pushes herself off the post and gives him a glance as he sends a quick message to what she could only assume to be Raidou. "You and Raidou have the same thinking, I have only seen the one side so forgive me if I'm a bit leery about the whole situation." 

    He mentioned the whole Eruda-Factor..." I wouldn't ever want my sister involved in this. She is way too innocent to be involved in something so... this..." she couldn't find the words for what was going on. She wasn't sure if it was pure evil and just...something else trying to figure out its own way to communicate. 

    Freyd comments on her weakness...no her scrawniness... "Hey, Hey, I'll have you know I was very active in school activities, I may not look it but it took strength to do what I was in gymnastics." She sorta knew what he meant, her game level...It was still weak compared to others and she would eventually get up there.

    "So Freyd..." she says as they started walking toward the forest they just came back from... "It seems that you know a great deal of these types of things... Tell me how... What makes you so edgy," she had just told him a huge mouth full about her. She was testing the waters to see if he would share anything about himself...How does he know so much. What happened to him that forced him into this knowledge that most people would just ignore.

  12. After a relaxing time, eating and regaining her energy back up for earlier, Freya and Freyd walk out of the Bar place they ate at. It was still early in the day, just about noon. "So Freyd, you gonna stick around to observe me more?" Freya had ignored the question that Freyd had asked her before their meal. She was trying to decide whether or not it was a good idea. She was afraid that if he even thought that she was going to be the slightest issue in a fight, that he would ban her from any questing with Firm Anima. Given what just happened a while ago it was clear that she didn't fully have the thing in her at bay. She really didn't want to risk the team though. 

    Her thoughts were obvious as she walked to the quest board again. She purged her lips together as she gives a small sigh within her exhale of breath. "I was told that if I couldn't control myself, I was not going to be able to attend anything with anyone in the guild because I would be considered a danger to them in battle. If Raidou even got a hint that this thing was manifesting within me on an outside view then his mind would be made up. We know that anger is a definite trigger, if I lose it, I change, then everything I was told would be true because I would not be in a rational state of mind." This is what worried her. She didn't want to be stranded doing anything by herself. She had already felt like she lost so much in this past year, she didn't want to lose more...

    Freya was concerned about everything that Raidou would hear and make it law. "Freyd, tell him if you must. Either way nothing that will come from it will be good. I was already warned by Eruda, that if I am not in control then I wouldn't be welcome in the guild. What do you think Raidou would do if he knew this. He would protect the guild first and kick me to the curb." She was trying to keep her breathing easy thinking about the end results that would most definitely happen. Scrolling through the quests now she grabs one on the same floor. On the other hand, she knew that Raidou should know everything. It was an underlined fact and she would be screwed either way. She leans against the quest board's post and closed her eyes, sticking her hands in her front jean pockets trying to calm herself. "I was doomed from the start," she says quietly.

    Using Matriarch's Stinger (DMG +1)

    Freya | HP:500/500 | EN:50/50 | DMG:13 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3


    Level: 25
    HP: 500/500
    EN: 50/50

    Damage: 13
    Mitigation: 18
    Evasion: 1
    Accuracy: 3

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Life Taker (T1/Perfect/2HBA): Damage 3
    Armor: Swifter (T1/Perfect/Light Armor): Mitigation 2, Evasion 1
    Misc: Bringer (Tierless/Perfect/Trinket): Accuracy 3

    Two-Handed Battle Axe [Rank 5]

    Extra Skills:
    Familiar Fighter (Rank 1)

    Finesse Rank 3

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleport Crystal*1
    Resistance Plate - Lily (T1/Perfect/HA): Mitigation 27
    Silver Band - Farore's Wind: (T1/Perfect/Trinket) Loot Dice 3

    Housing Buffs:
    Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
    Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
    Tasty: Turn 2 identical food items into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed.
    Advanced Training: +2 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1]


  13. "Hmm, that is a bit odd. I knew that I turned weird and violet with the change but no one ever mentions that my eyes changed color or that my voice became different..." She gives a small huff. Listening to what Freyd says she thought a moment as she could feel herself getting a bit fatigued. "I will try paying more attention to how he says it and what is being said. I haven't really paid attention to that, I will now though."

    "I was eager to get out of the darkness with Raidou. When we returned back to the light the icon popped saying Arriving at floor one...Do you think that the cave could have been located somewhere else but we came out on floor 1?" She wasn't sure that was the case but she was still getting to know her surroundings and the game itself again so wasn't sure what it was capable of yet.

    Glancing to where Freyd was pointing there was no hesitation. Her scythe was out already charging something to hit the large bee with. Running at the bee as fast as she could in the condition she was in, she glows light green for a moment as concentration activates, the creature was slow. By the time the queen realized Freya was there, she was already sliding behind it, as she pivots to face it's back, Freya backward slashes it with the back sharpened side of her weapon. The creature stood no change as it bursts into data. Slowly walking back to Freyd, with a twirl of her weapon placing it on her back. 

    Her body felt heavy, tired. "I don't know what exactly is going on with me but I want you to help me figure it out. I want you to watch me, observe from the back lines if you could because I am not sure much will happen if he knows someone is watching. Can you do that for me Freyd?" Her energy depletes just standing there. How was she so tired... "Food could help..." she says as she slowly walks toward town.

    Activating Concentration and Dynamic Violence

    ID# 180640 results: Battle: 6+4=10, Hit! vs The Wasp Queen, Dealing 11*9=99 Damage, Killing it!

    Freyd, The Whisper in Shadows | HP:1710/1710 | EN:178/183 | DMG:20 | MIT:79 | EVA:2 | ACC:4 | VAMP OFF:171 | HLY:6 | FLN:6 | LD:7 | BH:85 | VENGEFUL
    Freya | HP:480/480 | EN:40/48 | DMG:11 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3

    [0,1] The Wasp Queen | HP: -49/50 | DMG 20

  14. "Yes it was my Gemini's essence that entered my body that day, or at least I think it was. Whatever is inside me though, whoever is inside me, is making it very hard to figure out anything about it. I know that when I saw him in that chamber world I mentioned he was a blond boy. Nothing more than that though." She stopped for a moment and really thought about the last few things Freyd had mentioned.

    "There really was no one else important to me besides daddy in that aspect. Nothing traumatizing has really happened besides that night..." She knew that Freyd was probably right about being too desperate and maybe that was why it was latched on to her...In other words, though, it could just render her weak enough...But no that doesn't make any sense because he was trying to boost her confidence at one point..."Ugg" she holds her head with all the odd thoughts popping into her head.  "Okay," taking her hand off her head..."When he gives me those suggestions, it's almost like I was already thinking the same thing, he just puts it into his own words so that they are heard and not thrown away to the back of the mind. Sorta like a conscience that speaks aloud above any other thought that I had at the moment." 

    Freya then thinks about every time that it had manifested out in the open using her as almost a puppet so to speak. "When I get angry, like really really angry, it takes control. I am not sure how or why I am the one it chose for whatever is going on but I can feel it every time. The fact that it doesn't let me see or remember anything it does while he's in control makes me wonder if he has something to hide. I just know that I am trying my best to figure out how he works. Honestly, I think I have to do that on my own." She was not sure how she was going to do this but she would figure it out eventually. 

    "The cave was dark so I was unable to see much. Raidou, however, seemed like he knew the place pretty well. Like he had been there before... There were spiders, lots and lots of Gaint cave spider and it was located on floor 1. I don't know much more than that. Sorry." Thinks for a moment she gives a small breath out saying "I am unsure why they took me. Something I have either not seen yet or haven't looked into yet. I didn't want to do it alone but I am reluctant to tell Raidou or Eruda about any of this and why I would be searching for who or what I looking for..." 

    Freya's head was becoming unusable now. She was growing very tired now, and she almost forgot the entire reason they were out here in the first place. Looking toward the tree line that had the Nav market above it she gives out a small yawn. It was only just noon but after the full takeover of her body and recalling back the memories to Freyd, she just grew tired. "Let's wipe this bee bitch out before I am unable to."

    She begins to walk toward the tree line before saying "Anything else I can enlighten you with?" 

  15. Freya wakes early, maybe a bit too early but was not able to fall back asleep. It had been a few days since she had talked to Freyd and shared more than she would have wished. She hoped that he wouldn't take that knowledge for granted but she knew that he was right about one thing. Someone had to know for the simple fact that if something went horribly wrong, Freyd could pass on what was going on. In a way, she had a new appreciation for the dude. To be perfectly honest, she was glad to have gotten it out. As she laid in bed thinking about everything they talked about, the time chimed to 7 AM and Freya jumps up out of bed.

    She prepares breakfast for 2 and some homemade kibble for the small animals that seemed always hungry. She walks the other meal next door after eating her own. Setting them both on the table with a small note saying -->Don't eat the Kibble...It's for the other starving one<--. Walking out now to leave them sleeping she walks to the warp gate. After a few minutes, she calls out "Floor 5" as she and her familiar land back on solid ground. Freya goes straight for the board of quests that littered this floor. She takes a quest and opens her HUD and sends a message through Firm Anima guild chat saying:

    To: Firm Anima
    From: Freya

    I would love the party buddy for this shark quest if any one is interested. Floor 5, I will be waiting...


    Freya sits on the ground next to the town's fountain and waits for a reply.

    Freya | HP:480/480 | EN:48/48 | DMG:11 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3


    Level: 24
    HP: 480/480
    EN: 48/48

    Damage: 11
    Mitigation: 18
    Evasion: 1
    Accuracy: 3

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Life Taker (T1/Perfect/2HBA): Damage 3
    Armor: Swifter (T1/Perfect/Light Armor): Mitigation 2, Evasion 1
    Misc: Bringer (Tierless/Perfect/Trinket): Accuracy 3

    Two-Handed Battle Axe [Rank 5]

    Extra Skills:
    Familiar (Rank 1)

    Finesse Rank 3

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleport Crystal*1
    Resistance Plate - Lily (T1/Perfect/HA): Mitigation 27
    Silver Band - Farore's Wind: (T1/Perfect/Trinket) Loot Dice 3

    Housing Buffs:
    Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
    Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
    Tasty: Turn 2 identical food items into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed.
    Advanced Training: +2 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1]


  16. Every question had an answer right when he asked. The last remark though makes her release the nails from her leg. Deciding to answer this first by saying, "It helps me focus on what is considered real in this game. Breathing slowly with my eyes closed as I focus on one thing. Revealing the data that should be blood from my being, allows me to know what is real and what isn't. Keeping me sain I guess."

    A sign of relief though as Freyd seemed not the type that was frightened by something like this. "The one showing me Griswold as my father and the yelling at my mother was real. Eruda confirmed both and Griswold confirmed the father thing a second time. The other one, it's hard to explain..." She thinks for a moment to describe it in a way that would seem plausible;e to one's ears. "It was like I was there in flesh, the extreme emotions I felt when it was happening, and when I got smacked on the head, I could feel it like it just happened." Thinking for a moment to try making it understandable. "My brain is like a memory card for a computer or a game system. The content is there but until I unlocked it by a trigger relating to that specific memory...It's weird I know but it's the best way I can explain it." 

    Hoping that cleared something up she moves on to the next question or statement..."With a long conversation with Griswold and the memory of the argument with my mother, I put together that my mother stole us away during the night. We were young and knew that once we were gone from him it would have been hard to make that connection with him. Our mother, on the other hand, was never home. Honestly, I don't think she gave a dam about us. I forced myself to move on from losing our father by forcing myself to forget him and went on with my life by ignoring my mother for the most part, by enjoying my highschool life with friends. I think I sorta left Eruda behind doing so and I feel bad for that but I couldn't dwell on the past in order to move forward." There was more stuff to it but she was trying to add what she thought Freyd should know..."We have a little sister Anna who has some issues with her that our mother couldn't deal with so she took me and Eruda from him. It was just a crazy thought when I found out that our father was here in the game with us." 

    Giving a small sigh and a small breather, she thinks of the next and saying, "I did not kill my Gemini...I really really really wanted to though. I got him to that point of death and told IT to get lost before I did kill it. Instead, he turned to data I guess and at that moment I felt it come into me. I was like we were one but not...I am really wondering if I let something else inside of me that day..."  Freya was really confused about that. "This was also the first time I passed out cold and in a dream-like state within his Realm, I think he said." 

    As much as it hurt she continued the question answering, taking a deep breath looking to Freyd now, "Yes, my curser was orange for a set amount of time in which I chose to hide within the confines of Eruda's shot till it went back to normal. Even though I was unaware of my action while doing so and I am not even sure it was my fault, I still feel ashamed of what transpired that day. I could not apologize enough because never in my right mind would I ever attack my own sister."

    Recalling what Eruda told her about Sam she says "No, Sam is not a sibling. She is someone that Eruda had helped when Sam was just starting to get on her feet. I am still not sure about her but I really don't know her so I can't make an accurate reading against her till then."

    Another painful thought, one that she was still trying to get past but says looking down, "Rin that kid I mentioned. I was given bits and pieces of our marriage scene from this thing but again, I felt too much from each memory to know that it was real in every aspect." Remembering that day that she met with him by accident she frowns a bit. "When I found him again in-game by strickly just the memories alone, he had not a clue who I was and still doesn't. He is going through what I did with the head pains and huge confusion but I am pretty sure that he didn't have a ghost-like figure yeet into his body as I did. He is assisting at an orphanage on floor 2 right now and I decide that I would keep my distance from him, for now, to see if he would remember anything about us. If he doesn't then oh fucking well I guess." This was something she was trying to push past but every time she thought about it, she was a square one again.

    Moving on to the next..."I have not a clue who this figure is, but every time I feel like I can't continue, every time I feel like I can't go on or move forward, his voice pops into my head telling me basically telling me to suck it up buttercup, and get up and deal. Nothing will get done or be said without an action to click with it. His words were much different but that is the gist of them. He helps me feel like I can't go another day..."

    She gets to her feet now and clears her throat. "This is all crazy shit that is going on but there is a chamber in my head right that is locked away right now. I will stop at nothing to regain what I lost even if it means having this thing in my head to help guide me." Dusting herself off, her eyes turn from sad to determined now. "I will stop at nothing to get stronger so that I can confront those people that kept me trapped in that cave for so long. I am not sure if the memory loss I am experiencing is connected but I will be dam sure that they know who the hell they were dealing with before I smear their faces against the ground they walk upon."

  17. "The very beginning...I am not even sure where that is anymore." She sits on the ground now. She sits there and thinks for a moment through her thoughts..."The very first thing I remember is the Town of Beginnings. When everyone crowded around, freaking out after the big meet and greet with an enlarged phantom guy in the sky. After that nothing...I woke up in a dark cave. This is where Raidou found me. According to him, Eruda mentioned something or another to him...At this point, I guess a year and a half had passed and I had no knowledge of the time that had passed." Freya crossed her legs now. She was still trying to come to terms with how her memory was just gone... 

    Continuing as best as she could "When I was reunited with Eruda she said she had not spoken to me for at least 6 months. I guess she just thought I was having fun or something...But again...I have no memory that she was even in the game. The conversations that we apparently had meant nothing to me because I don't remember having them." Fiddling with her hands now she looks down... "It was confusing to Eruda when I said I didn't remember a dam thing and even stranger to me that I had an entire life here with no memory of it. The weapons and armor that Eruda claimed I had were gone as well and my level that was completely downgraded. I was a brand new character and had not a clue how anything in the game worked." Her head began to get a bit fuzzy so she closed her eyes and tried to focus. "My memory was wiped clean, until my Gemini..."

    Opening her eyes now still no change she sighs a bit, used to these effects. Raising her eyes to Freyd's "Eruda told me that my Gemini quest would help me...she did not know though how extreme it was. During the battle with myself, I guess...It knew things...Things that were lost to my mind. My vision blurred 3 times and with that 3 memories that I had taken from me and had long forgotten about. The first, the day I was taken, a shadowed figure laying feet from me, I was crying and screaming and then I was knocked out...The second, my father. Something that I longed to force forgetting because everything about it was painful. The photo that came with the memory showed his younger self and then showed Griswold..." She folded her lips together and bit her top lip. She could feel her nails digging into her leg now. It was the only way she knew for sure that she was not in a dream-like state. "I could feel every emotion that came with each memory that that thing forced me to remember. This leads to the last vision, me yelling at my mother after my father left us...or so that what she told us and I blamed every ounce of it on her. I forced myself to forget that too..."

    "After this weirdness and taking that thing inside of me, I actually fell unconscious after meeting back up with Eruda and Sam. Next thing I know I am waking up in Eruda's shop staring at her crying...Eruda had told me that the moment I woke up though I instantly went for Sam and put my Scythe against her neck pinning her against the wall. Eruda told me that when she tried to pull me off Sam, I attacked her but Eruda managed to block me with her shield. I really woke up then, I was myself again...I don't remember doing any of this." She still felt bad for doing this, even though she wasn't aware she did it.

    Digging her nails deeper into her legs now as data came out just a bit. "Since that day, I have been slowly recovering the memories that I had either forgotten or the ones that were stolen to me, including about that day I was taken but only what IT wants me to know. Apparently, I was married at one point..." she gives a small awkward laugh at that. She could feel tears trying to come through but she held them back. "I only get what IT gives me and I have no clue what IT is...IT sometimes talks to me in my head. Gives me advice...but it's odd because it's a male voice and he is very edgy..." Glancing back to her knees now saying "I get these blackout every so often like I had that day, when that happens, small amounts of time are lost where I have not a clue what I do in that time. What you saw...was normal for me..." She closes her eyes now still trying to keep the constant pain in her leg going to keep herself in control..."I want what was stolen from me and somewhere deep inside revenge...The players who took me, orange icons and the fella on the ground that was once a shadow, his name was Rin and he too is going through the same thing just not to my extent. He still can't recall anything and has not a clue who I am..."

    It was hard to recall everything but that's what Freyd wanted, to know everything. "Do you think I am crazy now Freyd?" She says this not looking at him with her eyes still closed trying to keep in control.


  18. The thing...Freya...Just gives a sinister grin to Freyd. Something that would freak most people out. Freya gasps for air now before she shuts her eyes. After a few moments, she was breathing harder than normal trying to get a handle on herself again. She opens her eyes now...they were back to her normal emerald green color. She glancing back to where she was standing then back to Freyd with a very confused look painted on her face now. She couldn't recall her movement or anything she might have just said nor what Freyd just said. Freya knew the signs though...she was not herself just 2 seconds ago...

    After she regulates her breathing, she turns from him now unsure what to say. She takes a few steps but then stops and says "The main reason I haven't told anyone anything is that it would make people think I am a major nut case." At this point, her voice became normal as well... She was growing tired of these blackouts she's been having. She was growing tired of them but whatever it was...they were helping her regain what she lost. Regain the time that was stolen from her from something out of this world...

    "This is my life, and yes it may seem like I am ape shit crazy from whatever you may have seen...But I don't regret having this thing inside me." She thinks for a moment. She couldn't bring herself to talk to Gaius about this, Eruda is just too sweet and innocent to know something like this about her own sister and Raidou...He is always dealing with something else or someone else or even himself. Freya would not bother him with this... She turns to Freyd slightly with a serious look on her face now. "Freyd, you already know more than most but you have to promise... You have to promise that anything I tell you and anything you may see...It stays between me and you...Just me and you..." Her mind goes back to Chase and how he protruded his feeling with violence. "If I feel that whatever this is would start to become a problem then I will go to Raidou myself and explain...You have to promise me though...I don't want people looking at me like I am a freak that can't deal with my own shit..." Freya stands there now, waiting for Freyd to comment. 

  19. Continuing to walk just a bit but stops and turns to Freyd now. "You must scare a lot of young fighters then," she says with a smirk. He comments on the punch on Gaius though. "Not sure exactly how I did it but...I just thought in the same moment I was swinging that I didn't want to hurt him, getting his attention was the only thing I wanted in that split second." She gives a small chuckle to that statement saying "and it worked...I got him to move his ass and it was lucky that he was distracted enough for me to decline the duel with his own hand." Turning away from Freyd now she starts to walk forward...

    Stopping as he starts prying about the same thing...Why was he so interested...Why did he care so much about something like that? Maybe that was a stupid thought to think given what he did for that Mari girl. She has told no one everything about what happened and what is still happening to her. It seemed so odd that something like it could even exist but given it was a game, anything could happen...She takes a deep breath and turns toward him now with glaring eyes. "Why should I tell you anything..." The words came out a bit harsh but she was interested in knowing why he wanted to know so bad. "Eruda couldn't tell you barely anything because she doesn't know hardly anything... " she could feel her body heating up again and rage filling her by the second...

    She thinks about the red characters that she keeps seeing within the memory she was given. It was always in the back of her mind along with everything attached to that memory. She balls her hands into fists trying to keep what was inside her at bay. Her eyes began to dilate as she could feel them pulsing. She shuts them and turns away now...Shaking her head and placing a hand to her eyes, trying to refocus. "I refuse to be a lab rat to a guy that I know nothing about, from just a pure curiosity standpoint." She takes a breath now as her eyes fulling dilate now. A slight silver gold tint in her eyes now as she turns to Freyd. Walking toward him now...her movement different with almost a sway to each footfall. "So Freyd, enlighten me, why should I trust you. Feed your hunger for the knowledge that you so desperately expect me to give you." Her voice changed too, with these words, a hunger. A determined thrive of something that she had yet to fully discover herself... She stood tall now, confident. Inches from his face now with golden silver eyes staring back at his, curious...very curious...

  20. Words are formed from around her but when she glances slightly around, no one...She chuckled a bit as there was a point to each phrase he spoke. She was no stranger to words that spoke with no frame as it happens on a daily basis unannounced most times. After a moment she sees red-tinged eyes within the darkness. Freya just stands there for a moment, staring as she only saw the eyes. There was no fear within her curious motions, just pure instinct as she begins to reach for her weapon placed on her back...

    Hearing more words from the same voice, Freyd..."Hmm, you really know how to make an entrance but if you intended to scare me...good luck." Pondering on what Freyd had said she smiles at the names, how close they were...Weird. Still not seeing a body to the eyes she continues to walk a bit saying, "I see you heard me though and that may have been a mistake after what just transpired in the meeting." She chuckles a bit but knew that something now was out in the air. Only a very selected few knew about what was going in with her, and only a few knew bits and pieces...She intended to keep it that way if she could for the simple fact that she didn't understand it fully herself...The Gemini was supposed to help you and in some cases, it has but not in the ways that others may think. "Yes I do have a lot on my mind but I am not sure that you could possibly do anything to help me. But yes, by all means, let's go chat and kill the fuck out of these dam bees." There was a bit of sarcasm in her voice. She didn't know this person, maybe he could help enlighten the situation or maybe not. Either way, she needed to make sure he was to be trusted by her before anything else was said...

  21. Freya tries to shake her to try getting her eyes back to normal. "That is not how this works dear, A for effort though," a voice, so mysterious that only she could hear followed with a sinister chuckle echoing within her head. It would drive some people crazy. For Freya though, she was just trying to figure out what it was exactly without losing control. That would be very bad for everyone around them if she did... She started to remember the meet and how everyone was hating on Chase, she was sure that it wasn't the same thing. Holding her head now her vision starts to blur, "I DONT WANT TO BE THIS," she says maybe just a bit too loud. In a smaller voice, she says "I just want to know more..."

    She remembers what Gaius taught her. She sits on the ground as she could feel her skin start to boil. Her eyes begin to dilate but she just closes them. Lately, it's been happening faster, the takeover, that makes her a dick...The memories that she has been given back meant something. They were all painful but they meant something. Freya takes a deep breath, slowly in then out, and repeats this for a few minutes. Her eyes returned to normal but she was all hot and flustered. "DAM IT," Freya says after catching her breath and getting to her feet. "I just want to remember more..." she says in an almost sad voice, having no clue that anyone was around her. She begins slowly walking toward the nav marker taking her time as she felt sorta drained after that.

  22. "The other one...Wow...Fair though. I am not really known around here yet. I aim to change that though. Freya is the name, and your...Freyd, the guy that called that meeting." She couldn't help but laugh at the way it ended. She pushing herself away from the frame and looks around him to the NPC..."You do realize they are pure script for this stupid game right? Please help me...or I lost something... bla bla bla," The NPC seemed flustered still from the battering. Walking in ever so slightly the NPC says "Are you here to help," Freya looks at Freyd and points to it saying "See nothing more. Do you want to get out of here and do something just a bit more interesting? I have a bee to kill and a site to see." She starts walking out the door now. Calling out behind her now, "Or would you rather bore yourself with this little experiment you forced yourself into. Either way, I will be in the fields." Glancing slightly over her shoulder she says "Oh and Freyd...I am nothing like Eruda so try not to get us mixed up..."

    She makes her way out of the gates now heading into the large empty fields now trying to find anything that looked familiar to her in the slightest. Not sure if Freyd was behind her or not she says openly, "Are you really telling me I have never been here before." A cackled chuckle within her head with no words..."NO, YOU ASS THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH. SHOW ME SOMETHING...DO SOMETHING..." She could feel the heat rise within her and she could feel her eyes start to change. "NO NOT THAT YOU DAM IDIOT." Freya was trying to make a connection with the thing in her head that manifested inside her after her Gemini...She started to understand it sort of but she wanted to understand more. To everybody else, though it looked like Freya was just talking to herself in a large empty field.

  23. Freya wakes up early in her new bed. A house that was provided by her guild which seemed to already prove useful. It was early, 6 am to be exact but she found herself not sleeping much due to certain circumstances. She walks to the kitchen and makes herself some eggs for 2 with some bacon. Her house was attacked to her shop...Gaius shop as she promised to cook for him in the morning for payment with the shop sharing arrangement. This she could not argue with because she loved cooking. Preparing 2 large plates of food and adding some toast she eats her food rather quickly. She delivers the food to the table of her shop for Gaius and covers it with some foil to keep it fresh. He could make his own tea if he wanted some. 

    Walking out of the shop she stretches and finds her familiar hovering around her feet. "Hey there Hineko, I didn't know you were awake." A small yawn was given from the tiny cat. Freya chuckles a bit and starts to head to floor 2 for a quest to do. Furthermore, to gain memories back of places that she thinks she had been to before. Arriving at floor 2 after some jaunting pastures she hears some arguing in the distance. She quickly grabs a quest from the floor 2 quest board and fast walks toward the commotion. Seeing a man in black arguing with an NPC that she knew from one of her previous quests. 

    She knew it was none of her business but she says "What seems to be the problem with the pour NPC you are brutally assaulting with your words," she says to the man in black. Leaning against the door frame now she waits for the guy to answer...

    Freya | HP:480/480 | EN:48/48 | DMG:11 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3


    Level: 24
    HP: 480/480
    EN: 48/48

    Damage: 11
    Mitigation: 18
    Evasion: 1
    Accuracy: 3

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Life Taker (T1/Perfect/2HBA): Damage 3
    Armor: Swifter (T1/Perfect/Light Armor): Mitigation 2, Evasion 1
    Misc: Bringer (Tierless/Perfect/Trinket): Accuracy 3

    Two-Handed Battle Axe [Rank 5]

    Extra Skills:
    Familiar (Rank 1)

    Finesse Rank 3

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleport Crystal*1
    Resistance Plate - Lily (T1/Perfect/HA): Mitigation 27
    Silver Band - Farore's Wind: (T1/Perfect/Trinket) Loot Dice 3

    Housing Buffs:
    Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
    Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
    Tasty: Turn 2 identical food items into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed.
    Advanced Training: +2 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1]


  24. Freya watches as the bluenette tries to de-escalate the situation with not much success in the attempt. "Who you calling girl," Gaius says over Freya's shoulder. Freya sighs and turns toward Gaius with him now distracted. Quickly taking his hand, she delines the duel attempt with his hand. "HEY, I wanted to," Freya interrupts his saying "NO." She grabs his shirt and bends him down so that they see eye to eye now. "This is NOT happening right now. You can do this PRIDE duel when there are no more pressing matters to attend to," she had Gaius close enough to where the only thing he could see was her face which was glaring back at him. "NOW, give me your weapon, or don't and I will take it from you." Gaius had a blank stare for just a second before going into a laugh. He pulls away slightly and Freya balls up her other fist and punches him, but not hard enough to deal any form of damage just to make him aware. 

    Freya hears some gasps in shock behind her but she didn't care. Gaius just stares for a moment for grabbing Freya's hand and making her let go of his shirt. Rubbing his face a bit he just chuckles. "You know I could kick your ass," Freya instantly replies saying "I don't give a flying fuck what you can or can't do Typhoon." She says these words in a calmer matter now knowing that she didn't want to let her own demons out of pandora's box. "Put your weapon away and I will make you a meal to help calm you down." She stands her ground in front of him. "FINE" Gaius says as he starts walking toward the door now putting his weapon away, "But this ain't over," he looks over his shoulder where Freya pushes him out the door now and heads back to their shop to have some food.

  25. Everything started to get hot and heavy in the guildhall that was supposed to be a safe place. Words were said and threats were given from multiple people. Gaius said something that bothered Freya, that he had nothing to lose. Was he serious...did anything that happened mean nothing to him... Glancing to Setsuna and then to the man they call Kiluia. This was certainly not going to end well if someone didn't say or do something...

    Jumping from her chair now she slides herself in front of Gaius, not sure exactly what she was doing yet...she had to try...Anger forced itself within her now as she says "You have everything to lose now that I am here you jerk, AND YOU," she turns to the white-haired dude saying, "You want to protect your daughter, FINE but if we violently murdered everyone in this game that made a stupid ass mistake then no one would be left to beat through this hell." She had not a dam clue who this young man was but she knew that she once made a vital mistake by attack Sam that day. She was glad that Eruda was there to stop here. 

    "WE are here as a team, not to cut people down who don't agree with our opinions. The right thing to do is to talk first not go straight to the death sentence. I get that you want to protect the weak and I get that you might have a fear that this kid might do this again without reason, but as Raidou and Eruda and several people here have said, he will not lay another hand on anyone else as long as WE as a team are still standing. To me right now you are all acting like chase just did just hours ago. So are you going to preach what you just said or act like a child that can't control your emotions?" She knew barely anyone here but meant every word. She hoped to god that they would listen to her even just a little. She really didn't want to die to the so many higher players in this compound but if it meant protecting the lower players around here...she would.

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