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Posts posted by Freya

  1. Freya watches Setsuna cut the creature clean in half. The words she said had an impact. Placing her Scythe tip on the ground as she listened carefully to every word given.

    You overextend yourself and just forced Griswold to protect you

    Biting her bottom lip taking a deep breath. Griswold would have done that anyway for any one of them but to what extent? 

    Don't be ignorant, Improvise when your enemy isn't staring down you and everyone else

    Something as dangerous as this could have been, Freya took a huge risk by testing what Ko and her could do. She wasn't thinking and her mind goes back to what Raidou had told her. It was very similar. She looks to the ground now. She didn't do a whole lot of practicing with Ko before bringing her along and that was a risk in itself. She knew that Ko wasn't ready but allowed it anyway and by doing so she wasn't focused enough. She glances at Setsuna as she gets herself positioned in such a way that looked like she was ready for a battle. She didn't want to be an animal, uncontrollable and an unknown factor in battle. It wasn't what she wanted to turn into. She didn't want to let her emotion control her either as Chase did...

    "Setsuna I am not going to attack you. It would be highly pointless and a very long way from what Eruda and Raidou would have wanted. I will work with Ko so this never happens again. You have given me a lot to think about so thank you." She says this in a much calmer voice now. Freya turns to Griswold and gives him a hug saying "Thank you for being here. I don't know what I would do without you in my life." After a moment she releases from the hug and walks to Ko and Boris. "Let's get Boris home, we have some work to do..." Gaius would eventually come down from the mini storm he created and realize they went back home. She opens her HUD and tells him just that in a message. With a chime, it was sent as she walked back with the two familiars to get them to safety. No Risk... 

  2. A slight glare toward Setsuna, "Game...You think I am fucking around? That couldn't be further from the truth," she begins to speak as the large jaw carves into Griswold's arm. Being pushed back her blood begins to boil from both the accusations and that walking Shark. Freya's weapon burns beneath her grip and glows bright red. Freya darts at the creature carving her Scythe deep within its stomach. Leaving the wounds open with an explosion upon impact. Data pours out of the wound as its health plummets to almost nothing. A sharp glance to Setsuna "I have been through enough shit in this hell to know just how much of NOT a game this is. I am here to get stronger and KO is here to make me stronger. If you can't handle me trying to improvise with shit that I have full access to then you don't have to be here," Freya barks toward her angrily. "Regardless if you think it or not I will always give my best and I refuse to put the others in danger by doing so." Freya shifts her position as the creature falls to one knee.

    Using Explode Catapult -13 EN [14-3 (Finesse) + 2 (Hits 1)]

    ID# 182752 results: Battle: 10, Major Critical! vs Land Shark the Terra Firma Dealing 23*14=322-38=284 Damage, Applying Bleed [2/24] Craft: 11, (Recovers +2 EN)

    [H:2] Freya | HP:800/800 | EN:66/78 | DMG:21 | EVA:2 | ACC:5 | BLD:24 | REC:1
    [H:1] Setsuna | HP:860/860 | EN:74/86 | DMG:21 | EVA:3 | ACC:5
    [H:0] Gaius | HP:950/950 | EN:100/102 | DMG:22{4} | MIT:13 | ACC:0 | H.M.:4 | REC:2
    [H:3] Griswold | HP:684/850 | EN:74/82 | DMG:12 | MIT:84 | ACC:4 | THRNS:36 | REC:2 | TAUNT

    Land Shark the Terra Firma | HP:90/650 | DMG:250 | MITI:75 | EVA:4 Bleed [2/24]
    Assault Mode: On an LD roll of 10+, this boss will spot through hidden players, and the bosses ACC and EVA will temporarily switch for his attack and his attack only and will strike as though it had partial phase on a natural roll of 9, and full phase on a roll of 10.
    Hard-Scaled: Paralysis and Freeze does not work on this boss.
    Weak-Spots: On a player’s roll of a natural 9-10, they will gain partial phase on their attack.

  3. Land Shark's Skill Activates << Move Swiftly >> (-1 ACC to Party, Concentration Deactivated)

    Walking a while with her teammates as the sun blares in her eyes and the heat almost burns against her skin. She didn't have full covering armor as most people did. She knew her damage made up for what she couldn't block and that's if they could hit her through the tank or her evasion skill. She rather enjoyed the build and skills she has chosen so far. In the distance, something catches her attention. It was rather small from where she stood but she decides to use the distance to her advantage. Looking to Ko saying "Let's do what we practiced, K" Ko sets Boris down. He tries to run away but Ko puts a paw up causing Boris to run into it instead as he falls on his back.

    Freya takes her weapon out now and as Ko focuses on her and the weapon, all three glow green and in the same moment flash gold. Ko jumps back now and spits what looks like a small ball of fire at the weapon. Freya knew right then that it was time as her weapon stays heated, she runs at the distant target as it grew bigger in size upon closing that distance. Trying to swing at this creature that had a mouth of a shark but had all for limbs standing upright, darts out of the way causing Freya to miss her art. "Well so much for that," Freya jumps back with a slide at the 2 stares each other down. If anything she was a distraction... for now... After Ko sees that she did what was asked of her she picks Boris back up into her mouth.

    Using Explode Catapult -13 EN [14-3 (Finesse) + 2 (Hits 1)], Charge R4 Activated [-1 ACC, +4 DMG] -2 EN Missing

    ID# 182748 results: Battle: 3+5-4-1=3, Miss! vs Land Shark the Terra Firma

    [H:0] Freya | HP:800/800 | EN:76/78 | DMG:21 | EVA:2 | ACC:5 | BLD:24 | REC:1
    [H:0] Setsuna | HP:860/860 | EN:86/86 | DMG:21 | EVA:3 | ACC:5
    [H:0] Gaius | HP:950/950 | EN:102/102 | DMG:22 | MIT:13 | ACC:0 | H.M.:4 | REC:2
    [H:0] Griswold | HP:850/850 | EN:82/82 | DMG:12 | MIT:84 | ACC:4 | THRNS:36 | REC:2 | TAUNT

    Land Shark the Terra Firma | HP:650/650 | DMG:250 | MITI:75 | EVA:4

    Assault Mode: On an LD roll of 10+, this boss will spot through hidden players, and the bosses ACC and EVA will temporarily switch for his attack and his attack only and will strike as though it had partial phase on a natural roll of 9, and full phase on a roll of 10.
    Move Swiftly: The skill Concentration will not work on this boss, and players will suffer a -1 penalty to ACC.
    Hard-Scaled: Paralysis and Freeze does not work on this boss.
    Weak-Spots: On a player’s roll of a natural 9-10, they will gain partial phase on their attack.

  4. Rolling her eyes watching Ko now run around the shop now she tackles Boris. What the hell was in that tea... Glancing at Gaius she smiles. Taking her coffee with a nod she says "Let's head out." The moment she opens the front door Ko goes speeding out. Somehow Ko being hyper causes Boris to get excited too. Freya looks to Ko saying "Who says you guys are coming. Both of you are small and could get lost at any time or blown away." Ko stops as she suddenly turns to her huge form and picks Boris up in her mouth like a mother carrying her baby and looks at Freya with pleading eyes. Freya glances at Gaius as he shrugs. "Fine but you get to watch Boris," Freya turns and starts walking as Gaius locks up the shop. 

    Walking together now she takes Gaius's hand in hers. Even though it was a rough morning she knew that making that slight contact would always make her feel at ease. Releasing his hand with a smile she heads through the warp gate saying "Floor 5" as Ko hops on with Boris in her mouth and vanishes. "Hey guys," she says as she walks to the quest board and takes a quest that hasn't been done yet. Sharing and inviting everyone to the party she scans her map as the heat held against her skin. "A land Shark I guess this time," she says as she starts walking toward the marker. Ko walks up to Vulcan with Boris in her mouth giving a muffled meow toward him.    

  5. Freya wanted to be angry at the comment but he was right. "I thought breakfast in bed was a good idea at the time but now thinking about it...Sorry..." She gets up from the chair with a yawn. Setting her coffee down for a moment she scoops Ko up and places her on her shoulder. Scooping Boris up in her hands now after cleaning up the mess he made. Taking the bowl and Boris she starts to walk out the door before turning around to say "It won't happen again..." walking out now closing the door. She realized right then that she had forgotten her coffee on the table... Deciding that she would get it when Gaius came down she walks downstairs.

    Setting Ko and Boris down on the floor now leaving him to eat the rest of his food. Freya sits at the table feeling a bit stupid at the gesture. She knew now that it was a bad idea... She looks at the time as it was rolling around 6:30. Receiving a message from Setsuna, she smiles a bit. She was glad that she was able to work with the team without losing her mind. She had Freyd to thank for that, she knew that she needed to get Simmone by herself to talk but that would come in time... After that day too she hoped that Gaius didn't think she was crazy... This probably didn't help. She sat there in her own head waiting...

  6. 2/8/21 Ranked To 2 on Third Craft

    Roll: ID# CD: LD: Quality Count Experience Ambition Mod
    1 182634 CD: 11   LD: 5 Rare (1) 10 (+5 Ambition)
    2 182636 CD: 6   LD: 5 Salvage Failure (1) 7 (+5 Ambition)
    3 182637 CD: 4   LD: 3 Failure (1) 6 (+5 Ambition)
    4 182638 CD: 3   LD: 12 Failure (1) 6 (+5 Ambition)
    5   CD:     LD:   Critical Failure (1)   (+5 Ambition)
    6   CD:     LD:   Critical Failure (1)   (+5 Ambition)
    7   CD:     LD:   Critical Failure (1)   (+5 Ambition)
    8   CD:     LD:   Critical Failure (1)   (+5 Ambition)
    9   CD:     LD:   Critical Failure (1)   (+5 Ambition)
    10   CD:     LD:   Critical Failure (1)   (+5 Ambition)
    11   CD:     LD:   Critical Failure (1)   (+5 Ambition)
    12   CD:     LD:   Critical Failure (1)   (+5 Ambition)
    13   CD:     LD:   Critical Failure (1)   (+5 Ambition)
    14   CD:     LD:   Critical Failure (1)   (+5 Ambition)
    15   CD:     LD:   Critical Failure (1)   (+5 Ambition)
    16   CD:     LD:   Critical Failure (1)   (+5 Ambition)
    17   CD:     LD:   Critical Failure (1)   (+5 Ambition)
    18   CD:     LD:   Critical Failure (1)   (+5 Ambition)
                    Exp Total: 29  

    182634, T1/Rare/Snack

  7. "If only we could split ourselves in half," she gives Freyd a grin before walking into the smith's place and giving him what he and his wife desired. That of which she said was so ironic it was sorta funny in its own way. Walking back out after a few minutes, as after receiving the reward from the couple she stashes it away. Continuing the conversation with Freyd she says "Well what were you doing before you just vamped out. There has to be some connection with something that makes this even possible. Maybe a trigger word or something specific that you were doing..." Freya was intrigued by this newfound problem. She was at the very edge of her issues and she thought it would be sorta fun to help Freyd figure this out. Given though how Freyd came out of this thing only from a message and invite from her, she couldn't help that there was something more to this... "Well whatever the case may be, You can expect a message from me daily. It's the least that I can do and I actually like hanging out with you. Thank you Freyd for helping me out..." Freya was really happy that she had a friend that she could actually trust. She had never had anyone like that besides her sister but even then it never felt right...This did... 

  8. Freya wakes early after a long conversation with Sam. She was glad that she was able to clear things up with Sam. With everything she had been through, she couldn't have players being afraid of what she was becoming and who she was. She takes the sleepy Ko in her hands who was laying in the bed and cuddles against her face. Ko gives a purr and a yawn and they both get up and walk to the kitchen. Today she was going to do something different. She makes the usual breakfast dishes, eggs bacon, and toast adding a honey roll to each plate. It was only 6 am but she wanted to get her day started and she wanted Gaius to join her. Making a few kibble meat mixtures for the familiars she eats her portion really fast as Ko ate hers and walks to the shop.

    Setting the plate of food on the table for a moment she makes some tea for Gaius and coffee with vanilla for her. She walks upstairs with the meal and tea while Ko tries her best to walk up the stairs with Boris's food bowl in her mouth. Opening the door she sets the breakfast and hot tea on the table by Gaius bed side with a smile. She pulls the chair up to the bed and sits. Boris wakes and crawls over Gaius's legs, jumping off the bed with a yawn as Ko walks into the room with his food. Freya sits on the chair giving Gaius a chance to wake as she drinks her coffee. (Breakfast in bed)

    Opening her HUD she sends a message through Guild Chat asking anyone that would like to join to meet her on floor 5 in 1 hour. With a chime the message was sent.

    Freya Consumes: Poached Egg Feast {Filled} (+3 Accuracy) {Below} [2/4], Well Done Steak Feast {Below} [3/4], Titan's Strength (+3 DMG)

    Freya | HP:800/800 | EN:78/78 | DMG:21 | EVA:2 | ACC:6 | BLD:24 | REC:1


    Level: 39
    HP: 800/800
    EN: 78/78

    Damage: 21
    Evasion: 2
    Accuracy: 6

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Grim Reminder - Sorrow (T2/Perfect/2HBA): Damage 2, Bleed 1
    Armor: Dark Embrace - Sacrifice (T2/Perfect/Light Armor): Evasion 2, Recovery 1
    Misc: Bringer (Tierless/Perfect/Trinket): Accuracy 3

    Two-Handed Battle Axe [Rank 5]
    Light Armor [Rank 3]
    Charge [Rank 4]

    Extra Skills:
    Familiar Fighter (Rank 1)
    Survival (No SP used yet)

    Finesse Rank 3

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleport Crystal*1
    Resistance Plate - Lily (T1/Perfect/HA): Mitigation 27
    Silver Band - Farore's Wind: (T1/Perfect/Trinket) Loot Dice 3

    Housing Buffs:
    Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
    Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
    Tasty: Turn 2 identical food items into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed.
    Advanced Training: +2 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month [0/1]

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.


  9. "I would be happy to do just that. Let try keeping you out of that place. Is there a warning or something that you feel before getting thrown in or is it just a -Oh I'm here now- type thing," she says as they walk into the clearing. "I would gladly wipe out half the mods on the floor if it helped the lower level players," she says with a smirk toward Freyd. She looks around the forest like area and sees something in a small distance away. "Hold that thought..." she says as she takes her Scythe out and walks toward the Dark Elf. It starts to scream at her before a black oozed mist surrounds her and her weapon as she face checks her weapon against what would be flesh if it was real. The Elf upon contact smash against a tree nearby and just explodes into data. The tree falls over upon contact. Freya smiles and picks up the material for the quest. Walking back to Freyd now, "Let's get this thing done..." as she starts walking back to the smith's place. 

    Using Concentration, Explode Catapult -13 EN [14-3 (Finesse) + 2 (Hits 1)], Concentration CD [0/3]

    ID# 182275 results: Battle: 4+4=8, Hits! vs Dark Elf Dealing 14*14=196 DMG, Killing it!

    Freya | HP:700/700 | EN:68/68 | DMG:14 | MIT:12 | EVA:2 | ACC:3 | BLD:24 | REC:1

    Dark Elf | HP:12/12 | DMG:9

  10. Listening to Freyd trying to explain to the best of his ability whatever this was, the only thing that she could pop of with was "Wow this fucking game is broken. It's almost like they put this game out for others to play without really looking into the issues that would follow behind it." She wasn't sure that she could do anything to help but he thanked her for bringing him out of it. "Your welcome, but that shit sound freaky. If you want I can start sending you random messages and invites to keep you out of it till we can figure out what is going on."

    They eventually make their way toward the smith's place. Freya walks in and has a conversation with the lovely couple. Coming back out she gives Freyd a smile. "I will be here for you if you need help with anything, it's the least I can do for all the help that you've done for me." She sets a hand on his shoulder with sincere eyes looking back at him. "So tell me Freyd is there anything that I can do for you?" They start walking toward the destination as they talk.

  11. "Oh...That explains why he gets so happy when he misses and the large damage output he has." Freyd mentions the quest that Freya took. "Hell yeah I did but then you came falling out through some black hole thing saying words that were not English. In my mind that made it way more interesting than a quest." She finishes her coffee as it turns to data in her hands. Getting to her feet now she holds out a hand to help Freyd up to his feet. "We will walk and talk but it is your turn to explain...What the fuck was that black hole and why were you in it and what the heck is a glitch?" 

    Freya thinks of his first words saying "Right now I am just winging it until I can fully talk to her about it. I am not even sure that he is her brother. My brain just went to the family conclusion because it's the only thing that made sense to me. Simmone did seem very disoriented though about the whole thing." She would talk to Simmone when she was alone. She didn't want the entire guild to know her weird unexplainable thing...

  12. Concentration Refreshed

    She heard not a peep from the large fish... Did fish even have a cry out pain she wondered as she watches all three fish jump in unison above their heads just once before Freya strikes her weapon carefully away from her other teammates toward the fish trio. The two smaller fish burst into data instantly with impact but the other creates an explosion as the Scythe connects from the art. She watches as the Lurker's health plummets and she glances at Setsuna with a nod. She tries her best to keep her focus on the Lurker while it flops there limp from the damage that she and Setsuna had caused. In a quick instant, though it recovers its stamina again and jumps at Freya, she shifts out of the way as it hits the side of the boat causing it to wobble a bit. Freya stands by waiting to make another attack if she had to. 

    Using Explode Catapult -17 EN [14-3 (Finesse) + 6 (Hits 3)]

    ID# 182112 results: Battle: 3+5-2=6, Hit! vs Fossil Fish 3 Dealing 22*14=308-50=258, Killing It
    ID# 182113 results: Battle: 7+5-2=10, Hit! vs Fossil Fish 4 Dealing 22*14=308-50=258, Killing It
    ID# 182114 results: Battle: 7+5+1=13, Hit! vs The Lurker Dealing 22*14=308-150=158

    Setsuna | HP:820/820 | EN:47/82 | DMG:22 | EVA:3 | ACC:5
    Freya | HP:760/760 | EN:57/74 | DMG:22 | EVA:2 | ACC:5 | BLD:24 | REC:1
    Simmone | HP:780/780 | EN:73/78 | DMG:1 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12 | LD:5 | KEEN:1 | REC:4
    Griswold | HP:810/810 | EN:76/78 | DMG:9 | MIT:84 | ACC:2 | THRNS:36 | REC:2 | TAUNT

    (0,0,0,0) Fossil Fish 3 | HP:250/250 | DMG:100 [+25, +50 on 9/10] | MIT:50 | EVA:2 | ACC:1
    (0,0,0,0) Fossil Fish 4 | HP:250/250 | DMG:100 [+25, +50 on 9/10] | MIT:50 | EVA:2 | ACC:1

    (1,1,0,0) The Lurker | HP:162/500 | DMG:250 [+50, +100 on 9/10] | MIT:150 | EVA:-1 | ACC:2

  13. Concentration CD [2/3]

    Freya looks to the others to make sure that they were ready for whatever came up next. Being sure that they were, she casts the line into the lake again... She was hoping that this would be over soon because she couldn't seem to shake the questions she so desperately wanted to ask Simmone. Her mind was not focused on the quest itself but she was trying. A sudden tug of the line, it was stronger than the last two she fished up. This had to be what they were looking for. Holding tight to the line as she reels the strong thing in. With some trouble and some time, she manages to eventually pull up hard enough to cause a larger fish out of the water. With it, two more of the fossil fish jump out of the water with it. "Now this is more of my speed," Freya says with a grin dropping the pole as the three fish jump rapidly around the boat. Pulling her weapon back up she watches the creature's movement before attacking.

    ID# 182110 results: Craft: 10+1=11, Fishing up last 2 Fossil Fish and The Lurker

  14. The excitement that Freyd was in made her a bit more upbeat now. Her experience wasn't all bad. "He told me that he was please about how I was growing in strength and that I should not fear him. His strength has been mine all this time..." She bites her bottom lip now as something she was starting to realizing something. "I have realized that my concentration skill is strickly connected to him. The black mist from myself and my weapon is him well me... Combining our strengths to connect to the target at the time. The thing that really blows my mind was that this time when he made himself known, he came from me like actually from inside me as a shadowed figure at the blond I saw that one time... When he vanished it was my concentration skill again as he re-entered me. Freyd he is actually me... Somehow though he knows Simmone, he was her brother from what I understand but he died long ago..." 

    Her mind collides back to Gaius. "Yea Gaius is getting better at what he is doing and seems to be taking everything more seriously,  including me..." This makes her blush. "Freyd you mentioned HM what is that?" Freya was still getting to know the mechanics of the game and she had not a clue what HM was...

  15. "Oh my god, yes," her initial statement fell through her mind as she turns her butt around to face Freyd and with a small chuckle as she gets nudged a bit. "He was so amazing our last quest together. He has a new perspective on moving forward here. I got hit and hard by this Ugzeke troll thing and he seemed genuinely concerned which of course made me happy. He took a while to charge an attack, during that time I was kicking the creature's ass, but the moment Gaius hit... It pretty much died right there... It was pinned to the ground, it was comical." Freya was excited about what she saw during that battle and what she brought to the damage pool. She was getting a lot stronger and she was super happy about that. Then she thought of what happened next...

    Freya glances to the ground now fiddling with the cap of her coffee. "He showed himself...Like, everyone, I was with could see him... Tuatha..." Taking a deep breath now her mind tries to contemplate what she saw and still was confused that Simmone knew him...She wasn't going to tell Freyd that yet though. One thing at a time...

  16. Concentration CD [1/3]

    Taking a deep slow breath now she really knew now that she hated fishing. Casting the line back into the water her eyes turn to her fathers beneath his helmet. A glance to Simmone with questioning eyes from what she so desperately wanted to ask her. A tug of the line as Freya's focus was on the fishing pole again. After a moment of struggling to get the thing out, she pulls hard as she felt like the line was going to break right there but a fish pops out of the water. Looking like the last one that Setsuna split in two she pulls the fish toward the small silvered head girl hoping that she wouldn't miss this time. She really just wanted this quest over and after this fishing trip, she probably would never fish again. She rather just kills the simple things for ingredients. (The fish is heading toward Setsuna)...

    ID# 182094 results: Craft: 9+1=10, Fished up a Fossil Fish [2/4]

  17. "I've got it," Freya says as her concentration skill activated, black mist starts to form around them but the fates quickly as her attack lands against the boat edge carving a hole on its side. The fish flaps against Freya's Scythe jumping off her blade and to another area of the boat. Its path seemed to be set and wasn't going to let anything get in its way. " Well shit..." she glances at the hole that she created. "That is gonna cost us..." she fossil fish was dripping water everywhere on the boat and if Freya wasn't careful then she was going to do more damage to the boat itself than the actual fish. She would need to focus better as she watches the fish hop from side to side making his way toward Griswold. She was holding in a laugh, it was all very comical in a sense but she wanted to get this quest done...She needed to chat with Simmone about a certain someone...

    Using Concentration, Explode Catapult -13 EN [14-3 (Finesse) + 2 (Hits 1)], Concentration CD [0/3]

    ID# 182090 results: Battle: 1, Critical Miss! vs Fossil Fish 1

    Setsuna | HP:820/820 | EN:80/82 | DMG:22 | EVA:3 | ACC:5
    Freya | HP:760/760 | EN:72/74 | DMG:22 | EVA:2 | ACC:5 | BLD:24 | REC:1
    Simmone | HP:780/780 | EN:78/78 | DMG:1 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12 | LD:5 | KEEN:1 | REC:4
    Griswold | HP:810/810 | EN:78/78 | DMG:9 | MIT:84 | ACC:2 | THRNS:36 | REC:2 | TAUNT

    Fossil Fish 1 | HP:250/250 | DMG:100 [+25, +50 on 9/10] | MIT:50 | EVA:2 | ACC:1 

  18. Setsuna seemed to know where she was going so she followed her in silence. Ko shifts into her larger form with a burst of flames around them. She walks to Vulcan and rubs her head against his trying to give him some kind of comfort in this shitty environment. Arriving at the docks she walks into the cottage finding the fisherman. A very short conversation as Freya receives a special fishing pole just for the event. Walking out she glances at Ko saying "Stay onshore with Vulcan. The last thing I want to do is catch the boat on fire," with a small chuckle as she hops on the boat. The other three follow suit as Freya takes the paddles at the edge of the seeming medium-sized boat and starts pushing them out into the water. After a few minutes, she stops rowing taking the pole, and casts the line out into the deep dirty water.

    ID# 182072 results: Craft: 5+1=6, Fished up a Fossil Fish [1/4]

  19. A chime of her HUD with not one but 2 messages. To her surprise, Setsuna with coordinates of where she would be or already was... Sending the same coordinates to Simmone the only other responding and asking her to make sure whoever showed up after her to meet her and Setsuna there. With the chime of her HUD, the message was sent. Freya starts to head that way to meet Setsuna. It was rare that she would come on the quest with her so she really didn't want to keep her waiting. While she walks through the swamp-like lands, she sends an invite for a party and quest to Simmone and Setsuna, if there were a third she would do the same for them. 

    After some time of travel, she sees the silver-haired girl in the clearing. Hands in her front pockets as she approaches the female. The sun was barely breaking in the sky as Freya gives a small exhale. "We are waiting for maybe 2 other people. I have to meet a Fishman in a rundown shack near the lake..." Freya explains some detail of the quest not sure what they would be fighting yet... Obviously a fish if fishing was involved.

  20. "Just shut ip and let me help you..." she says as she starts cutting the Omlete in smaller pieces realizing that he was not in a position to speak at the moment. "You have helped me more times than I can count, it is my turn to do just that for you my friend." She wanted to inform him with a up date of what was going on with her, but somehow this thing that Freyd came from was just as interesting. She wanted to know more but wasn't going to push at this very second. She would let him relax and regain his strength before she bombed him with questions. 

    After cutting the eggs she says "Eat... Regain your strength then we will talk..." Turning she sets her back against the pole as well and thinks about Simmone and the shadow, her Gemini that was giving her so many issues, finally showing himself to her. She was deeming herself not so crazy now that people actually saw this figure... I might actually make what she knew easier to explain sort of. She was still confused as hell but she was beginning to understand slowly...

  21. Freya wakes up early, maybe too early as the clock strikes 5 am. Sitting in her bed against the wall with Ko laying on her lap, blankets wrapped around her legs. She was trying to wrap her head around what happened yesterday. A deep contemplating sigh as she ushers Ko off her lap as gets out of bed. Finding herself in the kitchen, she makes 2 plates of eggs and bacon with cinnamon toast. A few bowls of kibble mixed with some various meats were prepared as well. Brewing some coffee for herself, she walks out the door and delivers the one plate and bowl of food for Gaius and Boris. She knew that she had to talk to Gaius eventually but for now Simmone was her first priority. Setting the meals on the table with a sigh she walks out back to her house. She sits at her table and begins a message through guild chat:

    To: Guild Chat
    From: Freya

    Doing a quest on floor 18, if anyone is interested please be there in 30 Minutes. Simmone please come...

    Sitting there eating her food after her HUD chimes and the message is sent, she drinks some of her coffee and some other various items that she got from the Vault yesterday. Only taking 15 minutes to do so she heads at with Ko at her feet. Arriving at the warp gate she vanishes, landing on Floor 18 and head straight for the quest board. Taking a quest she leans up against the pole of the board...In her own head now waiting for people to show hoping that Simmone was one of them...

    Consumes: Thin Chocolate Covered Mints (+2 ACC), Well-Done Steak (Protein 2 Filled making it 3), Titan's Strength (+3 DMG)
    Using Mega Slime Farm (+2 SP upon thread closure)

    Freya | HP:760/760 | EN:74/74 | DMG:22 | EVA:2 | ACC:5 | BLD:24 | REC:1


    Level: 37
    HP: 760/760
    EN: 74/74

    Damage: 22
    Evasion: 2
    Accuracy: 5

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Grim Reminder - Sorrow (T2/Perfect/2HBA): Damage 2, Bleed 1
    Armor: Dark Embrace - Sacrifice (T2/Perfect/Light Armor): Evasion 2, Recovery 1
    Misc: Bringer (Tierless/Perfect/Trinket): Accuracy 3

    Two-Handed Battle Axe [Rank 5]
    Light Armor [Rank 3]
    Charge [Rank 3]

    Extra Skills:
    Familiar Fighter (Rank 1)
    Survival (No SP used yet)

    Finesse Rank 3

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleport Crystal*1
    Resistance Plate - Lily (T1/Perfect/HA): Mitigation 27
    Silver Band - Farore's Wind: (T1/Perfect/Trinket) Loot Dice 3

    Housing Buffs:
    Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
    Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
    Tasty: Turn 2 identical food items into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed.
    Advanced Training: +2 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month [0/1]

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.


  22. Taking a deep breath she gets to her feet holding the wall. Listening to the conversation, Simmone seemed to know him... "Tuatha" she repeats the name. "Now I deserve your strength...This entire time, nothing, not a peep in my head from you, and now this..." Freya pushes herself off the wall forcing herself to move forward. 

    He was right though. She has grown, he was part of her but the one thing she was wondering was what Simmone had asked... She didn't know anyone by that name and the fact that Simmone knew him made her that much more curious. "Why me and not her... You obviously know her, so I ask you this...Who are you really Tuatha?" This Gemini of sorts knew everything about her, that made her nervous but she knew that all the memories that she unlocked were because he forced them through the piece of brain that she couldn't access. He was her... but how.

    Freya walks closer to the figure. Giving her a glance as he gives off a sinister chuckle. Freya's concentration skill activates again as the black mist sets in from Freya's body and weapon. With that, the shadow vanishes within the black mist. Another cackled chuckle within Freya's head now, one that only she could hear. The black mist disappears. Freya could not find the words to say to Simmone... She just looks to meets her eyes as Freya's eyes shift back to normal from dilation.

    Quest Complete:
    5 SP (1 Page Count, 1 Event Bonus, 3 Quest Reward)
    Troll's Blood: A unique consumable that, when applied to a weapon, adds +2 DMG for the thread

    5 SP (1 Page Count, 1 Event Bonus, 3 Quest Reward)
    Troll's Blood: A unique consumable that, when applied to a weapon, adds +2 DMG for the thread

    5 SP (1 Page Count, 1 Event Bonus, 3 Quest Reward)
    (2900*4 Players= 11600)+ (400 for 1 page) = 12000*Col Total
    Troll's Blood:
    A unique consumable that, when applied to a weapon, adds +2 DMG for the thread

    5 SP (1 Page Count, 1 Event Bonus, 3 Quest Reward)
    Troll's Blood: A unique consumable that, when applied to a weapon, adds +2 DMG for the thread

  23. Freya quickly jumps out of Gaius's explosion. Finding herself attached to the side of the wall, the cloud of impact fades as Freya jumps down off the wall landing next to the creature. The moment her feet hit the ground the large creature explodes into data. Freya smiles at this, her face shift to disturbed though as sharp freezing what would be a pain if it wasn't a game strikes down her spine. She feels her eyes pulse as her concentration skill activates, a blank oozing mist comes from both her and her weapon. Her chest begins to tighten as the icy feeling was becoming too much. "God not now...Please...Not in front of them..."

    A sinister chuckle echoes through her head as Freya glows a goldish color. Right then a burst of blinding light around her. A shadowed figure slides out of Freya and she backs the hell up pushing herself against the cavern wall. Freya sees the shadow shift into the blond male she saw months ago inside her head... Freya drags her back down the wall sitting on the ground now terrified trying to figure out what was going on right now. This had never happened before... Staring at the shadowed blond male, Freya has nothing but fear painted across her face...

    Using Concentration, Explode Catapult -13 EN [14-3 (Finesse) + 2 (Hits 1)], Concentration CD [0/3]

    ID# 182012 results: Battle: 3+3=6, Hits! vs Ugzeke Dealing 20*14=280-30=250 DMG Killing it, Craft: 7 (Recovers 2 EN)

    ID# 182013 results: Loot: 2, NOPE

    [H:4] Freya | HP:720/720 | EN:45/70 | DMG:20 | EVA:2 | ACC:2 | BLD:24 | REC:1
    [H:2] Gaius | HP:930/930 | EN:87/100 | DMG:22 | MIT:13 | ACC:0 | H.M.:4 | REC:2
    [H:0] Simmone | HP:780/780 | EN:62/78 | DMG:1 | EVA:1 | ACC:2 | BLD:12 | LD:5 | KEEN:1 | REC:4
    [H:8] Griswold | HP:810/810 | EN:60/78 | DMG:12 | MIT:84 | ACC:1 | THRNS:36 | REC:2 | TAUNT

    Ugzeke | HP:-130/1500 | DMG:250 | MIT:30 | ACC:0 | EVA:0 | Stun Immunity [1/3]
    Ugzeke Smash!: On a CD roll of 10+, Ugzeke uses his large wooden club and smashes it on top of the player with the most hate, dealing 175 Damage and Stunning the player.
    Ugzeke Mad!: When Ugzeke loses half of his health, his body overheats, his skin taking on more of a red color. His damage raises to 250, but loses 2 Accuracy
    Ugzeke Confused?: If Ugzeke rolls a CD of 3 or below, he has no action, despite his roll as he has difficulty seeing his enemies, and thinks that they are just stone

  24. Hyperactive Fades, Concentration Refreshed

    Eyes shifting to Simmone as she touches her back... That very spot becomes cold... A sharp icy feeling edges down her spine. Freya turns her face from Simmone...Shit... as she knew very well what that was... Her eyes dilate fully, fury starts to build-up. Taking Freyd's advice, she thinks of her mother...Anger and sadness flow through her body as she remembers the hatred she had for her mother... Focusing on that she glances to Simmone meeting her eyes. "Don't hate me," she says in a small sorrowed voice as she focused on those thoughts alone. 

    With that, she takes her anger out on the now knocked out creature. Dashing to its prone body as her Scythe carves deep within his stomach with an exploding impact. He cries out in pain but was still unable to move. Freya's chest feels heavy as the shards of cold streaks down her back. Glancing at Gaius or where he would be within the very large and still brewing storm she waits...The moment he hit she would help with the final blows to this creature. With her Scythe held out to the side of her she waits... Her eyes were still dilated but Freya at this point knew that she would have to do some explaining...

    Using Explode Catapult -13 EN [14-3 (Finesse) + 2 (Hits 1)]

    ID# 182007 results: Battle: 5+2=7, Hits! vs Ugzeke Dealing 20*14=280-30=250 DMG, Craft: 6 (Recovers 2 EN)

    [H:4] Freya | HP:720/720 | EN:47/70 | DMG:20 | EVA:2 | ACC:2 | BLD:24 | REC:1
    [H:0] Gaius | HP:930/930 | EN:99/100 | DMG:22{12} | MIT:13 | ACC:0 | H.M.:4 | REC:2
    [H:0] Simmone | HP:780/780 | EN:67/78 | DMG:1 | EVA:1 | ACC:2 | BLD:12 | LD:5 | KEEN:1 | REC:4
    [H:5] Griswold | HP:810/810 | EN:65/78 | DMG:12 | MIT:84 | ACC:1 | THRNS:36 | REC:2 | TAUNT

    Ugzeke | HP:645/1500 | DMG:250 | MIT:30 | ACC:0 | EVA:0 | Stun Immunity [0/3]
    Ugzeke Smash!: On a CD roll of 10+, Ugzeke uses his large wooden club and smashes it on top of the player with the most hate, dealing 175 Damage and Stunning the player.
    Ugzeke Mad!: When Ugzeke loses half of his health, his body overheats, his skin taking on more of a red color. His damage raises to 250, but loses 2 Accuracy
    Ugzeke Confused?: If Ugzeke rolls a CD of 3 or below, he has no action, despite his roll as he has difficulty seeing his enemies, and thinks that they are just stone

  25. Hyperactive Duration [2/3], Concentration CD [2/3]

    Freya jerks forward with the head butt still gripping onto his hair. The moment the creature was pulled forward Freya hops off his shoulders with a slide next to her father. Aiming for his ankles again she dashes forward but his foot moves as he tries to get out of Griswold's grip causing her attack to miss ever so slightly. She scans the beast then the rest of the team. Her eyes meet Simmone's figure and she could feel her eyes begin to shift. A sinking feeling in her chest as she feels a sharp coldness down her spine... Shit not now...please... Her worried eyes shift to Gaius then to her father. She shuts her eyes and turns away from the group not sure if they could see her eyes shift from dilation then to normal. She fought with everything she had to keep him from coming out... Freya manages to keep control. Her green eyes shift to the beast thinking of her next attack now. She knew right then that she had to be more careful. The last thing she wanted was for her and the others mainly Gaius and her father to know the real pain she was dealing with...

    Using Explode Catapult -13 EN [14-3 (Finesse) + 2 (Hits 1)], -2 EN Miss

    ID# 182003 results: Battle: 3+2=5, Miss! vs Ugzeke,  Craft: 12 (Recovers 2 EN)

    [H:3] Freya | HP:628/720 | EN:54/70 | DMG:20 | EVA:2 | ACC:2 | BLD:24 | REC:1
    [H:0] Gaius | HP:930/930 | EN:99/100 | DMG:22{8} | MIT:13 | ACC:0 | H.M.:4 | REC:2
    [H:0] Simmone | HP:780/780 | EN:72/78 | DMG:1 | EVA:1 | ACC:2 | BLD:12 | LD:5 | KEEN:1 | REC:4
    [H:3] Griswold | HP:810/810 | EN:69/78 | DMG:12 | MIT:84 | ACC:1 | THRNS:36 | REC:2 | TAUNT

    Ugzeke | HP:896/1500 | DMG:200 | MIT:30 | ACC:2 | EVA:0
    Ugzeke Smash!: On a CD roll of 10+, Ugzeke uses his large wooden club and smashes it on top of the player with the most hate, dealing 175 Damage and Stunning the player.
    Ugzeke Mad!: When Ugzeke loses half of his health, his body overheats, his skin taking on more of a red color. His damage raises to 250, but loses 2 Accuracy
    Ugzeke Confused?: If Ugzeke rolls a CD of 3 or below, he has no action, despite his roll as he has difficulty seeing his enemies, and thinks that they are just stone

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