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Posts posted by Freya

  1. Hyperactive Duration [1/3], Concentration CD [1/3]

    Her eyes shift to Simmone as she starts to feel an energy boost within her, Freya starts to say "Thanks that's just what I..." was all that came out before a large club smashes her into the wall causing her to be winded as the club starts to move slowly away from her. Anger builds within her skin as she caughs for air. Seeing the club slowly moving away she says in a choking voice "If that how you want to play..." she quickly jumps up on the club and starts running up his large arm, "Then let see if you like this," as she gets about halfway up the arm before her art activates guiding her the rest of the way up. A gashing explosion against his face, as Freya started to slip she grabs what little hair the creature had to bring herself up. She holds on as the beast shakes his head. Glancing up to Gaius as she still was holding the gross hair for grip seeing him still charging...

    Using Explode Catapult -13 EN [14-3 (Finesse) + 2 (Hits 1)]

    ID# 181998 results: Battle: 5+2=7, Hits! vs Ugzeke Dealing 20*14=280-30=250 DMG, Craft: 10 (Recovers 2 EN)

    [H:3] Freya | HP:520/720 | EN:50/70 | DMG:20 | EVA:2 | ACC:2 | BLD:24 | REC:1
    [H:0] Gaius | HP:930/930 | EN:99/100 | DMG:22{4} | MIT:13 | ACC:0 | H.M.:4 | REC:2
    [H:0] Simmone | HP:780/780 | EN:73/78 | DMG:1 | EVA:1 | ACC:2 | BLD:12 | LD:5 | KEEN:1 | REC:4
    [H:0] Griswold | HP:810/810 | EN:76/78 | DMG:12 | MIT:84 | ACC:1 | THRNS:36 | REC:2 | TAUNT

    Ugzeke | HP:920/1500 | DMG:200 | MIT:30 | ACC:2 | EVA:0 BLD (24/1)
    Ugzeke Smash!: On a CD roll of 10+, Ugzeke uses his large wooden club and smashes it on top of the player with the most hate, dealing 175 Damage and Stunning the player.
    Ugzeke Mad!: When Ugzeke loses half of his health, his body overheats, his skin taking on more of a red color. His damage raises to 250, but loses 2 Accuracy
    Ugzeke Confused?: If Ugzeke rolls a CD of 3 or below, he has no action, despite his roll as he has difficulty seeing his enemies, and thinks that they are just stone

  2. Low Light Conditions (-1 ACC to the entire party)

    Don't like it don't look

    Freya was looking because she liked...without another word just thinking to herself before heading out...

    Freya felt the intense stare from Simmone as she meets her eyes. Giving her a smirk saying "He was actually one of that first," Freya walks a bit closer. The smirks turns to a smile "He helped me find Ko actually." Giving a glance down to Ko she sees that Vulcan was still very uncomfortable around her. "Hey Ko, show them what we learned the other day. Go Big," Ko meets Freya's eyes as she jumps back and turns large with a burst of flames charring the surrounding grounds. She was now the size of Vulcan. "Gaius will be here soon, he was getting dressed when I left." She knew how that may have sounded so she says "And no nothing has happened, he was like that when I showed up with breakfast." Just as she says that the warp pad activated showing Gaius. Ko pats Vulcan on his head with a much larger paw than before. Freya chuckles and sends the invites to Gaius upon arrival and starts walking toward the nav marker. 

    The ground shakes a bit and a large bellowing growl in the distance within the caverns that they were about to head into. "That is what we are fighting..." Glancing into the cave is was dark but Freya was okay with that, she knew that Griswold whatever he may have thought about her and Gaius, Freya knew she could depend on him to keep every safe. Giving a glance to Gaius before she walks into the large interior of the cave. Again it was dark but she could feel the vibrations of whatever this creature was and the noise it was making gave its location away. Pulling her Scythe she tries using her new skill. 

    Freya charges at full speed toward the creature that she now saw was very large, but it didn't matter. A black ozzed mist that blends with the darkness illuminates from Freya and her Scythe glowing slightly gold with her new skill Charge. The creature sees this tiny figure and tries stomping on her but she slides under his foot with her Scythe held upward carving a nice gash on the bottom of his foot, Freya shifts as the large foot lands and the creature cries out in pain. With a twirling slice through the back of his anckle another cry out of pain before Freya jumps back. "GAIUS," she calls out into the darkness.

    Using Concentration, Explode Catapult -13 EN [14-3 (Finesse) + 2 (Hits 1)], Concentration CD [0/3], Charge R2 Activated [-1 ACC, +2 DMG]

    ID# 181994 results: Battle: 10, Major Critical! (+2 DMG) vs Ugzeke Dealing 24*14=336-30=306 DMG Applying BLD (24/2)

    [H:2] Freya | HP:720/720 | EN:57/70 | DMG:20 | EVA:2 | ACC:2 | BLD:24 | REC:1
    [H:0] Gaius | HP:930/930 | EN:100/100 | DMG:22 | MIT:13 | ACC:0 | H.M.:4 | REC:2
    [H:0] Simmone | HP:780/780 | EN:78/78 | DMG:1 | EVA:1 | ACC:2 | BLD:12 | LD:5 | KEEN:1 | REC:4
    [H:0] Griswold | HP:810/810 | EN:78/78 | DMG:12 | MIT:84 | ACC:1 | THRNS:36 | REC:2 | TAUNT

    Ugzeke | HP:1194/1500 | DMG:200 | MIT:30 | ACC:2 | EVA:0 BLD (24/2)
    Ugzeke Smash!: On a CD roll of 10+, Ugzeke uses his large wooden club and smashes it on top of the player with the most hate, dealing 175 Damage and Stunning the player.
    Ugzeke Mad!: When Ugzeke loses half of his health, his body overheats, his skin taking on more of a red color. His damage raises to 250, but loses 2 Accuracy
    Ugzeke Confused?: If Ugzeke rolls a CD of 3 or below, he has no action, despite his roll as he has difficulty seeing his enemies, and thinks that they are just stone

  3. Freya was trying so hard to hold back a laugh which ultimately wasn't hard. She knew deep down that Freyd was fucked up somehow but dam... Freya also knew that trying to explain what she thought was impossible was hard to. "Okay uh get yourself together and then we will talk about what the hell just happened cause whatever the fuck just came from your mouth was not English." Getting to her feet she takes the coffee from his hands and sets it on the ground. She moves behind him places both arms under his and drags Freyd to the quest board pole for back support, something to lean against while he regains function. Grabbing his coffee from the ground she sits next to him, grabbing his right wrist in her hand and placing the drink back in his hand.  "Here eat this, maybe it will help..." she unwraps the omelet she made for him and places the plate on his lap with a fork. 

    Ko walks over now still in large form after everyone around had stopped staring and lays next to Freyd seemingly knowing that something wasn't right either. Freya watches him with concerned eyes wondering what had happened in the few days that they hadn't talked... 

  4. Seeing this Freya gets quickly to her feet and helps Freyd at least sit up. She could see townspeople hovering and whispering. Freya glares in their direction and says "Ko take care of them." At first, seeing Ko walk up to them with her tiny growl, "Ah she is so cute," Ko right then turns into her largest form with a burst of fire charring a small surface area around her doing no damage to anything around. Ko is a full-sized 3 by 3 foot Sabor tooth Cat now. Two teeth hang past her jaw as she growls one last time in every direction that there was staring, baring her other teeth beneath the two. The NPC's scatter quickly with fear in their eyes from what they just watched.

    Freya grins a bit and sets a hand on his shoulder. "Would you like to tell me what the hell that was now that we are alone..." She reaches a few feet from them where she was sitting and grabs his coffee. Handing it carefully to him, she sits on her knees. Moving his hair from his face so that she could see his eyes she wonders what hell Freyd has been going through since they last spoke. Ko paces around them in a walk that Freya never saw till now. She almost looked like she was protecting them.

  5. "Well, how do you expect me to look at you when you come down in nothing but your whity tighties. You are not exactly ugly you know..." she stops there as she takes his dish. Picking up the other bowls laying on the ground as they seemed to be done too, she walks to the sink and washes those as well. Taking the same towel to dry her hands "I am not really sure, something big though. The quest will be on floor 23 so we can hope for the best and figure out when we meet the others if they aren't there already." She walks back to Gaius with one more glance and kisses him on the cheek. She heads to the door, "Get dressed into something more suitable for others eyes and I will meet you on floor 23 with a quest ready for you." Giving him a teasing smile as she disappears out the door, Ko at her feet now. 

    Arriving at the floor intended she flashes through the gate on floor 23. Seeing Simmone, interesting and her father. Of course, he would be here, she chuckles a bit walking to the board. "Thank you guys for showing up, sorry for the wait," she says with her back turned toward the board scanning through the quests. "This one," she says turning and sending invites for quest and part to who is here. "Gaius will be here soon and then we will head out..." Freya stands there watching the warp gate for Gaius to come through, ready to send the same invites to him. 

  6. "Hmm, that is pretty cool. I was coming to give assistance but it seems like you have a handle on it." Another growl from Ko as it forms the armor on Red. "Seriously Ko? Fine...It's obvious that you don't want to be here..." Giving a look to Red...god she sounding like Gaius...giving people nicknames...She had not a clue how to feel about that. To be fair she didn't know the name and she had to call her something. "Well if you need help with anything just send me a message. See ya red." Freya begins to walk back to the shop to make some lunch. Ko back peddles staring at the female and her familiar. "KO, come," with one more growl Ko turns and starts running to catch up with Freya. She didn't know why Ko hated them so much but it was very obvious that she did. Freya would have to work on manners with Ko...

  7. She tilts her head to the side trying to make out what it was. "What the hell is it suppose to be? A jelly with teeth..." She tilts her head to the other side and kneels down. "Ah yea Ko do that thing you did," Ko was a bit hesitant at first but she shifts to her tiny form. The noise that it makes as she does so is a popping sound. Moments later she shifts back to her large form with a burst of flames that seemed bigger than before charring the ground around them. Freya glances at Ko with a brow raised, "I think she gives a damage boost to my weapon which will help in the long run. I am sure she will reveal more of what she can do overtime. What does yours do Red?" Her eyes glance to Red as she seemed drained... She knew what that felt like...

  8. Eating the rest of the apple she throws the core in Ko's direction. With ease, Ko catches it and swallows it. Freya shakes her head and gets to her feet. "Let's go find the redhead," Ko gives a growl and Freya just responds with "Oh she isn't that bad, don't be a jerk." Walking through the lightly set trees deeper on the land she sees movement like a weapons glow swinging at rapid paces. Freya heads that way to see what was going on. Getting closer as the wind started to pick up a bit. The cool chill felt nice against her skin as she just spent time next to something that produced fire. Noticing now that it was the redhead female she says "Hey Red, you getting anywhere with your familiar." Ko notices something that Freya didn't and walks to a tree and sits never looking away from the female. Ko was still in her large form baring her teeth under the two that rest on her face. "Ko what is wrong with you..." walking to her trying to calm Ko down now.

  9. She finished her meal as Gaius walks down the stairs. Hardly nothing on and Freya couldn't help but stare. She sorta forgot that he came downstairs with nothing on. He did it once before while she was here this early but they were not together then so she thought of it as nothing but a joke to comment on. Now everything was different. Freya could feel her chest pound and realized that she was staring now. She gets up from her seat and walks to the sink and start cleaning her dish. Replying to what he asked, "Something bigger than before. Maybe you'll actually be able to get a hit in this time..." Finishing up and taking a towel to her wet hands. Why was she so nervous now... She broke through that nerve and walks to stand behind Gaius placing her hands on his bare-skinned shoulders giving him a small rub while he devours his food. 

    After a moment of this motion, she smiles feeling a bit more comfortable saying "I have some new tricks up my sleeve. I might even be able to keep up with you." She says this with a smirk on her face that Gaius couldn't see as she continues to massage his shoulders. Seeing him like this made her want more even if it was just a simple kiss but she would not pressure anything like that on either of them. If it happened then cool if not whatever, tomorrow was another day...

  10. Freya wakes earlyish, getting out of bed. Another day of beating the shit out of something. She chuckles at the last quest that Gaius and her did with the team as Gaius never got a chance to attack and was highly confused at why the creature wasn't there. Making a few dishes of eggs, toast, and sausage links, it takes her a few minutes to get everything on the plates. A couple of Kibble dishes for the 2 tiny friends and she was out the door. Arriving next door she sets the 2 plates on the table and the two bowls on the floor as Ko starts to dig into hers. She makes the tea that Gaius liked and a coffee with caramel mixed in this time. It was rolling around 7 am as she sits in her chair placing the tea next to Gaius's plate and waits for him to come down the stairs. Starting to eat her own with a few added on things she grabbed from the guildhall the previous day she says not a word this time just letting him and Boris wake on their own time. Quickly opening her HUD she sends a message through Guild Chat:

    To: Guild Chat
    From: Freya

    Anyone who wants to join us today, wait for us on floor 23.

    With the chime of her HUD the message was sent and she continues to eat her morning meal and drink her coffee while she waits for them to wake.

    Freya Consumes: Titan's Strength (DMG +3), Well-Done Steak (Protein 2 with filling making it 3)

    Freya | HP:720/720 | EN:70/70 | DMG:20 | EVA:2 | ACC:3 | BLD:24 | REC:1


    Level: 35
    HP: 720/720
    EN: 70/70

    Damage: 20
    Evasion: 2
    Accuracy: 3

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Grim Reminder - Sorrow (T2/Perfect/2HBA): Damage 2, Bleed 1
    Armor: Dark Embrace - Sacrifice (T2/Perfect/Light Armor): Evasion 2, Recovery 1
    Misc: Bringer (Tierless/Perfect/Trinket): Accuracy 3

    Two-Handed Battle Axe [Rank 5]
    Light Armor [Rank 3]
    Charge [Rank 2]

    Extra Skills:
    Familiar Fighter (Pending)
    Survival (No SP used yet)

    Finesse Rank 3

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleport Crystal*1
    Resistance Plate - Lily (T1/Perfect/HA): Mitigation 27
    Silver Band - Farore's Wind: (T1/Perfect/Trinket) Loot Dice 3

    Housing Buffs:
    Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
    Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
    Tasty: Turn 2 identical food items into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed.
    Advanced Training: +2 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month [0/1]

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.


  11. Freya gives Eruda a blank look then glances at Kasumi. Watching Gaius now looking under things places around the land she burst into laughter. She walks to him now so that he didn't make a fool of himself. Picking Gaius to his feet she holds his hand in hers. "I told you I got stronger. While you were playing helicopter I and Kasumi tag teamed it. It is very much dead. You were just too slow this time Typhoon." She gives Gaius a kiss on the cheek with a chuckle and leads him back to the group still with his hand in hers. "As easy as that was I think we need to find something stronger if we all want a chance to hit it." It was smooth sailing from here, for the most part, and her day was far from over. "Let's go make some lunch and then we will figure out what quest to do that is more of a threat at our level," she says looking up at Gaius, "Yea why the hell not." Giving a glance to Eruda and Kasumi, "Keep up the good work, both of you and Eruda don't ever lose that voice of yours. It's a nice change of pace." Freya gives them both a nod and trails of to the house holding his hand.  

  12. Freya wakes early in the morning. It was rolling around 5 am. Dreams of hope and what her future would look like. She knew that it was only one possibility but this was one that she really wanted to happen. Gaius had stood up to her father and she wasn't able to say much because she was unsure what to say. She touches her palm, as the memory of them holding hands just the other day. She could feel her chest warm from the thought. The unsaid words made it feel like she wanted more from him. A blush forms on her face as she quickly gets up from her sheets. Ko yawns and hops out of bed walking to the kitchen with Freya.

    She prepares a few large omelets with ham inside. Right then she thinks about Freyd. The person that she could talk to without having feelings for him. It makes her very curious as to why that was but wasn't going to look too much into it. Preparing 3 egg yumminess and some more honey rolls. Setting each portion on a plate, she makes a kibble mixture for Ko and Boris. Standing in front of what she made...What did Persi like to eat... She quickly puts together another Kibble meat mixture. She would ask later what she preferred for later preparation. Wrapping the dish for Freyd and Persi she eats hers right there as Ko devours hers. Making 2 cups of coffee with Vanilla extract, she heads next door and sets the dishes on the table for Gaius and Boris. Looking up the stairs where Gaius lay sleeping she smiles. Walking out after a few wishful moments she leaves a note on the table. A simple heart colored in with her name next to it, above this Hope your day goes well

    Walking out and grabbing the coffees she heads to floor 3 trying to keep every other day easy while still trying to level, a break of sorts. Arriving at floor 3 she sits next to the quest board she sents a message to Freyd:

    To: Freyd
    From: Freya

    I have some food and coffee waiting for you if you want to join me today. Floor 3

    With a chime of her HUD as the message is sent she waits for Freyd to respond yay or neh. Taking a sip of her hot coffee, Ko snuggles to her leg.

    Freya | HP:700/700 | EN:68/68 | DMG:14 | MIT:12 | EVA:2 | ACC:3 | BLD:24 | REC:1


    Level: 34
    HP: 700/700
    EN: 68/68

    Damage: 14
    Mitigation: 12
    Evasion: 2
    Accuracy: 3

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Grim Reminder - Sorrow (T2/Perfect/2HBA): Damage 2, Bleed 1
    Armor: Dark Embrace - Sacrifice (T2/Perfect/Light Armor): Evasion 2, Recovery 1
    Misc: Bringer (Tierless/Perfect/Trinket): Accuracy 3

    Two-Handed Battle Axe [Rank 5]
    Light Armor [Rank 3]

    Extra Skills:
    Familiar Fighter (Pending)
    Survival (No SP used yet)

    Finesse Rank 3

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleport Crystal*1
    Resistance Plate - Lily (T1/Perfect/HA): Mitigation 27
    Silver Band - Farore's Wind: (T1/Perfect/Trinket) Loot Dice 3

    Housing Buffs:
    Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
    Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
    Tasty: Turn 2 identical food items into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed.
    Advanced Training: +2 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month [0/1]

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.


  13. Watching Gaius jump up into the storm of dust forcing a green glow around himself. Barley seeing his figure now she doesn't hesitate to feed onto Eruda's commanding posture. She was becoming something that Freya didn't recognize but it looked good on her. Freya runs as quickly as she can toward the movement within the storm on the sands ahead of them. With her focus now on the huge creature, she forces her concentration skill out resulting in black oozed mist forming around her and her weapon, trailing her path leading the way. A large set of claws smash against the ground in front of her causing her instincts to kick in, pivoting out of death's door. With that, her sword art activates as she slashing her Scythe clean through his hand with a burst and explosion upon impact. Right then a roar shaking the entire ground as it grows twice in size from what it was. "Kasumi," Freya calls out within the storm.

    Using Concentration, Explode Catapult -13 EN [14-3 (Finesse) + 2 (Hits 1)], Concentration CD [0/3]

    ID# 181900 results: Battle: 8+4=12, Hit! vs Sando Satsu Dealing 14*14=196-20=176 DMG

    [H: 0] Gaius | HP:890/890 | EN:95/96 | DMG:22{4} | MIT:6 | ACC:1 | H.M.:4 | REC:2
    [H: 1] Freya | HP:660/660 | EN:51/64 | DMG:14 | MIT:12 | EVA:2 | ACC:3 | BLD:24 | REC:1
    [H: 0] Kasumi | HP:820/820 | EN:82/82 | DMG:14 | EVA:3 | ACC:3 | BLD:24
    [H: 0] Eruda | HP:830/830 | EN:80/80 | DMG:3 | MIT:111 | BLD:24 | TAUNT | THRNS:36 | REC:1 | BH:24 | DoT -25%

    Sando Satsu | HP:154/350 | DMG:150 | MIT:30 | V.O (BD: 10/AoE): 10 | FULL PHASE | EVA NEGATION | DOMINUS [175][0/1]
    Dominus: When he reaches 175 hp, he grows massive in size upping his damage to 150 and mitigation to 30 for the rest of the fight.

  14. Watching Gaius and Eruda start to walk toward the market, Eruda half introduces the member of the team that Freya had yet to meet. Kasumi offers a name and a hand. She gladly shakes her hand with a smile "Freya," she sees the fabric dangling from her wrist. Meeting Kasumi's eyes, with a pure invited motion. "Let's catch up, we don't want to fall too far behind." A head bob to the side toward the group ahead, motioning to walk with her. She was curious as to what Kasumi's fighting style was but she would find out soon enough. She walks with her hands in her front pockets with her eyes locked on Gaius's back. An almost gazing like she was enjoying the view. She knew that she would have to get serious soon but she had to enjoy every small moment she could. Heat blazed against her shoulders if it was possible she would be getting a sunburn right now. Her eyes shift around the environment now as they carve deeper into the trail. She pulls her Scythe from her back with a twirl getting ready for the inevitable to happen.

  15. Ko hops on her lap now wanting more. "Okay, that is all. I have to eat too and I have a bigger tummy than you do." Ko hops of Freya's lap and turns large. Freya laughs at this shaking her head. "Fine," she tosses the remainder of the honey bun toward Ko as she catches it with her face. It didn't even look like she chewed it. It was just gone... "Dam Ko, you eat as Gaius does..." Freya's stomach begins to growl. Ko glances down at the noise and growls herself. "It was just my hungry tummy..." Ko twists her head slightly and glances around the area. Freya watches as Ko wanders off and a moment later comes back with an apple in her mouth and drops it to the ground next to Freya...She chuckles and picks up the apple that had teeth marks on it. Shaking her head she takes a bite. 

  16. After walking a while there was no visual of this other female. "Dam, maybe she doesn't want to be found." She turns and looks for a tree to sit against. Finding one eventually she sits in the shade that was given. Ko walks to her and somewhere along the trail, she turned tiny again. Jumping on her lap Freya takes out a honey bun that she made earlier. Ripping a piece off she offers it to Ko. She sniffs it and licks it to taste it. Moments later she grabs it in her tiny teeth and hops off Freya's lap. Just a foot away she drops it to the ground and starts nibbling on it. Freya gives a chuckle and takes a bite of her own. The floor starts to get a bit chilly. A small wind starts to set in as the sun started to disappear above her. She was wondering now if the redhead was making any progress with her training. 

  17. She smiles at her Scythe as the glows between the 3 fades. Putting her Scythe on her back she walks to Ko and gets to her knees, giving her a huge hug. "We did it Ko, I am so proud of you. Now we just need to see if you can switch forms at command." Getting to her feet now Ko gets into a sit position. Ko meets Freya's eyes and turns tiny again. "Okay now go big," Freya says as Ko grows once more with a burst of fire around them charring more of the ground that wasn't already black. "Okay so when you go tiny the flames don't show up but when you turn big there is a burst. Nice to know," giving Ko a pet on her head. Ko sits there and purrs as Freya gives her the well-desearved attention. "Let's go find the redhead. See if she needs any help..." Freya glances around but sees no sign of her. "Hmm," she says curiously starting to walk deeper into the lands trying to find the girl.  

  18. Watching Ko carefully and her weapon within her peripheral vision. Ko changes to her large form again with a burst of fire charing more on the ground around them. Another glow in unison from Ko and Freya. This time it felt a bit different, determined. Strong feelings were felt. Another, matching the same unison between her and Ko but this time the weapon was involved. Freya, Ko, and the weapon stay lit in the golden color. Ko quickly jumps backward and spits a ball of fire at her weapon. The weapon flashes and turns back to the golden glow. Freya walks over and glances at Ko. She just lays down now relaxed. Freya picks up her weapon and she could feel the power that it was giving off. More than what was on it previously. "Did you just somehow increase the damage on my weapon Ko?" Giving Ko a look of confusion. In response, Ko just gives a meowing purr and sets her large head on her paws. Freya tries to wrap her head around what just happened.

    ID# 181842 results: Craft: 11+1 Success! [3/3] FINISHED

  19. The small bursts of energy between the two continued. Freya stares at her weapon as if she was waiting for something to happen to it. Suddenly Ko growls and backs away. Shifting to her tiny form again as she backs away and smacks her tiny paw against the ground. It seemed that Ko was getting angry at constantly trying but nothing happening. Freya intently gets to her knees next to Ko and picks her up, holding Ko with both hands as her lower body dangles. Ko looks away, Freya raises Ko higher to look at her face. "Hey, what happened you were doing so well..." Ko moves her head in the other direction. Freya shifts her head to look into Ko's eyes again. "I know you can do it. When you fail you get back up and do it again. Try till you succeed okay. I know you can do it Ko," Ko looks to Freya meeting her eyes now. Under her hands, she could feel Ko take a deep breath. "There you go," Freya says as Ko starts to purr. Rubbing her face against Ko's softly for comfort she sets Ko to the ground again. Ko stands in front of the weapon and starts again. Freya gets to her feet and steps back now.  


  20. Progress was unhinging as Ko glances at Freya. A faint glow appears on Ko again but this time, in unison Freya glows too. Within this Freya felt something. Security, comfort a bubble that pops as they make that connection with each other. It felt warm and desirable, Freya stands straight up backing away from Ko. Not from fear but from a pure interest in what was happening. Freya bites her bottom lip in suspense excited to see how this would turn out. When she obtained Ko she was unsure what familiar trait she came with. Just knowing that they would make the perfect couple was enough to want Ko. Tiny fuzzy fur ball was growing up so fast. She watches as Ko provides little bursts of glows between Freya and her. Taking a deep breath with each burst feeling the warmth and bond between them. A Smile appears across her face as she watches.   

  21. Ko stares intensively at Freya's weapon like nothing else mattered. Freya stares at Ko watching her work just waiting for that shift in Ko's actions to take place. Ko begins to glow and with that, a burst of fire as Ko turns large. She had shifted into a 3 foot all around Sabertooth Cat. "WOOOHH, you did it," Freya says throwing herself into huge with Ko now. Two large teeth droop from Ko's face as they dig into Freya's should but she didn't care. Disconnecting from Ko now she pets the soft fur that was still actively there. Baby steps, she glances down to her weapon as does Ko as she says "We are so close Ko, I can feel it." Ko began to purr which was louder than before given her size. Freya with a large smile on her face now, she lets Ko work a few words, "Focus on my weapon now and your connection with me. I believe in you Ko," as she brushes the side of Ko's face with a soft hand.  

    ID# 181840 results: Craft: 11+1 Success! [2/3]

  22. Ko seemed really fixed on Freya's weapon. She stands there and stares for a moment before another light glow before an ever so slight shift in form turning large but then fading back to her tiny form. "See that, that is what I want. I believe in you little one, keep trying. Prove that you can be useful in battle." Ko gives Freya a glance and a twist of her head before she sneezes. With that comes a tiny burst of fire causing the grass around her to char. Freya giggles a bit as Ko hops in a 360 circle. Ko shakes like a dog would fluffing up into a small puffball. Freya chuckles and starts flattening her fur back down. Ko refocuses on the weapon with a purr as she sits. Freya knew what Ko was capable of from when she caught her. She wanted more than anything for Ko to be able to switch forms right then and there if she had to. She watches Ko carefully not saying anything as she didn't want to distract her.

  23. Freya comes through the gate right after Gaius getting a share of everything. Accepting it quickly she sees Eruda, she gives a nod toward her with no words. She told Freyd that she would have a conversation with Eruda about how she was feeling about everything but the chance was yet to show up. The fact that Eruda was here though with them makes Freya feel like everything was okay. Would talking to her burst a can of worms open that was unwanted. She couldn't think about that right now. She was holding a secret from everyone that she held dear to her and she was really wondering when she would just break. 

    She walks to Gaius's side standing close to him, she was wondering who else was going to show up, also wondering what quest they were doing as she opens her HUD and scans over what they were about to face. A smirk forms saying "This is gonna be fun." She loved the fighting aspect of this game. It leads to a great distraction for conversations that she really wished to avoid coming up.

  24. Freya seemed detracted from her thoughts and Freyd talking but manages to create a meal. A platter was full of different variants of Sushi littering the surface. Freyd walks in grabbing a glass of water as he seemed to be freaking just a bit. Talking about feelings that she was keen too. Freyd mentions a kiss...Making Freya instantly remember her's with Gaius. Chuckling a bit as she sets a hand on his shoulder for a moment before picking up the platter and bringing it to the living room area, setting it on the table. She takes a seat on the floor as her knees meet the soft carpet. 

    "A kiss..." she says biting her bottom lip softly. "Freyd hold onto that. That feeling, the longing for wanted more from that one special person. What you are feeling is more than normal. It makes you human. I think about mine with Gaius all the time and it makes me want to be with him more, missing him when we are not together." Her chest starts to pound as those emotions and thoughts get stronger. "That feeling that you want more than anything to keep going just for them alone. All I can say is keep that feeling close because it will turn into something more miraculous than you could ever imagine." Even after all this time, she has spent with Freyd...her heart only beats for Gaius and that...makes her know that it was true. That love did exist. Adding a little more, "Love like this only happens once in a lifetime. With me and Rin, it felt rushed, not real. With Gaius...It just feels right." She takes a deep breath coming to this realization as she takes a bite of the Sushi she made. "Wow, this is actually really good," she says with a small chuckle.

  25. Calming down knowing well what pure anger does to her she sets her weapon down on the ground next to her. The other female walks away and she picks Ko up. Nuzzling her face against the side of Ko's she says "I just want to know you, know what you can do so you can come into battle with me. I want you by my side Ko but I need to know that you will be safe." Her eyes meet Ko's as she glows slightly fading just as quickly. Ko places a paw on Freya's nose. She chuckles and brings her into a hug against her chest. Ko cuddles against Freya with a purr. He little heartbeat against hers and she was starting to feel that heated connection that Freya described. She had never had a pet before so she was unsure but she knew that she had to give a reward for success. Maybe it would help Ko know the gravity of the situation. Taking a deep breath Ko jumps from Freya's grip now and walks to her weapon.  

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