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Posts posted by Freya

  1. Freya just gives Raidou a nod and begins to look around. It doesn't take long before a large burst of flames column up into the sky, and it dissipates to just the flaming feet of a large creature, Freya smirks and runs at this large 3 headed dog looking thing. It was intently hostile as she became aware that one of the heads was lunging at her as she was it. Freya ducks out of the way and slices upward cutting it clean off from where it was held. Another tries to bite at her face and her weapon glows brightly as she knocks the head away with the end of her hilt. It cringed upward with a yelp and Freya pivots herself and quickly slices downward against the back of a second neck, as the head drops sporadically against the ground. The third head, as Freya moves slightly the large creature jumps backwards with a yelp as two of its head were gone and dusted to data. "What you don't want to play no more, sad I was having fun. Raidou!" She says to the large hound with a large grin painted against her face and then a quick call out to Raidou behind her. 

    Activating Trample Act

    ID# 179350 results: Craft: 8, Safe (No Damage Taken)

    ID# 179351 results: Battle: 4+3=7, Hit! Dealing 11*6=66 Damage vs Cerberus Head #1
    ID# 179352 results: Battle: 9+3=12, Minor Critical! Dealing 12*6=72 Damage vs Cerberus Head #2
    ID# 179353 results: Battle: 2+3=5, Miss! vs Cerberus Head #3

    Freya | HP:430/440 | EN:21/44 | DMG:11 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3
    Raidou | 
    HP:1730/1730 | EN:160/170 | DMG:11 | MIT:106 | EVA:4 | ACC:4 | VAMP OFF:259 | TAUNT | BH:86 | PARRY

    Cerberus Head #1 | 
    HP:-36/30 | DMG:80+10 Burn Damage Next Turn | BD 9-10 (Ignores Mitigation)
    Cerberus Head #2 | 
    :-42/30 | DMG:80+10 Burn Damage Next Turn | BD 9-10 (Ignores Mitigation)
    Cerberus Head #3 | 
    HP:30/30 | DMG:80+10 Burn Damage Next Turn | BD 9-10 (Ignores Mitigation)

  2. With all the targets in view now she races against the heat toward the pile of hounds. With a charge of her weapon, she swings at just one of the hounds. Upon impact, the hell hound goes flying toward the pack and collides with all but one causing an explosion within the surface area. Three of them burst into nothing instantly as the last jumps away and runs to the other side of Freya. Turning toward the hound that made it out she can't help but give a small chuckle. It growls at her and Freya just grins saying "I am not the one you be focusing on," as she points her Scythe now toward Raidou. The Hell Hound out of pure curiosity looks back and sees the other figure... A small chuckle as she was enjoying this says "Bang Bang," as she jumps backward seeing some other hounds running toward them. Little did she know she jumps back into a flame and then out saying "Bitch." 

    Activating Concentration and Explode Catapult

    ID# 179341 results: Craft: 3, Fail! (10 Burn Damage Taken) Due to Environment

    ID# 179342 results: Battle: 8+4=12, Hit! Dealing 11*14=154 vs Hell Hound #1
    ID# 179343 results: Battle: 8+4=12, Hit! Dealing 11*14=154 vs Hell Hound #2
    ID# 179345 results: Battle: 8+4=12, Hit! Dealing 11*14=154 vs Hell Hound #3
    ID# 179346 results: Battle: 1, Critical Miss! vs Hell Hound #4

    Freya | HP:430/440 | EN:27/44 | DMG:11 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3
    Raidou | 
    HP:1730/1730 | EN:170/170 | DMG:11 | MIT:106 | EVA:4 | ACC:4 | VAMP OFF:259 | TAUNT | BH:86 | PARRY

    Hell Hound #1 | 
    HP:-124/30 | DMG:50 | (BD 9) DMG:75 | (BD 10) DMG:100
    Hell Hound #2 | 
    HP:-124/30 | DMG:50 | (BD 9) DMG:75 | (BD 10) DMG:100
    Hell Hound #3 | 
    :-124/30 | DMG:50 | (BD 9) DMG:75 | (BD 10) DMG:100
    Hell Hound #4 | 
    HP:30/30 | DMG:50 | (BD 9) DMG:75 | (BD 10) DMG:100

  3. Another phrase that came very often from Eruda as well. She smiles and shakes her head as she glances into the distance. Taking a breath with a small cough inhaling some of the smoke, she begins to walk toward the flames that filled the ground ahead. The cold drinks that they were using were not going to help much from here on out. Walking into the ashed ground as the heat around her started to get hotter with every step. The flames around her hissed and sizzled as she walked past them. Freya glances at the map now trying to pinpoint a location but all it showed was a green circle of a possible location. "Hmmm..." saying as she looks out into the distance of charred broken trees and bushes with no leaves. Closing her eyes now so she could listen with more focus she stands there for a moment. After a minute or so, she hears howling and footfall that was not hers in the distance. Seeing movement after opening her eyes where the green circle lied, she starts walking in that direction as she pulls her Scythe out preparing herself for the danger to come. She waits for them to gather for a better targeting point. 

    ID# 179340 results: Craft: 6, Safe! (No Damage Taken)

  4. Complicated...She knows that word very well..."That is all I have been doing and I actually feel like I am getting somewhere which is a relief. As instructed by Eruda and you previously, I go nowhere without a teleport crystal." Freya chuckles a bit realizing just how alike Eruda and Raidou sound when giving the simplest of orders and suggestions. Not really sure how long they were walking, the sun starts to set in the sky. 

    They spend the next few days walking with little conversation as they both wanted to get to the destination. Drinking the cold drinks and sharing the food and water that Freya brought to keep themselves at full strength. With each night, they took turns watching for anything dangerous that would have attacked them. Freya wakes up the 3rd morning as their traveling was nearing an end for the destination was close.

    Time Skip 2 Days and 3 Nights

    Standing up and dusting herself off from the sands that made her bed. She looks to Raidou as he had taken the last watch of the night and was already awake. It was early and the sun was just rising in the sky as smoke filled the air with each breath they took. "You ready to walk into the unknown?" Holding a hand to the sitting Raidou, as to help him up to his feet.  

  5. A sigh a small relief as Raidou comments. Freya starts thinking about her father and Eruda, she can't help but smile. Her thoughts tumble to Rin as confusing as ever, the to Gaius. Freya chuckles as she remembers saving him from getting his ass handed to him by Griswold. Freya then thought about why she came into this game, for the fun of being with friends? If she never put the nerve Gear on, she would have never met her father or made up with Eruda.

    Another thought pops into her mind as she says "I know that Eruda was keeping you posted with how I am doing, but lately she seems really inclined not to speak to you or about you right now. I am not sure I care to know why but I wanted you to know that I am doing fine now. It has been a rough few weeks but I am getting better control of my situation." Freya said all this without really thinking but she needed to keep Raidou updated...

  6. Catching the white jarred liquid saying "Thanks," she pops it open and drinks it. As the liquid pours down her throat she can feel her temp drop from hot to cool. "Crazy shit," saying as she glances at the bottle. She tosses the empty bottle back to Raidou. "So how long do you think that will last before we have to drink another?" Asking out of curiosity as not feeling the blazing heat while traveling this long would make this that much easier. Eyes gaze into the nothingness ahead of them, with the crazy effect showing water that is not there. She didn't know if Raidou preferred not to talk but they had a very long journey ahead and she didn't know if she could keep her mouth shut for that long so she asks "Just to be clear, so that I don't drive you insane on this long road ahead would you prefer me not to talk..." The last thing she wanted was for the guy leading the pack to hate her...

  7. Right before stepping onto the warp gate, a chime gets her attention. "Geeze that was fast..." as she opens her HUD finding a message from Raidou. "Oh that's why..." she says with a small chuckle and with that, she closed her HUD and steps onto the teleportation pad. "Floor 9" calling out as she vanishes and reappears on floor 9. Seeing Raidou right away she chuckles again saying "I sent the message just 5 minutes ago and you're already here. Somehow that doesn't surprise me." Freya walks past Raidou to get the quest from the board. Sharing the quest and sending an invite to Raidou, she has gotten so much better at dealing with the menus. "I have food and water and we can improvise with the sleeping arrangements when it comes time. Let's head out..." she says with a dramatic finger point toward the outside of the walls. She begins to march out of the already warm city, that she knew was only going to get hotter.

  8. Freya wakes from a long night, rolling around 8 am. Continuing her quest grinding as she feels strongly about making up for the time that she had stolen from her. From everything that has happened since she came back into reality, she feels like she has gained a bit more control of herself. She is still hearing that voice in her head but no one knows that factor of her problems. She thinks that if she shared that, it would deem her crazy to most people. She remembers a quest that she saw while going through papers in the guildhall that she wanted to do. Reading it and remembering that it was going to be a trip from start to end so she wanted to grab some food for the road, at the very least something to munch on and some water. She knew for sure that she didn't want to go alone so she sends a message through guild chat saying:

    To: Guild Chat
    From: Freya

    Going on a 2 day trip for this Guardian of Fire quest. If anyone is interested in joining I will be leaving a 9 am sharp. Meet me on Floor 9 if you're willing.

    Freya's HUD chimes, as the message was sent and she starts walking toward town. Gathering some snacks and some bottles of water to stay hydrated, she heads to the warp gate to wait for anyone to respond to the message.

    Freya | HP:440/440 | EN:44/44 | DMG:11 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3


    Level: 22
    HP: 440/440
    EN: 44/44

    Damage: 11
    Mitigation: 18
    Evasion: 1
    Accuracy: 3

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Life Taker (T1/Perfect/2HBA): Damage 3
    Armor: Swifter (T1/Perfect/Light Armor): Mitigation 2, Evasion 1
    Misc: Bringer (Tierless/Perfect/Trinket): Accuracy 3

    Two-Handed Battle Axe [Rank 5]

    Extra Skills:


    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleport Crystal*1
    Resistance Plate - Lily (T1/Perfect/HA): Mitigation 27
    Silver Band - Farore's Wind: (T1/Perfect/Trinket) Loot Dice 3


  9. Freya just got access to make her shop but she was unsure where to place it. While she thinks of a place she decides to keep the quest stuff going. She saw how cute Gaius's little friend and Eruda's wolf was and she wanted one of her own now. All though she was unsure of what she was looking for, she knew that she wanted something unique and fun. Her mind wraps around back to Gaius as she had a slight moment with him, as she had stopped daddy from beating the shit out of him the last time they were together. She chuckles a bit at the memory and starts going through the environments of the different floors that she only assumed Raidou had made notes of. Finding a swamp-like floor she smiles and reads it a bit before heading out to the warp gate after grabbing a few things from the vault. She wanted to spend the rest of the day with Gaius and hopefully, he could give her ideas for locations on where to place her shop. "Floor 18," she calls out as she spins out and lands to a floor unknown to her. Eyebrow raised as she looks around a bit, she opens her menu and sends a message to Gaius saying: 

    To: Gaius
    From: Freya

    Get your ass to floor 18, you are going to help me find a little buddy too...

    With a chime of her HUD as the message was sent, she consumes the items and uses some things that she thought might help her while she waits for a response.

    Freya Consumes
    Extracted Perfume: Pheromone (+1 CD for Familiar Taming )
    Fruit Salad: Loot Dice 3
    Gold Star Stickers [3/3] turns to [2/3] upon using +1 LD (Yamata no Orochi)
    Spyglass (2/3) Charge turns to [3/3] upon consuming

    Freya | HP:440/440 | EN:44/44 | DMG:11 | MIT:33 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | LD:7


    Level: 22
    HP: 440/440
    EN: 44/44

    Damage: 11
    Mitigation: 33
    Evasion: 1
    Accuracy: 3

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Life Taker (T1/Perfect/2HBA): Damage 3
    Armor: Swifter (T1/Perfect/Light Armor): Mitigation 2, Evasion 1
    Misc: Silver Band - Farore's Wind: (T1/Perfect/Trinket) Loot Dice 3

    Two-Handed Battle Axe [Rank 5]

    Extra Skills:

    Finesse (Rank 3)

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleport Crystal*1
    Bringer (Tierless/Perfect/Trinket): Accuracy 3
    Resistance Plate - Lily (T1/Perfect/HA): Mitigation 27


  10. They sit and eat the Fruit Salad, Griswold didn't make a back face so she knew it was okay but she could tell that this wasn't something that he would normally be eating if he had a choice. Finishing it up she smiles as the dish evaporates into nothing and with a chuckle she says "Okay so it's not something you're interested in but to be honest it wasn't that bad. When I get my shop up and running I will make something more that will fit your style of food." She leans her head against his arm with a sigh. She rather enjoyed herself today, and this day turned out like she would have hoped. "Oh here is your hammer back, thank you for a great day and I really look forward to spending more time with you now that I know. I will try hard to remember what I forgot about you and Anna. I would wish nothing more than to know just that." Taking out his hammer returning it to him she stays leaned against his arm just a bit longer with her eyes closed before they parted their ways for the day. Freya now had work to do, her shop awaits.

    Returns Griswold's Warhammer:
    Reinforced Chisel Head [Tierless/Perfect/Trinket] (+3 Loot Dice)

    Thread Completion:

    3*SP (1 Quest Completion, 1 Page Count, 1 Event Bonus)
    Shop Key Obtained
    Cooking Profession Title
    8*T1 Materials (1 Unused Material, 5 Quest Completion, 2 From Griswold)
    A Perfect T1 Fruit Salad

    Name: Fruit Salad
    Profession: Cook
    Rank: 1
    Roll ID: 179101
    Roll Result: CD:12, LD:14
    Item Type: Snack
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Loot Dice 3
    Post Link: Here
    A perfectly mixed sweetness with raspberries, blackberries, and apple slices mixed with fluffy whipped cream. Drizzled on the top with nutmeg powder. Something that seemed oddly weird together, made a unique tasting snack that makes your taste buds go wild.

    2*SP (1 Page Count, 1 Event Bonus)

    Simmone The Treasury:
    400*Col for Page count

  11. Earning a Living Food Eval!

    Name: Fruit Salad
    Profession: Cook
    Rank: 1
    Roll ID: 179101
    Roll Result: CD:12, LD:14
    Item Type: Snack
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Loot Dice 3
    Post Link: Here
    A perfectly mixed sweetness with raspberries, blackberries, and apple slices mixed with fluffy whipped cream. Drizzled on the top with nutmeg powder. Something that seemed oddly weird together, made a unique tasting snack that makes your taste buds go wild.


  12. Freya was in the building for a while as she kept fucking up. Ones that stood outside the building would hear "FUCK, AGAIN" or "THIS IS SHIT, DO OVER." Trying to help on the side "Honey, why don't you try this," responding with "SHUT THE HELL UP AND LET ME WORK." For some, this would be funny but for those in the kitchen with her, it was not so hilarious. At one point you hear some glass shatter and you hear "Did you just," responding with "IT SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE..." A good 20 minutes pass as Freya finally walks out with 2 separate dishes, one that she made for specifically later and the other that was basic but made separately to eat now with her father. Putting the special one away now as she tosses the key up in the air and catches it, she sets it in her pocket to figure out later. Sitting on a bench next to this shop she says "Ready to make your taste buds dance?" she says patting the bench next to her with the nicely mixed Fruit Salad in hand with 2 forks. 

    Crafting Attempt 1
    ID# 179090 results: Craft: 2, Fail!

    Crafting Attempt 2
    ID# 179094 results: Craft: 3, Fail!

    Crafting Attempt 3
    ID# 179098 results: Craft: 4, Fail!

    Crafting Attempt 4
    ID# 179100 results: Craft: 8, Fail! LD: 12, Salvaged the Material...

    Crafting Attempt 5
    ID# 179101 results: Craft: 12, Success! YEET!

    Name: Fruit Salad
    Profession: Cook
    Rank: 1
    Roll ID: 179101
    Roll Result: CD:12, LD:14
    Item Type: Snack
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Loot Dice 3
    Post Link: Here
    A perfectly mixed sweetness with raspberries, blackberries, and apple slices mixed with fluffy whipped cream. Drizzled on the top with nutmeg powder. Something that seemed oddly weird together, made a unique tasting snack that makes your taste buds go wild.
  13. "Setsuna I have met but Shiina...the name sounds familiar but I can't place the face..." Looking back to Griswold now as he says his last comment to her. "Oh my god! You have never had Fruit Salad, have you? It's settled then, I will make it after I find this dam spice and we will share it. You will love it," she says as she gets to her knees now by this vibrant green colored bush. Testing the leave again her eyes light up. "YES!" She picks a hand full of these nutmeg leaves and nuts that are with them. Getting to her feet now as she walks to Griswold now. "I have everything I need. Let us get back to the quest giver's place so that I can put together a Fruit Salad! You are gonna love this..." she says quickly making her way toward the shop. She was really excited to cook for her father, and to see if she still had it in her to do so. This would prove a lot in her future shop. 

    ID# 179080 results: Loot: 9+6=15, Success! YUS! 1*Material Gathered
    Total Materials: 5/5 Complete of the Gathering

  14. Giving another chuckle, hearing him laugh was nice. "I feel like I and Anna would have teamed up in the kitchen to make all of you suffer from the weird creations we would have made. I remember making a steak, tuna salad sandwich when I was younger and Eruda's face when she ate it was comical. I think mom gave it to the dog that we had at the time because it disappeared way too fast for her to have eaten it. I really think that Eruda would have been a huge daddy's girl, I and Anna would have been inseparable. I would really love to meet her..." Thinking of all the things that they could have done together, Freya gets distracted a bit. Clearing her throat now, she continues to look around the area for some spices to go with this fruit. "Hmm, Maybe a fruit salad..." saying as she tasted a couple of leaves with a weird face knowing that it wasn't what she was looking for. 

    ID# 179066 results: Loot: 4, Fail!

  15. Freya chuckles a bit saying "Yea I think she got that from me. I would do this thing where I would gather everything I could from the kitchen and make something out of it. Good or bad they always ate it. Their faces were a dead give away though when it wasn't very good." Freya laughs a bit remembering just that. With a sigh, she glances at the berries that she picked just moments ago and they seemed to be fresh out. "Dam picked them all...Maybe I can find a spice of some sort out here." Freya starts glancing at all the plants around as she asks "With Anna being sick, was she still able to do the whole school thing? What was wrong with her if I may ask?" Twisting her lips sideways up her face she continues to the best of her ability to find something of worth.

    ID# 179052 results: Loot: 8+6=14, Fail

  16. "You dropped out, that's sorta funny. I thought for sure that Eruda was going to drop out from how much she was bullied. I probably didn't help the matter though. I really think being shy and talking to no one in school was a crap reason to be picked on. For her friends were not an option but they came very easily for me... too easy. I wasn't there for her when she needed me the most and for that, I still feel bad but here in this game I have not a clue what happened but she is a completely different person and I know for sure that it was not because of me," she says with a small nervous chuckle. Seeing another berry bush nearby, it was a blackberry bush this time. "I wonder what I could possibly make from apples and berries. it doesn't seem like they would go well together." Collecting some blackberries now she starts to look around for some other ingredients that she could gather.

    ID# 179042 results: Loot: 16+6=22, Success! 1*Material Gathered
    Total Materials: 4/5 

  17. "If my question gets too much for you please let me know. I just want to know you and Anna. I spent so much time being mad that I forgot the bigger picture." She sighs a bit and looks to another tree in the distance that looks like it had something in it. Dangling the hammer down again she holds the chain and with another spinning motion, she throws that war hammer toward the tree. It missed the tree and landed into some bushed with a rattle dropping some berries to the ground. "Well that was not what I was intending but I will take what I can get." Picking the red berries up she places them carefully into her satchel and looks to Griswold with another question in mind, "What did you do before this hell. What were you good and what did you hate? Me hmm...I loved cooking and I hated school, simple," she says with a chuckle. She listens for his response while pulling the hammers chain back, now gripping the hilt.

    ID# 179040 results: Loot: 15+6=21, Success! 1*Material Gathered
    Total Materials: 3/5 

  18. Freya tries her best to figure out this material thing but her thoughts were elsewhere. "Yea I am not sure we were that strong outside this game. This game even though deathly is probably the best thing that has happened to Eruda. I would have been okay if I wasn't here but Eruda is night and day from what she was outside. I didn't even recognize her at first glance. Yea she looked the same but the way she takes on the world now is an entirely different perspective." She thinks about something he said..."Anna was sick?...and how did you end up here in the first place? You don't seem like the gaming type to me. For what it's worth though...I am glad you are here..." With a sigh, she starts looking again and sees a boulder just off inside the tree lines. Looks to the large fired up creature looking for scraps, she walks to the boulder and smashes it into smaller pieces. "Here boy," she calls out to the large dog-looking thing.

    ID# 178771 results: Loot: 6+6=12, Fail!

  19. Her head turns to Griswold now, "I don't take any pride in not remembering you or Anna. Now more than ever I want to but it is going to take some time to do so." Her heart sinks now. She felt really bad now as she turns to not let him see her face. Getting to her knees hoping for another apple inside the branch for easy gather, she found one but it was more mush than a whole. She tossed it to the side and takes a deep breath, "I did a lot of cooking back home, I wanted to see if I could work my magic here too. Eruda was good at cooking too but she sorta lost interest after mom stopped being home most days. For the most part, we raised ourselves. Eruda hit the books and got a job to help with expenses. She had to grow up way too fast, as I was out every night with friends, she was at home studying. Eruda had straight A's as I was hitting C's in high school. She spent every day after school at her job and I, for the most part, fucked off a lot of the time." She was trying to give Griswold a rundown of their life at what he missed. "How is Anna doing?" 

    ID# 178759 results: Loot: 2+6=8, Fail!

  20. Upon the apple tree branch she just knocked down there was another apple placed within the leaves. Picking it up, she checks to make sure it was not damaged and sets it in her bag. "A younger sister..." she raised a brow toward Griswold. Hearing the rest of his words she turns away saying "I sorta made myself forget you..." As bad as it sounded she tries to make sense by adding on. "What mom told us made me so angry at you. I was so furious that I stopped going to school so one day I just decided that instead of being mad...I shut it off. Made myself forget about everything involving you and our little sister apparently. It was just recently that I started getting those memories back starting with your younger face...I know how it sounds but while I was freaking out Eruda disconnected herself from everything and everyone. She couldn't bring herself to forget, I had to..." Freya felt bad now that she did such a thing. Being so quick to believe her mother about everything. Silence fell as she tried to think of her other sister but nothing came to mind and she frowns now..."What is her name?" Her heart started to ache now...

    ID# 178752 results: Loot: 18+6=24, Success! 1*Material Gathered
    Total Materials: 2/5 

  21. Seeing Rin's breathing get worse and he freaked a bit when Freya touched him. He was getting worse by the second. Seeing him try to make his way toward the door, he nearly falls a few times. "DAM IT RIN LISTEN TO ME!" She runs and stands in front of the door, blocking him from going inside. "What you feel right this second, I have been going through this just as you have. The only difference is I become a completely different person through my mind itself. I am not going to leave you like this. So just breathe dam it. Close your eyes and breathe Rin...Please." She wasn't going to leave him like this because she knew what it was like. "I am a friend Rin, that is trying to help. You may not think it now, hell I barely know it myself but please listen to me." Her voice crackles a bit as she feels a tear down her face, looking into Rin's eyes with sincerity in hers.

  22. Seeing Rin in so much pain now, she knows what he was going through. Standing in front of him now she grips both of his wrists in his hands. "I could say it doesn't matter but that wouldn't be the truth. Close your eyes Rin, take slow deep breaths," she guides Rin to the bench and makes him sit down. Sitting next to him, "Do as I say and the pain and ringing will eventually stop, and then we can talk. Concentrate on slow deep breaths." Freya was going through similar pain that he was now but she had help to control. With her pain came anger though and she wouldn't wish that on anyone. Freya knew that being here right now wasn't helping but there was definitely something to be said if Rin was the one who walked out those doors to catch Freya in one of her explosive fits. Placing her hand on his shoulder hoping that Rin would take her advice, it helps her and she knew if Rin just tried it would do the same for him.

  23. Hearing his words, she inspects the hammer further as a chain attaches from the bottom of the hilt. She grins a bit as she glances up at the trees. Hanging from a branch just out of her reach was a bright red apple. She looks at the chain and loosens her grip a bit as her hand traced down the chain. Swinging the hammer now with a tight grip on the chain around in a circular movement, she aims the hammer outward toward the branch, snapping it in have from just brute force alone. The part of the branch falls with the apple still intact, falling to the ground with a thud. Pulling the weapon back to her with the chain, she bends down and plucks the apple from the thin branch. Turning slightly she says "That would make sense why she told Eruda and me to forget your face and everything about you. She didn't want us to know the truth. With that being said I could only assume that you tried to search for us with no luck on your side?" She was already started to feel a bit at ease, "Nice Warhammer by the way." Freya continues to look for what was needed. 

    ID# 178728 results: Loot: 12+6=18, Success! 1*Material Gathered
    Total Materials: 1/5

  24. Turning as her name was said, a hammer being tossed to her and she catches it with ease. Taking a deep breath she goes through her gear and equips it in place of her Scythe. Looking over the Warhammer now she glances to Griswold. She wasn't sure exactly what to say but "Thank you..." So many things passed through her mind right now about him but the one thing that edged on the very tip of her tongue was, "Mom told us you didn't care about us, that you couldn't deal with us." She was well aware that her mother left with them during the night but the things that were said for the reason why we're all she knew at the very least. She takes a deep breath as she turns from him now to glance around for materials. She was a bit on edge so the fewer words the better right now as she tries to decide how she would use this weapon to help her out.

    Freya Equips:
    Reinforced Chisel Head [Tierless/Perfect/Trinket] (+3 Loot Dice)
    In Place of:
    Life Taker (T1/Perfect/2HBA): Damage 3

  25. Freya stands there feeling uneasy, watching the gate from which he would eventually show maybe...A bright light, then a large figure show as the light fades. It was Griswold... Anger fills within her as she glances up at his face...She couldn't give any words...yet...She turns from him and walks to the quest board. Taking the Earning a Living quest, she walks past him to talk to whom she needed to continue on with what she was intending. Entering the fresh smell of bread within the build she gives some words with a quick "Got it," speeding out of the shop. Walking past Griswold as anger and sadness built up, she stops at the exit of the town and clenches her hands into fists now... Turning slightly to glance back at him she says "You and Eruda knew...acted like it was nothing. We were having fun and not a word from either of you." She walks now into the field. She starts to walk into the small forest of trees, trying to calm herself down enough to start the gathering part of the quest.

    ID# 178716 results: Loot: 9+3=12, Fail!


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