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Everything posted by Freya

  1. 2/9/21 Roll: ID# CD: LD: Quality Count Experience Ambition Mod 1 182782 CD: 3 LD: 2 Failure (1) 6 (+5 Ambition) 2 182783 CD: 1 LD: 13 Critical Failure (1) 6 (+5 Ambition)
  2. 2/8/21 Ranked To 2 on Third Craft Roll: ID# CD: LD: Quality Count Experience Ambition Mod 1 182634 CD: 11 LD: 5 Rare (1) 10 (+5 Ambition) 2 182636 CD: 6 LD: 5 Salvage Failure (1) 7
  3. House Name: Rolling Bite (Attachment) (In works of sharing a shop with Gaius) Location: F22 - Hills surrounding Deepedge, near the fields of grain on the south side Description: A place to call home, somewhere to sleep and practice her skills and different recipes to perfect. A place to sleep as to give Gaius his space while she is not treating him to meals of her own. Inside is a basic 2 story layout with room to grow. A large round table in a dining hall connecting to the kitchen for obvious reasons. In the backyard, there is a training yard that will help in the long run. It is an extensi
  4. Layout Same and Above In Stock (Single): In Stock (Reserved) In Stock (Feasts): Pricing: Pricing (Feasts): Custom Order Form (+10% Markup): Backroom (Rank Info)
  5. Watching a figure run past them as fast as possible to catch up to the vanishing shadow, Freya gives Setsuna a quick nod before following the figure. Taking out her weapon now trying to run and catch-up, the recent terrain made it hard. The storm brewed larger and the ooze got thicker and deeper. Freya would not give up though before she knew that the moment she did, she too would be consumed by this almost Tar-like substance. After catching up to the figure she was following, she saw the shadow again. With a gleam of red from her Scythe, she manages to swipe with multiple gashes through the a
  6. She starts to walk with the others to the tavern, that is before she hears a weapon clash against something...She couldn't make out what was being fought but she knew that she needed to save everyone she could and even if she went down too...she could say that she at least tried to be a help to this disaster. Running quickly past everyone she grabs a blank and a tarp she finds in the corner of the tavern under the stairs and covers the blanket with it knowing that the cloth wouldn't do much for warmth if it was wet. Running outside now to the clashing weapon against the unknown object or thing
  7. Walking back the direction she came, back to the town she walks back to where the roof fell on the guy. Thunder and lightning clashed in the sky together as the water on the ground gets thicker...Looking to the ground she realized that the water was more like sludge. Picking up her foot slowly and looking at it she makes a weird face and sets her foot back into the sludge. In the distance, she hears a scream and then nothing but silence. "What the..." Freya continues to walk through the thick blackened liquid and eventually gets to the group that helped the guy from the roof pieces. One person
  8. As Freya clenches her head in her hands, she really hated storms. It was the one thing that scared her the most. A chackled chuckle in her head...then a male voice "Get up girl, The storm is nothing to fear. It beckons change. You can sit here and grovel or you can stand and take steps toward your future". Her head looks up now seeing no one around as rain pours down and thunder fills the empty screams of the darkened sky. Hearing a roof piece clashing from a building Freya stands up quickly. Yelling and screaming come into view as she walks around the corner and sees the person being unburie
  9. Arriving on floor 7 Freya wanted to see what Gaius was up to as his shop was on this floor. Feet hitting the ground on floor 7's warp gate. A small force pushes her forward and as she looks back the gate goes black. "What the hell," she says as she looks to the sky, it was darker than normal and she could feel the cold droplets on her face and against her skin. She was not dressed for this, her tank top black with black jeans to pair up. A shiver catches her off guard as she begins to walk. Thunder crashes in the sky and Freya's chest starts racing as this reminded her of the Gemini she fought
  10. Freya

    Freya's Journal

    Real Name Maruri, Freja/Freya Age 20 Gender & Height Female, 5'10 Level/Paragon Lvl 32/53 Tier 9 HP 840 EN 122 Total Experience 405816
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